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A multiple chemostat system has been developed in which metal specimens can be exposed to a consortium of bacteria. The system comprises a single test chemostat containing the test specimen operated at a high dilution rate to facilitate the wash out of planktonic bacteria, selecting for attached or biofilm growth. This chemostat is fed at a steady low rate by a number of separate chemostats each of which contains a pure axenic culture of one member of the consortium being tested. This system has the advantage of providing a continual inoculum of the test species to the test specimen allowing both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria to be grown in the same system. Constant levels of three bacterial types were maintained in the system: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Thiobacillus ferrooxidans and Desulfovibrio vulgaris. Exposure of 316L stainless steel electrodes to this system resulted in increased corrosion of coupons exposed biotically, as compared to those exposed abiotically. A current monitoring technique and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy were used to evaluate effects of bacteria on metallic corrosion.  相似文献   

An investigation of the chemical environment and growth of Legionella pneumophila in plumbing systems was conducted to gain a better understanding of its ecology in this habitat. Water samples were collected from hospital and institutional hot-water tanks known to have supported L. pneumophila and were analyzed for 23 chemical parameters. The chemical environment of these tanks was found to vary extensively, with the concentrations of certain metals reaching relatively high levels due to corrosion. The effect of various chemical conditions on L. pneumophila growth was then examined by observing its multiplication in the chemically analyzed hot-water tank samples after sterilization and reinoculation with L. pneumophila. L. pneumophila and associated microbiota used in these experiments were obtained from a hot-water tank. These stains were maintained in tap water and had never been passaged on agar. The results of the growth studies indicate that although elevated concentrations of a number of metals are toxic, lower levels of certain metals such as iron, zinc, and potassium enhance growth of naturally occurring L. pneumophila. Parallel observations on accompanying non-Legionellaceae bacteria failed to show the same relationship. These findings suggest that metal plumbing components and associated corrosion products are important factors in the survival and growth of L. pneumophila in plumbing systems and may also be important in related habitats such as cooling towers and air-conditioning systems.  相似文献   

Samples obtained from plumbing systems of hospitals, nonhospital institutions and homes were cultured for Legionella spp. by plating the samples directly on a selective medium. Swab samples were taken from the inner surfaces of faucet assemblies (aerators, spouts, and valve seats), showerheads, and shower pipes. Water and sediment were collected from the bottom of hot-water tanks. Legionella pneumophila serogroups 1, 5, and 6 were recovered from plumbing fixtures of the hospitals and nonhospital institutions and one of five homes. The legionellae (7 to 13,850 colony-forming units per ml) were also present in water and sediment from hot-water tanks maintained at 30 to 54 degrees C, but not in those maintained at 71 and 77 degrees C. Legionella micdadei was isolated from one tank. Thus legionellae are present in hot-water tanks which are maintained at warm temperatures or whose design results in warm temperatures at the bottom of the tanks. We hypothesize that hot-water tanks are a breeding site and a major source of L. pneumophila for the contamination of plumbing systems. The existence of these bacteria in the plumbing systems and tanks was not necessarily associated with disease. The extent of the hazard of this contamination needs to be delineated.  相似文献   

Aims: To evaluate throughput of seeded Legionella pneumophila bacteria in domestic point‐of‐use filters. Methods and Results: The filters were challenged with tap water seeded with Leg. pneumophila. After multiple challenge events (4·25 × 1011 CFU per filter), the levels of Legionella were lower in the effluent from the filter containing both copper and silver (mean 4·48 × 103 CFU ml?1) than in the effluent from the filter containing copper only (1·26 × 104 CFU ml?1; P < 0·001). After a single challenge event of approx. 5 × 109 CFU L. pneumophila per filter, there was no significant difference between the levels of Legionella in the effluents from a carbon filter containing copper and a carbon filter with no metals (mean 6·87 × 102 and 6·89 × 102 CFU ml?1, respectively; P = 0·985). Conclusions: Legionella was detected in filter effluent up to 6 weeks after being challenged, indicating that while filters may reduce the levels during an initial contamination event, the exposure is extended as the accumulated bacteria slough off over time. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study has provided an understanding of the response of Legionella to the use of silver and copper in domestic point‐of‐use carbon filters.  相似文献   

The relationship of copper and zinc status with blood pressure in young adults was studied (N=59). Copper and zinc status was assessed through analysis of serum, urine, hair, and diet records. Males (N=27) had greater systolic and pulse pressures than females (N=32). Multiple regression analysis suggested that males and higher caloric and dietary copper intakes were the predominant factors associated with higher systolic and diastolic pressures, whereas higher dietary zinc intakes were associated with lower pressures. Higher urine zinc excretion rates and serum zinc concentrations were associated with higher diastolic pressures. The sex variable was the strongest factor affecting pulse pressures, with males having higher pulse pressures. Serum zinc concentrations had an inverse relationship to pulse pressures. The data suggest that the weight/height index and age had a low association with blood pressure in this normotensive sample.  相似文献   

A laboratory model system was utilised to investigate the persistence of Helicobacter pylori in mixed-species heterotrophic biofilms. A single-stage continuous culture vessel was linked to a modified-Robbins device (mRD) incorporating removable stainless steel coupons. The system was innoculated with H. pylori (NCTC 11637) and the fate of the organism monitored by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis. Helicobacter pylori was detected in biofilm material for a period of up to 192 h. Theoretical washout would have occurred at around 48 h thus detection of H. pylori for a prolonged period after theoretical washout suggested that the organism possessed the ability to persist in the mixed-species heterotrophic biofilm. Preliminary studies using heat-inactivated H. pylori showed that the organism was not detected in biofilm material at any time post-challenge suggesting that the persistence of H. pylori in such material was a phenomenon requiring the organism to be in a viable state. Further investigations to assess the biological basis for the association of H. pylori with drinking water biofilms and the risk that this may pose to public health are being undertaken.  相似文献   

The physical and chemical properties of biofilms, incombination with metabolic and degradation products ofbiological origin, influence the nature and localchemistry of the aqueous phase at the copper/biofilmphase boundary. The pitting susceptibility of copperis determined by this change of water composition atthe copper/biofilm phase boundary and is supported bythe mixture of solid corrosion products and thebiofilm at the copper surface. Several factors influence the susceptibility of copperto MIC: commissioning, design and operatingconditions; the chemical composition of the water andthe relevant biological activity. Field experience andtheory showed that a combination of methods should beused to protect existing copper installations. Insummary, water chemistry seems to be a majorinfluencing parameter for the described corrosionproblems. Raising the alkalinity of the potable waterwhilst optimising the chloride/sulphate ratio isconsidered as the most promising preventative measureto overcome the described problems.  相似文献   

E Fukada  Y Ando 《Biorheology》1988,25(1-2):297-302
An optically active polymer, poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate (PHB), is produced in cytoplasm of various vacteria. The bending piezoelectric effect was observed in oriented films of PHB. The coefficient between the electrical polarization and the stress gradient was found to be in the order of 10(-18) Cm/N, which was similar to the value reported for bone. Anisotropy in the value of the coefficient was also observed.  相似文献   

The use of various medical devices including indwelling vascular catheters, cardiac pacemakers, prosthetic heart valves, chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheters and prosthetic joints has greatly facilitated the management of serious medical and surgical illness. However, the successful development of synthetic materials and introduction of these artificial devices into various body systems has been accompanied by the ability of microorganisms to adhere to these devices in the environment of biofilms that protect them from the activity of antimicrobial agents and from host defense mechanisms. A number of host, biomaterial and microbial factors are unique to the initiation, persistence and treatment failures of device-related infections. Intravascular catheters are the most common devices used in clinical practice and interactions associated with these devices are the leading cause of nosocomial bacteremias. The infections associated with these devices include insertion site infection, septic thrombophlebitis, septicemia, endocarditis and metastatic abscesses. Other important device-related infections include infections of vascular prostheses, intracardiac prostheses, total artificial hearts, indwelling urinary catheters, orthopedic prostheses, endotracheal tubes and extended wear lenses. The diagnosis and management of biofilm-associated infections remain difficult but critical issues. Appropriate antimicrobial therapy is often not effective in eradicating these infections and the removal of the device becomes necessary. Several improved diagnostic and therapeutic modalities have been reported in recent experimental studies. The clinical usefulness of these strategies remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Plant- and microbially derived carbon (C) are the two major sources of soil organic matter (SOM), and their ratio impacts SOM composition, accumulation, stability, and turnover. The contributions of and the key factors defining the plant and microbial C in SOM along the soil profile are not well known. By leveraging nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and biomarker analysis, we analyzed the plant and microbial C in three soil types using regional-scale sampling and combined these results with a meta-analysis. Topsoil (0–40 cm) was rich in carbohydrates and lignin (38%–50%), whereas subsoil (40–100 cm) contained more proteins and lipids (26%–60%). The proportion of plant C increases, while microbial C decreases with SOM content. The decrease rate of the ratio of the microbially derived C to plant-derived C (CM:P) with SOM content was 23%–30% faster in the topsoil than in the subsoil in the regional study and meta-analysis. The topsoil had high potential to stabilize plant-derived C through intensive microbial transformations and microbial necromass formation. Plant C input and mean annual soil temperature were the main factors defining CM:P in topsoil, whereas the fungi-to-bacteria ratio and clay content were the main factors influencing subsoil CM:P. Combining a regional study and meta-analysis, we highlighted the contribution of plant litter to microbial necromass to organic matter up to 1-m soil depth and elucidated the main factors regulating their long-term preservation.  相似文献   

湖泊微生物反硝化过程及速率研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙小溪  蒋宏忱 《微生物学报》2020,60(6):1162-1176
湖泊中微生物介导的反硝化过程对于区域乃至全球的气候环境变化有着深远的影响。因此,研究湖泊微生物反硝化过程及速率有助于我们深刻理解湖泊氮元素生物地球化学循环规律,全面认识湖泊生境对全球氮循环的贡献。本文综述了湖泊生境中反硝化过程(包括典型的反硝化过程及与其他物质循环耦合的反硝化过程,如与有机氮耦合的共反硝化作用、与碳循环耦合的硝酸盐/亚硝酸盐依赖型厌氧甲烷氧化、与铁循环耦合的硝酸盐依赖型铁氧化、与硫循环耦合的硝酸盐还原硫氧化)的速率、驱动微生物及其影响因素。最后对湖泊反硝化过程研究现状和未来发展方向提出总结与展望。  相似文献   

Aims: To investigate the role of heterotrophic bacteria in the corrosion of galvanized steel in the presence of water. Methods and Results: Samples were taken from corroding galvanized steel pipes conveying water for specialist applications, and heterotrophic bacteria were isolated and cultured. The majority of bacteria were Gram‐negative aerobes and included Pseudomonas sp., Bacillus pumilus, Afipia spp. and Blastobacter denitrificans/Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Zinc tolerance was assessed through growth and zinc disc diffusion experiments. In general, zinc negatively influenced growth rates. An unidentified yeast also isolated from the system demonstrated a high tolerance to zinc at concentrations up to 4 g l?1. Coupon experiments were performed to assess corrosion by the bacteria on galvanized steel and steel coupons. The majority of isolates as pure culture biofilms (69%) accelerated corrosion of galvanized coupons, assessed as zinc release, relative to sterile control coupons (P < 0·05). Pure culture biofilms did not increase the corrosion of steel, with four isolates demonstrating protective effects. Conclusions: Pure culture biofilms of heterotrophic bacteria isolated from a corroding galvanized pipe system were found to accelerate the corrosion of galvanized steel coupons. Significance and Impact of the Study: Microbially influenced corrosion is a potential contributor to sporadically occurring failures in galvanized steel systems containing water. Management strategies should consider microbial control as a means for corrosion prevention in these systems.  相似文献   

The extent of how complex natural microbial communities contribute to metal corrosion is still not fully resolved, especially not for freshwater environments. In order to elucidate the key processes, we investigated rust tubercles forming massively on sheet piles along the river Havel (Germany) applying a complementary set of techniques. In-situ microsensor profiling revealed steep gradients of O2, redox potential and pH within the tubercle. Micro-computed tomography and scanning electron microscopy showed a multi-layered inner structure with chambers and channels and various organisms embedded in the mineral matrix. Using Mössbauer spectroscopy we identified typical corrosion products including electrically conductive iron (Fe) minerals. Determination of bacterial gene copy numbers and sequencing of 16S rRNA and 18S rRNA amplicons supported a densely populated tubercle matrix with a phylogenetically and metabolically diverse microbial community. Based on our results and previous models of physic(electro)chemical reactions, we propose here a comprehensive concept of tubercle formation highlighting the crucial reactions and microorganisms involved (such as phototrophs, fermenting bacteria, dissimilatory sulphate and Fe(III) reducers) in metal corrosion in freshwaters.  相似文献   

The copper-binding protein ceruloplasmin oxidizes ferrous iron to ferric iron, an action that is critical for the binding of iron to transferrin in plasma. Ceruloplasmin, in common with ferritin and transferrin, is an acute-phase protein that is altered by inflammation. We sought to identify interrelationships between the copper and iron systems by measuring copper, ceruloplasmin, ferroxidase, ferritin, transferrin, iron, and iron-binding capacity in a group of hemodialysis patients. We looked for evidence of inflammation and free-radical injury by assaying for protein carbonyl groups, protein pyrrolation, di-tyrosine, and advanced oxidation protein products. Our findings were compatible with an active inflammatory state that affected both iron and copper metabolism. Transferrin levels were low, whereas ceruloplasmin levels were elevated compared to normal. Copper concentration was increased proportional to ceruloplasmin. Several variables including ceruloplasmin and transferrin were observed to correlate significantly with the level of pyrrolated protein. The data suggest that posttranslational modification of circulating proteins may affect their structural, enzymatic, and ligand-binding properties. Abnormalities in copper metabolism and their influence on iron handling in renal failure are complex and will require additional study before their importance can be defined.  相似文献   

Summary In embryos of the domestic mallard, domestic fowl, and Japanese quail vasotocin-, mesotocin-, luliberin (LHRH)-, met-enkephalin-, cortico- tropin-, and somatostatin-immunoreactive perikarya and fiber formations were visualized at different incubation stages by means of the PAP technique (Sternberger 1979). The most striking results were: (1) Vasotocin-, mesotocin-, and luliberin-immunoreactive systems display, up to the late embryonic period, morphological features most probably related to a neurohormonal function. (2) Met-enkephalin immunoreactivity appears very late during embryonic life; it is restricted to fiber networks and not found in perikarya. (3) Corticotropin immunoreactivity is observed in the tuberal region temporarily at the end of the second and the beginning of the last third of the incubation period. (4) Somatostatin-immunoreactive material is present (i) at the end of the first third of incubation, in association with the olfactory system; (ii) during the same period, adjacent to thin-layered portions of the roof of the brain; (iii) shortly thereafter, in cells of both pancreatic primordia and thyroid gland; and (iv) onward from the middle of the incubation period, in a mesencephalic cell group.The striking difference, in the early embryo, between the mature somatostatin system and the immature character of the surrounding tissues may indicate that somatostatin plays a role in the development of the brain, as well as the pancreas, and the thyroid gland.  相似文献   

Diurnal dynamics of photosynthetic character of Angelica sinensis, as well as effect of continuous cropping on leaf photosynthetic character, antioxidant enzyme activity and growth of A. sinensis were investigated under field condition. The results showed that the diurnal net photosynthetic rate of A. sinensis in sunny day exhibited a double-peak pattern, and the peaks occurred at 9:45 and 16:45 h, respectively. There was a significant midday depression with A. sinensis, which was caused principally by stomatal factors such as stomatal conductance. The results also showed that net photosynthetic rate (P N), transpiration rate (E), stomatal conductance (g s), intercellular CO2 concentration (C i), and chlorophyll content (Chl) of A. sinensis plants under continuous cropping were significantly lower than those of the control. The activity of total superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT), and growth parameters of A. sinensis plants were significantly decreased under continuous cropping condition. This study provides evidence of continuous cropping obstacle effect on photosynthesis, antioxidant enzyme activity, and growth parameters of A. sinensis in a field experiment, which partly explained the yield reduction of A. sinensis in the field, when it was cultivated continuously on the same soil.  相似文献   

Biofilms: implications in bioremediation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Biofilms are assemblages of single or multiple populations that are attached to abiotic or biotic surfaces through extracellular polymeric substances. Gene expression in biofilm cells differs from planktonic stage expression and these differentially expressed genes regulate biofilm formation and development. Biofilm systems are especially suitable for the treatment of recalcitrant compounds because of their high microbial biomass and ability to immobilize compounds. Bioremediation is also facilitated by enhanced gene transfer among biofilm organisms and by the increased bioavailability of pollutants for degradation as a result of bacterial chemotaxis. Strategies for improving bioremediation efficiency include genetic engineering to improve strains and chemotactic ability, the use of mixed population biofilms and optimization of physico-chemical conditions. Here, we review the formation and regulation of biofilms, the importance of gene transfer and discuss applications of biofilm-mediated bioremediation processes.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of nitrogen source and micronutrient treatment on the apportionment of C14 in alcohol extracts was studied in tomato. Plants were exposed at several stages of maturity to C14O2 and the ethanol-soluble photosynthate fractionated into sugars, organic acids, and amino acids.Ammonium-treated plants had low levels of organic acids at all stages of maturity, suggesting a rapid conversion to amino acid residues. However, the addition of copper in the absence of molybdenum resulted in increased labelling of the organic acid fraction under nitrate nutrition. The amino acid fraction was reduced at some stages of growth under these conditions. This may indicate that copper interferes with the role of molybdenum in the enzymatic reduction of nitrate.Measurement of the total quantity of some individual free amino acids indicated more efficient utilization of these for protein synthesis in the presence of copper. On the other hand, assay of the C14-activity of individual free amino acids showed that degree of label bore little relation to micro-nutrient treatment.Plant Science Department and Botany Department, University of Connecticut. Scientific Contribution No. 116, Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Connecticut, Storrs. This paper is based on a portion of the senior author's Ph. D. thesis (University of Connecticut).  相似文献   

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