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Footrot (FR) is a common, contagious bacterial disease of sheep that results in lameness and significant economic losses for producers. We previously reported that sheep affected with FR have lower whole-blood (WB) selenium (Se) concentrations and that Se supplementation in conjunction with routine control practices accelerates recovery from FR. To determine whether oral Se-yeast administered at supranutritional levels (>4.9 mg Se/week) alters the ability of sheep to resist or recover from FR infection, 60 ewes with and 60 ewes without FR were drenched once weekly for 62.5 weeks with 0, 4.9, 14.7, or 24.5 mg organic Se-yeast (30 ewes per treatment group). Footrot prevalence and severity were measured at 0, 20, 28, 40, and 60 weeks of Se supplementation. Genomic expression of eight WB-neutrophil genes for selenoproteins and seven WB-neutrophil genes for proteins involved in innate immunity was determined at the end of the treatment period using SYBR Green and quantitative polymerase chain reaction methodology. Supranutritional Se-yeast supplementation successfully increased Se status in sheep but did not prevent FR. Supranutritional Se-yeast supplementation increased WB-neutrophil expression of genes involved in innate immunity: l-selectin, interleukin-8 receptor, and toll-like receptor 4, which were or tended to be lower in ewes affected with FR. Furthermore, supranutritional Se-yeast supplementation altered the expression of selenoprotein genes involved in innate immunity, increasing selenoprotein S and glutathione peroxidase 4 and decreasing iodothyronine deiodinases 2 and 3. In conclusion, supranutritional Se-yeast supplementation does not prevent FR, but does alter WB-neutrophil gene expression profiles associated with innate immunity, including reversing those impacted by FR.  相似文献   

Blastoderm degeneration is an early embryonic lethal condition observed in selected paired matings within a line of dwarf Single Comb White Leghorn chickens that results in a 25% reduction of the hatch of fertilized eggs. The disorder is macroscopically evident at 32 h of incubation by the presence of a small localized indentation on the outer periphery of the expanding blastoderm. The affected blastoderms undergo a series of rapid macroscopic degenerative changes that conclude at about 120 h characterized by the presence of dispersed blastoderm fragments on the surface of the egg's yolk. Microscopically, this embryonic failure appears to manifest itself between Hamburger-Hamilton stages 8 and 9 of development and is characterized by a series of retarded developmental processes: closure of the anterior neuropore, brain vesicle differentiation, somite formation, and cardiac development. The disorder is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. Attempts to identify factors that influence the disorder have thus far been unsuccessful. The symbol bld is proposed for this recessive gene.  相似文献   

In geographic regions where selenium (Se) soil concentrations are naturally low, the addition of Se to animal feed is necessary. Even though it is known that Se in grass and forage crops is primarily present in organic forms (especially as L-selenomethionine, L-selenocystine, and L-selenocystathionine), the feeding of Se in the naturally occurring organic selenium (OSe) compounds produces higher blood and tissue Se levels than the inorganic Se (ISe) salts, and that animal metabolism of OSe and ISe is fundamentally different. Se is commonly added in inorganic form as sodium selenite to cattle feeds because it is a less expensive source of supplemental Se then are OSe forms. A trial was conducted with growing cattle to determine if the addition of OSe versus ISe forms of Se in beef cattle feed produces differences in hepatic gene expression, thereby gaining insight into the metabolic consequence of feeding OSe versus ISe. Thirty maturing Angus heifers (261?±?6 days) were fed a corn silage-based diet with no Se supplementation for 75 days. Heifers (body weight?=?393?±?9 kg) then were randomly assigned (n?=?10) and fed Se supplements that contained none (control) or 3 mg Se/day in ISe (sodium selenite) or OSe (Sel-Plex®) form and enough of a common cracked corn/cottonseed hull-based diet (0.48 mg Se/day) to support 0.5 kg/day growth for 105 or 106 days. More Se was found in jugular whole blood and red blood cells and biopsied liver tissue of ISe and OSe treatment animals than control animals, and OSe animals contained more Se in these tissues than did ISe. Microarray and bioinformatic analyses of liver tissue gene expression revealed that the content of at least 80 mRNA were affected by ISe or OSe treatments, including mRNA associated with nutrient metabolism; cellular growth, proliferation, and immune response; cell communication or signaling; and tissue/organ development and function. Overall, three Se supplement-dependent gene groups were identified: ISe-dependent, OSe-dependent, and Se form-independent. More specifically, both forms of supplementation appeared to upregulate mitochondrial gene expression capacity, whereas gene expression of a protein involved in antiviral capacity was downregulated in ISe-supplemented animals, and OSe-supplemented animals had reduced levels of mRNA encoding proteins known to be upregulated during oxidative stress and cancerous states.  相似文献   

在以前工作中我们从人精子中分离纯化出一种与生育有关的糖蛋白,命名为BS-17。本文用其多克隆抗血清从人睾丸λgt11cDNA表达库中克隆了编码BS-17的cDNA片段。序列分析表明BS-17cDNA片段长791bp,开放阅读框架558bp,可编码186个氨基酸。经数据库检索,该cDNA片段与人Calpastatin(Ca ̄(2+)依赖的半胱氨酸蛋白酶calpain抑制剂)基因3’端顺序具有99.7%的同源,与Calpastatin蛋白质羧基末端同源性为99.5%。用cRNA进行组织原位杂交结果表明,BS-17基因表达于人精子减数分裂后期单倍精细胞阶段。  相似文献   

A 16-week-long experiment was performed to compare the effect of sodium selenite (SS) and selenium-enriched yeast (SY) supplementation on eggshell quality and also to evaluate breaking force correlation with other parameters of shell quality originating from hens fed with selenium supplementation. One hundred Shaver 579 hens (27 weeks old) with similar body size were randomly divided for five dietary treatments: basal diet without selenium supplementation and basal diets with two levels of selenium supplementation (0.4 or 0.8 mg/kg) via SS or SY. No adverse effect of Se inclusion in hen's feed, regardless of its source, on shell breaking force, shell deformation, shape index, shell thickness and shell percentage, were observed throughout the current study (P > 0.05). Moderate correlations were found between breaking force and nondestructive shell deformation for all diets (P < 0.05). There was no significant overall correlation between egg breaking force and shell thickness or/and percentage shell in the presence of selenium supplemention (P > 0.05). Shape index in all four selenium-supplemented groups was not related to the breaking force (P > 0.05). Selenium supplementation of up to 0.8 mg/kg, regardless of its source, in the diet of laying hens in their first phase of laying does not adversely affect eggshell quality.  相似文献   

Selenium is known to exert multiple beneficial effects including anti-inflammatory actions. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of selenium supplementation on gene expression levels of inflammatory cytokines and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in women with gestational diabetes (GDM). This randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was carried out among 40 subjects diagnosed with GDM aged 18–40 years old. Subjects were randomly allocated into two groups to receive either 200 μg/day selenium supplements (n = 20) or placebo (n = 20) for 6 weeks. Gene expression of inflammatory cytokines and VEGF were assessed in lymphocytes of GDM women with RT-PCR method. Results of RT-PCR indicated that after the 6-week intervention, compared with the placebo, selenium supplementation downregulated gene expression of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) (P = 0.02) and transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) (P = 0.01), and upregulated gene expression of VEGF (P = 0.03) in lymphocytes of patients with GDM. There was no statistically significant change following supplementation with selenium on gene expression of interleukin (IL)-1β and IL-8 in lymphocytes of subjects with GDM. Selenium supplementation for 6 weeks in women with GDM significantly decreased gene expression of TNF-α and TGF-β, and significantly increased gene expression of VEGF, but did not affect gene expression of IL-1β and IL-8. Clinical trial registration number http://www.irct.ir: IRCT201612045623N95.  相似文献   

从已获得的在隐睾和正常睾丸对照中表达量有明显差异的EST片段(BE644542)入手,利用网上生物信息学克隆了SRG2基因全长,GenBank登录号为AF395083。从小鼠睾丸cDNA文库中分离出该基因完整阅读框cDNA,SRG2基因的cDNA全长为1088bp,为编码295个氨基酸、分子量为33579kD、等电点为9.64的蛋白质,与人类同源基因TSARG2相似性为78%,而与其他已知蛋白质无明显同源性。RT-PCR结果表明:该基因只在睾丸中有高表达。应用新型的分子信标检测该基因在不同时期隐睾中的mRNA表达水平,发现该基因呈明显上调,证明该基因在隐睾的发生发展中具重要作用。  相似文献   

In chickens, hyperosmolality and hemorrhage increase hypothalamic vasotocin (AVT) gene expression and stimulate the secretion of AVT from the posterior pituitary gland. In this study, c-fos expression was used to identify areas in the forebrain and brainstem of the domestic chicken that are activated following acute osmotic stress and hemorrhage-induced hypotension. Conscious hens were osmotically stimulated by administering a single intraperitoneal injection of 3 M NaCl (5 ml/kg). Urethane-anesthetized hens were bled to a mean systemic arterial pressure of 80-90 mm Hg and maintained at this blood pressure for 1 h with additional bleedings as required. In both studies, the expression of c-fos was determined in control and experimental birds by using Northern blot analysis and in situ hybridization analysis. Osmotic stress and hemorrhage-induced hypotension increased c-fos expression in the same brain regions. Prominent structures in the forebrain that expressed c-fos mRNA following acute osmotic stress and hemorrhage-induced hypotension included the supraoptic nucleus and paraventricular nucleus and nuclei within the hypothalamus that are anterior and ventral to the third ventricle. In the chicken, this region includes the organum subseptale, the o. vasculosum laminae terminalis, and the nucleus septalis medialis. In the brainstem, following either injection of 3 M NaCl or hemorrhage-induced hypotension, increased c-fos expression was observed in the nucleus of the solitary tract, parabrachial nucleus, area postrema, and locus ceruleus. Thus, the chicken central nervous system appears to use shared neuronal circuitry to stimulate hypothalamic AVT release in response to disturbances in body fluid composition and decreases in either systemic blood pressure or volume.  相似文献   

Zhu Y  Zhao S  Zhao H  Yao Y 《Biochemical genetics》2012,50(9-10):809-821
The goals of this study were to analyze the change in the global gene expression profile of exogenous human leukocyte antigen-G1 (HLA-G1) overexpressed in human embryonic stem (hES) cells and to explore the molecular mechanism by which the overexpression of HLA-G1 modifies immunologic pathways. Microarray and quantitative real-time PCR analyses were performed to quantify the differential expression pattern of HLA-G1?+?H1 hES cells. The results showed that HLA-G1 differentially regulated the expression of 425 genes with at least a twofold increase or decrease. These differentially expressed genes were classified into 13 functional groups, including cellular components, biological processes, and molecular functions. The pathways of focal adhesion, the TGF-β signaling pathway, and the immune response were the most predominantly affected. The synergism of these genes could explain the mechanism of the immunosuppression of HLA-G1?+?H1 hES cells. Thus, the expression pattern reflected a broad spectrum of roles of HLA-G1 in hES cells.  相似文献   

Dietary selenium (Se) deficiency induces muscular dystrophy in chicken, but the molecular mechanism remains unclear. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of dietary Se deficiency on the expressions of 25 selenoproteins. One-day-old broiler chickens were fed either an Se deficiency diet (0.033 mg Se/kg; produced in the Se-deficient area of Heilongjiang, China) or a diet supplemented with Se (as sodium selenite) at 0.2 mg/kg for 55 days. Then, the mRNA levels of 25 selenoproteins in chicken muscles were examined, and the principal component was further analyzed. The results showed that antioxidative selenoproteins especially Gpxs and Sepw1 were highly and extensively expressed than other types of selenoproteins in chicken muscles. In 25 selenoproteins, Gpxs, Txnrd2, Txnrd 3, Dio1, Dio 3, Selk, Sels, Sepw1, Selh, Sep15, Selu, Selpb, Sepp1, Selo, Sepx1, and SPS2 were downregulated (P?P?>?0.05). Se deficiency decreased the expressions of 19 selenoproteins (P?P?相似文献   

Over 16,000 high quality expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from red junglefowl (RJ) and White Leghorn (WL) brain and testis cDNA libraries were generated. Here, we have used this resource for detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and also completed full-length sequencing of 46 pairs of clones, representing the same gene from both the RJ and WL libraries. From the main set of ESTs, which were assembled using Phrap, 746 putative SNPs were identified, of which 76% were transitions and 24% were transversions. A subset of SNPs was evaluated by sequence analysis of five RJ and five WL birds. Nine of 12 SNPs were verified in this limited sample, suggesting that a majority of the putative polymorphisms documented in this study represent real SNPs. During full-length sequencing of the 46 RJ/WL clones 100 SNPs were identified, which translated to a frequency of 1.90 SNPs/1000 bp. The number of transitions and transversions were 77% and 23%, respectively, and the proportion of non-synonymous vs. synonymous SNPs was 20% and 80%, respectively. Four large insertions/deletions were identified between the RJ and WL full-length sequences, and they appear to represent different splice variants.  相似文献   

运用数据库消减杂交筛选出一个在小鼠睾丸中特异表达的新基因--mtIQ2 (Genbank Accession No: DQ153247), Northern blot结果表明该基因的cDNA序列全长为1.2kb,小鼠多组织RT-PCR结果表明:该基因在睾丸中特异表达,而在其他组织中没有表达.运用隐睾模型对该基因的表达研究表明:在手术后第9d,该基因表达急剧下降,到18d完全消失.这些实验提示该基因在睾丸的发育和性成熟过程中可能起重要作用.  相似文献   

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