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Summary Identification and distribution of the precursors of aminestorage organelles in rat megakaryocytes during cell maturation were studied, using the uranaffin reaction for adenine nucleotide. The precursors of the amine-storage organelles appeared as 200–300 nm vesicles having an uranaffin electron dense granule, whereas they appeared as empty vesicles by conventional glutaraldehyde-OsO4 fixation. X-ray probe microanalysis confirmed the existence of U and P in the uranaffin reaction positive vesicles. The precursors appeared in the immature megakaryocytes, especially at the trans(mature) face of the Golgi apparatus, and rapidly increased in number in the maturing cells. The size of the uranaffin granules in the precursory organelles increased gradually during cell maturation and became almost equivalent to the dense body of blood platelets in the final stage of cell maturation.  相似文献   

The demarcation membrane system (DMS) is the precursor of platelet cell membranes yet little is known of its properties in living megakaryocytes. Using confocal microscopy, we now demonstrate that demarcation membranes in freshly isolated rat marrow megakaryocytes are rapidly stained by styryl membrane indicators such as di-8-ANEPPS and FM 2-10, confirming that they are invaginations of the plasma membrane and readily accessible from the extracellular space. Two-photon excitation of an extracellular indicator displayed the extensive nature of the channels formed by the DMS throughout the extranuclear volume. Under whole-cell patch clamp, the DMS is electrophysiologically contiguous with the peripheral plasma membrane such that a single capacitative component can account for the biophysical properties of all surface-connected membranes in the majority of recordings. Megakaryocyte capacitances were in the range of 64-694 pF, equivalent to 500-5500 platelets (mean value 1850). Based upon calculations for a spherical geometry, the DMS results in a 4- to 14-fold (average 8.1-fold) increase in specific membrane capacitance expressed per unit spherical surface area. This indicates a level of plasma membrane invagination comparable with mammalian skeletal muscle. Whole-cell capacitance measurements and confocal imaging of membrane-impermeant fluorescent indicators therefore represent novel approaches to monitor the DMS during megakaryocytopoiesis and thrombopoiesis.  相似文献   

We present a model for stress-fiber reorganization and the associated contractility that includes both the kinetics of stress-fiber formation and dissociation as well as the kinetics of stress-fiber remodeling. These kinetics are motivated by considering the enthalpies of the actin/myosin functional units that constitute the stress fibers. The stress, strain and strain rate dependence of the stress-fiber dynamics are natural outcomes of the approach. The model is presented in a general 3D framework and includes the transport of the unbound stress-fiber proteins. Predictions of the model for a range of cyclic loadings are illustrated to rationalize hitherto apparently contrasting observations. These observations include: (1) For strain amplitudes around 10 % and cyclic frequencies of about 1 Hz, stress fibers align perpendicular to the straining direction in cells subjected to cyclic straining on a 2D substrate while the stress fibers align parallel with the straining direction in cells constrained in a 3D tissue. (2) At lower applied cyclic frequencies, stress fibers in cells on 2D substrates display no sensitivity to symmetric applied strain versus time waveforms but realign in response to applied loadings with a fast lengthening rate and slow shortening. (3) At very low applied cyclic frequencies (on the order of mHz) with symmetric strain versus time waveforms, cells on 2D substrates orient perpendicular to the direction of cyclic straining above a critical strain amplitude.  相似文献   

The SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV) spike is the largest known viral spike molecule, and shares a similar function with all class 1 viral fusion proteins. Previous structural studies of membrane fusion proteins have largely used crystallography of static molecular fragments, in isolation of their transmembrane domains. In this study we have produced purified, irradiated SARS-CoV virions that retain their morphology, and are fusogenic in cell culture. We used cryo-electron microscopy and image processing to investigate conformational changes that occur in the entire spike of intact virions when they bind to the viral receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). We have shown that ACE2 binding results in structural changes that appear to be the initial step in viral membrane fusion, and precisely localized the receptor-binding and fusion core domains within the entire spike. Furthermore, our results show that receptor binding and subsequent membrane fusion are distinct steps, and that each spike can bind up to three ACE2 molecules. The SARS-CoV spike provides an ideal model system to study receptor binding and membrane fusion in the native state, employing cryo-electron microscopy and single-particle image analysis.  相似文献   

The tight junction forms a barrier that limits paracellular movement of water, ions, and macromolecules. The permeability properties of this barrier are regulated in response to both physiological and pathophysiological stimuli, and this regulation has been modeled by pharmacological agents. Although it is now known that vesicular traffic plays important roles in tight junction assembly, the molecular mechanisms by which vesicular traffic contributes to tight junction regulation remain to be defined. This review summarizes recent progress in understanding mechanisms and pathways of tight junction protein internalization and the relevance of these to tight junction regulation.  相似文献   

The tight junction forms a barrier that limits paracellular movement of water, ions, and macromolecules. The permeability properties of this barrier are regulated in response to both physiological and pathophysiological stimuli, and this regulation has been modeled by pharmacological agents. Although it is now known that vesicular traffic plays important roles in tight junction assembly, the molecular mechanisms by which vesicular traffic contributes to tight junction regulation remain to be defined. This review summarizes recent progress in understanding mechanisms and pathways of tight junction protein internalization and the relevance of these to tight junction regulation.  相似文献   

Price H  Wallace R 《Bio Systems》2003,68(1):67-77
We present a computational model demonstrating that an electric field propagating in the plane of the neural membrane during transmembrane ion movement creates lateral concentration gradients of the lipids. Due to this field-induced reorganization, ethenes of the lipid chains become aligned and polarized. This finding is interpreted within the context of molecular studies of protein folding in biological membranes. We propose that electrostatic interactions between membrane dipoles and charged amino acid residues of the unfolded ion-channel protein regulate protein-folding kinetics (channel closing). These electrostatic interactions thus regulate electrical signaling in neurons.  相似文献   

A fundamental problem in developmental biology concerns the proportioning of the developing tissue of a morphallactic system into different cell types in a way that is independent of the overall size of the tissue. The two main models for positional information in pattern formation, the source-sink models and the Turing reaction-diffusion models, have shortcomings that limit their applicability. In a previous paper, we described a model that can produce perfectly scale-invariant spatial patterns and analyzed some of its mathematical properties. In the present paper, we demonstrate some of the shortcomings of the standard reaction-diffusion models and discuss the applicability of our model to developmental systems.  相似文献   

L Kass 《Stain technology》1985,60(4):233-237
Using the acrylic textile dye Lycramine brilliant blue JL, mature and immature megakaryocytes from human bone marrow specimens stained metachromatically bright lavender. This coloration was not observed in other types of bone marrow cells. After digestion with either diastase or ribonuclease, subsequent staining of marrow specimens did not reveal a significant diminution of the intensity of staining of megakaryocytes. However, after incubation with hyaluronidase followed by staining with Lycramine brilliant blue JL, staining of megakaryocyte cytoplasm was either imperceptible or very pale blue. Accordingly, at least one of the substances responsible for the staining reaction is acid mucopolysaccharide in the cytoplasm of megakaryocytes. With further experience and comparison with established immunologic and cytochemical techniques, staining of megakaryocytes with Lycramine brilliant blue JL may be a useful addition to the cytochemistry of blood and bone marrow cells.  相似文献   

Zbar RI  Rai SM  Dingman DL 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》2000,106(4):886-9; discussion 890-1
This three-stage model outlines a safe and effective method for achieving a local cleft board in a developing region. Maintaining local culture and guaranteeing patient safety are paramount concerns. Success is rooted in the constant assessment and recognition of negative forces, including misdirection and stagnation. The key factors are the identification of an interested local host and a source of funding as the site evolves toward independence. As of June 30, 2000, 501 cases had been performed independently and free of charge by the host healthcare provider in Nepal. There had been no major morbidities or mortalities.  相似文献   

Changes in membrane protein localization are critical to establishing cell polarity and regulating cell signaling. Fluorescence microscopy of labeled proteins allows visualization of these changes, but quantitative analysis is needed to study this aspect of cell signaling in full mechanistic detail. We have developed a novel approach for quantitative assessment of membrane protein redistribution based on four-dimensional video microscopy of fluorescently labeled proteins. Our analytic system provides robust automated methods for cell surface reconstruction, cell shape tracking, cell-surface distance measurement, and cluster formation analysis. These methods permit statistical analyses and testing of mechanistic hypotheses regarding cell signaling. We have used this approach to measure antigen-dependent clustering of signaling molecules in CD4+ T lymphocytes, obtaining clustering velocities consistent with single-particle tracking data. Our system captures quantitative differences in clustering between signaling proteins with distinct biological functions. Our methods can be generalized to a range of cell-signaling phenomena and enable novel applications not feasible with single-particle studies, such as analysis of subcellular protein localization in live organ culture.  相似文献   

The effect of cholesterol depletion on the activity of phosphatidylinositol/phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate and diacylglycerol kinases and polyphosphoinositide phosphodiesterase has been studied in isolated membranes of human normal and cholesterol-depleted erythrocytes. Polyphosphoinositide synthesis (phosphatidylinositol/phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate kinase activities) were found to depend on the permeability and sidedness characteristics of the membrane vesicles, which could limit the accessibility of ATP for the enzymes. When measured under proper conditions, phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate synthesis were decreased in cholesterol-depleted membranes as compared with control membranes. The same level of synthesis could be obtained in both membranes by the addition of phosphatidylinositol (and Triton X-100) or of phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate. Phosphatidic acid synthesis (diacylglycerol kinase activity) was also decreased in cholesterol-depleted membranes as compared with control membranes when measured in the presence of Ca2+. Addition of diolein (and Triton X-100) caused a large increase in phosphatidic acid synthesis which reached approximately the same level in both membranes. This showed that the apparent inhibition of polyphosphoinositide and phosphatidic acid synthesis was not due to a loss or to an inactivation of the kinases. Ca2+-activated polyphosphoinositide phosphodiesterase promoted the hydrolysis of 65-70% of the polyphosphoinositides in control and of only 45-55% in cholesterol-depleted membranes without changing the Ca2+ concentration for half-maximum hydrolysis (1 microM). Upon addition of sodium oleate, the extent of polyphosphoinositide hydrolysis became identical in both membranes, indicating again that there was no loss nor inactivation of the polyphosphoinositide phosphodiesterase in the cholesterol-depleted membranes. Since the concentration of the polyphosphoinositides was not changed by cholesterol depletion [Giraud, M'Zali, Chailley & Mazet (1984) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 778, 191-200], the reduction in both their synthesis and degradation observed here could be attributed to a reorganization of the phosphoinositides in membrane domains where they were not accessible to the kinases and phosphodiesterase. The reduction in phosphatidic acid synthesis was likely caused by a reduction in the total amount of the substrate diacylglycerol in cholesterol-depleted membranes as already shown [Giraud, M'Zali, Chailley & Mazet (1984) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 778, 191-200].  相似文献   

During vertebrate development, oligodendrocytes wrap their plasma membrane around axons to produce myelin, a specialized membrane highly enriched in galactosylceramide (GalC) and cholesterol. Here, we studied the formation of myelin membrane sheets in a neuron-glia co-culture system. We applied different microscopy techniques to visualize lipid packing and dynamics in the oligodendroglial plasma membrane. We used the fluorescent dye Laurdan to examine the lipid order with two-photon microscopy and observed that neurons induce a dramatic lipid condensation of the oligodendroglial membrane. On a nanoscale resolution, using stimulated emission depletion and fluorescence resonance energy transfer microscopy, we demonstrated a neuronal-dependent clustering of GalC in oligodendrocytes. Most importantly these changes in lipid organization of the oligodendroglial plasma membrane were not observed in shiverer mice that do not express the myelin basic protein. Our data demonstrate that neurons induce the condensation of the myelin-forming bilayer in oligodendrocytes and that MBP is involved in this process of plasma membrane rearrangement. We propose that this mechanism is essential for myelin to perform its insulating function during nerve conduction.  相似文献   

R Leven 《Blood cells》1989,15(1):306-313
Successful isolation of guinea pig megakaryocytes in large numbers was first achieved with a combination of techniques, taking sequential advantage of the low relative densities and large diameters of most megakaryocytes. Several laboratories have made minor improvements, but this approach retains the disadvantage of losing a significant fraction of the megakaryocyte population, the small immature ones. Counterflow centrifugal elutriation has been shown to eject cells from a chamber progressively, according to their sizes. Because almost all the megakaryocytes are bigger than the other marrow cells, the megakaryocytes can be retained while rejecting the contaminants. With this technology, yields of 1.4-2.0 x 10(6) megakaryocytes from one guinea pig are routine, recoveries have been 93%-94% of the input number of megakaryocytes, and final purities now average 72%. A split-specimen comparison with our previous method found elutriation to provide much greater yield and recovery with at least as great a purification as the density-velocity combination. This new technique was easily adapted to isolation of megakaryocytes in single aspirates from normal human marrow. Fifty-fold purification with near total recovery and a yield of 27,000 megakaryocytes per donor allows easy and reliable cytologic studies. Elutriation appears to be the current method of choice for isolation of megakaryocytes.  相似文献   

The effect of physiologically relevant ceramide concentrations (< or = 4 mol %) in raft model membranes with a lipid composition resembling that of cell membranes, i.e., composed of different molar ratios of an unsaturated glycerophospholipid, sphingomyelin, and cholesterol (Chol) along a liquid-disordered-liquid-ordered tie line was explored. The application of a fluorescence multiprobe and multiparameter approach, together with multiple fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) pairs, in the well-characterized palmitoyl-oleoyl-phosphocholine (POPC)/palmitoyl-sphingomyelin (PSM)/Chol ternary mixture, revealed that low palmitoyl-ceramide (PCer) concentrations strongly changed both the biophysical properties and lipid lateral organization of the ternary mixtures in the low-to-intermediate Chol/PSM-, small raft size range (<25 mol % Chol). For these mixtures, PCer recruited up to three PSM molecules for the formation of very small ( approximately 4 nm) and highly ordered gel domains, which became surrounded by rafts (liquid-ordered phase) when Chol/PSM content increased. However, the size of these rafts did not change, showing that PCer did not induce the formation of large platforms or the coalescence of small rafts. In the high Chol/PSM-, large raft domains range (>33 mol % Chol), Chol completely abolished the effect of PCer by competing for PSM association. Lipid rafts govern the biophysical properties and lateral organization in these last mixtures.  相似文献   

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