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The tropical green alga Caulerpa taxifolia in the Mediterranean has spread steadily since its introduction in 1984. At the end of 2000, approximately 131km2 of benthos had been colonized in 103 independent areas along 191km of coastline in six countries (Spain, France, Monaco, Italy, Croatia and Tunisia). Large regions neighboring the invaded areas appear favorable to further colonization, and there is thus no reason to believe that spreading will slow down in the years to come.  相似文献   

The first report of Caulerpa taxifolia in the Mediterranean is from 1984. The alga was found on the rocky shore at Monaco, below the Oceanographic Museum, where it had been on display in tropical aquaria. Within five years, there was an abundance of C. taxifolia on the shores around the first point of observation. In 1987, C. taxifolia appeared on the French coast, 3 km east of Monaco, at Cap Martin. By late 1991, 30 ha of shore in the vicinity of Monaco was covered with the alga. New points of colonization were in Livorno, Italy, 240 km east of Monaco, and to the west at Agay, Le Lavandou, Hyères, Toulon, Les Lecques, Saint Cyprien, 50 to 370 km from Monaco. The westernmost point of colonization, noted in September 1992, was 600 km from Monaco, at Majorca (Balearic island, Spain). Most types of substrata, between 0 and 50 m depth, are susceptible to colonization by C. taxifolia. Seaweed and seagrass populations on the coasts of Monaco and Cap Martin have been significantly reduced or destroyed because of invasion by C. taxifolia.  相似文献   

Francour  P.  Harmelin-Vivien  M.  Harmelin  J. G.  Duclerc  J. 《Hydrobiologia》1995,300(1):345-353
After its accidental introduction in the French waters of the Mediterranean, the green seaweed Caulerpa taxifolia is now spreading along the coast of the Alpes-Maritimes, invading various biotopes (rock, sand and Posidonia oceanica seagrass beds). During the spring and fall of 1992, we evaluated the impact of C. taxifolia on the infralittoral ichthyofauna of Cap Martin (Menton) and compared invaded and reference sites, in shallow (3–8 m) and deep (11–25 m) stations. Caulerpa taxifolia apparently does not have any effect on the composition and global species richness of the ichthyofauna. Therefore, no exclusion phenomenon has been observed and fish behavior has remained normal (feeding habits, reproduction, recruitment). However, fish density and biomass are slightly lower in the colonized sites. Negative regression was observed, in shallow sites during the spring season, between the percentage of substrate invaded by C. taxifolia and the average density of fish assemblages (slope= –0.13, r=0.26, p<0.01). Despite these observations, C. taxifolia meadows seem to be a favorable environment for the recruitment of some species of Labridae (Coris julis, Symphodus ocellatus), Sparidae (Diplodus annularis) and Serranidae (Serranus cabrilla) in the fall.The relative importance of C. taxifolia as environmental parameter and of other habitat characteristics (structural complexity, substrate slope, hydrodynamism, depth, fishing pressure) is discussed to explain these differences. The results of this first study indicate that there exists no simple relation between the presence of C. taxifolia and fish assemblages.  相似文献   

A decrease in seagrass cover and a commensurate increase in Caulerpa taxifolia distribution in Moreton Bay have prompted concern for the impact that habitat change may have on faunal communities. Therefore, it is important to understand the patterns of habitat use. We examined habitat selection of three common seagrass species: double-ended pipefish (Syngnathoides biaculeatus), eastern trumpeter (Pelates quadrilineatus), and fan-bellied leatherjacket (Monacanthus chinensis) using a mesocosm experiment. Fish were given three possible habitat pairings (1) seagrass and C. taxifolia, (2) seagrass and unvegetated, and (3) C. taxifolia and unvegetated. Observation trials were conducted during the day and night over two days. In all trials, fish preferred vegetated habitat (seagrass or C. taxifolia) over unvegetated habitat (sand). In seagrass and C. taxifolia trials, all species preferred seagrass significantly over C. taxifolia. Habitat use patterns did not differ between day and night trials. Caulerpa taxifolia provides a valuable structured habitat in the absence of seagrass; however, it is unclear if C. taxifolia meadows provide other resource benefits to fishes beyond that of shelter.  相似文献   

The alga Caulerpa taxifolia is an invasive pest species in many parts of the world and has recently become established in several estuaries in south eastern Australia. A major infestation has occurred in Lake Conjola, an intermittently open and closed coastal lagoon in southern NSW. Short term (1 week) laboratory experiments were carried out to investigate growth and survival of fragments of C. taxifolia collected from this outbreak, under a range of salinities (15–30 ppt) and water temperatures (15–30°C). Fronds, stolons and thalli of the alga all displayed similar responses. Many of the algal fragments doubled in size over the week and a maximum growth rate of 174 mm/week was recorded. Fragments showed good growth (> 20 mm/week) at salinities > 20 ppt and temperatures > 20°C. Almost total mortality occurred at salinities lower than 20 ppt and temperatures less than 20°C. Historical records of water quality demonstrate that prior to entrance manipulation in 2001, salinities in Lake Conjola had often dropped to below 17 ppt for extended periods (up to 2 years). This suggests that management of the alga may be improved if the lake was allowed to undergo its normal cycles of opening and closing to the ocean, and that entrance manipulation may be one factor that has influenced the success of this invasive species.  相似文献   

Two reciprocal experiments testing for the effects of nutrient addition in the sediment and competitive interactions between the native seagrass Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson and the introduced alga Caulerpa taxifolia (Vahl) C. Agardh were performed. This study was conducted for 13 months (August 1995 until September 1996) in a bay on the south coast of Elba Island (Italy). Each experiment consisted of the manipulation of the level of nutrients (addition vs. control) and the manipulation of the neighbours (presence vs. removal). Response variables were blade density and size for one experiment and shoot density and leaf length of seagrass in the other. Results indicated that the presence of Caulerpa taxifolia did not affect significantly Cymodocea nodosa shoot density and the increased nutrient availability in the sediment did not alter this pattern. Neither the removal of the canopy of the seagrass nor the fertilization of the sediment has influenced significantly the density of the alga. Both species, where co-occurring, show larger size than where the neighbour is removed. Hence, results of this study suggest that the two species on the long term are likely to coexist and that the high nutrient supply of the sediment would not enhance the probability of success neither of the seagrass nor of the alga. Predictions made on the basis of short-term results, that high nutrient loads of the substratum would have represented an even more suitable condition for C. taxifolia to colonize C. nodosa beds and that on the long-term the alga has a high probability of success, did not occur.  相似文献   

Since the discovery of the green alga Caulerpa taxifolia in Lake Macquarie (New South Wales, Australia) in 2001, the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries (Fisheries) has attempted various control methods, including covering the alga with granulated sea salt to induce osmotic shock and cell lysis. In Lake Macquarie, C. taxifolia often occurs in patches within beds of the native seagrass Zostera capricorni. Although the effects of the salt treatment on blades of Z. capricorni and infauna have been shown to be minimal, there have been no tests of any effects on other native biota, including seagrass epifauna. In this study, we tested the general hypothesis that the abundance and diversity of epifauna would be reduced by salting. We used a ‘Beyond BACI’ experimental design whereby epifaunal invertebrates were sampled 3 months, 6 weeks and 6 days before and then again after salting. Epifaunal abundances at the putatively impacted (salted) location were compared to those at 4 control locations (where no salt was applied). Abundances of most organisms varied significantly among times and locations with no evidence of the consistent effect of salting on diversity or abundance of epifauna. The study represents an example of the use of large-scale managerial action as a scientific experiment. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available for this article at <> and accessible for authorised users  相似文献   

Allelopathy has been postulated as a factor in the colonisation success of Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea, an introduced chlorophyte alga which has become invasive in the Mediterranean Sea. In order to reveal their possible phytotoxic activity, secondary metabolites were isolated from a population growing in the Gulf of Naples (Italy) and tested on leaf tissue of the native seagrass Cymodocea nodosa, which often co-occurs with Caulerpa in nature. The seaweed metabolites were identified by 1H and 13C NMR analysis and leaf portions of C. nodosa were exposed to crude diethyl ether extract and purified compounds in the laboratory, under controlled conditions of irradiance and temperature for a period of 144 h. Eventual changes in the photosynthetic performance of the seagrass tissue following the treatment were tested by monitoring its optimal quantum yield with a pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometer. One of the identified compounds, caulerpenyne, showed a phytotoxic effect, while the other purified metabolites did not reveal any effect at the assayed concentrations. Thus, our results seem to suggest a possible allelopathic activity of caulerpenyne, which may play a role in the successful competition of the invasive C. racemosa var. cylindracea with native macrophytes, such as seagrasses.  相似文献   

Population modeling based on species’ demography makes it possible to predict the pace of an invasion and evaluate the likelihood of success of different control strategies. We modeled the initial (density-independent) rate of increase of Caulerpa taxifolia (Vahl) C. Agardh (aquarium strain), a green alga that has markedly altered marine communities where it has invaded in the Mediterranean Sea. Parameter values for patch growth (from stolon extension) and reproduction (by asexual fragmentation and reattachment) were gleaned from published studies. Only the most conservative model, invoking field growth rates and low levels of fragment reattachment (2.5 m−2 of existing patch each summer), closely matched observed increases (4–14 × annually). The most effective times for control (greatest reduction in rate of increase) were removal of established patches before summer and removal of fragments after summer. These times correspond to just before maximum growth and just after maximum reproduction, respectively. Only a combined strategy, incorporating 99% removal of all fragments and annual removal of 99% of established patches, was predicted to eliminate C. taxifolia entirely (λ < 1). This level of effort is only likely to be possible during the first few years of an invasion, arguing strongly for careful monitoring and rapid response to potential high-impact invaders.  相似文献   

The foraging behaviour variability of three striped red mullet (Mullus surmuletus L. 1758) populations with respect to the vegetation cover was examined along the French Mediterranean coasts. We tested both the carrying capacity of different habitats and the hypothesis of a food segregation by the invasive alga Caulerpa taxifolia (Vahl) C. Agardh, on the functioning of benthic fish populations. The results indicated a significant site effect on M. surmuletus foraging behaviour and movements. The vegetation cover may play an important role in modifying the striped red mullet cost of foraging (sampling effort) and thus its strategy of prey capture. As long as the cover of marine phanerogams and/or macrophyte algae (Caulerpaceae) increases, the foraging budget and the distances covered in search of prey decrease significantly. Similarly, the striped red mullet increases the prospected sample periods to augment its foraging success, swimming above the bottom. These changes are related to the development of a dense superficial network of plagiotropic rhizomes and stolons, and to the reduction of space between fronds that limits the accessibility to resources and may increase intra-specific food competition. The role of C. taxifolia does not differ from that of other marine phanerogams but induces significant changes in the structure of Mullidae populations at the local level. The rapid expansion of Caulerpaceae in the Mediterranean Sea could constitute a real threat for the balance of the marine coastal biodiversity and the ecology of M. surmuletus, which is considered a flagship species for coastal Mediterranean demersal fisheries.  相似文献   

Chemical techniques were investigated in order to eradicate Caulerpa taxifolia, a green alga spreading at a remarkable rate in the Mediterranean Sea. The action of copper, potassium and sodium ions on survival rates and photosynthetic parameters was compared, in order to optimise the conditions of further in situ treatments. The lethal doses were determined and the impact of the studied cations on photosynthesis and respiration rates and PSII photochemistry was analysed from measurements of net oxygen exchanges and chlorophyll fluorescence. The Cu2+ concentrations required to obtain 100% mortality were 15 × 102 to 104 times lower than those of K+ and Na+. Respiration was slightly affected whatever the salt concentration,while photosynthesis could be totally inhibited depending on the applied treatment. Changes in the structure of the Ribulose-1,5-biphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RubisCO, EC: were also detected when C. taxifolia under went cation treatments (10 mg L-1 Cu2+, 1h; 20 gL-1 K+, 3 h; 20 g L-1 Na+, 1 h). Given the high concentration and long incubation periods required with K+ and Na+ ions, these cations are not suitable to be used in situ. Our results make possible the utilisation of copper cations following technical approaches such asion-exchange textile covers, which allows a controlled release of cupric ions without dissemination in the marine environment. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Caulerpa taxifolia, an invasive species elsewhere in the world, is native to Moreton Bay where its distribution has been increasing in recent years. In Australia, dense beds of C. taxifolia are predominantly found in areas of low light and high nutrients (low water quality). Monitoring data from Moreton Bay suggests that native C. taxifolia is not directly replacing seagrass, but that there is a successional trend of seagrass loss and subsequent C. taxifolia colonization. The current study examined responses of C. taxifolia in relation to changes in environmental conditions using ambient water quality and a light/nutrient manipulative experiment. In the ambient water quality experiment we found that C. taxifolia grew significantly faster in areas with higher light (lower turbidity). The manipulative experiment demonstrated that nutrients stimulate C. taxifolia growth, however, light availability and seasonality appear to influence the response of C. taxifolia growth to nutrients in Moreton Bay. These findings suggest that C. taxifolia is unlikely to colonize seagrass beds in areas with high light and low nutrients; however, in areas with moderate light and moderate to high nutrients C. taxifolia and seagrass are likely to coexist.  相似文献   

The marine alga Caulerpa taxifolia Vahl (C. Agardh), recognized globally as one of the most prolific non-native species introductions, has been introduced to several temperate locations from where it has since rapidly expanded. C. taxifolia is protected by a toxin (terpenoid) in its tissues that limits grazing by native herbivores. Sacoglossan molluscs of the genus Elysia are among the few organisms that graze C. taxifolia; however, little is known about their feeding ecology. In the current study, we quantified the grazing rates of Elysia tomentosa on native C. taxifolia (Moreton Bay, Queensland) and introduced C. taxifolia (Botany Bay and Lake Conjola, New South Wales). Grazing rates were similar at Moreton Bay sites and Botany Bay; however, they were significantly lower in Lake Conjola. At the maximum observed grazing rate, slugs ate their body weight in C. taxifolia (dry weight) every 18–24 h. Differences in grazing rates between locations may be explained by differences in C. taxifolia morphology rather than native or introduced origin. Handling editor: J. Padisak  相似文献   

Growth of the invasive algae Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea in shallow habitats may influence the faunal assemblage composition. We studied its effects on caprellid assemblages associated with shallow-water habitats of hard and soft bottoms from the SE Iberian Peninsula (native rocky-bottom algae, C. racemosa from hard and soft bottoms, and Caulerpa prolifera, Cymodocea nodosa and Posidonia oceanica from soft bottoms). Samples were taken in two different sampling periods (September 2004 and March 2005). A total of seven caprellid species were identified, with important differences in their distribution in different habitats. Total abundance of caprellids was very high in March on native algae on hard bottoms, and on C. racemosa on both soft and hard bottoms. On both hard and soft bottoms, abundances of Caprella hirsuta recorded from C. racemosa were low. On the other hand, a higher abundance of other species, namely C. acanthifera, C. santosrosai, Phtisica marina and Pseudoprotella phasma, was recorded from C. racemosa. The results indicate that C. racemosa may have a positive influence on some caprellid species, while seasonal changes are also evident. It is concluded that introduced C. racemosa may serve as a new habitat, promoting and maintaining caprellid populations in shallow Mediterranean habitats.  相似文献   

傅建融  周洁  张艳苹  翟欣  李浩  刘丽 《生态学报》2024,44(3):1298-1311
全球变暖引发珊瑚礁区向大型海藻场生态演替现象与日俱增,大型海藻对珊瑚的影响主要包括抑制生长、发育与繁殖,但不同的海藻对不同的珊瑚具有不同的影响,二者之间的关系仍未有定论。为探究热压力所引起二者竞争关系的变化,以枝状风信子鹿角珊瑚(Acroproa hyacinthus)和大型底栖海藻杉叶蕨藻(Caulerpa taxifolia)为研究对象,设置了环境温度(27℃)与热压力温度(30℃),比较藻类间接接触和直接接触珊瑚对珊瑚附生微生物群落结构的影响,并从培养水环境及海藻表面微生物中寻找影响珊瑚表面微生物的原因。结果表明,去除嵌合体后共获得3369713条优化序列,并且大部分细菌得到注释。环境温度下,间接接触与直接接触组微生物表达模式接近,海藻的处理使得珊瑚表面附生微生物种类、丰度、PcoA区分度最高。门水平上,微生物群落主要由变形菌门、拟杆菌门、蓝细菌门、厚壁菌门、放线菌门组成。目水平上,微生物群落主要由红细菌目、黄杆菌目、肠杆菌目、蓝细菌目、假单胞菌目、噬几丁质菌目组成。这些细菌表型主要包括革兰氏阴性、好氧细菌、移动元件含量和胁迫耐受四大类,生态功能主要包括化能异养和需氧化能异养。对12个处理组的36个样本进行核心ASV分析(amplicon sequence variants),共获得139个核心ASVs。以假单胞菌目、黄杆菌目、噬几丁质菌目、红细菌目为主,还包括立克次氏体菌目、伯克霍尔德氏菌目、肠杆菌目、疣微菌目等。通过线性判别分析(linear discriminant analysis)可比较各组中相对丰度具有显著差异的细菌类群。环境温度下,群落中弧菌(Vibrio)、邻单胞菌(Plesiomonas)、奈瑟氏菌(Neisseria)以及螺旋体菌(Brevinema)相对丰度显著升高;温度升高后,珊瑚白化且胞内寄生病原微生物丰度显著升高,如米卡弧菌(Micavibrionales)与立克次氏体菌(Rickettsiales);热压力下,海藻的加入缓解了珊瑚白化、减少了胞内寄生性微生物丰度、显著提高了益生菌海命菌(Marivita)以及Halioxenophilus丰度。因此,在不同温度下杉叶蕨藻既作为压力源转移病原菌,又协助珊瑚抵抗胞内寄生菌,结果有助于理解大型海藻-珊瑚的竞争关系,解释海藻对珊瑚的潜在生态影响。  相似文献   

The study evaluated different macroalgal invasions in the main Mediterranean coastal habitats on hard bottom. Biodiversity, species composition and structure of macroalgal assemblages were compared among non-invaded areas and areas invaded by the Chlorophyta Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea and by the turf-forming Rhodophyta Womersleyella setacea in three different habitats: shallow rocky bottom, deep rocky bottom and dead matte of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica. Results showed that alien macroalgae constituted a relevant component of benthic assemblages in invaded areas of the Mediterranean Sea. Assemblages invaded by Womersleyella setacea and Caulerpa racemosa showed lower values of diversity and large differences in the structure and species composition related to non-nvaded assemblages. The species that mostly suffered from invasion were erect species reproducing sexually; moreover, the dominance of W. setacea led to low abundance of native filamentous algae, while C. racemosa colonization seemed particularly threatening for encrusting algae. All the studied habitats appeared highly invasible by alien macroalgae, even if W. setacea appeared more invasive in deeper habitats, while colonization of C. racemosa seemed more serious in shallower habitats; the dead matte of P. oceanica represented a suitable substrate for the spread of both species. Differences among assemblages in different habitats were reduced in invaded areas.  相似文献   

Climate suitability and management of the gypsy moth invasion into Canada   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The gypsy moth has become established throughout southern Canada east of Lake Superior where the climate is suitable for the completion of its univoltine life cycle. The spread of the gypsy moth to the north and west in Canada has so far been prevented by climatic barriers and host plant availability as well as by aggressive eradication of incipient populations. Climate change is expected to increase the area of climatic suitability and result in greater overlap with susceptible forest types throughout Canada, especially in the west. At the same time, the gypsy moth is spreading west in the USA into states bordering western Canadian provinces. These circumstances all lead to a greatly increased risk of further invasion into Canadian forests by the gypsy moth. Management actions need to be intensified in different ways in different parts of the country to reduce the impacts of spread in eastern Canada and to prevent the gypsy moth from invading western regions.  相似文献   

Invasion by alien species is nowadays considered as one of the major threats to biodiversity. Thus, the identification of the areas exposed to a greater risk of invasion represents a priority for management purpose, especially in presence of habitats worthy of conservation. This paper aims to propose a method to produce a map of risk of invasion, merging together the threat of invasion by invasive plants and the distribution of habitats with high conservation value, on the case study of the Island of Elba (Tuscan Archipelago). We modelled the potential distribution of six particularly harmful invasive plants and merged these distributions into a map of threat of invasion. This map was overlapped to the map of density of Natura2000 habitats, finally obtaining a map of risk of invasion. According to our analyses, the potential distribution of the invasive species resulted highly influenced by human-related factors. The habitats more at risk are those closer to streets and anthropic habitats, which are more likely to be colonized by the invasive species we studied. We identified some rare habitats which are strongly endangered, highlighting that around 20% of the surface of the Island is exposed to some level of risk of invasion.  相似文献   

Invasions mediated by humans have been reported from around the world, and ships’ ballast water has been recognized as the main source of marine invaders worldwide. Some invasions have dramatic economic and ecological consequences. On the other hand, many invasions especially in the marine realm, can go unnoticed. Here we identify a human mediated, worldwide introduction of the hydrozoan species Turritopsis dohrnii. The normal life cycle of hydrozoans involves the asexual budding of medusae from colonial polyps. Medusae of Turritopsis, however, when starved or damaged, are able to revert their life cycle, going back to the polyp stage through a process called transdifferentiation. They can thus easily survive through long journeys in cargo ships and ballast waters. We have identified a clade of the mitochondrial 16S gene in Turritopsis which contains individuals collected from Japan, the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of Panama, Florida, Spain, and Italy differing from each other in only an average of 0.31% of their base-pairs. Fifteen individuals from Japan, Atlantic Panama, Spain, and Italy shared the same haplotype. Turritopsis dohrnii medusae, despite the lack of genetic differences, are morphologically different between the tropical and temperate locations we sampled, attesting to a process of phenotypic response to local conditions that contributes to making this grand scale invasion a silent one.  相似文献   

Caulerpa taxifolia (Vahl) C. Agardh (Ulvophyceae, Caulerpales) is an alga of tropical origin that was accidentally introduced into the Mediterranean sea in 1984, where this species can reach an abundance that has never been described in tropical endemic regions. It is known that caulerpacean algae can develop an efficient strategy against grazers consisting of the synthesis of repulsive of toxic secondary metabolites: we report here the first study of the toxicity of purified secondary metabolites and raw extracts fromC. taxifolia from the Mediterranean.Toxicity was evaluated on three models: mice (lethality), mammalian cells in culture (cytotoxicity) and sea urchin eggs (disturbance of cell proliferation). Aqueous extracts are only active on fibroblasts and mice. In the three toxicity models a seasonal variation of toxicity is observed for the crude methanol extract as well as a decrease of this activity whenC. taxifolia from the Mediterranean is kept in aquaria. Pure compounds exhibit different toxicity depending on the assay. 10,11-epoxycaulerpenyne is the most active substance on mice and fibroblasts whereas taxifolial A and D are inactive or only weakly toxic. Among the four tested compounds caulerpenyne, the major metabolite ofC. taxifolia, is the most active on sea urchin eggs. Caulerpenyne may therefore represent an ecological risk for microorganisms and the eggs of multicellular animals living close to this alga. The ecological impact of this toxicity on marine organisms and the interaction of this alga with the herbivorous fauna are discussed.  相似文献   

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