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When invasive woody plants become dominant, they present an extreme challenge for restoration of native plant communities. Invasive Morella faya (fire tree) forms extensive, nearly monospecific stands in wet and mesic forests on the Island of Hawai’i. We used logging, girdling, and selective girdling over time (incremental girdling) to kill stands of M. faya at different rates, with the objective of identifying a method that best promotes native forest re-establishment. We hypothesized that rapid canopy opening by logging would lead to establishment of fast-growing, non-native invaders, but that slower death of M. faya by girdling or incremental girdling would increase the establishment by native plants adapted to partial shade conditions. After applying the M. faya treatments, seed banks, seed rain, and plant recruitment were monitored over 3 years. Different plant communities developed in response to the treatments. Increased light and nitrogen availability in the logged treatment were associated with invasion by non-native species. Native species, including the dominant native forest tree, (Metrosideros polymorpha) and tree fern (Cibotium glaucum), established most frequently in the girdle and incremental girdle treatments, but short-lived non-native species were more abundant than native species. A diverse native forest is unlikely to develop following any of the treatments due to seed limitation for many native species, but girdling and incremental girdling promoted natural establishment of major components of native Hawaiian forest. Girdling may be an effective general strategy for reestablishing native vegetation in areas dominated by woody plant invaders.  相似文献   

L. E. Ehler 《BioControl》2002,47(3):309-325
Natural enemies associated with eggs of >Nezara viridula (L.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) wereevaluated by placing sentinel egg masses inweeds and cultivated tomato and bean crops innorthern California. Egg predation wasgenerally less than 10% and normally involvedpredators with chewing mouth parts. Predatorsseldom destroyed an entire egg mass, typicallyeating <40 eggs per exploited mass.Laboratory evaluation of >25 species ofpotential arthropod predators revealed that fewfed on >N. viridula eggs to any extent;however, numerous species fed on >N.viridula nymphs. Five species of eggparasites were recovered from sentinel eggmasses: >Trissolcus basalis (Wollaston),>Gryon obesum Masner and >Telenomuspodisi Ashmead (Scelionidae); and>Ooencyrtus californicus Girault and >O.johnsoni (Howard) (Encyrtidae). The major eggparasite was >T. basalis, the only exoticmember of the parasite guild; it typicallyparasitized 100% of the eggs in an exploitedegg mass. The results indicate thatparasitization of eggs and predation of smallnymphs can be important biotic mortalityfactors for >N. viridula populations innorthern California. It is suggested that acombination of factors – viz., eggparasitization, nymphal predation, regionalshortage of overwintering sites, and localshortages of suitable hosts – maintains thisexotic pest at relatively low levels in theregion.  相似文献   

The fringing reef off southern Molokai, Hawaii, is currently being studied as part of a multi-disciplinary project led by the US Geological Survey. As part of this study, modeling and field observations were utilized to help understand the physical controls on reef morphology and the distribution of different coral species. A model was developed that calculates wave-induced hydrodynamic forces on corals of a specific form and mechanical strength. From these calculations, the wave conditions under which specific species of corals would either be stable or would break due to the imposed wave-induced forces were determined. By combining this hydrodynamic force-balance model with various wave model output for different oceanographic conditions experienced in the study area, we were able to map the locations where specific coral species should be stable (not subject to frequent breakage) in the study area. The combined model output was then compared with data on coral species distribution and coral cover at 12 sites along Molokais south shore. Observations and modeling suggest that the transition from one coral species to another may occur when the ratio of the coral colonys mechanical strengths to the applied (wave-induced) forces may be as great as 5:1, and not less than 1:1 when corals would break. This implies that coral colonys mechanical strength and wave-induced forces may be important in defining gross coral community structure over large (orders of 10s of meters) spatial scales.  相似文献   

W.H. Day   《Biological Control》2005,33(3):368-374
High numbers of tarnished plant bugs [Lygus lineolaris (Palisot)], were once common in alfalfa, as was a low level of parasitism (9%) by the native Peristenus pallipes (Curtis). After the bivoltine European parasite Peristenus digoneutis Loan became well established, average parasitism of the first and second generations increased to 64%, and tarnished plant bug numbers dropped by 65%. This reduced host density eventually caused a decline in total parasitism by both parasite species to 22%. A few P. digoneutis also attacked the alfalfa plant bug, Adelphocoris lineolatus (Goeze), but did not reduce this pest or increase its parasitism rate. At another location, where P. digoneutis is not established, parasitism of first generation alfalfa plant bugs, an adventive (accidently introduced) pest, was increased to 21% by the introduced univoltine parasite, Peristenus conradi Marsh, and a slight reduction in the pest may have resulted. P. digoneutis did not parasitize the meadow plant bug, Leptopterna dolabrata (L.), an adventive pest of forage grasses, so did not affect this mirid or its parasite. Neither introduced parasite eliminated the native parasites of the tarnished or alfalfa plant bugs. The narrow host ranges of the braconid parasites of mirid nymphs are contrasted with the broad host range of the native tachinid parasite [Phasia robertsoni (Towns.)] of adult mirids. The major changes in mirid abundance and their mortality by parasites that slowly occurred during this 19-year study demonstrate the need for long-term field research, to adequately document and understand these complex interactions.  相似文献   

In vitro rearing of the egg parasitoidTrissolcus basalis (WOLL.) from eggs collected on the natural hostNezara viridula (L.) was initiated. Several oligidic diets containing insect material (Manduca sexta hemolymph or host egg content) were tested. Our initial medium with 50% hemolymph induced a high egg mortality, but by decreasing the hemolymph concentration, increasing the hen egg yolk concentration and adding 15% of free amino acids mixture, a hatching rate of 85% of the parasitoid eggs was obtained with 39% reaching the second instar and 33% the third instar. In a medium without hemolymph, but with 18% liquid from parasitized host eggs we obtained 90% to 100% hatching, 25 to 27% reaching the second instar and 8% the third instar. We did not obtain pupation from eggsin vitro, but did get pupae and adults from larvae rearedin vivo to second instar and transfered to anin vitro system.   相似文献   

Plant–pollinator interactions determine reproductive success for animal-pollinated species and, in the case of invasive plants, they are supposed to play an important role in invasive success. We compared the invasive Senecio inaequidens to its native congener S. jacobaea in terms of interactions with pollinators. Visitor guild, visitation rate, and seed set were compared over 3 years in three sites in Belgium. Floral display (capitula number and arrangement) and phenology were quantified, and visiting insects were individually censused, i.e. number of visited capitula and time per visited capitulum. As expected from capitula resemblance, visitor guilds of both species were very similar (proportional similarity = 0.94). Senecio inaequidens was visited by 33 species, versus 36 for S. jacobaea. For both species, main visitors were Diptera, especially Syrphidae, and Hymenoptera. Visitation rate averaged 0.13 visitor per capitulum per 10 min for S. inaequidens against 0.08 for S. jacobaea. However, insects visited more capitula per plant on S. jacobaea, due to high capitula density (886 m−2 versus 206 m−2 for S. inaequidens), which is likely to increase self-pollen deposition considerably. Seed set of S. jacobaea was lower than that of S. inaequidens. We suggest that floral display is the major factor explaining the differences in insect visitation and seed set between the two Senecio species.  相似文献   

The role of semiochemicals on host specificity of two egg parasitoid species, the European Trissolcus simoni and the American Trissolcus brochymenae (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae), was studied in an olfactometer and in different arenas. Cues from two allopatric pests of cabbage, the European Eurydema ventrale and the American Murgantia histrionica (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), and from the polyphagous and cosmopolitan Nezara viridula were tested. Both T. simoni and T. brochymenae responded to volatile and contact cues from their co-evolved hosts E. ventrale and M. histrionica, respectively, thus confirming the role of host semiochemicals in host location and recognition. When cues of non-co-evolved hosts were presented, a partial “new association” was obtained, as T. simoni probed and oviposited in M. histrionica eggs and some adult emergence occurred. However, this association is unlikely to occur in the field because T. simoni did not respond to volatile cues of M. histrionica. Instead T. brochymenae partially responded to volatile and contact cues from E. ventrale, but eggs were rarely accepted and parasitoids did not develop in this host. When N. viridula was tested, T. simoni responded only to contact cues, whereas T. brochymenae partially responded to volatile and contact cues, but N. viridula eggs were not suitable for development. Therefore, the N. viridulaT. brochymenae association reported from the literature appears unreliable. Understanding the mechanisms that result in host specificity may help increase parasitoid safety and predict their efficacy in biological control with old or new associations.  相似文献   

Invasive plants are capable of modifying attributes of soil to facilitate further invasion by conspecifics and other invasive species. We assessed this capability in three important plant invaders of grasslands in the Great Plains region of North America: leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula), smooth brome (Bromus inermis) and crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum). In a glasshouse, these three invasives or a group of native species were grown separately through three cycles of growth and soil conditioning in both steam-pasteurized and non-pasteurized soils, after which we assessed seedling growth in these soils. Two of the three invasive species, Bromus and Agropyron, exhibited significant self-facilitation via soil modification. Bromus and Agropyron also had significant facilitative effects on other invasives via soil modification, while Euphorbia had significant antagonistic effects on the other invasives. Both Agropyron and Euphorbia consistently suppressed growth of two of three native forbs, while three native grasses were generally less affected. Almost all intra- and interspecific effects of invasive soil conditioning were dependent upon presence of soil biota from field sites where these species were successful invaders. Overall, these results suggest that that invasive modification of soil microbiota can facilitate plant invasion directly or via ‘cross-facilitation’ of other invasive species, and moreover has potential to impede restoration of native communities after removal of an invasive species. However, certain native species that are relatively insensitive to altered soil biota (as we observed in the case of the forb Linum lewisii and the native grasses), may be valuable as ‘nurse’species in restoration efforts.  相似文献   

Drought response of a native and introduced Hawaiian grass   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The alien grass, Pennisetum setaceum, dominates many of the lowland arid regions that once supported native Heteropogon contortus grassland on the island of Hawaii. Response to drought in a glasshouse was compared between these C4 grasses to test if success as an invader is related to drought tolerance or plasticity for traits that confer drought tolerance. Pennisetum produced 51% more total biomass, allocated 49% more biomass to leaves, and had higher net photosynthetic rates (P n) on a leaf area basis than Heteropogon. Plants of both species under drought produced less total biomass and increased their allocation to roots compared to well-watered plants, but there was no difference between the two species in the magnitude of these responses. The decline in P n with decreasing leaf water potential (1) was greater for Pennisetum compared to Heteropogon. Plasticity in the response of P n to 1, osmotic potentials, and the water potentials at turgor loss in response to drought were not different between the two species. Stomata were more responsive to w in Heteropogon than in Pennisetum and for well-watered plants compared to droughted plants. Plasticity for the stomatal response to w, however, was not different between the species. There was no evidence that the alien, Pennisetum, had greater plasticity for traits related to drought tolerance compared to the native, Heteropogon. Higher P n and greater biomass allocation to leaves resulted in greater growth for Pennisetum compared to Heteropogon and may explain the success of Pennisetum as an invader of lowland arid zones on Hawaii.  相似文献   

Keeler MS  Chew FS 《Oecologia》2008,156(3):559-568
Exotic plants may act as population sinks or evolutionary traps for native herbivores. The native butterfly Pieris oleracea lays eggs on garlic mustard, Alliaria petiolata, but larvae develop very poorly on this exotic invasive plant. We examined oviposition preference of individual females and larval performance of their offspring for individuals from one area where garlic mustard is well established and one where it is absent. These data were used to assess whether garlic mustard is being incorporated into or excluded from the diet. Females from the area without garlic mustard showed a wide range of preference, families had low larval survival on garlic mustard, and larval survivorship showed no correlation with mothers’ preferences. Females from the area with garlic mustard preferred it to the native host, and larval survivorship on garlic mustard was positively correlated with the mother’s preference. Individuals surviving on garlic mustard took longer to pupate and weighed >30% less compared to pupae reared on normal hosts. Our results suggest that where garlic mustard is well established P. oleracea may be adapting to this plant by both improved larval performance and increased adult female oviposition preference for it.  相似文献   

The effects of parasitism by the ArgentinianTrichopoda giacomellii(Blanchard) on reproduction and longevity of its host,Nezara viridula(L.) are reported. Parasitoid larvae suppress egg maturation, reducing by 70% the fecundity of mature female hosts during the period of larval development. Egg viability was not affected, but mating frequency was reduced by approximately 50%. When parasitized as newly eclosed adults, 84% of females fail to reproduce. In male hosts, fertility and mating frequency were not affected during the period of larval parasitoid development. In male and reproductively immature female hosts, death was coincident with, or occurred shortly after parasitoid emergence (2–4 days); in mature females, death occurred on average 2 weeks after larval parasitoid emergence. Host mortality occurred as a consequence of tissue damage incurred as the parasitoid larvae emerged from the host. Some individuals survived parasitism though no further reproductive activity (mating or oviposition) occurred. The effectiveness ofT. giacomelliias a biological control agent is discussed in relation to its impact on reproduction and survival of its host and contrasted with the action of otherTrichopodaspecies.  相似文献   

【目的】椰子织蛾是近期入侵中国的棕榈植物重要害虫,研究其天敌寄生蜂,能为椰子织蛾的进一步防控提供科学依据。【方法】在海南岛收集鉴定了椰子织蛾天敌寄生蜂,观察记录寄生蜂发育历期、雌雄性比、成虫寿命等基础生物学特性。【结果】经形态及分子鉴定,收集到的椰子织蛾寄生蜂有幼虫期寄生蜂麦蛾柔茧蜂、蛹期寄生蜂金刚钻大腿小蜂和周氏啮小蜂。在温度(26±2)℃、湿度(75±10)%RH、以椰子织蛾为寄主条件下,麦蛾柔茧蜂、金刚钻大腿小蜂和周氏啮小蜂发育历期分别为11.8、19.6和20.6 d;每头寄主的出蜂量分别为10.1、1.0和81.5头;雌蜂占比分别为26.6%、40.6%和89.8%;每种寄生蜂雌蜂寿命均长于雄蜂。【结论】保护和利用椰子织蛾的3种本地寄生蜂,将有助于椰子织蛾的防控。  相似文献   

Aconophora compressa Walker (Hemiptera: Membracidae) was released in 1995 against the weed lantana in Australia, and is now found on multiple host plant species. The intensity and regularity at which A. compressa uses different host species was quantified in its introduced Australian range and also its native Mexican range. In Australia, host plants fell into three statistically defined categories, as indicated by the relative rates and intensities at which they were used in the field. Fiddlewood (Citharexylum spinosum L.: Verbenaceae) was used much more regularly and at higher densities than any other host sampled, and alone made up the first group. The second group, lantana (Lantana camara L.: Verbenaceae; pink variety) and geisha girl (Duranta erecta L.: Verbenaceae), were used less regularly and at much lower densities than fiddlewood. The third group, Sheena’s gold (another variety of D. erecta), jacaranda (Jacaranda mimosifolia D. Don: Bignoniaceae) and myoporum (Myoporum acuminatum R. Br.: Myoporaceae), were used infrequently and at even lower densities. In Mexico, the insect was found at relatively low densities on all hosts relative to those in Australia. Densities were highest on L. urticifolia, D. erecta and Tecoma stans (L.) Juss. ex Kunth (Bignoniaceae), which were used at similar rates to one another. It was found also on a few other verbenaceous and non-verbenaceous host species but at even lower densities. The relative rate at which Citharexylum spp. and L. urticifolia were used could not be assessed in Mexico because A. compressa was found on only one plant of each species in areas where these host species co-occurred. The low rate at which A. compressa occurred on fiddlewood in Mexico is likely to be an artefact of the short-term nature of the surveys or differences in the suites of Citharexylum and Lantana species available there. These results provide further incentive to insist on structured and quantified surveys of non-target host use in the native range of potential biological control agents prior to host testing studies in quarantine.  相似文献   

Wildfires are rare in the disturbance history of Hawaiian forests but may increase in prevalence due to invasive species and global climate change. We documented survival rates and adaptations facilitating persistence of native woody species following 2002–2003 wildfires in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii. Fires occurred during an El Niño drought and were ignited by lava flows. They burned across an environmental gradient occupied by two drier shrub-dominated communities and three mesic/wet Metrosideros forest communities. All the 19 native tree, shrub, and tree fern species demonstrated some capacity of postfire persistence. While greater than 95% of the dominant Metrosideros trees were top-killed, more than half survived fires via basal sprouting. Metrosideros trees with diameters >20 cm sprouted in lower percentages than smaller trees. At least 17 of 29 native woody species colonized the postfire environment via seedling establishment. Although the native biota possess adaptations facilitating persistence following wildfire, the presence of highly competitive invasive plants and ungulates will likely alter postfire succession.  相似文献   

Percent parasitism of Nezara viridula (L.) (Heteroptera:Pentatomidae) by Trichopoda pennipes F.(Diptera: Tachinidae) ten years after itsfortuitous introduction was evaluated in someareas of Italy. The parasitoid is acclimatisedin central Italy with a parasitism in 1998 of21.3% in the west coast area (Lazio) and of24.8% in the inland area (Umbria). Host adultsof both sexes were attacked with the same ratein 1998, whereas this was higher in males thanfemales in 1991 and 1992. Parasitism of nymphswas lower in all three years. In 1998parasitized bugs showed 1 (54.1%) to a maximumof 15 (0.4%) macrotype eggs per individual,distributed preferentially on the thorax ascompared with other body parts. None of theother pentatomid species collected in the sameareas were parasitized by T. pennipes,indicating that there have not been indirecteffects of this fortuitous introduction tillnow.  相似文献   

Curvularia lunata was found causing (disseminated phaeohyphomycosis among a group of Nezara viridula (Insecta:Heteroptera) parasitizing vegetable crop Vigna unguiculata. Dark lesions were seen on pronotum and abdominal sterna. Experimental lesions were produced by applying 0.1 ml of 6.2 × 108cfu/ml–1 on abdominal sterna. Histopathology revealed that almost all internal organs and tissues showed extensive damage. It is interesting to note that C. lunata exhibited predeliction for chitinous tissues and elicited cellular immune response by granulocytes (phagocytosis). This is the first report of phaeohyphomycosis of an insect, extending the disease to invertebrates.A promising research career of one of the authors (Mrs. Vinita Dubey) was cut short by untimely death. This paper is dedicated to her memory.  相似文献   

A promising natural enemy for release against the Asian soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura, in North America is the aphidiine braconid wasp Binodoxys communis (Gahan). The aphid Aphis monardae Oestlund, a native of North America’s tall-grass prairies, is a non-target species that may be at risk from releases of B. communis. This paper describes ecological facets of A. monardae populations in their native habitat that could protect them from attack by this exotic biological control agent. In prairie habitats, A. monardae populations aggregate in flower heads of their host plant, Monarda fistulosa L. On this host plant, aphids are also commonly tended by four ant species, and ant-tended colonies are larger than un-attended colonies. Laboratory studies showed that parasitism rates of A. monardae by B. communis are significantly higher on vegetative M. fistulosa than on M. fistulosa flower heads. In addition, attendance of A. monardae by the ant Lasius neoniger Emery significantly decreased parasitism by B. communis. Ants attacked and killed host-seeking adult parasitoids, and preyed upon B. communis mummies. No evidence was found that B. communis reared from A. monardae are less susceptible to attack by ants than parasitoids reared from A. glycines. M. fistulosa flower heads and attendance by L. neoniger may act as refuges for A. monardae against B. communis. Our work describes spatial refuges as ecological filters that separate non-target organisms from exotic natural enemies. Implications for classical biological control of A. glycines are discussed.  相似文献   

Phragmites australis is a cosmopolitan clonal grass valued for its support of diversity-rich communities in its native range and feared for its devastating effects on native diversity where the species is introduced. Lack of successful control in North America resulted in the initiation of a biological control program. We used a combination of field surveys and common garden experiments in Europe to study life history and ecology of a chloropid fly, Platycephala planifrons, to assess its potential as a biological control agent. The fly is widely distributed (in non-flooded sites) throughout Eurasia but attack rates are generally low (mean 5–10%; max. 29%). Adults emerge in late June and may live for several months. Females lay eggs at the base of Ph. australis shoots. First instar larvae of this stem-feeding fly overwinter in dormant below-ground shoots of Ph. australis and rapidly complete development in early spring. Larval feeding destroys the growing meristem of the shoot causing premature wilting and 60–70% reductions in shoot biomass production. Early season attack and considerable impact suggest that Pl. planifrons could be a potent biocontrol agent, if it can escape suppression by natural enemies in the introduced range. However, the generally low attack rates in its native range and its dependence on dry sites appear to make the species a “second-choice” candidate for potential release in North America.  相似文献   

Summary The system formed byN. viridula and its almost specific parasitoidT. giacomellii has been studied in the Buenos Aires province, Argentina for 26 generations of the former and 20 generations of the latter. An intensive study over 9 host generations and key factor analysis made possible the identification and quantification of different mortality factors. The main factors determining the fluctuations in total generation mortality were: egg mortality due mainly to parasitism byT. basalis; nymphal predation on 1st, 2nd and 3rd instar nymphs and migration; and adult mortality and reduction on potential natality due to parasitism byT. giacomellii. Adult mortality and reduction of potential natality, due to parasitism byT. giacomellii, was density dependent. This factor is capable of maintaining the simulations generated by a simple model based on key factor analysis, within the range of observed densities. These results suggest that parasitism byT. giacomellii can regulate the population, even in a small area of 450 m2.  相似文献   

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