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Mononuclear cells, obtained from the spleens and lungs of influenza virus-seropositive C57BL/6 mice at 2 to 4 days after re-infection with homologous virus (strain A/Bangkok/1/79), produced a low m.w. factor in vitro that prevents the biologic expression, but not production, of the lymphokine, leukocyte migration inhibition factor (LIF). The low m.w. factor inhibited LIF activity without destroying the LIF molecule inasmuch as simple dialysis restored lymphokine activity to culture supernatants. Production of the low m.w. factor was observed from 2 to 4 days after re-infection, at which time the delayed-type hypersensitivity response to viral Ag was suppressed. In contrast, LIF was produced by splenocytes and lung mononuclear cells obtained at all times tested after re-infection (from 2 to 30 days). Production of the low m.w. factor required re-infection of influenza A virus-seropositive mice with type A virus; re-infection with influenza B virus failed to induce production. Ag specificity was also required in vitro for splenocytes to produce the factor; cells from type A virus-re-infected mice required type A Ag stimulation. Cell depletion studies with mAb plus C revealed that macrophages and T cells along with Ag stimulation were required for factor production by spleen cells. However, mononuclear cells obtained within 4 days from the lungs of re-infected mice did not require in vitro Ag stimulation for production of the low m.w. factor, and factor production was dependent upon the presence of CD4+ (L3T4) cells in the culture. Fractionation of culture supernatants over a Sephadex G-50 column indicated that the factor had a molecular mass of 2 to 3 kDa, and by FPLC chromatofocusing over a Mono P column, the factor eluted at a pH of approximately 8.2. Thus, re-exposure of influenza virus-seropositive mice to homologous virus resulted in the production of a low m.w. factor that prevented the biologic expression of LIF, but not its production. Lymphokines are an important component of the delayed-type hypersensitivity response; the presence of mononuclear cells secreting a low m.w. factor and LIF concomitantly at the site of virus replication (lungs) and the capacity of the factor to block the biologic expression of LIF in vitro suggest that the factor may have a role in the regulation of a delayed-type hypersensitivity response in vivo during re-infection.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood mononuclear cells obtained during recrudescent Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection and stimulated with UV-inactivated viral antigen (UV-HSV) for 24 hr produced a low molecular weight (dialyzable) factor that inhibited lymphokine activity. This factor prevented the expression of leukocyte inhibitory factor (LIF) activity, but not its production. It was not made in UV-HSV-stimulated cultures grown in presence of 2 X 10(-6) M indomethacin nor in cultures of peripheral blood mononuclear cells obtained during convalescence or quiescence (greater than 4 days from onset of clinical symptoms) or from seropositive controls without a history of recurrent HSV disease. Dialyzable inhibitory factor production required OKM1+, OKT8+, and OKIa+ cells as determined by complement-mediated lysis with monoclonal antibody. Dialyzable inhibitory factor activity was associated with a trypsin-sensitive 8.2 K fraction as determined by Sephadex chromatography followed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-acrylamide gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

We constructed two aptamers, each of which contains a 7-nt-long loop complementary to the anticodon loop of a suppressor tRNA. One of these aptamers can form a stable bimolecular complex with the suppressor tRNA in vitro and protects the 7 nt in the suppressor's anticodon loop from RNase S1. An Escherichia coli strain, carrying an amber mutation in the lac Z gene, produces beta-galactosidase only if the suppressor is present; the aptamer's coexpression in the cell inhibits the activity of the suppressor tRNA. Moreover, in E. coli extract, the aptamer partially inhibits the read-through of the stop codon on the part of the suppressor tRNA. These results point to a novel strategy that need not be limited to the suppressor tRNA. By constructing appropriate inducible aptamers, it may well be possible to effectively control translation in vivo.  相似文献   

Immunosuppressive lymphokine derived from natural suppressor cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cloned natural suppressor (NS) cells derived from spleens of total lymphoid irradiated BALB/c mice were incubated with the phorbol ester, PMA, and calcimycin for 4 h. After thorough washing, the induced NS cells were incubated in serum-free medium for 24 h and the supernatants were collected. The supernatants suppressed the MLR between normal adult responder and stimulator spleen cells. There was no Ag specificity or H-2 haplotype restriction of the MLR suppression. The supernatants did not inhibit [3H]thymidine incorporation per se, because they did not suppress mitogen stimulation of spleen cells. Protease digestion of the supernatants removed the suppressive activity, and dialysis studies indicated that the molecular size of the suppressive factor was larger than 50,000 Da and smaller than 100,000 Da. The suppressive activity was stable at 56 degrees C, pH 2, for 1 h. Thus, NS cell clones can be induced to secrete an immunosuppressive lymphokine, NS factor.  相似文献   

Responder spleen cells primed to alloantigens in vivo could generate high degree of cytotoxicity against low- or nonimmunogenic stimulators such as thymocytes or uv light-treated spleen cells in vitro. However, a removal of adherent cells from primed responder cells remarkably reduced the cytotoxicity after stimulation with such low-immunogenic stimulators. Adding a small number of peritoneal adherent cells (PACs) also suppressed the cytotoxic activity of unseparated responders against low-immunogenic stimulators. These suppressive effects by PACs were blocked by indomethacin. By adding prostaglandin E2, cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) generation of primed unseparated responders against low-immunogenic stimulators was suppressed; however, cytotoxic activity against mitomycin C-treated stimulators was not suppressed. These results suggested that prostaglandins released from PACs selectively inhibited the function of splenic adherent cells that were required for CTL generation of primed responder spleen cells against low-immunogenic stimulators in vitro.  相似文献   

Human T cell agar colonies can be grown under PHA stimulation from either mature T cells or their E rosette-negative (E-), OKT3- peripheral blood and bone marrow precursors. Colonies comprise a majority of mature E+, OKT3+ cells and a minor (5 to 10%) population of immature E-, T3-, T8-, T4-, DR+, T10+, RFB1+ cells, which upon replating in subculture, can generate secondary colonies of OKT3+, E+, OKT4+, OKT8+ cells. Secondary colony formation can serve as a test for growth requirement of colony precursors, because it depends on the presence of both PHA and a colony-promoting activity (CPA) recovered in PHA-stimulated B + null or T + adherent cell supernatants. CPA production by B + null cells was not affected by their treatment with OKT3 or D66 (T11-like) monoclonal antibodies (MAB) + complement but was abolished by an anti-HLA-DR MAB + complement. However, B cells sorted by panning with the same anti-HLA-DR MAB did not release CPA, demonstrating the requirement of both B cells and null cells for CPA production. Neither IL 2 nor IL 1 could account for B + null cell-derived CPA.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) is a potent inhibitor of immune functions. Two possible mechanisms of PGE2-mediated suppression have been proposed: one is a direct inhibitory effect exerted on interleukin 2-producing T cells; the second is mediated by the activation of nonspecific suppressor T lymphocytes. We previously showed that PGE2 can directly activate human T lymphocytes to suppress lymphocyte proliferation and B lymphocyte maturation. Herein is described the binding of 10 to 30% of human peripheral blood T lymphocytes to insolubilized PGE2 coated to albumin-Sepharose. The T lymphocytes that bound PGE2 (PGE2(+] could be eluted by the addition of serum and gentle shaking of the beads. The following data indicated the specificity of the binding: i) T lymphocytes after an overnight incubation, a condition known to abolish sensitivity to PGE2, lost their affinity for PGE2; ii) preincubation of T lymphocytes with PGE2 blocked the binding; iii) PGE2(+) T cells bound PGE after a 24-hr incubation, whereas PGE2(-) T cells did not. Few T cells bound albumin, and only a small percentage (7 to 9%) bound 6-keto-prostaglandin F1 alpha-coated beads. Among PGE2(+) T cells, there was a slight increase in the percentage of OKT8+ cells. Although T cells that had no affinity for PGE2 (PGE2(-] proliferated as well as unseparated T lymphocytes when stimulated with mitogens or antigens, the proliferative response of the PGE2(+) subset was poor. Moreover, PGE2(+) T lymphocytes did exert a strong suppressor activity on mitogen- or allogeneic cell-induced lymphocyte proliferation as well as on pokeweed mitogen-driven B cell maturation into Ig-containing cells. PGE2(-) T lymphocytes were shown not to exert a significant suppressor activity in these assays. The PGE2(+) subset-mediated suppression was not secondary to a carry-over of PGE2 released from the beads, because its suppressor activity was not altered by the addition of an anti-PGE2 serum. Moreover, PGE2(-) T lymphocytes were not sensitive to the inhibitory activity on cell proliferation of PGE2. These results indicate that a given functional subset of peripheral blood T lymphocytes binds PGE2, and that at least some of them are activated into suppressor T cells. The relationship between the PGE2-activatable T suppressor subset and other functionally defined suppressor T cells remains to be clarified; it is suggested, however, that PGE2 can act as an immunoregulator through the activation of identifiable suppressor T cells.  相似文献   

Spleen cells obtained from mice 5 to 40 days after infection with viable BCG organisms (BCG-spleens) were found to be unresponsive in vitro to both mitogenic and alloantigenic stimuli. Moreover, suppressor cells could be demonstrated in the spleens from these infected animals. When spleen cells from BCG-infected mice were added to either syngeneic or allogeneic normal spleen cells, the mixtures neither proliferated nor developed cytotoxic activity when cultured with alloantigen or with concanavalin A (Con A). The development of unresponsiveness post-infection paralleled the onset of suppressive activity. Spleen cells obtained from mice given heat-killed BCG were neither suppressive nor unresponsive. The suppressive activity of BCG-spleen cells was associated with an adherent, phagocytic cell that lacked membrane-associated Thy-1 antigen. Removal of this cell by passage through nylon wool columns resulted in a cell population that was no longer capable of suppression and that responded normally to alloantigen and to Con A. It would thus appear that BCG infection results in the development of a "suppressor" macrophage-like cell population within the spleen. The role of this cell type in regulation of the immune response in BCG-infected animals is as yet undefined.  相似文献   

T cell activation is widely believed to depend on interleukin 1 (IL 1) provided by antigen (Ag)-presenting cells (APC). Because IL 1 is not a constitutive product of APC, we examined the features of its production during the interaction of murine T cell clones and APC. We observed that IL 1 was detectable in supernatants of most myoglobin-specific T cell clones grown with APC and Ag. Two of these T cell clones induced exceptionally high levels of IL 1 in their supernatants, and these same clones demonstrated the unusual restriction to I-Ek, which is a low responder type for sperm whale myoglobin. One of these clones was characterized additionally as to the mechanism of IL 1 induction. This clone rapidly stimulated IL 1 production in the APC population (detectable at 4 hr of co-culture) or in macrophages (M phi) or a M phi-like cell line. IL 1 induction was Ag dependent and H-2 restricted. Induction was radioresistant, both on the part of the T cell and of the IL 1 producer. The IL 1-induction process was attributable to a lymphokine produced by the T cell clone. This lymphokine was distinct from IFN-gamma, TNF and CSF-1 and may account for a principal mechanism of T----APC signalling. The induced IL 1 was the same in size, co-mitogenicity, and pyrogenicity as lipopolysaccharide-induced IL 1.  相似文献   

We have examined the characteristics of a rat suppressor T cell (Ts) that inhibited the antigen-dependent proliferative response of antigen-primed T cells. The kinetics of in vitro induction of Ts from lymph node T cells obtained from antigen-primed rats indicated that Ts were induced in the presence of the priming antigen within 48 hr of culturing. The Ts produced during the first 48 hr of in vitro cultures were radiosensitive (2000 rad) but became partially radioresistant within the next 48 hr of culturing. In the presence but not the absence of priming antigen, Ts inhibited the antigen-dependent proliferative response to the priming antigen as well as to heterologous antigens. Suppression appeared to be mediated via a nondialyzable suppressor factor (TsF). The induction of Ts in cultures required the presence of OX-6-/OX-8- T cells, antigen-presenting cells, and the antigen. Although a majority of cells recovered from the induced cultures were OX-8+, there was no evidence that OX-8+ antigen expression per se was related to Ts activity. Addition of highly purified IL 2 augmented the Ts-mediated suppression. The immunoregulatory implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The expression of receptors for interleukin 2 (IL 2) represents a critical event regulating the growth of normal T lymphocytes. We investigated the effects of the inhibitory monoclonal antibody OKT11A (anti-sheep erythrocyte receptor) and of purified recombinant IL 2 (rIL 2) on the expression of IL 2 receptors by activated T cells at both the protein and the mRNA levels. Adding OKT11A antibody (0.5 microgram/ml) to phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-stimulated cultures of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) markedly suppressed cellular proliferation (assessed by [3H]thymidine incorporation) and IL 2 receptor expression (determined by immunofluorescence assay by using the anti-IL 2-receptor antibody, anti-Tac). Northern blot analysis performed with the use of a cDNA probe specific for the human IL 2 receptor gene demonstrated that OKT11A antibody also decreased the accumulation of IL 2 receptor mRNA induced by PHA in PBMC. Purified rIL 2 (10 U/ml) alone had little effect on the expression of IL 2 receptors in unstimulated PBMC cultures. In combination with PHA or with PHA plus OKT11A, however, rIL 2 augmented both the expression of IL 2 receptor protein on PBMC and the accumulation of IL 2 receptor mRNA in PBMC. Adding anti-Tac antibody to PBMC cultures to block the interaction of IL 2 with its receptor diminished the accumulation of IL 2 receptor mRNA induced by PHA. Taken together, these data demonstrate that OKT11A antibody inhibits and IL 2 augments expression of IL 2 receptors on PHA-stimulated T cells, at least in part, at a pretranslational level.  相似文献   

Normal human alveolar macrophages (AM) significantly and reproducibly suppress induction of IL 2-activated killer (LAK) cell activity against allogeneic Burkitt's lymphoma (Daudi) cells. Incubation of purified peripheral blood lymphocytes for 4 days with autologous AM and 1 U/ml of IL 2 resulted in AM-mediated suppression of LAK activity, whereas peripheral blood monocytes isolated freshly by centrifugal elutriation from the same donor potentiated induction of LAK activity by IL 2. The suppression of LAK cell induction by human AM was dependent on the density of AM added to the lymphocyte cultures. Recombinant IFN-gamma did not affect AM-mediated suppression of LAK cell induction by IL 2. Both AM and monocytes stimulated with lipopolysaccharide markedly suppressed LAK cell induction by IL 2. AM-mediated down-regulation was seen only when AM were added immediately after the start of incubation of lymphocytes with IL 2; AM potentiated LAK activity when added 1 day later. Similar AM-mediated suppression of LAK cell induction was observed with four lines of allogeneic lung cancer cells as targets for LAK activity. These results indicate that AM may be important in regulation of in situ induction of LAK activity in the lung.  相似文献   

Certain L3T4+, Lyt-2- cloned murine helper T lymphocytes (HTL), when cultured with a high concentration of interleukin 2 (IL 2), become temporarily unresponsive to antigenic stimulation, as indicated by failure to proliferate and by reduced secretion of lymphokines when challenged with antigen. Exposure of cloned HTL to IL 2 also renders these cells less responsive to concanavalin A (Con A). Here we demonstrate that antigen-unresponsive HTL also accumulate reduced levels of lymphokine mRNA, thus indicating a pretranslational block of the response to antigen. However, HTL which had been pretreated with IL 2 and were unresponsive to antigen responded strongly to antigen + A23187 or to A23187 + PMA but failed to respond to antigen + PMA. With HTL made unresponsive to antigen or to Con A by exposure to IL 2, increases in intracellular calcium ion levels stimulated by Con A also were reduced. Thus, for mouse HTL clones, the IL 2-induced state of unresponsiveness to antigen or Con A appears to reflect an inability of such HTL to increase intracellular free calcium to a level sufficient for activation of lymphokine genes.  相似文献   

Two analogs of the peptide mimicking the 1977–1991 C- terminal part of fibronectin have been synthesized and tested. AWLI simulated human fibronectin fragment 1977–1991, whereas AWLII hybridized to both RGD and 1977–1991 fragments. AWLI and AWLII peptides inhibited the migration of the ovarian carcinoma cell line OVP10 regardless of the presence RGD. AWLI peptide inhibited spontaneous and fibronectin-activated cell migration and ERK1/2 activity. Neither AWLI nor fibronectin induced changes in FAK proteins, as could be judged from Western blots. In conclusion, it seems that the C-terminal fragment of fibronectin inhibits ERK1/2-dependent (random) migration of ovarian carcinoma cells.  相似文献   

Human lymphocytes, isolated from peripheral blood, were cultured for 48 hr in a defined medium containing 10 mg/ml bovine serum albumin and phytohemagglutinin. A lymphokine which inhibits collagen synthesis by cultured human dermal fibroblasts was purified from the lymphocyte incubation medium by successive steps of ammonium sulfate precipitation, gel filtration chromatography, and isoelectric focusing. Good recovery of this collagen synthesis inhibitory factor (CSIF) was obtained and a factor with an approximate molecular weight of 55,000 and a pI of 6.2 was isolated. The purification of the factor should permit further studies on its mechanism of action.  相似文献   

The neurofibromatosis type 2 gene-encoded protein, merlin, is related to the ERM (ezrin, radixin, and moesin) family of membrane-cytoskeleton-associated proteins. Recent studies suggest that the loss of neurofibromatosis type 2 function contributes to tumor development and metastasis. Although the cellular functions of merlin as a tumor suppressor are relatively well characterized, the cellular mechanism whereby merlin controls cell proliferation from membrane locations is still poorly understood. During our efforts to find potential merlin modulators through protein-protein interactions, we identified transactivation-responsive RNA-binding protein (TRBP) as a merlin-binding protein in a yeast two-hybrid screen. The interaction between TRBP and merlin was confirmed by glutathione S-transferase pull-down assays, co-immunoprecipitation, and co-localization experiments. The carboxyl-terminal regions of each protein were responsible for their interaction. Cells overexpressing TRBP showed enhanced cell growth in cell proliferation assays and also exhibited transformed phenotypes, such as anchorage-independent cell growth and tumor development in mouse xenografts. Merlin efficiently inhibited these oncogenic activities of TRBP in our experiments. These results provide the first clue to the functional interaction between TRBP and merlin and suggest a novel mechanism for the tumor suppressor function of merlin both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

The production of urea and ornithine is increased greatly in spleen cell cultures of an allograft recipient in the presence of donor cells (secondary MLC) in comparison to that of primary MLC (without previous allograft). This phenomenon appears after 24 hr of culture and reaches its maximum at 48 hr. The greatest increase in urea production is observed when the recipient spleen cells are collected at the time of allograft rejection. To obtain this extra production of urea, the stimulating cells in MLC should specifically be of the donor type or at least bear one homology with donor cells at the K or D locus. The increased production of urea and ornithine during MLC results from the action of a lymphokine released by recipient cells in the presence of donor cells. This factor acts upon cells present in bone marrow, spleen, and elicited peritoneal cells but is absent or is present in smaller quantities in thymus and lymph node cells. Target cells of this factor possess numerous macrophage features and could be immature cells of the macrophage line. The lymphokine responsible for this phenomenon is heat-stable, destroyed by trypsin, chymotrypsin, and neuraminidase, and has a m.w. around 32,000. It acts upon its target cells by increasing arginase activity, which results in the production of a large amount of ornithine, an important precursor of polyamine biosynthesis.  相似文献   

A novel potassium channel antagonist has been purified from the defensive mucus secreted by Calliostoma canaliculatum, a marine snail found in the temperate coastal waters of the western Pacific. The toxin is expelled from the hypobranchial gland as part of a defensive response and is contained within a viscous matrix that minimizes dilution and degradation. The active compound was isolated by multistage microbore HPLC separations followed by bioactivity assays. Nuclear magnetic resonance, combined with electrospray ionization Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance and electrospray ionization ion trap mass spectrometry indicate that the active component is a heretofore unknown indole-derivative, a disulfide-linked dimer of 6-bromo-2-mercaptotryptamine (BrMT). Exudates from the hypobranchial glands of various marine mollusks have been sources for dye compounds such as 6-6 dibromoindigo, the ancient dye Tyrian purple. BrMT represents the first correlation of a hypobranchial gland exudate with a molecular response. Voltage clamp experiments with a number of K channel subtypes indicate that BrMT inhibits certain voltage-gated K channels of the Kv1 subfamily.  相似文献   

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