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Malignant melanoma has poor prognosis because of its high metastatic potential and resistance to chemotherapy. A possible approach to more effective therapy is induction of p53-dependent apoptosis. This approach is promising, since the wild-type p53 is expressed in most melanomas. An attempt was made to estimate the functional activity of p53 in several malignant melanoma cell lines. Most lines were characterized by a high protein level and nuclear localization of p53. All cell lines expressing the wild-type p53 showed stabilization of p53, its translocation into the nucleus, and activation of several target genes in response to DNA-damaging agents, suggesting that p53 was functionally active. A high-molecular-weight protein localized in the cytoplasm and mimicking a p53 epitope was found in several cell lines. It was shown that the DO-1 epitope is not derived from p53, ruling out cytoplasmic retention of p53 in melanoma cell lines. A mechanism of camptothecin-induced stabilization of p53 by decreasing the level of the HDM2 mRNA was described for melanoma cells but not for normal melanocytes, suggesting a differential effect of camptothecin on tumor-derived and primary cells.__________Translated from Molekulyarnaya Biologiya, Vol. 39, No. 3, 2005, pp. 445–456.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Razorenova, Agapova, Chumakov.  相似文献   

B细胞在骨髓中,由造血干细胞发育、成熟是一复杂、分阶段的过程。这一过程是受到高度调控的。PU.1、E2A、EBF和Pax5等转录因子分级控制B细胞系基因的表达,决定了B细胞的定型和进入B细胞发育途径。而重链重排完成后形成的前B细胞受体,传递分化信号,促进B细胞进一步的发育。未完成重链重排的前B细胞不能组成前B细胞受体,通过凋亡被清除,保证了成熟B细胞的功能。  相似文献   

Recently we demonstrated, using normal human fibroblasts (NHFs), that UVc radiation induces a G2/M arrest which was even more pronounced when p53 expression was inhibited. So, the aim of this study was to evaluate in NHFs the relationship between UV-induced G2/M arrest and cyclin B1 regulation and to investigate if p53 could contribute to the cyclin B1 regulation in these conditions. Following exposure of asynchronous NHFs to UV light, we showed that the induced G2/M arrest was accompanied by a dose-dependent down-regulation of cyclin B1 mRNA as evaluated by RT-PCR. Concomitantly, using flow cytometric analysis, we observed a strong accumulation of cyclin B1 protein which was correlated to the apparition of the G2/M arrest. In order to study the contribution of p53 to the cyclin B1 accumulation in response to UV exposure, we inhibited p53 induction using p53 antisense oligonucleotides. We found that the inhibition of p53 protein induction after UV exposure had no effect on the level of cyclin B1 mRNA. Moreover, although inhibition of p53 protein induction increased the number of the cells in the G2-M phase, the mean content of cyclin B1 protein was not augmented in these cells. These results indicate clearly that the induction of p53 protein following UV exposure does not regulate the level of cyclin B1 mRNA or protein in normal cells.  相似文献   

为研究p5 3蛋白在周期调节蛋白A1(cyclinA1)变异引起的雄性小鼠生殖细胞凋亡中的作用 ,以p5 3基因敲除的小鼠和周期调节蛋白A1基因敲除的小鼠杂交 ,获取同胎生单基因变异和双基因同时变异的雄性后代共 4组 12只 .比较它们的性腺和生殖细胞发育 ,并用TUNEL染色法观察和比较生殖细胞的凋亡情况 .在睾丸最大横切面上观察到 :周期调节蛋白A1变异组凋亡细胞最多 (348± 10 4个 ) ,明显高于p5 3 周期调节蛋白A1双基因变异组 (12 1± 38个 ) ,t=3 2 5 79,P =0 0 4 72 .p5 3变异组凋亡细胞最少 (45± 2 4个 ) ,配对t检验显示有非常显著性差异 ,t=8 4 0 13,P =0 0 0 35 .这一研究结果提示 ,p5 3基因可能在雄性生殖细胞的发育中起监视作用 ,并在周期调节蛋白A1变异引起发育异常时启动p5 3途径造成异常细胞的凋亡 .  相似文献   

研究p53对Wnt通路抑制抑制因子Dickkopf-1(DKK-1)表达的调节作用,将携带p53基因的复制缺陷型腺病毒载体(Adp53)导入到p53缺失的人肝癌细胞株Hep3B中,以RT-PCR技术检测p53对DKK-1表达的调节作用.检测结果表明DKK-1 mRNA水平在转染p53 20h后即有明显升高,其中以32h达最高水平,随后逐渐降低,量效关系研究表明在转染剂量为0、5、5、50pfu/cell的Adp53时DKK-1mRNA表达均有显著增高,尤以50pfu/cell时表达水平最高。提示p53能明显诱导Wnt通路抑制因子DKK-1的mRNA表达。  相似文献   

细胞间粘附分子-1(ICAM-1)是介导白细胞与内皮细胞粘附的重要粘附分子.为研究野生型p53基因对内皮细胞ICAM-1表达的影响,分别采用流式细胞术和RT-PCR/HPLC方法测定ICAM-1蛋白及mRNA水平.静息状态的内皮细胞表面结构性地表达有少量的ICAM-1,在肿瘤坏死因子α(TNFα,10~1000U/ml)诱导下,其表达呈剂量依赖性增加.将p53基因导入内皮细胞,则显著抑制TNFα诱导的内皮细胞表面ICAM-1的表达.p53基因的导入对静息状态内皮细胞表面结构性表达的ICAM-1影响较小.p53基因主要通过降低ICAM-1的mRNA水平而抑制内皮细胞表面ICAM-1的表达,但对蛋白的抑制程度小于对mRNA的抑制程度.提示:p53基因对内皮细胞ICAM-1表达的影响除转录水平控制外,还存在转录后水平的调控  相似文献   

目的:研究晚期非小细胞肺癌不同的p53和ERCC1表达状态与基于顺铂为主的姑息化疗近期有效率的相关性。方法:对经顺铂联合多西他赛或顺铂联合吉西他滨治疗的48例晚期非小细胞肺癌患者进行回顾性分析,利用既往免疫组化资料,观察基于顺铂为主的方案近期有效率(RR)的影响因素及化疗不良反应。结果:全组48例患者均完成至少两周期化疗,并行疗效评价。该组患者化疗的近期有效率为28例(58.3%),RR与不同的转移病灶部位(P=0.042)及病灶数目(P=0.034)有显著差异。该类方案的近期有效率与ERCC1状态(P=0.012)密切相关,而与p53表达状态(P=0.401)无关。毒性反应主要是骨髓抑制、脱发及消化道反应等。结论:晚期非小细胞肺癌ERCC1阴性患者较ERCC1阳性患者运用顺铂为主的联合方案化疗的近期有效率较高。ERCC1可能是顺铂疗效预测的敏感因子。p53的表达状态可能不是该类方案的疗效预测因子。  相似文献   

共表达人p53、GM-CSF和B7-1基因的重组腺病毒的构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 为开展肿瘤的复合基因治疗 ,构建以串联方式携带人野生型p53、GM CSF和B7 1基因的重组腺病毒穿梭质粒pBB 1 0 2 .将pBB 1 0 2与腺病毒包装质粒GT40 50共转染 2 93细胞 ,通过细胞内同源重组获得重组腺病毒BB 1 0 2 .在 2 93细胞中扩增病毒 ,并通过氯化铯密度梯度超速离心纯化病毒 ,获得高滴度和高纯度的病毒 .分别经免疫组织化学分析、ELISA和流式细胞分析 ,检测BB 1 0 2介导的人野生型p53、GM CSF和B7 1基因在喉癌细胞Hep 2中的表达 .结果表明 ,BB 1 0 2能够有效地将其所携带的目的基因导入Hep 2细胞并使其在细胞中高效表达 ,表达高峰期为转染后 2~ 4d ,此后随时间递减 ,可持续 1 0d以上 .  相似文献   

目的:探讨苦参碱对体外培养的人鼻咽癌细胞增殖、凋亡及凋亡相关基因p53 mRNA和蛋白表达的影响,初步探讨苦参碱诱导人鼻咽癌细胞凋亡的可能机制。方法:采用MTT法检测不同浓度苦参碱(0、0.25、0.5、1、1.5、2 mg/ml)对CNE1、CNE2细胞增殖的影响;采用荧光定量PCR法检测这些浓度的苦参碱处理48 h后CNE2细胞p53 mRNA的变化;Western Blot检测其蛋白的变化情况。结果:MTT结果显示苦参碱具有抑制CNE1、CNE2细胞体外增殖作用,其抑制率存在浓度、时间依赖性。荧光定量PCR及Western Blot检测结果显示,苦参碱抑制CNE2细胞p53 mRNA和蛋白的表达,且亦呈浓度依赖性。结论:苦参碱抑制CNE2细胞的增殖,诱导细胞凋亡,呈现浓度、时间依赖性,其作用与抑制CNE2细胞中p53基因和蛋白的表达密切相关。  相似文献   

目的:探讨苦参碱对体外培养的人鼻咽癌细胞增殖、凋亡及凋亡相关基因p53 mRNA 和蛋白表达的影响,初步探讨苦参碱 诱导人鼻咽癌细胞凋亡的可能机制。方法:采用MTT 法检测不同浓度苦参碱(0、0.25、0.5、1、1.5、2 mg/ml)对CNE1、CNE2 细胞增 殖的影响;采用荧光定量PCR 法检测这些浓度的苦参碱处理48 h后CNE2 细胞p53 mRNA的变化; Western Blot 检测其蛋白的 变化情况。结果:MTT结果显示苦参碱具有抑制CNE1、CNE2 细胞体外增殖作用,其抑制率存在浓度、时间依赖性。荧光定量 PCR及Western Blot 检测结果显示,苦参碱抑制CNE2细胞p53 mRNA 和蛋白的表达,且亦呈浓度依赖性。结论:苦参碱抑制 CNE2 细胞的增殖,诱导细胞凋亡,呈现浓度、时间依赖性,其作用与抑制CNE2 细胞中p53 基因和蛋白的表达密切相关。  相似文献   

为开展喉癌的复合基因治疗,观察共表达人野生型p53和B7-1基因的重组腺病毒Ad-p53/B7-1对喉癌细胞增殖及免疫原性的影响,检测到Ad-p53/B7-1介导的人野生型p53基因可抑制喉癌细胞增殖并诱导其凋亡,同时B7-1基因的导入可增强喉癌细胞的免疫原性基因修饰的癌细胞可刺激自体肿瘤浸润淋巴细胞增殖,并诱导外周血淋巴细胞形成对肿瘤具有特异杀伤性的细胞毒性T淋巴细胞。  相似文献   

Due to the increasing incidence and mortality, the early diagnosis, specific targeted therapies, and prognosis for colorectal cancer (CRC) attract more and more attention. Wild-type p53-induced phosphatase 1 (Wip1) and karyopherin α2 (KPNA2) have been regarded as oncogenes in many cancers, including CRC. Wip1 dephosphorylates p53 to inactivate it. TP53 activator and Wip1 inhibitor downregulate KPNA2 expression. Therefore, we speculate that Wip1 may co-operate with KPNA2 to modulate CRC progression in a p53-dependent manner. Here, Wip1 and KPNA2 messenger RNA expression and protein levels are significantly increased in CRC tissues and cell lines and are positively correlated with each other. Wip1 silence increases p53 phosphorylation while decreases KPNA2 protein. Wip1 knockdown remarkably suppresses CRC cell proliferation and migration while KPNA2 overexpression exerts an opposing effect. KPNA2 overexpression could partially rescue Wip1 silence-inhibited CRC cell proliferation and migration. Finally, Wip1 interacts with KPNA2 to modulate the activation of AKT/GSK-3β signaling and metastasis-related factors. In summary, Wip1 could co-operate with KPNA2 to modulate CRC cell proliferation and migration, possibly via a p53-dependent manner, through downstream AKT/GSK-3β pathway. We provided a novel mechanism of Wip1 interacting with KPNA2, therefore modulating CRC cell proliferation and migration.  相似文献   

Breast cancer (BC) is an important cause of female cancer-related death. It has recently been demonstrated that metabolic disorders including lipid metabolism are a hallmark of cancer cells. Lipin-1 is an enzyme that displays phosphatidate phosphatase activity and regulates the rate-limiting step in the pathway of triglycerides and phospholipids synthesis. The objective of this study was to evaluate lipin-1 expression, its prognostic significance, and its correlation with p53 tumor suppressor in patients with BC. In this study, 55 pairs of fresh samples of BC and adjacent noncancerous tissue were used to analyze lipin-1, using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining. The expression of other clinicopathological variables and p53 was also examined using IHC technique. The cell migration was studied in MCF-7 and MDA-MB231 cells following the inhibition of lipin-1 by propranolol. Our results show that the relative expression of lipin-1 messenger RNA was significantly higher in BC tissues compared with the adjacent normal tissue and its inhibition reduced cell migration in cancer cells. This upregulation was negatively correlated with histological grade of tumor and p53 status (p = .001 and p = .034) respectively and positively correlated with the tumor size (p = .006). Our results also seem to indicate that the high lipin-1 expression is related to a good prognosis in patients with BC. The expression of lipin-1 may be considered as a novel independent prognostic factor. The inhibition of lipin-1 may also have therapeutic significance for patients with BC. The correlation between lipin-1 and p53 confirms the role of p53 in the regulation of lipid metabolism in cancer cells.  相似文献   

Wild-type p53-induced phosphatase (Wip1) is induced by p53 in response to stress, which results in the dephosphorylation of proteins (i.e. p38 MAPK, p53, and uracil DNA glycosylase) involved in DNA repair and cell cycle checkpoint pathways. p38 MAPK-p53 signaling is a unique way to induce Wip1 in response to stress. Here, we show that c-Jun directly binds to and activates the Wip1 promoter in response to UV irradiation. The binding of p53 to the promoter occurs earlier than that of c-Jun. In experiments, mutation of the p53 response element (p53RE) or c-Jun consensus sites reduced promoter activity in both non-stressed and stressed A549 cells. Overexpression of p53 significantly decreased Wip1 expression in HCT116 p53+/+ cells but increased it in HCT116 p53−/− cells. Adenovirus-mediated p53 overexpression greatly decreased JNK activity. Up-regulation of Wip1 via the p38 MAPK-p53 and JNK-c-Jun pathways is specific, as demonstrated by our findings that p38 MAPK and JNK inhibitors affected the expression of the Wip1 protein, whereas an ERK inhibitor did not. c-Jun activation occurred much more quickly, and to a greater extent, in A549-E6 cells than in A549 cells, with delayed but fully induced Wip1 expression. These data indicate that Wip1 is activated via both the JNK-c-Jun and p38 MAPK-p53 signaling pathways and that temporal induction of Wip1 depends largely on the balance between c-Jun and p53, which compete for JNK binding. Moreover, our results suggest that JNK-c-Jun-mediated Wip1 induction could serve as a major signaling pathway in human tumors in response to frequent p53 mutation.  相似文献   

Histones deacetylases (HDACs), besides their function as epigenetic regulators, deacetylate and critically regulate the activity of nonhistone targets. In particular, HDACs control partially the proapoptotic activity of p53 by balancing its acetylation state. HDAC inhibitors have revealed neuroprotective properties in different models, but the exact mechanisms of action remain poorly understood. We have generated a conditional knockout mouse model targeting retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) to investigate specifically the functional role of HDAC1 and HDAC2 in an acute model of optic nerve injury. Our results demonstrate that combined HDAC1 and HDAC2 ablation promotes survival of axotomized RGCs. Based on global gene expression analyses, we identified the p53-PUMA apoptosis-inducing axis to be strongly activated in axotomized mouse RGCs. Specific HDAC1/2 ablation inhibited this apoptotic pathway by impairing the crucial acetylation status of p53 and reducing PUMA expression, thereby contributing to the ensuing enhanced neuroprotection due to HDAC1/2 depletion. HDAC1/2 inhibition and the affected downstream signaling components emerge as specific targets for developing therapeutic strategies in neuroprotection.  相似文献   

miRNAs are critically implicated in the initiation process of and progression through cancerogenesis. The mechanisms, however, by which miRNAs interfere with the signalosomes of human cancer cells, are still obscure. We utilized the p53-mutated human keratinocyte cell line HACAT to investigate the biological significance and extent to which miRNAs regulate proliferation, cell growth, and apoptosis in transformed phenotypes. Silencing of the miRNA-processing enzyme Dicer1 resulted in cell cycle arrest at the G1/S border, along with restoration of CDK inhibitor p21CIPexpression. Employing a cell cycle-wide phospho-proteomic approach, we detected neglectable changes in abundance and schedule of overall and cell cycle periodic protein expression despite cell cycle arrest of Dicer1-depleted cells. Instead, we found substantially delayed post-translational modifications of some, but not all, signaling nodes. Phospho-site-specific analyses revealed that pro-apoptotic information elicited by Myc, β-catenin, and other mitotic pathways early in G1 are absorbed and balanced by anti-apoptotic signaling from AKT and NFκB in Dicer1-competent cells. The absence of regulatory miRNAs, however, led to a substantial delay of anti-apoptotic signaling, leaving pro-apoptotic stress unbalanced in Dicer1-deprived cells. We here show that this temporal separation of pro- and anti-apoptotic signaling induced by inhibition of Dicer1 is synergistic and synthetic lethal to low-dose 5-FU chemotherapy in p53-mutated HACAT cells. The findings reported here contribute to the understanding of the complex interactions of miRNAs with the signalosom of transformed phenotypes and may help to design novel strategies to fight cancer.  相似文献   

该实验以小鼠系膜细胞MMC为研究对象,以重组HMGB1为刺激物,通过检测细胞周期的变化及细胞PCNA、CyclinD1、CDK4和p16的表达水平,初步探讨HMGB1对系膜细胞的细胞周期及其相关调控因子的影响。选取小鼠系膜细胞MMC为研究对象,随机分为对照组及0.05mg/LHMGB1刺激组,经流式细胞术检测发现HMGB1能够上调小鼠系膜细胞中S期细胞所占比例;免疫细胞化学检测显示,PCNA蛋白在小鼠系膜细胞中的表达上调;通过RT-PCR技术及Western blot技术检测到小鼠系膜细胞中CyclinD1 mRNA和蛋白以及CDK4蛋白的高表达情况,而p16蛋白的表达呈时间依赖性降低。由此可见,HMGB1可能是通过上调CyclinD1/CDK4的表达,并下调p16的表达,促进细胞从G_0/G_1期进入S期,介导了小鼠系膜细胞的异常增殖,可能是HMGB1参与狼疮性肾炎发病的可能机制之一。  相似文献   

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