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The concentration of triarimol giving ca 50% inhibition of growth was different for each of 3 species of Chlorella [C. emersonii, 1 mg/l. (1.5 × 10?6 M), C. ellipsoidea 10 mg/l. (3 × 10?5 M), C. sorokiniana, 2 mg/l. (6 × 10?6 M)]. The total lipid of 3 species of Chlorella grown in a culture medium containing triarimol were analysed for chlorophyll, fatty acids and sterol composition. Growth rates were studied in the presence of different concentrations of triarimol. The growth rates of the 3 species were differentially inhibited by triarimol. The growth of Chlorella sorokiniana was 50% inhibited by 2 mg/l. triarimol but 20 mg/l. did not produce a cessation of growth. The greatest inhibition of growth rates and chlorophyll content was observed in Chlorella emersonii. The quantity of unsaturated fatty acids was increased by triarimol treatment in all 3 species of Chlorella. Triarimol strongly inhibited 14α-demethylation in Chlorella emersonii, and C. ellipsoidea and less in C. sorokiniana, resulting in accumulation of 14α-methyl sterols. Triarimol also inhibited the second alkylation of the side chain in C. ellipsoidea and C. emersonii. The introduction of the 22-double bond was inhibited in all 3 species of Chlorella studied. Although some differences were apparent, the effect of triarimol was quite similar to that of triparanol and AY-9944 in these 3 species of Chlorella.  相似文献   

Bramble suspension cultures normally contain Δ5 sterols (sitosterol, campesterol, and isofucosterol). When the cells were grown in a medium supplemented with AY-9944, their content of Δ5 sterols was greatly decreased and Δ8 sterols accumulated. Six Δ8 sterols, including three new compounds, (24R)-24-ethyl-5α-cholest-8-en-3β-ol, stigmasta-8,Z-24(28)-dien-3β-ol, and 4α-methyl-stigmasta-8,Z-24(28)-dien-3β-ol, were identified. AY-9944 probably inhibited the Δ8→Δ7 isomerase. A stable cell line growing permanently in an AY-supplemented medium was obtained.  相似文献   

Bramble suspension cultures normally contain Δ5-sterols (sitosterol, campesterol and isofucosterol). When the cells were grown in a medium supplemented with fenarimol, 14α-methyl sterols accumulated. Eight 14α-methyl sterols, including two new compounds, 4α,14α-dimethyl-stigmasta-8,Z-24(28)-dien-3β-ol and 14α-methyl-stigmasta-8,Z-24(28)-dien-3β-ol, were identified. Fenarimol probably inhibited the 14α-methyl demethylation. Cell lines growing permanently in 2 fenarimol-supplemented medium were obtained.  相似文献   

The incorporation of radioactivity into sterols by transmethylation of methionine-[14C-methyl] was studied in mung bean hypocotyl sections. Young hypocotyl sections (1 cm) synthesized 4 times more radioactive sterols than older sections (5 cm). The transmethylation reactions may be rate limiting in older tissues. Wounding has only a quantitative effect on sterol biosynthesis, as seen by incorporation experiments with MVA-[2-14C]. Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) stimulates sterol biosynthesis in both wounded surfaces and intact tissues of mung bean hypocotyl sections.  相似文献   

Locereol (4α-methylcholesta-8,14-dien-3β-ol) and 5α-cholesta-8,14-dien-3β-ol, not previously isolated from plants, 24-methylenelophenol, lathosterol, 5α-campest -7-en-3β-ol and spinasterol are present in senita cactusin addition to the lophenol and schottenol described previously.  相似文献   

《Cell calcium》2015,58(5-6):376-384
Atypical absence epilepsy (AAE) is an intractable disorder characterized by slow spike-and-wave discharges in electroencephalograms (EEGs) and accompanied by severe cognitive dysfunction and neurodevelopmental or neurological deficits in humans. Administration of the cholesterol biosynthesis inhibitor AY-9944 (AY) during the postnatal developmental period induces AAE in animals; however, the neural mechanism of seizure development remains largely unknown. In this study, we characterized the cellular manifestations of AY-induced AAE in the mouse. Treatment of brain slices with AY increased membrane excitability of hippocampal CA1 neurons. AY treatment also increased input resistance of CA1 neurons during early postnatal days (PND) 5–10. However, these effects were not observed during late PND (14–21) or in adulthood (7–10 weeks). Notably, AY treatment elicited paroxysmal depolarizing shift (PDS)-like epileptiform discharges during the early postnatal period, but not during late PND or in adults. The PDS-like events were not compromised by application of glutamate or GABA receptor antagonists. However, the PDS-like events were abolished by blockage of voltage-gated Na+ channels. Hippocampal neurons isolated from an in vivo AY model of AAE showed similar PDS-like epileptiform discharges. Further, AY-treated neurons from T-type Ca2+ channel α1G knockout (Cav3.1−/−) mice, which do not exhibit typical absence seizures, showed similar PDS-like epileptiform discharges. These results demonstrate that PDS-like epileptiform discharges during the early postnatal period are dependent upon Na+ channels and are involved in the generation of AY-induced AAE, which is distinct from typical absence epilepsy. Our findings may aid our understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms of clinical AAE in individuals, such as those with Lennox–Gastaut syndrome.  相似文献   

Flowers of Calendula officinalis were incubated with mevalonic acid doubly labelled with 14C in position 2 and 3H in positions 2R, 2S, 4R or 5R,S and the [3H/14C] ratios determined in squalene β-sitosterol, stigmasterol, Δ7-sterols and stigmastan-3 β-ol. The results indicated that in the biosynthesis of these sterols: formation of the Δ7 double bond is associated with elimination of hydrogen from the 7β position, formation of the Δ5 double bond with elimination of hydrogens from the 5 and 6α positions, and formation of the Δ22 double bond with elimination of the 22-pro-S and 23 hydrogens. Demethylation in position 4 is associated with elimination of hydrogen from the 3α position whereas demethylation in position 14 occurs without hydrogen loss from position 15. Alkylation in position 24 is associated with hydrogen elimination from this position.  相似文献   

Free and conjugated sterols of endosperm, coats, scutellum, coleoptile and roots have been analysed at different germination stages in two wheat cultivars with different endosperm sterol phenotypes. It seems that sterol metabolism of the developing tissues, namely coleoptile and roots, is not affected by the sterol conjugation profile of the endosperm. Enough sterol is present in the mature embryo to supply the germinating axis during the observation period (144 hr at 16°). The data suggest that sterol is transferred from scutellum to coleoptile and roots during germination.  相似文献   

Amo 1618 inhibited the incorporation of MVA-[2-14C] into sterols (in particular the 4-desmethylsterols) and promoted its accumulation in squalene-2,-3epoxide in intact seedlings, tissues from treated seedlings, and sub-cellular, membraneous fractions of treated 21-day-old tobacco seedlings. The stem tissues appeared to have a greater sterol requirement (on a per gram fresh weight basis) than leaf tissues and incorporation of radioactivity into stem sterols was more susceptible to inhibition by Amo 1618 than incorporation into leaf tissue.  相似文献   

Naphthalene acetic acid increased the sterol content of mung bean hypocotyl sections mainly in the zone of elongation growth. The increased sterol synthesis can be explained by a stimulated conversion rate of cycloartenol into sterols. During the 20-hr incubation period the stigmasterol: sitosterol ratio increased considerably.  相似文献   

The sterol fractions of different morphological and physiological parts of etiolated Mung bean seedlings have been studied. Young growing tissues conta  相似文献   

甾醇(sterol)是植物细胞膜结构和天然植物激素的重要组成成分。甾醇糖基转移酶(sterol glycosyltransferases,SGTs)作为糖基转移酶一号家族(GT family 1)较为保守的一支,是一类参与甾醇下游修饰的酶,具有调控植物初期生长发育、信号转导、次生代谢产物合成以及响应生物、非生物胁迫等生物学功能。本文主要综述了SGTs在植物生长调控、生物合成、早期发育研究的进展,最后讨论了甾醇糖基转移酶在工业生产药用活性分子方面的前景和主要限制,旨在为更深入开展甾醇糖基转移酶的研究和应用提供参考。  相似文献   

In N-sufficient cells of Chlorella sorokiniana Shihira and Krauss strain 211/8K (CCAP of Cambridge University), assimilation of ammonium was strictly dependent on light and CO2, and was severely inhibited by 100 μ M atrazine or 10 μ M 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1, l-dimethylurea (DCMU). In N-limited cells, assimilation of NH4+ took place at similar rates in both light and darkness, which were 1.6-fold higher than the rate of light-dependent assimilation by N-sufficient cells. Assimilation by N-limited cells was inhibited by l -methionine- dl -sulfoximine (MSX), but not by atrazine or DCMU.
The rate of photosynthetic O2 evolution was 2.9±0.9 mmol ml−1 packed cell volume (PCV) h−1 in N-sufficient cells, and 0.64±0.12 mmol ml−1 PCV h−1 in N-limited cells. In the latter resupply of ammonium resulted in a rapid activation by 22%;, followed by a time-dependent increase of the photosynthetic O2 evolution, which after 12 h reached the same rate as in N-sufficient cells.
Respiratory consumption of oxygen in darkness in N-sufficient and N-limited cells was 0.10±0.03 and 0.11±0.02 mmol ml−1 PCV h−1, respectively. Addition of ammonium was without effect on respiration of N-sufficient cells, but resulted in a 4-fold stimulation of respiration of N-limited cells. Such stimulation took place also in cells treated with DCMU, atrazine, or MSX, and it was also promoted by methylammonium. The stimulation of respiration lasted for several hours.  相似文献   

The use of metabolic inhibitors indicated that ethylene-enhancement of light-induced anthocyanin biosynthesis in Sorghum vulgare is through promotion of enzyme synthesis. Ethylene treatment had no effect on the amount of cyanidin synthesized in sorghum tissue infiltrated with actinomycin D to inhibit RNA synthesis. Treatment of sorghum tissue with ethylene in the dark for 24 hr prior to light-induction of anthocyanin biosynthesis reduced the ability of cycloheximide to inhibit anthocyanin formation in the tissue. Ethylene treatment promoted the biosynthesis of two 3-deoxyanthocyanidins in sorghum for which light-induced RNA synthesis is not necessary.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of sterols from mevalonate by a cell free extract prepared from actively growing tuber portions and leader shoots with young leaves of Dioscorea floribunda has been demonstrated. The preparation was capable of synthesizing 86.4 μg and 34.0 1£g of sterols from leader shoots with young leaves and actively growing tuber portions respectively. The cofactor requirement for the above system was also studied.  相似文献   

24-Dihydrolanosterol-[2-3H] was converted to cholesterol in Chlorella ellipsoidea but ergost-5-enol, poriferasterol, clionasterol were not labelled. The absence of the necessary 24(25) double bond precursor eliminates the possibility of C28 and C29 sterol synthesis. However, it was confirmed that 24-dihydrolanosterol was metabolized by Ochromonas malhamensis to give cholesterol, brassicasterol, and poriferasterol.  相似文献   

Cycloartenol derivatives are present in the non-photosynthetic parasitic plants Cuscuta europaea (dodder), Cuscuta epithymum and Orobanche lutea (broomrape). C.europaea and O.lutea are capable of biosynthesizing their own sterols. There is therefore no direct link, in a chlorophyll-containing phylum, between the cycloartenol pathway to sterols and photosynthesis.  相似文献   

A cell-free enzyme preparation of P. blakesleeanus has been shown to possess phosphatidylcholine: sterol acyltransferase, sterol ester hydrolase an  相似文献   

Sterols were present in neither of two representative species of photosynthetic bacteria, Rhodopseudomonas spheroides and Chromatium vinosum. These organisms were grown under conditions commonly viewed as anaerobic. However, such conditions did not prevent Saccharomyces cerevisiae from biosynthesizing sterols, although they did induce accumulation of both 4,4-dimethyl and 4-desmethyl intermediates. Since the photosynthetic organisms did not biosynthesize sterols, bacterial photosynthesis must not be mated genetically or functionally to sterol biosynthesis. In contrast to what the literature records, Escherichia coli, grown under fully aerobic conditions, also failed to contain sterols which indicates that bacterial aerobiosis does not necessarily imply either the presence of sterol biosynthesis or a requirement for an exogenous source of sterols. Among the lipids of E. coli was a substance with the formula C16H32O2 which moved in silica gel TLC at a rate similar to that of sterols and may have been a keto-alcohol of the same formula already isolated from coliforms. In the photosynthetic bacteria the major neutral lipid after saponification was phytol, in agreement with expectation based on the presence of bacteriochlorophyll-a.  相似文献   

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