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To enter its human host, herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) must overcome the barrier of mucosal surfaces, skin, or cornea. HSV-1 targets keratinocytes during initial entry and establishes a primary infection in the epithelium, which is followed by latent infection of neurons. After reactivation, viruses can become evident at mucocutaneous sites that appear as skin vesicles or mucosal ulcers. How HSV-1 invades skin or mucosa and reaches its receptors is poorly understood. To investigate the invasion route of HSV-1 into epidermal tissue at the cellular level, we established an ex vivo infection model of murine epidermis, which represents the site of primary and recurrent infection in skin. The assay includes the preparation of murine skin. The epidermis is separated from the dermis by dispase II treatment. After floating the epidermal sheets on virus-containing medium, the tissue is fixed and infection can be visualized at various times postinfection by staining infected cells with an antibody against the HSV-1 immediate early protein ICP0. ICP0-expressing cells can be observed in the basal keratinocyte layer already at 1.5 hr postinfection. With longer infection times, infected cells are detected in suprabasal layers, indicating that infection is not restricted to the basal keratinocytes, but the virus spreads to other layers in the tissue. Using epidermal sheets of various mouse models, the infection protocol allows determining the involvement of cellular components that contribute to HSV-1 invasion into tissue. In addition, the assay is suitable to test inhibitors in tissue that interfere with the initial entry steps, cell-to-cell spread and virus production. Here, we describe the ex vivo infection protocol in detail and present our results using nectin-1- or HVEM-deficient mice.  相似文献   

Several cell membrane proteins have been identified as herpes simplex virus (HSV) entry mediators (Hve). HveA (formerly HVEM) is a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor family, whereas the poliovirus receptor-related proteins 1 and 2 (PRR1 and PRR2, renamed HveC and HveB) belong to the immunoglobulin superfamily. Here we show that a truncated form of HveC directly binds to HSV glycoprotein D (gD) in solution and at the surface of virions. This interaction is dependent on the native conformation of gD but independent of its N-linked glycosylation. Complex formation between soluble gD and HveC appears to involve one or two gD molecules for one HveC protein. Since HveA also mediates HSV entry by interacting with gD, we compared both structurally unrelated receptors for their binding to gD. Analyses of several gD variants indicated that structure and accessibility of the N-terminal domain of gD, essential for HveA binding, was not necessary for HveC interaction. Mutations in functional regions II, III, and IV of gD had similar effects on binding to either HveC or HveA. Competition assays with neutralizing anti-gD monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) showed that MAbs from group Ib prevented HveC and HveA binding to virions. However, group Ia MAbs blocked HveC but not HveA binding, and conversely, group VII MAbs blocked HveA but not HveC binding. Thus, we propose that HSV entry can be mediated by two structurally unrelated gD receptors through related but not identical binding with gD.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) is a ubiquitous and important human pathogen. It is known to persist in trigeminal ganglia (TG), but how it reaches this site has been difficult to determine, as viral transmission is sporadic, pathogenesis is complicated, and early infection is largely asymptomatic. We used mice to compare the most likely natural HSV-1 host entry routes: oral and nasal. Intranasal infection was 100-fold more efficient than oral and targeted predominantly the olfactory neuroepithelium. Live imaging of HSV-1-expressed luciferase showed infection progressing from the nose to the TG and then reemerging in the facial skin. The brain remained largely luciferase negative throughout. Infected cell tagging by viral Cre recombinase expression in floxed reporter gene mice showed nasal virus routinely reaching the TG and only rarely reaching the olfactory bulbs. Thus, HSV-1 spread from the olfactory neuroepithelium to the TG and reemerged peripherally without causing significant neurological disease. This recapitulation of typical clinical infection suggests that HSV-1 might sometimes also enter humans via the respiratory tract.  相似文献   

Glycoprotein D (gD) of herpes simplex virus (HSV) is essential for virus entry and has four functional regions (I to IV) important for this process. We previously showed that a truncated form of a functional region IV variant, gD1(Δ290-299t), had an enhanced ability to block virus entry and to bind to the herpesvirus entry mediator (HveAt; formerly HVEMt), a cellular receptor for HSV. To explore this phenotype further, we examined other forms of gD, especially ones with mutations in region IV. Variant proteins with deletions of amino acids between 277 and 300 (region IV), as well as truncated forms lacking C-terminal residues up to amino acid 275 of gD, were able to block HSV entry into Vero cells 1 to 2 logs better than wild-type gD1(306t). In contrast, gD truncated at residue 234 did not block virus entry into Vero cells. Using optical biosensor technology, we recently showed that gD1(Δ290-299t) had a 100-fold-higher affinity for HveAt than gD1(306t) (3.3 × 10−8 M versus 3.2 × 10−6 M). Here we found that the affinities of other region IV variants for HveAt were similar to that of gD1(Δ290-299t). Thus, the affinity data follow the same hierarchy as the blocking data. In each case, the higher affinity was due primarily to a faster kon rather than to a slower koff. Therefore, once the gDt-HveAt complex formed, its stability was unaffected by mutations in or near region IV. gD truncated at residue 234 bound to HveAt with a lower affinity (2.0 × 10−5 M) than did gD1(306t) due to a more rapid koff. These data suggest that residues between 234 and 275 are important for maintaining stability of the gDt-HveAt complex and that functional region IV is important for modulating the binding of gD to HveA. The binding properties of any gD1(234t)-receptor complex could account for the inability of this form of gDt to block HSV infection.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether a cell surface protein that can serve as coreceptor for herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) entry, herpesvirus entry mediator (previously designated HVEM but renamed HveA), also mediates HSV-1-induced cell-cell fusion. We found that transfection of DNA from KOS-804, a previously described HSV-1 syncytial (Syn) strain whose Syn mutation was mapped to an amino acid substitution in gK, induced numerous large syncytia on HveA-expressing Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO-HVEM12) but not on control cells (CHO-C8). Antibodies specific for gD as well as for HveA were effective inhibitors of KOS-804-induced fusion, consistent with previously described direct interactions between gD and HveA. Since mutations in gD determine the ability of HSV-1 to utilize HveA for entry, we examined whether the form of virally expressed gD also influenced the ability of HveA to mediate fusion. We produced a recombinant virus carrying the KOS-804 Syn mutation and the KOS-Rid1 gD mutation, which significantly reduces viral entry via HveA, and designated it KOS-SR1. KOS-SR1 DNA had a markedly reduced ability to induce syncytia on CHO-HVEM12 cells and a somewhat enhanced ability to induce syncytia on CHO-C8 cells. These results support previous findings concerning the relative abilities of KOS and KOS-Rid1 to infect CHO-HVEM12 and CHO-C8 cells. Thus, HveA mediates cell-cell fusion as well as viral entry and both activities of HveA are contingent upon the form of gD expressed by the virus.  相似文献   

Previously, we showed that truncated soluble forms of herpes simplex virus (HSV) glycoprotein D (gDt) bound directly to a truncated soluble form of the herpesvirus entry mediator (HveAt, formerly HVEMt), a cellular receptor for HSV. The purpose of the present study was to determine the affinity of gDt for HveAt by surface plasmon resonance and to compare and contrast the kinetics of an expanded panel of gDt variants in binding to HveAt in an effort to better understand the mechanism of receptor binding and virus entry. Both HveAt and gDt are dimers in solution and interact with a 2:1 stoichiometry. With HveAt, gD1(306t) (from the KOS strain of HSV-1) had a dissociation constant (KD) of 3.2 × 10−6 M and gD2(306t) had a KD of 1.5 × 10−6 M. The interaction between gDt and HveAt fits a 1:1 Langmuir binding model, i.e., two dimers of HveAt may act as one binding unit to interact with one dimer of gDt as the second binding unit. A gD variant lacking all signals for N-linked oligosaccharides had an affinity for HveAt similar to that of gD1(306t). A variant lacking the bond from cysteine 1 to cysteine 5 had an affinity for HveAt that did not differ from that of the wild type. However, variants with double cysteine mutations that eliminated either of the other two disulfide bonds showed decreased affinity for HveAt. This result suggests that two of the three disulfide bonds of gD are important for receptor binding. Four nonfunctional gDt variants, each representing one functional domain of gD, were also studied. Mutations in functional regions I and II drastically decreased the affinity of gDt for HveAt. Surprisingly, a variant with an insertion in functional region III had a wild-type level of affinity for HveAt, suggesting that this domain may function in virus entry at a step other than receptor binding. A variant with a deletion in functional region IV [gD1(Δ290-299t)] exhibited a 100-fold enhancement in affinity for HveAt (KD = 3.3 × 10−8 M) due mainly to a 40-fold increase in its kinetic on rate. This agrees with the results of other studies showing the enhanced ability of gD1(Δ290-299t) to block infection. Interestingly, all the variants with decreased affinities for HveAt exhibited decreased kinetic on rates but only minor changes in their kinetic off rates. The results suggest that once the complex between gDt and HveAt forms, its stability is unaffected by a variety of changes in gD.  相似文献   

The virological synapse (VS) is a specialized molecular structure that facilitates the transfer of certain lymphotropic viruses into uninfected T cells. However, the role of the VS in the transfer of nonlymphotropic viruses into T cells is unknown. Herpes simplex virus (HSV) has been shown in vitro to infect T cells and modulate T-cell receptor function, thereby suppressing T-cell antiviral function. However, whether such infection of T cells occurs in vivo is unknown. Here, we examined whether T-cell infection could be observed in human HSV disease and investigated the mechanism of HSV entry into T cells. We found that HSV-infected T cells were readily detectable during human disease, suggesting that infection and modulation of T-cell function plays a role in human immunopathology. HSV infection of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells occurred much more efficiently via direct cell-to-cell spread from infected fibroblasts than by cell-free virus. Activation of T cells increased their permissivity to HSV infection. Cell-to-cell spread to T cells did not require HSV glycoproteins E and I (gE and gI), which are critical for cell-to-cell spread between epithelial cells. Transfer of HSV to T cells required gD, and the four known entry receptors appear to be contributing to viral entry, with a dominant role for the herpesvirus entry mediator and nectin-1. VS-like structures enriched in activated lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1 (LFA-1) were observed at the point of contact between HSV-infected fibroblasts and T cells. Consistent with spread occurring via the VS, transfer of HSV was increased by activation of LFA-1, and cell-to-cell spread could be inhibited by antibodies to LFA-1 or gD. Taken together, these results constitute the first demonstration of VS-dependent cell-to-cell spread for a predominantly nonlymphotropic virus. Furthermore, they support an important role for infection and immunomodulation of T cells in clinical human disease. Targeting of the VS might allow selective immunopotentiation during infections with HSV or other nonlymphotropic viruses.The virological synapse (VS) is a specialized molecular structure that facilitates the transfer of certain lymphotropic viruses, such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1), into uninfected T cells (22, 28, 38). Entry and infection of T cells by HIV or HTLV-1 via the VS is far more efficient than infection by cell-free virus, and thus this structure plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of these viruses. The organization of the VS is in many respects similar to the immunological synapse (IS), in particular, to the immature IS. The VS is highly enriched in the adhesion molecule lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1 (LFA-1) and its ligands intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) and ICAM-3 (29); however, it does not possess the CD3-enriched central region associated with the mature IS (28, 47). While the VS is critical to the pathogenesis of HIV and HTLV-1, it remains an unanswered question whether the VS is also involved in T-cell infection by other viruses, especially those not typically considered lymphotropic.Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is a remarkably successful human pathogen that establishes lifelong latency in neurons of the dorsal root ganglia. HSV can efficiently reactivate from the latent state and transmit to new hosts despite the presence of preformed immunity. HSV is thought to achieve this feat by employing a number of sophisticated immune evasion mechanisms (33), many of which are directed at the cellular arm of the immune response. In one such potential mechanism, HSV has evolved the ability to enter and infect T cells. Although T cells do not support efficient viral replication (25), infection by HSV profoundly modulates T-cell receptor (TCR) signaling, which prevents T-cell cytotoxic function (55) and alters cytokine production profiles toward an interleukin-10-dominated immunosuppressive phenotype (54). However, it is unknown whether and to what extent HSV infection of T cells occurs during human HSV disease. Furthermore, the dominant mechanisms by which HSV might gain access to lesion-infiltrating T cells have not been elucidated.Here, we evaluated T-cell infection during human HSV infections, the mechanisms by which HSV enters T cells, the relative involvement of cell-cell spread versus cell-free virus in T-cell infection, and the role of the VS in the infection of T cells by HSV. The demonstration of infection of T cells in human HSV disease and of a dominant role for the VS in entry of HSV into T cells suggests that the VS is important in the pathogenesis of nonlymphotropic as well as lymphotropic viruses. Thus, the VS may be a unique pharmacologic target to allow improved immune control of a wide variety of viral infections.  相似文献   

Electron Microscopy of Herpes Simplex Virus: I. Entry   总被引:45,自引:31,他引:14  
Although capsids of herpes simplex virus were encountered within phagocytic vesicles, they were more commonly observed free within the cytoplasm. Stages in the release of virus from vesicles were not seen. There appeared to be five distinct steps in the process whereby the virus initiates infection: attachment, digestion of the viral envelope, digestion of the cell wall, passage of the capsid directly into the cytoplasm, and digestion of the capsid with release of the core. Antibody probably interferes with the first two stages.  相似文献   

Herpes virus entry mediator (HVEM) is a member of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor superfamily (TNFRSF14), which serves as a receptor for herpes viruses and cytokines such as lymphotoxin‐α (LT‐α) and LIGHT (lymphotoxin‐like inducible protein that competes with glycoprotein D for herpes virus entry on T cells). We aimed to explore the associations of HVEM with human obesity. HVEM gene expression and protein levels were studied in total adipose tissue and in their fractions (isolated adipocytes and stromovascular cells (SVCs)) obtained from 81 subjects during elective surgical procedures. HVEM ?241GA and ?14AG gene polymorphisms were also studied and associated with obesity measures in 840 subjects. Visceral adipose tissue had significantly higher expression of HVEM than subcutaneous adipose tissue (P < 0.0001). Obese patients had significantly higher subcutaneous HVEM gene expression (P = 0.03) and protein levels (P = 0.01) than lean subjects. HVEM gene expression and protein levels were found in both isolated adipocytes and SVCs. These findings were confirmed in primary cultures from human preadipocytes, in which a significant increase in HVEM was observed during the differentiation process. HVEM ?241GA and ?14AG gene polymorphisms were associated with obesity, diastolic pressure, several inflammatory parameters (C‐reactive protein and interleukin 18 (IL‐18)), and circulating LIGHT concentrations. A sample of men with the G241A gene polymorphism also showed an increased serum titer of IgG antiherpes virus 1. These results provide evidences of an existing relationship between HVEM and obesity, which suggest that this TNF superfamily receptor could be involved in the pathogenesis of obesity and inflammation‐related activity.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) proteins specifically required for endocytic entry but not direct penetration have not been identified. HSVs deleted of gE, gG, gI, gJ, gM, UL45, or Us9 entered cells via either pH-dependent or pH-independent endocytosis and were inactivated by mildly acidic pH. Thus, the required HSV glycoproteins, gB, gD, and gH-gL, may be sufficient for entry regardless of entry route taken. This may be distinct from entry mechanisms employed by other human herpesviruses.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) is a double-stranded DNA virus that replicates in the nucleus of the host cell and is known to interact with several components of the cellular DNA-damage-signaling machinery. We have previously reported that the DNA damage response kinase, ATR, is specifically inactivated in HSV-1-infected cells. On the other hand, we have also shown that ATR and its scaffolding protein, ATRIP, are recruited to viral replication compartments, where they play beneficial roles during HSV-1 replication. In order to better understand this apparent discrepancy, we tested the hypothesis that some of the components of the ATR pathway may exert an antiviral effect on infection. In fact, we learned that all 10 of the canonical ATR pathway proteins are stable in HSV-infected cells and are recruited to viral replication compartments; furthermore, short hairpin RNA (shRNA) knockdown shows that several, including ATRIP, RPA70, TopBP1, Claspin, and CINP, are required for efficient HSV-1 replication. We also determined that activation of the ATR kinase prior to infection did not affect virus yield but did result in reduced levels of recombination between coinfecting viruses. Together, these data suggest that ATR pathway proteins are not antiviral per se but that activation of ATR signaling may have negative consequences during viral replication, such as inhibiting recombination.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) required cholesterol or desmosterol for virion-induced membrane fusion. HSV successfully entered DHCR24−/− cells, which lack a desmosterol-to-cholesterol conversion enzyme, indicating that entry can occur independently of cholesterol. Depletion of desmosterol from these cells resulted in diminished HSV-1 entry, suggesting a general sterol requirement for HSV-1 entry and that desmosterol can operate in virus entry. Cholesterol functioned more effectively than desmosterol, suggesting that the hydrocarbon tail of cholesterol influences viral entry.  相似文献   

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