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Cardiac outputs were calculated on eight male college students while walking on a treadmill at controlled heart rate levels. The heart rate levels were maintained through the use of a heart rate controller (Quinton Model AI-607), standard deviations for heart rate in beats/min ranged from +/-2.1 at the heart rate level 110 to +/-3.2 at 170. Test-retest correlations of the cardiac output values at the various heart rate levels were: at heart rate 110, 0.66 after 7 min and 0.85 at 30 min; at heart rate 150, 0.92 after 7 min and 0.68 at 30 min; at heart rate 130, 0.97 after 7 min, and at heart rate 170, 0.85 after 7 min. The calculated cardiac output values when plotted against oxygen uptake compare favorably with published reports. The data collected demonstrate that the CO2-rebreathing method used in the present investigation provides a reliable bloodless technique for determining multiple cardiac output during prolonged work of varied intensities.  相似文献   

A one-step CO2 rebreathing method for the determination of cardiac output and stroke volume (SV) has been evaluated by comparison with the direct Fick technique during recumbent exercise (10-90 W) in 13 patients. In an initial analysis, the influence of different rebreathing times and of correction for haemoglobin concentration was studied. The best correlation with the direct Fick technique was obtained with the longest analysis time, i.e. 21 s, and correction for variations in haemoglobin concentration further improved the correlation. Consequently, an analysis time of 21 s and correction for haemoglobin have been used. At low cardiac outputs, the CO2-rebreathing method overestimated the flow compared to the Fick technique. The correlation between the methods, however, was so good that a valid estimate of cardiac output could be obtained from the CO2 rebreathing method with appropriate corrections (Cardiac output, CO2 method = 2.7 + 0.77. Cardiac output, Fick; r = 0.91; Residual Standard deviation (SD res) = 0.77 l X min-1). Stroke volumes measured with the CO2 rebreathing method did not differ significantly from those obtained with the direct Fick technique, although there was a tendency to overestimate stroke volume with the CO2 rebreathing method (SV, CO2 method = 12 + 0.89 X SV, Fick; r = 0.82; SD res = 11 ml).  相似文献   

This study presents the comparison of two different noninvasive techniques for the estimation of cardiac output (Q). The two techniques used were transthoracic impedance plethysmography (Z) and the indirect Fick CO2 rebreathing (RB) method. Paired estimates of Q were made on 60 different male subjects at rest and during graded increments of work on a cycle ergometer. The mean resting Q as measured by the Z technique (COZ) was 7.46 +/- 0.35 and 5.96 +/- 0.43 l/min using the RB (CORB) technique. At 200 W the mean COZ was 18.67 +/- 0.72 l/min and the CORB was 23.73 +/- 0.84 l/min. Both the techniques were linearly correlated (R) with O2 consumption; i.e., RZ = 0.752, RRB = 0.855. The difference between these two R values is statistically significant (P less than 0.001). A linear relationship was found between the Z and RB techniques at all work loads (R = 0.75). This study suggests that both techniques are equally as reliable over a large range of work loads, with the Z technique being the simplest and most efficient to implement. It was also found that lung volume had no effect on the calculated COZ.  相似文献   

The reproducibility of cardiac output (Q) estimated by the CO2 rebreathing method during tethered swimming was studied in five highly trained college swimmers. The reproducibility of the CO2 rebreathing method for estimations of Q during tethered swimming was similar to the reproducibility reported for the CO2 rebreathing method, direct Fick method, or dye-dilution method during either cycling or treadmill walking. All duplicate estimates of Q by the CO2 rebreathing method were within 15% of one another. A comparison was made between the Q's estimated by the CO2 rebreathing method during tethered swimming and previously published data on Q determined by the dye-dilution method during free swimming in a flune. At any given oxygen uptake, Q obtained by the CO2 rebreathing method during tethered swimming was not significantly different from the Q obtained by the dye-dilution method during flume swimming. Estimates of Q by the CO2 rebreathing method made during high intensities of tethered swimming were reproducible and appear to be valid.  相似文献   

Noninvasive measurement of cardiac output (QT) is problematic during heavy exercise. We report a new approach that avoids unpleasant rebreathing and resultant changes in alveolar PO(2) or PCO(2) by measuring short-term acetylene (C(2)H(2)) uptake by an open-circuit technique, with application of mass balance for the calculation of QT. The method assumes that alveolar and arterial C(2)H(2) pressures are the same, and we account for C(2)H(2) recirculation by extrapolating end-tidal C(2)H(2) back to breath 1 of the maneuver. We correct for incomplete gas mixing by using He in the inspired mixture. The maneuver involves switching the subject to air containing trace amounts of C(2)H(2) and He; ventilation and pressures of He, C(2)H(2), and CO(2) are measured continuously (the latter by mass spectrometer) for 20-25 breaths. Data from three subjects for whom multiple Fick O(2) measurements of QT were available showed that measurement of QT by the Fick method and by the C(2)H(2) technique was statistically similar from rest to 90% of maximal O(2) consumption (VO(2 max)). Data from 12 active women and 12 elite male athletes at rest and 90% of VO(2 max) fell on a single linear relationship, with O(2) consumption (VO(2)) predicting QT values of 9.13, 15.9, 22.6, and 29.4 l/min at VO(2) of 1, 2, 3, and 4 l/min. Mixed venous PO(2) predicted from C(2)H(2)-determined QT, measured VO(2), and arterial O(2) concentration was approximately 20-25 Torr at 90% of VO(2 max) during air breathing and 10-15 Torr during 13% O(2) breathing. This modification of previous gas uptake methods, to avoid rebreathing, produces reasonable data from rest to heavy exercise in normal subjects.  相似文献   

We compared pulsed Doppler (PD) measurements of stroke volume (SV) and cardiac output (CO) as a function of work load with previously reported values that were obtained by standard invasive methods. Suprasternal notch measurements of Doppler-shifted frequency (delta f) were obtained from the ascending aorta and SV calculated with the Doppler equation and an independent measurement of aortic diameter. Motion artifacts were minimized with the aid of a restraining table cycle ergometer. Signal aliasing was accommodated with manual summation of delta f waveforms. A total of 207 determinations were made in 10 sitting subjects exercising to exhaustion. Linear regression analysis of CO vs. work load was significant (P less than 0.001). The correlation coefficient (r = 0.95) and standard error of estimate value (1.21 1/min) were similar to values from the literature. Absolute values of CO and SV underestimated the literature values across all work loads. Technical reproducibility was assessed by comparing with paired t tests the differences between 65 duplicate serial measurements of CO and SV at rest and exercise. No significant differences (P less than 0.001) were found. We concluded that PD-determined SV and CO are reproducible and correlate linearly with work load in a manner consistent with reported invasive techniques. Thus the PD method appears suitable for use during submaximal and peak exercise.  相似文献   

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