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M. D. Anderson 《Ostrich》2013,84(1-2):25-32
Anderson, M.D. 2000. Raptor conservation in the Northern Cape Province, South Africa. Ostrich 71 (1 & 2): 25–32.

The semi-arid Northern Cape is the largest and most sparsely populated province in South Africa. One of the main economic activities is sheep farming, and the properties are generally very large (>5 000 ha). A heterogeneous environment results in many habitats for a wide diversity of raptors. Fifty-one different species have been recorded, of which 37 are resident, 21 are common, and eight species are listed in the South African Red Data Book—Birds. As habitat degradation is limited, besides the areas immediately adjacent to the perennial rivers, raptors are still commonly encountered in many areas. Conflict with small-stock farming, however, results in some birds being inadvertently or directly persecuted each year. Two farmer questionnaire postal surveys (1976 and 1992) indicated a decrease in range and abundance of certain scavenging species, such as the Tawny Eagle. The more recent survey also indicated that most stock mortalities occurred in the mountainous areas, with the Black Eagle being the apparent culprit. In the Northern Cape there are both positive and negative anthropogenic effects on raptors. For example, 14 species have been recorded breeding on man-made structures, while 18 species have been documented to drown in farm reservoirs. Through the activities of the Raptor Conservation Group, the Northern Cape Nature Conservation Service and the Northern Cape Raptor Conservation Forum various threats are being addressed. Raptor conservation activities include: monitoring of raptor breeding populations, road censuses, farmer extension, establishment of raptor conservancies, rehabilitation of injured raptors, issuing of certificates to land-owners who have breeding raptors on their properties, presentation of the annual Gariep Raptor Conservationist Award, production and distribution of raptor pamphlets and booklets, modification of farm reservoirs to prevent raptor drownings, modification of powerlines to prevent electrocutions, and establishment of “vulture restaurants”. Through these efforts, the status of many raptor species is improving and species such as the Bateleur and Lappet-faced Vulture are becoming increasingly common.  相似文献   

From January 2002 to December 2004, 152 ticks were collected from 40 wild birds recovered in Santo André Natural Reserve and Monsanto Forestal Park, Portugal mainland. Five ticks species were identified from 22 species of birds, and new host record were provided for some species. In addition, 32 (21%) ticks were screened by PCR to detect infections with agents belonging to order Rickettsiales: Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Ehrlichia chaffeensis, and Rickettsia spp. PCR amplicons were obtained in 5 (15.6%) tick samples. Rickettsia DNA exhibiting gltA sequences similar to those of Rickettsia aeschilimannii, R. helvetica and R. massiliae were identified in Hyalomma marginatum, Ixodes ventalloi and in Rhipicephalus turanicus, respectively. This is the first report of rickettsiae infections in ticks collected from wild birds in Portugal. Giving the results presented above wild birds play an important role in the maintenance and dissemination of several tick species and associated rickettsiae.  相似文献   

PCR‐based methods are the most common technique for sex determination of birds. Although these methods are fast, easy and accurate, they still require special facilities that preclude their application outdoors. Consequently, there is a time lag between sampling and obtaining results that impedes researchers to take decisions in situ and in real time considering individuals’ sex. We present an outdoor technique for sex determination of birds based on the amplification of the duplicated sex‐chromosome‐specific gene Chromo‐Helicase‐DNA binding protein using a loop‐mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP). We tested our method on Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus), Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus) and Black Kite (Milvus migrans) (family Accipitridae). We introduce the first fieldwork procedure for sex determination of animals in the wild, successfully applied to raptor species of three different subfamilies using the same specific LAMP primers. This molecular technique can be deployed directly in sampling areas because it only needs a voltage inverter to adapt a thermo‐block to a car lighter and results can be obtained by the unaided eye based on colour change within the reaction tubes. Primers and reagents are prepared in advance to facilitate their storage at room temperature. We provide detailed guidelines how to implement this procedure, which is simpler (no electrophoresis required), cheaper and faster (results in c. 90 min) than PCR‐based laboratory methods. Our successful cross‐species application across three different raptor subfamilies posits our set of markers as a promising tool for molecular sexing of other raptor families and our field protocol extensible to all bird species.  相似文献   



Bacteria belonging to the family Chlamydiaceae cause a broad spectrum of diseases in a wide range of hosts, including man, other mammals, and birds. Upper respiratory and genital diseases are common clinical problems caused by Chlamydiaceae. Very little is known about chlamydial infections in dogs. Few clinical reports on natural disease in dogs describe mainly conjunctival and upper respiratory signs, and the role of Chlamydiaceae in genital disease is unclear. The present study aimed at studying the prevalence of Chlamydiaceae in healthy dogs and in dogs with genital or upper respiratory disease, including conjunctivitis.  相似文献   

Several raptor species nest on top of large weaver nests. These weaver nests are usually sited in trees, but 11.7% of Red-billed Buffalo-Weaver Bubalornis niger and 25.7% of Sociable Weaver Philetairus socius nests occur on man-made structures. In an extensive literature search, a total of 16 raptor species were recorded as nesting on top of weaver nests. At least 10 raptor species used weaver nests built in trees. Seven raptor species used weaver nests on man-made sites and four raptor species only used weaver nests built on man-made sites. No owls have been recorded as using weaver nests on man-made sites. There are historical records of raptors nesting on top of weaver nests in trees, while nesting on top of weaver nests sited on man-made structures appears to be a more recent adaptation. Costs and benefits of nesting on man-made sites are briefly listed. Nesting on man-made sites may increase (by both weavers and raptors) and raptor researchers are encouraged to document cases of raptors nesting on weaver nests where these are placed in trees or artificial sites, so that there is a record of changes in frequency of nest site usage by raptors.  相似文献   

Ian Newton 《Ibis》2021,163(1):1-19
Owing to the intensity of game management in Britain, managers of grouse moors have illegally killed raptors to increase the numbers of Red Grouse Lagopus l. scotica available for shooting. This paper summarizes evidence for the recent scale of illegal raptor killing on grouse moors and its effects on populations. It provides insights into how raptors themselves respond demographically to different levels of killing. Over Britain as a whole, most raptors have increased and expanded considerably since the 1970s, in response to reduced killing and nest destruction, and the diminished impacts of organo‐chlorine pesticides; however, in recent decades the populations of some species have declined on and around grouse moors. This is widely evident in Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus, Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus and Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos populations and in more restricted areas also in Northern Goshawk Accipiter gentilis and Red Kite Milvus milvus populations, in all of which illegal killing has been sufficient to affect numbers over wider areas. The evidence consists mainly of: (1) greater disappearance of nesting pairs, lower breeding densities or reduced occupancy of apparently suitable traditional territories on grouse moors compared with other areas; (2) reduced nest success compared with other areas; (3) reduced adult survival compared with other areas; (4) reduced age of first breeding, reflecting the removal of adults from nesting territories and their replacement by birds in immature plumage; (5) greater levels of disappearance of satellite‐tracked birds on grouse moors than elsewhere; and (6) the finding of poisoned baits and traps, and shot or poisoned carcasses of raptors. Not all these types of evidence are available for every species, and other types of evidence are available for some. The Common Buzzard Buteo buteo is currently the most numerous raptor in Britain and also seems to be killed in the greatest numbers. Other raptor species, including Merlin Falco columbarius, Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus and Eurasian Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus which nest on or near grouse moors, have little or no significant impact on grouse and are killed less often or not at all. In the absence of illegal killing, some raptor species breed as well or better on grouse moors than in other habitats. Merlins, in particular, seem to thrive on grouse moors, benefiting from the management involved (including predator control). Other aspects of illegal raptor killing are discussed, including suggestions for ways in which it might be reduced.  相似文献   

The Bali mynah (Leucopsar rothschildi) is an endangered bird endemic to the island of Bali, Indonesia. The wild population of approximately 17 birds is confined to West Bali National Park (Taman Nasional Bali Barat). The species was intensively collected for the bird trade in the 1960s and 1970s, and poaching for the internal trade in Indonesia remains the primary threat to the wild population. We conducted an experimental release of one captive-bred and five confiscated, wild origin Bali mynahs on the small offshore island Pulau Menjangan. Released birds readily developed flight and foraging skills. Of the six, radio-tagged birds released, one was stolen, three were likely killed by a raptor, and two were returned successfully to the wild. Many challenges remain for the conservation of this species, including poaching in the national park, disease in the captive population, predation by raptors on newly released birds, and destruction of essential habitat. Results suggest that the Bali mynah is a suitable species for an expanded propagation and release program, provided that poaching is curtailed and disease in birds intended for release can be eliminated. Zoo Biol 17:267–284, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Diurnal raptor habitat use has conservation implications due to environmental and anthropogenic interactions. Three tree-nesting diurnal raptors, black kites (Milvus milvus), steppe buzzards (Buteo vulpinus) and African fish eagles (Haliaeetus vocifer), were studied from December 2016 to October 2017. The objective was to determine factors influencing diurnal raptor habitat selection and use in and around Chembe Bird Sanctuary of Kalulushi district, Zambia. We surveyed for birds in ten randomly selected 200 × 200 m sample plots in each of the five stratified sampling units (miombo woodland, grasslands, human settlements, Lake Chembe and marsh). Seasons and dietary composition variably influenced the distribution, habitat selection and use by raptors. The three raptors devised a suit of behaviours to curtail challenges associated with seasonal food and water availability, and anthropogenic disturbances. There is a need to promote multi-stakeholder engagement and involvement in raptor conservation.  相似文献   

Some wild populations of fish-eating birds and raptors are exposed to high concentrations of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) and related compounds such as other 2,3,7,8-substituted polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans and coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls, resulting in accumulation in their tissues. It has been demonstrated that TCDD-like chemicals cause toxic effects via aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR)-mediated signaling pathways. The aim of this study was to characterize the AHR from the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrines) to predict its sensitivity to TCDD-like chemicals. The AHR1, AHR2, and AHR nuclear translocator 1 of the peregrine falcon are more similar in amino acid sequence to avian species less sensitive to TCDD-like chemicals such as the cormorant (95%) than to more sensitive species such as the chicken (90%). From the amino acid sequence, it is likely that the ligand-binding affinity of peregrine falcon AHR1 and AHR2 would be very low compared with the chicken or other sensitive species, and it was actually proved by an in vitro reporter gene assay. We concluded that the peregrine falcon, one of raptor species, may be relatively resistant to TCDD-like chemicals.  相似文献   

Several species of wild raptors have been found in Eurasia infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) subtype H5N1. Should HPAIV (H5N1) reach North America in migratory birds, species of raptors are at risk not only from environmental exposure, but also from consuming infected birds and carcasses. In this study we used American kestrels as a representative species of a North American raptor to examine the effects of HPAIV (H5N1) infection in terms of dose response, viral shedding, pathology, and survival. Our data showed that kestrels are highly susceptible to HPAIV (H5N1). All birds typically died or were euthanized due to severe neurologic disease within 4–5 days of inoculation and shed significant amounts of virus both orally and cloacally, regardless of dose administered. The most consistent microscopic lesions were necrosis in the brain and pancreas. This is the first experimental study of HPAIV infection in a North American raptor and highlights the potential risks to birds of prey if HPAIV (H5N1) is introduced into North America.  相似文献   

To determine the prevalence of Chlamydophila psittaci in wild birds, cloacal swabs from 527 songbirds, 442 waterfowl, 84 feral pigeons, and 38 cormorants were examined by Chlamydiaceae-specific real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and ArrayTube microarray assays for chlamydial species determination and genotyping of C. psittaci. Inconclusive cases were further characterized by conventional PCR methods targeting the chlamydial outer membrane protein A, 16S, 23S, and intergenic spacer genes followed by sequencing of the PCR product. Swabs of 19 water birds (tufted ducks and pochards), 12 pigeons, and one songbird were tested positive by the Chlamydiaceae-specific real-time PCR. While C. psittaci genotypes B (n = 5) and E (n = 1) were identified in feral pigeons (n = 9), the genotype could not be identified in the remaining three cases. Sequence data of Chlamydiaceae-positive cases (n = 23; 19 waterfowl, three pigeons, one songbird) indicated the presence of nonclassified chlamydial agents (n = 20) and C. psittaci (n = 3) by 16S rRNA PCR and sequencing. In conclusion, C. psittaci was not detected in waterfowl and songbirds, but C. psittaci proved prevalent in urban feral pigeons, where it poses a significant risk for humans.  相似文献   

Mycoplasmas are well-known avian pathogens of poultry and some passerines. Although reported in birds of prey, their role as pathogens is still unclear. Healthy, free-ranging raptor nestlings sampled during a routine ringing (banding) program, and birds of prey from rehabilitation centers, tested positive for Mycoplasma spp. by culture and a genus-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Given the lack of clinical signs and disease, we suggest that mycoplasmas in raptors may be commensal rather than pathogenic. Using immunobinding assay and species-specific PCR tests, Mycoplasma buteonis, M. falconis, and M. gypis were identified; M. falconis was only detected in falcons. Additionally, some isolates could not be identified. This is the first report of Mycoplasma spp. isolations from Western Marsh Harriers (Circus aeroginosus), a Eurasian Hobby (Falco subbuteo), and a Barn Owl (Tyto alba).  相似文献   

Gape morphology has been linked to feeding and breeding ecology in raptors, according to the ingestion rate hypothesis. Mammal feeding raptors have larger gapes, allowing them to ingest prey more rapidly than bird feeders, which have evolved smaller average body sizes and gapes to capture more agile prey. One highly derived raptor, however, the Bat Hawk (Macheiramphus alcinus), specializes on colonial bats and swiftlets concentrated daily in a limited temporal window by capturing and swallowing them whole in flight. We hypothesized that the gape of the Bat Hawk evolved to feed rapidly on agile vertebrates limited temporally. We predicted that the gape of the Bat Hawk would be significantly larger than the gape of other raptors, more closely resembling the gapes of swifts (Apodidae), swallows (Hirundinidae), and goatsuckers (Caprimulgiformes). We measured gape area of the lower mandible in museum specimens representing 138 bird species in six orders. We also compared gape area by prey type in over 100 raptor species in three orders. We predicted that insectivorous raptors would exhibit gapes similar to mammal feeders but would differ from bird feeders because insects are not agile prey. The Bat Hawk had the largest gape of any raptor and more closely resembled the gape of insectivorous birds, which also swallow prey whole in flight. The evolution of an enlarged gape may have permitted the Bat Hawk to exploit a previously unrealized ecological niche. Gapes of bird feeding raptors were smaller than in mammal and insect feeders, supporting the ingestion rate hypothesis.  相似文献   

Raptor mortality due to West Nile virus in the United States, 2002   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
West Nile virus (WNV) has affected many thousands of birds since it was first detected in North America in 1999, but the overall impact on wild bird populations is unknown. In mid-August 2002, wildlife rehabilitators and local wildlife officials from multiple states began reporting increasing numbers of sick and dying raptors, mostly red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) and great horned owls (Bubo virginianus). Commonly reported clinical signs were nonspecific and included emaciation, lethargy, weakness, inability to perch, fly or stand, and nonresponse to danger. Raptor carcasses from 12 states were received, and diagnostic evaluation of 56 raptors implicated WNV infection in 40 (71%) of these cases. Histologically, nonsuppurative encephalitis and myocarditis were the salient lesions (79% and 61%, respectively). Other causes of death included lead poisoning, trauma, aspergillosis, and Salmonella spp. and Clostridium spp. infections. The reason(s) for the reported increase in raptor mortality due to WNV in 2002 compared with the previous WNV seasons is unclear, and a better understanding of the epizootiology and pathogenesis of the virus in raptor populations is needed.  相似文献   

Knowledge of a species’ geographic distribution is crucial to assessing its vulnerability. It is also important to know if protected areas provide effective protection for raptor species. Here, we examine the species richness (S) patterns, factors predicting S and the effectiveness of protected areas (EPA) in the conservation of diurnal raptors in Venezuela. We modeled geographic distributions (SDM) of 64 raptor species using ecological niche models. Nine climatic and seven landscape metrics were used as environmental predictors. SDM were stacked to examine S and predictors of S were investigated using regression models. This study evaluated S patterns in the 13 bioregions defined for Venezuela. A gap analysis was performed to evaluate the EPA in the conservation of raptor diversity. Forty species showed a continuous distribution, whereas as disjunct distributions were observed in 24 species. Species richness differed among bioregions; six pairwise compared bioregions did not show differences. Guyana Massif and the mountains of northern Venezuela had the highest species richness. Landscape features, specifically canopy height, land cover and terrain slope explained most of the species richness. Environmental heterogeneity affected the distribution of S and is therefore important in conservation planning for Neotropical raptors. Responses from environmental variables used to predict S were scale dependent; it is necessary to standardize methods/experimental design to study the biogeography of raptors. Priority-setting for the conservation of raptors in Venezuela must consider restricted range species, even if they are not threatened. A new territorial ordering is urgent to improve the protection of this group of birds.  相似文献   

Wild birds are common reservoirs of Salmonella enterica. Wild birds carrying resistant S. enterica may pose a risk to public health as they can spread the resistant bacteria across large spatial scales within a short time. Here, we whole-genome sequenced 375 S. enterica strains from wild birds collected in 41 U.S. states during 1978–2019 to examine bacterial resistance to antibiotics and heavy metals. We found that Typhimurium was the dominant S. enterica serovar, accounting for 68.3% (256/375) of the bird isolates. Furthermore, the proportions of the isolates identified as multi-antimicrobial resistant (multi-AMR: resistant to at least three antimicrobial classes) or multi-heavy metal resistant (multi-HMR: resistant to at least three heavy metals) were both 1.87% (7/375). Interestingly, all the multi-resistant S. enterica (n = 12) were isolated from water birds or raptors; none of them was isolated from songbirds. Plasmid profiling demonstrated that 75% (9/12) of the multi-resistant strains carried resistance plasmids. Our study indicates that wild birds do not serve as important reservoirs of multi-resistant S. enterica strains. Nonetheless, continuous surveillance for bacterial resistance in wild birds is necessary because the multi-resistant isolates identified in this study also showed close genetic relatedness with those from humans and domestic animals.  相似文献   

The golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) is an endangered raptor, which is threatened mainly by illegal egg and nestling robbery. Here we describe a fluorescently labeled, multiplex PCR method using 13 microsatellite markers, which provides a powerful tool for the individual identification and parentage testing of the Golden eagle. This test should be applicable to both forensic analysis and population studies. Fifteen polymorphic loci from A. chrysaetos were cross-amplified. Subsequent PCR condition optimization led to the successful co-amplification of 13 different loci in a single PCR reaction. Fifty samples from wild-living individuals and 89 samples from captive-bred individuals were examined. The results indicated that both populations have similar levels of moderate inbreeding, unsurprising in a small population. This probability of excluding a random individual in parentage analysis was 0.9912 for the wild population and 0.9932 in the captive-bred one in the case that both the individual and its mother were examined together. The probability of identity was estimated to be 3 × 10−8 for the wild and 4 × 10−8 for the captive-bred populations. Given the size of the Slovak golden eagle population, this test should therefore be sufficient to reliably identify individual raptors and assess parentage in both conservation studies and forensic analysis.  相似文献   

Infections caused by members of the Chlamydiaceae family have long been underestimated due to the requirement of special laboratory facilities for the detection of this group of intracellular pathogens. Furthermore, new studies of this group of intracellular pathogens have revealed that host specificity of different species is not as clear as recently believed. As most members of the genus Chlamydophila have shown to be transmissible from animals to humans, sensitive and fast detection methods are required. In this study, SYBR green-based real-time assays were developed that detect all members of Chlamydiaceae and differentiate the most prevalent veterinary Chlamydophila species: Cp. psittaci, Cp. abortus, Cp. felis, and Cp. caviae. By adding bovine serum albumin to the master mixes, target DNA could be detected directly in crude lysates of enzymatically digested conjunctival or pharyngeal swabs or tissue specimens from heart, liver, and spleen without further purification. The assays were evaluated on veterinary specimens where all samples were screened using a family-specific PCR, and positive samples were further tested using species-specific PCRs. Cp. psittaci was detected in 47 birds, Cp. felis was found in 10 cats, Cp. caviae was found in one guinea pig, and Cp. abortus was detected in one sheep. The screening assay appeared more sensitive than traditional microscopical examination of stained tissue smears. By combining a fast, robust, and cost-effective method for sample preparation with a highly sensitive family-specific PCR, we were able to screen for Chlamydiaceae in veterinary specimens and confirm the species in positive samples with additional PCR assays.  相似文献   

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