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In situ hybridization is an important tool for analyzing gene expression and developing hypotheses about gene functions. The discovery of hundreds of microRNA (miRNA) genes in animals has provided new challenges for analyzing gene expression and functions. The small size of the mature miRNAs ( approximately 20-24 nucleotides in length) presents difficulties for conventional in situ hybridization methods. However, we have described a modified in situ hybridization method for detection of mammalian miRNAs in tissue sections, based upon the use of RNA oligonucleotide probes in combination with highly specific wash conditions. Here, we present detailed procedures for detection of miRNAs in tissue sections or cultured cells. The methods described can utilize either nonradioactive hapten-conjugated probes that are detected by enzyme-coupled antibodies, or radioactively labeled probes that are detected by autoradiography. The ability to visualize miRNA expression patterns in tissue sections provides an additional tool for the analyses of miRNA expression and function. In addition, the use of radioactively labeled probes should facilitate quantitative analyses of changes in miRNA gene expression.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor beta (FGF-beta) is a potent mitogenic and angiogenic factor produced by a large number of normal and transformed cells. In this paper we report a new application of the in situ hybridization procedure which has allowed the detection of FGF-beta mRNA in chondrosarcoma cells using 35S-labelled synthetic oligonucleotide probes.  相似文献   

A mathematical model based on receptor-ligand interactions at a cell surface has been modified and further developed to represent heterogeneous DNA-DNA hybridization on a solid surface. The immobilized DNA molecules with known sequences are called probes, and the DNA molecules in solution with unknown sequences are called targets in this model. Capture of the perfectly complementary target is modeled as a combined reaction-diffusion limited irreversible reaction. In the model, there are two different mechanisms by which targets can hybridize with the complementary probes: direct hybridization from the solution and hybridization by molecules that adsorb nonspecifically and then surface diffuse to the probe. The results indicate that nonspecific adsorption of single-stranded DNA on the surface and subsequent two-dimensional diffusion can significantly enhance the overall reaction rate. Heterogeneous hybridization depends strongly on the rate constants for DNA adsorption/desorption in the non-probe-covered regions of the surface, the two-dimensional (2D) diffusion coefficient, and the size of probes and targets. The model shows that the overall kinetics of DNA hybridization to DNA on a solid support may be an extremely efficient process for physically realistic 2D diffusion coefficients, target concentrations, and surface probe densities. The implication for design and operation of a DNA hybridization surface is that there is an optimal surface probe density when 2D diffusion occurs; values above that optimum do not increase the capture rate. Our model predicts capture rates in agreement with those from recent experimental literature. The results of our analysis predict that several things can be done to improve heterogeneous hybridization: 1) the solution phase target molecules should be about 100 bases or less in size to speed solution-phase and surface diffusion; 2) conditions should be created such that reversible adsorption and two-dimensional diffusion occur in the surface regions between DNA probe molecules; 3) provided that 2) is satisfied, one can achieve results with a sparse probe coverage that are equal to or better than those obtained with a surface totally covered with DNA probes.  相似文献   

Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase was used to add labeled dAMP residues to the 3' end of oligonucleotide probes that hybridize to the 5' end of the neomycin phosphotransferase II gene. Southern hybridization conditions were described in which the sensitivity per unit of exposure time was about 30-fold greater for the tailed probe as compared to the 5'-end-labeled probe. The tailed oligonucleotide probe had the sensitivity per unit of exposure time comparable to that of a nick-translated probe of high specific activity: in 3 h of autoradiographic exposure both easily detected an amount of target equivalent to a single-copy gene in 10 micrograms of human DNA. The thermal dissociation profiles of 5'-end-labeled and tailed oligonucleotide probes were virtually identical and the tailed oligonucleotide probe was as allele specific as the 5'-end-labeled oligonucleotide probe. The useful lifetime of a 32P-tailed probe was about 1-2 weeks. Finally, by adding 50 35S-labeled nucleotides to the 3' end, we prepared a stable oligonucleotide probe with a sensitivity per unit of exposure time comparable to that of the unstable 5'-32P-labeled oligonucleotide probe.  相似文献   

Huan B  Van Atta R  Cheng P  Wood ML  Zychlinsky E  Albagli D 《BioTechniques》2000,28(2):254-5, 258-60
In situ hybridization techniques have been an important research tool since first introduced 30 years ago, and more recently clinical applications have been expanding greatly. Still, further improvements in the assay sensitivity and protocols that are amenable to routine clinical use are desired. We use a novel photo-cross-linking technology to irreversibly bind short oligonucleotide probes to the target sequence following a hybridization period. The cross-linking agent is incorporated into the backbone of the probe and is activated to react with pyrimidines in the opposite strand by near-UV (300-370 nm) irradiation. By locking the probe to the target, very stringent wash conditions can be used that would otherwise completely remove probes that are hybridized but not cross-linked to the target. Consequently, the probe-specific signal is maximized, while the background signal is minimized to the greatest extent possible with the stringency of the wash. The use of short, photo-cross-linkable probes presents a new strategy for maximizing the sensitivity of probe hybridization or signal amplification-based in situ techniques.  相似文献   

Two new oligonucleotide probes targeting the 16S rRNA of the methanogenic genus Methanosarcina were developed. The probes have the following sequences (Escherichia coli numbering): probe SARCI551, 5'-GAC CCAATAATCACGATCAC-3', and probe SARCI645, 5'-TCCCGGTTCCAAGTCTGGC-3'. In situ hybridization with the fluorescently labelled probes required several modifications of standard procedures. Cells of Methanosarcina mazeii S-6 were found to lyse during the hybridization step if fixed in 3% formaldehyde and stored in 50% ethanol. Lysis was, however, not observed with cells fixed and stored in 1.6% formaldehyde-0.85% NaCl. Extensive autofluorescence of the cells was found upon hybridization in the presence of 5 mM EDTA, but successful hybridization could be obtained without addition of this compound. The mounting agent Citifluor AF1, often used in conjugation with the fluorochrome fluorescein, was found to wash the labelled probes out of the cells. Stable labelling could be obtained with rhodamine-labelled probes when the specimen was mounted in immersion oil, and high hybridization intensities of the Methanosarcina cells were found even in the presence of biomass from an anaerobic reactor. The inherent high autofluorescence of the biomass could be lowered by use of a highly specific narrow-band filter. The probes were found to be specific for Methanosarcina and useful for detection of this genus in samples from anaerobic reactors.  相似文献   

Specific sequences of 23S rRNA of Lactococcus lactis, Enterococcus faecalis, Enteroccus faecium, and Enterococcus malodoratus/Enterococcus avium were identified, and complementary oligonucleotide probes were synthesized. The specificity of the probes was evaluated by dot blot and colony hybridizations. The probes can be used for the specific detection and identification of colonies of the corresponding species in mixed cultures.  相似文献   

Gene expression analysis by means of microarrays is based on the sequence-specific binding of RNA to DNA oligonucleotide probes and its measurement using fluorescent labels. The binding of RNA fragments involving sequences other than the intended target is problematic because it adds a chemical background to the signal, which is not related to the expression degree of the target gene. The article presents a molecular signature of specific and nonspecific hybridization with potential consequences for gene expression analysis. We analyzed the signal intensities of perfect match (PM) and mismatch (MM) probes of GeneChip microarrays to specify the effect of specific and nonspecific hybridization. We found that these events give rise to different relations between the PM and MM intensities as function of the middle base of the PM, namely a triplet-like (C > G approximately T > A > 0) and a duplet-like (C approximately T > 0 > G approximately A) pattern of the PM-MM log-intensity difference upon binding of specific and nonspecific RNA fragments, respectively. The systematic behavior of the intensity difference can be rationalized on the level of basepairings of DNA/RNA oligonucleotide duplexes in the middle of the probe sequence. Nonspecific binding is characterized by the reversal of the central Watson-Crick (WC) pairing for each PM/MM probe pair, whereas specific binding refers to the combination of a WC and a self-complementary (SC) pairing in PM and MM probes, respectively. The Gibbs free energy contribution of WC pairs to duplex stability is asymmetric for purines and pyrimidines of the PM and decreases according to C > G approximately T > A. SC pairings on the average only weakly contribute to duplex stability. The intensity of complementary MM introduces a systematic source of variation which decreases the precision of expression measures based on the MM intensities.  相似文献   

Synthetic DNA probes attached to microarrays usually range in length from 25 to 70 nucleotides. There is a compromise between short probes with lower sensitivity, which can be accurately synthesized in higher yields, and long probes with greater sensitivity but lower synthesis yields. Described here are microarrays printed with spots containing a mixture of two short probes, each designed to hybridize at noncontiguous sites in the same targeted sequence. We have shown that, for a printed microarray, mixed probe spots containing a pair of 30mers show significantly greater hybridization than spots containing a single 30mer and can approach the amount of hybridization to spots containing a 60mer or a 70mer. These spots with mixed oligonucleotide probes display cooperative hybridization signals greater than those that can be achieved by either probe alone. Both the higher synthesis yields of short probes and the greater sensitivity of long oligonucleotides can be utilized. This strategy provides new design options for microarray hybridization assays to detect RNA abundance, RNA splice variants, or sequence polymorphisms.  相似文献   

The effects have been examined of different methods and regimens for tissue fixation, preservation, permeabilization and immunostaining of different mRNAs detected by in situ hybridization in paraffin-embedded samples. The three main hormone mRNAs expressed in the thyro–parathyroid glands, namely thyroglobulin, calcitonin and parathyroid hormone mRNAs, were chosen as the target nucleic acid sequences to be detected using digoxigenin-labelled probes. Our results suggest that chemical fixation and permeabilization of tissue samples are restrictive steps. Thus, paraformaldehyde fixation provides excellent signal intensities and non-detectable background levels whereas routine formalin and Bouin's solution give unsatisfactory results. A clear linear correlation was also found between signal intensity and proteinase K permeabilization. Moreover, the optimization of immunohistochemical steps, such as anti-digoxigenin antibody concentration and colour development times, enhance the intensity and specificity of hybrid signals. Furthermore, our results show that, in contrast to some data in the literature, paraffin-embedded tissue is suitable for detection of mRNAs by in situ hybridization. It gives equivalent intensities of specific signal and superior histological and cellular resolutions when compared to cryopreserved tissue.  相似文献   

Among the modern molecular techniques for the identification of microorganisms the most straightforward way is through direct hybridization with rRNA/rDNA targeted probes. In this study, the optimization of the experimental procedures for the reverse hybridization technique in 96-well microplates is described using both synthetic model oligonucleotides (18 b) and amplified DNA (app. 4500 bp). Three different types of plates were compared (Maxi Sorp, NucleoLink, CovaLink). Plates made from nonchemically modified polystyrene which are conventionally used in immunoassays (MaxiSorp) proved to be an economic alternative for plates offering chemically modified tailor-made surfaces. Phosphorylation of the oligonucleotide probe was not necessary for successful immobilization whereas with 5'-terminal hexa-deoxyadenosine tailed capture oligonucleotides an enhanced sensitivity of the assay was observed. Variation of the stringency by adjusting different concentrations of formamide during the washing step ensures high probe specificity and therefore allows reliable identification of the microorganisms. The assay can be performed in less than 4 hours using pre-coated plates which can be stored for several weeks. After dissociation of the target DNA/capture probe duplex with an alkaline denaturing solution rehybridization is possible.  相似文献   

We recently described a nonradioactive method for in situ hybridization with 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU) labelled oligonucleotide probes. An antibody to BrdU and immunocytochemistry were used in order to detect the hybridization signal. We have now applied this method to semithin Epon sections, in order to hybridize consecutive sections through single cells with different probes and to stain them with antibodies to neuropeptides. It could be shown that Epon embedding reserves mRNA well. In the present study we used a BrdU labelled synthetic oligonucleotide probe complementary to a fragment of the vasopressin precursor and an antibody to Arg-vasopressin. Vasopressin mRNA was demonstrable in a fraction of the vasopressin immunoreactive neurons in the magnocellular nuclei. In addition some of the magnocellular neurons showed either hybridization or vasopressin immunostaining only, perhaps indicating different stages of synthetic and secretory activity. The method described seems to be a valuable tool for studying synthetic activity in peptidergic neurons on a single cell level. The method might also have potential for in situ hybridization on the electron-microscopical level.  相似文献   

Summary We recently described a nonradioactive method for in situ hybridization with 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU) labelled oligonucleotide probes. An antibody to BrdU and immunocytochemistry were used in order to detect the hybridization signal. We have now applied this method to semithin Epon sections, in order to hybridize consecutive sections through single cells with different probes and to stain them with antibodies to neuropeptides. It could be shown that Epon embedding preserves mRNA well. In the present study we used a BrdU labelled synthetic oligonucleotide probe complementary to a fragment of the vasopressin precursor and an antibody to Arg-vasopressin. Vasopressin mRNA was demonstrable in a fraction of the vasopressin immunoreactive neurons in the magnocellular nuclei. In addition some of the magnocellular neurons showed either hybridization or vasopressin immunostaining only, perhaps indicating different stages of synthetic and secretory activity. The method described seems to be a valuable tool for studying synthetic activity in peptidergic neurons on a single cell level. The method might also have potential for in situ hybridization on the electronmicroscopical level.  相似文献   

Respiration of arsenate and selenate by hyperthermophilic archaea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A novel, strictly anaerobic, hyperthermophilic, facultative organotrophic archaeon was isolated from a hot spring at Pisciarelli Solfatara, Naples, Italy. The rod-shaped cells grew chemolithoautotrophically with carbon dioxide as carbon source, hydrogen as electron donor and arsenate, thiosulfate or elemental sulfur as electron acceptor. H2S was formed from sulfur or thiosulfate, arsenite from arsenate. Organotrophically, the new isolate grew optimally in the presence of an inorganic electron acceptor like sulfur, selenate or arsenate. Cultures, grown on arsenate and thiosulfate or arsenate and L-cysteine, precipitated realgar (As2S2). During growth on selenate, elemental selenium was produced. The G+C content of the DNA was 58.3 mol%. Due to 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis combined with physiological and morphological criteria, the new isolate belongs to the Thermoproteales order. It represents a new species within the genus Pyrobaculum, the type species of which we name Pyrobaculum arsenaticum (type strain PZ6*, DSM 13514, ATCC 700994). Comparative studies with different Pyrobaculum-species showed, that Pyrobaculum aerophilum was also able to grow organotrophically under anaerobic culture conditions in the presence of arsenate, selenate and selenite. During growth on selenite, elemental selenium was formed as final product. In contrast to P. arsenaticum, P. aerophilum could use selenate or arsenate for lithoautotrophic growth with carbon dioxide and hydrogen.  相似文献   

Specific sequences of 23S rRNA of Lactococcus lactis, Enterococcus faecalis, Enteroccus faecium, and Enterococcus malodoratus/Enterococcus avium were identified, and complementary oligonucleotide probes were synthesized. The specificity of the probes was evaluated by dot blot and colony hybridizations. The probes can be used for the specific detection and identification of colonies of the corresponding species in mixed cultures.  相似文献   

A reverse probe hybridization method using two different Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific rpoB DNA probes in combination was evaluated for the identification of M. tuberculosis culture isolates. Among the 384 isolates tested, 354 strains were identified as M. tuberculosis, which included 37 rifampin-resistant strains, and 30 were nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM). This result was in accord with partial rpoB sequence analysis and IS6110 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) results, but not with the results of biochemical testing, which produced two false negative results. Because of its high level of sensitivity and specificity, we suggest that M. tuberculosis-specific rpoB probes immobilized on micro-titer well plates or on other solid matrixes can be used efficiently for the rapid and convenient identification of M. tuberculosis.  相似文献   

We have developed in situ hybridization methodology for nonisotopically labeled oligonucleotide probes to detect cellular mRNA with improved speed, convenience, and resolution over previous techniques. Previous work using isotopically labeled oligonucleotide probes characterized important parameters for in situ hybridization (Anal Biochem 166:389, 1987). Eleven oligonucleotide probes were made to coding and noncoding regions of chick beta-actin mRNA and one oligonucleotide probe to chick alpha-cardiac actin mRNA. All the probes were 3' end-labeled with bio-11-dUTP using terminal transferase, and the labeled probes were hybridized to chicken myoblast and myotube cultures. The hybridized probe was detected using a streptavidin-alkaline phosphatase conjugate. Our assay for the success of probe hybridization and detection was the demonstration of beta-actin mRNA highly localized in the lamellipodia of single cells (Lawrence and Singer, Cell 45:407, 1986) as well as the expression of alpha-cardiac actin mRNA and the repression of beta-actin mRNA in differentiating myoblasts and in myotubes. With the alpha-cardiac probe, we found that this mRNA was distributed all over the cytoplasm of myotubes and differentiated (bipolar) single cells and negative in undifferentiated single cells and at the ends of myotubes. When beta-actin probes were used, two of 11 probes were highly sensitive, and, in pooling them together, the localization of beta-actin mRNA in fibroblastic single cells was evident at the leading edge of the motile cells, the lamellipodium. beta-Actin mRNA was not detected in myotubes except at the ends where contact was made with substrate. This indicates that both beta and cardiac actin mRNA can coexist in the same myotube cytoplasm but at different locations.  相似文献   

The use of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in conjunction with flow cytometry is a popular method of analysing environmental microbial populations. However, false-positive results can be produced if the specificity of oligonucleotide probe binding is not considered. An aim of this research was to evaluate the specificity of labelled oligonucleotide probe binding in FISH by flow cytometry. An excess of unlabelled probe was used to competitively inhibit the specific binding of labelled probe. Comparisons were made between the mean cell fluorescence and the number of fluorescently stained cells in a pure culture of Escherichia coli ATCC 53323. Specific binding of species-specific probes for the detection of E. coli was in the range 47–70% of total binding. A eukaryote probe and a nonsense probe, used as negative controls, had no specific binding with cells of E. coli. The significance of the results obtained is that the enumeration of specifically probe-bound microbial cells by FISH and flow cytometry must be made by an application of labelled and unlabelled probes to distinguish specifically stained cells. This is also a more practical method for the analysis of environmental samples compared to washing of excess non-specifically bound probe, due to the reduction of cell loss from the analysis.  相似文献   

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