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C Alén  D J Sherratt    S D Colloms 《The EMBO journal》1997,16(17):5188-5197
Xer site-specific recombination at ColE1 cer converts plasmid multimers into monomers, thus ensuring the heritable stability of ColE1. Two related recombinase proteins, XerC and XerD, catalyse the strand exchange reaction at a 30 bp recombination core site. In addition, two accessory proteins, PepA and ArgR, are required for recombination at cer. These two accessory proteins are thought to act at 180 bp of accessory sequences adjacent to the cer recombination core to ensure that recombination only occurs between directly repeated sites on the same molecule. Here, we demonstrate that PepA and ArgR interact directly with cer, forming a complex in which the accessory sequences of two cer sites are interwrapped approximately three times in a right-handed fashion. We present a model for this synaptic complex, and propose that strand exchange can only occur after the formation of this complex.  相似文献   

M A Krasnow  N R Cozzarelli 《Cell》1983,32(4):1313-1324
We studied the dynamics of site-specific recombination by the resolvase encoded by the Escherichia coli transposon Tn3. The pure enzyme recombined supercoiled plasmids containing two directly repeated recombination sites, called res sites. Resolvase is the first strictly site-specific topoisomerase. It relaxed only plasmids containing directly repeated res sites; substrates with zero, one or two inverted sites were inert. Even when the proximity of res sites was ensured by catenation of plasmids with a single site, neither relaxation nor recombination occurred. The two circular products of recombination were catenanes interlinked only once. These properties of resolvase require that the path of the DNA between res sites be clearly defined and that strand exchange occur with a unique geometry. A model in which one subunit of a dimeric resolvase is bound at one res site, while the other searches along adjacent DNA until it encounters the second site, would account for the ability of resolvase to distinguish intramolecular from intermolecular sites, to sense the relative orientation of sites and to produce singly interlinked catenanes. Because resolvase is a type 1 topoisomerase, we infer that it makes the required duplex bDNA breaks of recombination one strand at a time.  相似文献   

Ruth M. Hall  H. W. Stokes 《Genetica》1993,90(2-3):115-132
Integrons are unusual DNA elements which include a gene encoding a site-specific DNA recombinase, a DNA integrase, and an adjacent site at which a wide variety of antibiotic resistance and other genes are found as inserts. One or more genes can be found in the insert region, but each gene is part of an independent gene cassette. The inserted genes are expressed from a promoter in the conserved sequences located 5 to the genes, and integrons are thus natural expression vectors. A model for gene insertion in which circular gene cassettes are inserted individually via a single site-specific recombination event has been proposed and verified experimentally. The gene cassettes include a gene coding region and, at the 3 end of the gene an imperfect inverted repeat, a 59-base element. The 59-base elements are a diverse family of elements which function as sites recognized by the DNA integrase. Site-specific insertion of individual genes thus represents a further mechanism which contributes to the evolution of the genomes of Gram-negative bacteria and their plasmids and transposons.Members of the most studied class of integrons, which include thesulI gene in the conserved sequences, are believed to be mobile DNA elements on the basis that they are found in many independent locations, and a discrete boundary is found at the outer end of the 5-conserved segment. However, the length of the 3-conserved segment is variable in the integrons examined to date, and it is likely that this variability has arisen as the result of insertion and deletion events. Though the true extent of the 3-conserved segment remains to be determined, it seems likely that these integrons are mobile DNA elements. The second known class of integrons comprises members of the Tn7 transposon family.  相似文献   

R R Reed  N D Grindley 《Cell》1981,25(3):721-728
Resolvase, the product of the tnpR gene of the transposable element gamma delta, mediates a site-specific recombination between two copies of the element directly repeated on the same replicon. The resolution site, res, at which resolvase acts lies in the intercistronic region between the tnpA and tnpR genes. We have studied this site-specific recombination in vitro. In the absence of Mg2+, a resolvase-res complex is formed, which contains DNA molecules that have been cleaved at res. Our data suggest that in this complex resolvase is covalently attached to the 5' ends of the cleaved DNA, leaving free 3' hydroxyl groups. DNA cleavage is stimulated by the interaction of two res sites on the same substrate molecule and appears to be an intermediate step in normal res site recombination. We show that the DNA is cut within a region previously identified as containing the crossover point at the palindromic sequence 5'- (see formula in text) to generate 3' extensions of two bases.  相似文献   

Resolvases from Tn3-like transposons catalyse site-specific recombination at res sites. Each res site has 3 binding sites for resolvase, I, II, and III. The res sites in Tn3 and Tn21 have similar structures at I and II but they differ at III. Mutagenesis of the Tn21 res site showed that sub-site III is essential for recombination though the sequences in III that are recognized by Tn21 resolvase are positioned differently from the equivalent sequences in the Tn3 site. The deletion of III caused a 1,000-fold drop in the rate of recombination. But other mutations at III, changing 3 or 4 consecutive base pairs, caused only 1.5- to 4-fold decreases in rate, even when the mutations were in target sequences for this helix-turn-helix protein. The reason why Tn21 resolvase has similar activities at a number of different DNA sequences may be due to the multiplicity of protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions in its recombinogenic complex. This lack of precision may be a general feature of nucleoprotein complexes.  相似文献   

We have constructed a genetic bioassay for inhibitors of site-specific recombination by transposon Tn3 resolvase. Of 6,000 compounds tested, 26 inhibited in vivo, and 5 of these 26 inhibited in vitro. At least two inhibitors also inhibit the topoisomerase of resolvase. We have also identified analogs of A1062 which inhibit.  相似文献   

The Tn3-encoded resolvase protein promotes a site-specific recombination reaction between two directly repeated copies of the recombination site res. Several inhibitors that block this event in vitro have been isolated. In this study four of these inhibitors were tested on various steps in the recombination reaction. Two inhibitors. A9387 and A1062, inhibit resolvase binding to the res site. Further, DNase I footprinting revealed that at certain concentrations of A9387 and A1062, resolvase was preferentially bound to site I of res, the site containing the recombinational crossover point. The two other inhibitors, A20812 and A21960, do not affect resolvase binding and bending of the DNA but inhibit synapse formation between resolvase and two directly repeated res sites.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the functions of the parts of the Tn 3 recombination site res, we created hybrid recombination sites by placing the loxP site for Cre recombinase adjacent to the "accessory" resolvase-binding sites II and III of res. The efficiency and product topology of in vitro recombination by Cre between two of these hybrid sites were affected by the addition of Tn 3 resolvase. The effects of resolvase addition were dependent on the relative orientation and spacing of the elements of the hybrid sites. Substrates with sites II and III of res close to loxP gave specific catenated or knotted products (four-noded catenane, three-noded knot) when resolvase and Cre were added together. The product topological complexity increased when the length of the spacer DNA segment between loxP and res site II was increased. Similar resolvase-induced effects on Cre recombination product topology were observed in reactions of substrates with loxP sites adjacent to full res sites. The results demonstrate that the res accessory sites are sufficient to impose topological selectivity on recombination, and imply that intertwining of two sets of accessory sites defines the simple catenane product topology in normal resolvase-mediated recombination. They are also consistent with current models for the mechanism of catalysis by Cre.  相似文献   

A kinetic analysis of site specific recombination by Tn21 resolvase has been carried out using DNA substrates of varying superhelicities. The rates for the formation of the recombinant product increased with increasing superhelicity up to a maximum value, after which further increases in superhelicity caused no further increase in rate. The reactions with DNA of reduced superhelicity were extremely slow, yet they eventually led to virtually all of the substrate being converted to product. Hence, the level of DNA superhelicity must determine the activation energy barrier for at least one of the steps within the reaction pathway that can be rate-limiting. In the presence (but not in the absence) of Mg2+ ions, the DNA was fully saturated with resolvase whenever the protein was in stoichiometric excess over resolvase binding sites on the DNA. Thus the process affected by DNA supercoiling cannot be coupled to the binding of resolvase. Instead, the step whose rate is determined by supercoiling seems to be located within the reaction pathway after the synapse. However, these reactions may involve two forms of the synaptic complex that are converted to the recombinant product at different rates.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the "inverted repeat" structure of the transposon Tn3 was determined by the DNA sequencing procedure developed by Maxam and Gilbert(1). The sequence, 38 base pairs long, is as follows: 5'-GGGGTCTGACGCTCAGTGGAACGAAAACTCACGTTAAG..(Tn3) 3'-CCCCAGACTGCGAGTCACCTTGCTTTTGAGTGCAATTC.. The integration of Tn3 is associated with a directly repeated sequence of 5 nucleotides appearing at each end of Tn3. The two directly repeated sequences so far determined are not the same. Furthermore, there is no homologous structure around the integration point of Tn3.  相似文献   

The resolvases from the transposons Tn3 and Tn21 are homologous proteins but they possess distinct specificities for the DNA sequence at their respective res sites. The DNA binding domain of resolvase contains an amino acid sequence that can be aligned with the helix-turn-helix motif of other DNA binding proteins. Mutations in the gene for Tn21 resolvase were made by replacing the section of DNA that codes for the helix-turn-helix with synthetic oligonucleotides. Each mutation substituted one amino acid in Tn21 resolvase with either the corresponding residue from Tn3 resolvase or a residue that lacks hydrogen bonding functions. The ability of these proteins to mediate recombination between res sites from either Tn21 or Tn3 was measured in vivo and in vitro. With one exception, where a glutamate residue had been replaced by leucine, the activity of these mutants was similar to that of wild-type Tn21 resolvase. A further mutation was made in which the complete recognition helix of Tn21 resolvase was replaced with that from Tn3 resolvase. This protein retained activity in recombining Tn21 res sites, though at a reduced level relative to wild-type; the reduction can be assigned entirely to weakened binding to this DNA. Neither this mutant nor any other derivative of Tn21 resolvase had any detectable activity for recombination between res sites from Tn3. The exchange of this section of amino acid sequence between the two resolvases is therefore insufficient to alter the DNA sequence specificity for recombination.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the R46 site-specific recombination system has been determined. The organization of the recombination gene (perR46) and the site at which it acts (per site), together with the extensive sequence homology displayed with the tnpR genes and res sites of the transposons Tn3 and gamma delta (Tn1000), suggests that they have been derived from a Tn3-like element. These site-specific recombination functions of R46 play a role in plasmid maintenance.  相似文献   

The Xer site-specific recombination system of Escherichia coli is involved in the stable inheritance of circular replicons. Multimeric replicons, produced by homologous recombination, are converted to monomers by the action of two related recombinases XerC and XerD. Site-specific recombination at a locus, dif, within the chromosomal replication terminus region is thought to convert dimeric chromosomes to monomers, which can then be segregated prior to cell division. The recombinases XerC and XerD bind cooperatively to dif, where they catalyse recombination. Chemical modification of specific bases and the phosphate-sugar backbone within dif was used to investigate the requirements for binding of the recombinases. Site-directed mutagenesis was then used to alter bases implicated in recombinase binding. Characterization of these mutants by in vitro recombinase binding and in vivo recombination, has demonstrated that the cooperative interactions between XerC and XerD can partially overcome DNA alterations that should interfere with specific recombinase-dif interactions.  相似文献   

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