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For cnidarians that can undergo shifts in algal symbiont relative abundance, the underlying algal physiological changes that accompany these shifts are not well known. The sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima associates with the dinoflagellate Symbiodinium muscatinei and the chlorophyte Elliptochloris marina, symbionts with very different tolerances to light and temperature. We compared the performance of these symbionts in anemones maintained in an 8–11.5 month outdoor common garden experiment with simulated intertidal conditions and three levels of shading (2, 43, and 85% ambient irradiance). Symbiont densities, mitotic indices, photophysiology and pigments were assessed at three time points during the summer, a period of high irradiance and solar heating during aerial exposure. Whereas S. muscatinei was either neutrally or positively affected by higher irradiance treatments, E. marina responded mostly negatively to high irradiance. E. marina in the 85% irradiance treatment exhibited significantly reduced Pmax and chlorophyll early in the summer, but it was not until nearly 3 months later that a shift in symbiont relative abundance toward S. muscatinei occurred, coincident with bleaching. Symbiont densities and proportions remained largely stable in all other treatments over time, and displacement of S. muscatinei by E. marina was not observed in the 2% irradiance treatment despite the potentially better performance of E. marina. While our results support the view that rapid changes in symbiont relative abundance are typically associated with symbiont physiological dysfunction and bleaching, they also show that significant temporal lags may occur between the onset of symbiont stress and shifts in symbiont relative abundances.  相似文献   

Facultative symbionts can represent important sources of adaptation for their insect hosts and thus have the potential for rapid spread. Drosophila neotestacea harbours a heritable symbiont, Spiroplasma, that confers protection against parasitic nematodes. We previously found a cline in Spiroplasma prevalence across central Canada, ending abruptly at the Rocky Mountains. Resampling these populations 9 years later revealed that Spiroplasma had increased substantially across the region, resembling a Fisherian wave of advance. Associations between Spiroplasma infection and host mitochondrial DNA indicate that the increase was due to local increase of Spiroplasma‐infected flies. Finally, we detected Spiroplasma west of the Rocky Mountains for the first time and showed that defence against nematodes occurs in flies with a western genetic background. Because nematode infection is common throughout D. neotestacea's range, we expect Spiroplasma to spread to the Pacific coast.  相似文献   

A defining feature of the nutritional ecology of plant sap‐feeding insects is that the dietary deficit of essential amino acids (EAAs) in plant sap is supplemented by EAA‐provisioning microbial symbionts in the insect. Here, we demonstrated substantial variation in the nutritional phenotype of 208 genotypes of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum collected from a natural population. Specifically, the genotypes varied in performance (larval growth rates) on four test diets lacking the EAAs arginine, histidine and methionine or aromatic EAAs (phenylalanine and tryptophan), relative to the diet containing all EAAs. These data indicate that EAA supply from the symbiotic bacteria Buchnera can meet total aphid nutritional demand for only a subset of the EAA/aphid genotype combinations. We then correlated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) identified in the aphid and Buchnera genomes by reduced genome sequencing against aphid performance for each EAA deletion diet. This yielded significant associations between performance on the histidine‐free diet and Buchnera SNPs, including metabolism genes predicted to influence histidine biosynthesis. Aphid genetic correlates of performance were obtained for all four deletion diets, with associations on the arginine‐free diet and aromatic‐free diets dominated by genes functioning in the regulation of metabolic and cellular processes. The specific aphid genes associated with performance on different EAA deletion diets are largely nonoverlapping, indicating some independence in the regulatory circuits determining aphid phenotype for the different EAAs. This study demonstrates how variation in the phenotype of associations collected from natural populations can be applied to elucidate the genetic basis of ecologically important traits in systems intractable to traditional forward/reverse genetic techniques.  相似文献   

Reef‐building corals are at risk of extinction from ocean warming. While some corals can enhance their thermal limits by associating with dinoflagellate photosymbionts of superior stress tolerance, the extent to which symbiont communities will reorganize under increased warming pressure remains unclear. Here we show that corals in the hottest reefs in the world in the Persian Gulf maintain associations with the same symbionts across 1.5 years despite extreme seasonal warming and acute heat stress (≥35°C). Persian Gulf corals predominantly associated with Cladocopium (clade C) and most also hosted Symbiodinium (clade A) and/or Durusdinium (clade D). This is in contrast to the neighbouring and milder Oman Sea, where corals associated with Durusdinium and only a minority hosted background levels of Cladocopium. During acute heat stress, the higher prevalence of Symbiodinium and Durusdinium in bleached versus nonbleached Persian Gulf corals indicates that genotypes of these background genera did not confer bleaching resistance. Within symbiont genera, the majority of ITS2 rDNA type profiles were unique to their respective coral species, confirming the existence of host‐specific symbiont lineages. Notably, further differentiation among Persian Gulf sites demonstrates that symbiont populations are either isolated or specialized over tens to hundreds of kilometres. Thermal tolerance across coral species was associated with the prevalence of a single ITS2 intragenomic sequence variant (C3gulf), definitive of the Cladocopium thermophilum group. The abundance of C3gulf was highest in bleaching‐resistant corals and at warmer sites, potentially indicating a specific symbiont genotype (or set of genotypes) that may play a role in thermal tolerance that warrants further investigation. Together, our findings indicate that co‐evolution of host–Symbiodiniaceae partnerships favours fidelity rather than flexibility in extreme environments and under future warming.  相似文献   

In lichen symbiosis, fungal and algal partners form close associations, often codispersed by vegetative propagules. Due to the particular interdependence, processes such as colonization, dispersal or genetic drift are expected to result in congruent patterns of genetic structure in the symbionts. To study the population structure of an obligate symbiotic system in Europe, we genotyped the fungal and algal symbionts of the epiphytic lichen Lobaria pulmonaria at eight and seven microsatellite loci, respectively, and analysed about 4300 L. pulmonaria thalli from 142 populations from the species' European distribution range. Based on a centroid approach, which localizes centres of genetic differentiation with a high frequency of geographically restricted alleles, we identified the South Italy–Balkan region as the primary glacial refugial area of the lichen symbiosis. Procrustean rotation analysis and a distance congruence test between the fungal and algal population graphs indicated general concordance between the phylogeographies of the symbionts. The incongruent patterns found in areas of postglacial recolonization may show the presence of an additional refugial area for the fungal symbiont, and the impact that horizontal photobiont transmission and different mutation rates of the symbionts have on their genotypic associations at a continental scale.  相似文献   

Animals often engage in mutualistic associations with microorganisms that protect them from predation, parasitism or pathogen infection. Studies of these interactions in insects have mostly focussed on the direct effects of symbiont infection on natural enemies without studying community‐wide effects. Here, we explore the effect of a defensive symbiont on population dynamics and species extinctions in an experimental community composed of three aphid species and their associated specialist parasitoids. We found that introducing a bacterial symbiont with a protective (but not a non‐protective) phenotype into one aphid species led to it being able to escape from its natural enemy and increase in density. This changed the relative density of the three aphid species which resulted in the extinction of the two other parasitoid species. Our results show that defensive symbionts can cause extinction cascades in experimental communities and so may play a significant role in the stability of consumer‐herbivore communities in the field.  相似文献   

Arthropods commonly carry maternally inherited intracellular bacterial symbionts that may profoundly influence host biology and evolution. The intracellular symbiont Rickettsia sp. nr. bellii swept rapidly into populations of the sweetpotato whitefly Bemisia tabaci in the south‐western USA. Previous laboratory experiments showed female‐bias and fitness benefits were associated with Rickettsia infection, potentially explaining the high frequencies of infection observed in field populations, but the effects varied with whitefly genetic line. Here, we explored whether host extranuclear or nuclear genes influenced the variation in the Rickettsia–host phenotype in two genetic lines of the whitefly host, each with Rickettsia‐infected and uninfected sublines. Introgression between the Rickettsia‐infected subline of one genetic line and the Rickettsia‐uninfected subline of the other was used to create two new sublines, each with the maternally inherited extranuclear genetic lineages of one line (Rickettsia, two other symbionts and the mitochondria) and the nuclear genotype of the other. Performance assays comparing the original and new lines showed that in addition to Rickettsia, the interaction of Rickettsia infection with host nuclear genotype influenced development time and the sex ratio of the progeny, whereas the extranuclear genotype did not. Host nuclear genotype, but not extranuclear genotype, also influenced the titre of Rickettsia. Our results support the hypothesis that differences in host nuclear genotype alone may explain considerable within‐population variation in host–symbiont phenotype and may contribute to the observed variation in Rickettsia–whitefly interactions worldwide.  相似文献   

Ninety‐two strains of Microcoleus vaginatus (=nomenclatural‐type species of the genus Microcoleus Desmazières ex Gomont) and Phormidium autumnale Trevisan ex Gomont from a wide diversity of regions and biotopes were examined using a combination of morphological and molecular methods. Phylogenies based on the 16S rDNA and 16S‐23S ITS (partial) demonstrated that the 92 strains, together with a number of strains in GenBank, were members of a highly supported monophyletic clade of strains (Bayesian posterior probability = 1.0) distant from the species‐cluster containing the generitype of Phormidium. Similarity of the 16S rRNA gene exceeded 95.5% among all members of the Microcoleus clade, but was less than 95% between any Microcoleus strains and species outside of the clade (e.g., Phormidium sensu stricto). These findings, which are in agreement with earlier studies on these taxa, necessitate the revision of Microcoleus to include P. autumnale. Furthermore, the cluster of Phormidium species in the P. autumnale group (known as Group VII) must be moved into Microcoleus as well, and these nomenclatural transfers are included in this study. The main diacritical characters defining Microcoleus are related to the cytomorphology of trichomes, including: narrowed trichome ends, calyptra, cells shorter than wide up to more or less isodiametric, and facultative presence of sheaths. The majority of species are 4–10 μm in diameter. The possession of multiple trichomes in a common sheath is present facultatively in many but not all species.  相似文献   

Bacterial symbionts are important fitness determinants of insects. Some hosts have independently acquired taxonomically related microbes to meet similar challenges, but whether distantly related hosts that live in tight symbiosis can maintain similar microbial communities has not been investigated. Varying degrees of nest sharing between Megalomyrmex social parasites (Solenopsidini) and their fungus‐growing ant hosts (Attini) from the genera Cyphomyrmex, Trachymyrmex and Sericomyrmex allowed us to address this question, as both ant lineages rely on the same fungal diet, interact in varying intensities and are distantly related. We used tag‐encoded FLX 454 pyrosequencing and diagnostic PCR to map bacterial symbiont diversity across the Megalomyrmex phylogenetic tree, which also contains free‐living generalist predators. We show that social parasites and hosts share a subset of bacterial symbionts, primarily consisting of Entomoplasmatales, Bartonellaceae, Acinetobacter, Wolbachia and Pseudonocardia and that Entomoplasmatales and Bartonellaceae can co‐infect specifically associated combinations of hosts and social parasites with identical 16S rRNA genotypes. We reconstructed in more detail the population‐level infection dynamics for Entomoplasmatales and Bartonellaceae in Megalomyrmex symmetochus guest ants and their Sericomyrmex amabilis hosts. We further assessed the stability of the bacterial communities through a diet manipulation experiment and evaluated possible transmission modes in shared nests such as consumption of the same fungus garden food, eating of host brood by social parasites, trophallaxis and grooming interactions between the ants, or parallel acquisition from the same nest environment. Our results imply that cohabiting ant social parasites and hosts may obtain functional benefits from bacterial symbiont transfer even when they are not closely related.  相似文献   

Prokaryotic Nostoc, one of the world's most conspicuous and widespread algal genera (similar to eukaryotic algae, plants, and animals) is known to support a microbiome that influences host ecological roles. Past taxonomic characterizations of surface microbiota (epimicrobiota) of free‐living Nostoc sampled from freshwater systems employed 16S rRNA genes, typically amplicons. We compared taxa identified from 16S, 18S, 23S, and 28S rRNA gene sequences filtered from shotgun metagenomic sequence and used microscopy to illuminate epimicrobiota diversity for Nostoc sampled from a wetland in the northern Chilean Altiplano. Phylogenetic analysis and rRNA gene sequence abundance estimates indicated that the host was related to Nostoc punctiforme PCC 73102. Epimicrobiota were inferred to include 18 epicyanobacterial genera or uncultured taxa, six epieukaryotic algal genera, and 66 anoxygenic bacterial genera, all having average genomic coverage ≥90X. The epicyanobacteria Geitlerinemia, Oscillatoria, Phormidium, and an uncultured taxon were detected only by 16S rRNA gene; Gloeobacter and Pseudanabaena were detected using 16S and 23S; and Phormididesmis, Neosynechococcus, Symphothece, Aphanizomenon, Nodularia, Spirulina, Nodosilinea, Synechococcus, Cyanobium, and Anabaena (the latter corroborated by microscopy), plus two uncultured cyanobacterial taxa (JSC12, O77) were detected only by 23S rRNA gene sequences. Three chlamydomonad and two heterotrophic stramenopiles genera were inferred from 18S; the streptophyte green alga Chaetosphaeridium globosum was detected by microscopy and 28S rRNA genes, but not 18S rRNA genes. Overall, >60% of epimicrobial taxa were detected by markers other than 16S rRNA genes. Some algal taxa observed microscopically were not detected from sequence data. Results indicate that multiple taxonomic markers derived from metagenomic sequence data and microscopy increase epimicrobiota detection.  相似文献   

Spatially intimate symbioses, such as those between scleractinian corals and unicellular algae belonging to the genus Symbiodinium, can potentially adapt to changes in the environment by altering the taxonomic composition of their endosymbiont communities. We quantified the spatial relationship between the cumulative frequency of thermal stress anomalies (TSAs) and the taxonomic composition of Symbiodinium in the corals Montipora capitata, Porites lobata, and Porites compressa across the Hawaiian archipelago. Specifically, we investigated whether thermally tolerant clade D Symbiodinium was in greater abundance in corals from sites with high frequencies of TSAs. We recovered 2305 Symbiodinium ITS2 sequences from 242 coral colonies in lagoonal reef habitats at Pearl and Hermes Atoll, French Frigate Shoals, and Kaneohe Bay, Oahu in 2007. Sequences were grouped into 26 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) with 12 OTUs associated with Montipora and 21 with Porites. Both coral genera associated with Symbiodinium in clade C, and these co‐occurred with clade D in M. capitata and clade G in P. lobata. The latter represents the first report of clade G Symbiodinium in P. lobata. In M. capitata (but not Porites spp.), there was a significant correlation between the presence of Symbiodinium in clade D and a thermal history characterized by high cumulative frequency of TSAs. The endogenous community composition of Symbiodinium and an association with clade D symbionts after long‐term thermal disturbance appear strongly dependent on the taxa of the coral host.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding aims to develop an efficient tool for species identification based on short and standardized DNA sequences. In this study, the DNA barcode paradigm was tested among the genera of the tribe Sisyrinchieae (Iridoideae). Sisyrinchium, with more than 77% of the species richness in the tribe, is a taxonomically complex genus. A total of 185 samples belonging to 98 species of Sisyrinchium, Olsynium, Orthrosanthus and Solenomelus were tested using matK, trnHpsbA and internal transcribed spacer (ITS). Candidate DNA barcodes were analysed either as single markers or in combination. Detection of a barcoding gap, similarity‐based methods and tree‐based analyses were used to assess the discrimination efficiency of DNA barcodes. The levels of species identification obtained from plastid barcodes were low and ranged from 17.35% to 20.41% for matK and 5.11% to 7.14% for trnH‐psbA. The ITS provided better results with 30.61–38.78% of species identified. The analyses of the combined data sets did not result in a significant improvement in the discrimination rate. Among the tree‐based methods, the best taxonomic resolution was obtained with Bayesian inference, particularly when the three data sets were combined. The study illustrates the difficulties for DNA barcoding to identify species in evolutionary complex lineages. Plastid markers are not recommended for barcoding Sisyrinchium due to the low discrimination power observed. ITS gave better results and may be used as a starting point for species identification.  相似文献   

Marine microbes encounter a myriad of biotic and abiotic factors that can impact fitness by limiting their range and capacity to move between habitats. This is especially true for environmentally transmitted bacteria that cycle between their hosts and the surrounding habitat. As geologic history, biogeography, and other factors such as water temperature, salinity, and physical barriers can inhibit bacterial movement to novel environments, we chose to examine the genetic architecture of Euprymna albatrossae (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) and their Vibrio fischeri symbionts in the Philippine archipelago using a combined phylogeographic approach. Eleven separate sites in the Philippine islands were examined using haplotype estimates that were examined via nested clade analysis to determine the relationship between E. albatrossae and V. fischeri populations and their geographic location. Identical analyses of molecular variance (AMOVA) were used to estimate variation within and between populations for host and symbiont genetic data. Host animals demonstrated a significant amount of variation within island groups, while symbiont variation was found within individual populations. Nested clade phylogenetic analysis revealed that hosts and symbionts may have colonized this area at different times, with a sudden change in habitat. Additionally, host data indicate restricted gene flow, whereas symbionts show range expansion, followed by periodic restriction to genetic flow. These differences between host and symbiont networks indicate that factors “outside the squid” influence distribution of Philippine V. fischeri. Our results shed light on how geography and changing environmental factors can impact marine symbiotic associations at both local and global scales.  相似文献   

The green algal genus Ostreobium is an important symbiont of corals, playing roles in reef decalcification and providing photosynthates to the coral during bleaching events. A chloroplast genome of a cultured strain of Ostreobium was available, but low taxon sampling and Ostreobium's early‐branching nature left doubt about its phylogenetic position. Here, we generate and describe chloroplast genomes from four Ostreobium strains as well as Avrainvillea mazei and Neomeris sp., strategically sampled early‐branching lineages in the Bryopsidales and Dasycladales respectively. At 80,584 bp, the chloroplast genome of Ostreobium sp. HV05042 is the most compact yet found in the Ulvophyceae. The Avrainvillea chloroplast genome is ~94 kbp and contains introns in infA and cysT that have nearly complete sequence identity except for an open reading frame (ORF) in infA that is not present in cysT. In line with other bryopsidalean species, it also contains regions with possibly bacteria‐derived ORFs. The Neomeris data did not assemble into a canonical circular chloroplast genome but a large number of contigs containing fragments of chloroplast genes and showing evidence of long introns and intergenic regions, and the Neomeris chloroplast genome size was estimated to exceed 1.87 Mb. Chloroplast phylogenomics and 18S nrDNA data showed strong support for the Ostreobium lineage being sister to the remaining Bryopsidales. There were differences in branch support when outgroups were varied, but the overall support for the placement of Ostreobium was strong. These results permitted us to validate two suborders and introduce a third, the Ostreobineae.  相似文献   

Virus particles of approximately 740–760 nm in length and 13 nm in diameter were observed from a diseased Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco) plant in Sichuan Province, China. The complete genomic sequence of the virus isolate XC1 was determined to contain 9659 nucleotides without 3′ terminal poly(A) tail. XC1 has a genome typical of members of the genus Potyvirus, encoding a large polyprotein of 3075 amino acids. Putative proteolytic cleavage sites and a number of well characterized functional motifs were identified by sequence comparisons with those of known potyviruses. Sequence comparison revealed that XC1 shared the highest level of nucleotide sequence identity (76.5%) with Wild tomato mosaic virus (WTMV). Phylogenetic analysis showed that XC1 was closely related to the WTMV Guangdong isolate with an identity of 94.3% between CP gene sequence of the two viruses. We thus named XC1 WTMV‐XC‐1 as a novel isolate of WTMV. The full sequence of WTMV‐XC‐1 may serve as a basis for future investigations on the gene diversity of WTMV.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships in the family Delphinidae have been widely debated. We examined 347 skulls of Tursiops, Stenella, Delphinus, Steno, Lagenodelphis, and Sousa in order to resolve the phylogenetic position of Australian species of Tursiops. Five Tursiops type specimens were included. Cranial morphology was described using 2‐dimensional (2‐D) and 3‐dimensional geometric morphometrics (3‐GM), counts and categorical data. Analyses showed a clear morphological separation of Tursiops, including type specimens, from other genera. The three Stenella species did not cluster together. Stenella attenuata clustered with Delphinus delphis, and Stenella coeruleoalba with Lagenodelphis hosei. Length and width of the skull and rostrum were important discriminators in both methods. For 3‐D data, round vs. angular posterior skull shape distinguished some genera. Taxa that overlapped in the multivariate analyses had different mean tooth counts. Our study challenges genetic studies that identified Tursiops as polyphyletic, with T. aduncus closer to S. attenuata.  相似文献   

Beneficial eukaryotic–bacterial partnerships are integral to animal and plant evolution. Understanding the density regulation mechanisms behind bacterial symbiosis is essential to elucidating the functional balance between hosts and symbionts. Citrus mealybugs, Planococcus citri (Risso), present an excellent model system for investigating the mechanisms of symbiont density regulation. They contain two obligate nutritional symbionts, Moranella endobia, which resides inside Tremblaya princeps, which has been maternally transmitted for 100–200 million years. We investigate whether host genotype may influence symbiont density by crossing mealybugs from two inbred laboratory‐reared populations that differ substantially in their symbiont density to create hybrids. The density of the M. endobia symbiont in the hybrid hosts matched that of the maternal parent population, in keeping with density being determined either by the symbiont or the maternal genotype. However, the density of the T. princeps symbiont was influenced by the paternal host genotype. The greater dependency of T. princeps on its host may be due to its highly reduced genome. The decoupling of T. princeps and M. endobia densities, in spite of their intimate association, suggests that distinct regulatory mechanisms can be at work in symbiotic partnerships, even when they are obligate and mutualistic.  相似文献   

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