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The mammalian ORMDL proteins are orthologues of the yeast Orm proteins (Orm1/2), which are regulators of ceramide biosynthesis. In mammalian cells, ceramide is a proapoptotic signaling sphingolipid, but it is also an obligate precursor to essential higher order sphingolipids. Therefore levels of ceramide are expected to be tightly controlled. We tested the three ORMDL isoforms for their role in homeostatically regulating ceramide biosynthesis in mammalian cells. Treatment of cells with a short chain (C6) ceramide or sphingosine resulted in a dramatic inhibition of ceramide biosynthesis. This inhibition was almost completely eliminated by ORMDL knockdown. This establishes that the ORMDL proteins mediate the feedback regulation of ceramide biosynthesis in mammalian cells. The ORMDL proteins are functionally redundant. Knockdown of all three isoforms simultaneously was required to alleviate the sphingolipid-mediated inhibition of ceramide biosynthesis. The lipid sensed by the ORMDL-mediated feedback mechanism is medium or long chain ceramide or a higher order sphingolipid. Treatment of permeabilized cells with C6-ceramide resulted in ORMDL-mediated inhibition of the rate-limiting enzyme in sphingolipid biosynthesis, serine palmitoyltransferase. This indicates that C6-ceramide inhibition requires only membrane-bound elements and does not involve diffusible proteins or small molecules. We also tested the atypical sphingomyelin synthase isoform, SMSr, for its role in the regulation of ceramide biosynthesis. This unusual enzyme has been reported to regulate ceramide levels in the endoplasmic reticulum. We were unable to detect a role for SMSr in regulating ceramide biosynthesis. We suggest that the role of SMSr may be in the regulation of downstream metabolism of ceramide.  相似文献   

Studies in cell culture and mouse models of cancer have indicated that the soluble sphingolipid metabolite sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) promotes cancer cell proliferation, survival, invasiveness, and tumor angiogenesis. In contrast, its metabolic precursor ceramide is prodifferentiative and proapoptotic. To determine whether sphingolipid balance plays a significant role in glioma malignancy, we undertook a comprehensive analysis of sphingolipid metabolites in human glioma and normal gray matter tissue specimens. We demonstrate, for the first time, a systematic shift in sphingolipid metabolism favoring S1P over ceramide, which increases with increasing cancer grade. S1P content was, on average, 9-fold higher in glioblastoma tissues compared with normal gray matter, whereas the most abundant form of ceramide in the brain, C18 ceramide, was on average 5-fold lower. Increased S1P content in the tumors was significantly correlated with increased sphingosine kinase 1 (SPHK1) and decreased sphingosine phosphate phosphatase 2 (SGPP2) expression. Inhibition of S1P production by cultured glioblastoma cells, using a highly potent and selective SPHK1 inhibitor, blocked angiogenesis in cocultured endothelial cells without affecting VEGF secretion. Our findings validate the hypothesis that an altered ceramide/S1P balance is an important feature of human cancers and support the development of SPHK1 inhibitors as antiangiogenic agents for cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Sphingolipid ceramide has emerged as a lipid messenger of cell functions including differentiation and apoptosis. Diverse kinds of stresses (ultraviolet, irradiation, heat shock and hypoxia) and biological factors (TNF-, IFN-γ and Fas antibody) require ceramide generation to execute apoptosis. The review summarises the diversity and complexity of up- and downstream of ceramide signalling in apoptosis and clinical implications of ceramide-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

Sphingolipids play important roles in regulating cellular responses. Although mitochondria contain sphingolipids, direct regulation of their levels in mitochondria or mitochondria-associated membranes is mostly unclear. Neutral SMase (N-SMase) isoforms, which catalyze hydrolysis of sphingomyelin (SM) to ceramide and phosphocholine, have been found in the mitochondria of yeast and zebrafish, yet their existence in mammalian mitochondria remains unknown. Here, we have identified and cloned a cDNA based on nSMase homologous sequences. This cDNA encodes a novel protein of 483 amino acids that displays significant homology to nSMase2 and possesses the same catalytic core residues as members of the extended N-SMase family. A transiently expressed V5-tagged protein co-localized with both mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum markers in MCF-7 and HEK293 cells; accordingly, the enzyme is referred to as mitochondria-associated nSMase (MA-nSMase). MA-nSMase was highly expressed in testis, pancreas, epididymis, and brain. MA-nSMase had an absolute requirement for cations such as Mg2+ and Mn2+ and activation by the anionic phospholipids, especially phosphatidylserine and the mitochondrial cardiolipin. Importantly, overexpression of MA-nSMase in HEK293 cells significantly increased in vitro N-SMase activity and also modulated the levels of SM and ceramide, indicating that the identified cDNA encodes a functional SMase. Thus, these studies identify and characterize, for the first time, a mammalian MA-nSMase. The characterization of MA-nSMase described here will contribute to our understanding of pathways regulated by sphingolipid metabolites, particularly with reference to the mitochondria and associated organelles.  相似文献   

The ceramide transport protein CERT mediates the inter-organelle transport of ceramide for the synthesis of sphingomyelin, presumably through endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-Golgi membrane contact sites. CERT has a short peptide motif named FFAT, which associates with the ER-resident membrane protein VAP. We show that the phosphorylation of CERT at serine 315, which is adjacent to the FFAT motif, markedly enhanced the interaction of CERT with VAP. The phosphomimetic CERT S315E mutant exhibited higher activity to support the ER-to-Golgi transport of ceramide than the wild-type control in a semi-intact cell system, and this enhanced activity was abrogated when its FFAT motif was deleted. The level of phosphorylation of CERT at Ser-315 increased in HeLa cells treated with a sphingolipid biosynthesis inhibitor or exogenous sphingomyelinase. Expression of CERT S315E induced intracellular punctate structures, to which CERT and VAP were co-localized, and the occurrence of the structure was dependent on both phosphatidylinositol 4-monophosphate binding and VAP binding activities of CERT. Phosphorylation of another region (named a serine-rich motif) in CERT is known to down-regulate the activity of CERT. Analysis of various CERT mutant constructs showed that the de-phosphorylation of the serine-rich motif and the phosphorylation of Ser-315 likely have the additive contribution to enhance the activity of CERT. These results demonstrate that the phosphorylation of CERT at the FFAT motif-adjacent serine affected its affinity for VAP, which may regulate the inter-organelle trafficking of ceramide in response to the perturbation of cellular sphingomyelin and/or other sphingolipids.  相似文献   

Ceramide synthase 1 (CerS1) catalyzes the synthesis of C18 ceramide and is mainly expressed in the brain. Custom-made antibodies to a peptide from the C-terminal region of the mouse CerS1 protein yielded specific immunosignals in neurons but no other cell types of wild type brain, but the CerS1 protein was not detected in CerS1-deficient mouse brains. To elucidate the biological function of CerS1-derived sphingolipids in the brain, we generated CerS1-deficient mice by introducing a targeted mutation into the coding region of the cers1 gene. General deficiency of CerS1 in mice caused a foliation defect, progressive shrinkage, and neuronal apoptosis in the cerebellum. Mass spectrometric analyses revealed up to 60% decreased levels of gangliosides in cerebellum and forebrain. Expression of myelin-associated glycoprotein was also decreased by about 60% in cerebellum and forebrain, suggesting that interaction and stabilization of oligodendrocytic myelin-associated glycoprotein by neuronal gangliosides is due to the C18 acyl membrane anchor of CerS1-derived precursor ceramides. A behavioral analysis of CerS1-deficient mice yielded functional deficits including impaired exploration of novel objects, locomotion, and motor coordination. Our results reveal an essential function of CerS1-derived ceramide in the regulation of cerebellar development and neurodevelopmentally regulated behavior.  相似文献   

哺乳类细胞基因表达系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过适当的设计,可以构建在哺乳类细胞中表达的质粒,将其导入哺乳类细胞后,可以有效地表达外源基因.文章主要就这类质粒的特征、分类及其研究进展等方面予以综述.  相似文献   

The topological and functional organization of the two isoforms of the small subunits of human serine palmitoyltransferase (hssSPTs) that activate the catalytic hLCB1/hLCB2 heterodimer was investigated. A variety of experimental approaches placed the N termini of the ssSPTs in the cytosol, their C termini in the lumen, and showed that they contain a single transmembrane domain. Deletion analysis revealed that the ability to activate the heterodimer is contained in a conserved 33-amino acid core domain that has the same membrane topology as the full-length protein. In combination with analysis of isoform chimera and site-directed mutagenesis, a single amino acid residue in this core (Met25 in ssSPTa and Val25 in ssSPTb) was identified which confers specificity for palmitoyl- or stearoyl-CoA, respectively, in both yeast and mammalian cells. This same residue also determines which isoform is a better activator of a mutant heterodimer, hLCB1S331F/hLCB2a, which has increased basal SPT activity and decreased amino acid substrate selectivity. This suggests that the role of the ssSPTs is to increase SPT activity without compromising substrate specificity. In addition, the observation that the C-terminal domains of ssSPTa and ssSPTb, which are highly conserved within each subfamily but are the most divergent regions between isoform subfamilies, are not required for activation of the heterodimer or for acyl-CoA selectivity suggests that the ssSPTs have additional roles that remain to be discovered.  相似文献   

Ceramide is a key intermediate in the pathway of sphingolipid biosynthesis and is an important intracellular messenger. We recently generated a ceramide synthase 2 (CerS2) null mouse that cannot synthesize very long acyl chain (C22-C24) ceramides. This mouse displays severe and progressive hepatopathy. Significant changes were observed in the sphingolipid profile of CerS2 null mouse liver, including elevated C16-ceramide and sphinganine levels in liver and in isolated mitochondrial fractions. Because ceramide may be involved in reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation, we examined whether ROS generation was affected in CerS2 null mice. Levels of a number of anti-oxidant enzymes were elevated, as were lipid peroxidation, protein nitrosylation, and ROS. ROS were generated from mitochondria due to impaired complex IV activity. C16-ceramide, sphingosine, and sphinganine directly inhibited complex IV activity in isolated mitochondria and in mitoplasts, whereas other ceramide species, sphingomyelin, and diacylglycerol were without effect. A fluorescent analog of sphinganine accumulated in mitochondria. Heart mitochondria did not display a substantial alteration in the sphingolipid profile or in complex IV activity. We suggest that C16-ceramide and/or sphinganine induce ROS formation through the modulation of mitochondrial complex IV activity, resulting in chronic oxidative stress. These results are of relevance for understanding modulation of ROS signaling by sphingolipids.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding the Renilla reniformis luciferase was expressed in simian and murine cells in a transient and stable manner, respectively. Light emission catalyzed by luciferase was detected from transfected cells both in vitro and in vivo. This work establishes the Renilla luciferase gene as a new efficient marker of gene expression in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

The autosomal dominant peripheral sensory neuropathy HSAN1 results from mutations in the LCB1 subunit of serine palmitoyltransferase (SPT). Serum from patients and transgenic mice expressing a disease-causing mutation (C133W) contain elevated levels of 1-deoxysphinganine (1-deoxySa), which presumably arise from inappropriate condensation of alanine with palmitoyl-CoA. Mutant heterodimeric SPT is catalytically inactive. However, mutant heterotrimeric SPT has ∼10–20% of wild-type activity and supports growth of yeast cells lacking endogenous SPT. In addition, long chain base profiling revealed the synthesis of significantly more 1-deoxySa in yeast and mammalian cells expressing the heterotrimeric mutant enzyme than in cells expressing wild-type enzyme. Wild-type and mutant enzymes had similar affinities for serine. Surprisingly, the enzymes also had similar affinities for alanine, indicating that the major affect of the C133W mutation is to enhance activation of alanine for condensation with the acyl-CoA substrate. In vivo synthesis of 1-deoxySa by the mutant enzyme was proportional to the ratio of alanine to serine in the growth media, suggesting that this ratio can be used to modulate the relative synthesis of sphinganine and 1-deoxySa. By expressing SPT as a single-chain fusion protein to ensure stoichiometric expression of all three subunits, we showed that GADD153, a marker for endoplasmic reticulum stress, was significantly elevated in cells expressing mutant heterotrimers. GADD153 was also elevated in cells treated with 1-deoxySa. Taken together, these data indicate that the HSAN1 mutations perturb the active site of SPT resulting in a gain of function that is responsible for the HSAN1 phenotype.  相似文献   

Erwinia amylovora, the bacterium responsible for fire blight, relies on a type III secretion system and a single injected effector, DspA/E, to induce disease in host plants. DspA/E belongs to the widespread AvrE family of type III effectors that suppress plant defense responses and promote bacterial growth following infection. Ectopic expression of DspA/E in plant or in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is toxic, indicating that DspA/E likely targets a cellular process conserved between yeast and plant. To unravel the mode of action of DspA/E, we screened the Euroscarf S. cerevisiae library for mutants resistant to DspA/E-induced growth arrest. The most resistant mutants (Δsur4, Δfen1, Δipt1, Δskn1, Δcsg1, Δcsg2, Δorm1, and Δorm2) were impaired in the sphingolipid biosynthetic pathway. Exogenously supplied sphingolipid precursors such as the long chain bases (LCBs) phytosphingosine and dihydrosphingosine also suppressed the DspA/E-induced yeast growth defect. Expression of DspA/E in yeast down-regulated LCB biosynthesis and induced a rapid decrease in LCB levels, indicating that serine palmitoyltransferase (SPT), the first and rate-limiting enzyme of the sphingolipid biosynthetic pathway, was repressed. SPT down-regulation was mediated by dephosphorylation and activation of Orm proteins that negatively regulate SPT. A Δcdc55 mutation affecting Cdc55-PP2A protein phosphatase activity prevented Orm dephosphorylation and suppressed DspA/E-induced growth arrest.  相似文献   

An important functional property of protein protease inhibitors is their stability to proteolysis. Mesotrypsin is a human trypsin that has been implicated in the proteolytic inactivation of several protein protease inhibitors. We have found that bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI), a Kunitz protease inhibitor, inhibits mesotrypsin very weakly and is slowly proteolyzed, whereas, despite close sequence and structural homology, the Kunitz protease inhibitor domain of the amyloid precursor protein (APPI) binds to mesotrypsin 100 times more tightly and is cleaved 300 times more rapidly. To define features responsible for these differences, we have assessed the binding and cleavage by mesotrypsin of APPI and BPTI reciprocally mutated at two nonidentical residues that make direct contact with the enzyme. We find that Arg at P1 (versus Lys) favors both tighter binding and more rapid cleavage, whereas Met (versus Arg) at P′2 favors tighter binding but has minimal effect on cleavage. Surprisingly, we find that the APPI scaffold greatly enhances proteolytic cleavage rates, independently of the binding loop. We draw thermodynamic additivity cycles analyzing the interdependence of P1 and P′2 substitutions and scaffold differences, finding multiple instances in which the contributions of these features are nonadditive. We also report the crystal structure of the mesotrypsin·APPI complex, in which we find that the binding loop of APPI displays evidence of increased mobility compared with BPTI. Our data suggest that the enhanced vulnerability of APPI to mesotrypsin cleavage may derive from sequence differences in the scaffold that propagate increased flexibility and mobility to the binding loop.  相似文献   

酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)LCB1(Long chain base)基因被克隆到酵母诱导表达载体pYES2中,并转入到FY2中,用半乳糖诱导表达。与对照相比,质粒所含LCB1基因的表达,使酵母细胞干重略有下降,而神经酰胺的含量提高为对照的1.9倍。  相似文献   

杆状病毒(Baculovirus)是一种以昆虫为唯一宿主的病毒, 可用做生物杀虫剂或作为表达载体在昆虫细胞中大量表达外源蛋白, 制备疫苗。研究发现, 在哺乳动物细胞中携带哺乳动物启动子的重组杆状病毒能启动下游外源基因的表达但病毒不能在哺乳动物细胞中增值, 对细胞毒性小, 转导成功的细胞可以稳定传代并有效表达外源基因, 哺乳动物细胞比昆虫细胞对蛋白质具有更好的翻译后修饰, 表达出的蛋白结构更接近天然蛋白。因此, 杆状病毒可作为一种新型的哺乳动物细胞基因转移载体, 用于表达外源基因及作为一种基因治疗载体, 具有巨大潜力, 日益受到人们的关注。本文对杆状病毒作为一种表达载体在哺乳动物细胞中表达的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

The sphingolipid ceramide has been widely implicated in the regulation of programmed cell death or apoptosis. The accumulation of ceramide has been demonstrated in a wide variety of experimental models of apoptosis and in response to a myriad of stimuli and cellular stresses. However, the detailed mechanisms of its generation and regulatory role during apoptosis are poorly understood. We sought to determine the regulation and roles of ceramide production in a model of ultraviolet light-C (UV-C)-induced programmed cell death. We found that UV-C irradiation induces the accumulation of multiple sphingolipid species including ceramide, dihydroceramide, sphingomyelin, and hexosylceramide. Late ceramide generation was also found to be regulated by Bcl-xL, Bak, and caspases. Surprisingly, inhibition of de novo synthesis using myriocin or fumonisin B1 resulted in decreased overall cellular ceramide levels basally and in response to UV-C, but only fumonisin B1 inhibited cell death, suggesting the presence of a ceramide synthase (CerS)-dependent, sphingosine-derived pool of ceramide in regulating programmed cell death. We found that this pool did not regulate the mitochondrial pathway, but it did partially regulate activation of caspase-7 and, more importantly, was necessary for late plasma membrane permeabilization. Attempting to identify the CerS responsible for this effect, we found that combined knockdown of CerS5 and CerS6 was able to decrease long-chain ceramide accumulation and plasma membrane permeabilization. These data identify a novel role for CerS and the sphingosine salvage pathway in regulating membrane permeability in the execution phase of programmed cell death.  相似文献   

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