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Differential regulation of waxy gene expression in rice endosperm   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
Summary In order to examine the effects of different alleles on the gene expression at the waxy locus, the Wx gene product which controls the synthesis of amylose was isolated from endosperm starch of rice plants and analysed by electrophoretic techniques. The major protein bound to starch granules was absent in most of waxy strains and increased with the number of Wx alleles in triploid endosperms, suggesting that the major protein is the Wx gene product. In addition to wx alleles which result in the absence or drastic reduction of the Wx gene product and amylose, differentiation of Wx alleles seemed to have occurred among nonwaxy rice strains. At least two Wx alleles with different efficiencies in the production of the major protein as well as amylose were detected. These alleles are discussed in relation to regulation of the gene expression.  相似文献   

The rice water weevil (RWW), Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel, is the most widely distributed and destructive early season insect pest of rice, Oryza sativa L. worldwide. The rice plants were transformed with cryIIIA insecticidal gene as well as with the bar gene coding phosphinothricin acetyltransferase. CryIIIA gene under the control of a modified RCg2 promoter drives the insect-toxic gene expression in roots and/or leaves. The cryIIIA gene was transferred into O. sativa L. cv. Nakdong by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Stable integration of the transgene was confirmed in putative transformed rice by Southern blot analysis. The expression of the cryIIIA toxin gene in the roots of transgenic rice plants was verified by RT-PCR and immunoblot analysis. Transgenic rice plants were also evaluated for resistance to natural infestations of the RWW under field conditions between 2007 and 2011. The transgenic Btt8R and Btt12R lines reduced the growth rate of RWW larvae and pupae populations compared with non-transgenic control plants by approximately 52 and 58 %, respectively. To further examine the efficacy of the RWW bioassay, we used pots and performed experiments in trays and under field conditions in 2012. The Btt12R line reduced the total populations of RWW larvae and pupae in trays and under field conditions by 56 and 45 %, respectively. The bioassay experiments conducted over 6 years, showed a significant reduction rate of RWW larvae and pupae populations demonstrating that the cryIIIA gene in transgenic rice confers resistance to RWW.  相似文献   

Two rice cDNA clones (COS6 and COS9) were isolated, corresponding to genes that were highly expressed in roots from seedlings and mature plants. A genomic clone (GOS9) corresponding to cDNA clone COS9 was isolated and the intron/exon structure was determined by comparing the nucleotide sequences of the mRNA and the genomic clone. 5 ends and 3 ends of the mRNA were determined by primer extension and S1-nuclease mapping respectively. The open reading frame present in GOS9 potentially encodes a protein (14kDa) that does not show any significant homology to other proteins in databases.  相似文献   

Retrograde regulation of nuclear gene expression in CW-CMS of rice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The CW-cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) line has the cytoplasm of Oryza rufipogon Griff, and mature pollen is morphologically normal under an optical microscope but lacks the ability to germinate; restorer gene Rf17 has been identified as restoring this ability. The difference between nuclear gene expression in mature anthers was compared for the CW-CMS line, [cms-CW] rf17rf17, and a maintainer line with normal cytoplasm of Oryza sativa L., [normal] rf17rf17. Using a 22-k rice oligoarray we detected 58 genes that were up-regulated more than threefold in the CW-CMS line. Expression in other organs was further investigated for 20 genes using RT-PCR. Five genes, including genes for alternative oxidase, were found to be preferentially expressed in [cms-CW] rf17rf17 but not in [normal] rf17rf17 or [cms-CW] Rf17Rf17. Such [cms-CW] rf17rf17-specific gene expression was only observed in mature anthers but not in leaves, stems, or roots, indicating the presence of anther-specific mitochondrial retrograde regulation of nuclear gene expression, and that Rf17 has a role in restoring the ectopic gene expression. We also used a proteomic approach to discover the retrograde regulated proteins and identified six proteins that were accumulated differently. These results reveal organ-specific induced mitochondrial retrograde pathways affecting nuclear gene expression possibly related to CMS. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available to authorised users in the online version of this article at .  相似文献   

Phytochrome-mediated control of COP1 gene expression in rice plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We isolated a COP1 cDNA from rice and found that it could complement the Arabidopsis cop1-4 mutant. The putative rice COP1 protein has the Ring-finger, coiled-coil. and WD-40 repeat domains, which are also conserved in pea, tomato, and mammalian COP1 proteins. The degree of overall identity between rice COP1 and Arabidopsis COP1 is 73%, and the similarity value is 83%. Expression of rice COP1 was detected in almost all plant tissues, with the level being relatively higher in calli and very low in etiolated leaves. The expression level was positively controlled by light in etiolated and green leaves. At the end of the light period, expression of the gene in green leaves could be down-regulated by far-red light. This far-red light effect could be prevented by subsequent irradiation with red light. These results indicate that phytochrome regulates rice COP1 expression.  相似文献   

To minimize expression variability amongst transgenic lines, we have utilized the strategy of Cre/lox-mediated site-specific gene integration. This method allows the precise integration of a transgene in a lox site previously placed in the genome. Using the biolistic method for DNA delivery, we have generated several site-specific integrant lines, derived from three different target lines. About 80% of the selected lines contain precise integration of the gusA reporter gene and fall into two categories: single-copy (SC) lines that contain site-specific integration without additional random integrations, and multicopy (MC) lines that contain random integrations in addition to the site-specific integration. The expression of the gusA gene was studied in callus cells and regenerated plants. The isogenic SC lines displayed significantly lower expression variation, whereas much higher expression variation was observed in MC lines. Furthermore, stable inheritance of the gusA gene was observed in T1 plants derived from a subset of SC lines. This demonstrates that consistent gene expression can be obtained in rice by Cre-mediated site-specific integration.  相似文献   

Differential gene expression in response to brown planthopper feeding in rice   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Plant responses to herbivores are complex. 108 cDNA clones representing genes relating to plant responses to chewing insect-feeding, pathogen infection, wounding and other stresses were collected. Northern blot and cDNA array analysis were employed to investigate gene expression regulated by piercing-sucking insect, brown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens (Homoptera: Dephacidae) on both the resistant and susceptible rice genotypes. After BPH feeding in rice for 72 h, the expression of most tested genes was affected. 14 genes in resistant rice variety B5 and 44 genes in susceptible MH63 were significantly up- or down-regulated. Most of the well-regulated genes were grouped in the categories of signaling pathways, oxidative stress/apoptosis, wound-response, drought-inducible and pathogen-related proteins. Those related to the flavonoid pathway, aromatic metabolidsm and the octadecanoid pathway were mostly kept unchanged or down-regulated. Our results indicate that BPH feeding induces plant responses which would take part in a jasmonic acid-independent pathway and crosstalk with those related to abiotic stress, pathogen invasion and phytohormone signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Pollen development requires a large number of genes expressed in both sporophytic and gametophytic tissues. We have isolated a pollen-specific gene, PS1, from rice. PS1 is a unique gene in the rice genome and encodes a 164 amino acid long protein. RNA blot analysis shows that PS1 mRNAs accumulate specifically in rice anthers. When introduced into rice tissues by microprojectile bombardment, the PS1 promoter drives expression of a marker gene, β-glucuronidase, specifically in rice pollen. The PS1 gene and the deduced amino acid sequence of the PS1 protein share significant levels of homology with another monocot pollen-specific gene—the maize Zm-13 gene and its deduced protein, respectively. PS1 also shows some homology with the dicot tomato anther-specific gene LAT-52. Interestingly, the structure of the PS1 gene is more similar to that of the LAT-52 gene than to Zm-13. The coding regions of both PS1 and LAT-52 are interrupted by a single intron, and the positions of the introns are conserved in these genes. Moreover, there is considerable sequence homology in the introns of the PS1 and LAT-52 genes in regions immediately upstream of the 3' splice sites. The upstream regulatory sequences of the PS1 gene show several regions of homology with other pollen- or anther-specific genes from a number of plant species. The conservation of coding sequences of PS1 from rice, Zm-I3 from maize, and LAT-52 from tomato suggests a functional conservation of their gene products. Similarities in the regulatory regions of PS1 and other anther- or pollen-specific genes among monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous species indicate that at least some regulatory features controlling gene expression in male reproductive tissues are conserved. This is supported by the preservation of pollen-specific expression from the rice PS1 promoter when it is introduced into tobacco plants by Agrobacterium Ti plasmid-mediated transformation.  相似文献   

A genomic hsp70 gene was isolated from a rice IR36 genomic library and 4 794 bp of the gene have been sequenoed. The 5' flanking region of the gene contained a putative TATA box and a typical heat shock element sequence 5'-CTcgGAAccTTCgAG-3'. The amino acid sequence of the rice HSP70 deduced from the coding region shared 84%-92% homologies with those of HSP70s from other plant species. An intron 1939bp long was identified in the coding region at the codon specifying amino acid 72 (Asp), the similar position introns occurring in other intron-containing hsp70 genes. In addition, another intron of 57 bp was found in the 3'-untranslated region in the rice hsp70 gene. Southern blot hybridization showed that rice hsp70 gene family contained at least three members. Analysis of the RNA leveis with the gene-specific and non-specific probes revealed that the rice hsp70 gene expressed at normal temperature and the expression was enhanced by heat shock treatment.  相似文献   

We have screened a total of 5,500 T-DNA tagging rice lines in which beta-glucuronidase (GUS) gene sequence was randomly inserted as a transgene into the plant genome. Histochemical GUS assays were carried out to select the T-DNA tagging rice lines that show its expression in anther. Of the tagging lines screened, three lines were found to express GUS specifically in the anther that is about 0.05%. Microscopic observation of the anther-expressed lines showed specific expression patterns of GUS in the anther, either gametophytic or sporophytic specificities. Southern blot analysis revealed that the integration copy number of the transgene was 2.3 in average. The detailed expression patterns were analyzed and discussed.  相似文献   

We generated transgenic tobacco and rice plants harboring a chimeric gene consisting of the 5-upstream sequence of the rice metallothionein gene (ricMT) fused to the -glucuronidase (GUS) gene. The activity and tissue-specific expression of the ricMT promoter were demonstrated in these transgenic plants. In the transgenic rice plants, despite substantial levels of GUS activity in the shoot and root, almost no GUS signal was detected in the endosperm. Thus, the ricMT promoter could be useful in avoiding accumulation of undesired proteins in the seed endosperm.  相似文献   

The differential expressions of three genes rbcL, salT and rab!6 in response to ABA, NaCl, PEG and heat shock were investigated in seedlings of a salt-tolerant rice mutant 20 (mutant 20) and its parental variety Oryza sativa var. japonica 77-170(170). By Northern blot analysis it was found that ABA induced the expression of all three genes of rbcL, salT and rab16 in shoots and roots of both 170 and mutant 20 with the exceptions of rab16 in shoots of mutant 20 and rbcL in roots of 170. Lower concentrations of NaCl induced rbcL expression in shoots of mutant 20 but not 170. Higher concentrations of NaCl decreased rbcL expression but induced expressions of salT and rab16 in shoots of both 170 and mutant 20. PEG(15%) and 37℃ heat shock showed almost no effects on the expression of the three genes in mutant 20. However, they caused a decrease in rbcL expression and slight induction of the rab16 gene in 170, with salT expression unaffected. These results indicated that mutant 20 was relatively less responsiv  相似文献   

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