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Chloroplast DNA polymorphisms were analysed to infer the post-glacial history of Nothofagus nervosa (Phil.) Dim. et Mil., a species endemic to South American Temperate Forests. Two hypotheses were postulated to explain the current distribution of the species in relation to the refugia proposed after palynological studies and the time elapsed since Last Glacial Maximum. If refugia were located only in the Coastal Mountains, as pollen records suggests, long-distance dispersal events should be invoked to explain the current occurrence of the species in southern latitudes. The alternative hypothesis is the existence of cryptic refugia in southern latitudes. A total of 26 populations covering the entire geographical range of the species in Chile and Argentina were analysed through PCR–RFLP. Five haplotypes were identified, and a very low intrapopulation variation was observed together with a high gene differentiation (G ST=0.93). The haplotypes showed a highly structured geographic distribution, separating populations located in the Pacific Coastal Mountains from those coming from the easterly located Andes Mountains. Moreover, among the populations of the Andes Mountains a north–south variation in the distribution of haplotypes was found. The results strongly suggest the persistence of the species in several ice-age refugia. The possible location of such refugia is discussed in combination with the available palynological data.  相似文献   

Aim The distribution of the genetic variation in long‐lived species is a combination of both, historical and current processes. In Nothofagus nervosa (Phil.) Dim. et Mil., the possible existence of multiple glacial refugia, the unidirectional gene flow along fragmented areas and the natural hybridization with the related species Nothofagus obliqua (Mirb.) Oerst. highlights as the most important factors responsible for modelling its genetic structure. The present study aims to find out the relative importance of these evolutionary processes in determining the distribution pattern of the genetic variation in N. nervosa. Location The study was carried out in north‐western Patagonia, Argentina. Twenty populations covering the entire distribution range of N. nervosa in Argentina were analysed. For comparison purposes, three populations from Chile were also included. Methods Genetic variation was detected using isozyme gene markers; diversity and differentiation parameters were calculated. A cluster analysis was performed and the correlation between genetic and geographical distances was tested. Results Levels of genetic variation were relatively high given the small distribution range of the species in Argentina. Genetic and geographical distances were not correlated and a longitudinal trend in the genetic variation was evident. Hotspots of diversity with rare and private alleles were observed among western populations, while hybrid seeds were found almost exclusively among eastern populations. Main conclusions The higher level of diversity observed in western populations could be related with the location of glacial refugia. Furthermore, it should also reflect low levels of gene flow given the eastward unidirectional winds. On the contrary, ancient and current interspecific hybridization processes would mainly cause the particular genetic constitution of the eastern populations. Evidence is presented supporting that glaciations and hybridization were the main factors shaping the distribution of the genetic variation in N. nervosa.  相似文献   

A method of field application of strontium chloride (SrCl2) and the assessment of local dispersal of marked Helicoverpa armigera moths in a mark-capture experiment in southern India are described. A 1.7 ha field of pigeonpea sustaining a population of approximately 400,000 larvae was treated with a single application of SrCl2 plus surfactant at 10 kg/ha, using a motorised high volume sprayer. An estimated 50,400 moths emerging over a 20 day period were unequivocally marked with Sr at a marking efficiency of 55%. Catches of moths in an array of 14 battery operated light traps and 29 pheromone traps, up to 3.5 km distant were analysed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Low recaptures of marked moths (7%) in the treated field suggested the rapid exodus of emergent moths, even while the crop remained attractive, and their dilution or replacement by immigrants. The distribution of marked moths in lights and pheromone traps is consistent with a predominantly downwind dispersal close to the ground during the early part of the night and more random movement later on.
Résumé L'exposé concerne une méthode de traitement en champ des chenilles par le chlorure de strontium (SrCl2) et de la mesure de la dispersion locale des papillons marqués de H. armigera Hübner (Lépido.: Noctuida) dans le sud de l'Inde. Un champ de 1,7 ha de C. cajan (cultivar ICPL138) qui hébergeait une population d'environ 400 000 chenilles a été traité en une seule fois avec un pulvérisateur motorisé de forte capacité à raison de 10 kg/ha de SrCl2 additionné de 0,1% Triton X-100 comme surfactant. 55% des 50 400 papillons émergeant sur une période de 20 jours étaient sans ambiguïté marqués au strontium. Les papillons, capturés dans des rangées de 14 pièges lumineux et 33 pièges à phéromones attractifs jusqu'à 3,5 km, ont été examinés au spectrophotomètre à absorption atomique. Les faibles recapturés (7%) dans le champ traité suggèrent un rapide exode des mouches ayant émergé ou leur remplacement par des immigrants. Les captures révèlent, au début de la nuit, une dispersion majoritairement dans le sens du vent, près du sol et, plus tard dans la nuit, un mouvement plus au hasard.

In NW Patagonia, South America, natural shrublands and mixed forests of short Nothofagus antarctica (G. Forst.) Oerst. trees are currently being replaced by plantations with Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb) Franco. This land use change is controversial because the region is prone to drought, and replacement of native vegetation by planted forests may increase vegetation water use. The goal of this study was to examine the physiological differences, especially the response of water flux and canopy conductance to microclimate, that lead to greater water use by exotic trees compared to native trees. Meteorological variables and sapflow density of P. menziesii and four native woody species were measured in the growing season 2005–2006. Canopy conductance (gc) was estimated for both the exotic (monoculture) and native (multi-species) systems, including the individual contributions of each species of the native forest. Sapflow density, stand-level transpiration and gc were related to leaf-to-air vapor pressure difference (VPD). All native species had different magnitudes and diurnal patterns of sapflow density compared to P. menziesii, which could be explained by the different gc responses to VPD. Stomatal sensitivity to VPD suggested that all native species have a stronger stomatal control of leaf water potential and transpiration due to hydraulic limitations compared to P. menziesii. In conclusion, differences in water use between a P. menziesii plantation and a contiguous native mixed forest of similar basal area could be explained by different gc responses to VPD between species (higher sensitivity in the native species), in addition to particular characteristics of the native forest structure.  相似文献   

The Anisophylleaceae comprise 29-34 species of shrubs and trees occurring in lowland forests and swamps in tropical Africa, Asia, and South America. These species are placed in four genera with disjunct geographic distributions; Anisophyllea has 25-30 species in South America, Africa, and Malesia; Combretocarpus has one species in Sumatra and Borneo; Poga one species in equatorial Africa; and Polygonanthus two in the Amazon Basin. Here we use a phylogeny based on six nuclear and plastid loci sequenced for 15 species representing the four genera to infer their relationships and the relative and absolute ages of the range disjunctions. Combretocarpus is sister to the other three genera, and Polygonanthus then sister to Poga and Anisophyllea. Ansiophyllea, represented by 12 species from all three continents, is monophyletic. A relaxed Bayesian clock calibrated with the oldest fossils from a relevant outgroup, Tetramelaceae, suggests that the disjunctions between Combretocarpus, Poga, and Polygonanthus date back to the Cretaceous, Mid-, and Upper Eocene, whereas the intercontinental disjunctions within Anisophyllea appear to date back only some 22-23 million years and thus probably result from long-distance dispersal.  相似文献   

For many plant species in eastern North America, short observed seed dispersal distances (ranging up to a few tens of meters) fail to explain rapid rates of invasion and migration. This discrepancy points to a substantial gap in our knowledge of the mechanisms by which seeds are dispersed long distances. We investigated the potential for white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus Zimm.), the dominant large herbivore in much of eastern North America, to disperse seeds via endozoochory. This is the first comprehensive study of seed dispersal by white-tailed deer, despite a vast body of research on other aspects of their ecology. More than 70 plant species germinated from deer feces collected over a 1-year period in central New York State, USA. Viable seeds included native and alien herbs, shrubs, and trees, including several invasive introduced species, from the full range of habitat types in the local flora. A mean of >30 seeds germinated per fecal pellet group, and seeds were dispersed during all months of the year. A wide variety of presumed dispersal modes were represented (endo- and exozoochory, wind, ballistic, ant, and unassisted). The majority were species with small-seeded fruits having no obvious adaptations for dispersal, underscoring the difficulty of inferring dispersal ability from diaspore morphology. Due to their broad diet, wide-ranging movements, and relatively long gut retention times, white-tailed deer have tremendous potential for effecting long-distance seed dispersal via ingestion and defecation. We conclude that white-tailed deer represent a significant and previously unappreciated vector of seed dispersal across the North American landscape, probably contributing an important long-distance component to the seed shadows of hundreds of plant species, and providing a mechanism to help explain rapid rates of plant migration.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at  相似文献   

Behaviors of 18 species of birds eating fruits of Hippophae rhamnoides spp. sinensis were observed from September 2003 to March 2004. Their foraging patterns were found to be very different and can be divided into five classes: (1) direct swallowing the fruits on crown of the shrubs and sometimes regurgitating seeds soon after; (2) carrying the fruits to their perching sites and swallowing; (3) pecking the fruits from the shrubs to the ground, eating pulp and seeds but leaving pericarp; (4) pecking through the pericarp, eating pulp and leaving pericarp and seeds; (5) pecking through the pericarp on the top of fruits, and only eating seeds. These foraging patterns have different effects on seed dispersal of H. rhamnoides spp. sinensis. The germination experiment of three groups of seeds (seeds from feces, dry fruits and extracted seeds from dry fruits) was carried out. Although ingestion processes of birds had some adverse effects on the seed germination of H. rhamnoides spp. sinensis, the seeds from feces still have a relatively higher germination ratio. H. rhamnoides spp. sinensis provides food to a variety of frugivorous birds, and the birds disperse its seeds. Thus, a mutually beneficial relationship between the bird and the seed is formed. __________ Translated from Chinese Journal of Ecology, 2005, 24(6): 635–638 [译自: 生态学杂志, 2005, 24(6): 635–638]  相似文献   

I. Izhaki  C. Korine  Z. Arad 《Oecologia》1995,101(3):335-342
The fruit-bat Rousettus aegyptiacus (Pteropodidae) in Israel consumes a variety of cultivated and wild fruits. The aim of this study was to explore some of its qualities as a dispersal agent for six fruit-bearing plant species. The feeding roosts of the fruit-bat are located an average of 30 m from its feeding trees and thus the bats disperse the seeds away from the shade of the parent canopy. The bat spits out large seeds but may pass some (2%) of the small seeds (<4 mg) through its digestive tract. However, neither the deposited seeds nor the ejected seeds (except in one case) had a significantly higher percentage germinating than intact seeds. Although the fruit-bat did not increase the percentage germinating, seeds of three plant species subject to different feeding behaviors (deposited in feces or spat out as ejecta) had a different temporal pattern of germination from the intact seeds. The combined seed germination distribution generated by these different treatments is more even over time than for each treatment alone. It is sugested that this increases asynchronous germination and therefore enhances plant fitness by spreading the risks encountered during germination, especially in eastern Mediterranean habitats where the pattern of rainfall is unpredictable.  相似文献   

Summary Gene flow was investigated in a natural population of Lotus corniculatus L. (Fabaceae) using a combination of pollen and seed dispersal studies and a recombinant DNA technique. The population is spatially heterogeneous and grows with Empetrum nigrum. L. corniculatus is pollinated by the pollen-collecting bumblebee Bombus lapidarius L. Most pollinator flights occurred within patches, as bees usually visit nearest-neighbour plants, show no marked directionality, and forage mostly within patches. Gene flow by seeds is also limited, reinforcing the pattern of gene flow within patches. However, 2.6% of pollinator flights are between patches and considerable pollen carryover also occurs. Thus, gene flow between patches is potentially sufficient to retard or prevent genetic differentiation in spite of the patchy sub-structuring of the population. A sub-set of the population was analysed for restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) to document the actual gene flow pattern of the population. The DNA analysis revealed significant levels of genetic differentiation between the patches. The level of gene flow that can be inferred from the distribution of genetic variation is surprisingly restricted, as compared to gene flow inferred from pollinator behaviour, and emphasizes that stochastic processes like genetic drift and founder effects may have a strong impact on the prevailing genetic structure.  相似文献   

A total of 49 groundcover plant species representing 47 genera in 22 families were identified from a survey of 5 pear orchards. Density of twospotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch) inhabiting these plants was estimated visually several times during the field season. Plants were ranked in 1 of 3 categories depending on mite densities found on these plants during the summer. T. urticae was found to be highly abundant (category 3) on 26 species, at lower densities on 10 species (category 2), and was rarely or never found on the remaining 12 species (category 1). Dispersal of mites from groundcover plants into trees was found to be highly variable within and between orchards. Within orchard dispersal appeared to be related to the distribution and abundance of category 3 host plants in the orchard. Variability between orchards may also be affected by groundcover management techniques and levels of acaricide resistance in T. urticae. The use of herbicides to control groundcover plants significantly increased the dispersal of T. urticae into the orchard trees.  相似文献   

Wheat pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) can cause significant reduction in yield and end-use quality of wheat grains in many wheat-growing areas worldwide. To identify a quantitative trait locus (QTL) for PHS resistance in wheat, seed dormancy and sprouting of matured spikes were investigated in a population of 162 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between the white PHS-resistant Chinese landrace Totoumai A and the white PHS-susceptible cultivar Siyang 936. Following screening of 1,125 SSR primers, 236 were found to be polymorphic between parents, and were used to screen the mapping population. Both seed dormancy and PHS of matured spikes were evaluated by the percentage of germinated kernels under controlled moist conditions. Twelve SSR markers associated with both PHS and seed dormancy were located on the long arm of chromosome 4A. One QTL for both seed dormancy and PHS resistance was detected on chromosome 4AL. Two SSR markers, Xbarc 170 and Xgwm 397, are 9.14 cM apart, and flanked the QTL that explained 28.3% of the phenotypic variation for seed dormancy and 30.6% for PHS resistance. This QTL most likely contributed to both long seed dormancy period and enhanced PHS resistance. Therefore, this QTL is most likely responsible for both seed dormancy and PHS resistance. The SSR markers linked to the QTL can be used for marker-assisted selection of PHS-resistant white wheat cultivars. Shi-Bin Cai and Cui-Xia Chen contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Summary The seeds of the halophyte Spergularia marina differ both within and between individuals in that they either possess or lack a membranaceous border. This paper presents a morphological study of the length, weight and area of the seed types, and their dispersal characteristics under experimental conditions of wind and water dispersal. The winged seeds are shown to be larger both by length and by weight. Their rate of descent increases with wing loading. If the wing is lacking, however, the rate of descent increases with weight only. The distance of dispersal is equal for both seed types except at low wind speeds, when the winged seeds disperse farther. If the seed wing is removed, the excised seeds have shorter dispersal distances. When dispersed by water, a difference in the distance seeds are dispersed can only be detected in the presence of vegetation. The winged seeds are more frequently trapped in the vegetation as compared to the unwinged seeds. The hypothesis that the seed dimorphism is an adaptation for differential dispersal distances is discussed.  相似文献   

The role of harvester ants in Mediterranean grassland and scrubland has mostly focused on seed consumption. However, recent studies have reported their role as accidental dispersal agents of some of the collected seeds via refuse piles. The objective of this study is to examine the effect of the ant Messor barbarus on seed availability and dispersal of one of its major diet components, Lavandula stoechas subsp. pedunculata, in scrubland, grassland and the ecotones between them. After confirming and quantifying the Lavandula contribution to M. barbarus diet, we described the spatial and temporal patterns of pre- and post-dispersal seed predation, seed content and seedling occurrence in the refuse piles. Our results show that: (1) Lavandula propagules constitute a high proportion of the prey items collected by M. barbarus, with particularly intense collection activity in mid-summer, spring and autumn, in decreasing order. (2) Pre-dispersal predation rate was significantly higher in the ecotone than in the scrubland (76% and 13.5% of total seed production lost respectively). (3) Season and propagule type (seed vs. fruit) were the most significant variables explaining the post-dispersal predation probability, which approached 100% of seeds after 48 h in mid-summer. (4) Viable Lavandula seeds were found in refuse piles at densities of 0.06–0.2 per g of refuse pile material, or 58.8–207.2 per refuse pile. On the one hand, these results indicate that the ecotones are most affected by M. barbarus pre-dispersal consumption, which may locally limit Lavandula colonisation. On the other hand, the small proportion of consumed seeds that is dispersed to refuse piles may be relevant at the population level, as this dispersal implies arrival at potentially favourable sites for establishment.  相似文献   

Axenically germinated seedlings of two species of Southern beech (Nothofagus obliqua, N. glauca) from Chile were inoculated with spores of the Périgord black truffle (Tuber melanosporum). Ectomycorrhizal development was monitored for 6 months in the greenhouse and compared to the performance of the natural host species Quercus ilex and Quercus robur. Seedling survival and mycorrhization showed major differences in both Nothofagus species: T. melanosporum readily formed ectomycorrhizae with seedlings of N. obliqua, although at a lower rate than with Q. ilex but at a proportion very similar to Q. robur; survival and colonization rates were high, and seedling growth was not visibly affected by the high soil pH required by T. melanosporum. In contrast, more than 50% of N. glauca seedlings died after inoculation, and mycorrhiza formation was very sparse. In both species, no colonization by adventive ectomycorrhizal fungi could be observed, whereas both species of Quercus showed minor colonization by another fungus, probably Inocybe or Hebeloma. Our results show that it is possible to infect N. obliqua with the Périgord black truffle under greenhouse conditions, which opens up the possibility of cultivating this truffle as a secondary crop during reforestation with N. obliqua in Chile.  相似文献   

The effect of phenols on respiratory enzymes in seed germination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Low molecular weight phenolic compounds were identified in two soilswith different vegetative cover, Fagus sylvatica, L. andPinus laricio, Poiret, spp. calabrica, and were tested atdifferent concentrations on seed germination of Pinuslaricio, and on respiratory and oxidative pentose phosphate pathwayenzymes involved in the first steps of seed germination. The data obtained showthat there are marked differences in the phenolic acid composition of the twoinvestigated soils. All the phenolic compounds bioassayed inhibited seedgermination and those extracted from Pinus laricio soilwere particularly inhibitory. We also found that the non-germination of seedsisstrongly correlated to the inhibition of the activities of enzymes ofglycolysisand the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway.  相似文献   

Nest-mounds of the harvester ant Messor capensis occur on and around nutrient-rich patches, along minor drainage lines in nutrient-rich soils, and on the plains, generally in nutrient-poor soils. Nest-site selection is related to the presence of suitable deep soils, the presence of stones and the distance from the nearest neighbouring nest. Two plant species, Galenia fruticosa and Pteronia pallens, were significantly associated with Messor capensis nest-mounds, both in numbers of mounds occupied and in numbers of individuals. A third species, Drosanthemum montaguense, was also more common in numbers of individuals, while a fourth species, Rhinephyllum macradenium was negatively associated with these mounds. The analysis of species guilds by soil type shows that significantly more species of nutrient-rich soils are present on M. capensis nest-mounds. Also, significantly more taller, woody species occurred on nest-mounds than in inter-mound spaces. Two species, Pteronia pallens and Osteospermum sinuatum, growing on ant nest-mounds had significantly longer inter-nodes than the same species growing off mounds. However, two other species, Pteronia cf. empetrifolia and Galenia fruticosa showed no difference in inter-node lengths between plants growing on and off mounds. Six of the nine species of plants sampled on ant nest-mounds had significantly higher seed production than plants of the same species growing in inter-mound spaces. The other three species showed a tendency towards more seeds per plant on ant nest-mounds. The proportions of live and dead plants on mounds differed between species. Only Ruschia spinosa showed a significant difference between the numbers of dead plants in the population on and off mounds, with more dead plants occurring on mounds. Significantly more seeds set on individuals of Pteronia pallens growing on ant nest-mounds than those growing off nest-mounds, but no such difference occurred in P. cf. empetrifolia. There was no significant difference in the proportion of seeds parasitized by the tephritid fly Desmella anceps for individuals of P. pallens and P. cf. empetrifolia growing on and off mounds.  相似文献   

Three levels of hamadryas social structure—the one male unit (OMU), the band, and the troop—have been observed at all sites studied, but a fourth—the clan—has been observed at only one site, Erer-Gota, Ethiopia, during a longitudinal check of the dispersion of identified individuals. The clan is important since it appears to provide the basis for male philopatry, although comparative data is needed from other sites to confirm this. We studied a huge commensal group of hamadryas baboons (over 600 animals) in Saudi Arabia. We put ear tags on baboons between 1998 and 2004 and analyzed social structure, relying on the interactions of these tagged animals by focusing especially on their dispersal patterns from OMUs. OMU membership tended to be looser than that of the Ethiopian hamadryas. Females tended to shift between OMUs on an individual basis in our study group, whereas the collapse of an OMU was a major occasion of adult female transfer in Ethiopia. We found neither stable bands (a “band” in our study group was defined as a regional assemblage of OMUs) nor clans that lasted for several years. Some OMUs moved and transferred into neighboring areas over both the short and long term. Further, some post-adolescent males appeared to move out of the study area. The ratio of adult females in an OMU in our study group was larger than for any other documented study site, and this may be the reason for enhanced female transfer between OMUs. A large proportion of the adolescent females showed no clear membership to OMUs, and no “initial units” (commonly observed in Ethiopia) were discernible. The ease with which young males acquired adult females at the study site must have disrupted the formation of a clan, a “male-bonded society.”  相似文献   

Wang  D.  Kurle  J.E.  Estevez de Jensen  C.  Percich  J.A. 《Plant and Soil》2004,258(1):319-331
Soybean root rot, caused primarily by Fusarium solani f. sp. phaseoli in a complex with F. oxysporum and Rhizoctonia solani, has become an increasing problem for soybeans, dry beans, and other rotation crops in central Minnesota due to soil conditions associated with reduced tillage. This study was conducted, in two field sites in central Minnesota located near Staples and Verndale, to develop methods for nondestructive assessment of root rot severity using plant radiometric properties. Soybean canopy reflectance was measured with a hand-held multi-spectral radiometer. Prior to the radiometer measurements, attempts were made to create differing root rot situations with moldboard or chisel tillage, and with or without a biological seed treatment. Root rot severity was estimated using a visual disease severity scale. Colony-forming units (CFU) were determined to estimate soil populations of pathogenic F. solani and F. oxysporum. Results from the Verndale site consistently showed significant treatment effects in the measured canopy radiometric parameters, and in the visual disease rating and yield (significant for seed treatment). Values of a simple ratio vegetation index from this site exhibited negative relationships with disease rating and F. oxysporum CFU, and a positive linear relationship with yield. Treatment effects were generally not significant at the Staples site because of low initial F. oxysporum populations. The results indicate that remote sensing is potentially a rapid, nondestructive means for assessment of root rot diseases in soybean.  相似文献   

Regeneration traits of six co-occurringSalix species were studied on a floodplain of the Sorachi River, central Hokkaido, Japan, and their colonization success and coexistence in a local habitat were discussed. MixedSalix communities contained sixSalix species; dominant:S. sachalinensis; four subordinates:S. rorida, S. pet-susu, S. miyabeana andS. subfragilis; rare species:S. jessoensis. Their phenology, falling velocity and longevity of seeds, and the effects of microtopography and soil texture on seedling establishment were studied. The sixSalix species had overlapped seed dispersal periods that coincided with the decrease of water level after a predictable spring flood. This coincidence was crucial for the colonization success because the seedlings were established on wet soils left by the decreasing water level. They showed two types of regeneration trait, specialization and generalization.S. rorida andS. subfragilis showed contrasting regeneration traits; early vs. late seed dispersal, large vs. small seeds, seedling distribution on coarse vs. fine soils, respectively. These two species rarely co-occurred. On the other hand, the dominantS. sachalinensis had an intermediate seed size and dispersal timing, and a wide range of seedling distribution from coarse to fine soils. These results revealed that flooding seasonality influenced the colonization success together with the regeneration traits ofSalix species, and that coexistence of theSalix species was facilitated primarily by regeneration niche separation related to flooding seasonality and soil heterogeneity.  相似文献   

The prevalence of non-indigenous species (NIS) in southern California embayments was assessed from 123 Van Veen grab samples collected in nine bays and harbors during the summer of 1998. NIS occurred in all but two samples. They accounted for only 4.3% of the 633 taxa but contributed 27.5% of the abundance. There was no significant difference in the proportion of NIS abundance among ports harboring large vessels, small boat marinas, and areas where boats were not moored. Three species accounted for 92% of the NIS abundance: a spionid polychaete worm Pseudopolydora paucibranchiata, a mytilid bivalve Musculista senhousia, and a semelid bivalve Theora ubrica. The NIS did not appear to have a negative impact at the overall community level since NIS abundance was positively correlated with the abundance and richness of other species. This may be due to biogenic structures built by P. paucibranchiata and M. senhousia that enhance the abundances of other macrofauna.  相似文献   

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