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本文依据2009—2010年南极海洋生物资源开发与利用项目调查期间在南极半岛北部(南设得兰群岛和南奥克尼群岛)水域收集的南极磷虾样本,应用Bhattacharya法分析了该水域南极磷虾的种群年龄结构。结果表明,1月份南极磷虾体长范围分布在38.2—64.0mm,2月份体长范围分布在33.2—59.0mm,且1月份和2月份体长分布并不存在显著性差异(K-S检验,Z=1.061,p=0.211>0.05);种群内最多可能包含5个年龄组,即2 ,3 ,4 ,5 和6 龄虾。年龄组成的区域变化较大,2 龄虾仅在个别区域存在;1月份5 龄在种群中所占比例显著高于其它年龄组(57.23%),其次为4 龄(23.42%),而2月份6 龄(53.29%)所占比例也显著高于其它年龄组,其次为3 龄(25.85%)。  相似文献   

杨晓明  李逸欣  朱国平 《生态学杂志》2016,27(12):4052-4058
南极磷虾作为南极生态系统中的关键物种,在空间分布上常表现出集群特征.这也反映到磷虾渔业生产的空间格局特征上.为了探讨捕捞能力有明显差异的船队在高/低单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)的情况下空间点分布格局特征及其生态学效应,基于南极半岛北部海域的两艘中国南极磷虾渔船(船A为专业南极磷虾渔船,船B为在智利竹筴鱼渔场与南极磷虾渔场转换的兼作渔船)的磷虾渔业数据,从空间点格局的角度出发,分别从两船的高、低CPUE的空间点格局在不同尺度上聚集特征,高、低CPUE在不同尺度上的二元点格局相关关系,以及CPUE点标记格局下的相关性关系等3个方面进行了分析.Ripley的L函数和标记相关函数分析结果表明: 研究对象在空间窗口所有尺度上的空间格局均表现为聚集性,高、低CPUE下均有聚集发生;在15 km尺度上,聚集强度近最大,在15~50 km尺度下,聚集程度稳定;总体上点格局分布的聚集强度依次为:船A高CPUE>船B低CPUE>船B高CPUE>船A低CPUE.船A高、低CPUE在0~75 km尺度上为正相关关系,在大于75 km尺度上为随机关系;船B在所有尺度上的高、低CPUE均为正相关,说明了低CPUE点事件伴随高CPUE的点事件同步发生,两者在大部分尺度下均显著相关.这是磷虾集群模式的动态性和复杂性造成.船A各点的CPUE值在0~44 km尺度上呈正相关,在44~80 km尺度上呈负相关;船B各点的CPUE值在50~70 km尺度上呈负相关,在其他尺度上无显著相关性;正相关反映了磷虾密集集群的种群分布特性,而负相关表明了磷虾群间由于食物和空间原因存在一定的竞争关系.捕捞能力强的船A和捕捞能力较弱的船B在点格局分布上存在较大差异.专业南极磷虾渔船更适于开展磷虾作业空间点格局分析及相关科学调查工作.  相似文献   

刘慧  朱国平 《应用生态学报》2020,31(3):1015-1022
为了分析南极磷虾分布时空格局的长期变动,利用1926—2016年南极磷虾密度数据,通过Getis-Ord Gi*统计法和不规则三角网方法对该资源时空分布进行了热点分析,并比较了10年际热(冷)点的磷虾丰度、磷虾丰度占比以及热(冷)点区的面积,分析了热(冷)点区的时空变化。结果表明:1926—1935年、1936—1945年均各存在1个核心热点区、次热点区和边缘热点区;1976—1985年各存在1个核心热点区、次热点区和边缘热(冷)点区;1986—1995年各存在2个核心热点区、次热点区、边缘热点区和1个次冷点区、边缘冷点区;1996—2005年各存在2个核心热点区、次热(冷)点区和边缘热(冷)点区;2006—2016年各存在2个次热点区、边缘热点区和1个次冷点区、边缘冷点区。这些热(冷)点多出现在南桑威奇群岛、南极半岛和普里兹湾西侧等周边海域。各年代热(冷)点的空间分布存在较大的差异,研究期间(1926—2016年)热点区内磷虾丰度、磷虾丰度占比以及面积总体上呈降低趋势,而冷点区内磷虾丰度、磷虾丰度占比呈现上升趋势,冷点区面积呈现下降趋势。通...  相似文献   

2011年夏秋季南奥克尼群岛水域南极磷虾集群时空分布   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
基于2011年度夏秋季中国南极磷虾渔业科学观察员在大型拖网加工船“开欣轮”上收集的影像资料(作业水域为南奥克尼群岛周边海域,时间为2011年3月6日-4月21日),对该水域南极磷虾集群的时空分布特征进行了分析.结果表明:南极磷虾群在南奥克尼群岛西北部海域出现的次数较为集中,主要出现在60°00′S-60° 15′S,45 °30′W-46°30′W区域内;不同水层中,磷虾群主要呈块状分布,0~50 m和50 ~100 m水层集群类型极为相似(PSI=92.3),散点状、块状和带状磷虾群在0~50 m水层出现比例最高,且块状磷虾群和带状磷虾群在各水层中的分布极为相似(PSI=94.4);1:00-18:00南极磷虾群出现频率较高,随后比例开始下降,19:00-20:00出现频率最低.  相似文献   

南极磷虾是一种典型的集群性海洋生物,其集群特征为行为生态学研究领域的重要内容之一。南极磷虾在南设得兰群岛周围高度密集分布,然而磷虾集群形状和大小的机制解释仍存在较大的争议。基于南设得兰群岛周边水域收集的Simrad EK80声学数据,本研究利用Echoview V6.16软件,对声学数据进行了分析,并对磷虾集群特征进行了划分。通过主坐标分析(PCoA)检验了环境因素(表温和海况)以及时空因素对各类型磷虾集群产生的影响。结果表明:海况对磷虾集群影响较大,光照强度次之;块状小型集群的时空分布较广,夜间与白天均占有较高比例(>30%);小型集群更易出现在白天,而大型集群则更多出现在深夜; 2月,磷虾集群与海况及纬度显著相关; 3月,集群与时段显著相关; 4月,集群与时段及海况显著相关。  相似文献   

以卤虫(Artemia sp.)Ⅱ龄无节幼体作为试验材料,研究0、75、150、225 mg·L-1的南极大磷虾(Euphausia superba)粉对卤虫体内脂肪酸和氨基酸的强化效果,试验共进行18 h,每6h取样检测一次.结果表明:强化组各时段的二十二碳六烯酸、ω3-系列多不饱和脂肪酸总量以及多不饱和脂肪酸总量均显著高于对照组;除了75和225 mg·L-1组6h的二十碳五烯酸与对照组无显著差异外,其他各时段的二十碳五烯酸亦显著高于对照组;75mg·L-1组18h以及150 mg·L-1组12和18h的二十碳四烯酸亦显著升高;150 mg·L-1组的必需氨基酸总量和总氨基酸含量均显著高于对照组,此外,150 mg·L-1组各时间段的必需氨基酸总量/氨基酸总量比值显著高于其他两个强化组和对照组,225 mg·L-1组12 h的必需氨基酸总量/氨基酸总量比值显著高于对照组;南极大磷虾粉对卤虫的脂肪酸和氨基酸均具有较好的营养强化效果,并以150 mg·L-1的强化浓度,12和18 h的强化时间为宜.  相似文献   

南极磷虾具有分布量广、营养价值高、贮藏量大等特点,是一种重要的海洋蛋白新资源,有待开发利用。从深海泥样中分离筛选出一株能够以南极磷虾为唯一碳氮源生长的蜡状芽孢杆菌,利用该菌发酵南极磷虾。对发酵条件进行了初步优化,研究了发酵液的抗氧化能力以及发酵液中风味物质的种类和含量的变化情况。结果显示,30℃恒温培养48 h,DPPH清除率为44.05%,总酚含量为0.059 2 mg/m L,亚铁离子螯合能力为92.23%,还原力为200.13μmol/L,总蛋白含量为2.952 g/100 g,有机酸组成丰富,游离氨基酸含量(227.540 2 mg/m L)比发酵前(106.5796 mg/m L)增加一倍。本研究使南极磷虾这一丰富的资源得到最大限度的利用,同时也使南极磷虾的生物活性物质能够在生产中发挥潜在的作用。  相似文献   

南极磷虾种群生物学研究进展III-摄食   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鉴于南极磷虾在南极食物网中所处的关键地位,其摄食活动对南大洋海洋生态系统有着极为重要的影响。南极磷虾食物组成因季节、空间等不同而存在差异,且摄食对象的分类和鉴别也存在着较大困难,选食机制目前尚有不同意见。本文从摄食对象、摄食方式、选食机制及摄食率等方面对近百年来南极磷虾摄食生态学研究进行了总结和归纳,以期为国内外学者开展相关研究提供基础信息,并为进一步开展其摄食生态学研究提供科学思路。  相似文献   

A strain of Phaeocystis sp., isolated in the Southern Ocean, was cultured under iron- and light-limited conditions. The cellular content of chlorophyll a and accessory light-harvesting (LH) pigments increased under low light intensities. Iron limitation resulted in a decrease of all light-harvesting pigments. However, this decrease was greatly compensated for by a decrease in cell volume. Cellular concentrations of the LH pigments were similar for both iron-replete and iron-deplete cells. Concentrations of chlorophyll a were affected only under low light conditions, wherein concentrations were suppressed by iron limitation. Ratios of the LH pigments to chlorophyll a were highest for iron-deplete cells under both light conditions. The photoprotective cycle of diato/diadinoxanthin was activated under high light conditions, and enhanced by iron stress. The ratio of diatoxanthin to diadinoxanthin was highest under high light, low iron conditions.   Iron limitation induced synthesis of 19'-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin and 19'-butanoyloxyfucoxanthin at the cost of fucoxanthin. Fucoxanthin formed the main carotenoid in iron-replete Phaeocystis cells, whereas for iron-deplete cells 19'-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin was found to be the main carotenoid. This shift in carotenoid composition is of importance in view of the marker function of both pigments, especially in areas where Phaeocystis sp. and diatoms occur simultaneously. A hypothesis is presented to explain the transformation of fucoxanthin into 19'-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin and 19'-butanoyloxyfucoxanthin, referring to their roles as a light-harvesting pigment.  相似文献   

Iron is essential for phytoplankton growth, as it is involved in many metabolic processes. It controls photosynthesis as well as many enzymatic processes. As such, iron affects the cell's energy supply and contributes to the assimilation of carbon and nitrogen. To determine whether iron limitation would result in energy stress or induced nitrogen deficiency, an Antarctic Phaeocystis sp. (Prymnesiophyceae) strain was studied for its biochemical composition, with the main emphasis on intracellular production of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP). DMSP is suggested to replace nitrogen containing solutes under conditions of nitrogen deficiency. Batch cultures of Antarctic Phaeocystis sp. were grown under iron-rich and iron-poor conditions and simultaneously subjected to high and low light intensities. Iron depletion induced chlorosis and suppressed growth rates as well as the maximum yield of the cultures; these effects were reinforced by low light intensities. Cell volumes were strongly reduced under iron-limited conditions. However, this reduction in cell volume was accompanied by a reduced DMSP content only in cultures experiencing low light intensities. Under high light conditions, no reduction of DMSP was observed; hence, intracellular DMSP concentrations increased. These observations are discussed relative to carbon and nitrogen metabolism and the biosynthetic pathway of DMSP. It is argued that under high light, low iron conditions, the cells were bordering on nitrogen deficiency induced by iron limitation, whereas under low light, low iron conditions, the cells were energy limited resulting in overall suppressed metabolic rates. Between treatments, DMSP to chlorophyll- a ratios varied by a factor of 5, demonstrating the dependence of this parameter on the physiological state of the cell.  相似文献   

欧洲东南部巴尔干轮藻植物由于其产地生境的差异及以镶嵌状分布的模式,具有较高的生物分异度,计有44种,归属于现生属Nitella(10),Tolypella(4),Nitellopsis(1),Lychnothamnus(1),Lamprothamnium(1) and Chara(27).巴尔干半岛产有4种土著类型Chara rohlenae,Chara ohridana,Chara corfuensis and Chara visianii.建立1新种Chara hydropitys.该地区轮藻植物分布不均衡,部分类型例如Chara strigosa,Chara kokeilii,Chara muscosa,Chara fragifera,Chara imperfecta,Lychnothamnus barbatus为稀有品种,仅在少数地点发现.巴尔干地区轮藻植物之丰富多彩远远超过已知的程度,有待于深入研究.  相似文献   

Polarella glacialis (Montresor et al.) was identified in Davis Station sea ice by morphological and DNA sequence comparison of cultures with those of the authentic strain P. glacialis CCMP 1383 isolated from McMurdo Sound. Cells and cysts of the Davis isolate (FL1B) were morphologically indistinguishable from P. glacialis, and comparison of the large subunit rDNA of both cultures demonstrated only 0.2% sequence divergence over 1366 base pairs. The photosynthetic pigments of P. glacialis (strains FL1B and CCMP 1383) were typical of dinoflagellates, with peridinin (contributing up to 31%) as the major accessory pigment. Extremely high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA, up to 76.3%) were characteristic of P. glacialis isolate FL1B. The high PUFA concentration of this species is thought to be an adaptation to survive the cold temperatures of the upper fast ice. The sterol profile of FL1B was atypical of dinoflagellates, with 4‐desmethylsterols (up to 79%) in greater abundance than 4α‐methyl sterols (up to 24%). 27‐Nor‐24‐methylcholest‐5,22E‐dien‐3β‐ol was identified as the principle sterol in P. glacialis, contributing up to 64% of the total sterol composition.  相似文献   

This study investigates how densities of ringed seals were affected by construction and oil production activities at Northstar, an artificial island built in the nearshore Alaskan Beaufort Sea. Intensive and replicated aerial surveys of seals on landfast ice were conducted during six spring seasons: for three seasons before island construction began (1997–1999); after a winter of intensive island construction (2000); and after more limited construction plus drilling (2001) and drilling plus oil production (2002). A Poisson regression model was used to examine seal densities relative to distance from Northstar after allowance for environmental covariates. Post hoc power analysis indicated that the study design and Poisson regression approach had high power to detect small‐scale changes in seal densities near Northstar if such changes had occurred. However, seal densities during spring were not significantly affected by proximity to Northstar in 2000–2002. Habitat, temporal, and weather factors did have significant effects on seal densities. This study shows that effects of the Northstar oil development on local distribution of basking ringed seals are no more than slight, and are small relative to the effects of natural environmental factors. An understanding of environmental effects is essential when assessing potential impacts of industrial activity on ringed seals.  相似文献   

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