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Cancer of the penis is rare. It often raises the issue of acceptability of the amputation of penis. We report a case of cancer of the penis following a late circumcision. The treatment consisted of amputation of two-thirds of the penis. The patient is alive without any local recurrence 2 years after surgery. Literature review suggests that this type of cancer is very rare. The factors associated with such cancer include lack of circumcision and infection with human papilloma virus.  相似文献   

Summary In order to appraise the relation between the physico-chemical forms of Zn and its availability to plants or water, we introduced various forms of this element in experimental systems according to whether it was associated with soil, mineral fertilizers or sewage sludges. These sludges were rich in organic matter and carbonates and one of them contained iron and aluminium oxides and hydroxides.The physico-chemical forms of Zn in soils and sludges were determined following a selective extraction procedure which showed that only a small amount of this metal was associated with the easily available phase. In accordance with these results, the exportsvia vegetables and leached waters were very low, regardless of the treatment.

The primitive tumors of seminal vesicles are rare. Almost one hundred cases were reported in the literature. This is most often benign tumours with cystadenomas, primary malignant tumours are too rare.We relate a new case of tumour of the left seminal vesicle with a 70 years aged patient discovered next to an acute retention of urine associated with a constipation. The diagnosis was confirmed by imaging (CT and IRM) that showed a large multi-cystic mass of the left seminal vesicle. The treatment was surgical (vesiculectomy) preceded by a suction drainage of the mass. The anatomopatholgic exam of surgical piece has reached to a cystadenoma of the left seminal vesicle. Throughout this observation, we discuss the different clinical, radiological, histological and therapeutic aspects of seminal vesicles tumours.  相似文献   

Résumé L'interrénalectomie, comprenant l'ablation des veines cardinales antérieures et postérieures, a été pratiquée par Monsieur Daniel Chan, chez l'Anguille Européenne. Elle ne laisse subsister que des reliquats infimes d'interrénal chez quelques individus seulement; elle permet donc l'étude des réactions histologiques d'autres glandes endocrines à la disparition des hormones corticales.L'interrénalectomie est suivie, en 8 à 9 jours, d'une hypertrophie très marquée des cellules corticotropes hypophysaires qui se dégranulent et se vacuolisent; cette réaction semble un peu plus complète en eau douce qu'en eau de mer. Elle est comparable à celle produite par les substances corticolytiques ou cortico-inhibitrices utilisées antérieurement, sans toutefois déclencher d'activité mitotique. Les restes de tissu interrénalien, malgré une image d'hyperactivité, paraissent avoir un volume insuffisant pour affecter nettement la réponse de l'hypophyse.Les Anguilles interrénalectomisées présentent simultanément une déplétion du tissu lymphoïde du rein, une stimulation des corpuscules de Stannius, une activation des cellules somatotropes de l'adénohypophyse, et une raréfaction du neurosécrétat du noyau préoptique et de la neurohypophyse. Cependant, ces modifications n'apparaissent pas spécifiques de l'ablation de l'interrénal car elles se retrouvent en partie chez les Anguilles témoins opérées, qui ont aussi des cellules corticotropes souvent hypertrophiées, un interrénal plus actif que normalement, et des cellules phéochromes volumineuses. Le système hypophyse-thyroïdien semble peu affecté 9 jours après l'exérèse de l'interrénal; les cellules à prolactine sont plus actives en eau douce qu'en eau de mer, en accord avec des résultats antérieurs, sans paraître réagir à l'insuffisance corticosurrénalienne ainsi créée.
Summary Adrenalectomy, including the removal of the anterior and posterior cardinal veins, was performed on the European eel by Mr D. Chan. Only small remnants could be identified in a few animals. Reactions of other endocrine glands to this surgical adrenalectomy were studied.8 to 9 days after adrenalectomy, the corticotrophic cells of the pituitary gland show an hypertrophy, a degranulation and a vacuolization, these processes being perhaps more intense in freshwater than in sea water. This stimulation is similar to that produced by corticolytic or cortico-inhibiting drugs previously tested, but no mitotic activity was observed after adrenalectomy.The remnants of interrenal, which appear hyperactive, do not seem to affect the intensity of response of the hypophysial corticotrophs, probably because of being too small in size.The adrenalectomized eels have also a depleted lymphoid kidney tissue, stimulated corpuscles of Stannius, active somatotrophic cells in the proximal pars distalis, and a reduced neurosecretory material in the preoptic nucleus and the neurohypophysis. However, these last modifications do not appear characteristic of adrenalectomy, as they can be observed in the sham operated eels too. Sham adrenalectomy induces some hypertrophy of the corticotrophic cells, a stimulation of the interrenal and a volume increase of the chromaffin cells. The pituitary-thyroid axis is not clearly affected 9 days after adrenalectomy; the prolactin cells are more active in freshwater than in sea water, corroborating previous findings, but they do not appear to react to the adrenal insufficiency.

Une partie de ce travail a été réalisée en collaboration avec le Groupe de Biologie Marine du CEA, à la Station Zoologique de Villefranche-sur-Mer. Nous remercions très vivement Mr. D. Chan, de l'Université de Sheffield, qui nous a permis de prélever les glandes endocrines des animaux qu'il a opérés. Nous remercions aussi le Dr. J. Maetz de l'accueil si amical qu'il nous a réservé dans le Groupe de Biologie Marine du CEA qu'il dirige, et le Pr P. Bougis pour les facilités de travail accordées pendant notre séjour à la Station Zoologique de Villefranche-sur-Mer. Nous exprimons notre vive reconnaissance au CEA qui a bien voulu accepter de subventionner ce travail.  相似文献   

Since the beginning of the 2000s, studies concerning the chronology of the first human settlements in China were conducted by electron spin resonance (ESR) on sedimentary quartz and electron spin resonance coupled with U-series (ESR/U-series) on teeth in collaboration by French and Chinese teams on some Chinese archaeological or geological sites: Yunxian, Dali, Tangshan, Zongwei, Nihewan, Longgupo and several Giganthopithecus sites in Guangxi. After a quick overview of the used dating methods, some of the major results obtained during this collaboration will be briefly presented and discussed.  相似文献   


On some seaweeds collected on the Straits of Messina and off the Sicilian coasts. – 2 Phaeophyceae of the ordines Dictyotales and Desmarestiales and 17 Rhodophyceae of the ordines Cryptonemiales, Gigartinales and Ceramiales are collected for the first time in the Mediterranean Sea (for Desmarestia ligulata) or in some localities off the Sicilian coasts and off the circumsicilian isles. For each species systematic and distribution data are reported.  相似文献   

Peroxidase catalase, IAA-oxidase and polyphenol content of growing barley coleoptile. Effect of kinetin. - Kinetin strongly inhibits root and coleoptile growth of germinating barley in the dark. Treated coleoptiles become senescent before the untreated ones. Soluble proteins content, peroxidase, catalase and IAA-oxidase activity were greatly increased in treated coleoptiles while the level of polyphenols was reduced. These biochemical effects joined with the other property of kinetin to diminish α-amylase synthesis in the endosperm are discussed in relation to growth and in connection with the classic view of a cytokinin retarded senescence.  相似文献   

Summary Human meiotic chromosomes, from spermatocytes and ovocytes, are described after observations of whole mount preparations under E.M. Small testicular and ovarian fragments are put in distillated water, then macerated; the cell suspension is spread on the surface of sheet copper grids covered with formvar plus collodion films. After dehydratation interesting stages are selected under L.M. before observations under E.M.Zygotene and pachytene are the most common stages. During pachytene the chromomeres are well individualized; the synaptonemal complex may be observed; chromatin fibers connect the chromosomes to nuclear pores, interchromosomal fibers joint the bivalents. Zygotene and pachytene bivalents are very similar in the male and the feminine germ cells.  相似文献   

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