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Sequence stretches in proteins that do not fold into a form are referred as disordered regions. Databases like Disport describe disordered regions in proteins and web servers like PrDOS and DisEMBL, facilitate the prediction of disordered regions. These studies are often based on residue level features. Here, we describe proteins with disordered regions using carbon content and distributions. The distribution pattern for proteins with disordered regions is different from those that do not show disordered regions.  相似文献   

Yaroslav Ryabov 《Proteins》2015,83(9):1571-1581
In this work, we formulate a closed‐form solution of the model of a semirigid molecule for the case of fluctuating and reorienting molecular electric dipole moment. We illustrate with numeric calculations the impact of protein domain motions on dielectric spectra using the example of the 128 kDa protein dimer of Enzyme I. We demonstrate that the most drastic effect occurs for situations when the characteristic time of protein domain dynamics is comparable to the time of overall molecular rotational diffusion. We suggest that protein domain motions could be a possible explanation for the high‐frequency contribution that accompanies the major relaxation dispersion peak in the dielectric spectra of protein aqueous solutions. We propose that the presented computational methodology could be used for the simultaneous analysis of dielectric spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance data. Proteins 2015; 83:1571–1581. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase (GS) is the key enzyme responsible for the primary assimilation of ammonium in all living organisms, and it catalyses the synthesis of glutamine from glutamic acid, ATP, and ammonium. One of the recently discovered mechanisms of GS regulation involves protein-protein interactions with a small 65-residue-long protein named IF7. Here, we study the structure and stability of IF7 and its binding properties to GS, by using several biophysical techniques (fluorescence, circular dichroism, Fourier transform infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopies, and gel filtration chromatography) which provide complementary structural information. The findings show that IF7 has a small amount of residual secondary structure, but lacks a well defined tertiary structure, and is not compact. Thus, all of the studies indicate that IF7 is a "natively unfolded" protein. The binding of IF7 to GS, its natural binding partner, occurs with an apparent dissociation constant of K(D) = 0.3 +/- 0.1 microM, as measured by fluorescence. We discuss the implications for the GS regulation mechanisms of IF7 being unfolded.  相似文献   

Intrinsic disorder in cell-signaling and cancer-associated proteins   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The number of intrinsically disordered proteins known to be involved in cell-signaling and regulation is growing rapidly. To test for a generalized involvement of intrinsic disorder in signaling and cancer, we applied a neural network predictor of natural disordered regions (PONDR VL-XT) to four protein datasets: human cancer-associated proteins (HCAP), signaling proteins (AfCS), eukaryotic proteins from SWISS-PROT (EU_SW) and non-homologous protein segments with well-defined (ordered) 3D structure (O_PDB_S25). PONDR VL-XT predicts >or=30 consecutive disordered residues for 79(+/-5)%, 66(+/-6)%, 47(+/-4)% and 13(+/-4)% of the proteins from HCAP, AfCS, EU_SW, and O_PDB_S25, respectively, indicating significantly more intrinsic disorder in cancer-associated and signaling proteins as compared to the two control sets. The disorder analysis was extended to 11 additional functionally diverse categories of human proteins from SWISS-PROT. The proteins involved in metabolism, biosynthesis, and degradation together with kinases, inhibitors, transport, G-protein coupled receptors, and membrane proteins are predicted to have at least twofold less disorder than regulatory, cancer-associated and cytoskeletal proteins. In contrast to 44.5% of the proteins from representative non-membrane categories, just 17.3% of the cancer-associated proteins had sequence alignments with structures in the Protein Data Bank covering at least 75% of their lengths. This relative lack of structural information correlated with the greater amount of predicted disorder in the HCAP dataset. A comparison of disorder predictions with the experimental structural data for a subset of the HCAP proteins indicated good agreement between prediction and observation. Our data suggest that intrinsically unstructured proteins play key roles in cell-signaling, regulation and cancer, where coupled folding and binding is a common mechanism.  相似文献   

Proteins that can interact with multiple partners play central roles in the network of protein-protein interactions. They are called hub proteins, and recently it was suggested that an abundance of intrinsically disordered regions on their surfaces facilitates their binding to multiple partners. However, in those studies, the hub proteins were identified as proteins with multiple partners, regardless of whether the interactions were transient or permanent. As a result, a certain number of hub proteins are subunits of stable multi-subunit proteins, such as supramolecules. It is well known that stable complexes and transient complexes have different structural features, and thus the statistics based on the current definition of hub proteins will hide the true nature of hub proteins. Therefore, in this paper, we first describe a new approach to identify proteins with multiple partners dynamically, using the Protein Data Bank, and then we performed statistical analyses of the structural features of these proteins. We refer to the proteins as transient hub proteins or sociable proteins, to clarify the difference with hub proteins. As a result, we found that the main difference between sociable and nonsociable proteins is not the abundance of disordered regions, in contrast to the previous studies, but rather the structural flexibility of the entire protein. We also found greater predominance of charged and polar residues in sociable proteins than previously reported.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of full-length homotetrameric single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)-binding protein from Escherichia coli (SSB) has been determined to 3.3 A resolution and reveals that the entire C-terminal domain is disordered even in the presence of ssDNA. To our knowledge, this is the first experimental evidence that the C-terminal domain of SSB may be inherently disordered. The N-terminal DNA-binding domain of the protein is well ordered and is virtually indistinguishable from the previously determined structure of the chymotryptic fragment of SSB (SSBc) in complex with ssDNA. The absence of observable interactions with the core protein and the crystal packing of SSB together suggest that the disordered C-terminal domains likely extend laterally away from the DNA- binding domains, which may facilitate interactions with components of the replication machinery in vivo. The structure also reveals the conservation of molecular contacts between successive tetramers mediated by the L(45) loops as seen in two other crystal forms of SSBc, suggesting a possible functional relevance of this interaction.  相似文献   

Beta-turns are sites at which proteins change their overall chain direction, and they occur with high frequency in globular proteins. The Protein Data Bank has many instances of conformations that resemble beta-turns but lack the characteristic N-H(i) --> O=C(i - 3) hydrogen bond of an authentic beta-turn. Here, we identify potential hydrogen-bonded beta-turns in the coil library, a Web-accessible database utility comprised of all residues not in repetitive secondary structure, neither alpha-helix nor beta-sheet (http://www.roselab.jhu.edu/coil). In particular, candidate turns were identified as four-residue segments satisfying highly relaxed geometric criteria but lacking a strictly defined hydrogen bond. Such candidates were then subjected to a minimization protocol to determine whether slight changes in torsion angles are sufficient to shift the conformation into reference-quality geometry without deviating significantly from the original structure. This approach of applying constrained minimization to known structures reveals a substantial population of previously unidentified, stringently defined, hydrogen-bonded beta-turns. In particular, 33% of coil library residues were classified as beta-turns prior to minimization. After minimization, 45% of such residues could be classified as beta-turns, with another 8% in 3(10) helixes (which closely resemble type III beta-turns). Of the remaining coil library residues, 37% have backbone dihedral angles in left-handed polyproline II structure.  相似文献   

The solution structure of the N-terminal domain of the actin-severing protein villin has been determined by multidimensional heteronuclear resonance spectroscopy. Villin is a member of a family of actin-severing proteins that regulate the organization of actin in the eukaryotic cytoskeleton. Members of this family are built from 3 or 6 homologous repeats of a structural domain of approximately 130 amino acids that is unrelated to any previously known structure. The N-terminal domain of villin (14T) contains a central beta-sheet with 4 antiparallel strands and a fifth parallel strand at one edge. This sheet is sandwiched between 2 helices on one side and a 2-stranded parallel beta-sheet with another helix on the other side. The strongly conserved sequence characteristic of the protein family corresponds to internal hydrophobic residues. Calcium titration experiments suggest that there are 2 binding sites for Ca2+, a stronger site near the N-terminal end of the longest helix, with a Kd of 1.8 +/- 0.4 mM, and a weaker site near the C-terminal end of the same helix, with a Kd of 11 +/- 2 mM. Mutational and biochemical studies of this domain in several members of the family suggest that the actin monomer binding site is near the parallel strand at the edge of the central beta-sheet.  相似文献   

Empty "spheroid" of Volvox is compared with biomorph "thread", "disk" and solid "sphere" using such characteristics as topological dimensionality, average distance between cells, mutual remoteness of inner and surface cells, contiguity of cells. It is usually supposed that these parameters are significant for physiological gradients that determine cell specialization. One-dimensional "thread" has the longest physiological communications between cells and the average degree of contiguity about 2 (each cell contacts two neighbors). Biological morph "disk" has a degree about 6, two-side frontal physiological gradient inside the cell, and less expressed inter-cell gradient. Biomorph designated as 3-dimensional solid "sphere" has a degree of contiguity about 12-24, strong radial inter-cell gradient (non-equal conditions for surface and inner layers) and short distances between cells. These parameters favor cell specialization and their integration in multicellular organism. The "sphere" corresponds to hypothetical ancestor of Metazoa - "Metschnikoff's Phagocytella", while the "disk" - to "Placula of Bütschli". Biomorph "spheroid" of Volvox has a degree of contiguity about 6 and continuous tangential inter-cell gradient on noneuclidean surface. Radial gradient is absent here. Due to noneuclidean nature of "spheroid" the distances between cells are longer here than in case of "disc" and "sphere". All cells are under the same conditions for specialization and multiple primary integration. The secondary integration in higher Volvocales (differentiation in somatic and generative hemispheres) was probably caused by directed movement of the whole colony. Specialization of cells in lower invertebrates develops in a way which is characteristic for biomorph "sphere" on the basis of 3-dimensionality. The differentiation of animal and vegetal poles is connected with gastrulation (but not with directed movement as in case of Volvox). Gastrulation through invagination does not comparable with inversion of plate-like embryo of Volvox into "spheroid". Invagination is the transformation of a "bent of sphere", whereas the inversion is the "bent of plate". Independently of particular mechanism gastrulation results in 3-dimensionality (as in case of "sphere"). However the integration of cells in Volvox is explained by special peculiarities of 2-dimensional noneuclidean surface. That's why Volvox cannot be considered as model of ancestor of Metazoa.  相似文献   

Globular proteins are assemblies of alpha-helices and beta-strands, interconnected by reverse turns and longer loops. Most short turns can be classified readily into a limited repertoire of discrete backbone conformations, but the physical-chemical determinants of these distinct conformational basins remain an open question. We investigated this question by exhaustive analysis of all backbone conformations accessible to short chain segments bracketed by either an alpha-helix or a beta-strand (i.e., alpha-segment-alpha, beta-segment-beta, alpha-segment-beta, and beta-segment-alpha) in a nine-state model. We find that each of these four secondary structure environments imposes its own unique steric and hydrogen-bonding constraints on the intervening segment, resulting in a limited repertoire of conformations. In greater detail, an exhaustive set of conformations was generated for short backbone segments having reverse-turn chain topology and bracketed between elements of secondary structure. This set was filtered, and only clash-free, hydrogen-bond-satisfied conformers having reverse-turn topology were retained. The filtered set includes authentic turn conformations, observed in proteins of known structure, but little else. In particular, over 99% of the alternative conformations failed to satisfy at least one criterion and were excluded from the filtered set. Furthermore, almost all of the remaining alternative conformations have close tolerances that would be too tight to accommodate side chains longer than a single beta-carbon. These results provide a molecular explanation for the observation that reverse turns between elements of regular secondary can be classified into a small number of discrete conformations.  相似文献   

All proteins undergo a dramatic change in their dynamical properties at approximately 200 K. Above this temperature, their dynamic behavior is dominated by large-scale collective motions of bonded and nonbonded groups of atoms. At lower temperatures, simple harmonic vibrations predominate. The transition has been described as a 'glass transition' to emphasize certain similarities between the change in dynamic behavior of individual protein molecules and the changes in viscosity and other properties of liquids when they form a glass. The glass transition may reflect the intrinsic temperature dependence of the motions of atoms in the protein itself, in the bound solvent on the surface of the protein, or it may reflect contributions from both. Protein function is significantly altered below this transition temperature; a fact that can be exploited to trap normally unstable intermediates in enzyme-catalyzed reactions and stabilize them for periods long enough to permit their characterization by high-resolution protein crystallography.  相似文献   

The folding of WW domains is rate limited by formation of a beta-hairpin comprising residues from strands 1 and 2. Residues in the turn of this hairpin have reported Phi-values for folding close to 1 and have been proposed to nucleate folding. High Phi-values do not necessarily imply that the energetics of formation are a driving force for initiating folding. We demonstrate by NMR studies and molecular dynamics simulations that the first turn of the hYAP, FBP28, and PIN1 WW domains is structurally dynamic and solvent exposed in the native and folding transition states. It is, therefore, unlikely that the formation of the beta-turn per se provides the energetic driving force for hairpin folding. It is more likely that the turn acts as an easily formed hinge that facilitates the formation of the hairpin; it is a nucleus as defined by the nucleation-condensation mechanism whereby a diffuse nucleus is stabilized by associated interactions.  相似文献   

Here we report a novel domain, MSTF (domain involved in bacterial metallopeptidases, surface proteins and other proteins, also present in mycobacteriophage tape-measure proteins and fungal proteins), which is present in bacteria, phages and fungi. MSTF is about 67-94 amino acids in length with one HxDHxH motif and some highly conserved residues including His, Gly, Ala and Asp. Secondary structure prediction indicated that this domain contains two alpha-helices and one beta-sheet. Identification of MSTF will provide an opportunity to develop new strategies to combat pathogenic microorganisms, especially Mycobacterium tuberculosis.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequences of soluble, ordered proteins with stable structures have evolved due to biological and physical requirements, thus distinguishing them from random sequences. Previous analyses have focused on extracting the features that frequently appear in protein substructures, such as α‐helix and β‐sheet, but the universal features of protein sequences have not been addressed. To clarify the differences between native protein sequences and random sequences, we analyzed 7368 soluble, ordered protein sequences, by inspecting the observed and expected occurrences of 400 amino acid pairs in local proximity, up to 10 residues along the sequence in comparison with their expected occurrence in random sequence. We found the trend that the hydrophobic residue pairs and the polar residue pairs are significantly decreased, whereas the pairs between a hydrophobic residue and a polar residue are increased. This trend was universally observed regardless of the secondary structure content but was not observed in protein sequences that include intrinsically disordered regions, indicating that it can be a general rule of protein foldability. The possible benefits of this rule are discussed from the viewpoints of protein aggregation and disorder, which are both caused by low‐complexity regions of hydrophobic or polar residues.  相似文献   

Monitoring the fluorescence of proteins, particularly the fluorescence of intrinsic tryptophan residues, is a popular method often used in the analysis of unfolding transitions (induced by temperature, chemical denaturant, and pH) in proteins. The tryptophan fluorescence provides several suitable parameters, such as steady‐state fluorescence intensity, apparent quantum yield, mean fluorescence lifetime, position of emission maximum that are often utilized for the observation of the conformational/unfolding transitions of proteins. In addition, the fluorescence intensities ratio at different wavelengths (usually at 330 nm and 350 nm) is becoming an increasingly popular parameter for the evaluation of thermal transitions. We show that, under certain conditions, the use of this parameter for the analysis of unfolding transitions leads to the incorrect determination of thermodynamic parameters characterizing unfolding transitions in proteins (e.g., melting temperature) and, hence, can compromise the hit identification during high‐throughput drug screening campaigns.  相似文献   

A growing number of proteins are being identified that are biologically active though intrinsically disordered, in sharp contrast with the classic notion that proteins require a well-defined globular structure in order to be functional. At the same time recent work showed that aggregation and amyloidosis are initiated in amino acid sequences that have specific physico-chemical properties in terms of secondary structure propensities, hydrophobicity and charge. In intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) such sequences would be almost exclusively solvent-exposed and therefore cause serious solubility problems. Further, some IDPs such as the human prion protein, synuclein and Tau protein are related to major protein conformational diseases. However, this scenario contrasts with the large number of unstructured proteins identified, especially in higher eukaryotes, and the fact that the solubility of these proteins is often particularly good. We have used the algorithm TANGO to compare the beta aggregation tendency of a set of globular proteins derived from SCOP and a set of 296 experimentally verified, non-redundant IDPs but also with a set of IDPs predicted by the algorithms DisEMBL and GlobPlot. Our analysis shows that the beta-aggregation propensity of all-alpha, all-beta and mixed alpha/beta globular proteins as well as membrane-associated proteins is fairly similar. This illustrates firstly that globular structures possess an appreciable amount of structural frustration and secondly that beta-aggregation is not determined by hydrophobicity and beta-sheet propensity alone. We also show that globular proteins contain almost three times as much aggregation nucleating regions as IDPs and that the formation of highly structured globular proteins comes at the cost of a higher beta-aggregation propensity because both structure and aggregation obey very similar physico-chemical constraints. Finally, we discuss the fact that although IDPs have a much lower aggregation propensity than globular proteins, this does not necessarily mean that they have a lower potential for amyloidosis.  相似文献   

Characterization of disordered regions in globular proteins constitutes a significant challenge. Here, we report an approach based on 13C‐detected nuclear magnetic resonance experiments for the identification and assignment of disordered regions in large proteins. Using this method, we demonstrate that disordered fragments can be accurately identified in two homologs of menin, a globular protein with a molecular weight over 50 kDa. Our work provides an efficient way to characterize disordered fragments in globular proteins for structural biology applications.  相似文献   

Intrinsic disorder (ID) in proteins has been extensively described for the last decade; a large‐scale classification of ID in proteins is mostly missing. Here, we provide an extensive analysis of ID in the protein universe on the UniProt database derived from sequence‐based predictions in MobiDB. Almost half the sequences contain an ID region of at least five residues. About 9% of proteins have a long ID region of over 20 residues which are more abundant in Eukaryotic organisms and most frequently cover less than 20% of the sequence. A small subset of about 67,000 (out of over 80 million) proteins is fully disordered and mostly found in Viruses. Most proteins have only one ID, with short ID evenly distributed along the sequence and long ID overrepresented in the center. The charged residue composition of Das and Pappu was used to classify ID proteins by structural propensities and corresponding functional enrichment. Swollen Coils seem to be used mainly as structural components and in biosynthesis in both Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes. In Bacteria, they are confined in the nucleoid and in Viruses provide DNA binding function. Coils & Hairpins seem to be specialized in ribosome binding and methylation activities. Globules & Tadpoles bind antigens in Eukaryotes but are involved in killing other organisms and cytolysis in Bacteria. The Undefined class is used by Bacteria to bind toxic substances and mediate transport and movement between and within organisms in Viruses. Fully disordered proteins behave similarly, but are enriched for glycine residues and extracellular structures.  相似文献   

The solution conformation of three peptides corresponding to the two beta-hairpins and the alpha-helix of the protein L B1 domain have been analyzed by circular dichroism (CD) and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR). In aqueous solution, the three peptides show low populations of native and non-native locally folded structures, but no well-defined hairpin or helix structures are formed. In 30% aqueous trifluoroethanol (TFE), the peptide corresponding to the alpha-helix adopts a high populated helical conformation three residues longer than in the protein. The hairpin peptides aggregate in TFE, and no significant conformational change occurs in the NMR observable fraction of molecules. These results indicate that the helical peptide has a significant intrinsic tendency to adopt its native structure and that the hairpin sequences seem to be selected as non-helical. This suggests that these sequences favor the structure finally attained in the protein, but the contribution of the local interactions alone is not enough to drive the formation of a detectable population of native secondary structures. This pattern of secondary structure tendencies is different to those observed in two structurally related proteins: ubiquitin and the protein G B1 domain. The only common feature is a certain propensity of the helical segments to form the native structure. These results indicate that for a protein to fold, there is no need for large native-like secondary structure propensities, although a minimum tendency to avoid non-native structures and to favor native ones could be required.  相似文献   

Histone H1-like amino acid extensions have been described at the amino terminus of Drosophila RpL22 and RpL23a, and at the carboxyl terminus of mosquito ribosomal protein RpS6. An in silico search suggested that RpL23a, but not RpL22, in Anopheles gambiae has an amino-terminal extension. Because low complexity amino acid extensions are not common on eukaryotic ribosomal proteins, and their functions are unknown, we cloned cDNAs encoding RpL23a from Aedes albopictus and Anopheles stephensi mosquito cell lines. RpL23a proteins in Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes are rich in lysine (approximately 25%), alanine (approximately 21%), and proline (approximately 8%), have a mass of approximately 40 kDa, a pI of 11.4 to 11.5, and contain an N-terminal extension of approximately 260 amino acid residues. The N-terminal extension in mosquito RpL23a is about 100 amino acids longer than that in the Drosophila RpL23a homolog, and contains several repeated amino acid motifs. Analysis of exon-intron organization in the An. gambiae and in D. melanogaster genes suggests that a short first exon encodes a series of 11 amino acid residues conserved in RpL23a proteins from Drosophila, mosquitoes, and the moth, Bombyx mori. The histone H1-like sequence in RpL23a is encoded entirely within the second exon. The C-terminal 126 amino acid residues of the RpL23a protein, encoded by exon 3 in Drosophila, and by exons 3 and 4 in Anopheles gambiae, are well conserved, and correspond to Escherichia coli RpL23 with the addition of the eukaryotic N-terminal nuclear localization sequence. Sequence comparisons indicate that the histone H1-like extensions on mosquito RpS6 and RpL23a have evolved independently of each other, and of histone H1 proteins.  相似文献   

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