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 选用在土壤磷水平为5~7mgP·kg-1土的条件下筛选出来的不同磷效率的4个冬小麦品种,采用盆栽试验研究了有效磷为3.2mgP·kg-1土时的磷效率、磷吸收效率、磷利用效率及土壤水分对这些指标的影响。结果表明:在有效磷很低的土壤上,“磷高效”品种小偃54和81(85)5—3—3—3在幼苗期并未表现出较高的磷效率。尽管这两个品种的磷吸收效率显著地高于NC37和京411,但由于它们的磷利用效率相对低于京411,从而使磷效率并未显著地提高。土壤水分对4个品种的磷吸收效率和利用效率均有显著影响。  相似文献   

用盆栽试验研究了12个冬小麦品种在低、高氮条件下的籽粒产量差异,及吸收和利用氮素的效率对其影响。结果证明在低氮处理中吸收效率和利用效率(UtEG)的共同影响导致了产量差异,但利用效率的影响更大;高氮处理则主要是吸收效率的影响,利用效率的影响较小。研究还发现能高效吸收或利用氮素的品种多为矮秆品种,因此高产品种多为矮秆。在低氮处理中的高产品种具有高效吸收或高效利用的特点;高氮处理中的高产品种主要具有高  相似文献   

用盆栽试验研究了12个冬小麦品种(TriticumaestivumL.)在低、高氮条件下的籽粒产量差异,及吸收和利用氮素的效率对其影响。结果证明在低氮处理中吸收效率和利用效率(UtEG)的共同影响导致了产量差异,但利用效率的影响更大;高氮处理则主要是吸收效率的影响,利用效率的影响较小。研究还发现能高效吸收或利用氮素的品种多为矮秆品种,因此高产品种多为矮秆。在低氮处理中的高产品种具有高效吸收或高效利用的特点;高氮处理中的高产品种主要具有高效吸收的特点,利用效率并不高。在所有品种中,只有低氮条件下的太核5025兼具高效吸收和高效利用的优点,说明多数品种的吸收、利用效率有待提高,以充分发挥氮肥的增产效果,达到少施氮肥多增产和保护环境的目的  相似文献   

不同磷效率小麦品种的磷吸收特性   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
在丰磷、缺磷条件下,对不同磷效率小麦品种的磷吸收特性进行研究。缺磷条件下,不同磷效率品种成熟期的植株全磷量和生育中后期(挑旗-成熟期)植株磷累积量均以磷高效品种最高,中效品种次之,低效品种最低。不同磷效率品种拔节期、挑旗期和成熟期的磷利用效率差异较小。表明磷高效小麦品种在缺磷条件下子粒产量形成能力的提高。与生育中后期植株具有相对较强的磷素吸收能力有关。缺磷条件下,不同磷效率品种在生育中后期的根系TTC还原力和可溶蛋白含量也以高效品种最高,中效次之,低效最低。表明磷高效小麦品种植株生育中后期根系具有较强的生理功能,是其在缺磷务件下吸磷量增加、产量相对明显提高的重要生理基础。研究表明,不同磷效率小麦品种在磷胁迫条件下的根系酸性磷酸化酶(APase)活性存在显著差异,并在小麦磷吸收效率的调控中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

用水培和盆栽试验的方法研究了根系形态、吸收NO3的动力学参数Vmax、Km和生长速率对小麦品种(系)间吸氮量差异的影响,用水培方法测定的根系重量、总吸收表面积、活跃吸收表面积和NO3吸收动力学参数Vmax、Km具有显著的品种(系)差异,且能很好地解释水培条件下吸氮量的品种(系)差异,即在低氮条件下,Km低(对N 力高)的品种(系)吸氮量高;在高氮条件下Vmax高、即在低氮条件下,Km低(对NO3亲  相似文献   

不同磷效率小麦品种对缺磷胁迫反应的比较   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
在营养液培养条件下,以根据相对产量为指标筛选出的6个不同磷效率的小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)品种为材料,对其苗期在缺磷条件下生长、根冠磷含量及其分配,以及叶片韧皮部汁液中磷浓度等进行了比较研究。结果表明,缺磷抑制植株地上部生长,但刺激根系生长,导致植株根/冠比增加。无论在供磷或缺磷条件下,磷高效品种的根冠生长速率都低于磷低效品种。缺磷导致植株体内的磷含量下降与根系相比,地上部磷含量的下降速率更快。但在缺磷条件下,不同磷效率的小麦品种根冠间的磷分配变化没有差异。研究发现,在正常供磷条件下,磷高效小麦品种的叶片韧皮部汁液中磷浓度较低,而磷低效品种的叶片韧皮部汁液中磷浓度较高。但开始缺磷后,磷高效品种的叶片韧皮部汁液中的磷浓度下降较慢,使其相对磷浓度较高。缺磷后10天,磷低效品种叶片韧皮部汁液中的磷浓度为供磷对照的35.9%,而磷高效品种叶片韧皮部汁液中的磷浓度为供磷对照的59%。  相似文献   

贺明荣  曹鸿呜 《植物学通报》1996,13(4):49-50,22

不同大豆品种磷吸收利用特性比较研究   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
土壤缺磷和低磷利用率是现代农业生产发展的主要限制因素之一,筛选和培育磷商效吸收利用品种是提高磷素利用率的有效途径。采用土壤盆栽试验方法进行了不同大豆(Glycine max(L.)Merr.)品种磷吸收利用特性比较研究。结果表明。在缺磷和正常供磷条件下,不同大豆品种植株在株离、根干重、地上部干重、根冠比率、植株磷含量和其相对值、磷吸收量和其相对值、磷利用效率和其相对比值等方面表现出显著的差异。多数达到了极显著水平。相关分析表明,在缺磷条件下,大豆不同品种植株磷的利用效率及其相对比值与植株磷含量和磷吸收量以及它们的相对值呈显著或极显著负相关。植株磷含量与植株磷吸收量呈极显著正相关。以植株干物质量和其相对值、植株磷吸收量和其相对似以及植株磷利用效率为筛选指标,筛选出3个大豆磷高效品种。  相似文献   

土壤水分和磷营养对小麦根系生长生理特性的影响   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:22  
采用小偃6号小麦品种,在模拟田间原状土容重的条件下土培,研究了土壤水分和磷营养对小麦根系生长生理特性的效应。结果表明:在土壤相对含水量为40%─70%范围内,土壤水分亏缺,小麦根系生长受到限制,根系比表面积(RA)、根呼吸速率(Rp)、根水势(Rψw)和叶片蒸腾强度(EI)明显降低,根系干物重(RDW)减少;轻度干旱有利于根系的延伸生长;在土壤干旱条件下,磷营养可以提高根系RA,降低根系Rp,提高Rψw、增加叶面EI,促进根系延伸生长,扩大小麦根系对土壤深层水分的吸收和利用,进而促进地下部生长,提高RDW。磷除作为一种营养物质促进作物根系生长发育外,在水分胁迫条件下,磷营养可明显改善植株体内的水分关系,增强对干旱缺水环境的适应能力,提高作物抗旱性。促进根系生长,提高水分利用的有效方法是根据土壤水分状况调节磷的用量。  相似文献   

不同小麦品种氮效率与氮吸收对氮素供应的响应及生理机制   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
以具有典型特征的不同氮效率小麦品种为材料,研究了低氮和高氮条件下小麦的生物学性状、生理参数和氮同化代谢酶活性.结果表明:低氮条件下,不同氮效率小麦品种根系干质量、茎叶干质量、植株氮累积量基本上为氮高效品种>中效品种>低效品种.低氮条件下,氮吸收高效品种(冀97-6360)的根系活跃吸附面积、TTC还原力、叶片硝酸还原酶活性和叶片NO3-含量最大;生理高效品种(石新5418)具有较高的叶片亚硝酸还原酶活性和谷氨酰胺合成酶活性,较低的植株全氮含量、叶片NO3-含量和硝酸还原酶活性.低氮条件下植株氮利用效率与氮吸收系数显著相关.不同小麦品种在高氮条件下的生物学性状、生理参数和氮同化代谢酶活性与低氮条件下不尽一致.  相似文献   

刺槐人工林养分利用效率   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
刘增文  李雅素 《生态学报》2003,23(3):444-449
目前普遍采用的短轮伐期萌生复壮的经营方式会使刺槐人工林在多代萌生以后地力衰退,生产力下降,其主要原因是由于树种对养分的选择吸收导致土壤养分平均失调。根据对黄土残塬沟壑区刺槐人工林地的研究表明,刺槐从土壤中年吸收养分量以Ca最多,N次之,K、Mg再次,P、S最少,且随树龄增长年吸收量增大,由速生期到杆材期年吸收量约增加1倍之多,由杆材期到成熟期N、P、K、Mg年吸收量缓慢增加,而Ca,S的吸收量有所下降,土壤养分年吸收系数以N最高,S、Mg次之,P、Ca再次,K最多,且随树龄的增长亦呈增大趋势,其均值分别可达N1.150%、P0.142%、K0.013%、Ca0.110%、Mg0.194%、S0.231%。刺槐对各养分的利用效率随树龄的增长而降低,生产1t树干材积约需从土壤中吸收N31.92-50.88kg,P1.32-2.01kg,K4.48-6.82kg,Ca71.57-78.79kg,Mg6.16-9.74kg,S1.07-1.09kg,立地条件好的林地养分吸收系数及养分利用效率均好于立地条件较差的林地。此外与杉木,油松相比,刺槐对养分的利用效率明显偏低。  相似文献   

马守臣  徐炳成  李凤民  黄占斌 《生态学报》2008,28(12):6172-6179
通过田间试验研究了不同时期根修剪处理对冬小麦(Triticum aestivum)根系大小与分布、根系效率、水分利用效率及产量形成的影响。设置4个根修剪处理:越冬期小剪根(WS)、越冬期大剪根(WB),返青期小剪根(GS)、返青期大剪根(GB),未剪根小麦作为对照(CK)。结果表明,到花期时,各根修剪处理小麦的在0~120cm总根量均显著小于对照。与对照相比各根修剪处理主要是显著地减少了上层土壤中的根量。但WS和GS两小剪根处理和对照相比在中层土壤中有较大的根量;花后各处理小麦旗叶的气孔导度和蒸腾速率均显著大于对照。这说明根修剪处理减少了小麦表层的根量,从而削弱了表土干旱信号对作物与外界气体交换的抑制作用。花期时各根修剪小麦的净光合速率均显著高于对照,而单位面积上的根呼吸速率均显著小于对照,根修剪处理提高了小麦的根系效率,使更多的光合产物用于籽粒生产,从而提高了小麦的收获指数。根修剪还提高了小麦的水分利用效率,其中WS、WB、GS处理的水分利用效率显著高于对照。但是GB处理的水分利用效率却没有显著提高。因此,本研究进一步证明了由不同年代品种得到的推测,认为在旱地农业中,通过遗传育种或采用适当农艺措施优化根系分布,既可以减少生长前期作物对水分的过度消耗,又能够削弱花后表土过度干旱对作物生长抑制作用,同时降低根系对同化产物的消耗,对作物产量及水分利用效率的提高具有积极的作用。  相似文献   

The Pup1 locus confers tolerance to phosphorus (P) deficiency in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Transferring the Pup1 locus to an intolerant genotype increased P uptake by a factor 3 to 4. Lines with the Pup1 locus maintained higher root growth rates under P deficiency, but only as they started to diverge from intolerant lines in P uptake. It was thus not possible to determine if differences in root growth preceded and caused differences in P uptake or whether high root growth was the result of higher external P uptake efficiency (P influx per root size). The purpose of this paper is to review experimental evidence on the effect of Pup1 in light of recent results in modelling cause-and-effect relations between root growth, external efficiency and P uptake. Model simulations suggested that only very small changes in factors enhancing root growth were needed to explain the effect of Pup1 on P uptake. A 22% increase in root fineness or in internal P utilization efficiency (root dry matter per root P) was sufficient to triple P uptake . External root efficiency had to increase by 33 to account for the effect of Pup1. However, the most noticeable effect of increases in external efficiency was a subsequent stimulation of root growth that contributed eight times more to final P uptake compared to the change in external efficiency. Comparisons of model simulations with empirical data suggested that measured differences in external efficiency between Nipponbare and NIL-Pup1 were sufficiently large to account for the increase in P uptake. A segregation analysis using several pairs of contrasting NILs (at the Pup1 locus) further confirmed this as Pup1 co-segregated with external efficiency but not with seedling root growth or internal efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper reports a new barley mutant missing root hairs. The mutant was spontaneously discovered among the population of wild type (Pallas, a spring barley cultivar), producing normal, 0.8 mm long root hairs. We have called the mutant bald root barley (brb). Root anatomical studies confirmed the lack of root hairs on mutant roots. Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) analyses of the genomes of the mutant and Pallas supported that the brb mutant has its genetic background in Pallas. The segregation ratio of selfed F2 plants, resulting from mutant and Pallas outcross, was 1:3 (–root hairs:+root hairs), suggesting a monogenic recessive mode of inheritance.In rhizosphere studies, Pallas absorbed nearly two times more phosphorus (P) than the mutant. Most of available inorganic P in the root hair zone (0.8 mm) of Pallas was depleted, as indicated by the uniform P depletion profile near its roots. The acid phosphatase (Apase) activity near the roots of Pallas was higher and Pallas mobilised more organic P in the rhizosphere than the mutant. The higher Apase activity near Pallas roots also suggests a link between root hair formation and rhizosphere Apase activity. Hence, root hairs are important for increasing plant P uptake of inorganic as well as mobilisation of organic P in soils.Laboratory, pot and field studies showed that barley cultivars with longer root hairs (1.10 mm), extracted more P from rhizosphere soil, absorbed more P in low-P field (Olsen P=14 mg P kg–1 soil), and produced more shoot biomass than shorter root hair cultivars (0.63 mm). Especially in low-P soil, the differences in root hair length and P uptake among the cultivars were significantly larger. Based on the results, the perspectives of genetic analysis of root hairs and their importance in P uptake and field performance of cereals are discussed.  相似文献   

为了明确旱地小麦生育特性、养分运转对磷肥的响应机制,探索不同降雨年型旱地小麦磷肥施用技术,于2012-2016年在山西农业大学旱地小麦试验示范基地开展大田试验,研究不同降雨年型中4个施磷量(0、75、150和225 kg· hm-2)对旱地小麦根系生长、产量形成和磷肥利用的影响.结果 表明:与不施磷相比,施磷可以显著增...  相似文献   

The immediate and posteffects of various concentrations of NaNO2 on ion uptake of wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. GK Öthalom) seedlings were studied at different pH values. Without pretreatment, the higher the concentration of NaNO2 the greater was the decrease in uptake of K+ into the roots, both at pH 4 and pH 6. At pH 6 but not at pH 4 the reverse was true when the seedlings were pretreated with NaNO2. Due to the high Na+ content of the roots, an effect of Na+ in this process cannot be excluded. Nitrite was taken up by the roots more rapidly than nitrate. Nitrite at 0.1 m M in the medium induced the development of an uptake system for both NO2 and NO3 in wheat roots. At higher concentrations pretreatment with NO2 decreased NO3 uptake by the roots, but NO3 did not inhibit the uptake of NO2. The toxic effect of NO2 was strongly pH dependent. Lower pH of the external solution led to an increased inhibition by NO2 of both ion uptake and growth of seedlings. The inhibitory effect of NO2 differed considerably for roots and shoots. The roots and especially the root hairs were particularly sensitive to NO2 treatment.  相似文献   

C. Engels 《Plant and Soil》1993,150(1):129-138
The effects of low root zone temperatures (RZT) on nutrient demand for growth and the capacity for nutrient acquisition were compared in maize and wheat growing in nutrient solution. To differentiate between direct temperature effects on nutrient uptake and indirect effects via an altered ratio of shoot to root growth, the plants were grown with their shoot base including apical shoot meristem either within the root zone (low SB), i.e. at RZT (12°, 16°, or 20°C) or, above the root zone (high SB), i.e. at uniformly high air temperature (20°/16° day/night).At low SB, suboptimal RZT reduced shoot growth more than root growth in wheat, whereas the opposite was true in maize. However, in both species the shoot growth rate per unit weight of roots, which was taken as parameter for the shoot demand for mineral nutrients per unit of roots, decreased at low RZT. Accordingly, the concentrations of potassium (K) and phosphorus (P) remained constant or even increased at low RZT despite reduced uptake rates.At high SB, shoot growth at low RZT in both species was higher than at low SB, whereas root growth was not increased. At high SB, the shoot demand per unit of roots was similar for all RZT in wheat, but increased with decreasing RZT in maize. Uptake rates of K at high SB and low RZT adapted to shoot demand within four days, and were even higher in maize than in wheat. Uptake rates of P adapted more slowly to shoot demand in both species, resulting in reduced concentrations of P in the shoot, particularly in maize.In conclusion, the two species did not markedly differ in their physiological capacity for uptake of K and P at low RZT. However, maize had a lower ability than wheat to adapt morphologically to suboptimal RZT by increasing biomass allocation towards the roots. This may cause a greater susceptibility of maize to nutrient deficiency, particularly if the temperatures around the shoot base are high and uptake is limited by nutrient transport processes in the soil towards the roots.  相似文献   

Changes in function as an individual root ages has important implications for understanding resource acquisition, competitive ability and optimal lifespan. Both nitrate uptake and respiration rates of differently aged fine roots of grape (Vitis rupestris x V. riparia cv. 3309 C) were measured. The resulting data were then used to simulate nitrate uptake efficiency and nutrient depletion as a function of root age. Both nitrate uptake and root respiration declined remarkably quickly with increasing root age. The decline in both N uptake and root respiration corresponded with a strong decline in root N concentration, suggesting translocation of nitrogen out of the roots. For simulations where no nutrient depletion occurs at the root surface, daily uptake efficiency was maximal at root birth and lifetime nitrate uptake efficiency slowly increased as the roots aged. Simulations of growth of roots into unoccupied soil using a solute transport model indicated the advantage of high uptake capacity in new roots under competitive conditions where nitrate availability is very transitory.  相似文献   

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