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Books reviewed in this article:
B aker . K. 1993. Identification Guide to European Non-passerines.
B arnard . C., G ilbert , F. & M c G regor
B askett , T.S., S ayre . M.W., T omlinson , R.E. & M irarchi .
B ezzel . E. 1993. Kompendium der Vögel Mitteleuropas.
B right , M. 1993. The Private Life of Birds.
C ook , M. 1992. The Birds of Moray and Nairn.
D avison . G.W.H. 1992. Birds of Mount Kinabalu. Borneo.
E rritzoe . J. 1993. The Buds of CITES and How to Identify Them.
F arner , D.S., K ing , J.R. & P arkes , K.C.
G ibbons , D.W., R eid , J.B. & C hapman . R.A. (eds). 1993. The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland.
H illman , J.C.
H uxley . E.
J ackson . C.E. 1993. Great Bird Paintings of the World.
J ohnsgard . P.A. 1993. Cormorants, Darters and Pelicans of the World.
M adge . S. & B urn , H. 1994. Crows and Jays. A Guide to the Crows, Jays and Magpies of the World.
N icolai . B. (ed.).
P ower , D.M. (ed.).
P riklonskiy . S.G. (ed.).
R alph . R. 1993. William MacGillivray.
R obinson , D. & C hapman , A.
S harp . P.J. 1993. Avian Endocrinology.
S mith , K.W., D fe , C.W., F earnside . J.D., F letcher , E.W. & S mith , R.N.
S olomon . D. & W illiams , J.
S ørensen , S., B loch . D. & L angvad . S.
Z immerman , J.L.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
B ohlen , D.H. 1989. The Birds of Illinois.
B undy , G., C onnor , R.J. & H arrison , C.J.O. 1989. Birds of the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia.
D wenger , R. 1989. Die Dohle. Pp. 148, 40 black-and-white photographs, maps.
D ymond , J.N., F raser , P.A. & G antlett , S.J.M. 1989. Rare Birds in Britain and Ireland.
Fa aborg , J. 1988. Ornithology. An ecological approach.
G ill , F.B. 1990. Ornithology.
F ord , H.A. 1989. Ecology of Birds: An Australian perspective.
G ill , F.B. 1990. Ornithology.
G onzales , P.C. & R ees , C.P. 1988. Birds of the Philippines.
G uraya , S.S. 1989. Ovarian Follicles in Reptiles and Birds.
M c I ntyre , J.W. 1988. Spirit of the Northern Lakes: the Common Loon.
N ewton , I. (ed.) 1989. Lifetime Reproduction in Birds.
O tte , D. & E ndler , J.A. 1989. Speciation and its Consequences.
O uellet , H. (ed.) 1989. Acta XIX Congressus Internationalis Ornithologici, Volumes 1 & 2.
P ennycuick , C.J. 1989. Bird Flight Performance: A practical calculation manual.
P eterjohn , B.G. 1989. The Birds of Ohio.
P range , H. 1989. Der Graue Kranich.
S icutch , A.F. 1989. Birds Asleep.
T homson , M.C. & E ly , C. 1989. Birds in Kansas
B ohlen , D.H. 1989. The Birds of Illinois.
P eterjohn , B.G. 1989. The Birds of Ohio.
Voous, K.H. 1988. Owls of the Northern Hemisphere.
V uilleumier , F. & M onasterio , M. (eds.) 1986. High Altitude Tropical Biogeography.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
B eehler , B.M. 1991. A Naturalist in New Guinea
B erthold , P. 1990. Vogelzug: eine kurze. aktuelle Gesamtübersicht
B ezzel , E. & P rinzinger , R. 1990. Ornithologie
B ub , H. 1991. Bird Trapping and Bird Banding
B urger , J. (ed.). 1988
B urke , T., D olf , G., J effreys , A.J. & W olff , R. (eds) 1991. DNA Fingerprinting: approaches and applications
C roxall , J.P. (ed.). 1991. Seabird Status and Conservation: a supplement
E rard , C. 1990. Ecologie et Comportement de Gobe-mouches
G alati , R. 1991. Golden-crowned Kinglets, Treetop Nesters of the North Woods
J ohnsgard , P.A. 1988. North American Owls: biology and natural history
J ohnsgard , P.A. 1991. Bustards. Hemipodes, and Sandgrouse: birds of dry places
K uroda , N. 1990. The Jungle Crows of Tokyo
L ekagul , B. & R ound , P.D. 1991. Birds of Thailand
L loyd , C. T asker , M.L. & P artridge , K. 1991. The Status of Seabirds in Britain and Ireland
L örhl , H. 1991. Die Haubenmeise
L oye , J. E. & Z uk , M. (eds) 1991. Bird-Parasite Interactions: ecology, evolution and behaviour
M itchell , A. 1989. The Fragile South Pacific: an ecological odyssey
O lney , P.J.S. & E llis , P. (eds) 1990. International Zoo Yearbook 1989, Vol. 29
O wen , M. & B lack , J.M. 1990. Waterfowl Ecology
R oberts , T.J. 1991. The Birds of Pakistan. Vol. 1; Regional studies and non-passeriformes
S chonn S., S cherzinger W., E xo K-L. & I lle R. 1991. Der Steinkauz. Athene noctua. Pp. 235, 139 monochrome photographs, 28 tables & 2 colour plates
S ibley , C.C. & A hlquist , J.E. 1990. Phylogeny and Classification of Birds: a study in molecular evolution
S kutch , A.F. 1991. Life of the Pigeon
S troud , D. & G lue , D. 1991. Britain's Birds in 1989–90: The conservation and monitoring review
Y eatman -B ekthelot , D. 1991. Atlas des Oiseaux de France en Hiver.  相似文献   

A lstrom , P., C olston , P. & L ewington , I. 1991, A Field Guide to the Rare Birds of Britain and Europe
A mos , E.J.R. 1991. A Guide to The Birds of Bermuda
B enito -E spinal .E. 1990. OiseauxdesPetites Antilles. Birds of the West Indies
D owner , A. & S utton , R. 1990. Birds of Jamaica: Field guide
B irkhead , T.R. & M øller , A.P. 1992. Sperm Competition in Birds: Evolutionary causes and consequences
B rooke , M. & B irkhead , T. (eds) 1991. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Ornithology
F orshaw J. (ed.) 1991. Encyclopedia of Animals: Birds
D eeming , D.C. & F erguson , M.W.J, (eds) 1991. Egg Incubation: its effects on embryonic development in birds and reptiles
D owner , A. & S utton , R. 1990. Birds of Jamaica: Field guide
F ehr , H. 1991. Die Vögel in Norden des Kreises Aachen
F inlayson , M. & M oser . M. (EDS) 1991. Wetlands
F orshaw . J. (ED) 1991. Encyclopedia of Animals: Birds
H epper . P.G. (ed.) 1991. Kin Recognition
H eches R.N. (ed.) 1990. Behavioural Mechanisms of Food Selection
J obling , J.A. 1991. A Dictionary of Scientific Bird Names
J ohnsgard , P. 1991 Crane Music. A natural history of American cranes
L ohmann , M. & R utschke , E. 1991. Vogelparadiese: 170 Biotope in Deutschland. Band 3: Ost- und Mitteldeutschland
L ongmore , W. 1991. Honeyeaters and their Allies of Australia
M aclean . G. L. 1990. Ornithology for Africa
Pinowski. J. K avanagh , B.P. & G orski . W. (eds) 1991. Nestling Mortality of Granivorous Birds due to Microorganisms and Toxic Substances
S ibley . C.G. & M onroe . B.L., Jr. 1990. Distribution and Taxonomy of Birds of the World
V oisin , C, 1991. The Herons of Europe  相似文献   

B rickell , N. 1988. Ducks, Geese and Swans of Africa and its Outlying Islands.
B urr , E.W. (ed.) 1987. Companion Bird Medicine.
C lark , W.S. & W heeler , B.K. 1987.
C olston , P. & B urton , P. 1988.
C ramp , S. (ed.) 1988. Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa: the Birds of the Western Palearctic, Vol. V.
H ill , D. & R obertson , P. 1988.
H ollom , P.A.D., P orter , R.F., C hristensen , S. & W illis , 1.1988. Birds of the Middle East and North Africa: A Companion Guide.
I lyichev , V.D. & Z ubakin , V.A. (eds) 1988. The Birds of the USSR: Lari. (Russian).
J ohnsgard , P. 1988. The Quails, Partridges and Francolins of the World.
P ätzold , R. 1987. Die Ohrenlerche.
P eck , G.K. & J ames , R.D. 1987. Breeding Birds of Ontario. Nidology and Distribution. Vol. 2: Passerines.
S eller , T.J. 1987. Bird Respiration. Vols 1 & 2.
W ells , R.G. & B elyavin , C.G. 1987. Egg Quality–Current Problems and Recent Advances. Poultry Science Symposium No. 20.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
A ndrle , R.F. & C arroll , J.R. (eds) 1988. The Atlas of Breeding Birds in New York State.
B ergerud , A.T. & G ratson , M.W. (eds) 1988. Adaptive Strategies and Population Ecology of Northern Grouse.
C ooper , M.E. 1987. An Introduction to Animal Law.
G oriup , P.D. (ed.) 1988. Ecology and Conservation of Grassland Birds.
H udson , P.J. & R ands , M.R. 1988. Ecology and Management of Gamebirds.
J anssen , R.B. 1987. Birds in Minnesota.
J ones , P.H. 1988. The Natural History of Bardsey.
K ondratiev , A. YA. (ed.) 1988. Bulletin of the Working Group on Waders.
L ardelli , R. 1988. Atlante degli Uccelli Nidificanti net Mendrisiotto.
M arle , J.G. van & V oous , K.H. 1988. The Birds of Sumatra. B.O.U. Check-list No. 10.
P almer , R.S. (ed.) 1988. Handbook of North American Birds; Volumes 4 & 5: Diurnal Raptors.
R ose , M.R. 1987. Quantitative Ecological Theory: an Introduction to Basic Models.
S chleidt , V.M. (ed.) 1988. Der Kreis urn Konrad Lorenz.
S ick , H. 1985. Ornitologia Brasileira. 3rd edition. Vols I and II.
S ummers -S mith , J.D. 1988. The Sparrows.
S iokhin , V.D., C hernichko , I.I., A rdamatskaya , T.B. et al. 1988. Colonial Waterbirds in the Southern Ukraine: Charadriiformes.
T emple , S.A. & C ary , J.R. 1987. Wisconsin Birds: A Seasonal and Geographical Guide.
T rounson , D. & T rounson , M. 1987. Australia Land of Birds.
W oods , R.W. 1988. Guide to Birds of the Falkland Islands.  相似文献   

A ndrew R.J. (ed.) 1991. Neural and Behavioral Plasticity: the use of the domestic chick as a model
B eissinger , S.R. & S nyder , N.F.R. (eds) 1992. New World Parrots in Crisis: Solutions from Conservation Biology
B erthold , P. (ed.) 1991. Orientation in Birds
B urger , J. & G ochfeld . M. 1991. The Common Tern: its breeding biology and social behaviour. Pp. xvii + 413,121 figs incl. numerous black-and-white photographs, 59 text tables, 4 appendix tables. New York: Columbia University Press
D avis . L.S. & D arby , J.T. (eds) 1990. Penguin Biology
D ickinson , E.C., K ennedy , R.S. & P arkes , K.C. 1991. The Birds of the Philippines: an annotated check-list
D wenger .R. 1991. DasRebhuhn Perrfixperdix. 2nd edition
F inlayson , C. 1992. Birds of the Strait of Gibraltar
G osler , A. (ed.) 1991. The Hamlyn Photographic Guide to Birds of the World
G retton , A. 1991. The Ecology and Conservation of the Slender-billed Curlew
S mith , S.M. I 991. The Black-capped Chickadee: behavioural ecology and natural history. Pp. xi, 362. many figures and tables. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. $51.15 (hbk). ISBN 0–8014-2 382-1. $29.75 (pbk) ISBN 0–8014-9793-0.
S tap . D. 1991. A Parrot Without a Name: The search for the last unknown birds on earth.
T rodd , P., & K ramer D. 1991. The Birds of Bedfordshire
V aughan . R. 1992. In Search of Arctic Birds. Pp. xIII, 431, many monochrome photographs and drawings. London  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
B asic B iotechnology . A S tudent's G uide (1987). Edited by P. Prave, U. Faust, W. Sittig & D.A. Sukatsch.
B acteria AS P lant P athogens (1987). By Eve Billing.
B iotechnology. A C omprehensive T reatise I n 8 V olumes .
C urrent T opics I n M icrobiology A nd I mmunology 136: T he M olecular B iology O f B acterial V irus S ystems (1988). Edited by G. Hobom & R. Rott.
G enetic B iochemistry : F rom G ene T o P rotein (1988). By J. Etienne-Decant.
I ntracellular B acteria : C urrent T opics I n M icrobiology A nd I mmunology N o.
P roceedings O f T he 8TH I nternational B iotechnology S ymposium P aris 1988 (1989). Edited by G. Durand, L. Bobichon & J. Florent. Vol.
B iological W aste T reatment (1989). Edited by A. Mizrahi.
I n V itro T echniques I n R esearch (1989). Edited by J.W. Payne.
B loodstream I nfections : L aboratory D etection A nd C linical C onsiderations (1989). By C.L. Strand & J.A. Shulman.
M etal -M icrobe I nteraction (1989). Edited by Robert K. Poole & Geoffrey M. Gadd.
B iochemistry O f A ntimicrobial A ction (1989). By T.J. Franklin & G.A. Snow.
T heory A nd A pplication O f M icrobial A ssay (1989). By W. Hewitt & S. Vincent.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
N eutralization of A nimal V iruses (1993). By N.J. Dimmock.
Bacillus subtilis and O ther G ram -P ositive B acteria : B iochemistry , P hysiology and M olecular G enetics (1993).
C hilled F oods : A C omprehensive G uide (1992). Edited by C. Dennis and M. Stringer.
M edical M icrobiology (1992). Edited by D. Greenwood, R. Slack and J. Peutherer.
B acteriocins of L actic A cid B acteria (1993). Edited by D.G. Hoover and L.R. Steenson.
Bacillus thuringiensis , an E nvironmental B iopesticide : T heory and P ractice (1993). Edited by P.F. Entwistle, J.S. Cory, M.J. Bailey and S. Higgs.
P ediatric I nfectious D isease (1993). Edited by D. Engelhard, M.I. Marks and D. Branski.  相似文献   

Also Received     
Books Reviewed in this article: Barker , R.D. & Vestjens , W.J.M. 1991. The Food of Australian Birds. Beatty , J. 1992. Sula: the seabird hunters of Lewis. Bruun , B., Delin , H. & Svensson , L. 1992. Birds of Britain and Europe. Cowell . S. Adatia , R. & Gibson . B. 1992. Who's Who in the Environment—England. Dimentman , C., Bromley . H.J. & Por , F.D. 1992. Lake Hula: reconstruction of the fauna and hydrobiology of a lost lake. Eagle , R. 1991. Seton Gordon, the Life and Times of a Highland Gentleman. Ford . E. 1992. Falconry: art and practice. Foschi , U.F. & Gellini , S. 1992. Avifauna e Ambiente in Provincia di Fork le comunita di uccelli come indicatori ecologici. Guest , J.P. Elphick , D., Hunter . J.S.A. & Norman . D. 1992. The Breeding Bird Atlas of Cheshire and Wirral. Hayes , L.B. & Hayes , M.L. 1987. Raising Game Birds. Hayes , L. B. 1992. The Chinese Painted Quail, ‘the Button Quail’: their breeding and care Hollands , D. 1991. Birds of the Night, Owls, Frogmouths and Nightjars of Australia. Ironmonger . J. 1992. The Good Zoo Guide. Kiew , R. (ed.) 1991. the State of Nature Conservation in Malaysia. La Bastille , A. 1990. Mama Poc: an ecologist's account of the extinction of a species. Lambert , M. 1992. Birds by Colour. Layton . L. 1991. Songbirds in Singapore: the growth of a pastime. Liversidge , R. 1991. The Birds around Us. Love , J.A. 1989. Eagles. Mellanby , K. 1992. The DDT Story. Pp. 112. Farnham: British Crop Protection Council. Newman , K., Johnston -Stewart , N. & Medland , B. 1992. Birds of Malawi. A supplement to Newman's Birds of Southern Africa. Ogilvie , M. 1992. The Birds of Islay: including when and where to find them. Orr , O.H. 1992. Saving American Birds: T. Gilbert Pearson and the founding movement of the Audubon Society. Ortiz Crespo , F., Greenfield , P.J. & Matheus , J.C. 1990. Aves del Ecuador Continente y Archipielago de Galápagos/Birds of Ecuador Paine , J.R. & World Conservation Monitoring Centre. 1991. IUCN Directory of Protected Areas in Oceania. Petersen , M.R., Weir , D.N. & Dick , M.H. 1991. Birds of Kilbuck and Ahklun Mountain Region, Alaska. Riddle , G. 1991. Seasons with the Kestrel. Simpson , M.B., Jr. 1992. Birds of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Stallcup , R. 1990. Ocean Birds of the Nearshore Pacific. Strange , I.J. 1992. A Field Guide to the Wildlife of the Falkland Islands and South Georgia. Trollope , J. 1992. Seed-eating Birds, Their Care and Breeding: finches and allied species—doves, quail and hemipodes. Village , A. 1992. Falcons.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
B iosafety G uidelines for D iagnostic and R esearch L aboratories W orking W ith .
H istology (1991). By A. Stevens and J. Lowe.
P athology of I nfectious D iseases (1991). By F. von Lichtenberg.
A naerobes in H uman D isease (1991). Edited by B.I. Duerden and B.S. Drasar.
B ioindicators and E nvironmental M anagement (1991). Edited by D.W. Jeffrey and B. Madden.  相似文献   


Also received     
A li , S. & R ipley S.D. 1987. Compact Handbook of the Birds of India and Pakistan together with those of Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and Sri Lanka.
B ond , T.J. 1988. Birds, the Painting of Terance James Bond.
B ruun , B. & S ehhal , A. 1988. Birds of Prey in the Middle East (in Arabic).
C handler , W.J. (ed.) 1988. Audubon Wildlife Report 1988/89.
C ocker , M. & I nskip , C. 1988. A Himalayan Ornithologist. The Life and Work of Brian Houghton Hodgson.
D avison , G.W.H. & K iew , R. 1988. Malaysian Birds. Pp. 41. Kuala Lumpur: Malayan Nature Society. ISBN 967–999-06-4–8.
H jort , C, K arlsson J. & S vensson S. (eds) 1986. Baltic Birds IV. Var Fågelvärld, supplement no. 11.
L ow , R. 1988. Parrots, a Complete Guide.
M akatsch , W. 1987. Wir bestimmen die Vögel Europas. 5th edition.
M ierauskas , P. (ed.) 1988. Abstracts of the XII Eastern Baltic Ornithological Conference.
R aethel , H-S. 1988. Hühner-Vögel der Welt. 4th edition.
R hodes , R.J. 1988. Birds in the Doncaster District.
R ichards , A. 1988. Birds of the Tideline.
S tepnell , K. & D alby , J. 1988. Australia's Parrots.
Z oological R ecord : AVES vol. 124 section 18(1987/88) 1988.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Berndt , R.K. & Busche , G. (eds). 1993. Vogelwelt Schleswig-Hoisteins. Band 4: Entenvagel I1 (Kolbenente-Ruderente). Bildstein . K.L. 1993. White Ibis, wetland wanderer. Birkan , M., Pm , G.R., Aebischher , N.J. & Dowell , S.D. (eds). 1992. Perdix VI. First International Symposium on Partridges, Quails and Francolins. Gibier Faune Sauvage. Birkhead , T. 1993. Great Auk Islands. A field biologist in the Arctic. Butler . D. & Merton , D. 1992. The Black Robin: Saving the world's most endangered bird. Clancey , P.A. 1992. Kingfishers of Sub-Saharan Africa. Standard edition. Committee on the Scientific Bases for the Preservation of the Hawaiian Crow . 1992. The Scientific Bases for the Preservation of the Hawaiian Crow. Cramp , S. & Perrins , C.M. (eds). 1993. Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa: The Birds of the Western Palearctic. Sonograms reprinted from Volume VII. Flycatchers to Shrikes. De Blieu . J. 1991. Meant to be Wild. The Struggle to Save Endangered Species through Captive Breeding. Einarsson , P. 1991. Guide to the Birds Iceland. A Practical Handbook for Identification. Eldredge , N. 1992. Systematics, Ecology and the Biodiversity Crisis. Gosler , A. 1993. The Great Tit. Hammond , N. & Pearson . B. 1993. Birds of Prey. Knystautas , A. 1993. Birds of Russia. Lack , P. & Ferguson . D. (eds). 1993. The Birds of Buckinghamshire. Lindsey , T.R. 1992. Encylopaedia of Australian Animals. Birds. Mac Kinnon , J. & Phillipps , K. 1993. A Field Guide to the Birds of Borneo, Sumatra, Java. and Bali. Mc Farlane . R.W. 1992. A Stillness in the Pines. The Ratcliffe , D. 1993. The Peregrine Faicon. 2nd ed. Shrubb . M. 1993. The Kestrel. Sinclair . I., Hockey . P., Tarboton , W., Hayman . P. & Arlott , N. 1993. Illustrated Guide to the Birds of Southern Africa. Andrews , J. & Carter . S. (eds). 1993. Britain's Birds in 1990–91: The conservation and monitoring review. Bond , J.T & Hume . K. 1993. Birds: An artist's view. Carter , R.M. 1993. Finding Birds in South Carolina. Choremi . J., Choulis . D. & Spnhakis , V. 1993. The Birds of the Island of Chios Greece. Dennis , N. & Tarboton . W. 1993. Waterbirds. Birds of Southern Africa's Wetlands. Duckworth . D., Genoways , H.H. & Rose . C.L. 1991. Preserving Natural Science Collections: Chronicle of our environmental heritage. Epple , W., Holzinger , J. & Schmid , G. (cds). 1992. Artenschutzsym-posiuni Wendehals. Lambert , F.A. 1993. The Status of and Trade in North Moluccan Parrots with Particular Emphasis on Cacatua alba. Lorius garrulus and Eos squamatn. Moser . M. & van Vessem , J. (eds). 1993. Wetland and Waterfowl Conservation in South and West Asia. Olney . P.J.S. & Ellis , P. (eds). 1992. International Zoo Yearbook. Perrins , C.M., Le Breton , J-D. & Hirons , G.J.M. 1993. Bird Population Studies: Relevance to conservation and management. Ruge . K., Heidinger , C. & Havelka , P. (eds). 1993. Artenschutzsym-posium Spechte. ?tastny , K. & Bej?ek , V. (eds). 1990. Bird Census and Atlas Studies. Taylor . M. & Canberra Ornithologists Grow . 1992. Birds of the Australian Capital Territory, an Atlas. Walraven . E. 1992. Rescue and Rehabilitation of Oiled Birds: Field manual. Wilson , R.T. (ed.). 1993. Birds and the African Environment. Proceedings of the Eighth Pan–African Ornithological Congress. Won , P. 1993. [A Field Guide to the Birds of Korea]. World Conservation Centre . 1993. World Checklist of Threatened Birds. Jeffery Boswall  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
P ractical D iagnosis of V iral I nfections (1992). Edited by G.J. Galasso, R.J. Whitley and T.C. Merigan.
M anual of C linical V irology (1992). By D.L. Wiedbrauk and S.L.G. Johnston.
C andidiasis : P athogenesis , D iagnosis and T reatment (2nd E dition ) (1993). Edited by G.P. Bodey.
F ungal D iseases of the L ung (2nd E dition ) (1993). Edited by G.A. Sarosi and S.F. Davies.
P robiotics : T he S cientific B asis (1992). Edited by R. Fuller.
T he S ulfate -R educing B acteria : C ontemporary P erspectives (1993). Edited by J.M. Odom and R. Singleton Jr.
D iagnosis of H uman V iruses by P olymerase C hain R eaction T echnology (1992). Edited by Y. Becker and G. Durai.
T he E cology of A quatic H yphomycetes (1992). Edited by F. Barlocher.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
BROMHALL, D. 1980. Devil birds: the life of the Swift.
HAMMOND, N. & EVERETT, M. 1980. Birds of Britain and Europe.
H osking , E. & M ac D onell , K. 1980. Eric Hosking's birds
H oward , R. & M oore , A. 1980. A complete checklist of the birds of the world
K ovshar' , A. F. 1979. (Songbirds in the subalpine zone of Tien-shan.)
L y -T io -F ane , M. 1978 ('1976'). Pierre Sonnerat 1748–1814. An account of his life and work
M oon , G. 1980. The birds around us: New Zealand birds, their habits and habitats
N isbet , I. C. T. 1980. Status and trends of the Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii in North America and the Caribbean
N orth -C oombes , A. 1980 ('1979'). The vindication of Frangois Leguat
P emberton , J. E. 1980. The birdwatcher's yearbook
S kutch , A. F. 1979. The imperative call: a naturalist's quest in temperate and tropical America
S tonehouse , B. (ed.) 1978. Animal marking. Recognition marking of animals in research
S utcliffe , S. A. (ed.) 1979. Proceedings of the Second North American Conference on Common Loon Research and Management
C arp , E. 1980. Dictionary of wetlands of international importance in the western Palearctic
C lark , R. J., S mith , D. G. & K elso , L. H. 1978. Working bibliography of the owls of the world
C ortes , J. E., F inlayson , J. C., M osquera , M. A. & G arcia , E. F. J. 1980. The birds of Gibraltar
F alkus , H. 1980. Nature detective
L incer , J. L., C lark , W. S. & L e F ranc , M. N. 1979. Working bibliography of the Bald Eagle
L ockley , R. M. 1980. Orielton: the human and natural history of a Welsh Manor
P aine , A. J. R. Birds of prey in Suffolk 1973–78
P hillips , W. W. A. 1978. Annotated checklist of the birds of Ceylon (Sri Lanka)  相似文献   

BAUER, H-C. & BERTHOLD, P. 1996. Die Brutvogel Mitteleuropas: Bestand und Gefahrdung.
BEYNON, P.H., FORBES, N.A. & HARCOURT-BROWN. N.H. (eds). 1996. Manual of Raptors. Pigeons and Waterfowl.
BIRD. D.M., VAKIAND. D.E. & NEGRO, JJ. (eds) 1996. Raptors in Human landscapes: Adaptations to built and cultivated environments.
BLACK, J.M. (ed.). 1996. Partnerships in Birds: The study of monogamy.
CLEMMONS, J.R. & BUCHHOLZ, R. (eds). 1997. Behavioural Approaches to Conservation in the Wild.
DEL, HOYO, J,. Elliot, A. & SARGATAL. J. (eds). 1996. Handbook of the Birds of the World. Volume 3: Hoatzin to Auks.
GERLACH, J. (ed.). Nature Protection Trust of Seychelles. 1997. Seychelles Red Ilata Book 1997.
HANININOS. G. & AKHIOTIS. T. 1997. The Birds of Greece.
HEATHER. B. & ROBERTSON, H. 1996. The Field Guide to the Birds of New Zealand.
HURFORD. C. & LANSDOWN, P. 1995. Birds of Glamorgan.
LAMHERT. F. & WOODCOCK, M. 1996. Pittas, Broadbills and Asities.
LANDMANN. A. 1996. Der Hausrotschwanz.
MLIKOVSKY. J. (ed.). 1995. Tertiary Avian Localities of Europe.
OLIOSO, G. 1996. Oiseaux de Vaucluse et de la Drdme ProvenCal.
PAIN, D.J. & PIENKOWSKI. M.W. (eds). 1997. Farming and Birds in Europe. The Common Agricultural Policy and its implications for bird conservation.
PALM. S. 1997. The Origin of Flapping Flight in Birds.
PANOW, E.N. 1996. Die Wiirger der Palaarktis.
REASTALL, R. 1996. Munias and Mannikins.
STANDLEY, P, BUCKNELL, N.J., SWASH, A. & COLLINS, I.D. 1996. The Birds of Berkshire.
STEYN. P. 1996. Nesting Birds: The breeding habits of southern African birds.
VAN DEN BRINK, H., VAN DIJK, A., VAN Os, B. & VENEMA, P. 1996. Broedvogels van Drenthe.
ZIMMRRMAN, D.A., TURNER. D.A. & PEARSON. D.J. 1996. Birds of Kenya and Northern Tanzania.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
HACCP: A P ractical A pproach (1994). By S. Mortimore and C. Wallace.
M olecular B iology of A rchaea (1994). Edited by F. Pfeiffer, P. Palm and K.-H. Schleifer.
R otaviruses (1994). Edited by R.F. Ramig.
P ower U nseen : H ow M icrobes R ule the W orld (1994). By B. Dixon.
V iruses and C ancer (1994). Edited by A. Minson, J. Niel and M. McCrae.
W ater M icrobiology (1994). By G. Bitton.
H andbook for R hizobia : M ethods in L egume - Rhizobium T echnology (1994). By P. Somasegaran and H.J. Hoben.
S tatistics and E xperimental D esign : A n I ntroduction for B iologists and B iochemists (1994). 3rd Edition. By G.M. Clarke
P rinciples of G ene M anipulation : A n I ntroduction to G enetic E ngineering (1994). 5th Edition. By R.W. Old and S.B. Primrose.
R espiratory I nfections : D iagnosis and M anagement (1994). Third edition. Edited by J.E. Pennington.
O bstetric and G ynecologic I nfectious D isease (1994). Edited by J.G. Pastorek II.
M olecular G enetics of B acteria (1994). 2nd Edition. By J.W. Dale.
B acterial P athogenesis : P art A: I dentification and R egulation of V irulence F actors (1994). Methods in Enzymology, Volume 235. Edited by V.L. Clark and P.M. Bavoil
B acterial P athogenesis : P art B: I nteraction of P athogenic B acteria with H ost C ells (1994). Methods in Enzymology, Volume 236. Edited by V.L. Clark and P.M. Bavoil.
M ononuclear P hagocytes : B iology of M onocytes and M acrophages (1992). Edited by R. van Furth.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article: Adar , M. (ed.). 1993. Bird Sounds (in Hebrew) Baumel , J.J., King , AS., Breazile , J.E., Evans , H.E. & Van den Berge Bergman , H.-H. 1993. Der Buchfink. Born , E.G. & Flores , D. 1993. The Mississippi Kite. Bhushan , B., Fry , G., Hibi , A., Mundkur , T., Prawiradilaga , D.M., Sonobe , K. & Usui , S. 1993. Clement , P., Harris , A. & Davis , J. 1993. Finches & Sparrows. An identification guide. Crawley , M.J. 1993. GLIM for Ecologists. Methods in ecology series. Dowsett , R.J. & Forbes -Watson , A. 1993. Checklist of Birds of the Afrotropical and Malagasy Regions. Dowsett , R.J. & Dowsett -Lemaire , F. 1993. A Contribution to the Distribution and Taxonomy of Afrotropical and Malagasy Birds. Dvorak , M., Ranner . A. & Berg . H.-M. 1993. Atlas der Brutvögel Österreichs Glutz von Blotzheim , U.N. & Bauer , K.M. 1991. Handbuch der Vogel Mitteleuropas. Band 12/I and II: Passeriformes (3. Teil). Sylviidae. Harrison , C. & Greensmth , A. 1993. Birds of the World. Eyewitness Handbooks Hume , R. & Pearson , B. Seabirds. Martin , B. P. & Proud , A. 1993. Wildfowl of the British Isles and North-west Europe. Maclean , G.L. (ed.). 1993. Robert's Birds of Southern Africa. Mc Ferran , J.B. & Mc Nulty , M.S. (eds). Mc Gregor , P.K. (ed.). Mc Nicholl , K.M. & Cranmer -Byng , J.L. (eds). 1994. Ornithology in Ontario. Muñiz , A.M. & Rosello , E. (eds). 1993. Archaeornithology: Birds and the archaeological record. Archaeofauna (Revista de la Asociacion Española de Arqueozoología): 2. Norman , D. 1994. The Fieldfare. Ogilvie , M. & Pearson , B. 1994. Wildfowl Osing , H. 1993. Der Flußregenpfeifer (Charadrius dubius). Redig , P.T., Cooper , J.E., Remple , J.D. & Hunter Ryabitsev , V.K. 1993. Territorial Relationships and Bird Community Dynamics in the Subarctic (In Russian, English contents.) Schepers , F.J. & Marteijn , C.L. (eds). 1993. Coastal Waterbirds in Gabon. Smley , C.G. & Monroe , B.L., Jr . 1993. A Supplement to Distribution and Taxonomy of Birds of the World. Monroe , B.L., Jr . & Sibley , C.G. 1993. A World Checklist of Buds. Whylde , A. 1993. Threatened Mammals, Birds, Amphibians and Fish in Ireland. Irish Red Data Book 2: Vertebrates. Alderton , D. 1993. The Handbook of Cage and Aviary Birds. Boutin , J. 1993. Les Oiseaux de Camargue. Bransbury , J. 1992. Where to Find Birds in Australia. Camphuysen , C.J., Ensor , K., Furness , R.W., Garthe , S., Hüppop , O., Leaper , G., Offringer , H. & Tasker , M.L. 1993. Seabirds Feeding on Discards in Winter in the North Sea: Final report to the European Commission. Castroviejo , J. 1993. Mappa del Parque nacional de Doñana. Davis , S.M. & Ogden . J.C. (eds). 1994. Everglades: The ecosystem and its restoration. Department of the Environment . 1994. Biodiversity: The UK action plan. Epple , W. 1993. Eulen: Die geheimnisvollen Vagel der Nacht. Ken-nenlernen, erleben, schützen. Fernández -Cordeiro , A. & Dominguez , J. (eds). 1991. Actas do Pri-meiro Congreso Galego de Ornitoloxía. Cursos e Congressos da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela no. Finlayson , C.M., Chuikov , Y.S., Prentice , R.C. & Fischer , W. (eds). 1993. Biogeography of the Lower Volga. Russia: An overview. Fisher , C. & Jones , P. (eds). 1993. Papers from the History of Ornithology Conference Gales , R. 1993. Co-operative Mechanisms for the Conservation of Albatross. Garcia , E. & Paterson , A. 1994. Where to Watch Buds in Southern Spain, Andalucía. Extremadura and Gibraltar. Grishchenko , V.N. & Skil's‘kii , I.V. (eds). 1994. Materials of the 1st Conference of Young Ornithologists Ukraine, March 46.1994, Lutsk (in Russian). Library of journal “Berkut” 1. Holden , P. & Langman , M. 1994. Migrants and Migration. Kaufman , J. & Meng , H. 1992. Falcons Return. Keller , C.E. & Keller , T.C. 1993. Birds of Indianapolis: A guide to the region. Mc Eneaney , T. 1993. The Birder's Guide to Montana. Merritt , J.F. & Hannakan , C.J. (eds). 1992. Guide to Biological Field Stations: Directory of members Meschini , E. & Frugis , S. (eds). 1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Supplemento alle Ricerche di Biologia deb Selvaggina. Nethercoat , I. & Langman , M. 1994. Bird Identification and Field Craft. Hamlyn Young Ornithologists' Guides Oman Bird Records Commitee . 1994. Oman Bird List. The official list of the birds of the Sultanate of Oman. Renno , K.O. (compiler). 1993. Eesti Linnutatlas: Eesti haudelindude levikuatlas. Sen -Hsiong Wu & Hsiou Yin Yang . 1991. A guide to the birds of Taiwan (in Chinese). Simpson , K. & Day , N. 1994. Field Guide to the Birds of Australia. The most complete one-volume book of identification. Thalmann , G. (ed.). 1994. Thorburn's Atlas of European Birds. Tomer , J.S. & Brodhead , M.J. (eds). 1992. A Naturalist in Indian Territory. The journals of S.W. Woodhouse, 1849–50. Watkins , D. 1993. A National Plan for Shorebird Conservation in Australia. Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network . 1993. Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network site profiles. World Conservation Monitoring Centre Cambridge Wynne , G. 1994. Biodiversity Challenge: An agenda for conservation action in the UK.  相似文献   

C ollar , N.J. & A ndrew , P. 1988. Birds to Watch: The ICBP Check-list of Threatened Birds.
D allmann , M. 1987. Der Zaunkönig.
F iuczynski , D. 1987. Der Baumfalke. Die Neue Brehm-Bücherei No. 575.
F ry , C.H., K eith , S. & U rban , E.K. 1988. The Birds of Africa, Vol. III.
F urness , R.W. 1987. The Skuas.
H ölzinger , J. 1987. Die Vögel Baden-Württembergs 1 (Parts 1–3).
J ohnson , T.H. 1988. Biodiversity and Conservation in the Caribbean: Profiles of Selected Islands.
K laus , S., A ndreev , A.V., B ergmann , H.-H., M üller , F., P orkert , J. & W iesner , J. 1986. Die Auerhiihner. Die Neue Brehm-Biicherei No. 86.
P yle , P., H owell , S.N.G., Y unick , R.P. & D e S ante , D.F. 1987. Identification Guide to North American Passerines.
S now , D. & B. 1988. Birds and Berries.
SOVON 1987 (eds. J. B ekhuis (et al.). Atlas van de Nederlandse Vogels.
Nederlandse Broedvogels (1979). A long English summary at the end enables readers unfamiliar with Dutch to extract the maximum possible amount of information from this impressive work.
T oivanen , A. & T oivanen , P. (eds) Avian Immunology: Basis and Practice. 2 volumes.  相似文献   

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