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The endangered vermilion darter (Etheostoma chermocki) is endemic to the Black Warrior River system in the Mobile Basin in Alabama. Restoration and conservation of this species require an understanding of its population genetic structure, which can be characterized using microsatellite DNA. Nine microsatellite loci were developed; eight loci were polymorphic. Although observed heterozygosity was lower than expected heterozygosity in most polymorphic loci, only one locus showed significant deviation from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. These nine markers were tested in an additional 24 species of Etheostoma and appear to have sufficient allelic variation to be useful in studies of population genetic structure.  相似文献   

The greenside darter, Etheostoma blennioides is a small benthic fish found in fast‐flowing streams in eastern North America. In Canada, this species is native to three, and introduced into one, Great Lakes tributaries in southwestern Ontario. It is currently listed as a species of Special Concern. To characterize population genetic structure and diversity in the Canadian populations of greenside darter, eight polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed for the species. The polymerase chain reaction primers were tested between 32 and 60 individuals from the Sydenham River and yielded a high number of alleles (four to 42 per locus), and observed heterozygosities ranging from 0.14 to 0.82.  相似文献   

The rainbow darter Etheostoma caeruleum is a small fish in the perch family (Percidae) that is adapted to fast‐flowing streams in eastern North America. It is relatively sensitive to habitat degradation and is widely used as a sentinel of stream condition. To provide a complementary tool for assessing the integrity of stream ecosystems, 16 highly polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellite markers were identified for these darters. Between four and 16 loci were found to be useful in five congeneric species. These markers will be useful for characterizing population genetic structure and diversity of rainbow darters and related fishes.  相似文献   

Incongruence between recognized taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships between two species from a diverse clade (Percidae: Etheostomatinae) of stream fishes was found in a mitochondrial (mt) DNA gene tree. Two darters in subgenus Oligocephalus , Etheostoma uniporum current darter and Etheostoma caeruleum rainbow darter were sampled throughout their sympatric distribution in the Ozark Highlands of the central United States. Sequences from cytochrome (cyt) b and the first intron of the nuclear marker S7 were analysed separately using maximum parsimony and Bayesian methods. Cyt b recovered both species as polyphyletic; E. uniporum haplotypes were interspersed within E. caeruleum . However, both species were monophyletic and non-sister taxa based on S7. The cyt b gene tree pattern is caused by introgressive hybridization resulting in the mtDNA replacement of E. uniporum haplotypes by those of E. caeruleum . Some E. uniporum haplotypes are shared with geographically proximate E. caeruleum , and this is consistent with recent hybridization, while other E. uniporum haplotypes indicate historical sorting of introgressed lineages. The mechanism of introgression is likely asymmetric sneaking behaviour by male E. uniporum , a mating tactic observed in related species. MtDNA replacement may have occurred in E. uniporum due to drift fixation in a historically small female effective population. Additional evidence for darter hybridization will likely be discovered in future molecular genetic surveys of the nearly 200 species in eastern North America.  相似文献   

The genus Etheostoma is a species-rich and ecologically important group of fishes in North America. The orangethroat darter (Etheostoma spectabile) is widely distributed and abundant in headwater streams throughout the central Midwest, and is an excellent model for ecological and mating system studies. We developed 23 novel, polymorphic, and independent microsatellite loci for E. spectabile. We found from two to 14 alleles per locus, and observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.39 to 1.0. These markers, in combination with others isolated from Etheostoma taxa, will be useful for ecological and evolutionary studies in the genus.  相似文献   

The Cherokee darter Etheostoma scotti is a federally threatened fish endemic to the Etowah River system of northwest Georgia. In order to analyse the population structure and genetic diversity of this fish, eight tetranucleotide microsatellite genetic markers were developed. The marker set was applied to 13 additional darter species to test cross-species amplification and polymorphism. Successful amplification was obtained for all eight loci in each of the 13 other species of darters, with between seven and eight polymorphic loci per species.  相似文献   

In this study, female preferences and behavioural isolation were estimated in a pair of allopatric sister species, Etheostoma duryi and Etheostoma flavum. Dichotomous mate preference trials were conducted to determine whether females prefer to associate with conspecific over heterospecific males and free‐spawning assays were conducted to determine whether those preferences translated into behavioural isolation. Dichotomous mate choice trials revealed asymmetric female preference, as female E. flavum preferred conspecific males, whereas female E. duryi showed no preference. Free‐spawning assays indicated that behavioural isolation remains incomplete between E. duryi and E. flavum (IB = 0·19). In addition to female mating preferences, male behaviour also appeared to influence mating outcomes as male E. flavum consistently courted conspecific females more often in free‐spawning assays whereas male E. duryi did not. The data therefore suggest that despite marked divergence in male nuptial colour, divergence in female preferences between these species may not be sufficient to maintain species boundaries upon secondary contact. These results contrast with similar work in a sympatric darter species pair and may be explained by considering the contributions of reinforcement and differences in colour pattern as well as colour value.  相似文献   

Fifteen polymorphic microsatellite loci were developed from an enriched genomic library of the annual plant Rhinanthus angustifolius and characterized using 36 individuals. These markers provided high polymorphism ranging from two to 15 alleles per locus. Four loci showed significant departure from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, probably because of the occurrence of null alleles. No significant linkage disequilibrium was detected between pairs of loci. Tests of cross-species transferability were performed on four congeners with a success rate of 100% in Rhinanthus minor, 93% in R. mediterraneus and R. glacialis, and 80% in R. alectorolophus. These microsatellite loci will be useful tools to study mating system, gene flow and hybridization in the genus Rhinanthus.  相似文献   

The Roanoke logperch (Percina rex Jordan and Evermann), an endangered fish, occurs in only six watersheds in the Roanoke and Chowan river drainages of Virginia, USA. The species’ population genetic structure is poorly known. We developed 16 microsatellite markers that were reliably scorable and polymorphic P. rex. Markers were also screened in seven other darter species of the genus Percina. Most markers exhibited successful amplification and polymorphism in several species. These markers may therefore prove useful for population genetic studies in other darters, a diverse but highly imperiled group.  相似文献   

Synopsis Large male tessellated darters, Etheostoma olmstedi, defend flat-bottomed rocks, the undersides of which serve as spawning substrates. Because females attach eggs directly onto bare stone, a spawning bout necessarily decreases the surface area available for further breeding at a nest. In apparent response to the female preference of ovipositing on rocks with the most bare surface, fathers abandon nests with their attached offspring to search for rocks with more uncovered surface. Egg abandonment also results after roving fathers intercept and spawn with ripe females and remain at a different rock to care for a new clutch. In essence, large males appear to maximize the number of eggs they fertilize by sequentially monopolizing breeding patches that are temporarily most desirable to females. The costs to a father of abandoning his eggs appear to be low for two reasons: (1) non-territorial males, created by a scarcity of suitable rocks, readily occupy vacant nests, and clean and aerate the abandoned eggs; and (2) after water hardening, eggs are less vulnerable to cannibalism. The maintenance of eggs by nonparental males may be both incidental to scrubbing the ceiling for their own breeding and adaptive in that viable eggs stimulate females to spawn; neither would appear to involve parental investment costs. Thus, allopaternal care in the tessellated darter may have evolved because it is performed in the selfish pursuit of spawning opportunities while entailing little, if any, of the costs normally subsumed within parental investment.  相似文献   

Current taxonomy of the Etheostoma asprigene species group recognizes four species, two of which (Etheostoma ditrema Ramsey and Suttkus and Etheostoma nuchale Howell and Caldwell) are restricted to isolated springs and spring-fed stream systems above the Fall Line of the Mobile Basin of Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee. Previous studies of morphological and biochemical variation between disjunct populations of E. ditrema support the presence of multiple independent lineages. Unfortunately, the lack of phylogenetic methodology has made it impossible to distinguish historically differentiated non-sister taxa from currently intergrading sister lineages.The current study examines members of the E. asprigene species group, particularly E. ditrema and E. nuchale, from throughout their respective ranges for products of 44 presumptive gene loci. Highly significant levels of genetic subdivision (FIT) and genetic differentiation (FST) are observed both within and between species of this group, supporting the presence of previously unrecognized diversity within this clade. Phylogenetic evaluation of polyallelic loci supports the specific recognition of E. nuchale and three taxa currently under the name E. ditrema: nominal E. ditrema (upper Coosa River system), E. sp. cf. E. ditrema (Coldwater Spring), and E. sp. cf. E. ditrema (central Coosa River system) based on either fixed allelic products or significant allele frequency differences. The Gulf darter, Etheostoma swaini, is also identified as a composite of at least three diagnosable evolutionary species, two of which (Black Warrior River system above and Cahaba River system below the Fall Line) are more closely related to E. nuchale and species of the E. ditrema complex than to remaining E. swaini. It is recommended that future conservation efforts with these highly geographically restricted and imperiled species incorporate these patterns of genetic subdivision into management and recovery plans.  相似文献   

Synopsis Etheostoma swaini, the gulf darter, was collected from the Black Creek drainage in southern Mississippi (February 1978 – April 1979). The gulf darter generally inhabits small- to moderate-size creeks and occurs over a sand or sandy mud bottom, often in association with aquatic vegetation or a layer of organic debris. Larval dipterans were the most important food items, both numerically and volumetrically. Chironomids were found in 71–100% of the stomachs in all except the unusual March 16 collection. The length frequency distribution and the scale annuli analysis indicated there were three year-classes present in the population at any one time. Fifty-one percent of the specimens taken were less than 12 months old. During the mid-February to late March spawning season gulf darters were most often collected over clean gravel or gravelsand substrates. Laboratory observations suggest that the female burrows into the gravel where the demersal, adhesive eggs are deposited. Female gulf darters significantly outnumbered males at a ratio of 59:41.  相似文献   

The distribution of the swim bladder was examined in 20 species representing all four genera (Percina, Etheostoma, Crystallaria, and Ammocrypta) of darters (Etheostomatini). Including data on species examined in other studies, swim bladders have been found in 15 of 17 species of Percina, but were absent in Crystallaria asprella, Ammocrypta pellucida, and the 18 species of Etheostoma examined. Relative swim bladder length in Percina was shown to be positively correlated with body size. Although not statistically significant, swim bladder size also correlates with habitat (riffle, run, or pool) and swimming behavior (midwater or benthic).  相似文献   

Consensus primers, based on exon sequences of the cyp73 gene family coding for cinnamate 4-hydroxylase (C4H) of the lignin biosynthesis pathway, were designed for the tetraploid willow species Salix alba and Salix fragilis. Diagnostic alleles at species level were observed among introns of three cyp73 genes and allowed unambiguous detection of the first generation and introgressed hybrids in populations. Progeny analysis of a female S. alba with a male introgressed hybrid confirmed the codominant inheritance of each intron. Sequences of the diagnostic alleles of both species were similar to those found in the hybrids.  相似文献   

Aim To examine the effects of historical climate change and drainage isolation on the distribution of mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b genetic variation within the rainbow darter, Etheostoma caeruleum (Percidae: Etheostomatinae). Location Eastern North American streams including tributaries to the Mississippi River, Great Lakes, Potomac River and Hudson Bay drainages. Methods Parsimony analyses, Bayesian analyses and haplotype networks of mitochondrial DNA sequences. Results Four major clades were recovered from sampled populations of E. caeruleum. Three of four clades are distributed in the western portion of the species’ range (primarily west of the Mississippi River). Samples from this region do not form a monophyletic group, and sequences often vary greatly between samples from adjacent stream systems (up to 7.2% divergence). A basal clade includes samples from the White River system in the Ozark Highlands. The northern Ozarks–upper Midwest clade includes samples from Missouri River tributaries and the upper Midwest (Hudson Bay, upper Mississippi River, and western Lake Michigan drainage). The eastern clade is composed of individuals from the Ohio River, Great Lakes and Potomac River. The Mississippi River corridor clade includes samples from middle and lower Mississippi River tributaries. Main conclusions The four major clades of E. caeruleum are deep allopatric lineages with well‐defined boundaries and have additional phylogeographical structure within each clade. The Ozark Highlands have the greatest levels of diversity relative to distributional area, with marked cytochrome b subdivisions between adjacent stream systems. Samples from previously glaciated areas do not have a subset of the cytochrome b diversity found in unglaciated areas, but four separate source areas are identified based on phylogenetic analyses. Dispersal into previously glaciated areas followed several known glacial outlets and, based on sequence divergence between populations, may have occurred during different glacial or interglacial stages. The disjunct distribution and cytochrome b pattern of E. caeruleum in the Mississippi River corridor clade is consistent with late Pleistocene and Recent changes in the course and characteristics of the middle and lower Mississippi River. Phylogeographical boundaries between clades of E. caeruleum correspond to independent sources of biogeographical information and provide insight into historical stream drainage relationships, post‐glacial colonization and drainage isolation patterns.  相似文献   

Darters represent a substantial radiation of freshwater fishes that live in close association with the substrate in North American streams and rivers. A key feature of any darter species is therefore its ability to stay in place or to “hold station” in flowing water. Here, we quantify the station‐holding performance of two morphologically divergent darter species, the fantail darter Etheostoma flabellare and the Missouri saddled darter Etheostoma tetrazonum. We also characterize the primary kinematic responses of the two species when holding station in flow speeds ranging from 4 to 56 cm s?1 in a flow tank on either plexiglas or small rock substrate. We then present a series of hypotheses about the potential hydrodynamic and functional consequences of the observed postural changes and the links among morphology, posture, and station‐holding performance. On both substrates, E. tetrazonum was able to hold station at higher flow speeds than E. flabellare. On rocks, E. tetrazonum slipped at an average speed of 55.7 cm s?1 whereas E. flabellare slipped at 40.2 cm s?1. On plexiglas, E. tetrazonum slipped at an average speed of 24.7 cm s?1 whereas E. flabellare slipped at 23.1 cm s?1. We measured body and fin positions of the two species from individual frames of high‐speed video while holding station on rocks and plexiglas. We found that on both substrates, the two species generally exhibited similar kinematic responses to increasing flow: the head was lowered and angled downward, the back became more arched, and the median and caudal fin rays contracted as water flow speed increased. The ventral halves of the pectoral fins were also expanded and the dorsal halves contracted. These changes in posture and fin position likely increase negative lift forces thereby increasing substrate contact forces and reducing the probability of downstream slip. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Seventeen polymorphic microsatellite loci were identified for white-faced capuchin monkeys from an enriched genomic library in addition to one locus found through cross-species comparisons. In a sample of 187 wild individuals, these loci exhibited an average of five alleles and an observed heterozygosity of 0.62. The combined probability of exclusion of a random individual from parentage was 0.99. These loci were screened in 23 other New World monkeys and an average of seven loci was variable per species, suggesting that these loci could be of use in studies of other Neotropical primates.  相似文献   

Eastern North America is the location of the world's most species-rich temperate freshwater fish fauna. Hypotheses regarding the geographic and temporal scale of teleost diversification in this region have not been broadly investigated using absolute divergence time estimates among the constituent lineages. This study used time-calibrated molecular phylogenies estimated from mitochondrial and nuclear genes to investigate the temporal and geographic signatures of diversification within barcheek darters, a clade of allopatrically distributed species endemic to the Eastern Highlands. Results from divergence time estimates using an uncorrelated lognormal model suggest that the barcheek darters are an ancient group with a crown node estimate of 16.3 mya, 95% highest posterior density (HPD): [12.4, 20.5], and the clade is characterized by substantial intraspecific divergence times within several species. In particular, the Caney Fork endemic Etheostoma basilare comprises five strongly supported and deeply divergent clades with a most recent common ancestor estimated at 8.0 mya, 95% HPD: [5.6, 10.7]. These results are concordant with the hypothesis that geologically stable areas of eastern North America have facilitated both the generation and preservation of lineages across a substantial breadth of evolutionary time, and that allopatric speciation in darters has occurred at much smaller spatial scales than previously realized.  相似文献   

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