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The interaction of mitochondrial creatine kinase and ATP-ADP translocase with 2.3-dialdehyde derivatives of ADP and ATP (oADP and oATP) has been studied. It was shown that these compounds are irreversible and specific inhibitors of creatine kinase (KioADP = 0.6mM, KioATP = 1.12 mM) and ATP-ADP translocase (KioADP = 0.065mM, KioATP = 0.14 mM). The substrates protect both enzymes from inactivation by these compounds. The maximal pseudo-first order rate constants for the 2,3-dialdehyde nucleotide derivative interaction with creatine kinase are 0.2 min-1 for oADP (pH 6.5) and 0.11 min-1 for oATP (pH 7.0). A decrease in the creatine kinase activity correlates with the incorporation of the reagent into the protein. The completely inactivated, isolated and purified enzyme contains 1 mol of oADP per mole of active sites. A procedure for simultaneous determination of the creatine kinase and translocase content in mitochondria and mitoplasts has been developed, which is based on the application of [3H]oADP in combination with specific treatment of mitochondria (or mitoplasts) with carboxyatractyloside 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene and a mixture of creatine kinase substrates (MgADP + phosphocreatine). It has been found that for heart mitochondria from different animals the content of creatine kinase and translocase is 2.1-2.6 and 2.4-2.9 mol per mol of cytochrome c oxidase, respectively. Thus, the stoiochiometric ratio of creatine kinase and ATP-ADP translocase is close to 1.0 for all mitochondrial preparations under study (i.e. rat, dog, rabbit and chicken).  相似文献   

Oxidized dialdehyde analogs of ADP or ATP (oADP and oATP) were shown to inhibit irreversibly adenine nucleotide translocator (T) and creatine kinase (CK) in heart mitochondria. Inactivation of T and CK was parallel with carboxyatractyloside - sensitive and (ADP + phosphocreatine) - sensitive incorporation of o[3H]ADP into mitochondria, respectively. o[3H]ADP incorporation sensitive to CAT or ADP+phosphocreatine was used to determine T and CK contents in mitochondria. T content in cardiac mitochondria from rat, rabbit, dog, and chicken was calculated to be 2.6 - 2.9 moles/mole cyt.aa3. The same value of T/cyt.aa3 ratio was found in liver mitochondria with lower cytochrome aa3 content. In all types of cardiac mitochondria CK content was found to be 2.4 - 2.6 moles/mole cyt.aa3. The data show that T and CK are present in molar ratio 1:1 in all types of cardiac mitochondria.  相似文献   

The dependence of the rate of creatine phosphate synthesis in the mitochondrial creatine phosphokinase reaction upon the rate of oxidative phosphorylation and ATP translocation from the matrix to outside of the mitochondria has been studied. It has been experimentally shown that mitochondrial creatine phosphokinase reacts slowly with ATP in the medium but is very active in utilization of ATP synthesized by the oxidative phosphorylation process. From these data, it is postulated, therefore, that the ATP-ADP translocase transports ATP molecules directly to the active site of creatine phosphokinase localized on the outer site of the inner membrane. This results in an increase in the effective concentration of ATP in the vinicity of the active sites of creatine kinase and in acceleration of the forward reaction (creatine phosphate synthesis). The kinetic theory based on this assumption allows a quantitative explanation of the observed dependences. These data indicate the tight functional coupling between ATP-ADP translocase and creatine phosphokinase in heart mitochondria. It is concluded that in heart cells energy can be transported by creatine phosphate molecules only.  相似文献   

The functional role of creatine phosphokinase (CPK) in the process of energy supply for the Ca2+-ATPase reaction and ion transport across the membrane of heart sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) has been studied. It has been shown that isolated and purified preparations of heart SR contain significant activity of CPK. The localization of CPK on the membrane of SR has been revealed also by an electron microscopic histochemical method. Under conditions of the Ca+-ATPase reaction in the presence of creatine phosphate the release of creatine into the reaction medium is observed, the rate of the latter process being dependent upon the MgATP concentration in accordance with the kinetic parameters of the Ca2+-ATPase reaction. CPK localized on the SR membrane is able to maintain higher rate of calcium uptake by SR vesicles, as compared to that with added ATP-regenerating system. The results obtained demonstrate the close functional coupling between CPK and Ca2+-ATPase in the membrane of SR.  相似文献   

The kinetic properties of MM-isozyme of creatine phosphokinase (CPK) bound to heart myofibrils have been determined experimentally. It has been shown that CPK isozymes bound to the heart myofibrils and mitochondria are electrophoretically different, but have very similar kinetic properties. For both isozymes the ATP formation reaction is preferable. However, in heart mitochondria the kinetic properties of CPK are compensated for by a tight functional coupling with ATP-ADP translocase. Due to this coupling the ATP formed in the course of oxidative phosphorylation can be used completely for creatine phosphate production in mitochondria. On the other hand, the kinetic properties of myofibrillar CPK isozyme are such that they provide for the effective utilization of creatine phosphate produced in mitochondria for rephosphorylation of AKP formed in the myofibrils during contraction. It is concluded that in the heart cells energy can be transferred from the mitochondria to the myofibrils by creatine phosphate molecules.  相似文献   

It was shown that during glutamate+malate oxidation in the presence of creatine, antitumour anthracycline antibiotics strongly inhibit the rate of oxygen uptake by rat heart mitochondria; ADP excess activated the respiration up to the initial level, i.e., that observed after the first addition of ADP. Carboxyatractyloside addition to a system containing creatine (or hexokinase+glucose) results in the stimulation of rubomycin-induced mitochondrial respiration. Substitution of carboxyatractyloside by oligomycin gives very similar results. It is supposed that anthracycline antibiotics exert a manyfold effect on heart mitochondrial membranes which results in impaired compartmentation of enzymatic systems providing for oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   

With ATP [γ-32P] we have demonstrated directly that mitochondrial creatine phosphokinase catalyzes the formation of large amounts of creatine phosphate with mitochondria generated ATP as substrate rather than added extramitochondrial ATP.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial creatine kinase was purified from rat hearts and used to produce antibodies in chicken and rabbits. Antibodies were purified to a high degree of homogeneity by an affinity chromatography method. Chicken antibodies against mitochondrial creatine kinase inhibited this enzyme in rat-heart mitochondrial inner membrane and matrix preparation, and simultaneously blocked oxidative phosphorylation. Under these conditions respiratory chain activities remained unchanged, but adenine nucleotide translocase was inhibited. Removal of mitochondrial creatine kinase from the membrane by pretreatment with 0.15 M KCl and 20 mM ADP completely abolished the effect of antibodies against mitochondrial creatine kinase on oxidative phosphorylation. Noninhibitory antibodies from rabbit with high affinity to rat mitochondrial creatine kinase inhibited neither creatine kinase activity nor oxidative phosphorylation. These data show close and specific spatial arrangement of mitochondrial creatine kinase and adenine nucleotide translocase in mitochondria. It is supposed that there is a fixed orientation of these proteins in the cardiolipin domain in the membrane and that their interaction may occur by a frequent collision due to their lateral movement.  相似文献   

ATPase and creatine phosphokinase (CPK) activities of isolated cardiac myofibrils were determined with 32P γ-labeled ATP alone and with the addition of phosphorylcreatine (PC). With ATP and PC as substrates the label in the inorganic phosphate formed is greatly diluted indicating that the ATP formed by PC through CPK can reach the ATPase active site more readily than labeled ATP from the medium. The tight coupling of the ATPase and CPK activities further strengthens our view that PC serves an important role as high energy carrier between the energy producing sites (mitochondria) and the energy utilizing sites (myofibrils).  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates that the mitochondrial isoenzyme of creatine kinase (CKm) can be solubilized from rabbit heart mitochondria, the outer membrane of which has been removed or at least broken by a digitonin treatment or a short hypotonic exposure, but which has retained an important part of the capacity to phosphorylate ADP. Phosphate, ADP, or ATP, at concentrations which are used to study oxidative phosphorylation and creatine phosphate synthesis, solubilize CKm; the same is true with MgCl2 and KCl. The effect of adenine nucleotides does not seem to be due to their interaction with the adenine nucleotide translocase. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis shows that CKm is the main protein released in the described conditions; however, it does not amount to more than 1% of the total protein content of the mitoplasts. When the apparent Km for ATP of CKm was estimated by measuring creatine phosphate synthesis, the values obtained using water-treated mitochondria (0.21 mM) were slightly higher than those of intact mitochondria (0.12 mM) but the difference was not significant. In the former preparation 77% of CKm was in a soluble state. If we can extrapolate these results to intact mitochondria and suppose that in this case a fraction of CKm is also soluble in the intermembrane space, this does not support the theory of functional association between CKm and the adenine nucleotide translocase.  相似文献   

The synthesis of creatine phosphate (CP) by mitochondrial creatine kinase during oxidative phosphorylation was terminated when the mass action ratio of the creatine kinase reaction = [ADP]·[CP][ATP]·[Cr] became equal to the apparent equilibrium constant (K eq app) of this reaction. Subsequent excess of over the K eq app was due to an increase in the ADP concentration in the medium. A comparable increase in the ADP concentration also occurred in the absence of creatine (Cr) in the incubation medium. Increase in the ADP concentration was shown to be associated with a decrease in the rate of oxidative phosphorylation and with a relative increase in the ATPase activity of mitochondria during the incubation. A low concentration of ADP (<30 M) and relatively high concentrations (1-6 mM) of other components of the creatine kinase reaction prevented the detection of the reverse reaction within 10 min after exceeded the K eq app, but the reverse reaction became evident on more prolonged incubation. The reverse reaction was accompanied by a further increase in . Low ADP concentration in the medium was also responsible for the lack of an immediate conversion of the excess creatine phosphate added although > K eq app. The findings are concluded to be in contradiction with the concept of microcompartment formation between mitochondrial creatine kinase and adenine nucleotide translocase.  相似文献   

The mechanism of functional coupling between mitochondrial creatine kinase (MiCK) and adenine nucleotide translocase (ANT) in isolated heart mitochondria is analyzed. Two alternative mechanisms are studied: 1), dynamic compartmentation of ATP and ADP, which assumes the differences in concentrations of the substrates between intermembrane space and surrounding solution due to some diffusion restriction and 2), direct transfer of the substrates between MiCK and ANT. The mathematical models based on these possible mechanisms were composed and simulation results were compared with the available experimental data. The first model, based on a dynamic compartmentation mechanism, was not sufficient to reproduce the measured values of apparent dissociation constants of MiCK reaction coupled to oxidative phosphorylation. The second model, which assumes the direct transfer of substrates between MiCK and ANT, is shown to be in good agreement with experiments—i.e., the second model reproduced the measured constants and the estimated ADP flux, entering mitochondria after the MiCK reaction. This model is thermodynamically consistent, utilizing the free energy profiles of reactions. The analysis revealed the minimal changes in the free energy profile of the MiCK-ANT interaction required to reproduce the experimental data. A possible free energy profile of the coupled MiCK-ANT system is presented.  相似文献   

The kinetic coupling of mitochondrial creatine kinase (MiMi-CK) to ADP/ATP translocase in chicken heart mitochondrial preparations is demonstrated. Measuring the MiMi-CK apparent Km value for MgATP2- (at saturating creatine) gives a value of 36 microM when MiMi-CK is coupled to oxidative phosphorylation. This Km value is threefold lower than the Km for enzyme bound to mitoplasts or free in solution. The nucleotide translocase Km value for ADP decreases from 20 to 10 microM in the presence of 50 mM creatine only with intact mitochondria. Similar experiments with mitoplasts do not give decreased Km values. The observed Km differences can be used to calculate the concentration of ATP and ADP under steady-state conditions showing that the observed differences in the kinetic constants accurately reflect the enzyme activities of MiMi-CK under the different conditions. The behavior of the Km values provides evidence for what we term compartmented coupling. Therefore, like the rabbit heart system (S. Erickson-Viitanen, P. Viitanen, P. J. Geiger, W. C. T. Yang, and S. P. Bessman (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 14395-14404) compartmented coupling requires an intact outer mitochondrial membrane. The apparent Km values for normal or compartmentally coupled systems can be used to calculate steady-state values of ATP and ADP by coupling enzyme theory. Hence, the overall kinetic parameters accurately reflect the behavior of the enzymes whether free in solution or in the intermembrane space.  相似文献   

The interaction of human creatine phosphokinase isoenzymes with rabbit antibodies and their Fab has been studied. It has been shown that Fab of the antibodies against MM or BB isoenzymes preserve high specificity of intact antibodies and the ability to inhibit creatine kinase isoenzymes. Differences between antibodies and their Fab have been found to exist with respect to the kinetics of binding with homologous isoenzymes: the rate of the complex formation for Fab is significantly higher. The interaction of creatine kinase isoenzymes with intact antibodies and their Fab is not affected by the addition of creatine kinase substrates. The antibodies against MM and BB isoenzymes have been used to study the individual properties of each subunit of the M- and B-type in a hybrid dimer MB. It has been shown that such properties of these subunits as the Michaelis constants, pH dependence and inhibition by homologous antibodies are identical to those of non-hybrid MM and BB isoenzymes, respectively.  相似文献   

The rate of pyruvate oxidation by isolated rabbit heart mitochondria was inhibited by fatty acylcarnitine derivatives. The extent of inhibition by pyruvate oxidation in State 3 was greatest with palmitylcarnitine and only a minimal inhibition was observed with acetylcarnitine, while octanoylcarnitine or octanoate caused an intermediate extent of inhibition. Analyses of the intramitochondrial ATPADP and NADHNAD+ ratios under the different conditions of incubation indicated that it is unlikely that changes in either or both of these parameters were the primary negative effectors of the rate of pyruvate oxidation. A positive correlation between the decrease in the rate of pyruvate oxidation and the decrease in the level of free CoASH in the mitochondria was observed. Extraction and assay of the pyruvate dehydrogenase from rabbit heart mitochondria during the time course of the fatty acid-mediated inhibition of pyruvate oxidation indicated that pyruvate dehydrogenase was strongly inactivated when palmitylcarnitine was the fatty acid, while incubation with octanoate and acetylcarnitine resulted in less extensive inactivation of pyruvate dehydrogenase. Measurement of the effects of NADH, NAD+, acetyl-CoA, and CoASH on the inactivation of pyruvate dehydrogenase extracted from rabbit heart mitochondria indicated that NADH and acetyl-CoA activated the pyruvate dehydrogenasee kinase while CoASH strongly inhibited the kinase and NAD+ was without effect. In addition, palmityl-CoA and octanoyl-CoA had little, if any, effect on the pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase activity. It was observed that palmityl-CoA but not octanoyl-CoA strongly inhibited the activity of the extracted pyruvate dehydrogenase. Hence, it is concluded that (a) decreased mitochondrial CoASH levels, which essentially remove a potent inhibitor of the pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase, (b) possibly a diminished free CoASH supply, which may be utilized as a substrate for the active complex, and (c) direct inhibitory effects of palmityl-CoA on the active form of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex combine to make palmitylcarnitine a much more potent inhibitor of mitochondrial pyruvate oxidation than shorter chain length acylcarnitine derivatives.  相似文献   

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