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The membrane-associated (M-FBP) and soluble (S-FBP) forms of human folate binding proteins (FBP) have been well characterized. Although related in a precursor-product manner, the mechanism of conversion and the basis for differences between M-FBP and S-FBP are not known. The conversion of M-FBP to S-FBP in crude human nasopharyngeal carcinoma (KB) cell preparations is demonstrated based on characteristic gel filtration elution profiles of M-FBP and S-FBP (Ve/V0 = 1.3 and 1.7, respectively) in Triton X-100. M-FBP is stoichiometrically converted to S-FBP in a time- and temperature-dependent reaction by a metalloprotease which is: heat-labile; particulate; contained in human KB cell and placental membranes, and rat kidney homogenates; inhibited by EDTA, 1,10-phenanthroline, and parahydroxymercuribenzoate; requires divalent cations; is maximally active at neutral pH; and is active in the presence or absence of detergent. The purified soluble FBP product appears to be identical to S-FBP. Conversion of purified endogenously [3H]leucine-labeled M-FBP yields a soluble FBP characterized by a 45% decrease in specific activity (moles of 3H/mol folate bound) relative to M-FBP and a non-folate binding fragment which contains 45% of the [3H]leucine from M-FBP, requires detergent and/or urea to remain soluble, and migrates aberrantly on gel filtration in 1% (v/v) Triton X-100 and 8 M urea. Based on changes in the specific activity and the gel filtration elution profiles of purified labeled M-FBP associated with conversion to S-FBP, the endoproteolytic cleavage site is predicted between residues 226 and 229 of the cDNA predicted human FBP amino acid sequence. These results suggest that the cDNA predicted hydrophobic carboxyl terminus (residues 227-257) remains intact on the fully processed, membrane-anchored M-FBP, contains the Triton binding domain, and is involved in the formation of the membrane anchor of M-FBP.  相似文献   

A mouse testis cDNA expression library (Clontech) was screened with a synthetic oligonucleotide ligand containing CT-rich motifs derived from the rat skeletal muscle actin gene promoter. These motifs bind nuclear proteins, and seem to be involved in the regulation of the gene. Analysis of isolated clones, which expressed proteins that specifically bind the oligonucleotide, indicated that they were derived from a single gene. This gene was identified as a contaminant of bacterial origin (Leuconostoc lactis). The cloned gene from L. lactis encodes a protein with significant homology to bacterial ribosomal protein S1, which we designated LrpS1-L. Band shift analysis and competition experiments indicated that both the bacterial protein and a mouse nuclear protein specifically bind to the same CT-rich motif of the skeletal muscle actin promoter. Furthermore, antibodies against the recombinant bacterial protein interfered with the formation of complex between the CT-rich element and the mouse nuclear protein. These results indicate that the bacterial LrpS1-L protein and the mammalian protein bind the same CT-rich motif and share common antigenic epitopes.  相似文献   

It had been previously demonstrated that endoplasmic reticulum membranes from rat hepatocytes contain a major calsequestrin-like protein, on account of electrophoretic and Stains All-staining properties (Damiani et al., J. Biol. Chem. 263, 340-343). Here we show that a Ca2+-binding protein sharing characteristics in size and biochemical properties with this protein is likewise present in the isolated endoplasmic reticulum from human liver. Human calsequestrin-like protein was characterized as 62 kDa, highly acidic protein (pl 4.5), using an extraction procedure from whole tissue, followed by DEAE-Cellulose chromatography, that was originally developed for purification of skeletal muscle and cardiac calsequestrin. Liver calsequestrin-like protein bound Ca2+ at low affinity (Kd = 4 mM) and in high amounts (Bmax = 1600 nmol Ca2+/mg of protein), as determined by equilibrium dialysis, but differed strikingly from skeletal muscle calsequestrin for the lack of binding to phenyl-Sepharose resin in the absence of Ca2+, and of changes in intrinsic fluorescence upon binding of Ca2+. Thus, these results suggest that liver 62 kDa protein, in spite of its calsequestrin-like Ca2+-binding properties, does not contain a Ca2+-regulated hydrophobic site, which is a specific structural feature of the calsequestrin-class of Ca2+-binding proteins.  相似文献   

Arup Sen  George J. Todaro 《Cell》1977,10(1):91-99
A structural protein purified from the Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) can specifically bind in vitro to purified avian, but not mammalian, type C viral RNA. Following ultraviolet irradiation of viral particles under conditions which stabilize the polyploid 70S viral RNA, the same polypeptide can be directly purified from the RSV genome. Based on its electrophoretic mobility in polyacrylamide gels containing sodium dodecylsulfate, the RNA binding protein has been identified as the major phosphoprotein (p19) of avian type C viruses. Similar experiments show that the major phosphoproteins of mammalian type C viruses (p12 for murine viruses and p16 for endogenous primate viruses) are also the specific RNA binding proteins and, similarly, are found closely associated with the 70S RNA genomes in the intact viral particles.  相似文献   

The uptake of methotrexate by KB cells was observed to be dependent on time, temperature, and concentration of extracellular methotrexate. The Kd for methotrexate surface binding to KB cells was approximately 200 nM. Following exposure of KB cells to trace quantities of [3H]methotrexate for periods ranging from 6 min to 24 h, the cellular methotrexate was progressively formed into methotrexate polyglutamates and was bound to dihydrofolate reductase as well as to a particulate folate binding protein. To further study the mechanism of methotrexate uptake in KB cells, the N-hydroxysuccinimide ester of methotrexate was used to covalently label the surface of KB cells and to inhibit transport of methotrexate. The N-hydroxysuccinimide ester of methotrexate was bound to a species of protein with an apparent molecular weight of 160,000 in 1% (v/v) Triton X-100 that bound folic acid and was specifically precipitated by antiserum raised against the previously purified high-affinity folate binding protein (the folate receptor) from human KB cells. In addition, trypsin was utilized to remove surface-accessible covalently bound methotrexate. The amount of covalently bound methotrexate that could be released by trypsin initially decreased on incubation at 37 degrees C, suggesting that the methotrexate and binding protein were internalized. However, with time, trypsin could again release the covalently bound methotrexate, suggesting that the binding protein cycles from the external cell surface to the inside of the cell and out again.  相似文献   

Chicken metallothionein (ckMT) is the paradigm for the study of metallothioneins (MTs) in the Aves class of vertebrates. Available literature data depict ckMT as a one-copy gene, encoding an MT protein highly similar to mammalian MT1. In contrast, the MT system in mammals consists of a four-member family exhibiting functional differentiation. This scenario prompted us to analyse the apparently distinct evolutionary patterns followed by MTs in birds and mammals, at both the functional and structural levels. Thus, in this work, the ckMT metal binding abilities towards Zn(II), Cd(II) and Cu(I) have been thoroughly revisited and then compared with those of the mammalian MT1 and MT4 isoforms, identified as zinc- and copper-thioneins, respectively. Interestingly, a new mechanism of MT dimerization is reported, on the basis of the coordinating capacity of the ckMT C-terminal histidine. Furthermore, an evolutionary study has been performed by means of in silico analyses of avian MT genes and proteins. The joint consideration of the functional and genomic data obtained questions the two features until now defining the avian MT system. Overall, in vivo and in vitro metal-binding results reveal that the Zn(II), Cd(II) and Cu(I) binding abilities of ckMT lay between those of mammalian MT1 and MT4, being closer to those of MT1 for the divalent metal ions but more similar to those of MT4 for Cu(I). This is consistent with a strong functional constraint operating on low-copy number genes that must cope with differentiating functional limitation. Finally, a second MT gene has been identified in silico in the chicken genome, ckMT2, exhibiting all the features to be considered an active coding region. The results presented here allow a new insight into the metal binding abilities of warm blooded vertebrate MTs and their evolutionary relationships.  相似文献   

We have characterized a recombinant Drosophila melanogaster RNA binding protein, D25, by virtue of its antigenic relationship to mammalian U1 and U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (U snRNP) proteins. Sequence analysis revealed that D25 bears strong similarity to both the human U1 snRNP-A (U1-A) and U2 snRNP-B" (U2-B") proteins. However, at residues known to be critical for the RNA binding specificities of U1-A and U2-B" D25 sequence is more similar to U2-B". Using direct RNA binding assays D25 selected U1 RNA from either HeLa or Drosophila Kc cell total RNA. Furthermore, D25 bound U1 RNA when transfected into mammalian cells. Thus, D25 appears to be a Drosophila homolog of the mammalian U1-A protein, despite its sequence similarity to U2-B".  相似文献   

CENP-B is a centromere associated protein originally identified in human cells as an 80 kDa autoantigen recognized by sera from patients with anti-centromere antibodies (ACA). Recent evidence indicates that CENP-B interacts with centromeric heterochromatin in human chromosomes and may bind to a specific subset of human alphoid satellite DNA. CENP-B has not been unambiguously identified in non-primates and could, in principal, be a primate-specific alphoid DNA binding protein. In this work, a human genomic DNA segment containing the CENP-B gene was isolated and subjected to DNA sequence analysis. In vitro expression identified the site for translation initiation of CENP-B, demonstrating that it is encoded by an intronless open reading frame (ORF) in human DNA. A homologous mouse gene was also isolated and characterized. It was found to possess a high degree of homology with the human gene, containing an intronless ORF coding for a 599 residue polypeptide with 96% sequence similarity to human CENP-B. 5 and 3 flanking and untranslated sequences were conserved at a level of 94.6% and 82.7%, respectively, suggesting that the regulatory properties of CENP-B may be conserved as well. CENP-B mRNA was detected in mouse cells and tissues and an immunoreactive nuclear protein identical in size to human CENP-B was detected in mouse 3T3 cells using human ACA. Analysis of the sequence of CENP-B revealed a segment of significant similarity to a DNA binding motif identified for the helix-loop-helix (HLH) family of DNA binding proteins. These data demonstrate that CENP-B is a highly conserved mammalian protein that may be a member of the HLH protein family and suggest that it plays a role in a conserved aspect of centromere structure or function.  相似文献   

The human plasma protein binding vitamin D and its metabolites (Gc globulin; group-specific component) has been isolated from human plasma by column affinity chromatography on gels to which monomeric actin was covalently attached. Rabbit skeletal-muscle G-actin was covalently coupled to amino-agarose gels before the application of human plasma. At actin/protein molar ratios of 4-8:1, excellent recovery (approximately 58%) of purified binding protein was achieved. After 0.75 M-NaCl washes, the binding protein was eluted from the columns in 3 M-guanidinium chloride, dialysed and analysed. These eluates contained the binding protein as 34-100% of the total protein, reflecting a 130-fold average purification in this single step. In the presence of Ca2+, gelsolin (another plasma protein that binds actin) was apparently retained by the affinity column, but this was prevented by chelation of plasma Ca2+. The actin affinity step also was effective in the isolation of the binding protein from rat, rabbit and chicken plasma, as indicated by autoradiographs of purified fractions analysed by gel electrophoresis after incubation with 25-hydroxy[26,27-3H]cholecalciferol. Further isolation by hydroxyapatite chromatography yielded a purified binding protein which displayed characteristic binding activity toward vitamin D metabolites and G-actin, and retained its physicochemical features. This brief purification sequence is relatively simple and efficient, and should prove to be useful to investigators studying this interesting plasma protein.  相似文献   

A growth hormone-dependent binding protein for insulin-like growth factors (IGF-I and IGF-II) has been isolated from human plasma. Analyzed on SDS gels, the preparation contained a major protein band of 53 kDa, and a minor band of 47 kDa. After transfer to nitrocellulose, both species bound iodinated IGF-I, and could be detected using an antibody raised against the purified preparation. In contrast, an IGF binding protein purified from human amniotic fluid bound IGF-I but was not detectable immunologically. The amino acid comparison of the plasma binding protein preparation was different from that reported for amniotic fluid and HEP G2 hepatoma proteins, and the unique amino-terminal sequence, Gly-Ala-Ser-Ser-Ala-Gly-Leu-Gly-Pro-Val-, was different from that of the amniotic fluid and hepatoma proteins. This study indicates that the growth hormone-dependent IGF binding protein of human plasma is structurally and immunologically distinct from other IGF binding proteins.  相似文献   

When the Gs in rat liver membranes was prelabeled with [32P]NAD and cholera toxin, solubilized with octylglucoside, and then analyzed by sucrose density gradient centrifugation, it was fractionated into two peaks with approximate molecular sizes of 12-13S and 3-4S. Pretreatment without or with GDP beta S of the labeled membranes resulted in a larger peak in the high molecular weight region, whereas pretreatment with glucagon plus GTP gamma S caused almost equal peaks in both regions. The affinity-purified anti-nucleoside diphosphate (NDP) kinase antibodies only precipitated the Gs in high molecular weight region. Under the same condition, small but significant NDP kinase activity was associated with the high molecular weight Gs region although a large portion of the enzyme activity was recovered in fractions where it alone should appear (6.2S). Both Lubrol-PX and digitonin solubilized the Gs in forms insensitive to immunoprecipitation by anti-NDP kinase antibodies although the latter detergent was able to solubilize the Gs in a high molecular weight form, that is, a ternary glucagon-receptor-G protein complex. These results demonstrate that Gs and membrane-associated NDP kinase may exist in part in a complexed form in membranes. Physiological relevance of the complex formation in membrane signal transduction is discussed.  相似文献   

Two fatty acid binding proteins (FABPs) of identicalM r, 13 kDa, have been isolated from developing human fetal brain. A delipidated 105,000 g supernatant was incubated with [1 -14C]oleate and subjected to a Sephacryl S-200 column followed by gel filtration chromatography on a Sephadex G-75 column and ion-exchange chromatography using a DEAE-Sephacel column. Purity was checked by UV spectroscopy, SDS-PAGE, isoelectric focusing and immunological cross-reactivity. The two FABPs designated as DE-I (pI 5.4) and DE-II (pI 6.9) showed cross-reactivity with each other and no alteration at the antigenic site during intrauterine development. Anti-human fetal brain FABP does not cross-react with purified human fetal heart, gut, lung or liver FABPs. The molecular mass of DE-I and DE-II is lower than those of fetal lung and liver FABPs. Like liver FABP, these proteins bind organic anions, fatty acids and acyl CoAs but differ in their binding affinities. Both DE-I and DE-II have been found to exhibit higher affinity for oleate (K d = 0.23 μM) than palmitate (K d = 0.9μM) or palmitoyl-CoA (K d = 0.96 μM), with DE-I binding less fatty acids than DE-II. DE-II is more efficient in transferring fatty acid from phospholipid vesjcles than DE-I indicating that human fetal brain FABPs may play a significant role in fatty acid transport in developing fetal brain.  相似文献   

A new term ‘receptin’, derived from recipere (lat.), is proposed to denote microbial binding proteins that interact with mammalian target proteins. An example of such a ‘receptin’ is staphyloccocal protein A which binds to the Fc part of many mammalian immunoglobulins. Several other types of ‘receptins’ are listed. This term may easily be distinguished from the similar term ‘receptor’, describing a binding site on a cell surface, mostly eukaryotic, where a secondary effect is induced inside the cell upon binding to a ligand. A receptin, however, does not necessarily have to induce a secondary event. Receptins include so called MSCRAMMs, adhesins, and also engineered receptins, affibodies, and engineered ligands. It denotes any protein of microbial origin, cell‐bound or soluble, which can bind to a mammalian protein. It fulfills the need for an umbrella terminology for a large group of binding structures. In contrast, the term ‘lectin’ represents a group of proteins with affinity for carbohydrate structures. The new term ‘receptin’ includes a number of key microbial proteins involved in host–parasite interactions and in virulence. Some receptins are promising vaccine candidates. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In many human tissues adenosine deaminase exists as a complex composed of two proteins; one protein has adenosine deaminase activity while the other represents a binding protein with no other known binding activity. A rapid, quantitative assay for human adenosine deaminase binding protein has been developed utilizing 125I-labeled calf adenosine deaminase. In addition this binding protein has been purified 1,690-fold from human kidney using adenosine deaminase affinity chromatography and appears to be homogenous by sedimentation equilibrium, sodium dodecyl sulfate, and native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This highly purified binding protein exists as a dimer of native molecular weight 190,000, complexes with calf adenosine deaminase in a ratio of 1:2, respectively, and contains carbohydrate which reacts specifically with phytohemagglutinin and ricin lectins. A second form of this adenosine deaminase binding protein may exist, resulting from degradation of its carbohydrate moiety.  相似文献   

We have purified two 35-kDa proteins from rat peritoneal lavages that inhibit phospholipase A2 activity. Both are calcium/phospholipid-dependent membrane binding proteins and share similar structural and biochemical properties with lipocortins I and II. By sequence analysis we confirmed that they are lipocortin-related, and we refer to the two inhibitors as lipocortins III and V. Using partial sequence information obtained from the purified rat proteins, full length cDNA clones for both proteins and for their human counterparts were isolated. As with lipocortins I and II, the amino acid sequences of lipocortins III and V which were deduced from the cDNA clones are highly conserved, sharing 50% identity with other family members. Related proteins were also purified from bovine intestinal mucosa and characterized by peptide mapping, sequence, and immunological analyses. In addition to lipocortins III and V the bovine preparation contained a third 35-kDa inhibitor and a 68-kDa inhibitor, extending the number of known lipocortins to six distinct proteins. While the various lipocortins are structurally similar, distinct differences in their cellular distribution indicate specialized roles for the individual proteins.  相似文献   

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