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pho3: a phosphorus-deficient mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zakhleniuk OV  Raines CA  Lloyd JC 《Planta》2001,212(4):529-534
A novel P-deficient mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana, pho3, was isolated by screening for root acid phosphatase (APase) activity in plants grown under low-P conditions. pho3 had 30% less APase activity in roots than the wild type and, in contrast to wild-type plants, root APase activity did not increase in response to growth in low P. However, shoot APase activity was higher in pho3 than in the wild-type plants. In addition, the pho3 mutant had a P-deficient phenotype, even when grown in P-sufficient conditions. The total P content of 11-d-old pho3 plants, grown in agar media with a plentiful supply of P, was about 25% lower than the wild-type level in the shoot, and about 65% lower in the roots. In the rosette leaves of mature soil-grown pho3 plants the total P content was again reduced, to about 50% of wild-type levels. pho3 exhibited a number of characteristics normally associated with low-P stress, including severely reduced growth, increased anthocyanin content (at least 100-fold greater than the wild type in soil-grown plants) and starch accumulation. The results suggest that the mutant is unable to respond to low internal P levels, and may lack a transporter or a signalling component involved in regulating P nutrition. Received: 21 March 2000 / Accepted: 15 August 2000  相似文献   

Tsukaya H  Shoda K  Kim GT  Uchimiya H 《Planta》2000,210(4):536-542
 Heteroblasty in Arabidopsis thaliana was analyzed in a variety of plants with mutations in leaf morphology using a tissue-specific β-glucuronidase gene marker. Some mutants exhibited their mutant phenotypes specifically in foliage leaves. The phenotypes associated with the foliage-leaf-specific mutations were also found to be induced ectopically in cotyledons in the presence of the lec1 mutation. Moreover, the features of an emf1lec1 double mutant showed that cotyledons can be partially converted into carpelloids. When heteroblastic traits were examined in foliage leaves in the presence of certain mutations or natural deviations by histochemical analysis of the expression of the tissue-specific marker gene, it was found that ectopic expression of the developmental program for the first foliage leaves in lec1 cotyledons seemed to affect the heteroblastic features of the first set of foliage leaves, while foliage leaves beyond the third position appeared normal. Similarly, in wild-type plants, discrepancies in heteroblastic features, relative to standard features, of foliage leaves at early positions seemed to be eliminated in foliage leaves at later positions. These results suggest that heteroblasty in foliage leaves might be affected in part by the heteroblastic stage of the preceding foliage leaves but is finally controlled autonomously at each leaf position. Received: 9 July 1999 / Accepted: 17 August 1999  相似文献   

Proanthocyanidins (PAs) are a class of flavonoids with numerous functions in plant ecology and development, including protection against microbial infection, animal foraging and damage by UV light. PAs are also beneficial in the human diet and livestock farming, preventing diseases of the cardiovascular system and lowering the risk of cancer, asthma and diabetes. Apples (Malus x domestica Borkh.) are naturally rich in flavonoids, but the flavonoid content and composition varies significantly between cultivars. In this work, we applied knowledge from the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, for which the main features of flavonoid biosynthesis have been elucidated, to investigate PA accumulation in apple. We identified functional homologues of the Multidrug And Toxic compound Extrusion (MATE) gene TRANSPARENT TESTA12 from A. thaliana using a comparative genomics approach. MdMATE1 and MdMATE2 were differentially expressed, and the function of the encoded proteins was verified by complementation of the respective A. thaliana mutant. In addition, MdMATE genes have a different gene structure in comparison to homologues from other species. Based on our findings, we propose that MdMATE1 and MdMATE2 are vacuolar flavonoid/H(+) -antiporters, active in PA accumulating cells of apple fruit. The identification of these flavonoid transporter genes expands our understanding of secondary metabolite biosynthesis and transport in apple, and is a prerequisite to improve the nutritional value of apples and apple-derived beverages.  相似文献   

Despite the availability of many mutants for signal transduction, Arabidopsis thaliana guard cells have so far not been used in electrophysiological research. Problems with the isolation of epidermal strips and the small size of A. thaliana guard cells were often prohibiting. In the present study these difficulties were overcome and guard cells were impaled with double-barreled microelectrodes. Membrane-potential recordings were often stable for over half an hour and voltage-clamp measurements could be conducted. The guard cells were found to exhibit two states. The majority of the guard cells had depolarized membrane potentials, which were largely dependent on external K+ concentrations. Other cells displayed spontaneous transitions to a more hyperpolarized state, at which the free-running membrane potential (Em) was not sensitive to the external K+ concentration. Two outward-rectifying conductances were identified in cells in the depolarized state. A slow outward-rectifying channel (s-ORC) had properties resembling the K+-selective ORC of Vicia faba guard cells (Blatt, 1988, J Membr Biol 102: 235–246). The activation and inactivation times and the activation potential, all depended on the reversal potential (Erev) of the s-ORC conductance. The s-ORC was blocked by Ba2+ (K1/2 = 0.3–1.3mM) and verapamil (K1/2 = 15–20 μM). A second rapid outward-rectifying conductance (r-ORC) activated instantaneously upon stepping the voltage to positive values and was stimulated by Ba2+. Inward-rectifying channels (IRC) were only observed in cells in the hyperpolarized state. The activation time and activation potential of this channel were not sensitive to the external K+ concentration. The slow activation of the IRC (t1/2 ≈ 0.5 s) and its negative activation potential (Vthreshold = −155 mV) resemble the values found for the KAT1 channel expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Bertl et al., 1995, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 92: 2701–2705). The results indicate that A. thaliana guard cells provide an excellent system for the study of signal transduction processes. Received: 28 March 1996 / Accepted: 11 November 1996  相似文献   

The endogenous gibberellins (GAs) from shoots of the GA-insensitive mutant,gai, ofArabidopsis thaliana were analyzed and compared with the GAs from the Landsberg erecta (Ler) line. Twenty GAs were identified in Ler plants by full-scan gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and Kovats retention indices (KRI's). These GAs are members of the early-13-hydroxylation pathway (GA53, GA44, GA19, GA17, GA20, GA1, GA29, and GA8), the non-3,13-hydroxylation pathway (GA12, GA15, GA24, GA25, GA9, and GA51), and the early-3-hydroxylation pathway (GA37, GA27, GA36, GA13, GA4, and GA34). The same GAs, except GA53, GA44, GA37, and GA29 were detected in thegai mutant by the same methods. In addition, extracts fromgai plants contained GA41 and GA71. Both lines also contained several unknown GAs. In Ler plants these were mainly hydroxy-GA12 derivatives, whereas in thegai mutant hydroxy-GA24, hydroxy-GA25, and hydroxy-GA9 compounds were detected. Quantification of seven GAs by GC-selected ion monitoring (SIM), using internal standards, and comparisons of the ion intensities in the SIM chromatograms of the other thirteen GAs, demonstrated that thegai mutant had reduced levels of all C20-dicarboxylic acids (GA53, GA44, GA19, GA12, GA15, GA24, GA37, GA27, and GA36). In contrast,gai plants had increased levels of C20-tricarboxylic acid GAs (GA17, GA25, and GA41) and of all C19-GAs (GA20, GA1, GA8, GA9, GA51, GA4, GA34, and GA71) except GA29. The 3β-hydroxylated GAs, GA1 and GA4, and their respective 2β-hydroxylated derivatives, GA8 and GA34, were the most abundant GAs found in shoots of thegai mutant. Thus, thegai mutation inArabidopsis results in a phenotype that resembles GA-deficient mutants, is insensitive to both applied and endogenous GAs, and contains low levels of C20-dicarboxylic acid GAs and high levels of C19-GAs. This indicates that theGAI gene controls a step beyond the synthesis of an active GA. Thegai mutant is presumably a GA-receptor mutant or a mutant with a block in the transduction pathway between the receptor and stem elongation. We thank Dr. L.N. Mander, Australian National University, Canberra, for providing [2H]gibberellins, Dr. B.O. Phinney, University of California, Los Angeles, USA for [13C]GA8, and Dr. D.A. Gage, MSU-NIH Mass Spectrometry Facility (grant No. DRR00480), for advice with mass spectrometry. This work was supported by a fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture (I.N.I.A.) to M.T., by the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract DE-ACO2-76ERO-1338, and by U.S. Department of Agriculture grant No. 88-37261-3434 to J.A.D.Z.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the involvement of brassinosteroids in the cell elongation process leading to normal plant morphology, indirect immunofluorescence and molecular techniques were use to study the expression of tubulin genes in the bul1-1 dwarf mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh., the characteristics of which are reported in this issue (M. Catterou et al., 2001). Microtubules were studied specifically in the regions of the mutant plant where the elongation zone is suppressed (hypocotyls and petioles), making the reduction in cell elongation evident. Indirect immunofluorescence of α-tubulin revealed that very few microtubules were present in mutant cells, resulting in the total lack of the parallel microtubule organization that is typical of elongating cells in the wild type. After brassinosteroid treatment, microtubules reorganized and became correctly oriented, suggesting the involvement of brassinosteroids in microtubule organization. Molecular analyses showed that the microtubule reorganization observed in brassinosteroid-treated bul1-1 plants did not result either from an activation of tubulin gene expression, or from an increase in tubulin content, suggesting that a brassinosteroid-responsive pathway exists which allows microtubule nucleation/organization and cell elongation without activation of tubulin gene expression. Received: 28 April 2000 / Accepted: 6 October 2000  相似文献   

Aluminum inhibition of root growth is a major world agricultural problem where the cause of toxicity has been linked to changes in cellular calcium homeostasis. Therefore, the effect of aluminum ions (Al) on changes in cytoplasmic free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]c) was followed in root hairs of wild-type, Al-sensitive and Al-resistant mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. Generally, Al exposure resulted in prolonged elevations in tip-localized [Ca2+]c in both wild-type and Al-sensitive root hairs. However, these Al-induced increases in [Ca2+]c were not tightly correlated with growth inhibition, occurring up to 15 min after Al had induced growth to stop. Also, in 32% of root hairs examined growth stopped without a detectable change in [Ca2+]c. In contrast, Al-resistant mutants showed little growth inhibition in response to AlCl3 exposure and in no case was a change in [Ca2+]c observed. Of the other externally applied stresses tested (oxidative and mechanical stress), both were found to inhibit root hair growth, but only oxidative stress (H2O2, 10 μM) caused a prolonged rise in [Ca2+]c similar to that induced by Al. Again this increase occurred after growth had been inhibited. The lack of a tight correlation between Al exposure, growth inhibition and altered [Ca2+]c dynamics suggests that although exposure of root hairs to toxic levels of Al causes an alteration in cellular Ca2+ homeostasis, this may not be a required event for Al toxicity. The elevation in [Ca2+]c induced by Al also strongly suggests that the phytotoxic action of Al in root hairs is not through blockage of Ca2+-permeable channels required for Ca2+ influx into the cytoplasm. Received: 24 October 1997 / Accepted: 6 March 1998  相似文献   

Mutagenesis and subsequent selection of Arabidopsis thaliana plantlets on a growth inhibitory concentration of lysine has led to the isolation of lysine-resistant mutants. The ability to grow on 2 m M lysine has been used to isolate mutants that may contain an aspartate kinase with altered regulatory-feedback properties. One of these mutants (RL 4) was characterized by a relative enhancement of soluble lysine. The recessive monogenic nuclear transmission of the resistance trait was established. It was associated with an aspartate kinase less sensitive to feedback inhibition by threonine. Two mutants (RLT 40 and RL 4) in Arabidopsis, characterized by an altered regulation of aspartate kinase, were crossed to assess the effects of the simultaneous presence of these different aspartate kinase forms. A double mutant (RLT40 × RL4) was isolated and characterized by two feedback-desensitized isozymes of aspartate kinase to, respectively, lysine and threonine but no threonine and/or lysine overproduction was observed. Genetical analysis of this unique double aspartate kinase mutant indicated that both mutations were located on chromosome 2, but their loci (ak1and ak2) were found to be unlinked.  相似文献   

Mutants and wild type plants of Arabidopsis thaliana were analysed for differences in glucosinolate accumulation patterns, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) biosynthesis and phenotype. A previously identified series of mutants, termed TU, with altered glucosinolate patterns was used in this study. Only the line TU8 was affected in shoot phenotype (shorter stems, altered branching pattern). Synthesis of IAA and metabolism were not much affected in the TU8 mutant during seedling development, although the content of free IAA peaked earlier in TU8 during plant development than in the wild type. Indole glucosinolates and IAA may, however, be involved in the development of clubroot disease caused by the obligate biotrophic fungus Plasmodiophora brassicae since the TU3 line had a lower infection rate than the wild type, and lines TU3 and TU8 showed decreased symptom development. The decline in clubroot formation was accompanied by a reduced number of fungal structures within the root cortex and slower development of the fungus. Indole glucosinolates were lower in infected roots of TU3 and TU8 than in control roots of these lines, whereas in wild-type plants the differences were not as prominent. Free IAA and indole-3-acetonitrile (IAN) were increased in infected roots of the wild type and mutants with normal clubroot symptoms, whereas they were reduced in infected roots of mutants TU3 and TU8. These results indicate a role for indole glucosinolates and IAN/IAA in relation to symptom development in clubroot disease. Received: 23 July 1998 / Accepted: 12 January 1999  相似文献   

Comparative studies on the effect of temperature treatment on the endogenous polyamine content in wild type and the ethylene insensitive mutant eti5 of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh were performed. The levels of free and conjugated putrescine, spermidine and spermine were measured in rosette leaves of 38-day-old plants subjected to low and high temperature for 24 h in darkness. Data for fractions measured in treated wild type plants during recovery suggest that alterations in polyamine levels may be a consequence of the conversion of the supernatant-bound into free form and vice versa, while in treated eti5 plants de novo synthesis of spermidine and spermine could not be excluded. It was found that high temperature provoked more significant changes in polyamine levels than low temperature. The results suggest that the eti5 mutant showed a better ability to recover after the temperature treatments than wild type partly as a consequence of changes in polyamine content.  相似文献   

Abstract. A gravitational stimulus was used to induce the curvature of the main root of Arabidopsis thaliana. The number of secondary roots increased on the convex side and decreased on the concave side of any curved main root axes in comparison with straight roots used as the control. The same phenomenon was observed with the curved main roots of plants grown on a clinostat and of mutant plants exhibiting random root orientation. The data suggest that the pattern of lateral root formation is associated with curvature but is independent of the environmental stimuli used to induce curvature.  相似文献   

Plant cold acclimation is correlated to expression of low-temperature-induced (lti) genes. By using a previously characterized lti cDNA clone as a probe we isolated a genomic fragment that carried two closely located lti genes of Arabidopsis thaliana. The genes were structurally related with the coding regions interrupted by three similarly located short introns and were transcribed in the same direction. The nucleotide sequences of the two genes, lti78 and lti65, predict novel hydrophilic polypeptides with molecular weights of 77856 and 64510, respectively, lti78 corresponding to the cDNA probe. Of the 710 amino acids of LTI78 and 600 amino acids of LTI65, 346 amino acids were identical between the polypeptides, which suggests that the genes may have a common origin.Both lti78 and lti65 were induced by low temperature, exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) and drought, but the responsiveness of the genes to these stimuli was markedly different. Both the levels and the temporal pattern of expression differed between the genes. Expression of lti78 was mainly responsive to low temperature, that of lti65 to drought and ABA. In contrast to the induction of lti78, which follows separate signal pathways during low-temperature, ABA and drought treatment, the drought induction of lti65 is ABA-dependent and the low-temperature induction appears to be coupled to the ABA biosynthetic pathway. This differential expression of two related genes may indicate that they have some-what different roles in the stress response.  相似文献   

An experiment was performed to reveal the organogenetic capacity of some mutant lines ofArabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. and their hybrids. The mutant lines have lower shoot- and root-forming capacity than the normal line, but their hybrids recovered the capacity to the level of the normal parent line, and in some cases they showed hybrid vigor. Leaf segments showed both the shoot- and root-forming capacity in the normal line and in hybrids. Stem segments showed high shoot-forming and low root-forming capacity in all the lines and hybrids. Calluses showed root-forming capacity but scarcely formed shoots in both the parent lines and hybrids.  相似文献   

Summary Abscisic acid (ABA) has been implicated as a regulatory factor in plant cold acclimation. In the present work, the cold-acclimation properties of an ABA-deficient mutant (aba) of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. were analyzed. The mutant had apparently lost its capability to cold acclimate: the freezing tolerance of the mutant was not increased by low temperature treatment but stayed at the level of the nonacclimated wild type. The mutational defect could be complemented by the addition of exogenous ABA to the growth medium, restoring freezing tolerance close to the wild-type level. This suggests that ABA might have a central regulatory function in the development of freezing tolerance in plants. Cold acclimation has been previously correlated to the induction of a specific set of proteins that have been suggested to have a role in freezing tolerance. However, these proteins were also induced in the aba mutant by low temperature treatment.  相似文献   

A new class of recessive Arabidopsis mutants, designated cristal (cri ) has been isolated which display several abnormalities reminiscent of hyperhydric symptoms. These characteristics include translucent and wrinkled cotyledons and leaves, abnormal chloroplast organization, a reduced amount of chlorophyll, a reduced dry weight and a decreased number of palisade cells in the leaves accompanied by an increase of intercellular space, and therefore give a vitreous appearance to the aerial part. The phenotype is also dependent on the culture medium water potential. The cri1 gene was mapped on chromosome 4 close to the DHS1 marker. Received: 5 August 1996 / Accepted: 11 December 1996  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana lines have been isolated that are insensitive to the fungal toxin fusicoccin (FC). Initial screening was done by selecting for plants that either grew well on high concentrations of FC or did not respond to FC by increases in H+-extrusion. All selected plants were tested, in several additional rounds of screening, for binding to microsomal proteins of a 3H-labeled radioligand of fusicoccin. A novel assay allowing for the direct selection of individual plants exhibiting reduced binding of FC was developed and used as screening procedure. Independent variant lines (43) with stably expressed, reduced binding of FC were isolated and subjected to a detailed characterization of their binding sites. The lines could be subdivided into several distinct classes with respect to these characteristics. In class-I lines, the data indicate a partial conversion of high-affinity binding sites to a low-affinity state. In class-II lines, the affinity of the binding site to FC is strongly reduced while the number of sites, as well as several other biochemical parameters, is completely unchanged, suggesting a specific alteration in the properties of the fusicoccin-binding protein. In class-III lines, the ligand-binding protein complex, while retaining its high affinity, is destabilized at supraoptimal concentrations of FC (such as those used for screening). In wild-type plants, only the high-affinity binding site was detected. Combined, these data prove that the high-affinity sites represent the plant's FC receptor.Abbreviations Ao binding site concentration - FC fusicoccin - FCBP fusicoccin-binding protein - FCol 9-nor-8-hydroxyfusicoccin - KD dissociation constant of the FCBP-radioligand complex We are grateful to Iris Sandorf and Gudrun Henrichs for excellent technical assistance. This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn, Germany and by Fonds der Chemischen Industrie (literature provision).  相似文献   

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