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Although unchilled, intact seeds of Betula pubescens and B.verrucosa require light for germination, isolated embryos germinateequally well in both light and darkness. An aqueous extract of these seeds has germination-inhibitoryproperties correlated with the presence of a non-fluorescent,single substance. The light requirement of isolated embryosis restored by the inhibitor. When intact seeds are leachedwith water to remove some inhibitor, it is found that the lightrequirement is reduced, short days and single light periodsthen eliciting greater germination than in unleached seeds. It has been found that scratching, pricking, and cutting theseed coat increases the germination of intact seeds in darkness,and that this is probably due to enhanced oxygen entry. Further,it has been found that germination in short days is increasedin oxygen-enriched atmospheres. It has been found that although the inhibitory effect of theseed coat in intact seeds is partially due to the reductionof the oxygen supply to the embryo, a low oxygen concentrationdoes not prevent germination of isolated embryos. Experimentalresults suggest that the inhibitor in the seed coat increasesthe oxygen requirement of the embryo.  相似文献   

A high proportion of seeds of most species of the Fabaceae havetesta-imposed dormancy, which prevents them from imbibing watereven under favourable environmental conditions. This allowsseeds to accumulate in a persistent soil seed bank. Dormancyis usually considered to be broken only when the testa is disrupted,particularly at the lens. In Mediterranean-type ecosystems,the primary natural mechanism causing the breakdown of thisdormancy is the disruption of testas in the soil seed bank byheat from fires that warms the soil in which the seed bank occurs.We examined experimentally the role of the lens in controllingthis heat-induced breakdown of dormancy in 16 native Australianspecies of the Faboideae and Mimosoideae. Two groups of patternsare recognized: species of the Mimosoideae: Acacieae and Faboideae:Mirbelieae, where water permeability is regulated by the lens;and species of the Faboideae: Bossiaeeae, where water permeabilityapparently occurs at non-localized regions of the testa. Thespecies in these two groups differ in the structure of theirtestas. Thus, testa-imposed dormancy does not represent a singledormancy mechanism in legumes, as is often assumed when dormancyis broken artificially.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Company Leguminosae, Fabaceae, seed dormancy, hard-seededness, germination, lens, strophiole, Australia.  相似文献   

The embryo dormancy shown in freshly harvested samples of Acervelutinum seeds is weakly established and very short-lived.Loss of this embryo dormancy occurred during post-harvest fruitstorage at either 5 or 17 C. In contrast, the dormancy of intactfruits and seeds was overcome only during storage at the lowertemperature. Removal of the cotyledons from embryos of freshlyharvested fruits allowed more rapid germination of the embryonicaxes, indicating that the cotyledons exert an inhibitory effect,although the axes still retained a measure of innate dormancy.The inhibitory effect of the cotyledons became less marked withincreasing duration of fruit storage, this loss of inhibitoryeffect occurring at both storage temperatures. Applied ABA stronglysuppressed germinative capacity in intact embryos and isolatedembryonic axes from freshly harvested fruits, but when ABA wasapplied to embryos of fruits that had been stored for variousperiods at 5 or 17 C, the inhibitory effect was first weakenedand then lost with increased storage. Although dormancy in the seeds of A. velutinum may be describedas intermediate between testa-imposed dormancy and true dormancy,it is perhaps more properly included in the former category. Acer velutinum Boiss. var. vanvolxemii, abscisic acid, embryo dormancy, germination, seed storage, testa-imposed dormancy, tissue sensitivity  相似文献   

8-14C-Zeatin is taken up rapidly and is extensively metabolized by excised bean axes during a 12-hour incubation at 26 C. Most of the radioactivity is found in the 80% ethanol soluble fraction and consists of zeatin, zeatin riboside, zeatin-5′-ribotide, as well as corresponding dihydrozeatin derivatives. The characterization of 14C-dihydrozeatin included crystallization to constant specific radioactivity. No cleavage of the zeatin side chain to adenine, hypoxanthine, their ribosides, or glycylpurine was detected. Dihydrozeatin has been previously isolated from yellow lupin seeds, and our experiments indicate that it can be derived through reduction of the side chain from preexisting cytokinin. While the total amount of zeatin metabolized is not affected by growth-inhibiting concentrations of abscisic acid or cycloheximide, the conversion to dihydrozeatin derivatives is curtailed. Although somewhat less effective than zeatin and zeatin riboside, dihydrozeatin and dihydrozeatin riboside also counteract the abscisic acid-induced growth inhibition.  相似文献   

休眠是种子植物在长期进化过程中产生的适应性性状, 通过抑制种子在不适宜的环境中萌发进而保证植物能够在逆境中生存。此外, 休眠有助于种子的长距离运输和扩散, 因此休眠对种子延续和物种保存具有重要意义。种子由休眠向萌发的发育转变不仅关系到物种的繁衍, 而且对保证农业生产中作物的产量和品质也具有重要作用。种子的休眠和萌发受到内源激素和外源光信号的共同调控。其中, 外源光信号主要通过调控内源ABA和GA的生物合成及信号转导进而调控种子休眠和萌发。该文系统综述了外源光信号和内源激素调控种子休眠和萌发的作用通路以及两类信号通路之间的交互作用, 旨在为农业生产中利用光和激素调控种子休眠与萌发提供参考。  相似文献   

The Role of Juvenile Hormones in Crustacean Reproduction   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
SYNOPSIS. Similar to juvenile hormone production in adult insects,the production of methyl farnesoate (MF) seems to be relatedto reproduction in both sexes in mature crustaceans. The mandibularorgan (MO) synthesizes MF, and its activity corresponds to reproductivestages. High MF levels in the blood are found in vitellogenicfemales and reproductively active males. Conversely, low levelsare found in immature females, non-vitellogenic females, andmales that are in reproductive diapause. The MO is under inhibitorycontrol by neurosecretory factors from the sinus gland locatedin the eyestalks, and may be stimulated by factors from thebrain and/or thoracic ganglion.  相似文献   

In Anemone coronaria L. summer dormancy in Israel can be inducedby long photoperiods even in the middle of the winter. Cultivationin Europe has reduced but not eliminated this response to daylength.Daylength did not affect the time of flowering but dormancycaused early cessation of flowering under long days. Anothereffect of long-day treatment was to produce longer scapes. Anemone coronaria, summer dormancy, long-day induction, daylength response  相似文献   

光信号与激素调控种子休眠和萌发研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
休眠是种子植物在长期进化过程中产生的适应性性状, 通过抑制种子在不适宜的环境中萌发进而保证植物能够在逆境中生存。此外, 休眠有助于种子的长距离运输和扩散, 因此休眠对种子延续和物种保存具有重要意义。种子由休眠向萌发的发育转变不仅关系到物种的繁衍, 而且对保证农业生产中作物的产量和品质也具有重要作用。种子的休眠和萌发受到内源激素和外源光信号的共同调控。其中, 外源光信号主要通过调控内源ABA和GA的生物合成及信号转导进而调控种子休眠和萌发。该文系统综述了外源光信号和内源激素调控种子休眠和萌发的作用通路以及两类信号通路之间的交互作用, 旨在为农业生产中利用光和激素调控种子休眠与萌发提供参考。  相似文献   

The Role of Growth Substances in the Regulation of Onion Bulb Dormancy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The correlation between sprouting and changes in endogenousgrowth substances was investigated in stored onion bulbs (Alliumcepa c.v. Rijnsburger and Lancastrian). In the main experimentsbulbs were removed from store at approximately fortnightly intervals,samples were assessed for percentage sprouting and non-sproutingbulbs were either extracted for hormone assay or treated withgrowth substances in an attempt to induce sprouting. In otherexperiments the hormone content of bulbs at different stagesof sprouting was assessed. Growth-inhibitor and gibberellinactivity decreased before sprouting, but there was an increasein gibberellin and auxin activity as sprouting commenced. Gibberellinactivity was highest in bulbs with well-developed sprouts whereasauxin activity occurred mainly in bulbs in which early sproutdevelopment was visible only on their being cut open. Therewas no conclusive evidence that bulb dormancy could be brokenby application of the gibberellins GA3 and GA4/7, or the auxin1-naphthylacetic acid (NAA). Maleic hydrazide (MH) completelyinhibited root and sprout development but the growth retardant(2-chloroethyl)trimethylammonium chloride (CCC) was mainly effectivein reducing root development and sprouting was only slightlyinhibited.  相似文献   

Bartonella spp. are intra-erythrocytic pathogens of mammals. In this study, we investigated the role of the spleen, and other tissue and organs in Bartonella infection. Using an in vivo model of mice infection by Bartonella birtlesii, we detected accumulation of bacteria in the spleen, with transient infection of the liver, but failed to detect any bacteria in brain or lymph nodes. We then compared bacteraemia in normal Balb/C mice and in splenectomized mice. Bacteraemia in splenectomized mice was 10-fold higher than in normal mice and lasted 2?weeks longer. In conclusion, the spleen seems to retain and filter infected erythrocytes rather than to be a sanctuary for chronic Bartonella infection.  相似文献   

Role of Abscisic Acid in Seed Dormancy   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Seed dormancy is an adaptive trait that improves survival of the next generation by optimizing the distribution of germination over time. The agricultural and forest industries rely on seeds that exhibit high rates of germination and vigorous, synchronous growth after germination; hence dormancy is sometimes considered an undesirable trait. The forest industry encounters problems with the pronounced dormancy of some conifer seeds, a feature that can lead to non-uniform germination and poor seedling vigor. In cereal crops, an optimum balance is most sought after; some dormancy at harvest is favored because it prevents germination of the physiologically mature grain in the head prior to harvest (that is, preharvest sprouting), a phenomenon that leads to considerable damage to grain quality and is especially prominent in cool moist environments. The sesquiterpene abscisic acid (ABA) regulates key events during seed formation, such as the deposition of storage reserves, prevention of precocious germination, acquisition of desiccation tolerance, and induction of primary dormancy. Its regulatory role is achieved in part by cross-talk with other hormones and their associated signaling networks, via mechanisms that are largely unknown. Quantitative genetics and functional genomics approaches will contribute to the elucidation of genes and proteins that control seed dormancy and germination, including components of the ABA signal transduction pathway. Dynamic changes in ABA biosynthesis and catabolism elicit hormone-signaling changes that affect downstream gene expression and thereby regulate critical checkpoints at the transitions from dormancy to germination and from germination to growth. Some of the recent developments in these areas are discussed.  相似文献   

It has been shown that the growth-inhibiting substances presentin the embryo and endosperm of F. excelsior are not removedduring pretreatment or during the actual germination process.On the other hand, evidence is presented that the inhibitormay be physiologically effective in preventing germination.A biological assay technique using embryos of the same speciesfrom which the growth substances were extracted was used todemonstrate the production of a germination and growth-promotingsubstance during the process of low temperature after-ripeningand its apparent counteraction of the effect of the endogenousinhibitor.  相似文献   

When the midribs of untreated traps of Dionaea muscipula are frozen in liquid nitrogen after rapid closure, they contain significantly less ATP than those frozen before closure. Exogenous ATP causes a significant increase in the rate of mechanically stimulated trap closure. Illuminated traps close faster than those kept in the dark. The traps of plants placed in 100% O2 close much faster than do air controls, while 100% CO2 inhibits closure. It is concluded that ATP is probably the native source of potential energy for contraction of the trap's midrib, and that if the endogenous ATP titer is increased by oxidative phosphorylation or an exogenous source, the trap will close faster.  相似文献   

The present studies with Acer pseudoplatanus L. suggest thatthe covering structures play an important and multiple rolein the dormancy of the fruit. Whole fruits and seeds with thetesta intact required a period of chilling at 5 °C beforedormancy was broken whereas bare embryos germinated immediatelyat 20 °C without pretreatment. This suggested that dormancywas coat-imposed and that the testa was responsible for thiseffect. Germination of dormant seeds was inhibited by lightwhereas the non-dormant bare embryos showed little response.Studies on the manner in which the testa imposed dormancy onthe embryo indicated that restriction on oxygen uptake, wateruptake, mechanical restriction to embryo enlargement, and thepresence of germination inhibitors in the testa were not limitingfactors at this stage of dormancy. Results from leaching experimentssuggest that dormancy was the result of the restriction by thetesta of the outward diffusion of a germination inhibitor(s)present in the embryo. In seeds that had nearly completed theirstratification requirements, the covering structures seemedto act in a manner other than by preventing the leaching ofan inhibitor from the embryo. At this point the physical propertiesof the covering structures seem to determine any further delaysin germination by the mechanical restriction of embryo enlargementby the testa and by restriction of oxygen uptake by the pericarp.  相似文献   

目的:探讨建立ICU呼吸专科护理小组在机械通气病人中的作用。方法:评估建立ICU呼吸专科护理小组前后实施呼吸机集束策略依从性的情况及对呼吸机相关性肺炎(VAP)发生率的影响。结果:建立ICU呼吸专科护理小组前后分别纳入458、487个病人,手卫生依从性由20.9%提高到65.7%(P=0.001);床头抬高30°以上依从性由24.8%提高到49.5%(P=0.001);镇静评分依从性无明显改善(P=0.06);使用无创呼吸机依从性由20.4%提高到32%(P=0.03)。同时ICU呼吸专科护理小组建立后可降低VAP发生率(24.4%vs 41.7%,P=0.004),降低VAP病人的机械通气时间和ICU住院时间,但并不能降低其死亡率。结论:建立ICU呼吸专科护理小组可提高呼吸机集束策略的依从性,可以降低VAP发生率。  相似文献   

植物激素对体细胞胚胎发生的诱导与调节   总被引:62,自引:0,他引:62  
以作者自己的工作为背景,结合国内外近几年的有关报道,综述了几种外源和内源激素对植物体细胞胚胎发生的诱导与调节作用。外源生长素和细胞分裂素是诱导离体培养细胞分化与增殖所必需的,2,4-D是诱导胚性愈伤组织的重要激素。在体细胞胚胎发生中内源激素含量和代谢的平衡起着关键的作用,而且外源和内源激素对诱导体细胞胚胎发生起相互调节作用。ABA在提高体细胞胚胎发生频率和质量上具有重要作用,同时,外源与内源ABA对体细胞胚胎发生起相互促进作用。本文还较为深入地讨论了这些激素诱导体细胞胚胎发生的可能作用机制。 Abstract:The paper summarizes the induced and regulatory effects of a few exogenous and endogenous hormones in plant somatic embryogenesis by our studies and related international reports.The exogenous auxin and cytokinin are necessary to induced differentiation and proliferation of cells of culture in vitro.2,4-D is an important hormone of induced embryogenic calluses.The contents and the metabolic balances of endogenous hormones have key effects for somatic embryogenesis.In addition,the exogenous and endogenous hormones have mutual regulatory effects for somatic embryogenesis.ABA has an important effect to improving the frequency and quality of somatic embryogenesis.Meanwhile,the exogenous and endogenous ABA have mutual promoted effects for somatic embryogenesis.The paper discusses possible mechanism of hormones-induced somatic embryogenesis in a deep-going way.  相似文献   

The dissemination of tumor cells prior to the surgical resection of early stage tumors poses a serious risk to the disease free survival of cancer patients. This risk arises from the latent capacity of these cells to form solid metastatic lesions after a prolonged period of dormancy, exacerbated by the fact that these cells are often refractory to adjuvant chemotherapeutic protocols. Ensuring the long term survival of cancer patients therefore necessitates an understanding of the mechanisms of tumor cell dormancy and the accompanying drug resistance. Experiments designed to compare the biological behavior of metastatic versus non-metastatic variants of tumor cells provide evidence that there exists a phenomenon of single-cell dormancy which may depend on a reciprocal dialogue between the tumor cell and the tissue microenvironment. Through a combination of 3-dimensional cell culture technique and in vivo models investigators are now beginning to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying this phenomenon. Here we review the results of a series of experiments describing the role of cell adhesion events in dictating tumor cell behavior, including the balance between proliferation and dormancy, and the acquisition of drug resistance.  相似文献   

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