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Thirty six rabbits underwent special training to get a state of being trained. In a centrifuge with a 1 m radius 18 animals got ventro-dorsal gravitation stress according to schedule N 1 (with limberung-up) and 18 animals according to schedule N 2 got gravitation stress without limbering-up. After training the animals had a 2, 3 and 4-week rest. Then a part of animals was killed and served as control and the others were subjected to a single exposure to stress of the same direction (10 units for 40 min). This stress was unendurable for untrained animals. By means of injection, clearing, measuring the vessels and histologically it was shown that the trained state was reached according to schedule N 2 and retained for 3 weeks. It was also confirmed by survival of animals and the state of the vessels of the sympathetic trunk. Training according to the 1st schedule resulted in cumulation.  相似文献   

Three series of experiments were performed in 47 rabbits. The cerebral vessels were studied by methods of injection and clearing. In the first series under study were vessels after exposure to stresses of a training type. The picture of the circulatory bed under these conditions was close to normal in morphological parameters (diameter of vessels, amount of visible vessels, distinctness, evenness of the contours pronouncement of networks etc). In the 2nd and 3d series the results of training were checked by a single exposure to a series of stresses or a solitary stress. The data obtained suggest increased resistance in majority of trained animals to the following hypergravitation and better morphological parameters of the spinal cord circulatory bed as compared with not trained animals. Hence, certain adaptation to the following hypergravitation can be obtained in rabbits by means of repeated rotations in a centrifuge according to a special schedule of training.  相似文献   

The vessels of the tongue were studied in 120 rabbits in 5 series of experiments methods of injection, clearing, rentgenography, silver nitrate impregnation after V. V. Kuprijanov and a histological method. The animals were rotated in a centrifuge with a 1 m radius. For hypokinesia the animals were placed in small cages. Gravitation stress mainly caused changes in the capillary-venous part of the circulatory bed (dilatation of vessels). Under conditions of hypokinesia morphological changes were most pronounced in terminal portions of the arterial part of the bed, arterioles and precapillaries. Successive exposure to both factors caused no specific changes. Preliminary training to stressess failed to prevent the appearance of considerable morphological changes in blood vessels of the tongue.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is known to play an essential role in vascular development. We have overexpressed VEGF122 or VEGF170, which are equivalent to mouse VEGF120 and VEGF164, in developing Xenopus embryos. Overexpression of VEGF170 but not VEGF122 demonstrated an absence of expression of hematopoietic markers alpha-globin and GATA-1 but only in the posterior portion of the blood island. Interestingly, strong signals of endothelial markers, msr, fli-1, and tie-2, were detectable in those regions, instead of hematopoietic markers. These results suggested both that injection of VEGF170 resulted in disturbance of vasculogenesis in the posterior portion of the blood island, with excessive production of endothelial cells at the expense of blood cells, and that the anterior and posterior portions of the VBI may have distinct characteristics.  相似文献   

Changes in the eye ball retina were studied in 3 series of experiments in cleared preparations after exposure of the animal to gravitation stress of transversal direction. Prolonged single functionally endurable stress of ventro-dorsal direction (10 units/3 min) caused dilatation of the retina vessels, worse filling of peripheral parts of the circulatory bed, uneven staining of the vascular wall, constriction and dilatation along the course of the vessel. More continuous exposure to the same value of stresses (10 units up to the animal's death) resulted in a pressor effect; qualitative changes in the vessels increased. Within 1,5 hour after a 3-minute-long exposure to stress the vascular bed still remained unchanged. The diameter of vessels approached normal while the general quantity of vessels was decreased and qualitative changes were well pronounced.  相似文献   

Stellate ganglion blockade (SGB) with a local anesthetic increases muscle sympathetic nerve activity in the tibial nerve in humans. However, whether this sympathetic excitation in the tibial nerve is due to a sympathetic blockade in the neck itself, or due to infiltration of a local anesthetic to adjacent nerves including the vagus nerve remains unknown. To rule out one mechanism, we examined the effects of cervical sympathetic trunk transection on renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA) in anesthetized rats. Seven rats were anesthetized with intraperitoneal urethane. RSNA together with arterial blood pressure and heart rate were recorded for 15 min before and 30 min after left cervical sympathetic trunk transection. The baroreceptor unloading RSNA obtained by decreasing arterial blood pressure with administration of sodium nitroprusside was also measured. Left cervical sympathetic trunk transection did not have any significant effects on RSNA, baroreceptor unloading RSNA, arterial blood pressure, and heart rate. These data suggest that there was no compensatory increase in RSNA when cervical sympathetic trunk was transected and that the increase in sympathetic nerve activity in the tibial nerve during SGB in humans may result from infiltration of a local anesthetic to adjacent nerves rather than a sympathetic blockade in the neck itself.  相似文献   

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