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链霉菌能够产生多种次级代谢产物,在临床、农牧业、生物技术等领域具有重要应用价值;对链霉菌的调控网络进行深入研究有助于提高次级代谢产物产量并发现新的次级代谢产物.链霉菌中次级代谢产物生物合成按调控通路分为全局调控与途径特异性调控,其中全局调控蛋白可靶向多种通路特异调控基因和生物合成基因,在链霉菌的生命活动中发挥着更为普遍...  相似文献   

Members of the soil‐dwelling, sporulating prokaryotic genus Streptomyces are indispensable for the recycling of the most abundant polysaccharides on earth (cellulose and chitin), and produce a wide range of antibiotics and industrial enzymes. How do these organisms sense the nutritional state of the environment, and what controls the signal for the switch to antibiotic production and morphological development? Here we show that high extracellular concentrations of N‐acetylglucosamine, the monomer of chitin, prevent Streptomyces coelicolor progressing beyond the vegetative state, and that this effect is absent in a mutant defective of N‐acetylglucosamine transport. We provide evidence that the signal is transmitted through the GntR‐family regulator DasR, which controls the N‐acetylglucosamine regulon, including the pts genes ptsH, ptsI and crr needed for uptake of N‐acetylglucosamine. Deletion of dasR or the pts genes resulted in a bald phenotype. Binding of DasR to its target genes is abolished by glucosamine 6‐phosphate, a central molecule in N‐acetylglucosamine metabolism. Extracellular complementation experiments with many bld mutants showed that the dasR mutant is arrested at an early stage of the developmental programme, and does not fit in the previously described bld signalling cascade. Thus, for the first time we are able to directly link carbon (and nitrogen) metabolism to development, highlighting a novel type of metabolic regulator, which senses the nutritional state of the habitat, maintaining vegetative growth until changing circumstances trigger the switch to sporulation. Our work, and the model it suggests, provide new leads towards understanding how microorganisms time developmental commitment.  相似文献   

Kinetics of nutrient uptake by roots: responses to global change   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  

The gacA gene of the biocontrol strain Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 codes for a response regulator which, together with the sensor kinase GacS (=LemA), is required for the production of exoenzymes and secondary metabolites involved in biocontrol, including hydrogen cyanide (HCN). A gacA multicopy suppressor was isolated from a cosmid library of strain CHA0 and identified as the infC-rpmI-rplT operon, which encodes the translation initiation factor IF3 and the ribosomal proteins L35 and L20. The efficiency of suppression was about 30%, as determined by the use of a GacA-controlled reporter construct, i.e. a translational hcnA'-'lacZ fusion. Overexpression of the rsmA gene (coding for a global translational repressor) reversed the suppressive effect of the amplified infC operon. This finding suggests that some product(s) of the infC operon can compete with RsmA at the level of translation in P. fluorescens CHA0 and that important biocontrol traits can be regulated at this level.  相似文献   

植物细胞培养技术提高次生代谢物产量的方法(综述)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍植物细胞培养技术提高次生代谢物产量的方法。  相似文献   

When cells are starved of their substrate, many nutrient transporters are induced. These undergo rapid endocytosis and redirection of their intracellular trafficking when their substrate becomes available again. The discovery that some of these transporters also act as receptors, or transceptors, suggests that at least part of the sophisticated controls governing the trafficking of these proteins has to do with their signaling function rather than with control of transport. In yeast, the general amino acid permease Gap1 mediates signaling to the protein kinase A pathway. Its endocytic internalization and intracellular trafficking are subject to amino acid control. Other nutrient transceptors controlling this signal transduction pathway appear to be subject to similar trafficking regulation. Transporters with complex regulatory control have also been suggested to function as transceptors in other organisms. Hence, precise regulation of intracellular trafficking in nutrient transporters may be related to the need for tight control of nutrient-induced signaling.  相似文献   

The size and morphology of organs are largely determined by a genetic program. However in some cases, an epigenetic mechanism influences the process of organ development. Particularly, epigenetic factors such as hemodynamic stress and blood pressure affect the morphogenesis of cardiac chambers and valves. Here, we report that the epigenetic influences affect the cardiomyocyte production. Taking advantage of longer developmental period of medaka fish, we could examine the later emerging tissue responses to the defect of ventricular beating, which occurred in the hozuki (hoz) mutant that harbors the mutated ventricular myosin heavy chain (vmhc) gene. The mutant showed a remarkable ventricular enlargement, and we showed that this enlargement was due to an excess production of ventricular cardiomyocytes in addition to the lack of concentric chamber growth. By experimental blockade of blood flow, we demonstrated that an elevated cardiac pressure was responsible for the aberrant cardiomyocyte production. From these data, we propose that the epigenetic tissue response to a stressed situation controls the production of cardiomyocytes to attain a fine tuning of heart formation.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress is a common physiological stress that often challenges plants. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are major factors in oxidative stress that significantly affect plant cell growth and secondary metabolism. Here we used beta-thujaplicin production by Cupressus lusitanica cell culture as an example to demonstrate the common occurrence of oxidative stress in cultivated plant cells and its effect on multiple aspects of cell culture process. C. lusitanica cells cultivated under Fe(2+) stress generate a significant level of ROS, and oxidative stress also occurs at late stages of C. lusitanica cell cultures under normal conditions. ROS production inhibited cell growth, induced lipid peroxidation and cell death, and enhanced ethylene and beta-thujaplicin production. It is demonstrated that Fe(2+) stress enhances ROS production via the Fenton reaction and promotes beta-thujaplicin production via ROS-induced lipid peroxidation that may activate cyclic oxylipin and ethylene pathways. Results further indicate that H(2)O(2) is a positive signal for beta-thujaplicin production, whereas superoxide anion radical (O(2) (- )) negatively affects beta-thujaplicin induction and strongly induces cell death. The study suggests that evaluating the oxidative stress and plant responses in a cell culture process is very necessary and important for understanding biochemical processes and for gaining the maximal productivity of target secondary metabolites.  相似文献   

Here, the growth-differentiation balance hypothesis (GDBH) was tested by quantifying temporal variation in the relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate (NAR), and phenylpropanoid concentrations of two willow species (Salix sericea and Salix eriocephala) across five fertility levels. Initially, RGR increased and total phenylpropanoids declined (although every individual phenolic did not) as fertility increased, but NAR was unaffected. Subsequently, NAR and phenylpropanoids declined in the low fertility treatment, generating a quadratic response of secondary metabolism across the nutrient gradient. As above- and below-ground growth rates equilibrated, NAR and phenylpropanoids increased in the low fertility treatment, re-establishing a negative linear effect of fertility on secondary metabolism. A transient quadratic response of secondary metabolism is predicted when GDBH is integrated with models of optimal phenotypic plasticity, occurring when low NAR imposes carbon constraints on secondary metabolism in low nutrient environments. Once plants acclimate to nutrient limitation, the equilibrium allocation state is predicted to be a negative correlation between growth and secondary metabolism. Although both willow species generally responded according to GDBH, the complexity observed suggests that prediction of the effects of nutrient availability on secondary metabolism (and other plastic responses) in specific cases requires a priori knowledge of the physiological status of the plant and soil nutrient availability.  相似文献   

A distinguished group of researchers congregated at one of the symposia during the 2021 Virtual Meeting organized by the Biophysical Society, to speak about the critically important role played by mitochondrial functionality in healthy aging. The latest research trends expressed by the speakers during the meeting resulted in an updated display of novel emerging molecular targets involved in keeping mitochondrial health during metabolic disorder and until late in life. Besides offering insightful views on the impact of mitochondrial healthy function on the biology of aging in different organs such as the liver and cardiac and skeletal muscle, their distinct experimental approaches showed a significant convergence in results, a reassuring hallmark of scientific excellence. The interdisciplinary crossroad of biology, biophysics, and biochemistry, evidenced during the symposium organized by the Bioenergetics, Mitochondria, and Metabolism subgroup, is another example of fruitful collaboration at one of the scientific frontiers represented by human aging.  相似文献   

A new parameter ethanol evolution rate (EER) was developed to aid in the determination of glucose feeding rate in avermectin production. The EER characterized the level of primary metabolism and its value was affected mainly by the supply of O2 and glucose. In an abnormal batch, over-feeding of glucose led to 2.5-fold increase of the maximum EER value compared to the normal one, and the production was thus decreased by nearly 80%. Together with other criteria, the EER helped to control utilization of substrate, so it has been successfully used to control glucose feeding in an industrial process.  相似文献   

Abstract: Free-living bacteria are expert in adapting to variations in nutrient availability, often using an array of transport systems of different affinities to scavenge for particular substrates (multiport). This review concentrates on the regulation of expression of different transporters contributing to multiport in response to varying nutrient levels. A novel mechanism of controlling bacterial transport affinity under sugar limitation is described. In particular, switching from glucose-rich to glucose-limited conditions results in Escherichia coli orchestrating outer membrane changes as well as the induction of a periplasmic binding protein-dependent (ABC-type) transport system. The changes leading to the high affinity transport pathway are directed towards uptake of rapidly utilisable concentrations and are optimal close to 10−6 M medium glucose. High affinity transport is absent under both glucose-rich 'feast' and glucose-starved 'famine' conditions hence high affinity transporters are not simply repressed by excess nutrient. Rather, the improvement in glucose scavenging involves induction of genes in 2 distinct regulons ( mgl/gal and mal/lamB ) through synthesis of 2 different endogenous inducer molecules (galactose, maltotriose). Endoinducer levels are tightly controlled by extracellular glucose concentration at different glucose-limited growth rates. Aside from endoinducers, the elevated intracellular level of cAMP plays a role in induction of the high-affinity pathway but CAMP-mediated relief from catabolite repression is not itself sufficient for high affinity transport. In contrast to the repressive role of glucose when present at millimolar concentrations, micromolar glucose also leads to the induction of transport systems for other sugars, further broadening the scavenging potential of nutrient-limited bacteria for other substrates.  相似文献   

Agricultural production is under increasing pressure by global anthropogenic changes, including rising population, diversion of cereals to biofuels, increased protein demands and climatic extremes. Because of the immediate and dynamic nature of these changes, adaptation measures are urgently needed to ensure both the stability and continued increase of the global food supply. Although potential adaption options often consider regional or sectoral variations of existing risk management (e.g. earlier planting dates, choice of crop), there may be a global-centric strategy for increasing productivity. In spite of the recognition that atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO(2)) is an essential plant resource that has increased globally by approximately 25 per cent since 1959, efforts to increase the biological conversion of atmospheric CO(2) to stimulate seed yield through crop selection is not generally recognized as an effective adaptation measure. In this review, we challenge that viewpoint through an assessment of existing studies on CO(2) and intraspecific variability to illustrate the potential biological basis for differential plant response among crop lines and demonstrate that while technical hurdles remain, active selection and breeding for CO(2) responsiveness among cereal varieties may provide one of the simplest and direct strategies for increasing global yields and maintaining food security with anthropogenic change.  相似文献   

A technique was developed for differentiating the activity of microbes solely within sol gels by using the contribution of biomass outgrowth. Streptomyces rimosus was immobilised in colloidal silica gels and biomass growth, oxytetracycline synthesis, pH and carbohydrate consumption were compared for UV surface-sterilised gels, untreated gels, and liquid cultures. Absolute and biomass specific oxytetracycline yields were higher for non-sterile gels than for liquid culture. Biomass solely within colloidal silica gels (1.7 mg ml–1), and gels obtained from colloidal silica modified by addition of larger silica particles (1.2 mg ml–1) yielded 27 and 21 g ml–1 oxytetracycline compared with 97 and 104 g ml–1 for unsterilised gels (3.6 and 5.2 mg ml–1 biomass) displaying outgrowth. It was therefore apparent that biomass and antibiotic production within the gels was limited and that optimisation requires gel modification.  相似文献   

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