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Atlantic cod displays a range of phenotypic and genotypic variations, which includes the differentiation into coastal stationary and offshore migratory types of cod that co‐occur in several parts of its distribution range and are often sympatric on the spawning grounds. Differentiation of these ecotypes may involve both historical separation and adaptation to ecologically distinct environments, the genetic basis of which is now beginning to be unravelled. Genomic analyses based on recent sequencing advances are able to document genomic divergence in more detail and may facilitate the exploration of causes and consequences of genome‐wide patterns. We examined genomic divergence between the stationary and migratory types of cod in the Northeast Atlantic, using next‐generation sequencing of pooled DNA from each of two population samples. Sequence data was mapped to the published cod genome sequence, arranged in more than 6000 scaffolds (611 Mb). We identified 25 divergent scaffolds (26 Mb) with a higher than average gene density, against a backdrop of overall moderate genomic differentiation. Previous findings of localized genomic divergence in three linkage groups were confirmed, including a large (15 Mb) genomic region, which seems to be uniquely involved in the divergence of migratory and stationary cod. The results of the pooled sequencing approach support and extend recent findings based on single‐nucleotide polymorphism markers and suggest a high degree of reproductive isolation between stationary and migratory cod in the North‐east Atlantic.  相似文献   

Several reviews in the past decade have heralded the benefits of embracing high‐throughput sequencing technologies to inform conservation policy and the management of threatened species, but few have offered practical advice on how to expedite the transition from conservation genetics to conservation genomics. Here, we argue that an effective and efficient way to navigate this transition is to capitalize on emerging synergies between conservation genetics and primary industry (e.g., agriculture, fisheries, forestry and horticulture). Here, we demonstrate how building strong relationships between conservation geneticists and primary industry scientists is leading to mutually‐beneficial outcomes for both disciplines. Based on our collective experience as collaborative New Zealand‐based scientists, we also provide insight for forging these cross‐sector relationships.  相似文献   

  • Cardamom has long been used as a food flavouring agent and in ayurvedic medicines for mouth ulcers, digestive problems and even depression. Extensive occurrence of pests and diseases adversely affect its cultivation and result in substantial reductions in total production and productivity. Numerous studies revealed the significant role of miRNAs in plant biotic stress responses.
  • In the current study, miRNA profiling of cultivar and wild cardamom genotypes was performed using an Ion Proton sequencer.
  • We identified 161 potential miRNAs representing 42 families, including monocot/tissue‐specific and 14 novel miRNAs in both genotypes. Significant differences in miRNA family abundance between the libraries were observed in read frequencies. A total of 19 miRNAs (from known miRNAs) displayed a twofold difference in expression between wild and cultivar genotypes. We found 1168 unique potential targets for 40 known miRNA families in wild and 1025 potential targets for 42 known miRNA families in cultivar genotypes. The differential expression analysis revealed that most miRNAs identified were highly expressed in cultivars and, furthermore, lower expression of miR169 and higher expression of miR529 in wild cardamom proved evidence that wild genotypes have stronger drought stress tolerance and floral development than cultivars.
  • Potential targets predicted for the newly identified miRNAs from the miRNA libraries of wild and cultivar cardamom genotypes involved in metabolic and developmental processes and in response to various stimuli. qRT‐PCR confirmed miRNAs were differentially expressed between wild and cultivar genotypes. Furthermore, four target genes were validated experimentally to confirm miRNA–mRNA target pairing using RNA ligase‐mediated 5′ Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends (5′RLM‐RACE) PCR.

Some species of sea urchins feature large variation in pigmentation. This variability may be the result of phenotypic plasticity or it may be associated with genetic divergence between morphs. Paracentrotus gaimardi exhibits five colour morphs (pink, brown, green, grey and black), which often occur side by side on the same rock. We studied genetic divergence between these morphs in three populations on the coast of Brazil. A fragment of the region encoding the mitochondrial ATPase 8 and 6 mitochondrial genes, a fragment of the intron of a nuclear histone and the entire nuclear gene coding for the sperm protein bindin were analysed. Mitochondrial DNA was differentiated between the pink and all other morphs, but the histone intron was similar in all colour morphs. In bindin, nine codons were found to be under positive selection and significant differences of allelic frequencies were observed in almost all pairwise comparisons between colour morphs. Although the molecular differentiation in bindin is not large enough to suggest reproductive isolation, some degree of assortative mating within morphs seems to be occurring in this species.  相似文献   

Not long ago, scientists paid dearly in time, money and skill for every nucleotide that they sequenced. Today, DNA sequencing technologies epitomize the slogan ‘faster, easier, cheaper and more’, and in many ways, sequencing an entire genome has become routine, even for the smallest laboratory groups. This is especially true for mitochondrial and plastid genomes. Given their relatively small sizes and high copy numbers per cell, organelle DNAs are currently among the most highly sequenced kind of chromosome. But accurately characterizing an organelle genome and the information it encodes can require much more than DNA sequencing and bioinformatics analyses. Organelle genomes can be surprisingly complex and can exhibit convoluted and unconventional modes of gene expression. Unravelling this complexity can demand a wide assortment of experiments, from pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis to Southern and Northern blots to RNA analyses. Here, we show that it is exactly these types of ‘complementary’ analyses that are often lacking from contemporary organelle genome papers, particularly short ‘genome announcement’ articles. Consequently, crucial and interesting features of organelle chromosomes are going undescribed, which could ultimately lead to a poor understanding and even a misrepresentation of these genomes and the genes they express. High‐throughput sequencing and bioinformatics have made it easy to sequence and assemble entire chromosomes, but they should not be used as a substitute for or at the expense of other types of genomic characterization methods.  相似文献   

Pine cones that remain closed and retain seeds until fire causes the cones to open (cone serotiny) represent a key adaptive trait in a variety of pine species. In lodgepole pine, there is substantial geographical variation in serotiny across the Rocky Mountain region. This variation in serotiny has evolved as a result of geographically divergent selection, with consequences that extend to forest communities and ecosystems. An understanding of the genetic architecture of this trait is of interest owing to the wide-reaching ecological consequences of serotiny and also because of the repeated evolution of the trait across the genus. Here, we present and utilize an inexpensive and time-effective method for generating population genomic data. The method uses restriction enzymes and PCR amplification to generate a library of fragments that can be sequenced with a high level of multiplexing. We obtained data for more than 95,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms across 98 serotinous and nonserotinous lodgepole pines from three populations. We used a Bayesian generalized linear model (GLM) to test for an association between genotypic variation at these loci and serotiny. The probability of serotiny varied by genotype at 11 loci, and the association between genotype and serotiny at these loci was consistent in each of the three populations of pines. Genetic variation across these 11 loci explained 50% of the phenotypic variation in serotiny. Our results provide a first genome-wide association map of serotiny in pines and demonstrate an inexpensive and efficient method for generating population genomic data.  相似文献   

Parentage analysis is a cornerstone of molecular ecology that has delivered fundamental insights into behaviour, ecology and evolution. Microsatellite markers have long been the king of parentage, their hypervariable nature conferring sufficient power to correctly assign offspring to parents. However, microsatellite markers have seen a sharp decline in use with the rise of next‐generation sequencing technologies, especially in the study of population genetics and local adaptation. The time is ripe to review the current state of parentage analysis and see how it stands to be affected by the emergence of next‐generation sequencing approaches. We find that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), the typical next‐generation sequencing marker, remain underutilized in parentage analysis but are gaining momentum, with 58 SNP‐based parentage analyses published thus far. Many of these papers, particularly the earlier ones, compare the power of SNPs and microsatellites in a parentage context. In virtually every case, SNPs are at least as powerful as microsatellite markers. As few as 100–500 SNPs are sufficient to resolve parentage completely in most situations. We also provide an overview of the analytical programs that are commonly used and compatible with SNP data. As the next‐generation parentage enterprise grows, a reliance on likelihood and Bayesian approaches, as opposed to strict exclusion, will become increasingly important. We discuss some of the caveats surrounding the use of next‐generation sequencing data for parentage analysis and conclude that the future is bright for this important realm of molecular ecology.  相似文献   

The Périgord black truffle (Tuber melanosporum Vittad.), considered a gastronomic delicacy worldwide, is an ectomycorrhizal filamentous fungus that is ecologically important in Mediterranean French, Italian and Spanish woodlands. In this study, we developed a novel resource of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for T. melanosporum using Illumina high‐throughput resequencing. The genome from six T. melanosporum geographical accessions was sequenced to a depth of approximately 20×. These geographical accessions were selected from different populations within the northern and southern regions of the geographical species distribution. Approximately 80% of the reads for each of the six resequenced geographical accessions mapped against the reference T. melanosporum genome assembly, estimating the core genome size of this organism to be approximately 110 Mbp. A total of 442 326 SNPs corresponding to 3540 SNPs/Mbps were identified as being included in all seven genomes. The SNPs occurred more frequently in repeated sequences (85%), although 4501 SNPs were also identified in the coding regions of 2587 genes. Using the ratio of nonsynonymous mutations per nonsynonymous site (pN) to synonymous mutations per synonymous site (pS) and Tajima's D index scanning the whole genome, we were able to identify genomic regions and genes potentially subjected to positive or purifying selection. The SNPs identified represent a valuable resource for future population genetics and genomics studies.  相似文献   

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