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This article summarizes the current knowledge available on metabolism and the biological effects of n-3 docosapentaenoic acid (DPA). n-3 DPA has not been extensively studied because of the limited availability of the pure compound. n-3 DPA is an elongated metabolite of EPA and is an intermediary product between EPA and DHA. The literature on n-3 DPA is limited, however the available data suggests it has beneficial health effects. In vitro n-3 DPA is retro-converted back to EPA, however it does not appear to be readily metabolised to DHA. In vivo studies have shown limited conversion of n-3 DPA to DHA, mainly in liver, but in addition retro-conversion to EPA is evident in a number of tissues. n-3 DPA can be metabolised by lipoxygenase, in platelets, to form ll-hydroxy-7,9,13,16,19- and 14-hydroxy-7,10,12,16,19-DPA. It has also been reported that n-3 DPA is effective (more so than EPA and DHA) in inhibition of aggregation in platelets obtained from rabbit blood. In addition, there is evidence that n-3 DPA possesses 10-fold greater endothelial cell migration ability than EPA, which is important in wound-healing processes. An in vivo study has reported that n-3 DPA reduces the fatty acid synthase and malic enzyme activity levels in n-3 DPA-supplemented mice and these effects were stronger than the EPA-supplemented mice. Another recent in vivo study has reported that n-3 DPA may have a role in attenuating age-related decrease in spatial learning and long-term potentiation. However, more research remains to be done to further investigate the biological effects of this n-3 VLCPUFA.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids have beneficial effects on vascular homeostasis. Among the several functions of endothelial cells, angiogenesis contributes to tumor growth, inflammation, and microangiopathy. We have already demonstrated that eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5, n-3) suppressed angiogenesis. In this paper, we examined the effect of docosapentaenoic acid (DPA, 22:5, n-3), an elongated metabolite of EPA, on tube-forming activity in bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAE cells) incubated between type I collagen gels. The pretreatment of BAE cells with DPA suppressed tube-forming activity induced by vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). The effect of DPA was stronger than those of EPA and docosahexaenoic acid (22:6, n-3). The migrating activity of endothelial cells stimulated with VEGF was also suppressed by DPA pretreatment. The treatment of BAE cells with DPA caused the suppression of VEGF receptor-2 (VEGFR-2, the kinase insert domain-containing receptor, KDR) expression in both plastic dish and collagen gel cultures. These data indicate that DPA has a potent inhibitory effect on angiogenesis through the suppression of VEGFR-2 expression.  相似文献   

Retroconversion of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6(n-3)) to eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5(n-3)) was studied in isolated rat liver cells. 20% of the substrate was retroconverted to EPA in control cells by one cycle of beta-oxidation probably with delta 4 enoyl CoA reductase and delta 3, delta 2 enoyl CoA isomerase as auxiliary enzymes. This conversion was not stimulated by (-)-carnitine and was not inhibited by the addition of (+)-decanoylcarnitine. In hepatocytes from fasted rats little EPA was formed from DHA. These results strongly suggest that the retroconversion of DHA to EPA is a peroxisomal function. Retroconverted EPA, produced from DHA was rapidly incorporated in triacylglycerol, the phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidyletanolamine fractions. During longer incubation time EPA was partly removed from the phospholipid fractions, chain-elongated to 22:5(n-3) and incorporated in the triacylglycerol fraction.  相似文献   

Based on the results from a human study which showed significantly reduced incorporation of DPA compared with EPA into chylomicrons, this study was designed to test if dietary DPA was significantly less absorbed than EPA. Male Sprague Dawley rats were randomly assigned to three groups of six, and were fed a semi-synthetic high fat diet (23.5% fat) for 9 days. The test omega 3 fatty acids (EPA and DPA, 250 mg/animal/day, free fatty acid form) or olive oil (250 mg/animal/day) were added to the high fat diet on days 5, 6 and 7. Dietary EPA and DPA appeared in the faeces on days 6, 7 and 8, with the total amount of DPA excreted being 4.6-fold greater than that of EPA. The total amount of faecal fat did not differ significantly between the groups. At the conclusion of the study (day 9), it was found that liver DPA, EPA and total n-3 LC-PUFA levels were significantly increased by both DPA and EPA feeding compared with the olive oil fed control group. In the heart, DPA feeding increased the DPA content and both DPA and EPA feeding increased the total n-3 LC-PUFA levels. This study showed that DPA and EPA, both provided in free form, are metabolised differently, despite being chemically similar.  相似文献   

The concentration-dependent metabolism of 1-(14)C-labelled precursors of 22:5n-6 and 22:6n-3 was compared in rat testis cells. The amounts of [(14)C]22- and 24-carbon metabolites were measured by HPLC. The conversion of [1-(14)C]20:5n-3 to [3-(14)C]22:6n-3 was more efficient than that of [1-(14)C]20:4n-6 to [3-(14)C]22:5n-6. At low substrate concentration (4 microM) it was 3.4 times more efficient, reduced to 2.3 times at high substrate concentration (40 microM). The conversion of [1-(14)C]22:5n-3 to [1-(14)C]22:6n-3 was 1.7 times more efficient than that of [1-(14)C]22:4n-6 to [1-(14)C]22:5n-6 using a low, but almost equally efficient using a high substrate concentration. When unlabelled 20:5n-3 was added to a cell suspension incubated with [1-(14)C]20:4n-6 or unlabelled 22:5n-3 to a cell suspension incubated with [1-(14)C]22:4n-6, the unlabelled n-3 fatty acids strongly inhibited the conversion of [1-(14)C]20:4n-6 or [1-(14)C]22:4n-6 to [(14)C]22:5n-6. In the reciprocal experiment, unlabelled 20:4n-6 and 22:4n-6 only weakly inhibited the conversion of [1-(14)C]20:5n-3 and [1-(14)C]22:5n-3 to [(14)C]22:6n-3. The results indicate that if both n-6 and n-3 fatty acids are present, the n-3 fatty acids are preferred over the n-6 fatty acids in the elongation from 20- to 22- and from 22- to 24-carbon atom fatty acids. In vivo the demand for 22-carbon fatty acids for spermatogenesis in the rat may exceed the supply of n-3 precursors and thus facilitate the formation of 22:5n-6 from the more abundant n-6 precursors.  相似文献   

The intracellular localization of the oxidation of [2-14C]adrenic acid (22:4(n-6)) and [1-14C]docosahexaenoic acid (22:6(n-3)) was studied in isolated liver cells. The oxidation of 22:4(n-6) was 2-3-times more rapid than the oxidation of 22:6(n-3), [1-14C]arachidonic acid (20:4(n-6)) or [1-14C]oleic acid (18:1). (+)-Decanoylcarnitine and lactate, both known to inhibit mitochondrial beta-oxidation, reduced the oxidation of 18:1 distinctly more efficiently than with 22:4(n-6) and 22:6(n-3). In liver cells from rats fed a diet containing partially hydrogenated fish oil, the oxidation of 22:6(n-6) and 22:6(n-3) was increased by 30-40% compared with cells from rats fed a standard pellet diet. With 18:1 as substrate, the amount of fatty acid oxidized was very similar in cells from animals fed standard pellets or partially hydrogenated fish oil. Shortened fatty acids were not produced from [5,6,8,9,11,12,14,15-3H]arachidonic acid. In hepatocytes from rats starved and refed 20% fructose, a large fraction of 14C from 22:4 was recovered in 14C-labelled C14-C18 fatty acids. Oxidation of 22:4 thus caused a high specific activity of the extramitochondrial pool of acetyl-CoA. The results suggest that 22:4(n-6) and to some extent 22:6(n-3) are oxidized by peroxisomal beta-oxidation and by this are retroconverted to arachidonic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid.  相似文献   

The reasons why most cellular lipids preferentially accumulate 22:6(n-3) rather than 22:5(n-6) are poorly understood. In the present work the metabolisms of the precursor fatty acids, [1-(14)C]20:4(n-6), [1-(14)C]22:4(n-6) versus [1-(14)C]20:5(n-3), [1-(14)C]22:5(n-3) in isolated rat hepatocytes were compared. The addition of lactate and L-decanoylcarnitine increased the formation of [(14)C]24 fatty acid intermediates and the final products, [(14)C]22:5(n-6) and [(14)C]22:6(n-3). In the absence of lactate and L-decanoylcarnitine, no [(14)C]24 fatty acids and [(14)C]22:5(n-6) were detected when [1-(14)C]22:4(n-6) was the substrate, whereas small amounts of the added [1-(14)C]22:5(n-3) was converted to [(14)C]22:6(n-3). Lactate reduced the oxidation of [1-(14)C]22:4(n-6) and [1-(14)C]22:5(n-3) while L-decanoylcarnitine did not. No significant differences between the total oxidation or esterification of the two substrates were observed. By fasting and fructose refeeding the amounts of [(14)C]24:4(n-6) and [(14)C]24:5(n-3) were increased by 2.5- and 4-fold, respectively. However, the levels of [(14)C]22:5(n-6) and [(14)C]22:6(n-3) were similar in hepatocytes from fasted and refed versus fed rats. With hepatocytes from rats fed a fat free diet the levels of [(14)C]24 fatty acid intermediates were low while the further conversion of the n-6 and n-3 substrates was high and more equal, approx. 33% of [1-(14)C]22:4(n-6) was converted to [(14)C]22:5(n-6) and 43% of [1-(14)C]22:5(n-3) was converted to [(14)C]22:6(n-3). The moderate differences found in the conversion of [1-(14)C]22:4(n-6) versus [1-(14)C]22:5(n-3) to [(14)C]22:5(n-6) and [(14)C]22:6(n-3), respectively, and the equal rates of oxidation of the two substrates could thus not explain the abundance of 22:6(n-3) versus the near absence of 22:5(n-6) in cellular membranes.  相似文献   

Alterations in the metabolism of arachidonic (20:4n-6), docosapentaenoic (22:5n-6), and docosahexaenoic (22:6n-3) acids and other polyunsaturated fatty acids in Zellweger syndrome and other peroxisomal disorders are reviewed. Previous proposals that peroxisomes are necessary for the synthesis of 22:6n-3 and 22:5n-6 are critically examined. The data suggest that 22:6n-3 is biosynthesized in mitochondria via a channelled carnitine-dependent pathway involving an n-3-specific D-4 desaturase, while 20:4n-6, 20:5n-3 and 22:5n-6 are synthesized by both mitochondrial and microsomal systems; these pathways are postulated to be interregulated as compensatory-redundant systems. Present evidence suggests that 22:6n-3-containing phospholipids may be required for the biochemical events involved in successful neuronal migration and developmental morphogenesis, and as structural cofactors for the functional assembly and integration of a variety of membrane enzymes, receptors, and other proteins in peroxisomes and other subcellular organelles. A defect in the mitochondrial desaturation pathway is proposed to be a primary etiologic factor in the clinicopathology of Zellweger syndrome and other related disorders. Several implications of this proposal are examined relating to effects of pharmacological agents which appear to inhibit steps in this pathway, such as some hypolipidemics (fibrates), neuroleptics (phenothiazines and phenytoin) and prenatal alcohol exposure.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the chronic effects of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) on fatty acid and glucose metabolism in human skeletal muscle cells. Uptake of [14C]oleate was increased >2-fold after preincubation of myotubes with 0.6 mM EPA for 24 h, and incorporation into various lipid classes showed that cellular triacylgycerol (TAG) and phospholipids were increased 2- to 3-fold compared with control cells. After exposure to oleic acid (OA), TAG was increased 2-fold. Insulin (100 nM) further increased the incorporation of [14C]oleate into all lipid classes for EPA-treated myotubes. Fatty acid beta-oxidation was unchanged, and complete oxidation (CO2) decreased in EPA-treated cells. Basal glucose transport and oxidation (CO2) were increased 2-fold after EPA, and insulin (100 nM) stimulated glucose transport and oxidation similarly in control and EPA-treated myotubes, whereas these responses to insulin were abolished after OA treatment. Lower concentrations of EPA (0.1 mM) also increased fatty acid and glucose uptake. CD36/FAT (fatty acid transporter) mRNA expression was increased after EPA and OA treatment compared with control cells. Moreover, GLUT1 expression was increased 2.5-fold by EPA, whereas GLUT4 expression was unchanged, and activities of the mitogen-activated protein kinase p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase were decreased after treatment with OA compared with EPA. Together, our data show that chronic exposure of myotubes to EPA promotes increased uptake and oxidation of glucose despite a markedly increased fatty acid uptake and synthesis of complex lipids.  相似文献   

The ability of rat liver fat storing cells to synthesize and to secrete hyaluronic acid was examined in monolayer cultures. The cells produce [3H] glucosamine-labeled hyaluronic acid, of which about 80% are secreted into the medium. The synthesis rate per cell (mg DNA) of labeled total glycosaminoglycans and hyaluronic acid in the medium increases significantly with culture time, but hyaluronic acid expressed as fraction of total glycosaminoglycans declines from about 0.70 in early cultures (up to the 4th day) down to 0.20 in advanced cultures. Cycloheximide increases and beta-D-xylopyranoside decreases significantly the fraction of hyaluronic acid in the medium, colchicine up to 5 microM was without effect. The synthesis of hyaluronic acid is a newly recognized function of this special type of sinusoidal liver cells. The results suggest that fat storing cells are likely to be a major source of hyaluronic acid in normal and probably also in injured liver.  相似文献   

Attempts at a better understanding of the cell membrane organization and functioning need to assess the physical properties which partly depend (i) on the positional distribution of the fatty acids in the membrane phospholipids (PLs) and (ii) on the way by which the PL molecular species are affected by exogenous fatty acids. To do that, the effects of essential (polyunsaturated) fatty acid (EFA) deficiency and enrichment were studied in the liver microsomes of piglets feeding on either an EFA-deficient diet or an EFA-enriched diet containing hydrogenated coconut oil or a mixture of soya + corn oils, respectively. After derivatization, the diacylated forms of choline and ethanolamine PLs were analyzed using a combination of chromatographic techniques and fast-atom bombardment-mass spectrometry. The dinitrobenzoyl-diacylglycerol derivatives corresponding to the molecular species of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) were identified. It appears that three factors brought about a marked apparent relative retention: the nature of (i) the base of the polar head, (ii) fatty acids at the sn-1 position and (iii) fatty acids at the sn-2 position. The highest apparent relative retentions were displayed by the 18:0-20:5(n-3)-PE and 16:0-22:6(n-3)-PE. It is noteworthy that the behavior of 20:3 n-9--which is synthesized during the EFA-deficient diet by the same bioconversion system as 20:4 n-6--was very similar to that of 20:4 n-6 during the formation of PC and PE molecular species and that the molecular species of PE containing 20:4(n-6) and 20:3(n-9), gathered together as metabolical homologues, were also apparently retained, particularly in association with 16:0. Present observations are consistent with some others showing retention or preferential distribution of EFA in PE and suggest that specific acyltransferase(s), ethanolamine phosphotransferase and methyltransferase would be mainly involved for PE and PC formation in liver endoplasmic reticulum. Fast-atom bombardment-mass spectrometry of intact phospholipids enables us to show that there is no very long chain dipolyunsaturated phospholipid in liver endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Docosahexaenoic acid (22:6, n-3), a major component of retinal phospholipids, is a substrate for active lipoxygenation in intact canine retinas incubated in vitro with [U-14C]docosahexaenoic acid. The major lipoxygenase reaction product was identified by high performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry as 11-hydroxy-4,7,9-(trans)13,16,19 docosahexaenoic acid. Other mono- and di-hydroxy derivatives also were detected. The synthesis of these compounds was inhibited by the antioxidant and lipoxygenase inhibitor, nordihydroguaiaretic acid, but was not inhibited by indomethacin or esculetin.  相似文献   

The metabolism of docosahexaenoic acid (22:6(n-3)) and adrenic acid (22:4(n-6)) was studied in cultured fibroblasts from patients with the Zellweger syndrome, X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) and normal controls. It was shown that [4,5- 3H]22:6(n-3) is retroconverted to labelled eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5(n-3)) in normal and X-ALD fibroblasts, while this conversion is deficient in Zellweger fibroblasts. [U- 14C]Eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5(n-3)) is elongated to docosapentaenoic acid (22:5(n-3)) in all three cell lines. With [U- 14C]20:5(n-3) as the substrate, shorter fatty acids were not detected. With [4,5- 3H]22:6(n-3) as the substrate, labelled fatty acids were esterified in the phospholipid- and triacylglycerol-fraction to approximately the same extent in all three cell lines. [2- 14C]Adrenic acid (22:4(n-6)) was desaturated to 22:5(n-6) and elongated to 24:4(n-6) in all three cell lines and to the largest extent in the Zellweger fibroblasts. This agrees with the view that the delta 4-desaturase is not a peroxisomal enzyme. The observation that the retroconversion of 22:6(n-3) to 20:5(n-3) is deficient in Zellweger fibroblasts strongly suggest that the beta-oxidation step in the retroconversion is a peroxisomal function. Peroxisomal very-long-chain (lignoceroyl) CoA ligase is probably not required for the activation of 22:6(n-3), since the retroconversion to 20:5(n-3) is normal in X-ALD fibroblasts.  相似文献   

CaCo-2 cells, grown on filter membranes, were used to study the effects of fatty acids on cellular metabolism of triacylglycerol and phospholipids. The rate of triacylglycerol secretion was enhanced more than 2-fold, from 1 to 2 weeks after reaching confluency, in the presence of 0.6 mM fatty acids. Triacylglycerol secretion and oxidation of oleic acid increased 2- and 9-fold, respectively, with this culture system, as compared to cells grown on conventional plastic dishes. Eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5 n-3), when compared to oleic acid, did not reduce formation of triacylglycerol or enhance phospholipid synthesis in CaCo-2 cells during short term (less than 24 h) experiments, when the cells resided on membranes, regardless of what type of radioisotopes were used as precursors in the incubation media. However, the n-3 fatty acid was preferentially incorporated into phosphatidylinositol, lysophosphatidylcholine, and sphingomyelin, as compared to oleic acid. The disappearance from the apical medium and cellular uptake of labeled eicosapentaenoic and oleic acid were similar during incubations up to 24 h, and the metabolism of these fatty acids to acid-soluble materials and CO2 was equal. Light scattering analysis indicated that secreted lipoproteins of density less than 1.006 g/ml were in the same size-range as chylomicrons derived from human plasma. Assessment of secreted apolipoprotein B showed that by incubating CaCo-2 cells with oleic acid, apolipoprotein B levels increased approximately 1.4-fold when compared to cells incubated with eicosapentaenoic acid, whereas the amount of triacylglycerol and size-range of particles were similar for the two fatty acids. Our data indicate that CaCo-2 cells grown on filter membranes exhibit enterocyte-like characteristics with the ability to synthesize and secrete chylomicrons. Eicosapentaenoic acid and oleic acid are absorbed, metabolized, and influence secretion of lipoprotein particles in a similar way, except for some differences in incorporation of the fatty acids into certain phospholipid classes and a reduced secretion of apolipoprotein B. The culture conditions, including time after confluency and cellular support, are critical for the rate of secretion in the presence of eicosapentaenoic acid and oleic acid.  相似文献   

The MDR3 protein is a transporter of phosphatidylcholine on the canalicular membrane of human hepatocytes. Previously we showed that the expression of MDR3 mRNA was down-regulated by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) in human Chang liver cells. In the present study, to elucidate the isoform of protein kinase C (PKC), which influences the level of MDR3 protein, we investigated the effects of PKC-specific inhibitors and antisense oligonucleotides. The level of protein decreased around 50% after treatment for 3-5 days using the dosage of PMA effective against the mRNA expression. The half-life of the MDR3 protein was estimated to be about 5 days. This decrease was antagonized by GF109203X, a non-selective inhibitor of PKCs, and G?6976, a selective inhibitor for PKCalpha/beta. These inhibitors also suppressed the reduction in MDR3 protein. To specify the isoform of PKC, the cells were treated with antisense oligonucleotide of PKCalpha or PKCbeta. The suppressive effects on MDR3 mRNA of PMA were attenuated in antisense PKCbeta-treated cells, but those in antisense PKCalpha-treated cells were not attenuated. These suggested that PKCbeta plays a regulatory role in the expression of MDR3.  相似文献   

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