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Plasma corticosterone increases during the period of spring migration in a variety of bird species. Long-distance migrants show elevations in corticosterone specifically in association with the stage of flight, suggesting that corticosterone may support flight-related processes, for example, locomotor activity and/or energy mobilization. The pattern of corticosterone secretion as it relates to migratory flight has hitherto not been clearly described in migrants that frequently interrupt flight to refuel, for example, the Gambel's white-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii). The Gambel's white-crowned sparrow fuels by day and expresses peak migratory activity during the first few hours of night. To determine if plasma corticosterone increases in association with the stage of migratory flight also in this short-bout migrant, we induced captive white-crowned sparrows to enter into the migratory condition by placing photosensitive birds on long days (16L:8D) and then evaluated birds for plasma corticosterone and locomotor activity during four time points of the day. Patterns found in long-day birds were compared to those observed in short-day controls (8L:16D). Differences in energy metabolism as determined from plasma metabolites were also evaluated. We found that locomotor activity and corticosterone were significantly elevated at the onset of the dark period, but only in long-day birds. Plasma beta-hydroxybutyrate (a ketone body) was also elevated. Thus, findings suggest that plasma corticosterone and ketogenesis increase in association with migratory restlessness in a short-bout migrant. In fact, corticosterone may play a regulatory role, because it shows a trend to increase already before night-time activity.  相似文献   

Exposing vertebrates to pathogenic organisms or inflammatory stimuli, such as bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS), activates the immune system and triggers the acute phase response. This response involves fever, alterations in neuroendocrine circuits, such as hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) and -gonadal (HPG) axes, and stereotypical sickness behaviors that include lethargy, anorexia, adipsia, and a disinterest in social activities. We investigated the hormonal, behavioral, and thermoregulatory effects of acute LPS treatment in a seasonally breeding songbird, the white-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii) using laboratory and field experiments. Captive male and female sparrows were housed on short (8L:16D) or long (20L:4D) day lengths and injected subcutaneously with LPS or saline (control). LPS treatment activated the HPA axis, causing a rapid increase in plasma corticosterone titers over 24 h compared to controls. Suppression of the HPG axis occurred in long-day LPS birds as measured by a decline in luteinizing hormone levels. Instead of a rise in body temperature, LPS-injected birds experienced short-term hypothermia compared to controls. Birds treated with LPS decreased activity and reduced food and water intake, resulting in weight loss. LPS males on long days experienced more weight loss than LPS males on short days, but this seasonal effect was not observed in females. These results paralleled seasonal differences in body condition, suggesting that modulation of the acute phase response is linked to energy reserves. In free-living males, LPS treatment decreased song and several measures of territorial aggression. These studies highlight immune-endocrine-behavior interrelationships that may proximately mediate life-history tradeoffs between reproduction and defense against pathogens.  相似文献   

Summary The ventral hypothalamus of White-crowned Sparrows, Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii, was examined for primary catecholamines with the fluorescence technique of Falck-Hillarp and Owman. Photorefractory and photosensitive birds, photoperiodically stimulated and non-stimulated, were used.Four groups of catecholaminergic fibers were demonstrated: (1) afferent fibers of extra-hypothalamic origin to the infundibular nucleus where there are extensive synaptic contacts with non-fluorescent perikarya; (2) fibers apparently extending ventrally from an area with fluorescent perikarya in the vicinity of the paraventricular organ to the infundibular nucleus via the stratum cellulare internum and lateral pathways; (3) afferent fibers to the subependymal layer of the median eminence; and (4) afferent fibers to the zona externa of the median eminence. Fluorescent fibers that pass transversely through the median eminence may be derived from any of the last three categories. It appears that the fibers of the zona externa (4) are not derived to any appreciable extent from those of the subependymal layer (3). Because fluorescent perikarya could not be demonstrated in the infundibular nucleus no conclusion can be reached with respect to this nucleus as an origin for fibers (3) and (4).Diurnal cycles in the number of fluorescent terminals observable and in the intensity of the fluorescence in the palisade layer in photosensitive birds subjected to different photoperiodic regimes, in castrates, and in photorefractory birds are described tentatively on the basis of subjective assessments. Some possible implications of the differences are discussed.This communication is based extensively on a thesis, Primary catecholamine fibers in the ventral hypothalamus of the White-crowned Sparrow, Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii, submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science, University of Washington, August 1968, by the senior author. The research on which it is based was supported extensively by Grant No. NB 06187 from the National Institutes of Health to Professor Donald S. Farner. We are grateful to Ciba Pharmaceutical Products, Inc. for a supply of Serpasil.  相似文献   

In male White-crowned Sparrows subjected to 20 h daily photoperiods there is an approximately 3-fold increase in the plasma concentration of luteinizing hormone (LH) on the first long day after which a quasi-stable level is maintained for at least 42 days. This increase is followed by an increase in numbers of cells of Leydig and an enhancement of their steroidogenic features, a decrease in transitional interstitial cells, and an increase in plasma level of testosterone. With the decline in plasma LH, as photorefractoriness develops, the steroidogenic features of the cells of Leydig undergo disorganization. For as yet unexplainable reasons the plasma levels of testosterone decline before the decrease in plasma LH and before the degeneration of the steroidogenic features of the cells of Leydig.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of implantation of testosterone propionate (TP) in various sites in the hypothalamus on the photoperiodically induced vernal premigratory functions in the White-crowned Sparrows were investigated in order to assess the role of the hypothalamo-hypophysial-testicular axis in the induction of these responses.Implantation of glass capillary tubes containing TP in the basal infundibular nucleus (IN), in the median eminence, or in the pars distalis inhibited the photoperiodically induced increase in plasma levels of luteinizing hormone (LH), as measured by radioimmunoassay, and testicular growth. The effective implants significantly lowered the levels of LH in birds held on nonstimulatory short days. These TP implants apparently inhibited release from the pars distalis of both LH and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). It is concluded that the site of sensitivity in the negative feedback by testosterone is either the basal IN or the pars distalis, or both. The implants of TP that inhibited the increase in plasma LH and testicular growth completely did not prevent the birds from fattening.These investigations were supported, in part, by research grants from the National Institutes of Health (HD-6527) and National Science Foundation (BMS 79-13933) to Professor Donald S. Farner. This paper is based on a dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy from the University of WashingtonThe author is grateful to Professor Donald S. Farner for his guidance throughout the course of these investigations. The assistance of Mr. Philip W. Mattocks, Jr. in performing radioimmunoassays is sincerely appreciated  相似文献   

Summary The structure of the pineal organ of Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii, as revealed by light- and electron-microscopy, resembles that of Passer domesticus (Oksche and Kirschstein, 1969; Ueck, 1970). The typical cellular element is the pinealocyte with certain basic structural features of the pineal photoreceptors of lower vertebrates (see Oksche, 1971). However, instead of the characteristic, cone-like outer segments, there are, as in other species of birds, only bulbous cilia with ectopic whorls of lamellae. This structure of the outer segment is, in a sense, contrary to the demonstration of synaptoid contacts, numerous unmyelinated, and occasional myelinated nerve fibers by electron microscopy. In Nissl preparations it was possible to demonstrate typical nerve cells. The pinealocytes of Z. l. gambelii are secretory; their Golgi complex forms granulated vesicles (800–1,400 Å in diameter) that belong to the group of granular inclusions characteristic of monoamines. Autonomie nerve fibers course within the connective tissue capsule of the pineal organ. In many pinealocytes of Z. l. gambelii, the granular endoplasmic reticulum contains extensively expanded cisternae that are filled with a flocculent material and closely associated with bundles of filaments. In a number of cases such loop-like structures are selectively stainable with aldehyde fuchsin. It was not possible to demonstrate specific secretory activity in the supporting cells. Extirpation of the pineal organ in Z. l. gambelii had no definitely detectable influence on the photoperiodic control of testicular growth.Aves, Passeriformes, Fringillidae.Supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to Professor Oksche and by the National Science Foundation (GB 11905) to Professor Farner. A part of this investigation was effected while Professor Kobayashi held a Visiting Professorship at the University of Giessen.  相似文献   

The role of thyroid hormones in the development of the locomotor and cardiac muscles of the barnacle goose (Branta leucopsis) was investigated. From 2 weeks of age, goslings were treated with thyroxine, triiodothyronine, or methimazole (a thyroid inhibitor). Birds were killed at 6 weeks (n = 5) or 9 weeks (n = 4) and various locomotor and cardiac muscle masses recorded and tissue samples taken for analysis of citrate synthase activity. The effects of thyroxine and triiodothyronine were not significantly different from each other, except in the case of the iliofibularis at 9 weeks. The mass-specific citrate synthase activity of the iliofibularis, semimembranosus muscles and liver were significantly increased by thyroid hormone treatment. Cardiac muscle showed a significant hypertrophy at 9 weeks of age following treatment with thyroxine. Hypothyroidism induced by treatment with methimazole exhibited the greatest effect on the pectoralis muscle, reducing citrate synthase activity by 33%. Mass-specific citrate synthase activity of the pectoralis and pectoralis mass (% body wt.) were found to be highly correlated (r 2 = 0.74) at 6 weeks of age. It is suggested that thyroid hormones may be involved in controlling the tissue-specific timing of the maturation of locomotor and cardiac muscles. Accepted: 16 September 1996  相似文献   

Summary The ventral apterium of free-living female White-crowned Sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii) becomes an incubation patch during the breeding season. At this time, it loses its feathers, increases in wet and defatted dry weight, and undergoes marked histological alterations. At times of year other than the breeding season, the apterium consists of a low squamous epidermis and a thin, poorly vascularized dermis of dense connective tissue. The dermis is separated from subcutaneous tissue by an internal elastic lamina. During the breeding season, the epidermis is a proliferative, stratified squamous eptihelium with well-defined basal, intermediate, transitional, and cornified layers; and the dermis consists of a superficial layer of collagen and a deep layer of highly vascular areolar connective tissue, noticeably edematous and mildly inflamed. Blood vessels are frequently in large groups in the center of the dermis. Edema and hypervascularity are most pronounced during incubation, but the epidermis is best developed during egg-laying. The apterium reverts to its basal state after the incubation period. Captive females, which do not breed, do not develop incubation patches.Estrogen is apparently responsible for feather loss and collagen synthesis. It and other unidentified hormones (probably prolactin and/or androgens) produce the hypervascularity, edema, and epidermal growth.This study was supported by an NIH Training Grant (GM 01276) from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences and by funds from the Faculty Research Council at Fordham University, New York, N.Y. It is a pleasure to acknowledge the assistance of Drs. Brina Kessel and George West at the University of Alaska during summer, 1968; Dr. William A. deGraw for help in the field; and Drs. Laura Englisch and James Wiggins, as well as my son, Robert, for help with the photomicrography. Wallace Moreland of the Singer-Friden Company kindly provided a desk calculator for my use. The content of this paper profitted substantially from the suggestions of Dr. Robert A. Lewis. This paper is based on part of a dissertation done to fulfill the Ph.D. requirements at Washington State University  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of monoamine-oxidase and acetylcholinesterase activities in the hypothalamus of the White-crowned Sparrow has been studied in relation to the hypothalamohypophysial neurosecretory system. The enzyme activities, as revealed by the methods employed, are unaffected during photoperiodically induced testicular growth. Monoamine oxidase has a distribution distinctly different from that of the aldehyde-fuchsin positive neurosecretory material in that there is high activity in the peripheral palisade layers of both the anterior and posterior divisions of the median eminence. Intimate contact is made between these areas with the primary vessels of the hypophysial portal system. A second concentration of activity lies in a layer between the ependymal cells and the neurosecretory material of the fiber tract. In general, monoamine oxidase appears to be associated with glial elements and non-neurosecretory axons. The pars nervosa has little or no monoamine-oxidase activity. The distribution of acetylcholinesterase activity in the anterior division of the median eminence is very similar to that of the aldehyde-fuchsin positive neurosecretory neurons; however, acetylcholinesterase also occurs in the posterior division without associated neurosecretory fibers. These distribution of enzyme activities are considered in relation to possible adrenergic and cholinergic mechanisms in the median eminence.Dedicated to Professor Berta Scharrer in honor of her 60th birthday.Supported by grant NB-01353 from the National Institutes of Health to Professor Farner. This investigation was conducted while Doctor Kobayashi was a National Science Foundation Senior Foreign Scientist at Washington State University. We are indebted to Doctor Christian Da Lage, Laboratoire de Histologie, Falculté de Médecine de Paris, for the preliminary development of some of the techniques used in these investigations.  相似文献   

Synopsis In a 3 × 2 factorial experiment examining the effects of combinations of ambient temperature (18°, 15°, 9° C) and dietary protein content (35% and 45%) on thyroid activity inSalmo gairdneri, although there was an apparent increase in activity of the thyroid in cold-adapted trout, assessed by histological appearance of the gland, there were no significant changes in serum thyroid hormone titers. In a second experiment examining the effects of combinations of ambient temperature (15°, 12.5°, 10°C) with dietary lipid content (6% and 16%) there was a similar apparent increase in thyroid activity in cold-adapted fish which was accompanied, in fish fed the higher lipid diet, with an increase in serum thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) levels. Trout fed an ascorbic acid-free diet (experiment 3) had lower serum T3 levels than in those given an ascorbic acid supplemented diet (1280 mg·kg-1). In experiments 2 and 3 serum thyroid hormone concentrations were approximately inversely proportional to ambient temperature and concomitant weight gain, but no such correlation was evident in experiment 1 suggesting that the changes in hormone levels in experiments 2 and 3 were not ipso facto related to differences in either ambient temperature or weight gain but rather to the specific metabolic changes imposed by the dietary lipids or ascorbic acid deficiency.  相似文献   

采用高效液相色谱和原位杂交技术研究了皮质酮对大鼠再生肝细胞鸟氨酸脱羧酶 (ODC)活性及ODCmRNA表达的影响。结果显示 ,大鼠完整肝脏中ODC水平较低 ,2 / 3肝切除 (PH)后 3h ,不同处理组ODC活性开始升高 ,6h达到最高值 ,其中 ,去肾上腺 NaCl组和糖皮质激素受体拮抗剂RU4 86处理组的酶活性高于对照组 (去肾上腺假手术组 ) ,而去肾上腺 皮质酮处理组的酶活性低于对照组 ,36h恢复到肝切除前水平 ;完整肝脏的ODCmRNA水平极低 ,PH后表达量迅速增加 ,5h达到最大值 ,不同处理组mRNA水平的高低顺序与酶活性一致 ,12h降至肝切除前水平 ;在PH前 12h给大鼠注射RU4 86 (10mg/kg体重 ) ,取得了与去肾上腺 NaCl处理鼠相似的结果。以上结果表明 ,在PH诱导的再生肝细胞中 ,ODCmRNA表达量的增加和 /或减少是造成ODC活性改变的原因之一 ,皮质酮对ODC活性及其mRNA的表达具有抑制作用 ,主要表现在肝再生的早期 ,该作用可能是通过受体实现的  相似文献   

Heat increment of feeding (HIF) is a ubiquitous feature of animals, and corresponds to a conspicuous rise in metabolism after a meal, induced by the release of energy due to digestion and absorption of foodstuffs. However, there exists great variation both in the duration and magnitude of HIF. In insects, HIF is well known, and it appears to be dramatic, especially in immature stages. However, little is known about the effect of HIF on different aspects of metabolism. We determined metabolic rate as CO2 production in fasted and non-fasted nymphs of the sand cricket (Gryllus firmus). A number of metabolic variables were computed from the simultaneous activity record: activity, resting, minimum, maximum and average metabolic rate. Our results suggest that there is a general effect of fasting in metabolic rate but with a graded response: the larger the influence of activity on the metabolic variable, the less is the effect of fasting that was detected.  相似文献   

Although it is well documented that hatching asynchrony in birds can lead to competitive and developmental hierarchies, potentially greatly affecting growth and survival of nestlings, hatching asynchrony may also precipitate modulations in neuroendocrine development or function. Here we examine sibling variation in adrenocortical function in postnatally developing, asynchronously hatching American kestrels (Falco sparverius) by measurements of baseline and stress-induced levels of corticosterone at ages 10, 16, 22, and 28 days posthatching. There was a significant effect of hatching order on both baseline and stress-induced corticosterone levels during development and these effects grew stronger through development. First-hatched chicks exhibited higher baseline levels than later-hatched chicks throughout development and higher stress-induced levels during the latter half of development. Furthermore, there was significant hatching span (difference in days between first- and last-hatched chicks) x hatching order interaction on both baseline and stress-induced corticosterone levels during development. Hatching span was also positively correlated with both measures of corticosterone and body mass in first-hatched chicks, but was negatively correlated with these factors through most of the development in last-hatched chicks. It is known that hatching asynchrony creates mass and size hierarchies within kestrel broods and we suggest that hierarchies in adrenocortical function among siblings may be one physiological mechanism by which these competitive hierarchies are maintained.  相似文献   

Summary Rates of protein synthesis and oxygen consumption ( O2) in cod were compared in both fasted and refed animals. During a 14-day fast both protein synthesis and respiration rates fell to stable values after 6 days. When a meal of whole sandeel at 6% body weight was fed to fish fasted for 6 days, protein synthesis and ( O2) increased to a maximum at between 12 and 18 h after feeding. Peak ( O2) was about twice the pre-feeding values, while whole animal protein synthesis increased four-fold. There were differences between tissues in the timing of maximum protein synthesis; the liver and stomach responded faster than the remainder of the body. Maximum protein synthesis rates in the liver and stomach occurred at 6 h after feeding, at which time their calculated contribution to total ( O2) was 11%. Similar calculations suggested that the integrated increment in whole animal protein synthesis contributed between 23% and 44% of the post-prandial increase in ( O2). It was concluded that protein synthesis is an important contributor to increased ( O2) after feeding in cod.Abbreviations A s absolute rate of protein synthesis - ASDA apparent specific dynamic action - ATP adenosine triphosphate - k s fractional rate of protein synthesis - k s/RNA amount of protein synthesized per unit RNA - ( O2) oxygen consumption - PCA perchloric acid - RNA ribonucleic acid  相似文献   

Survival of seal pups may be affected by their ability to respond appropriately to stress. Chronic stress can adversely affect secretion of cortisol and thyroid hormones, which contribute to the control of fuel utilisation. Repeated handling could disrupt the endocrine response to stress and/or negatively impact upon mass changes during fasting. Here we investigated the effects of handling regime on cortisol and thyroid hormone levels, and body mass changes, in fasting male and female grey seal pups (Halichoerus grypus). Females had higher thyroid hormone levels than males throughout fasting and showed a reduction in cortisol midway through the fast that was not seen in males. This may reflect sex-specific fuel allocation or development. Neither handling frequency nor cumulative contact time affected plasma cortisol or thyroid hormone levels, the rate of increase in cortisol over the first five minutes of physical contact or the pattern of mass loss during fasting in either sex. The endocrine response to stress and the control of energy balance in grey seal pups appear to be robust to repeated, short periods of handling. Our results suggest that routine handling should have no additional impact on these animals than general disturbance caused by researchers moving around the colony.  相似文献   

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