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The infectivity associated with prion disease sets it apart from a large group of late-onset neurodegenerative disorders that shares the characteristics of protein aggregation and neurodegeneration. The unconventional infectious agent, PrP(Sc), is an aberrantly folded form of the normal prion protein (PrP(C)) and the PrP(C)-to-PrP(Sc) conversion is a critical pathogenic step in prion disease. Using the Protein Misfolding Cyclic Amplification technique, we converted folded bacterially expressed recombinant PrP into a proteinase K-resistant and aggregated conformation (rPrP-res) in the presence of anionic lipid and RNA molecules. Moreover, high prion infectivity was demonstrated by intracerebral inoculation of rPrP-res into wild-type mice, which caused prion disease with a short incubation period. The establishment of the in vitro recombinant PrP conversion assay makes it feasible for us to explore the molecular basis behind the intriguing properties associated with prion infectivity.  相似文献   

As a potential anti-tumor protein, tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand(TRAIL) has drawn considerable attention. This report presented the purification and characterization ofsoluble TRAIL, expressed as inclusion bodies in E. coli. sTRAIL inclusion bodies were solubilized andrefolded at a high concentration up to 0.9 g/L by a simple dilution method. Refolded protein was purifiedto electrophoretic homogeneity by a single-step immobilized metal affinity chromatography. The purifiedsTRAIL had a strong cytotoxic activity against human pancreatic tumor cell line 1990, with EDs0 about 1.5mg/L. Circular dichroism and fluorescence spectrum analysis showed that the refolded sTRAIL had astructure similar to that of native protein with 13-sheet secondary structure. This efficient procedure ofsTRAIL renaturation may be useful for the mass production of this therapeutically important protein.  相似文献   

A partial cDNA clone, from the 3′ end of the dragline silk gene was isolated from Nephila clavipes major ampullate glands. This clone contains a 1.7-kb insert, consisting of a repetitive coding region of 1.4-kb and a 0.3-kb nonrepetitive coding region; 1.5-kb of the 1.7-kb fragment was cloned into Escherichia coli and a␣43-kDa recombinant silk protein was expressed. Characterization of the purified protein by Western blot, amino acid composition analysis, and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization/time-of-flight mass spectrometry confirms it to be spider dragline silk. Received: 7 April 1997 / Received revision: 24 July 1997 / Accepted: 25 August 1997  相似文献   

A study of the problem of structural variants of proteins and their relative contribution to the expressed immunological and biological activity has been initiated using sheep and buffalo prolactins as models. The feasibility of obtaining immunologically and biologically active prolactin in high yields from the discarded ’acid pellet’ of sheep and buffalo pituitaries has been demonstrated. This permits use of the same batch of glands for purifying lutropin, follitropin and prolactin as side fractions. The major component in preparations of buffalo prolactin has a molecular size of 24 kDa. The preparations were active in a radioligand binding inhibition assay and in a rat liver based radioreceptor assay. Charge and size isomers of sheep prolactin and buffalo prolactin have been observed. The reference sheep prolactin did not, in preliminary work, give any indication of being glycosylated. However radioactive sulphate was found to be incorporated into prolactin-rich fractions of sheep and buffalo pituitariesin vitro. By physico-chemical and immunochemical criteria the [35S]-labelled material was similar to standard reference prolactin. The structural implications of sulphation have been probed. Presented at the 3rd National Symposium on Bioorganic Chemistry, 1987, Hyderabad.  相似文献   

A standard protocol for isolation of buffalo prolactin (buPRL) was modified at the alcohol precipitation step. This modification could separate lower molecular weight prolactin from the higher molecular weight prolactin (PRL). Reloading the prolactin onto a Sephacryl S-200 gel purified the buPRL monomer. The purity of buPRL monomer was confirmed by 15% SDS PAGE. The buPRL monomer was >90% pure. It was characterized by specific anti-buPRL serum in ELISA and Western blot. A native PAGE of the PRL showed three charge isoforms. A protocol was standardized to separate prolactin monomeric least acidic isoforms using an anion exchanger.  相似文献   

Li M  He S 《Journal of biotechnology》2006,122(3):334-340
Human interleukin (IL)-29 is the latest member of the class II cytokine family. However, as a result of lacking efficient method to generate relatively large quantity of IL-29, little is known of its functions in man. In the present study, an Escherichia coli expression system for the rapid expression of the human IL-29 gene was developed. It involved of cloning IL-29 gene into the pET-44 Ek/LIC vector, which allowed expression of IL-29 with a fusion tag consisting of the NusA protein, polyhistidine and S peptide (Nus-His-S-tag), and introducing a thrombin recognition site between the fusion tag and IL-29. The expressed fusion protein was purified by S-protein agarose affinity chromatography, and the fusion tag was removed from recombinant IL-29 by cleavage with thrombin. The purified IL-29 appeared a single band on SDS-PAGE, and the yield of IL-29 was 60 mg from 1 l of bacterial culture. N-terminal sequencing confirmed the identity of the purified protein. The recombinant IL-29 showed specific antiviral activity that was comparable to the commercially available IFN alfa-2b preparation.  相似文献   

In this report we describe the purification and characterization of recombinant porcine prorelaxin expressed in Escherichia coli. Nucleotide sequence encoding porcine prorelaxin was inserted into an E. coli expression vector, pOTS, and the recombinant plasmid was transformed into the E. coli host (AR120). Upon induction with nalidixic acid, the 19-kDa recombinant porcine prorelaxin was produced at a level of approximately 8% of the total accumulated cell protein. The recombinant prorelaxin was purified to homogeneity by CM-cellulose chromatography and reversed-phase HPLC, after refolding in the presence of reduced and oxidized glutathione and a low concentration of guanidine-HCl. The identity of the recombinant prorelaxin was confirmed by the correct size, immunoreactivity with antibodies against native porcine relaxin, and direct amino-terminal sequence analysis. Furthermore, the purified recombinant prorelaxin could be converted to the 6-kDa relaxin by limited digestion with trypsin. Trypsin was shown to cleave at the carboxyl side of Arg29 and Arg137 residues of the recombinant prorelaxin, producing the des-ArgA1-B29-relaxin, and degrade the 13-kDa connecting peptide into small peptides. Both the recombinant prorelaxin and converted relaxin were found to be biologically active in an in vitro bioassay for relaxin.  相似文献   

The high-level expression of human interleukin-1 beta in Escherichia coli is described. The protein contributes about 12% of the total cell protein and is associated with the soluble cytoplasmic fraction of the cell. A method for the purification of the protein is given which is based on anion- and cation-exchange chromatographies. The isolated protein, shown to be homogeneous by several analytical methods, has been characterized by amino acid analysis, N- and C-terminal sequence analysis and analytical centrifugation. The protein is biologically active as demonstrated by two different in vitro assays, namely, the mononuclear cell factor (IL-1/MCF) assay and lymphocyte activating factor (IL-1/LAF) assay. The specific activities determined with the IL-1/MCF and IL-1/LAF assays, are 2 X 10(7) and 4 X 10(7) units mg-1, respectively.  相似文献   

Most parasitic protozoa lack the de novo purine biosynthetic pathway and rely exclusively on the salvage pathway for their purine nucleotide requirements. Enzymes of the salvage pathway are, therefore, candidate drug targets. We have cloned the Plasmodium falciparum adenylosuccinate synthetase gene. In the parasite, adenylosuccinate synthetase is involved in the synthesis of AMP from IMP formed during the salvage of the purine base, hypoxanthine. The gene was shown to code for a functionally active protein by functional complementation in a purA mutant strain of Escherichia coli, H1238. This paper reports the conditions for hyperexpression of the recombinant protein in E. coli BL21(DE3) and purification of the protein to homogeneity. The enzyme was found to require the presence of dithiothreitol during the entire course of the purification for activity. Glycerol and EDTA were found to stabilize enzyme activity during storage. The specific activity of the purified protein was 1143.6 +/- 36.8 mUnits/mg. The K(M)s for the three substrates, GTP, IMP, and aspartate, were found to be 4.8 microM, 22.8 microM, and 1.4 mM, respectively. The enzyme was a dimer on gel filtration in buffers of low ionic strength but equilibrated between a monomer and a dimer in buffers of increased ionic strength.  相似文献   

以国产高交联度的快流速琼脂糖为基质,合成了不同配基密度的SP(Sulfopropyl,磺酸基)离子交换介质,建立了乳腺生物反应器表达重组人乳铁蛋白(Recombinant Human Lactoferrin,rHLF)的纯化方法。以溶菌酶为模型蛋白考察了不同配基密度离子交换介质的静态和动态吸附行为,结果表明介质具有良好的吸附性能。不同配基密度离子交换介质均可纯化得到rHLF,其中,高配基密度(0.24mol/L)的离子交换介质每毫升可以处理50mL rHLF牛乳,rHLF收率为86.5%,纯度为98.5%。圆二色谱的测定结果表明纯化的rHLF二级结构与天然人乳铁蛋白一致。生物学功能实验结果表明,rHLF的铁结合与释放活性与天然人乳铁蛋白相似,浓度为5g/L的rHLF对大肠杆菌的生长具有明显的抑制作用。  相似文献   

Large quantities of recombinant human aldose reductase were produced using Spodoptera frugiperda cells and properties of the enzyme were characterized. Direct purification of the recombinant aldose reductase by affinity column chromatography using Matrex gel orange A yielded a single 36 kDa band, similar in size to the purified human muscle aldose reductase, on a sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel after silver staining. The isoelectric point of the recombinant enzyme was 5.85 which is identical to the human muscle aldose reductase. Following the treatment with an acylamino-acid releasing enzyme, the blocked NH2-terminal amino acid was identified to be acetylalanine. The successive NH2-terminal sequence and that of the COOH-terminal peptide concurred with the expected translated sequence. Kinetic analyses of the recombinant enzyme activity for various substrates and the cofactor, NADPH, demonstrated a good agreement with the previously reported kinetic data on the purified human aldose reductase. A high concentration of (NH4)2SO4 elicited a significant increase in both Km and Kcat for DL-glyceraldehyde as well as D-glucose. Although IC50 values for most of the aldose reductase inhibitors with recombinant enzyme were found to fall within the comparable range of those obtained with nonhuman mammalian enzymes, the IC50 value for epalrestat was more than 10-fold higher in the recombinant enzyme. These results indicate that the recombinant human aldose reductase expressed in the baculovirus system possesses structurally and enzymatically similar properties as those reported for the native human enzyme and should serve as a superior enzyme preparation to nonhuman mammalian enzymes for the screening of the efficacy and potency of newly developed aldose reductase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Expression of plant acyl carrier protein (ACP) in Escherichia coli at levels above that of constitutive E. coli ACP does not appear to substantially alter bacterial growth or fatty acid metabolism. The plant ACP expressed in E. coli contains pantetheine and approximately 50% is present in vivo as acyl-ACP. We have purified and characterized the recombinant spinach ACP-I. NH2-terminal amino acid sequencing indicated identity to authentic spinach ACP-I, and there was no evidence for terminal methionine or formylmethionine. Recombinant ACP-I was found to completely cross-react immunologically with polyclonal antibody raised to spinach ACP-I. Recombinant ACP-I was a poor substrate for E. coli fatty acid synthesis. In contrast, Brassica napus fatty acid synthetase gave similar reaction rates with both recombinant and E. coli ACP. Similarly, malonyl-coenzyme A:acyl carrier protein transacylase isolated from E. coli was only poorly able to utilize the recombinant ACP-I while the same enzyme from B. napus reacted equally well with either E. coli ACP or recombinant ACP-I. E. coli acyl-ACP synthetase showed a higher reaction rate for recombinant ACP-I than for E. coli ACP. Expression of spinach ACP-I in E. coli provides, for the first time, plant ACP in large quantities and should aid in both structural analysis of this protein and in investigations of the many ACP-dependent reactions of plant lipid metabolism.  相似文献   

Site-directed variants of alpha 1-antitrypsin (alpha 1AT) expressed in a recombinant strain of Escherichia coli have been isolated with an overall process yield of 50% following tangential flow ultrafiltration, anion-exchange, immobilized metal affinity, and hydrophobic interaction chromatography. The primary structure of the purified variants including the integrity of the N- and C-termini has been verified by electrospray mass spectrometry of the intact molecules (44 kDa) for two of the variants (alpha 1AT Leu-358 and alpha 1AT Ala-357, Arg-358). Complementary classical peptide mapping and automated amino acid sequencing have verified 75% of the primary sequence of alpha 1AT Ala-357, Arg-358. Isoelectric focusing in an immobilized pH gradient revealed some microheterogeneity which proved to be reproducible from one purification batch to another. The isolated variants of alpha 1AT did not show any signs of proteolytic degradation during the purification process and proved to be fully active against their target proteases. The described process also allowed the complete removal of endotoxins from the preparations, opening the possibility to evaluate these novel protease inhibitors for their in vivo efficacy in different animal models of human disease.  相似文献   

Recombinant human interleukin 5 (rhIL-5) expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells was purified and characterized. Molecular heterogeneity was observed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Two major components of Mr around 40,000 were detected under non-reducing conditions. However, under reducing conditions, the Mr of rhIL-5 was determined to be 22,000 and 20,000. After treatment with endoglycosidase F, a band with an apparent Mr of 18,000 was observed. Treatment of rhIL-5 with 2-mercaptoethanol followed by N-ethylmaleimide resulted in its dissociation into a monomeric form. This alkylated rhIL-5 was biologically less active than intact rhIL-5. These results suggest that rhIL-5 exists as a dimer, and that the heterogeneity of rhIL-5 is mainly due to the difference in the content of carbohydrate. Moreover, the formation of disulfide bond(s) might be important for the biological activity of rhIL-5.  相似文献   

Rat mast cell protease 7 (rMCP7) is a neutral serine protease and a component of mast cells, where it is stored in secretory granules. Mast cells express numerous proteases so in order to characterize rMCP7, it was cloned and expressed as a recombinant protein in Pichia pastoris. During expression, rMCP7 protein was cleaved from the alpha-mating factor signal at the engineered KEX2 cleavage site to produce active rMCP7. The protein produced was stable at pH 5.5 and active in the absence of heparin. The rMCP7 was glycosylated and treatment with N-glycosidase F resulted in a protein of the predicted molecular mass of 30 kDa. The rMCP7 was purified via an ammonium sulfate precipitation, using casein as a carrier protein, followed by cation exchange chromatography. The purified protein was assayed using a range of substrates and where possible, k(m) and k(cat) values were determined. The substrate profile displayed by the recombinant rMCP7 was consistent with that of tryptase isolated from rat skin. The expression and purification of recombinant rMCP7 offer an efficient, low-cost method of producing large amounts of protein. It also offers the opportunity of easy manipulation and mutagenesis of rMCP7 for further biochemical, structural, and physiological studies.  相似文献   

To generate hemoglobin-free full-length haptoglobin the cDNA encoding rat haptoglobin alphabeta subunits was cloned into shuttle vector pVT-Bac-His and used to produce a recombinant baculovirus Autographa californica Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (AcNPV) as an expression vector, named HpAcNPV. Recombinant virus was used to infect Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) insect cells. The 50 kDa protein expressed was mostly secreted into the culture medium at relatively high titer (15 microg/mL) and was found to be rat prohaptoglobin having a vector-derived N-terminal extension of 37 amino acids, containing both a hexahistidine tag and an enterokinase recognition sequence. The protein was successfully purified by a three step procedure including nickel-linked agarose and DEAE-Sepharose chromatography steps. Hemoglobin was not detected in the purified preparations. Purified recombinant rat prohaptoglobin protein was also found to be glycosylated, and to be capable of forming a complex with rat hemoglobin in vitro.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin H synthase-1 and -2 (PGHS-1 and PGHS-2, EC are membrane associated glycoproteins that catalyze the first two steps in prostaglandin synthesis. As the enzymes play an important regulatory role in several physiological and pathophysiological processes, recombinant PGHS isoforms are widely used in biomedical research. In the present study, we expressed human PGHS-2 (hPGHS-2) with and without a six histidine sequence tag (His(6) tag) near the amino- or carboxy-terminus of the protein in the Pichia pastoris (P. pastoris) expression system using native or yeast signal sequences. The recombinant His(6) tagged hPGHS-2 was purified using Ni-affinity and anion exchange chromatography, whereas the purification of the C-terminally His(6) tagged hPGHS-2 was more efficient. K(m), k(cat) and IC(50) values were determined to characterize the protein. The data obtained indicate that both the N- and C-terminally His(6) tagged hPGHS-2 are functional and the catalytic properties of the recombinant protein and the enzyme produced in other expression systems are comparable. As the yeast culture is easy to handle, the P. pastoris system could serve as an alternative to the most commonly used baculovirus-insect cell expression system for the production of the recombinant PGHS-2.  相似文献   

The cDNAs coding for Mortierella vinacea alpha-galactosidases I and II were expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae under the control of the yeast GAL10 promoter. The recombinant enzymes purified to homogeneity from the culture filtrate were glycosylated, and had properties identical to those of the native enzymes except for improving the heat stability of alpha-galactosidase II and decreasing the specific activities of both enzymes.  相似文献   

The secreted pore-forming toxin listeriolysin O (LLO) is an essential virulence factor that allows the food-borne bacterial pathogen Listeria monocytogenes to escape from the phagocytic vacuole and reach the host cytosol. This protein belongs to the group of cholesterol-binding sulfhydryl-activated toxins, expressed by a large number of Gram-positive bacteria. A protocol for large-scale expression and purification of recombinant LLO was previously optimized. By a simple two-step purification method, we achieved a high-level LLO synthesis (4.5 mg l(-1) of cell culture) in a hemolytically active form (1.2 x 10(6) HU mg(-1) of protein). This procedure can solve the problem of LLO isolation from L. monocytogenes cultures which is a difficult task, mainly owing to the low levels of toxin released in the culture media. Here we report the characterization of toxin properties and its preliminary application in an ELISA diagnostic test for listeriosis.  相似文献   

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