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Although studies of population genetic structure are very common, whether genetic structure is stable over time has been assessed for very few taxa. The question of stability over time is particularly interesting for frogs because it is not clear to what extent frogs exist in dynamic metapopulations with frequent extinction and recolonization, or in stable patches at equilibrium between drift and gene flow. In this study we collected tissue samples from the same five populations of leopard frogs, Rana pipiens, over a 22-30 year time interval (11-15 generations). Genetic structure among the populations was very stable, suggesting that these populations were not undergoing frequent extinction and colonization. We also estimated the effective size of each population from the change in allele frequencies over time. There exist few estimates of effective size for frog populations, but the data available suggest that ranid frogs may have much larger ratios of effective size (Ne) to census size (Nc) than toads (bufonidae). Our results indicate that R. pipiens populations have effective sizes on the order of hundreds to at most a few thousand frogs, and Ne/Nc ratios in the range of 0.1-1.0. These estimates of Ne/Nc are consistent with those estimated for other Rana species. Finally, we compared the results of three temporal methods for estimating Ne. Moment and pseudolikelihood methods that assume a closed population gave the most similar point estimates, although the moment estimates were consistently two to four times larger. Wang and Whitlock's new method that jointly estimates Ne and the rate of immigration into a population (m) gave much smaller estimates of Ne and implausibly large estimates of m. This method requires knowing allele frequencies in the source of immigrants, but was thought to be insensitive to inexact estimates. In our case the method may have failed because we did not know the true source of immigrants for each population. The method may be more sensitive to choice of source frequencies than was previously appreciated, and so should be used with caution if the most likely source of immigrants cannot be identified clearly.  相似文献   

Allozyme data were used to analyse the genetic structure of Sardina pilchardus populations. Fifty samples from 15 locations between the North Sea and Mauritania, including samples from the Azores, Madeira and the Mediterranean Sea, were surveyed. A weak but significant structure was found between all samples ( F ST= 0.057, P < 0·001). This structure results from a change in the most common allele of SOD* between the North African and the Azores populations separated by the greatest distance. This locus seemed to be under selective pressure according to the test of neutrality, and the variations in allele frequencies may be explained due to isolation by distance (IBD) of coastal populations (from Mauritania to the North Sea) ( r = 0·86, P < 0·001). When SOD* was removed from the analyses, IBD was not observed in coastal populations ( r = 0·236, P > 0·05) but was observed over the whole range ( r = 0·321, P = 0·05). The genetic structure of S. pilchardus is driven by both IBD and selective processes.  相似文献   


This investigation aims at assessing patterns of spatial genetic structure of the teleost fish Sardina pilchardus across the Siculo-Tunisian Strait (a well-known discontinuous biogeographic area) and delineating putative genetic stocks within the species. For this purpose, a total of 180 specimens, collected from 11 locations stretching across the western and eastern Mediterranean coasts of Tunisia, were analysed genetically by means of 18 nuclear allozyme loci. The outcome of this study revealed strong genetic differentiation among populations, with the marked genetic distinctiveness of the central Tunisian population at Mahdia. Despite the delineation of seven well-defined genetic groups, no significant correlation was found between genetic and geographic distances. Besides, the recorded population subdivision did not align with biogeographic boundaries, suggesting the presence of chaotic genetic patchiness. Recent genetic bottlenecks were evidenced in S. pilchardus populations. Patchy migration patterns were recorded among the examined pairs of sardine populations. Among the recorded 16 polymorphic loci, GPI-2 and SOD appeared to be subject to natural selection. Patterns of population genetic differentiation and structuring were not found to be driven by outlier loci that appeared to be under selection. Furthermore, the detected neutral GPI-1 locus was found to be responsible for most of the genetic variation among identified genetic clusters. Hence, natural selection cannot cause the detected genetic heterogeneity among sardine samples. Different explanations to the origin of chaotic genetic patterns, observed within S. pilchardus, were discussed.  相似文献   

Genetic variability, kin structure and demography of a population are mutually dependent. Population genetic theory predicts that under demographically stable conditions, neutral genetic variability reaches equilibrium between gene flow and drift. However, density fluctuations and non‐random mating, resulting e.g. from kin clustering, may lead to changes in genetic composition over time. Theoretical models also predict that changes in kin structure may affect aggression level and recruitment, leading to density fluctuations. These predictions have been rarely tested in natural populations. The aim of this study was to analyse changes in genetic variability and kin structure in a local population of the root vole (Microtus oeconomus) that underwent a fourfold change in mean density over a 6‐year period. Intensive live‐trapping resulted in sampling 88% of individuals present in the study area, as estimated from mark–recapture data. Based on 642 individual genotypes at 20 microsatellite loci, we compared genetic variability and kin structure of this population between consecutive years. We found that immigration was negatively correlated with density, while the number of kin groups was positively correlated with density. This is consistent with theoretical predictions that changes in kin structure play an important role in population fluctuations. Despite the changes in density and kin structure, there was no genetic differentiation between years. Population‐level genetic diversity measures did not significantly vary in time and remained relatively high (HE range: 0.72–0.78). These results show that a population that undergoes significant demographic and social changes may maintain high genetic variability and stable genetic composition.  相似文献   

Fishery assessment models meant to determine sustainability of commercial marine fish failed to predict recent stock collapses due to overexploitation. One flaw of assessment models is that they strongly rely on catch and age-composition statistics, but largely ignore the genetic background of the studied populations. We examined population genetic structure of sardine (Sardina pilchardus) in the centraleastern and northeastern Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea to aid fishery management of this heavily fished small pelagic species. We found that sardine has a striking mitochondrial control region, and sequenced a fragment of 387 bp of its 5'-end in 261 individuals collected off the coasts of Morocco (Dakhla, Tantan, Safi, Larache, and Nador), Portugal (Quarteira), Spain (Pasajes, Barcelona), and Greece (Kavala). High levels of haplotypic diversity rendered a rather unresolved NJ phylogeny. The recovered tree had no phylogeographic structuring except for the clustering of 13 individuals of Safi. In contrast, individuals grouped together according to the presence or absence of a 13-bp insertion in the sequence. Phi(ST) pairwise comparisons and molecular variance analyses supported genetic differentiation between the population of Pasajes (Bay of Biscay), and those of the Mediterranean Sea and Moroccan coast, with a contact zone around the Strait of Gibraltar. This result confirms the existence of two subspecies, S. pilchardus pilchardus and S. pilchardus sardina that were previously identified based on meristics and morphometry. Mismatch distribution analysis showed that sardine populations are expanding since the Pleistocene. Surprisingly, the population of Safi showed strong and statistically significant levels of genetic differentiation that could be related with isolation and genetic drift. Comparative analysis of the Safi population versus the rest including mismatch distributions, and a Bayesian skyline plot suggest that the Safi population likely underwent an early genetic bottleneck. The genetic singularity of the Safi population could have been responsible for the historical collapse of this sardine stock in the 1970s.  相似文献   

Temporal genetic data may be used forestimating effective population size (N e) and for addressing the `temporal stability' of population structure, two issues of central importance for conservation and management. In this paper we assess the amount of spatio-temporal genetic variation at 17 di-allelic allozyme loci and estimate current N e in two populations of stream resident brown trout (Salmo trutta) using data collected over 20 years. The amount ofpopulation divergence was found to bereasonably stable over the studied time period.There was significant temporal heterogeneitywithin both populations, however, and N e was estimated as 19 and 48 for the twopopulations. Empirical estimates of theprobability of detecting statisticallysignificant allele frequency differencesbetween samples from the same populationseparated by different numbers of years wereobtained. This probability was found to befairly small when comparing samples collectedonly a few years apart, even for theseparticular populations that exhibit quiterestricted effective sizes. We discuss someimplications of the present results for browntrout population genetics and conservation, andfor the analysis of temporal genetic change inpopulations with overlapping generations ingeneral.  相似文献   

Measurement of temporal change in allele frequencies represents an indirect method for estimating the genetically effective size of populations. When allele frequencies are estimated for gene markers that display dominant gene expression, such as, e.g. random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers, the estimates can be seriously biased. We quantify bias for previous allele frequency estimators and present a new expression that is generally less biased and provides a more precise assessment of temporal allele frequency change. We further develop an estimator for effective population size that is appropriate when dealing with dominant gene markers. Comparison with estimates based on codominantly expressed genes, such as allozymes or microsatellites, indicates that about twice as many loci or sampled individuals are required when using dominant markers to achieve the same precision.  相似文献   

Ecological communities are constantly being reshaped in the face of environmental change and anthropogenic pressures. Yet, how food webs change over time remains poorly understood. Food web science is characterized by a trade‐off between complexity (in terms of the number of species and feeding links) and dynamics. Topological analysis can use complex, highly resolved empirical food web models to explore the architecture of feeding interactions but is limited to a static view, whereas ecosystem models can be dynamic but use highly aggregated food webs. Here, we explore the temporal dynamics of a highly resolved empirical food web over a time period of 18 years, using the German Bight fish and benthic epifauna community as our case study. We relied on long‐term monitoring ecosystem surveys (from 1998 to 2015) to build a metaweb, i.e. the meta food web containing all species recorded over the time span of our study. We then combined time series of species abundances with topological network analysis to construct annual food web snapshots. We developed a new approach, ‘node‐weighted’ food web metrics by including species abundances to represent the temporal dynamics of food web structure, focusing on generality and vulnerability. Our results suggest that structural food web properties change through time; however, binary food web structural properties may not be as temporally variable as the underlying changes in species composition. Further, the node‐weighted metrics enabled us to detect that food web structure was influenced by changes in species composition during the first half of the time series and more strongly by changes in species dominance during the second half. Our results demonstrate how ecosystem surveys can be used to monitor temporal changes in food web structure, which are important ecosystem indicators for building marine management and conservation plans.  相似文献   

A new genetic estimator of the effective population size (N(e)) is introduced. This likelihood-based (LB) estimator uses two temporally spaced genetic samples of individuals from a population. We compared its performance to that of the classical F-statistic-based N(e) estimator (N(eFk)) by using data from simulated populations with known N(e) and real populations. The new likelihood-based estimator (N(eLB)) showed narrower credible intervals and greater accuracy than (N(eFk)) when genetic drift was strong, but performed only slightly better when genetic drift was relatively weak. When drift was strong (e.g., N(e) = 20 for five generations), as few as approximately 10 loci (heterozygosity of 0.6; samples of 30 individuals) are sufficient to consistently achieve credible intervals with an upper limit <50 using the LB method. In contrast, approximately 20 loci are required for the same precision when using the classical F-statistic approach. The N(eLB) estimator is much improved over the classical method when there are many rare alleles. It will be especially useful in conservation biology because it less often overestimates N(e) than does N(eLB) and thus is less likely to erroneously suggest that a population is large and has a low extinction risk.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal genetic structures were examined across sites on islands and mainland (continuous forest) populations of an epiphytic orchid, Catasetum viridiflavum, using 17 polymorphic allozyme loci. I tested whether patches on islands or at mainland sites comprised small local populations or a large population. Low among population differentiation was observed across the landscape suggesting that the species-specific pollinator and tiny wind-dispersed seeds maintain interconnections among distant patches. Temporal genetic structure among stage classes, and among breeding individuals are important components of the maintenance of genetic variation in this orchid. The natural history of this species including small breeding populations, probable high frequency of mating among relatives, and the high rates of seed movement among sites contribute to the high FIS. These data show that physically isolated patches in this epiphytic orchid comprise a single larger genetic population, which is independent of the physical distances among sites. Although quite different in ecological and life history characteristics, the genetic structure of this orchid demonstrates a pattern similar to temperate and tropical trees in fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

We examined 662 gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata from wild samples of the species in the Aegean and Ionian Seas, using 20 EST-linked microsatellite markers, in three multiplex panels, as well as seven anonymous loci. Most of the markers were revealed to be highly polymorphic. We found low genetic differentiation between the sampling stations/areas with total FST 0.002 (P < 0.05). Based on comparison of five temporal samples, our results indicate genetic data consistency over time for all tested samples, pointing to stable populations, despite reported repeated escape events. Our results confirm the genetic population structure previously observed in these specific areas, using by far more markers than in previous studies in both coding and non-coding DNA loci. The limited genetic structure and the temporal genetic stability indicate neither major genetic differentiation of local populations by geographic isolation nor influence from anthropogenic factors. These results provide a baseline for future reference in any management programme of both wild and farmed population of S. aurata as well as of other aquaculture species with a potential introgression among farmed and wild populations.  相似文献   

With an ecological-evolutionary perspective increasingly applied toward the conservation and management of endangered or exploited species, the genetic estimation of effective population size (Ne) has proliferated. Based on a comprehensive analysis of empirical literature from the past two decades, we asked: (i) how often do studies link Ne to the adult census population size (N)? (ii) To what extent is Ne correctly linked to N? (iii) How readily is uncertainty accounted for in both Ne and N when quantifying Ne/N ratios? and (iv) how frequently and to what degree might errors in the estimation of Ne or N affect inferences of Ne/N ratios? We found that only 20% of available Ne estimates (508 of 2617; 233 studies) explicitly attempted to link Ne and N; of these, only 31% (160 of 508) correctly linked Ne and N. Moreover, only 7% (41 of 508) of Ne/N ratios (correctly linked or not) reported confidence intervals for both Ne and N; for those cases where confidence intervals were reported for Ne only, 31% of Ne/N ratios overlapped with 1, of which more than half also reached below Ne/N = 0.01. Uncertainty in Ne/N ratios thus sometimes spanned at least two orders of magnitude. We conclude that the estimation of Ne/N ratios in natural populations could be significantly improved, discuss several options for doing so, and briefly outline some future research directions.  相似文献   

The within-population genetic structure of Fagus crenata in a 4-ha plot (200 x 200 m) of an old-growth beech forest was analysed using microsatellite markers. To assess the genetic structure, Moran's I spatial autocorrelation coefficient was calculated. Correlograms of Moran's I showed significant positive values less than 0.100 for short-distance classes, indicating weak genetic structure. The genetic structure within the population is created by limited seed dispersal, and is probably weakened by overlapping seed shadow, secondary seed dispersal, extensive pollen flow and the thinning process. Genetic structure was detected in a western subplot of 50 x 200 m with immature soils and almost no dwarf bamboos (Sasa spp.), where small and intermediate-sized individuals were distributed in aggregations with high density because of successful regeneration. By contrast, genetic structure was not found in an eastern subplot of the same size with mature soils and Sasa cover, where successful regeneration was prevented, and the density of the small and intermediate-sized individuals was low. Moreover, genetic structure of individuals in a small-size class (diameter at breast height < 12 cm) was more obvious than in a large-size class (diameter at breast height >/= 12 cm). The apparent genetic structure detected in the 4-ha plot was therefore probably the result of the structure in the western portion of the plot and in small and intermediate-sized individuals that successfully regenerated under the favourable environment. The heterogeneity in genetic structure presumably reflects variation in the density that should be affected by differences in regeneration dynamics associated with heterogeneity in environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Genetic distances based on electrophoretic variation and multivariate analysis of several morpho-metric and meristic characters suggest that populations of sardine and anchovy from the Aegean and Ionian seas do not form one panmictic population. The distinction between these two classes of populations emerges only as a statistical property, and for some characters the within-sea variation is larger than the between-sea variation. Thus, the reproductive isolation between populations inhabiting the two seas appears to be only partial. Our findings do not support the' pure' or' discrete' stock concept. Instead, they provide evidence for the dynamic population structure model according to which physical (e.g., hydrographic) or biological (e.g., predation or behaviour) factors impose a population structure maintained in a semi-equilibrium state under the opposing influences of migration and selection. Such a dynamic state may not be stable in the long run, and it may not allow for the accumulation of genetic divergence necessary for the emergence of higher taxa. It must, nevertheless, be taken into account in the management of exploited natural populations.  相似文献   

Despite its significance in evolutionary and conservation biology, few estimates of effective population size (N(e)) are available in plant species. Self-fertilization is expected to affect N(e), through both its effect on homozygosity and population dynamics. Here, we estimated N(e) using temporal variation in allele frequencies for two contrasted populations of the selfing annual Medicago truncatula: a large and continuous population and a subdivided population. Estimated N(e) values were around 5-10% of the population census size suggesting that other factors than selfing must contribute to variation in allele frequencies. Further comparisons between monolocus allelic variation and changes in the multilocus genotypic composition of the populations show that the local dynamics of inbred lines can play an important role in the fluctuations of allele frequencies. Finally, comparing N(e) estimates and levels of genetic variation suggest that H(e) is a poor estimator of the contemporaneous variance effective population size.  相似文献   

Nothotsuga longibracteata, a relic and endangered conifer species endemic to subtropical China, was studied for examining the spatial-temporal population genetic variation and structure to understand the historical biogeographical processes underlying the present geographical distribution. Ten populations were sampled over the entire natural range of the species for spatial analysis, while three key populations with large population sizes and varied age structure were selected for temporal analyses using both nuclear microsatellites (nSSR) and chloroplast microsatellites (cpSSR). A recent bottleneck was detected in the natural populations of N. longibracteata. The spatial genetic analysis showed significant population genetic differentiation across its total geographical range. Notwithstanding, the temporal genetic analysis revealed that the level of genetic diversity between different age class subpopulations remained constant over time. Eleven refugia of the Last Glacial Maximum were identified, which deserve particular attention for conservation management.  相似文献   

Temporal genetic variation in River Bush Atlantic salmon was low and much less than among geographically discrete samples reported from elsewhere.  相似文献   

Theoretical models are often applied to population genetic data sets without fully considering the effect of missing data. Researchers can deal with missing data by removing individuals that have failed to yield genotypes and/or by removing loci that have failed to yield allelic determinations, but despite their best efforts, most data sets still contain some missing data. As a consequence, realized sample size differs among loci, and this poses a problem for unbiased methods that must explicitly account for random sampling error. One commonly used solution for the calculation of contemporary effective population size (Ne) is to calculate the effective sample size as an unweighted mean or harmonic mean across loci. This is not ideal because it fails to account for the fact that loci with different numbers of alleles have different information content. Here we consider this problem for genetic estimators of contemporary effective population size (Ne). To evaluate bias and precision of several statistical approaches for dealing with missing data, we simulated populations with known Ne and various degrees of missing data. Across all scenarios, one method of correcting for missing data (fixed‐inverse variance‐weighted harmonic mean) consistently performed the best for both single‐sample and two‐sample (temporal) methods of estimating Ne and outperformed some methods currently in widespread use. The approach adopted here may be a starting point to adjust other population genetics methods that include per‐locus sample size components.  相似文献   

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