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人胃及其癌组织的RAPD多态性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究细胞癌变后DNA结构的改变,探讨这种改变和肿瘤发生、发展 的关系,用AP-PCR扩增胃癌及其癌旁和正常组织DNA。结果表明,引物P1(5′CGGCCCCGGT3′)对上述三种组织的扩增产物的电泳图谱表现出多态性;然而,引物P2(5′TTTGCCCGGT3′)对上述三种组织的扩增产物的电泳带型一样,没有表现出多态性。这说明,细胞癌变后DNA结构在引物PI顺序处发生了突变;这些突变可能和细胞的癌变有关。  相似文献   

In five kinds of tumors, total 128 specimens were analyzed by RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) PCR with nine 10-base arbitrary primers for detecting instabilities of DNA and chromosome and screening new molecular markers coupled to putative or unknown oncogenes and/or tumor suppressor genes. Bands representing instabilities have been recovered and purified from agarose and cloned into pCAPs vector, and further labeled by DIG as probes for analysis of Southern blot, Northern blot and Sequencing. Results revealed that sample 5 and 3 of the gastric cancers showed the highest genomic changes and the average detectability in five sorts of cancers was up to at least 40% (42.2%-49.4%), and that there were significant differences in the ability of each primer to detect genomic instability, which ranged from 27% to 68%. Despite the highest detectability of genetic instability (68%) in tumor tissues, primer 2 could produce stable profiles of DNA bands in normal tissue genome with good reproducibility. On the contrary, primer 8 was of the lowest one (27%). Band B of single copy found to be allelic losses in gastric and colon cancers according to RFLP analysis was of a novel sequence and registered by Gen-Bank (Accession Number AF151005). Therefore the genetic instabilities often concentrated on some special locuses of chromosome e.g. repetitive sequences etc. and coupled to carcinogenesis. It was impossible or difficult to get great achievements for cancer treatments with the procedure of gene therapy only to one oncogene or one tumor suppressor gene because the extensive DNA variations occurred during the progression of tumor. RAPD assay connected with other techniques was a good tool for the detection of genomic instabilities and direct screening of some new molecular markers related to tumor suppressor genes or oncogenes.  相似文献   

香菇品种遗传多样性RAPD分子标记的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对32个中国栽培香菇品种和2个野生子实体的遗传多样性进行了RAPD标记研究,9个引物共扩增出113条DNA带,83.19%具有多态性。结果显示,34个香菇菌株间均有遗传上的差异,但遗传相关性极高,表明中国栽培菌株间的遗传背景单一。  相似文献   

邓传良  刘建  周坚   《广西植物》2007,27(3):401-405
利用RAPD标记对长筒石蒜3个居群的遗传多样性及分化程度进行了研究。12条随机引物扩增出94个可分析位点,多态位点比率(PPB)为65.96%,表明长筒石蒜具有比较高的遗传多样性。经POP-GENE32分析表明:Nei’s基因多样性指数(h)为0.1897,香农多样性指数(Ⅰ)为0.2945,基因分化系数(GST)为0.1191,基因流(Nm)为3.6980。经WINAMOVA分析表明:居群内遗传变异占71.75%,而居群间只占28.25%。遗传多样性分析表明,各居群的遗传多样性水平由高到低为琅琊山居群>宝华山居群>盱眙居群。遗传分化表明:长筒石蒜各居群间遗传分化程度较低;大部分遗传变异存在于居群内部,表明其具有较强的进化潜力,自然情况下不会处于濒危状态,野生种质资源的破坏,主要来自于人为干扰。  相似文献   

利用RAPD技术分析实验用比格犬的遗传背景   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
目的 运用RAPD技术对实验用比格犬 (Beagle)进行遗传背景分析。方法 筛选的 16个RAPD引物对 4 0个样品的分析 ,共得到 93个扩增条带。结果 所有样品的相似系数 80 4 %到 10 0 %间变动 ,平均相似系数为93 2 8% ,聚类分析得到了这些个体的同源树资料。结论 本遗传背景资料可以为以后的比格犬繁育生产和生物医药学的研究应用提供技术指导  相似文献   

应用RAPD PCR技术研究了不同寄主和不同季节棉蚜的DNA多态性。从 2 0种随机引物中筛选出 3种引物 ,用它们的扩增结果进行Nei的遗传距离计算 ,并根据遗传距离对所研究的棉蚜种群做聚类分析。结果表明南京地区花椒上的棉蚜与其它 4种寄主上的棉蚜在DNA水平有明显的分化。聚类分析表明 ,棉蚜季节性种群可分为 3大类群 ,即春、秋季黄色型 ,春、秋季绿色型和黄色小型蚜 (伏蚜 )。而小型蚜的遗传关系与春、秋季绿色型最为接近。  相似文献   

利用PCR技术分别以亲本杉木(Cunninghamialanceolata(Lamb.)Hook.)、柳杉(CryptomeriafortuneiHooibrenk)和杉木×柳杉杂种的总DNA为模板,扩增了叶绿体trnLtrnF和线粒体CoxⅢ基因片段,比较了这些扩增片段的限制性内切酶AluⅠ,DdeⅠ,HinfⅠ,MseⅠ和RsaⅠ的酶切片段多态性,结果表明:F1代的叶绿体DNA为母系遗传,而线粒体DNA为父系遗传。杉木线粒体DNA父系遗传方式与杉科其他植物一致,而叶绿体DNA母系遗传则为在松柏类植物中首次发现。  相似文献   

西瓜种质资源遗传亲缘关系的RAPD分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用RAPD技术对国内外32份西瓜主栽品种与其骨干亲本及野生类型的遗传亲缘关系进行了研究。从720个随机引物(10bp)中筛选出15个能产生稳定多态性的引物用于RAPD反应,共扩增出104条DNA带,其中多态性DNA条带43条,占41.35%,平均每个引物扩增的DNA条带的数目为7.0条。聚类分析将供试材料分为6个类群:1个东亚生态型类群、1个美国生态型类群、2个中间生态型类群和2个非洲野生型类群,与传统的西瓜生态型分类基本吻合。每个生态型类群都有其特有的扩增(缺失)条带,同时分析了同一生态型中各个品种之间的亲缘关系及其品种的特异条带。本实验结果不仅从分子水平验证了西瓜是遗传基础狭窄的作用,而且在分子水平对西瓜传统分类与地理生态型分类进行了分析。  相似文献   

中国牦牛线粒体DNA多态性及遗传分化   总被引:24,自引:3,他引:24  
涂正超  邱怀 《遗传学报》1998,25(3):205-212
用20种限制性内切酶分析了我国5个牦牛群体90个个体的限制性片段长度多态性,其中AvaI,AvaII、BglII、EcoRI.HindIII、HpaI6个酶切类型具有多态性,共发现5种mtDNA单倍型,每种单倍型中检出50-55个位点,并利用双酶切制定出其物理图谱。我国牦牛群体mtDNA多样度HT为0.1065,群体内的平均一致性概率为0.8966,表明我国牦牛群体mtDNA多态性较贫乏,群体间的平均净遗传距离Pet为0.000201,群体基因分化系数Gst为0.0291,我国牦牛群体mtDNA变异只有2.91%来自群体间的差异,群体间的分化程度较低。并根据报道,比较了牦牛和其他家养牛种的mtDNA遗传分化,估计出牦牛和普通牛、瘤牛的分化时间大约分别在1.1-2.2百万年和1.01-1.02百万年之间。  相似文献   

分别采用rRNA基因内转录间隔区(ITS)和基因间隔区(IGS1)测序,ITS和IGS1区PCR限制性片段长度多态性分析(PCR-RFLP)和基因组DNA的随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)等方法,对三株因肯毛孢子菌Trichosporon inkin进行分子特征及种内分型研究。结果显示,不同菌株的rRNA基因ITS区和IGS1区的序列相似性均高达100%,RFLP酶切图谱具有较理想的种内一致性,而不同菌株的RAPD图谱不尽相同。研究表明:rRNA基因IGS1区测序及RFLP酶切可考虑用于因肯毛孢子菌的菌种分子鉴定,而基因组DNA的RAPD则较适合于菌种的种内分型。  相似文献   

草鱼和鲤群体遗传变异的RAPD指纹分析   总被引:25,自引:5,他引:25  
利用随机扩增多态DNA技术对革鱼,兴国红鲤,野鲤的种群内,种群间以及种间的遗传变异亏待进行了定量分析。结果表明;草鱼与鲤的RAPD指纹图谱带型差异显著,草鱼与红鲤和鲤种间的平均带纹相似系数分别为0.2583和0.2394,遗传距离分别达到0.9362和1.2277。  相似文献   

RAPD应用于遗传多样性和系统学研究中的问题   总被引:230,自引:0,他引:230  
在研究银杉(Cathaya argyrophylla)的遗传多样性时,对RAPD 产物的影响因素进行了大量的实验探索,结果表明:逐级纯化的DNA 模板的RAPD结果一致, 因而模板制备过程中的很多纯化步骤是不必要的; RNA 对扩增产物无影响; 模板浓度在一个相当大的范围内不影响扩增结果; 从干叶和鲜叶中提取的DNA 可获得一致的扩增产物; 从而证明RAPD 产物具有很好的重复性。进而讨论了RAPD产物分析及数据分析中的一些问题。通过对升麻属(Cim icifuga) 5 种、类叶升麻(Actaea asiatica)及松潘乌头(Aconitum sungpanense)的RAPD 结果分析,认为RAPD 方法可用于种间乃至近缘属间的系统学研究, 但有一定的局限性  相似文献   

Genome relationships between mungbean (Vigna tradiata) and cowpea (V. Unguiculata) based on the linkage arrangement of random genomic restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers have been investigated. A common set of probes derived from cowpea, common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), mungbean, and soybean (Glycine max) PstI genomic libraries were used to construct the genetic linkage maps. In both species, a single F2 population from a cross between an improved cultivar and a putative wild progenitor species was used to follow the segregation of the RFLP markers. Approximately 90% of the probes hybridized to both mungbean and cowpea DNA, indicating a high degree of similarity in the nucleotide sequences among these species. A higher level of polymorphism was detected in the mungbean population (75.7%) than in the cowpea population (41.2%). Loci exhibiting duplications, null phenotypes, and distorted segregation ratios were detected in both populations. Random genomic DNA RFLP loci account for about 89% of the currently mapped markers with a few cDNA and RAPD markers added. The current mungbean map is comprised of 171 loci/loci clusters distributed in 14 linkage groups spanning a total of 1570cM. On the other hand, 97 markers covered 684 cM and defined 10 linkage groups in the current cowpea map. The mungbean and cowpea genomes were compared on the basis of the copy number and linkage arrangement of 53 markers mapped in common between the two species. Results indicate that nucleotide sequences are conserved, but variation in copy number were detected and several rearrangements in linkage orders appeared to have occurred since the divergence of the two species. Entire linkage groups were not conserved, but several large linkage blocks were maintained in both genomes.  相似文献   

利用300个随机的寡核苷酸引物和马尾松(Pinus massoniana Lamb.)种子的胚乳(大配子体)产生的随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)分子标记,进行马尾松标记连锁图谱的构建。经筛选共获得64个稳定的RAPD标记,利用多点连锁分析,其中的48个标记分属于13个不同的连锁群(连锁对),该图谱覆盖的基因组总长度约为692.5cM(centimorgan),标记间平均距离约为14.7cM,它为马尾松连锁图谱的构建提供了一个连锁框架。  相似文献   

The recently developed random amplified polymorphic DNA technique was evaluated as a method for characterizing isolates of the agarophyte Gelidium vagum Okamura. Reaction conditions for single primer polymerase chain reaction were optimized to obtain a high degree of reproducibility of the amplified bands generated from purified G. vagum DNA. A total of 165 primers, including both (A + T)- and (G + C)-rich sequences, was screened for DNA amplification using template DNA from a single Gelidium isolate. None of the 45 (A + T)-rich primers was positive (i.e. band-producing). Of the (G + C)-rich primers, 47 were positive, generating a total of 322 prominent amplification products for DNA from 13 different G. vagum isolates. Polymorphic DNA loci were detected by 37 of the primers. Unweighted pair-group arithmetic average cluster analysis (UPGMA) of these loci was used to group the G. vagum isolates and thereby determine which were most similar. G. latifolium, used as an out-group for the UPGMA analysis, showed a high degree of dissimilarity.  相似文献   

Genetic linkage mapping in peach using morphological,RFLP and RAPD markers   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
We have constructed a genetic linkage map of peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] consisting of RFLP, RAPD and morphological markers, based on 71 F2 individuals derived from the self-fertilization of four F1 individuals of a cross between New Jersey Pillar and KV 77119. This progeny, designated as the West Virginia (WV) family, segregates for genes controlling canopy shape, fruit flesh color, and flower petal color, size and number. The segregation of 65 markers, comprising 46 RFLP loci, 12 RAPD loci and seven morphological loci, was analyzed. Low-copy genomic and cDNA probes were used in the RFLP analysis. The current genetic map for the WV family contains 47 markers assigned to eight linkage groups covering 332 centi Morgans (cM) of the peach nuclear genome. The average distance between two adjacent markers is 8 cM. Linkage was detected between Pillar (Pi) and double flowers (Dl) RFLP markers linked to Pi and flesh color () loci were also found. Eighteen markers remain unassigned. The individuals analyzed for linkage were not a random sample of all F2 trees, as an excess of pillar trees were chosen for analysis. Because of this, Pi and eight other markers that deviated significantly from the expected Mendelian ratios (e.g., 121 or 31) were not eliminated from the linkage analysis. Genomic clones that detect RFLPs in the WV family also detect significant levels of polymorphism among the 34 peach cultivars examined. Unique fingerprint patterns were created for all the cultivars using only six clones detecting nine RFLP fragments. This suggests that RFLP markers from the WV family have a high probability of being polymorphic in crosses generated with other peach cultivars, making them ideal for anchor loci. This possibility was examined by testing RFLP markers developed with the WV family in three other unrelated peach families. In each of these three peach families respectively 43%, 54% and 36% of RFLP loci detected in the WV family were also polymorphic. This finding supports the possibility that these RFLP markers may serve as anchor loci in many other peach crosses.  相似文献   

Angelica acutiloba, a medicinal plant used as a natural medicine Touki, was clonally propagated through axillary buds in vitro. No substantial differences were found in the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) pattern between the original A. acutiloba and the plant propagated in vitro, suggesting no changes in the DNA sequences and structure during in vitro propagation. The genetic similarities of several Angelica plants were investigated by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and RAPD analyses. The RFLP and RAPD patterns of A. sinensis Diels were substantially different from those of A. acutiloba. Using ten different restriction enzymes, no RFLP was observed in the varieties of A. acutiloba. By RAPD analysis, A. acutiloba varieties can be classified into two major subgroups, i.e., A. acutiloba Kitagawa and A. acutiloba Kitagawa var. sugiyamae Hikino. The varieties of A. acutiloba Kitagawa in Japan and Angelica spp. in northeast China exhibited a very close genetic relationship. Received: 13 March 1998 / Revision received: 28 July 1998 / Accepted: 21 August 1998  相似文献   

云南地方稻种的遗传变异和籼粳分化   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
用7 个单拷贝探针对87 份云南稻地方品种进行了RFLP分析.结果表明∶云南稻(Oryzasativa L.)地方品种中,籼稻(indica)和粳稻(japonica)都表现出较高水平的变异,粳稻的等位基因数目和遗传多样性水平都高于籼稻,表明粳稻的遗传变异比籼稻丰富. 云南稻地方品种中的籼稻和粳稻间表现出明显的遗传分化,且不同染色体区段分化程度不同. 研究结果支持栽培稻的二系起源学说  相似文献   

Three molecular tools, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis, were explored for their usefulness to identify isolates of Malassezia yeasts. All seven species could be separated by AFLP and DGGE. Using AFLP, four genotypes could be distinguished within M. furfur. AFLP genotype 4 contained only isolates from deep human sources, and ca. 80% of these isolates were from patients with systemic disease. Most of the systemic isolates belonged to a single RAPD genotype. This suggests that systemic conditions strongly select for a particular genotype. Although the clinical use of DGGE may be limited due to technical demands, it remains a powerful tool for the analysis of complex clinical samples.  相似文献   

We examined genetic variation in allozyme loci, nuclear DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs), and random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) in 130 trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) and 105 bigtooth aspen (P. grandidentata) trees. In trembling aspen 10 out of 13 allozyme loci assayed (77%) were polymorphic (P), with 2.8 alleles per locus (A) and an expected heterozygosity (He) of 0.25. In contrast, bigtooth aspen had a much lower allozyme genetic variability (P=29%; A=1.4; He=0.08). The two species could be distinguished by mutually exclusive alleles at Idh-1, and bigtooth aspen has what appears to be a duplicate 6PG locus not present in trembling aspen. We used 138 random aspen genomic probes to reveal RFLPs in HindIII digests of aspen DNA. The majority of the probes were from sequences of low copy number. RFLP results were consistent with those of the allozyme analyses, with trembling aspen displaying higher genetic variation than bigtooth aspen (P=71%, A=2.7, and He=0.25 for trembling aspen; P=65%, A=1.8, and He=0.13 for bigtooth aspen). The two species could be distinguished by RFLPs revealed by 21 probes (15% of total probes assayed). RAPD patterns in both species were studied using four arbitrary decamer primers that revealed a total of 61 different amplified DNA fragments in trembling aspen and 56 in bigtooth aspen. Assuming a Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, estimates of P=100%, A=2, and He=0.30 in trembling aspen and P=88%, A=1.9, and He=0.31 in bigtooth aspen were obtained from the RAPD data. Five amplified DNA fragments were species diagnostic. All individuals within both species, except for 2 that likely belong to the same clone, could be distinguished by comparing their RAPD patterns. These results indicate that (1) RFLPs and allozymes reveal comparable patterns of genetic variation in the two species, (2) trembling aspen is more genetically variable than bigtooth aspen at both the allozyme and DNA levels, (3) one can generate more polymorphic and species-specific loci with DNA markers than with allozymes in aspen, and (4) RAPDs provide a very powerful tool for fingerprinting aspen individuals.  相似文献   

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