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Lysophospholipase was measured in extracts of germinating barley by determining the amount of free [14C]palmitate released from [1-14C] 1-palmitoyl-lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC). Soluble and particulate lysophospholipase activity was measured at 1-day intervals in extracts from the aleurone and endosperm of barley seeds germinated for 8 days. The soluble and particulate activities of the aleurone increase approximately in parallel with one another and after 8 days of germination have 20–30 times more activity than at day 1. The activity profiles and the distribution of the activity between the soluble and particulate forms of lysophospholipase in the endosperm are markedly different. With the exception of the first 2 days when the aleurone activity is low, the endosperm activity is less than that associated with the aleurone. The soluble activity increases during the first 3 days and is more active than that of the aleurone. Thereafter it diminishes and remains low. The particulate enzyme, however, increases dramatically between days 4 and 5 and remains moderately high. The fourth and fifth day represent that stage of germination when starch-bound LPC is released in concert with the increase in amylase activity. It is proposed that it is this particulate form of the endosperm activity which may be responsible for maintaining the level of free LPC low in the endosperm of the germinating seed.  相似文献   

Germination of whole barley seeds for 4 and 6 days followed by measurement of lysophospholipase (lysolecithin acyl hydrolase, LAH) in the embryo-containing and embryo-free halves revealed a gradient of activity between the two halves of the seed. Most of the activity appeared in the embryo-containing half. This gradient decreased slightly in the aleurone and dramatically in the starchy endosperm during the 2 day germination interval. Embryo-containing and embryo-free half seeds of surface sterilized barley were placed separately on sterile agar plates. After 4 and 6 days LAH was observed in both the aleurone and starchy endosperm of the embryo-containing halves. In the embryo-free halves, LAH appeared at low levels in the aleurone and was virtually absent in the starchy endosperm. The scutellum of germinating seeds contains LAH activity. Exposure of embryo-free half seeds to GA3 for 24 hr showed enhancement of acidic and alkaline LAH activities in the aleurone fraction and in the GA3-medium in which the half seeds were treated. The LAH activity of the starchy endosperm of these half seeds was little changed by GA3 treatment. Exposure of isolated aleurones to GA3 for 24 hr resulted in substantial enhancement of acidic and alkaline LAH activities in the bathing medium and in fractions prepared from the aleurone. The physiological significance of the influence of GA3 on LAH activity during barley germination is discussed.  相似文献   

α-Amylase, limit dextrinase and α-glucosidase were induced by gibberellic acid in barley grain from which the embryos had been excised. The responses to different concentrations of gibberellic acid were similar for the three carbohydrases. However α-glucosidase activity increased before the other two enzymes, and a low level of α-glucosidase was found in ungerminated grain. Experiments with cycloheximide and density-labelling in deuterium oxide suggest that the observed increases in activity are the result of de novo protein synthesis. The induction of these enzymes was reduced by pre-incubation in actinomycin D.  相似文献   

Aleurone layers, with testa attached, were prepared from degermed, decorticated barley with the aid of a fungal enzyme preparation. The preparations appeared intact under the scanning electron microscope. By using antibiotics only in an early stage preparations were obtained uncontaminated by micro-organisms and which, when incubated under optimal conditions with gibberellic acid, GA3, produced near-maximal amounts of α-amylase. The enzyme accumulated in the tissue before it was released into the incubation medium. Daily replacement of the incubation medium, containing GA3, depressed the quantity of α-amylase produced. α-Amylase was also produced in response to gibberellins GA1, GA4 and GA7 and, to a much lesser extent, helminthosporol and helminthosporic acid. A range of other substances, reported elsewhere to induce α-amylase formation, failed to do so in these trials. At some concentrations, glutamine marginally enhanced the quantity of enzyme formed during prolonged incubations. It is confirmed that α-glucosidase occurs in the aleurone layer and embryo of ungerminated barley, and increases in amount during germination. GA3 is shown to enhance this increase. When embryos arc burnt, to prevent gibberellin formation, no rise in α-glucosidase levels occurs unless GA3 is supplied to the grains. As the activity of α-glucosidase and other enzymes have been determined as ‘α-amylase’ by some assay methods, their alterations in activity in response to GA3 necessitates a re-evaluation of the evidence for de novo) synthesis of α-amylase in aleurone tissue.  相似文献   

α-Hydroxypyridine methane sulphonic acid (HPMS), isonicotinyl hydrazide (INH) and nialamide inhibit chlorophyll synthesis in etiolated barley leaves exposed to light. HPMS lowered the rate of protochlorophyllide regeneration but had little effect on the synthesis of protochlorophyll (P630) from exogenous δ-aminolaevulinic acid (ALA). The addition of glycine to HPMS treated leaves partially overcame the inhibition of chlorophyll synthesis. Glycine-[14C] was readily incorporated into ALA in dark-grown leaves. HPMS treatment increased the sp. act. of ALA in leaves fed glycine-[14C]. Glycollate oxidation was lower in extracts from HPMS treated leaves. Plants may therefore have two pathways for ALA production with the glutamate pathway becoming more important in conditions where photorespiration is high.  相似文献   

The action of gibberellic acid on wheat aleurone tissue led to reduced levels of free sterols and glycolipids compared with control tissue. Radio-labelled precursors were not incorporated into sterols or glycolipids, although mevalonate and glycerol were incorporated into polyisoprenoid hydrocarbon and phospholipid respectively. It is concluded that sterols and glycolipids are not synthesized in the tissue during germination; this is in contrast to earlier reports of the active, gibberellin-regulated metabolism of phospholipids.  相似文献   

Glutamate dehydrogenase, glutamine synthetase, glutamate synthase, glutamate puruvate transaminase and glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase have been assayed in developing testa-pericarp and endosperm of two wheat varieties, namely Shera (11.6% protein) and C-306 (9.8% protein). On per organ basis, activities of all the enzymes studied, except glutamine synthetase, increased during development. Glutamine synthetase activity decreased during development in the testa-pericarp, whereas, no glutamine synthetase activity could be detected in endosperm of either variety at any stage of development. Compared to testa-pericarp, endosperm had higher activities of glutamate synthase and glutamate pyruvate transaminase. On the whole, enzyme activities in Shera were higher, as compared to C-306. Developmental patterns and relative levels of enzyme activities in the two varieties were more or less the same, when expressed on dry weight basis or as specific activities. The results suggest that ammonia assimilation in developing wheat grain takes place by the glutamate dehydrogenase pathway in the endosperm; and both by the glutamate dehydrogenase and glutamine synthetase—glutamate synthase pathways in the testa-pericarp.  相似文献   

Hexokinase activity was measured in endosperms of shrunken-2 (sh2) and starchy maize. Initial increases in hexokinase were observed for developing endosperms of both genotypes, and the enzyme declined in both as the seeds matured. A higher level of hexokinase was observed in developing sh2 than in starchy endosperm. This difference persisted throughout maturation and occurred also in germinating seeds. Soluble hexokinase activity per endosperm continued to increase in sh2 for about 8 days (22–30 days after pollination) after the enzyme in starchy endosperm had attained maximum activity and begun to decline. Hexokinase was predominantly soluble in both genotypes so the differences observed are not due to altered distribution of enzyme between particulate and soluble fractions.  相似文献   

Decorticated barley grains were germinated at 25° for 6 days, until the endosperm reserves were nearly exhausted. The neutral monosaccharide components of the hydrolysates of the cell walls and gums from the embryo, aleurone layer and starchy endosperm and the endospermic starch were determined at daily intervals. The amount of embryo cell wall polysaccharide increased 40 times and glucose became the major component, followed in abundance by xylose and arabinose. The cell wall and gum polysaccharides of the aleurone layer (plus testa) and the starchy endosperm declined during germination and their compositions altered. The endospermic starch also decreased. In the early stages of germination the apparent composition of the cell walls of the aleurone layer and starchy endosperm depended upon how they had been prepared. After 6 days the cell walls and gums had provided a significant carbohydrate supply to the living tissues, equivalent to 18.5% of the endospermic polysaccharide degraded during growth, starch having provided the remaining 81.5%.  相似文献   

Of a large number of amino acids examined, changes in glycine were the only ones which were correlated with the ability of dark-grown barley leaves to synthesise protochlorophyllide, δ-aminolaevulinic acid and chlorophyll on exposure to light. A rapid depletion was found in endogenous glycine in barley leaves after day 7. Illumination of the leaves increased the rate of glycine depletion. Glycine concentrations were high throughout the young leaf. The top and middle leaf sections however, which had maximal chlorophyll synthesising potential exhibited the most pronounced decrease in glycine as the leaf aged. Using glycine-[14C] pulse techniques the half life of glycine in 7 and 14-day-old dark-grown leaves was 3.5 and 4.4 min respectively. Light treatment lengthened the half life to 6.9 and 12.1 min in 7 day and 14-day-old-leaves. Sustained illumination continued to decrease glycine turnover.  相似文献   

The activities of enzymes catalysing glycollate oxidation, formate production and folate-dependent formate utilization were examined in the primary leaves of Hordeum vulgare cv Galt. Seedlings were grown for 6 days in darkness and then transferred to continuous light (500 μinsteins/m2 per sec) for up to 5 days. Cell-free extracts of the primary leaves contained glycollate oxidase (EC, 10-formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase (EC, 5, 10-methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (EC and ability to enzymically decarboxylate glyoxylate. These activities increased during greening and at the end of the light treatment were 70–450% higher than etiolated controls. Greened primary leaves also incorporated [14C]formate at rates that were three- to four-fold higher than shown by etiolated leaves. The specific activity of 10-formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase was decreased by 20–35% when the leaves were greened in the presence of 10 mM hydroxysulphonate. This inhibitor also reduced the incorporation of [14C]formate by up to 45%. A potential flow of carbon from glycollate to 10-formyltetrahydrofolate via glyoxylate and formate was suggested by the data.  相似文献   

Enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism in developing Hordeum distichum grain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Variations in activity of several enzymes associated with carbohydrate metabolism were recorded during the development of barley endosperm. The enzymes investigated were: sucrose-UDP (ADP) glucosyl transferase; invertase; UDPG (ADPG) pyrophosphorylase; hexokinase; glucose-6-phosphate ketoisomerase; phosphoglucomutase, and nucleosidediphosphokinase.  相似文献   

Incorporation of L-[U-14C] arginine or L-[U-14C] ornithine into putrescine (Put), spermidine (Spd) and spermine (Spm) in embryonectomized barley seeds (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Himalaya) was studied following imbition with methylglyoxal-bis (guanylhydrazone) (MGBG) and abscisic acid (ABA). Both radiolabeled amino acids were incorporated into the amines as a result of active polyamine biosynthesis in the seed during imbibition. In the aleurone layer, the Spd and Spn existed mainly in the free form (acid soluble). However about 50% of Put was recovered in conjugated form(s) (acid insoluble). Imbibition with 5 and 10M ABA for 3 days increased the accumulation of the free form of 14C-Put, probably as a result of inhibition (70%) of 14C-Spd accumulation. The ABA treatment showed no significant effect on levels of the conjugated form of Put and Spd. Imbibition with millimolar concentrations of MGBG resulted in (i) abnormal accumulation of the free form of Put and incorporation of 14C-amino acids into the diamine, (ii) progressive inhibition of the accumulation of the free forms of 14C-Spd and Spm, and (iii) reduction of the 14C incorporation into the conjugated forms of Put and Spd. Uptake of 14C-amino acids was not affected by MGBG treatment. The results indicate that MGBG may inhibit not only the synthesis of Spd and Spm, but the catabolism (e.g. oxidation) of Put in the aleurone layer.This paper is published with the approval of the director of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

“Crude” glutelin was prepared from milled rice (Oryza sativa) flour by sequential extraction of the albumin-globulin fraction with 0.5 M NaCl and prolamin with 70% ethanol-0.6% β-mercaptoethanol. The solvent, 0.5% sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS)-0.6% β-mercaptoethanol, extracted 91% of the endosperm glutelin without gelatinizing starch granules, whereas chaotropic solvents such as urea and guanidine caused extensive gelatinization. The S-cyanoethyl glutelin (Ce-glutelin) prepared by SDS extraction of the “crude” glutelin (9.5% protein) of IR480-5-9 rice gave three major subunits with MW 38000, 25000 and 16000 in the ratio 2:1:1 as determined by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. A similar preparation from “crude” glutelin of a lower protein containing rice had the corresponding subunits in the ratio of 16:3:1. The MW 38000 subunit was unique to glutelin and was not present in C3-albumin-globulin or prolamin; the subunits were only partially purified by SDS Sephadex G-150 gel-filtration. The C3-glutelin was also prepared from a crude glutelin-prolamin preparation from IR480-5-9 by NaOH extractions followed by precipitation at pH 10 and ethanol extraction of the precipitate (C3-glutelin). This preparation had the same three major subunits and in the same ratio as C3-glutelin prepared by the SDS method. The subunits of the former preparation were separated by carboxymethyl Sephadex C-50 chromatography; the MW 38000 subunit eluted between pH 6.2–8.5, the MW 25000 in an impure state at pH values above 9, and the MW 16000 subunit was eluted at pH 8.6—9.2. Amino acid composition of the Ce-glutelin preparations were similar to each other. The MW 38000 and 16000 subunits had lower lysine contents than whole C3-glutelin, whereas the MW 25000 subunit had a higher lysine content.  相似文献   

Naoto Shibuya 《Phytochemistry》1984,23(10):2233-2237
Ferulic acid, p-coumaric acid and diferulic acid were detected in the alkaline extract of rice endosperm cell walls. The amount of each component was estimated as 9.1, 2.5 and 0.56 mg/g cell wall, respectively. Several phenolic-carbohydrate esters were isolated from the enzymatic digest of this cell wall, which included a series of ferulic acid esters of arabinoxylan fragments and also some fractions containing a high proportion of diferulic acid.  相似文献   

Radioactive materials, with low mobilities on PC, occurred in extracts of barley that had been dosed with gibberellic acid ([14C]GA3) before ge  相似文献   

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