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Body wall grafts have been exchanged between Lumbricus terrestris and Eisenia foetida unicolor, and the survival times of second-set grafts and a limited number of third-set grafts have been compared with those of first-set grafts. Survival of grafts has also been studied following implantation. The results do not support the hypothesis that second-set rejection is accelerated due to an immune response as in higher vertebrates. Evidence is presented that Eisenia are individually different and that the differential graft survival may be due to tissue incompatibility, survival times depending on the degree of difference in the environment presented by the recipient.  相似文献   

The quantitative response of coelomic cells associated with first- and second-set Eisenia xenografts transplanted to Lumbricus hosts at 20 ° C was compared with autografts and nonspecific wounds. Coelomocyte numbers were significantly lower in response to first than second-set xenografts. Coelomocytes also increased in association with autografts and nonspecific wounds, but the reaction is short lived, and essential for early wound healing and repair. Such nonspecific increases are different from subsequent specific immunologic longer-lasting coelomocyte responses. First-set xenografts induced a relatively slow increase in coelomocytes, which declined after 3–4 days postgrafting. By contrast, second-set xenografts caused an accelerated rise in coelomocytes, usually 20 to 30% greater than the maximum coelomocyte response induced by first-set xenografts. The mean survival time for first-set xenografts (non-self) was 17 ± 1 days, but repeat second-sets were rejected in an accelerated time of 6 ± 1 days. Autografts (self) are never destroyed. After priming with a first-set xenograft, this heightened coelomocyte reaction, to a second-set xenograft, was interpreted as an anamnestic response. The memory response is measurable in two ways: grossly as accelerated rejection of repeat xenografts, and at the cellular level, heightened coelomocyte numbers. Specific cellular immunity is demonstrable phylogenetically at the level of annelid worms.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Studies are described on the adenosine triphosphatase(ATPase) properties of myosin isolated from skeletal muscleof Coryphaenoides, a benthic fish captured at 2,200 meters depth.Ca2+-ATPase and EDTA-ATPase of Coryphaenoides myosin show thesame pH dependence as ATPase of mammalian myosin; however, ratesof ATP hydrolysis by Coryphaenoides myosin are only 5–10%of rates of ATP hydrolysis by rabbit skeletal myosin. Coryphaenoidesmyosin ATPase shows a decrease from Q10 of 2.0 at 25°C toQ10 of 1.4 a t 2°C, and undergoes irreversible denaturationat temperatures above 25°C. At pH 6.8 to pH 8.5, Coryphaenoidesmyosin ATPase undergoes activation by pressure at 25°C,but at 2°C shows negligible effect of pressure at valuesbelow 3,000 psi. The kinetic data on Ca2+-ATPase indicate valuesof 11 kcal/mole for H, –7.5 kcal/mole for TS, and –5.7cc/mole for V at 25°C, pH 7.6. Comparable data at 2°Cindicate values of 5 kcal/mole for H. –13 kcal/mole forTS, and negligible V. According to the results of 25°C,Ca2+-activatkm of myosin-ATP may involve disruption of fouror five hydrophobic or polar groups, presumably due to an "opening-up"of the myosin molecule at or near the site for ATP binding.It would also appear that Coryphaenoides myosin has undergonean adaptive change in the enzyme mechanism for ATPase such thatthe rate of ATP hydrolysis is relatively insensitive to pressureand temperature under conditions encountered by the living fish.  相似文献   

Growth performances of Crotalaria juncea L. and C. sericea Retz.have been compared at two controlled temperatures, 16–20°C, and 28–32 °C, with respect to increase ind. wt and leaf area, relative growth rate, leaf area ratio,specific leaf area, leaf weight ratio, net assimilation rate,the ratio of mean relative growth rate to mean relative rateof leaf area increase () and shoot/root ratios. Both the speciesgrew better at the higher temperature; however the relativegrowth rate was more affected by temperature in C. sericea thanin C. juncea. Further, it was observed to be more dependenton net assimilation rate than on the leaf area ratio. Crotalaria juncea L., Crotalaria sericea Retz., relative growth rate, leaf area ratio, specific leaf area, leaf weight ratio, leaf area increase, net assimilation rate, shoot/root ratio  相似文献   

EVANS  L. T. 《Annals of botany》1959,23(4):521-546
There is a heteroblastic change in leaflet number in many stocksof Vicia faba, the rate of change being affected by the temperatureand photoperiod under which the plants are grown. In all exceptthe earliest flowering stocks of broad beans, and particularlyat high temperatures, flower initiation shows a quantita-tivelong-day response. For full development of the initiated inflorescenceslong days are required. Flower initiation may be accelerated in all except the earliestflowering stocks of V.faba by brief exposures to low temperatures,particularly when the plants are grown in short days at hightemperatures. The response to low temperatures is more rapidat I0° C. than at 4° C. but eventually approaches saturationat both temperatures. More prolonged exposure to low temperaturesdelays flower initia-tion. The response to low temperaturesincreases with increasing plant age but can occur during embryodevelopment on the mother plant. At temperatures above 14° C, and particularly above 23°C, a reaction inhibitory to flower initiation occurs. This reactionis probably restricted to the diurnal dark periods but is operativeat all stages of the life cycle, including embryo development.Its inhibitory effects may be overcome by subsequent cold treatment,and when the low temperature processes have reached saturationsubsequent high temperatures are no longer inhibitory. Although nucleosides could accelerate flower initiation, purineand pyrimidene analogues did not, with one exception, reducethe response to low temperature treatment.  相似文献   

Larvae of Mithrax caribbaeus were reared in the laboratoryin a factorial experiment employing three temperatures (22,25 and 28°C) and three salinities (32, 35 and 38). Survivaland duration of larval stages were recorded. Ovigerous femalesof M.caribbaeus were collected from the south-eastern coastof Margarita Island, Venezuela, and maintained in individualaquaria until hatching. Eggs from three of the females hatchedin the laboratory. Larvae from each hatching were subdividedinto groups of 10 and reared in plastic bowls containing 200ml filtered and UV-irradiated sea water at different temperature–salinitycombinations. Larvae were transferred daily to clean bowls withnewly hatched Artemia nauplii, and the number of molts and mortalitywithin each bowl was recorded. Complete larval development ofM.caribbaeus occurred under all experimental conditions. Salinityhad the greatest effect on percentage survival of each larvalstage and complete development up to the first crab stage. Thefirst zoeal stage exhibited the highest survival rate. Maximumsurvival for this stage occurred at 25°C, 32–35. Survivalin the second zoeal stage and the megalopa was affected onlyby salinity. Effects of temperature and salinity on survivaldecreased with advance in development. The duration of the twozoeal stages, the megalopa, and development to the first crabstage showed a gradual reduction with increasing temperature.Salinity showed an effect on the duration of zoeal stages butnot on the megalopal stage. Development from hatching to thefirst crab stage required 8–18 days, depending on thetemperature–salinity combination, and was inversely relatedto temperature, averaging 14.3 days at 22°C, 11.8 days at25°C and 9.2 days at 28°C.  相似文献   

A factorial experiment shows highly significant effects of temperature(12 5–22.5°C) and salinity (17.8–34 S) on thegrowth rate of Gyrodinium aureolum, with a significant temperature-salinityinteraction. The maximum growth rate of G aureolum is measuredto 0.61 div. day–1 at 20°C and 22.3 S. Gyrodiniumaureolum does not grow at temperatures :10 °C or 25°Cand at salinities 12 S. The cellular content of carbon (C) andnitrogen (N) and the elemental ratios N/C, P/C and N/P are significantlyaffected by the temperature The cellular content of phosphorus(P) and the elemental ratios P/C and N/P vary significantlywith salinity Significant temperature-salinity interactionsare found for the cellular content of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus.Variations in the N/P ratio indicate that G.aureolum has a largestorage capacity for phosphorus It is suggested that temperatureis one important limiting factor in the initiation of bloomsof G.aureolum in north European waters.  相似文献   

Neonatal mouse heart fragments were grafted under the ear skin of adult recipients. Cardiac allograft survival was evaluated by visual observation of pulsation, electrocardiography, and histology. Employing a series of congenic resistant strains differing from C57BL/10Sn at theH-1, H-3,H-4, H-7, H-8, H-9, H-10, H-11, andH-12 loci, the median survival times of the heart grafts to and from C57BL/10Sn were obtained. The various interallelic combinations resulted in a wide variation of graft survival. Reciprocal transplants frequently showed different survival times.H-1 c grafts were rejected by B10.129(5M)/nSn female mice with a median survival time of 90 days.H-1 b grafts were not rejected by C57BL/10Sn mice for the experiment's duration of 200 days. The weaker the histocompatibility barrier, the more variable the survival times and the smaller the ratio of rejected to total grafted heart fragments. Female recipients were observed to reject their grafts more rapidly and to reject a higher proportion than males of the same strain. Although the strength of the different non-H-2 barriers generally paralleled that determined by skin transplants, the rankings of the strongest minor barriers were not the same for both tissues.  相似文献   

Rates of respiration and extension of pea fruits maintainedunder different regimes of fruit (10 ?C to 25 ?C) and plant(15 ?C to 30 ?C) temperature were measured during prolongeddarkness. Higher fruit temperatures resulted in faster maximumrates while higher plant temperatures were associated with slowermaximum rates of fruit extension and respiration. Increasingthe temperature of either part caused faster decay of ratesin the dark; this effect being more apparent for respirationthan for growth in length and for plant temperatures than forfruit temperatures. The relationship between maximum rates ofgrowth and respiration for different temperatures was linear.There was an asymptotic curvilinear relationship between specificrespiration and relative extension rates obtained during prolongeddarkness. Analysis of these data using an exponential equationof the form showed that treatment regimes affected primarily the asymptote(A) of this equation. Estimates of the shape parameters (b andk) of the curve were very variable and no obvious treatmenteffects could be discerned. The form of these data is comparedwith those of other models for respiration. Key words: Peas, Fruits, Growth, Extension, Respiration, Temperature, LVDT  相似文献   

Phloem translocation of [14C]-sucrose and 5/6-carboxyfluorescein(CF) from scion into the stock was studied in in vitro-heterograftsof Lycopersicon on Solanum (L/S) and Vicia on Helianthus (V/H)at various stages of regeneration. Autografts of all partnersserved as controls. Corresponding with the translocation experimentsnewly formed sieve-tube connections between the graft partnerswere counted. 14C-translocation experiments with [14C]-sucrose revealed anage-dependent increase of radioactivity in the stock of allcombinations. In L/S and all autografts the major increase of14C-label in the stock occurred 5–10 d after grafting.In V/H, however, import of label into the stock remained lowthroughout the regeneration period. In L/S grafts, increasesin the numbers of sieve-tube connections parallel the increasingrate of 14C-transport, indicating functioning sieve-tube connectionsin the graft union. In contrast, V/H grafts did not show thisstrong correlation between structure and function of wound repairphloem. This suggested the existence of non-transporting sieve-tubesbetween the graft partners. Similar results were obtained withCF-transport, showing that effective phloem translocation acrossthe graft interface occurred in L/S, but not in V/H grafts.The observed differences in phloem translocation are discussedwith regard to compatibility/incompatibility phenomena in heterografts. Key words: Compatibility/incompatibility, in-vitro-heterografts, phloem transport ([14C]-sucrose, carboxyfluorescein), wound phloem  相似文献   

A strain of the marine rotifer Synchaeta cecilia valentina,n. subsp., isolated from the Hondo of Elche Spanish Mediterraneancoastal lagoon at 22 salinity, was cultured in the laboratoryin 20 ml test tubes and fed with the alga Tetrasemis suecica.The effect of two temperatures (20 and 24°C), four salinities(20,25,30 and 37) and two food levels (15 000 and 25000 cellsml–1) on the life history traits of this rotifer werestudied in life tables performed with replicated individualcultures. Temperature and salinity had a significant negativeeffect (P < 0.001) on the average lifespan (LS) and on thenumber of offspring per female (R0) The effect of food levelon LS is unclear, whereas R0 is greater at 20°C with thelower concentration of algae and at 24°C with the higheralgal concentration. The maximum values of LS and R0, 5.6 daysand 9.2 offspring per female, respectively, were recorded at20°C, 25o salinity and low food concentration. There isalso a clear negative effect on the intrinsic growth rate (r)due to salinity. The effect of temperature depends on the foodlevel and, as occurs with R0 the maximum values of r occur withthe lower algal concentration at 20°C, whereas at 24°Cthey are obtained with the higher algal concentration. Theser values, from 1.04 to 1.10 day–1, were reached at 24°C,salinities of 20–25 and with high food concentration.  相似文献   

Seeds (caryopses) of North American wild rice (Zizania palustrisvar. interior), a temperate aquatic grass, have been thoughtto require storage at low temperatures and high moisture contentsto preserve viability. The seeds are also deeply dormant atmaturity and require up to 6 months of stratification to breakdormancy. We report here that wild rice seeds can retain viabilityat moisture contents 30% (f. wt. basis) for up to 6 monthsat temperatures as high as 30 °C, and for at least 1 yearat temperatures below 20 °C. Dormancy is not broken at temperaturesabove 10 °C, but subsequent stratification requirementsare unaffected by prior warm storage. Cold storage is thereforenot required to maintain viability of wild rice seeds, but isnecessary to break dormancy. Hydrated wild rice seeds can befrozen to –10 °C without damage, but dormancy is notlost at subfreezing temperatures. These results provide newoptions for long-term storage of wild rice seeds. Zizania palustris var. interior (Fassett) Dore, wild rice, seed, germination, dormancy, storage, moisture content  相似文献   

Seedlings of Stylosanthes guianensis var. guianensis cv. Cookand S. guianensis var. pauciflora cv. Bandeirante were defoliatedand placed in a naturally lit glasshouse at 23/18 °C, 28/23°C or 33/28 °C (day/night). After exposure to 14 h daysand after floral induction with 30 cycles of 11 h, plants wereallocated to 11, 12, 13 or 14 h during flowering and seed formation. Floral initiation occurred after 10–15 short-day cycles.Flower appearance was hastened by warm temperatures and spikenumber per plant at 20 d after flower appearance was negativelyrelated to temperature and greater in Cook than in Bandeirante.Exposure to 13- and 14-h days reduced the continued differentiationof inflorescences in Bandeirante, and in Cook in warm temperatures.Floret number per spike was greatest at 23/18 °C and a higherproportion of florets aborted in Bandeirante at 33/ 28 °C.Variations in seed setting of the bi-articulate loment of Bandeiranteare described. Highest potential seed yield occurred if afterfloral induction 11 or 12 h days were maintained with 23/18°C or 28/23 °C temperatures. Photoperiod, temperature, development, Stylosanthes guianensis, flowering  相似文献   

Windchill and the risk of tissue freezing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Danielsson, Ulf. Windchill and the risk of tissuefreezing. J. Appl. Physiol. 81(6): 2666-2673, 1996.Low air temperatures and high wind speeds are associated with anincreased risk of freezing of the exposed skin. P. A. Siple and C. F. Passel (Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. 89: 177-199, 1945) derivedtheir windchill index from cooling experiments on a water-filledcylinder to quantify the risk of frostbite. Their results arereexamined here. It is found that their windchill index does notcorrectly describe the convective heat transfer coefficient(hc) for such a cylinder; theeffect of the airspeed (v) isunderestimated. New risk curves have been developed, based on theconvection equations valid for cylinders in a cross flow,hc  v0.62, and tissuefreezing data from the literature. An analysis of the data reveals alinear relationship between the frequency of finger frostbite and thesurface temperature. This relation closely follows a normaldistribution of finger-freezing temperatures, with an SD of 1°C. Asthe skin surface temperature falls from 4.8 to 7.8°C,the risk of frostbite increases from 5 to 95%. These data indicatethat the risk of finger frostbite is minor above an air temperature of10°C, irrespective of v,but below 25°C there is a pronounced risk, even at lowv.


Effects of Temperature on Pollen Viability in Mango cv. 'Kensington'   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The response of pollen development to low or high temperatureregimes was studied to determine the conditions suitable forthe formation of fertile pollen in the mango cv. 'Kensington'.The phase most sensitive to the degree and duration of temperaturestress was that from meiosis to the pre-vacuolate microspore(about 3 d duration at 25/20 °C) though vacuolated microsporeswere also sensitive to low temperature. Night temperatures below10 °C resulted in pollen grains with a low viability (<50%). A temperature between 15 and 33 °C during the phasefrom meiosis to the pre-vacuolate microspore was optimum forpollen development (70-85% pollen viability). Analysis of field records showed a linear negative correlationbetween percentage of pollen viability and number of days whichhad a mean night temperature lower than 10 °C during theperiod from meiosis to early mature stage (y = 77·7-3·4x,r2 = 0·60). The temperature sensitive phase was estimatedto begin 155 degree days D = [(Tmax + Tmin)/2 - 10] before anthesisand to end 78 degree days before anthesis. This equation maybe useful as a means of predicting pollen viability in the fieldfrom temperature records and thus fruit set, date of maturityand yield. It may also aid in the selection of areas for growingmangoes in marginal climates.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press Mangifera indica L. mango, microsporogenesis, pollen development, viability, sterility, temperature  相似文献   

Physiologically-driven rhythms in bivalve molluscs are predictedto vary as a function of metabolic rate and temperature, incontrast to genetically predisposed biological clocks. Theserhythms can be evaluated using long-term video monitoring techniquesunder controlled conditions in laboratory aquaria. The bivalvesAnodonta cygnea and Margaritifera falcata were used to evaluatethe effect of temperature on rhythms in gape and the formationof siphons at the mantle edge. Frequency and duration of shellclosure vary with temperature in both species, but with differentresponses. Mean duration of intervals of valve closure decreasesas temperature rises in both species, and is consistent withphysiological limitation by increased biological oxygen demand.For A. cygnea, cumulative gape duration peaks at 25°C, withless time spent closed than at any other temperature, but increasingtemperatures correspond to an increase in gape frequency witha strong increase observed at 31°C. In contrast, frequencyof adduction and valve closure peak at 25°C in M. falcata,and continuous gaping is observed above 29.5°C. This physiologicalstress is consistent with evidence from sclerochronologically-calibratedstable isotope studies of shells, where growth breaks in manymarine taxa coincide with maximum temperatures above 31°Cas derived for 18Ocarbonate. The results of this study suggestthat these growth breaks may be due to physiological limitationsin oxygen uptake and metabolic activity, rather than being adirect consequence of elevated temperature alone. (Received 17 March 2008; accepted 3 October 2008)  相似文献   

Seed priming (imbibition in water or osmotic solutions followedby redrying) generally accelerates germination rates upon subsequentre-imbibition, but the response to priming treatments can varyboth within and among seed lots. Seed maturity could influenceresponsiveness to priming, perhaps explaining variable primingeffects among developmentally heterogeneous seed lots. In thecurrent study, muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) seeds at two stagesof development, maturing (40 d after anthesis (DAA)) and fullymature (60 DAA), were primed in 0?3 M KNO3 for 48 h at 30 ?C,dried, and imbibed in polyethylene glycol 8000 solutions of0 to –1?2 MPa at 15, 20, 25, and 30 ?C. Germination sensitivitiesto temperature and water potential () were quantified as indicatorsof the influence of seed maturity and priming on seed vigour.Germination percentages of 40 and 60 DAA control seeds weresimilar in water at 30 ?C, but the mean germination rate (inverseof time to germination) of 40 DAA seeds was 50% less than thatof 60 DAA seeds. Germination percentages and rates of both 40and 60 DAA seeds decreased at temperatures below 25 ?C. Reductionsin also delayed and inhibited germination, with the 40 DAAseeds being more sensitive to low than the 60 DAA seeds. Primingsignificantly improved the performance of 40 DAA seeds at lowtemperatures and reduced , but had less effect on 60 DAA seeds.Priming lowered both the minimum temperature (Tb) and the minimum (b) at which germination occurred. Overall, priming of 40 DAAseeds improved their germination performance under stress conditionsto equal or exceed that of control 60 DAA seeds, while 60 DAAseeds exhibited only modest improvements due to priming. Asthe osmotic environment inside mature fruits approximates thatof a priming solution, muskmelon seeds may be ‘primed’in situ during the late stage of development after maximum dryweight accumulation. Key words: Cucumis melo L., seed priming, germination, vigour, development, temperature  相似文献   

The pH of the hemolymph of selected invertebrates decreasesas their body temperature increases. The magnitude of this change(pH/°C) is very similar to the change of the pH of waterwith temperature (pN/°C) and suggests that these invertebrates,like poikilothermous vertebrates, regulate the pH of their extracellularfluid so that its degree of alkalinity relative to the pH ofwater remains constant. The degree of alkalinity (pHblood-pN)varies between species, but seems to be fixed for any givenspecies. In Limulus pH-pN was essentially the same for in vivosamples, measured after the whole animal had been acclimatedto different temperatures, as it was for in vitro samples inwhich the hemolymph was cooled or warmed anaerobically, suggestingthat the CO2 content of the extracellular fluid is constantas the temperature changes. The PCO2 of the hemolymph is invariablylower in animals breathing water than in those breathing air.In the invertebrates, as in the vertebrates, manipulation ofPCO2 and HCO3- is probably the major mechanism in the regulationof the relative alkalinity of the extracellular fluid.  相似文献   

Skin graft rejection in congenic pairs of mice differing only at theH-2 complex appears to be influenced by at least 3 genes (H-2K, H-2D, H-2I); we now describe a fourth,H- 2IC: Grafts transplanted across anIC difference are sometimes rejected. TheI-C regions of three differentH-2 haplotypes (d,k,s) were studied in different combinations, and variable patterns emerged: (a)IC d : B10.S(7R) show delayed or no rejection of first B10.S(9R) grafts, but grafts to immunized recipients were usually rejected in 20 days; (b)IC k : in two combinations (A.AL A and B10.HTT B10.S[9R]) first grafts were rejected by day 30, although grafts to immunized mice showed a different pattern. In the third combination (B10.HTTB10.S[7R]) first grafts were retained but immunized mice rejected their grafts, (c)IC s : B10.S(9R) regularly reject B10.S(7R) first grafts, but immunized mice retain their grafts. In two other combinations first grafts were retained but grafts to immunized recipients were rejected; while in a third combination rejection did not occur at all. The background of the recipient appeared to be important in determining the variable pattern of rejection, and there is evidence for a similarity of the H-genes inIC s andIC k , and inIC k andIC p . Graft rejection occurred independently of known differences in Ia specificities, indicating thatH-2IC and the genes determining Ia specificities are probably different, although when grafts were performed in the presence of known la differences, graft rejection usually occurred.  相似文献   

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