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Seedlings of Petunia x hybrida Orchid treated with the ethylene-releasing compound ethephon at 0.9, 1.7, and 3.5 mM evolved ethylene at a higher rate as the concentration of ethephon increased. Regardless of the concentration of ethephon applied, ethylene evolution peaked 6 to 8 h following application. Evidence that ethephon application decreased apical dominance included an increase in the number of new nodes on the main stem and a sustained increase in the length of new and existing lateral shoots compared to the control (no ethephon). Plants treated with 3.5 mM ethephon developed mild chlorosis, whereas a concentration of 1.7 mM ethephon decreased apical dominance without phytotoxic effects. The auxin/cytokinin ratio decreased in the apical shoot section as early as 1 h after ethephon treatment. In contrast, a decrease in the ratio in the subapical shoot section was not detected until 24 h after ethephon application. Reduction in auxin/cytokinin ratio was a result of a decrease in indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and an increase of zeatin riboside (ZR), but not isopentenyladenosine (iPA). These results suggest that exposing Orchid petunia seedlings to ethylene via ethephon lowers the auxin/cytokinin ratio, thereby promoting the outgrowth of lateral shoots.  相似文献   

Reducing rooting volume restricted root growth during theproduction of Petunia x hybrida'Orchid and resulted in an unfavorable increase in apicaldominance. Exposing young petunia seedlings to ethylene counteracted theeffects of root restriction. Rooting volumes of 9, 28, 58, or 160mL restricted the development of lateral shoots, therebyincreasing apical dominance compared to plants grown in 162 mLrooting volumes. Ethephon, an ethylene-producing compound, increased thedevelopment of lateral shoots of seedlings grown in rooting volumes rangingfrom 28 mL to 160 mL. At a rooting volume of 9mL, ethylene exposure was not capable of reducing the growth ofthe main shoot; apical dominance remained strong in both the control andethephon-treated plants. Because lateral shoot development was not restrictedby rooting volumes greater than 160 mL, exposing these plants toethylene did not result in supplementary lateral shoot development. Levels ofindole-3-acetic acid (IAA), isopentenyladenosine (iPA), and zeatin riboside(ZR) decreased on a whole shoot basis as rooting volume decreased from 162 to58 mL. Indoleacetic acid levels in ethephon-exposed plantsdecreased 20% compared to the control. The cytokinins iPA and ZR showedno response to ethylene exposure; however, the ratio of auxin/cytokinindecreased 24% compared to the control. The decrease in theauxin/cytokinin ratio was associated with an increase in the number and lengthof lateral shoots.  相似文献   

F. Bangerth 《Planta》1994,194(3):439-442
When xylem exudate of previously untreated Phaseolus vulgaris plants was analysed for cytokinins by radioimmunoassay, a low concentration (about 5 ng · ml–1) was found. However, when the plants were decapitated about 16 h before the xylem exudate was collected, an almost 25-fold increase in cytokinin concentration was observed. Twenty-four hours after decapitation this increase even reached 4000 compared to control plants. Applying naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) to the shoot of decapitated plants almost eliminated the effect of shoot tip removal on cytokinin concentration, suggesting that cytokinins in the xylem exudate of intact plants are under the control of the polar auxin transport system. Other xylem constituents, such as potassium or free amino acids did not show this strong increase after decapitation and did not respond to NAA application. It is concluded that the observed auxin/cytokinin interaction has an important regulatory role to play, not only in apical dominance but in many other correlative events as well.Abbreviations AD apical dominance - CKs cytokinin(s) - iAde/iAdo isopentenyladenine/iospentenyladenosine - NAA naphthaleneacetic acid - Z/ZR zeatin/zeatin riboside  相似文献   

Cytokinin/Auxin Control of Apical Dominance in Ipomoea nil   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Although the concept of apical dominance control by the ratioof cytokinin to auxin is not new, recent experimentation withtransgenic plants has given this concept renewed attention.In the present study, it has been demonstrated that cytokinintreatments can partially reverse the inhibitory effect of auxinon lateral bud outgrowth in intact shoots of Ipomoea nil. Althoughless conclusive, this also appeared to occur in buds of isolatednodes. Auxin inhibited lateral bud outgrowth when applied eitherto the top of the stump of the decapitated shoot or directlyto the bud itself. However, the fact that cytokinin promotiveeffects on bud outgrowth are known to occur when cytokinin isapplied directly to the bud suggests different transport tissuesand/or sites of action for the two hormones. Cytokinin antagonistswere shown in some experiments to have a synergistic effectwith benzyladenine on the promotion of bud outgrowth. If theratio of cytokinin to auxin does control apical dominance, thenthe next critical question is how do these hormones interactin this correlative process? The hypothesis that shoot-derivedauxin inhibits lateral bud outgrowth indirectly by depletingcytokinin content in the shoots via inhibition of its productionin the roots was not supported in the present study which demonstratedthat the repressibility of lateral bud outgrowth by auxin treatmentsat various positions on the shoot was not correlated with proximityto the roots but rather with proximity to the buds. Resultsalso suggested that auxin in subtending mature leaves as wellas that in the shoot apex and adjacent small leaves may contributeto the apical dominance of a shoot. (Received September 24, 1996; Accepted March 16, 1997)  相似文献   

When the upper part of the main shoot of the Japanese morning glory (Pharbitis nil or Ipomoea nil) is bent down, the axillary bud situated on the uppermost node of the bending region is released from apical dominance and elongates. Here, we demonstrate that this release of axillary buds from apical dominance is gravity regulated. We utilized two agravitropic mutants of morning glory defective in gravisensing cell differentiation, weeping (we) and weeping2 (we2). Bending the main shoots of either we or we2 plants resulted in minimal elongation of their axillary buds. This aberration was genetically linked to the agravitropism phenotype of the mutants, which implied that shoot bending-induced release from apical dominance required gravisensing cells. Previous studies have shown that basipetal translocation of auxin from the apical bud inhibits axillary bud growth, whereas cytokinin promotes axillary bud outgrowth. We therefore compared the roles of auxin and cytokinin in bending- or decapitation-induced axillary bud growth. In the wild-type and we plants, decapitation increased cytokinin levels and reduced auxin response. In contrast, shoot bending did not cause significant changes in either cytokinin level or auxin response, suggesting that the mechanisms underlying gravity- and decapitation-regulated release from apical dominance are distinct and unique.  相似文献   

Stem explants from winter grown tomatoes cultured on a cytokinin, auxin-free medium, developed one or two adventitious shoots at the top end of the explant. Addition of the auxin transport inhibitor. 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) to the medium stimulated caulogenesis with loss of polarity. Callus, initiation in pelargonium and ‘geranium’ petiole explants requires both auxin and cytokinin. On transfer, after callus induction to an auxin-free medium, rhizogenesis occurs in pelargonium cultures followed by caulogenesis. Few shoots develop and unless these are removed, further caulogenesis is suppressed. Bud-like structures were formed in the callus. Subculture on auxin-free medium containing cytokinin and TIBA resulted in shoot formation from these bud-like organs. An analogy with apical dominance is suggested. In ‘geranium’ callus, shoots developed with a low frequency (c. in 2% of the cultures): caulogenesis was increased to 80% when calli were subcultured from auxin-free, cytokinin medium after green nodule formation to cytokinin-TIBA medium. Histological studies of green nodules in ‘geranium’ callus indicated a variation in morphological development within and between nodules. It is suggested that auxin synthesis may occur at some microscopic stage in morphogenesis in ‘geranium’ cultures which suppresses further caulogenesis. This may be overcome by the addition of TIBA to the medium at the appropriate stage in morphogenesis. The possible interaction of endogenous auxin in morphogenesis is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper deals with apical dominance using a dicotylar model obtained after decapitation of pea seedlings with two shoots — one dominant and the other inhibited. When the dominant shoot was decapitated the inhibited one is released from inhibition and after 24 to 72 h begins to grow. However, the levels of trans-zeatin and production of ethylene increase within 4 and 6 hours respectively after release from inhibition, and within an interval of 72 h the levels of both phytohormones begin gradually to decrease. This indicates that also in this model, the release from apical dominance is associated with an increase in the level of cytokinin zeatin and, thereafter, also with an increased production of ethylene. If indolyl-3-acetic acid (IAA) is applied on the decapitated main stem after decapitation of the dominant shoot, the growth of the initially inhibited one is very strongly retarded; if, however, IAA is applied on the decapitated dominant shoot, this inhibition is significantly weaker. This means that the inhibiting effect of IAA on the inhibited shoot originates to a greater degree from the main stem rather than from the dominant shoot. The effect of benzyladenine (BA) is transferred equally from the decapitated main stem and from the decapitated dominant shoot because the initially inhibited shoot begins to grow as well as also other shoots from serial cotyledonary buds.  相似文献   

DATHE  WILFRIED 《Annals of botany》1992,69(3):237-241
Spring barley cultivated in Mitcherlich pots under both climaticchamber and field conditions were treated at developmental stageFeekes 2 with a foliar application of jasmonic acid (JA), itsmethyl ester (JAMe) and ethephon. Tillering was determined atFeekes 5 by counting all emerged tillers. The number of ear-bearingtillers, yield, and shoot length were ascertained at harvest.A combination of either JA or JAMe together with ethephon, appliedsimultaneously or successively (within 24 h), led to a significantincrease in tiller production. However, the additional tillerswere not sustained to maturity. Neither JA or JAMe nor ethephonalone were able to cause these effects at Feekes 2. JA seemsto increase the sensitivity to ethylene, possibly by influencingthe level of other native regulators. The JA/ethephon applicationat Feekes 2 did not affect the yield and the final shoot length. Spring barley, Hordeum vulgare L., tillering, apical dominance, plant growth regulators, ethephon, jasmonic acid  相似文献   

Intact and decapitated 6-node shoots of Hygrophila sp. weregrown aseptically immersed in liquid half-strength Knop's solutionwith microelements and 2% (w/v) sucrose (control medium), andin medium with 0.1 mg l–1 benzyladenine (BA). In intactshoots grown in control medium apical dominance suppressed outgrowthof the lateral buds; in decapitated shoots buds grew out atseveral of the most apical nodes, increasing in size acropetally.There was a lag in outgrowth of the bud at the most apical node,attributable to its initially smaller size. Lateral shoots grewout first at basal nodes of intact shoots in BA medium, decreasingin size acropetally; in decapitated shoots in BA medium lateralshoots of approximately equal size grew out at all nodes. Differentialeffects of decapitation and cytokinin treatment on lateral shootoutgrowth along the shoot could be interpreted by postulatinga basipetally decreasing gradient of endogenous auxin concentrationin the intact shoot. Application of 20 mg l–1 indoleaceticacid (IAA) in agar to decapitated shoots completely preventedbud outgrowth for at least 7 d in control medium, inhibitingit thereafter, and inhibited bud outgrowth in BA medium, thussupporting the hypothesis. Comparison of lateral shoot outgrowthin whole decapitated shoots and severed decapitated shoots (isolatednodes) lent no support to the alternative hypothesis that theremight be an acropetally decreasing concentration gradient ofa bud-promoting substance in the intact shoot, and demonstratedmuch greater lateral shoot growth in isolated nodes. The resultsemphasize important correlative relationships between the partsof a shoot with several nodes.  相似文献   

Apical dominance   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Apical dominance is the control exerted by the apical portions of the shoot over the outgrowth of the lateral buds. The classical explanations for correlative inhibition have focused on hormone/nutrient hypotheses. The remarkable progress that has been made in the technology of endogenous hormone quantification in plant tissue has not been accompanied by comparable progress in the elucidation of mechanisms of hormone action in apical dominance. Evidence from hormonal studies suggests that apically produced auxin indirectly suppresses axillary bud outgrowth that is promoted by cytokinin originating from roots/shoots. Significant involvement with other hormones, although less likely, has not been ruled out. Possible changes in tissue sensitivity to hormones should not be overlooked. Auxin-induced oligosaccharide signals originating from the cell walls of shoot tips or polyamines may function as secondary inhibitors to bud growth. Alternatively, apically produced auxin may suppress lateral bud growth by inhibiting auxin export from these buds. Support for a critical role for nutrients in apical dominance keeps resurfacing, especially for auxin-directed nutrient transport and for water as a possible inducing signal for bud outgrowth. Histological and biochemical analyses of lateral buds recently released from apical dominance are urgently needed. The feasibility of manipulating endogenous auxin/cytokinin content in plant tissue by gene insertion and modulation opens the door to exciting approaches as does the use of hormone insensitive/resistant mutants. There is also need to recognize the existence of variability of apical dominance mechanisms among different plant types. The aesthetic and economic implications of understanding apical dominance for the modification of plant structure and form are extremely significant.  相似文献   

Many processes have been described in the control of shoot branching. Apical dominance is defined as the control exerted by the shoot tip on the outgrowth of axillary buds, whereas correlative inhibition includes the suppression of growth by other growing buds or shoots. The level, signaling, and/or flow of the plant hormone auxin in stems and buds is thought to be involved in these processes. In addition, RAMOSUS (RMS) branching genes in pea (Pisum sativum) control the synthesis and perception of a long-distance inhibitory branching signal produced in the stem and roots, a strigolactone or product. Auxin treatment affects the expression of RMS genes, but it is unclear whether the RMS network can regulate branching independently of auxin. Here, we explore whether apical dominance and correlative inhibition show independent or additive effects in rms mutant plants. Bud outgrowth and branch lengths are enhanced in decapitated and stem-girdled rms mutants compared with intact control plants. This may relate to an RMS-independent induction of axillary bud outgrowth by these treatments. Correlative inhibition was also apparent in rms mutant plants, again indicating an RMS-independent component. Treatments giving reductions in RMS1 and RMS5 gene expression, auxin transport, and auxin level in the main stem were not always sufficient to promote bud outgrowth. We suggest that this may relate to a failure to induce the expression of cytokinin biosynthesis genes, which always correlated with bud outgrowth in our treatments. We present a new model that accounts for apical dominance, correlative inhibition, RMS gene action, and auxin and cytokinin and their interactions in controlling the progression of buds through different control points from dormancy to sustained growth.  相似文献   

Ethephon, (2-chloroethyl)phosphonic acid, was sprayed at concentrations up to 69.2 millimolar to enhance gum formation in 1-year-old shoots of mature Prunus cerasus L. cv Montmorency trees. Gum accumulation caused rupturing of the shoot periderm, followed by gum extrusion. Lower ethephon concentrations were required to induce gum formation in spring and early summer (1.7-3.5 millimolar) then in late summer and fall (13.8-69.2 millimolar). The number of functional vessels, shoot hydraulic conductance, and water potential of both leaf and internode tissue decreased as gum content of shoots increased. Nontreated control shoots also contained small quantities of gum. There was no difference in neutral sugar composition of gum exuded by the tree, obtained from aqueous shoot extracts, or flushed from the vessels of shoots, whether induced by ethephon or not. Severe decrease in shoot and leaf water potential was associated with shoot die-back. Recovery of xylem function may occur where gummosis is less severe. Discrepancy between measured and predicted hydraulic conductance increased as shoot gum content increased, suggesting that decrease in number of functional vessels alone was not sufficient to explain the effects of gum on loss of shoot hydraulic conductance. Increased gum content in those vessels remaining functional would increase vessel sap viscosity and further reduce hydraulic conductance. The viscosities necessary to account for discrepancy between measured and predicted hydraulic conductance were calculated. Gum concentration less than 1.0% (w/v) would produce these viscosities.  相似文献   

Mechanical perturbation (MP, rubbing) of internodes of Pharbitis nil shoots initiates release of lateral buds (LB) from apical dominance within 48 h. Evidence is presented which suggests that MP promotion of LB outgrowth is mediated by ethylene-induced restriction of main shoot growth. Ethylene production in the internodes is stimulated by MP within 2 h. Effects of MP are mimicked by treatments with 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) and are negated by the inhibitors of ethylene production or action, aminoethoxy vinylglycine (AVG) and AgNO3. The fact that effects of MP, ACC and ethylene inhibitors are observed to occur on main shoot growth at least 24 h before they are observed to occur on LB growth suggests a possible cause and effect relationship. MP also causes an increase in internode diameter. MP stimulation of ethylene production appears to be mediated by ACC synthase. The results of this study and our previous studies suggest that apical dominance may be released by any mechanism which induces ethylene restriction of main shoot growth.  相似文献   

Excised shoot tips of Cuscuta reflexa Roxb. (dodder), a rootless and leafless angiospermic plant parasite, were cultured in vitro for the study of the control of lateral bud development by the apex. In a chemically defined medium lacking hormones, the basal bud alone developed into a shoot. The addition of coconut milk to the growth medium induced the activation of multiple lateral buds, but only a single bud developed further into a shoot. The decapitation of this shoot induced the development of another shoot and the process could be repeated. This showed the controlling effect of the apex in correlative control of bud development. Application of indole-3-acetic acid to the shoot tip explant delayed the development of the lateral bud. Gibberellic acid A3 induced a marked elongation growth of the explant and reinforced apical dominance. The direct application of cytokinin to an inhibited bud relieved it from apical dominance. A basipetally decreasing concentration gradient of auxin may prevail at the nodes. Bud outgrowth is probably stimulated by cytokinin produced locally in the bud.  相似文献   

Elongation growth of the first trifoliate leaf axillary budwas induced by physical restriction of the apical growth orby treating the apical shoot with ethylene or ethephon. Thereis evidence to suggest that the promotion of axillary bud developmentby ethylene action on the apical shoot was associated with theavailability of freely diffusible ethylene in the tissues ofthe treated shoot. Loss of apical dominance was not, apparently,directly dependent on either the internal ethylene concentration(i.e. concentration in the vacuum – extracted gases) oron the rate of ethylene emanation. The effects of aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) and silver nitrate on ethylene production wereexamined. Although treatment of the shoot with tri – iodobenzoicacid (TIBA) induced various morphological responses in the plant,including axillary bud outgrowth, which appeared similar tothe responses to ethylene, the initial effect of TIBA is notthought to be ethylene – mediated.  相似文献   

Torosa-2 (to-2), a tomato mutant with strong apical dominance,was studied in order to determine the mechanism of shoot outgrowthcontrol. In decapitated or defoliated to-2 plants only a fewshoots grew and IAA or morphactin application had little oronly short term effects. No differences were found in auxinand cytokinin activities between normal and mutant plants upto 20 days after sowing. In the period from 40 to 90 days theIAA content increased equally in both genotypes. During thesame period, however, cytokinin increased only in normal plants.The results obtained with the to-2 mutant indicate that budsdo not shoot, probably because bud differentiation does notoccur. The ratio of auxin to cytokinin clearly was affectedby the low level of cytokinin in all tissues of the to-2 plants.This led us to the conclusion that insufficient quantities ofcytokinin for lateral bud differentiation is the cause of thestrong apical dominance in to-2. (Received January 20, 1982; Accepted April 26, 1982)  相似文献   

Many aspects of plant development are regulated by antagonistic interactions between the plant hormones auxin and cytokinin, but the molecular mechanisms of this interaction are not understood. To test whether cytokinin controls plant development through inhibiting an early step in the auxin response pathway, we compared the effects of cytokinin with those of the dgt (diageotropica) mutation, which is known to block rapid auxin reactions of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) hypocotyls. Long-term cytokinin treatment of wild-type seedlings phenocopied morphological traits of dgt plants such as stunting of root and shoot growth, reduced elongation of internodes, reduced apical dominance, and reduced leaf size and complexity. Cytokinin treatment also inhibited rapid auxin responses in hypocotyl segments: auxin-stimulated elongation, H(+) secretion, and ethylene synthesis were all inhibited by cytokinin in wild-type hypocotyl segments, and thus mimicked the impaired auxin responsiveness found in dgt hypocotyls. However, cytokinin failed to inhibit auxin-induced LeSAUR gene expression, an auxin response that is affected by the dgt mutation. In addition, cytokinin treatment inhibited the auxin induction of only one of two 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid synthase genes that exhibited impaired auxin inducibility in dgt hypocotyls. Thus, cytokinin inhibited a subset of the auxin responses impaired in dgt hypocotyls, suggesting that cytokinin blocks at least one branch of the DGT-dependent auxin response pathway.  相似文献   

Correlative dominance requires correlative signals from a dominant to a dominated organ. Auxins, particularly IAA, and cytokinins are obviously important components of this correlative system. Using a vegetative pea shoot and a generative apple and tomato fruit system it can be demonstrated that dominant organs always export more IAA and have a higher 3H-IAA transport capacity and velocity compared to dominated organs. In both systems the dominant organ can be replaced by the application of auxin, e.g. NAA, which maintains the differences in IAA export. This is an indication that similar regulatory mechanisms control dominance in both of these diverse systems. The possibility of replacing a dominant organ by auxin also makes it unlikely that growth of that organ or allocation of nutrients regulates the correlative inhibition of the dominated organ.It is suggested that differences in IAA export from, and transport capacities of, dominant and dominated shoots, may be explained by a mechanism of auxin transport autoinhibition (ATA), whereby the earlier and stronger export of IAA from the dominant shoot inhibits auxin export from the dominated shoot at the point where the two auxin streams converge. This hypothesis was tested with explants of pea, apple and tomato. It was shown that the basal application of cold IAA significantly reduced endogenous as well as exogenous IAA transport through these explants.Since the reduced IAA transport of dominated organs was not followed by an accumulation of IAA in the auxin producing subtending organ, it was concluded that IAA biosynthesis was possibly reduced and/or IAA conjugation stimulated. This could have been one of the determinants of their growth inhibition. ATA might also explain how the unidirectional IAA signal may affect the growth rate of organs even lateral or acropetal to its transport pathway and thus polar IAA-transport becomes a ``multidirectional' signal. From the experiments demonstrated it seems that ATA is a sufficient mechanism to impose growth inhibition in the dominated organ, without the need of other regulators.However, to release dominated organs from dominance cessation of ATA may not be sufficient and cytokinins are obviously a powerful antagonist to auxins. Their repeated exogenous application turns dominated lateral buds into strongly growing organs which ultimately may even dominate the previously dominant apex. These lateral shoots finally gain a strong IAA export capacity and inhibit, by ATA, IAA export from the hitherto dominant apex.In other experiments it was shown that interruption of polar IAA transport leads to a strong increase in root derived cytokinins. This can largely be prevented, in a concentration dependent manner, by the application of auxin, indicating that basipolar auxin may control cytokinin production in the roots and its possible delivery to lateral buds. In turn, the increased delivery of cytokinins to the lateral buds promotes a strong increase in IAA production and export. Thus there is a strong mutual interaction between auxin production in the shoots and cytokinin production in the roots, which may be important in regulating the balance between root and shoot growth.  相似文献   

Multiple shoots differentiated from hypocotyl explants of Sesbania aculeata (Pers.) syn S. cannabina (Retz.) Pers., a leguminous woody shrub, when cultured on Murashige and Skoog's basal medium supplemented with auxin (IBA, NAA) or auxin and cytokinin (IBA + BAP, NAA + BAP). Shoot budding occurred directly from the explant as well as from callus. Differentiation of shoot and root occurred in one step in the same concentration of auxin or auxin and cytokinin. Elongation of shoots occurred in the shoot induction medium.  相似文献   

Classic plant tissue culture experiments have shown that exposure of cell culture to a high auxin to cytokinin ratio promotes root formation and a low auxin to cytokinin ratio leads to shoot regeneration. It has been widely accepted that auxin and cytokinin play an antagonistic role in the control of organ identities during organogenesis in vitro. Since the auxin level is highly elevated in the shoot meristem tissues, it is unclear how a low auxin to cytokinin ratio promotes the regeneration of shoots. To identify genes mediating the cytokinin and auxin interaction during organogenesis in vitro, three allelic mutants that display root instead of shoot regeneration in response to a low auxin to cytokinin ratio are identified using a forward genetic approach in Arabidopsis. Molecular characterization shows that the mutations disrupt the AUX1 gene, which has been reported to regulate auxin influx in plants. Meanwhile, we find that cytokinin substantially stimulates auxin accumulation and redistribution in calli and some specific tissues of Arabidopsis seedlings. In the aux1 mutants, the cytokinin regulated auxin accumulation and redistribution is substantially reduced in both calli and specific tissues of young seedlings. Our results suggest that auxin elevation and other changes stimulated by cytokinin, instead of low auxin or exogenous auxin directly applied, is essential for shoot regeneration. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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