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Nickel-dependent superoxide dismutase (NiSOD) is a member of a class of metalloenzymes that protect aerobic organisms from the damaging superoxide radical (O2 ·−). A distinctive and fascinating feature of NiSOD is the presence of active-site nickel–thiolate interactions involving the Cys2 and Cys6 residues. Mutation of one or both Cys residues to Ser prevents catalysis of O2 ·−, demonstrating that both residues are necessary to support proper enzymatic activity (Ryan et al., J Biol Inorg Chem, 2010). In this study, we have employed a combined spectroscopic and computational approach to characterize three Cys-to-Ser (Cys → Ser) mutants (C2S, C6S, and C2S/C6S NiSOD). Similar electronic absorption and magnetic circular dichroism spectra are observed for these mutants, indicating that they possess nearly identical active-site geometric and electronic structures. These spectroscopic data also reveal that the Ni2+ ion in each mutant adopts a high-spin (S = 1) configuration, characteristic of a five- or six-coordinate ligand environment, as opposed to the low-spin (S = 0) configuration observed for the four-coordinate Ni2+ center in the native enzyme. An analysis of the electronic absorption and magnetic circular dichroism data within the framework of density functional theory computations performed on a series of five- and six-coordinate C2S/C6S NiSOD models reveals that the active site of each Cys → Ser mutant possesses an essentially six-coordinate Ni2+ center with a rather weak axial bonding interaction. Factors contributing to the lack of catalytic activity displayed by the Cys → Ser NiSOD mutants are explored.  相似文献   

Nickel superoxide dismutase structure and mechanism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The 1.30 A resolution crystal structure of nickel superoxide dismutase (NiSOD) identifies a novel SOD fold, assembly, and Ni active site. NiSOD is a hexameric assembly of right-handed 4-helix bundles of up-down-up-down topology with N-terminal hooks chelating the active site Ni ions. This newly identified nine-residue Ni-hook structural motif (His-Cys-X-X-Pro-Cys-Gly-X-Tyr) provides almost all interactions critical for metal binding and catalysis, and thus will likely be diagnostic of NiSODs. Conserved lysine residues are positioned for electrostatic guidance of the superoxide anion to the narrow active site channel. Apo structures show that the Ni-hook motif is unfolded prior to metal binding. The active site Ni geometry cycles from square planar Ni(II), with thiolate (Cys2 and Cys6) and backbone nitrogen (His1 and Cys2) ligands, to square pyramidal Ni(III) with an added axial His1 side chain ligand, consistent with electron paramagentic resonance spectroscopy. Analyses of the three NiSOD structures and comparisons to the Cu,Zn and Mn/Fe SODs support specific molecular mechanisms for NiSOD maturation and catalysis, and identify important structure-function relationships conserved among SODs.  相似文献   

We have confirmed that dissociation of the dimeric SOD molecule into a monomeric one can be readily detected in solution by the use of capillary electrophoresis (CE), which is based on the fact that the peak height in the CE profile is highly dependent on the aggregation conditions of the protein molecule. Based on this fact, it has become apparent that the hydrogen peroxide molecule induces the dissociation of the dimeric structure of SOD, and this should give reasonable explanation for the inactivation of SOD by hydrogen peroxide. Our results may give a convenient way for the early detection of the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in patients, because we can estimate whether the SOD molecule is of a rigid or loosed dimeric structure by the use of this technique. The loosed one has been assumed to exhibit inherent toxicity of the copper center, so-called "gain-of-function" of the mutant SOD.  相似文献   

Copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD1) plays a protective role against oxidative stress. On the other hand, recent studies suggest that SOD1 itself is a major target of oxidative damage and has its own pathogenicity in various neurodegenerative diseases, including familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Only human and great ape SOD1s among mammals have the highly reactive free cysteine residue, Cys(111), at the surface of the SOD1 molecule. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of Cys(111) in the oxidative damage of the SOD1 protein, by comparing the oxidative susceptibility of recombinant human SOD1 modified with 2-mercaptoethanol at Cys(111) (2-ME-SOD1) to wild-type SOD1. Wild-type SOD1 was more sensitive to oxidation by hydrogen peroxide-generating fragments, oligomers, and charge isomers compared with 2-ME-SOD1. Moreover, wild-type SOD1, but not 2-ME-SOD1, generated an upper shifted band in reducing SDS-PAGE even by air oxidation. Using mass spectrometry and limited proteolysis, this upper band was identified as an oxidized subunit of SOD1; the sulfhydryl group (Cys-SH) of Cys(111) was selectively oxidized to cysteine sulfinic acid (Cys-SO(2)H) and to cysteine sulfonic acid (Cys-SO(3)H). The antibody raised against a synthesized peptide containing Cys(111)-SO(3)H reacted with only the Cys(111)-peroxidized SOD1 by Western blot analysis and labeled Lewy body-like hyaline inclusions and vacuole rims in the spinal cord of human SOD1-mutated amyotrophic lateral sclerosis mice by immunohistochemical analysis. These results suggest that Cys(111) is a primary target for oxidative modification and plays an important role in oxidative damage to human SOD1, including familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis mutants.  相似文献   

Khare SD  Wilcox KC  Gong P  Dokholyan NV 《Proteins》2005,61(3):617-632
Diverse point mutations in the enzyme Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1) are linked to its aggregation in the familial form of the disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The disease-associated mutations are known to destabilize the protein, but the structural basis of the aggregation of the destabilized protein and the structure of aggregates are not well understood. Here, we investigate in silico the sequence and structural determinants of SOD1 aggregation: (1) We identify sequence fragments in SOD1 that have a high aggregation propensity, using only the sequence of SOD1, and (2) we perform molecular dynamics simulations of the SOD1 dimer folding and misfolding. In both cases, we identify identical regions of the protein as having high propensity to form intermolecular interactions. These regions correspond to the N- and C-termini, and two crossover loops and two beta-strands in the Greek-key native fold of SOD1. Our results suggest that the high aggregation propensity of mutant SOD1 may result from a synergy of two factors: the presence of highly amyloidogenic sequence fragments ("hot spots"), and the presence of these fragments in regions of the protein that are structurally most likely to form intermolecular contacts under destabilizing conditions. Therefore, we postulate that the balance between the self-association of aggregation-prone sequences and the specific structural context of these sequences in the native state determines the aggregation propensity of proteins.  相似文献   

A hybrid superoxide dismutase containing both functional iron and manganese   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
A hybrid superoxide dismutase containing functional Mn and Fe has been isolated from Escherichia coli. Streptomycin, which binds tightly to both the Mn- and the Fe-containing superoxide dismutases, had the expected effect on the electrophoretic and chromatographic behavior of the hybrid. Treatment of the hybrid with H2O2, which selectively inactivates the Fe-containing enzyme, resulted in partial inactivation accompanied by a resegregation of subunits, with the formation of active Mn-enzyme and inactive Fe-enzyme. A similar resegregation of subunits was observed when the hybrid was exposed to 2.5 M guanidinium chloride. Hybrids containing Mn or Fe could be generated in vitro by mixing the Mn-enzyme with the Fe-enzyme, removing metals with 8-hydroxyquinoline in the presence of 2.5 M guanidinium chloride, and then dialyzing against Mn(II) or Fe(II) salts. Ten per cent of the activity of the Fe-superoxide dismutases is resistant to H2O2, which correlates with its content of Mn. Since the activity remaining after exhaustive treatment with H2O2 exhibited the electrophoretic mobility of the Fe-enzyme, we concluded that some of the active sites of the Fe-enzyme were actually occupied by Mn. It should be noted, however, that for purposes of metal reconstitution experiments, a definite specificity was demonstrated. The Mn-enzyme was reconstituted with Mn(II), whereas the Fe-enzyme activity was recovered using only Fe(II). We propose that the Fe-superoxide dismutase may be heterogeneous and that 10% of its activity is actually due to a Mn-containing variant with the same electrophoretic mobility. Only the apohybrid enzyme regained enzymatic activity using both Mn(II) and Fe(II).  相似文献   

HSP25 has been shown to induce resistance to radiation and oxidative stress; however, its exact mechanisms remain unclear. In the present study, a high concentration of H2O2 was found to induce DNA fragmentation in L929 mouse fibroblast cells, and HSP25 overexpression attenuated this phenomenon. To elucidate the mechanisms of H2O2-mediated cell death, ERK1/2, p38 MAPK, and JNK1/2 phosphorylation in the cells after treatment with H2O2 were examined. ERK1/2 and JNK1/2 were activated by H2O2; ERK1/2 activation was inhibited in HSP25-overexpressed cells, while JNK1/2 was indifferent. Inhibition of ERK1/2 activation by treatment of the cells with PD98059 or dominant-negative ERK2 transfection blocked H2O2-induced cell death; similarly treated HSP25-overexpressed cells were not at all affected. Moreover, inhibition of JNK1/2 by dominant-negative JNK1 or JNK2 transfection did not affect H2O2-mediated cell death in control cells. Dominant-negative Ras or Raf transfection inhibited H2O2-mediated ERK1/2 activation and cell death in control cells. On the contrary, HSP25-overexpressed cells did not show any differences. Upstream pathways of H2O2-mediated ERK1/2 activation and cell death involved both tyrosine kinase (PDGFbeta receptor and Src) and PKCdelta, while in HSP25-overexpressed cells these kinases did not respond to H2O2 treatment. Since HSP25 overexpression reduced reactive oxygen species (ROS), increased manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) gene expression, and increased enzyme activity, involvement of MnSOD in HSP25-mediated attenuation of H2O2-mediated ERK1/2 activation and cell death was examined. Blockage of MnSOD with antisense oligonucleotides prevented DNA fragmentation and returned the ERK1/2 activation to the control level. Indeed, when MnSOD was overexpressed in L929 cells, similar to in HSP25-overexpressed cells, DNA fragmentation and ERK1/2 activation were reduced. From the above results, we suggest for the first time that reduced oxidative damage by HSP25 was due to MnSOD-mediated downregulation of ERK1/2.  相似文献   

Detailed analysis of the CuZn superoxide dismutase (SOD) structure provides new results concerning the significance and molecular basis for sequence conservation, intron-exon boundary locations, gene duplication, and Greek key beta-barrel evolution. Using 15 aligned sequences, including a new mouse sequence, specific roles have been assigned to all 23 invariant residues and additional residues exhibiting functional equivalence. Sequence invariance is dominated by 15 residues that form the active site stereochemistry, supporting a primary biological function of superoxide dismutation. The beta-strands have no sequence insertions and deletions, whereas insertions occur within the loops connecting the beta-strands and at both termini. Thus, the beta-barrel with only four invariant residues is apparently over-determined, but dependent on multiple cooperative side chain interactions. The regions encoded by exon I, a proposed nucleation site for protein folding, and exon III, the Zn loop involved in stability and catalysis, are the major structural subdomains not included in the internal twofold axis of symmetry passing near the catalytic Cu ion. This provides strong confirmatory evidence for gene evolution by duplication and fusion followed by the addition of these two exons. The proposed evolutionary pathway explains the structural versatility of the Greek key beta-barrel through functional specialization and subdomain insertions in new loop connections, and provides a rationale for the size of the present day enzyme.  相似文献   

Mice lacking the secreted extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD) or the cytosolic copper- and zinc-containing SOD (CuZn-SOD) show relatively mild phenotypes. To explore the possibility that the isoenzymes have partly overlapping functions, single and double knockout mice were examined. The absence of EC-SOD was found to be without effect on the lifespan of mice, and the reduced lifespan of CuZn-SOD knockouts was not further shortened by EC-SOD deficiency. The urinary excretion of isoprostanes was increased in CuZn-SOD knockout mice, and plasma thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances levels were elevated in EC-SOD knockout mice. These oxidant stress markers showed potentiated increases in the absence of both isoenzymes. Other alterations were mainly found in CuZn-SOD knockout mice, such as halved glutathione peroxidase activity in the tissues examined and increased glutathione and iron in the liver. There were no changes in tissue content of the alternative superoxide scavenger ascorbate, but there was a 25% reduction in ascorbate in blood plasma in mice lacking CuZn-SOD. No increase was found in the urinary excretion of the terminal metabolites of NO, nitrite, and nitrate in any of the genotypes. In conclusion, apart from the increases in the global urinary and plasma oxidant stress markers, our phenotype studies revealed no other evidence that the copper- and zinc-containing SOD isoenzymes have overlapping roles.  相似文献   

2-methoxyestradiol does not inhibit superoxide dismutase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It has been reported in the literature that the endogenous estrogen metabolite 2-methoxyestradiol (2-ME) inhibits both manganese and copper,zinc superoxide dismutases (Mn and Cu,Zn SODs) and that this mechanism is responsible for 2-ME's ability to kill cancer cells. In fact, as demonstrated using several SOD assays including pulse radiolysis, 2-ME does not inhibit SOD but rather interferes with the SOD assay originally used. Nevertheless, as confirmed by aconitase inactivation measurements and lactate dehydrogenase release in human leukemia HL-60 cells, 2-ME does increase superoxide production in these cells and is more toxic than its non-O-methylated precursor 2-hydroxyestradiol. Other mechanisms previously suggested in the literature may explain 2-ME's ability to increase intracellular superoxide levels in tumor cells.  相似文献   

The role of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in defense against SO2toxicity was investigated using leaves of poplar and spinach.Young poplar leaves having five times the SOD of the old leaveswere more resistant to the toxicity of SO2. Spraying spinachleaves with diethyldithiocarbamate caused a marked loss of SODactivity which resulted in a decrease in their resistance tothe toxic effects of SO2. The SOD activity in poplar leaveswas increased by fumigation with 0.1 ppm SO2, and this was moreevident in young leaves than in old ones. The increased SODactivity was inhibited by cyanide. The poplar leaves havinghigh SOD activity induced with SO2 fumigation were more resistantto 2.0 ppm SO2 than the control leaves. These findings suggestthat SO2 toxicity is in part due to the superoxide radical andthat SOD participates in the defense mechanism against SO2 toxicity. (Received February 12, 1980; )  相似文献   

Jeon B  Kim BH  Lee YS  Kim S  Yoon JB  Kim TY 《BMB reports》2011,44(1):40-45
Extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD) is an antioxidant enzyme that protects cells and tissues from extracellular damage by eliminating superoxide anion radicals produced during metabolism. Two different forms of EC-SOD exist, and their different enzyme activities are a result of different disulfide bond patterns. Although only two folding variants have been discovered so far, five folding variants are theoretically possible. Therefore, we constructed five different mutant EC-SOD expression vectors by substituting cysteine residues with serine residues and evaluated their expression levels and enzyme activities. The mutant EC-SODs were expressed at lower levels than that of wild-type EC-SOD, and all of the mutants exhibited inhibited extracellular secretion, except for C195S ECSOD. Finally, we demonstrated that co-expression of wild-type EC-SOD and any one of the mutant EC-SODs resulted in reduced secretion of wild-type EC-SOD. We speculate that mutant EC-SOD causes malfunctions in systems such as antioxidant systems and sensitizes tissues to ROS-mediated diseases.  相似文献   

BackgroundHuman SOD1 contains a single tryptophan residue (W32) which has been identified as a site of oxidative modification and a potentiator of aggregation involving in familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (fALS). In situ substitution of a tryptophan analog, 2,6-diazatryptophan ((2,6-aza)Trp) with its unique water-catalyzed proton transfer property, into proteins exhibits extraordinary sensitivity in the detection of subtle water-associated structural changes with only a few micro-molar concentration of samples.MethodsA combination of size-exclusion chromatography and water-catalyzed fluorescent emission was utilized to probe the structural features of metastable SOD1 nonnative trimers, the potential neurotoxic species in the fALS.ResultsThe monomer of apo-A4V SOD1 exhibits variable conformations and the fastest trimeric formation rate compared to that of wild type and I113T. The trimeric A4V SOD1 exhibits the least water molecules surrounding the W32, while I113T and the wild type appear to have more water molecules in the proximity of W32. A small molecule stabilizer, 5-fluorouridine, effects the structural conformation of SOD1 nonnative trimers.ConclusionsOur studies unveil new insights into water-associated structural changes of SOD1 nonnative trimers and demonstrate that in situ incorporation of (2,6-aza)Trp is a sensitive and powerful tool for probing subtle changes of water environments during protein aggregation.General significanceThe water-sensitive probe, (2,6-aza)Trp, demonstrates superior sensitivity for detecting modulation of water microsolvation, structural conformation during oligomer formation and 5FUrd binding to both wild type and mutant SOD1.  相似文献   

Two superoxide dismutases (SOD I and SOD II) were purified from Acanthamoeba castellanii and characterized for several biochemical properties. Analysis of the primary structure and inhibition studies revealed that SOD I is iron SOD (Fe-SOD), with a molecular mass of 50 kDa, and SOD II is copper-zinc SOD (Cu,Zn-SOD), with a molecular mass of 38 kDa. Both enzymes have a homodimeric structure consisting of 2 identical subunits, each with a molecular mass of 26 and 19 kDa for SOD I and SOD II, respectively. The isoelectric points of SOD I and SOD II were 6.4 and 3.5, respectively, and there were no isoenzyme forms detected. Both enzymes show a broad optimal pH of 7.0-11.0. Because no differences were observed in the apparent molecular weight of SOD I after addition of the reducing agent 2-mercaptoethanol, the subunits do not appear to be linked covalently by disulfide bonds. However, the subunits of SOD II were covalently linked by intra- and interdisulfide bonds. Western blot analyses showed that the 2 enzymes have different antigenicity. Both enzymes occur as cytoplasmic and detergent-extractable fractions. These enzymes may be potential virulence factors of A. castellanii by acting both as antioxidants and antiinflammatory agents. These enzymes may be attractive targets for chemotherapy and immunodiagnosis of acanthamoebiasis.  相似文献   

Superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC plays an important antioxidant defense role in organisms exposed to oxygen. Copper- and zinc-containing SOD (Cu/Zn-SOD) catalysis and the change in folding behavior of this enzyme in response to inactivators are therefore of interest. We studied the inhibitory effects of trifluoroethanol (TFE) on the activity and conformation of a Cu/Zn-SOD from Bos taurus. We found that TFE inactivated the enzyme and disrupted the tertiary and secondary structures of Cu/Zn-SOD. Kinetic studies showed that TFE-induced inactivation of Cu/Zn-SOD follows first-order reaction kinetics and that TFE binding sites are distinct from the copper- and zinc-containing active site. These structural changes occurred prior to enzyme activity loss. A computational docking simulation of Cu/Zn-SOD and TFE (binding energy of Dock 6.3: -11.52 kcal/mol) suggested that THR37, ASP40, and GLU119, which are located near the active site, interact with TFE. Evaluation of the ligand binding kinetics of Cu/Zn-SOD during unfolding in the presence of TFE combined with computational prediction allowed us to gain insight into the inactivation of Cu/Zn-SOD.  相似文献   

Vitamin C breaks DNA only in the presence of oxygen. Superoxide dismutase has no effect on the reaction but catalase suppresses it. Superoxide also gives rise to breaks in DNA suppressible by both superoxide dismutase and catalase. The hydroxyl radical seems to be the agent responsible for strand cleavage itself.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic proteins power the biosphere. Reaction centres, light harvesting antenna proteins and cytochrome b(6)f (or bc(1)) complexes are expressed at high levels, have been subjected to an intensive spectroscopic, biochemical and mutagenic analysis, and several have been characterised to an informatively high resolution by X-ray crystallography. In addition to revealing the structural basis for the transduction of light energy, X-ray crystallography has brought molecular insights into the relationships between these multicomponent membrane proteins and their lipid environment. Lipids resolved in the X-ray crystal structures of photosynthetic proteins bind light harvesting cofactors, fill intra-protein cavities through which quinones can diffuse, form an important part of the monomer-monomer interface in multimeric structures and may facilitate structural flexibility in complexes that undergo partial disassembly and repair. It has been proposed that individual lipids influence the biophysical properties of reaction centre cofactors, and so affect the rate of electron transfer through the complex. Lipids have also been shown to be important for successful crystallisation of photosynthetic proteins. Comparison of the three types of reaction centre that have been structurally characterised reveals interesting similarities in the position of bound lipids that may point towards a generic requirement to reinforce the structure of the core electron transfer domain. The crystallographic data are also providing new opportunities to find molecular explanations for observed effects of different types of lipid on the structure, mechanism and organisation of reaction centres and other photosynthetic proteins.  相似文献   

Superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) proteins harboring mutations linked to familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (FALS) uniformly show heightened potential to form high molecular weight structures. Here, we examine the domains of SOD1 that are involved in forming these structures (aggregates) and study the role of intra- and intermolecular disulfide bonds. An analysis of disease mutations identified to date reveals a non-random distribution with predominant occurrence at residues within highly conserved beta-strands or at highly conserved residues in loop domains. Using a cell transfection assay for aggregation, we determined that no single domain in SOD1 is indispensable in the formation of sedimentable aggregates, suggesting multiple potential motifs in the protein mediate non-native interactions. By a cell-free aggregation assay, analysis of transgenic mouse tissues, and mutagenesis approaches, we found evidence that redox conditions may modulate SOD1 aggregation; reduction of the native intramolecular disulfide bonds may predispose SOD1 to unfolding and aggregation, whereas non-native intermolecular disulfide linkages may help stabilize aggregates in vivo. The results suggest a possible mechanism for diversity in the structures formed by different SOD1 mutants, and define a potential contribution of redox conditions to SOD1 aggregation.  相似文献   

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