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Over the past century, many ideas have been developed on the relationships between water flow and the structure and shape of the body and fins of fishes, largely during swimming in relatively steady flows. However, both swimming by fishes and the habitats they occupy are associated with vorticity, typically concentrated as eddies characteristic of turbulent flow. Deployment of methods to examine flow in detail suggests that vorticity impacts the lives of fishes. First, vorticity near the body and fins can increase thrust and smooth variations in thrust that are a consequence of using oscillating and undulating propulsors to swim. Second, substantial mechanical energy is dissipated in eddies in the wake and adaptations that minimize these losses would be anticipated. We suggest that such mechanisms may be found in varying the length of the propulsive wave, stiffening propulsive surfaces, and shifting to using median and paired fins when swimming at low speeds. Eddies in the flow encountered by fishes may be beneficial, but when eddy radii are of the order of 0.25 of the fish's total length, negative impacts occur due to greater difficulties in controlling stability. The archetypal streamlined "fish" shape reduces destabilizing forces for fishes swimming into eddies.  相似文献   

In tropical ecosystems, the influence of fire can have dramatic effects on the arthropod community and some taxa may take a long period to recover after such disturbance. Here we investigated the effects of an accidental fire on the reestablishment of litter arthropods and compared it with a control/unburned area. Seasonal data were also included in the analysis, as the rupestrian fields (transition between Brazilian savanna and Atlantic forest) have two well-defined seasons and arthropod populations tend to fluctuate accordingly. Our study commenced 4 months after fire and during the 2 years afterwards, we found 19 arthropod groups in the litter, of which flies, springtails, spiders, beetles, true-bugs, harvestmen, grasshoppers, hymenopterans (except ants), mites and roaches were the most representative. The unburned area hosted over 60 % of the total arthropod abundance and only true-bugs were significantly more abundant in the burned site, the other arthropods remained, in general, more abundant in the control/unburned area throughout the study. Arthropod abundance was threefold-higher in the rainy season. Arthropods were able to recolonise the burned area soon after the fire event, but their abundance was low during the 2 years of study, revealing that fire effects can extend for long periods. We conclude that, despite rapid plant resprouting and arthropod colonisation after fire, 2 years were not enough for the full reestablishment of litter arthropods.  相似文献   

Although many tropical and subtropical areas experience pronounced seasonal changes in weather and food availability, few studies have examined and none have compared the thermal physiology and energetics of a hibernating mammal that is restricted to these regions. We quantified thermal energetics of northern long-eared bats (Nyctophilus bifax; body mass ~10 g) during summer, winter, and spring from a subtropical habitat, and also during winter from a tropical habitat, to determine how N. bifax cope with climate and seasonal changes in weather. We captured bats in the wild and measured metabolic rates via open-flow respirometry. The basal metabolic rate of subtropical bats at an ambient temperature (T(a)) of 32.6 ± 0.7°C was 1.28 ± 0.06 ml O(2)·g(-1)·h(-1) during both summer and winter, similar to other species of Nyctophilus. Resting metabolic rates below the thermoneutral zone increased similarly with decreasing T(a) during all seasons and in both regions. All individuals showed a high proclivity to enter torpor at T(a) values below the thermoneutral zone. Metabolic rates in torpid thermoconforming bats fell with T(a) and body temperature, and mean minimum metabolic rates during torpor were similar during all seasons and in both regions and as predicted from body mass in temperate zone hibernators. At very low T(a), torpid N. bifax thermoregulated, and this threshold T(a) differed significantly between subtropical (T(a) = 3.5 ± 0.3°C) and tropical (T(a) = 6.7 ± 0.7°C) individuals, but not between seasons. Our data show that thermal energetics of N. bifax do not vary seasonally and in many aspects are similar in tropical and subtropical bats; however, torpid individuals from the subtropics allow body temperature to fall to significantly lower values than those from the tropics.  相似文献   

Individual net fat reserves after migration and reproductive investments were calculated for migrating female silver eels Anguilla anguilla (n = 387) collected in the outlet region of the Baltic Sea during the autumn run. It is estimated that 20·4% of the A. anguilla had completely exhausted all initial fat reserves and that 45·0% of A. anguilla were within 90% of complete energy depletion after migration and reproduction. This study concludes that a combination of body size and distance (6900 km) to the spawning area in the Sargasso Sea explains the results. An increase in the costs of migration due to heavy infection with Anguillicoloides crassus was also evaluated in an additional scenario with results showing that 26·4% of the A. anguilla had completely depleted all fat reserves. It is hypothesized that a large proportion of female silver A. anguilla from the Baltic Sea catchment area will have inadequate or suboptimal reserves for successful migration and reproduction.  相似文献   

Advanced female age and extended in vitro culture have both been implicated in zona pellucida (ZP) hardening and thickening. This study aimed to determine the influence of (i) the woman's age and (ii) prolonged in vitro culture of embryos on ZP thickness and density using non-invasive polarized light (LC-PolScope) microscopy. ZP thickness and density (measured as retardance) were determined in oocytes, embryos and blastocysts in women undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) in two age groups (older, > 38 years; younger, < or = 38 years). A total of 193 oocytes from 29 patients were studied. The younger group contained 100 oocytes and the older group 93 oocytes. The ZP was significantly thicker in metaphase II oocytes in the older group compared with the younger group (mean +/- SD: 24.1 +/- 2.5 microm vs 23.1 +/- 3.3 microm; p = 0.01) but ZP density was equal (2.8 +/- 0.7 nm). By day 2 of culture, embryos from the two groups had similar ZP thickness (22.2 +/- 2.2 microm vs 21.7 +/- 1.6 microm; p = 0.28) and density (2.9 +/- 0.7 nm vs 2.8 +/- 0.8 nm; p = 0.57). For the embryos cultured to blastocyst (older: n = 20; younger: n = 18) ZP thickness was similar in the two groups (19.2 +/- 2.7 microm vs 19.1 +/- 5.0 microm; p = 0.8) but thinner than on day 2. The older group had significantly denser ZP than the younger group (4.2 +/- 0.5 nm vs 3.3 +/- 1.0 nm, p < 0.01). Blastocysts from both groups had significantly denser ZP than their corresponding day 2 embryos (older: 4.2 +/- 0.5 nm vs 2.9 +/- 0.7 nm, p < 0.001; younger: 3.3 +/- 1.0 nm vs 2.8 +/- 0.8 nm, p = 0.013). It is concluded that there is little relationship between ZP thickness and its density as measured by polarized light microscopy. While ZP thickness decreases with extended embryo culturing, the density of the ZP increases. ZP density increases in both age groups with extended culture and, interestingly, more in embryos from older compared with younger women.  相似文献   

Aquatic organisms physically interact with the water that surrounds them, and this interaction is fundamental in shaping many aspects of their biology. General characteristics of the hydrodynamic interactions between organisms and the flow around them can be captured by the dimensionless Reynolds number (Re), depicting the ratio between inertial and viscous forces operating on the organism. The characteristic flow regime of larval fish that cruise at slow speeds is a regime of low Re, where viscous forces dominate. In this study, we experimentally test the ‘safe harbour’ hypothesis, which proposes that increasing larval body size facilitates an ‘escape’ from the detrimental effects of low Re. Larval gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) were reared during early ontogeny under artificially manipulated water viscosities to expose larvae to low Re regimes. Larval survival decreased significantly with increasing water viscosity, and increased with increasing standard length. Surviving larvae exceeded the mean length of mortalities by ~1 mm, on average. Our findings provide direct experimental support for the ‘safe harbour’ hypothesis, indicating that marine larvae incur a fitness cost when operating under low Re conditions. Moreover, the results highlight the need to recognize the hydrodynamic environment when considering the a-biotic characteristics that may influence organismal performance and fitness.  相似文献   

Nanotechnology has the potential to affect the field of wood preservation through the creation of new and unique metal biocides with improved properties. This study evaluated leachability and efficacy of southern yellow pine wood treated with copper, zinc, or boron nanoparticles against mould fungi, decay fungi, and Eastern subterranean termites. Results showed that nanocopper with and without surfactant, nanozinc, and nanozinc plus silver with surfactant resisted leaching compared with metal oxide controls. Nearly all nanoboron and boric acid was released from the treated wood specimens during leaching. Mould fungi were moderately inhibited by nanozinc oxide with surfactant, but the other nanometal preparations did not significantly inhibit mould fungi. Mass loss from Gloeophyllum trabeum was significantly inhibited by all copper preparations, while Antrodia sp. was not inhibited by nanometal treatments. Nanometals imparted high resistance in southern yellow pine to the white-rot fungus, Trametes versicolor. Unleached specimens treated with nanoboron or nanozinc plus surfactant caused 100% and 31% mortality, respectively. All specimens treated with nanozinc or nanozinc plus silver inhibited termite feeding, but the copper treatments were less effective against termites. Nanozinc possessed the most favorable properties: leach resistance, termite mortality, and inhibition of termite feeding and decay by the white-rot fungus.  相似文献   

Forty lakes in Sweden and Finland were sampled in 1990 with activity traps to evaluate the effects of trapped predators on invertebrate catch. Vertebrate (fish, newts) and invertebrate (leeches, dragonflies, water beetles, backswimmers and water scorpions) predators were considered separately. Invertebrate predators affected neither the abundance nor the taxonomic diversity of the catches. Vertebrate predators had no effect on the abundance but reduced the taxonomic diversity of the catches significantly. Thus, vertebrate predators are a possible source of bias in activity trap catches, but only concerning taxonomic diversity. Within the depth gradient studied (0.25–0.75 m), trap position (suspended in mid-water versus on the bottom) did not affect the percentages of nektonic and benthic invertebrates in the catches. The relative abundance of all taxa was similar in the catches from different trap positions, but the relative abundance of the most numerous taxa as well as the diversity of the catches differed between trap positions. We conclude that both mid-water and bottom traps are suitable for monitoring aquatic invertebrates, and that bottom traps may be preferred for practical reasons.  相似文献   

Testosterone (T) is thought to help facilitate trade-offs between mating and parenting in humans. Across diverse cultural settings married men and fathers have lower T than other men and couples' sexual activity often declines during the first years of marriage and after having children. It is unknown whether these behavioral and hormonal changes are related. Here we use longitudinal data from a large study in the Philippines (n = 433) to test this model. We show that among unmarried non-fathers at baseline (n = 153; age: 21.5 ± 0.3 years) who became newly married new fathers by follow-up (4.5 years later), those who experienced less pronounced longitudinal declines in T reported more frequent intercourse with their partners at follow-up (p < 0.01) compared to men with larger declines in T. Controlling for duration of marriage, findings were similar for men transitioning from unmarried to married (without children) (p < 0.05). Men who remained unmarried and childless throughout the study period did not show similar T-sexual activity outcomes. Among newly married new fathers, subjects who had frequent intercourse both before and after the transition to married fatherhood had more modest declines in T compared to peers who had less frequent sex (p < 0.001). Our findings are generally consistent with theoretical expectations and cross-species empirical observations regarding the role of T in male life history trade-offs, particularly in species with bi-parental care, and add to evidence that T and sexual activity have bidirectional relationships in human males.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizas (AM) are ubiquitous root symbioses with often pervasive effects on the plant host, one of which may be above- and belowground biomass allocation. A meta-analysis was conducted on 516 trials that were described in 90 available articles to examine whether AM colonization could result in a modification of partitioning of plant biomass in shoots and roots. It was hypothesized that alleviating plant nutrient limitations could result in a decrease of root to shoot (R/S) ratio in AM plants or, alternatively, the direction of shifts in the R/S ratio would be determined by the changes in total dry biomass. In our analysis, we considered four types of stresses: drought stress, single heavy metal stress, multiple heavy metal stress, and other potential abiotic plant stress factors. When disregarding any factors that could regulate effects, including stress status and mode of propagation, the overall AM effect was a significant modification of biomass towards shoot growth. However, the responses of stressed and clonally propagated plants differed from those of seed-grown unstressed plants. Our meta-analysis detected a considerable decline in the R/S ratio when plants were grown from seeds in the absence of abiotic stresses. Moreover, we demonstrate that additional regulators of the AM-mediated impact on R/S ratio were presence of competition from other plants, plant growth outcome of the symbiosis, growth substrate volume, experimental duration, and the identities of both plant and AM fungus. Our results indicate that a prediction of AM effects on R/S allocation becomes more accurate when considering regulators, most notably propagation mode and stress. We discuss possible mechanisms through which stress and other regulators may operate.  相似文献   

To apply the Langmuir–Blodgett (LB) technique as a platform for investigating the fundamental properties of amphiphilic peptides (APs), we have investigated the structure of LB films using the APs. To vertically orient the helical APs like transmembrane proteins in the membrane, the primary structure of the APs was designed to have two domains: a hydrophilic domain (three amino acids) and a hydrophobic domain (ca. 20 amino acids). However, we are still far from having full control of their orientation. This study reports the contribution of the subphase temperature to the change in the orientation of helical APs. When the surface pressure–area isotherm of AP was observed at the subphase temperature at 41.5 °C, the isotherm exhibited a plateau, implying that a phase transition of the monolayer at the air–water interface occurred. Circular dichroism (CD) spectra of the monolayers transferred on the solid substrates revealed that the orientation of the helices changed at the pressure, where the plateau of the isotherm was observed. This change was not observed at 21.5 °C, i.e., the horizontal alignment of helixes was maintained. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to systematically investigate the surface structure of the monolayers transferred at different surface pressures. A structural model of the monolayer that did not contradict with the results obtained by the three different techniques (the isotherm, CD spectroscopy, and AFM) was derived, and it was concluded that the horizontally oriented helices partially changed their orientation to vertical upon compression in the plateau region of the isotherm.  相似文献   

The effect of spatial habitat structure and patchiness may differ among species within a multi-trophic system. Theoretical models predict that species at higher trophic levels are more negatively affected by fragmentation than are their hosts or preys. The absence or presence of the higher trophic level, in turn, can affect the population dynamics of lower levels and even the stability of the trophic system as a whole. The present study examines different effects of spatial habitat structure with two field experiments, using as model system the parasitoid Cotesia popularis which is a specialist larval parasitoid of the herbivore Tyria jacobaeae. One experiment examines the colonisation rate of the parasitoid and the percentage parasitism at distances occurring on a natural scale; the other experiment examines the dispersal rate and the percentage parasitism in relation to the density of the herbivore and its host plant. C. popularis was able to reach artificial host populations at distances up to the largest distance created (at least 80 m from the nearest source population). Also, the percentage parasitism did not differ among the distances. The density experiment showed that the total number of herbivores parasitised was higher in patches with a high density of hosts, regardless of the density of the host plant. The percentage parasitism, however, was not related to the density of the host. The density of the host plant did have a (marginally) significant effect on the percentage parasitism, probably indicating that the parasitoid uses the host plant of the herbivore as a cue to find the herbivore itself. In conclusion, the parasitoid was not affected by the spatial habitat structure on spatial scales that are typical of local patches.  相似文献   

We characterize the flexibility in digestive performance in degus (Octodon degus) an herbivorous rodent. We tested the hypothesis that dietary and physiological-digestive flexibility are correlated. Degus were fed with artificial diets of different chemical composition from weaning to adulthood and their digestive performance was measured through records of apparent digestibility. The starch content of the acclimation diet was not correlated with protein digestibility nor was it correlated with starch digestibility. In addition, digestive tract morphology was not affected by dietary treatments. Hence, an absence of morphological and physiological flexibility related to digestive traits was observed in degus. The lower flexibility in digestive performance given by our dietary experimental treatments of degus, may be an evolutionary constraint related to their specialized herbivorous food habits.  相似文献   

This study presents a scenario in which recent development of landscape design based on modernism and modernists works is depicted in conjunction with its possible contribution toward nature restoration. Spatial pattern found in modernists works enhanced the designers understanding of landscape pattern underlying the land and environment at an extensive scale. In search of solid ground for pattern making, landscape designers further investigated the environmental system and its structure. A morphological approach employed in the discourse of landscape ecology gives a theoretical foundation to those endeavors. Also, the process through which the environmental system functions and is maintained becomes another potential field of design expression in landscape. Detailed studies of several works and p landscape design projects, which have already indicated a direction of development, will promote a productive and creative co-relationship between landscape design and nature restoration.This revised version was published online in April 2005 with corrections to keywords.  相似文献   

Recent research has shown that many mutualistic communities display non-random structures. While our understanding of the structural properties of mutualistic communities continues to improve, we know little of the biological variables resulting in them. Mutualistic communities include those formed between ants and extrafloral (EF) nectar-bearing plants. In this study, we examined the contributions of plant and ant abundance, plant and ant size, and plant EF nectar resources to the network structures of nestedness and interaction frequency of ant–plant networks across five sites within one geographic locality in the Sonoran Desert. Interactions between ant and plant species were largely symmetric. That is, ant and plant species exerted nearly equivalent quantitative interaction effects on one another, as measured by their frequency of interaction. The mutualistic ant–plant networks also showed nested patterns of structure, in which there was a central core of generalist ant and plant species interacting with one another and few specialist–specialist interactions. Abundance and plant size and ant body size were the best predictors of symmetric interactions between plants and ants, as well as nestedness. Despite interactions in these communities being ultimately mediated by EF nectar resources, the number of EF nectaries had a relatively weak ability to explain variation in symmetric interactions and nestedness. These results suggest that different mechanisms may contribute to structure of bipartite networks. Moreover, our results for ant–plant mutualistic networks support the general importance of species abundances for the structure of species interactions within biological communities.  相似文献   

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