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The level of expression of highly conserved, plasmid-borne, and widely dispersed atrazine catabolic genes (atz) was studied by RT-qPCR in two telluric atrazine-degrading microbes. RT-qPCR assays, based on the use of real-time PCR, were developed in order to quantify atzABCDEF mRNAs in Pseudomonas sp. ADP and atzABC mRNAs in Chelatobacter heintzii. atz gene expression was expressed as mRNA copy number per 10(6) 16S rRNA. In Pseudomonas sp. ADP, atz genes were basally expressed. It confirmed atrazine-degrading kinetics indicating that catabolic activity starts immediately after adding the herbicide. atz gene expression increased transitorily in response to atrazine treatment. This increase was only observed while low amount of atrazine remained in the medium. In C. heintzii, only atzA was basally expressed. atzA and atzB expression levels were similarly and significantly increased in response to atrazine treatment. atzC was not expressed even in the presence of high amounts of atrazine. This study showed that atz genes are basally expressed and up-regulated in response to atrazine treatment. atz gene expression patterns are different in Pseudomonas ADP and C. heintzii suggesting that the host may influence the expression of plasmid-borne atrazine-catabolic potential.  相似文献   

贾定洪  王波 《菌物学报》2021,40(7):1700-1711
金针菇在中国和日本是最受人喜爱的食用菌之一,在重要栽培食用菌中产销量排名第四.近年来,已在活性物质、分子标记及基因鉴定方面开展了大量工作,但未见有金针菇内参基因稳定性研究的报道,导致金针菇基因表达研究无内源参考基因稳定性数据作为参考.本研究采用geNorm、NormFinder、BestKeeper和RefFinder...  相似文献   

A bacterial community from Danish agricultural soil was enriched with linuron [N-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-N'-methoxy-N'-methylurea] as the sole carbon and nitrogen source. The community mineralized [ring-U-14C]linuron completely to 14CO2 and 14C-biomass. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis and cultivation revealed that a Variovorax sp. was responsible for the mineralization activity.  相似文献   



Multiplex RT-PCR is a valuable technique used for pathogen identification, disease detection and relative quantification of gene expression. The simplification of this protocol into a one-step procedure saves time and reagents. However, intensive PCR optimization is often required to overcome competing undesired PCR primer extension during the RT step.  相似文献   

Data on parasitism of the infectious agents of sapronoses in hydrobionts (protozoans, crustaceans, worms, mollusks, echinoderms, and fishes) are considered from the population-ecological viewpoint. The symbiotic relationships between populations of pathogenic bacteria and protozoans are of the host-parasite type. An ultrastructural analysis demonstrates that phagocytosis is incomplete both in planktonic forms and in biofilms formed by bacteria and protozoa. This provides for long-term survival of infectious agents in the environment. The migration of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis along trophic chains from the lowest to the highest level has been simulated experimentally. The long-term survival of pathogenic bacteria in aquatic animals and the ability of bacteria to migrate along trophic chains, reaching soil animals and humans, provide evidence that comprehensive studies on the routes of circulation of pathogens in natural ecosystems are highly relevant from the ecological and epidemiological viewpoints.  相似文献   

正Dear Editor,Coronaviruses are enveloped positive-strand RNA viruses with 27–33 kb genomes.These viruses are classified into four genera,namely Alphacoronavirus,Betacoronavirus,Gammacoronavirus,and Deltacoronavirus  相似文献   

The goal of this project is to improve the quantification of indoor fungal pollutants via the specific application of quantitative PCR (qPCR). Improvement will be made in the controls used in current qPCR applications. This work focuses on the use of two separate controls within a standard qPCR reaction. The first control developed was the internal standard control gene, benA. This gene encodes for β-tubulin and was selected based on its single-copy nature. The second control developed was the standard control plasmid, which contained a fragment of the ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene and produced a specific PCR product. The results confirm the multicopy nature of the rRNA region in several filamentous fungi and show that we can quantify fungi of unknown genome size over a range of spore extractions by inclusion of these two standard controls. Advances in qPCR have led to extremely sensitive and quantitative methods for single-copy genes; however, it has not been well established that the rRNA can be used to quantitate fungal contamination. We report on the use of qPCR, combined with two controls, to identify and quantify indoor fungal contaminants with a greater degree of confidence than has been achieved previously. Advances in indoor environmental health have demonstrated that contamination of the built environment by the filamentous fungi has adverse impacts on the health of building occupants. This study meets the need for more accurate and reliable methods for fungal identification and quantitation in the indoor environment.  相似文献   

PCR amplification of the spacer region between the 16S and 23S rRNA genes is commonly employed for the analysis of bacterial communities. In this analysis, the intergenic spacers are amplified by PCR using primers complementary to conserved regions in the 3' 16S rDNA and 5' 23S rDNA. By this method, the observation of every bacterial population may be limited by several causes. To explore the extent of bacterial populations overlooked by this method, we have used an empirical approach. In a sample containing about 50 colonies, we tested the capability to amplify by PCR the spacers from each colony. We also examined the ability to observe the spacers from each colony in the product obtained after amplification of the DNA extracted from the whole sample, as it is usually performed by this method. Contrarily to our expectations that a significant fraction of colonies would not yield amplification products, spacers were successfully amplified from every colony of two different samples examined. Overall, our results suggest that in spite of well-based theoretical limitations, the analysis of bacterial communities by amplification of the spacer regions can render a comprehensive representation of the more abundant bacterial clades in the sample.  相似文献   

Oligonucleotide probes targeting the small-subunit rRNA are commonly used to detect and quantify bacteria in natural environments. We developed a PCR-based approach that allows synthesis of oligonucleotide probes targeting a variable region in the 16S rRNA without prior knowledge of the target sequence. Analysis of all 16S rRNA gene sequences in the Ribosomal Database Project database revealed two universal primer regions bracketing a variable, population-specific region. The probe synthesis is based on a two-step PCR amplification of this variable region in the 16S rRNA gene by using three universal bacterial primers. First, a double-stranded product is generated, which then serves as template in a linear amplification. After each of these steps, products are bound to magnetic beads and the primers are detached through hydrolysis of a ribonucleotide at the 3' end of the primers. This ultimately produces a single-stranded oligonucleotide of about 30 bases corresponding to the target. As probes, the oligonucleotides are highly specific and could discriminate between nucleic acids from closely and distantly related bacterial strains, including different species of VIBRIO: The method will facilitate rapid generation of oligonucleotide probes for large-scale hybridization assays such as screening of clone libraries or strain collections, ribotyping microarrays, and in situ hybridization. An additional advantage of the method is that fluorescently or radioactively labeled nucleotides can be incorporated during the second amplification, yielding intensely labeled probes.  相似文献   

Infectious endocarditis can be caused by various microorganisms. Diagnostics of local infection by microbiological methods is not always effective. For that reason we performed a study aimed for direct detection of potential infectious agents by polymerase chain reaction in patients' heart valve tissue. DNA of infectious agents was revealed in 72% of heart valve tissue samples from patients with septic endocarditis; in studied samples, along with bacterial DNA, herpesviruses' DNA was detected. Obtained results confirm the presence of infection, which allows to perform specific diagnostics of infectious complications after implantation of prosthetic cardiac valves.  相似文献   

The aim of the investigation was to quantify selected dominant bacterial groups in the chicken intestinal tract. Conventional production was used as model and the effect of the supplement with Salinomycin was evaluated. Hybridization conditions were optimized for published probes with respect to a panel of reference bacteria. In chicken intestinal samples bacteria were quantified by fluorescence in situ hybridization with 16S rRNA oligonucleotides directed towards bacteria related to Lactobacillus, Bacillus, Enterococcus-Streptococcus-Lactococcus, Enterobacteriaceae, Bacteroides, Clostridium and the domain Bacteria in lumen of ileum and cecum as well as on the intestinal wall including mucus of four individuals. Salinomycin in feed reduced counts of the Lactobacillus-, Enterobacteriaceae- and Clostridium-like bacteria in lumen of ileum compared to the conventional control. Increased or decreased bacterial counts were registered by Salinomycin in the ceca compared to the control. Relatively higher counts of Bacteroides- and Clostridium-like bacteria were found on the intestinal wall including mucus compared to lumen. The increase in numbers of some bacterial groups as well as the expected reduction by Salinomycin and the observed difference in the relative distribution of bacteria between lumen and intestinal wall are new observations that will need further investigation.  相似文献   

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