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In Arabidopsis thaliana, cell fate in developing ovules is determined by the action of the homeodomain factor BELL1 (BEL1) and of the MADS-box factors SEEDSTICK (STK), SHATTERPROOF1 (SHP1) and SHP2. The analysis of the bel1 and the stk shp1 shp2 mutants revealed that the functional megaspore is formed, however, it does not proceed into megagametogenesis. In the bel1 stk shp1 shp2, quadruple mutant megasporogenesis does not take place. In this article we describe a detailed morphological analysis of the quadruple mutant, and we discuss the possibility that BELL1, STK, SHP1 and SHP2 not only control integument identity determination and development, but that they might also play a role during megasporogenesis.  相似文献   

Xyridaceae belongs to the xyrid clade of Poales, but the phylogenetic position of the xyrid families is only weakly supported. Xyridaceae is divided into two subfamilies and five genera, the relationships of which remain unclear. The development of the ovule, fruit and seed of Abolboda spp. was studied to identify characteristics of taxonomic and phylogenetic value. All of the studied species share anatropous, tenuinucellate and bitegmic ovules with a micropyle formed by the inner and outer integuments, megagametophyte development of the Polygonum type, seeds with a tanniferous hypostase, a helobial and starchy endosperm and an undifferentiated embryo, seed coat derived from both integuments with a tanniferous tegmen and a micropylar operculum, and fruits with a parenchymatous endocarp and mesocarp and a sclerenchymatous exocarp. Most of the ovule and seed characteristics described for Abolboda are also present in Xyris and may represent a pattern for the family. Abolboda is distinguished by the ovule type, endosperm formation and the number of layers in the seed coat, in agreement with its classification in Abolbodoideae. The following characteristics link Xyridaceae to Eriocaulaceae and Mayacaceae, supporting the xyrid clade: tenuinucellate, bitegmic ovules; seeds with a tanniferous hypostase, a starchy endosperm and an undifferentiated embryo; and a seed coat with a tanniferous tegmen. A micropylar operculum in the seeds of Abolboda is described for the first time here and may represent a synapomorphy for the xyrids. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 175 , 144–154.  相似文献   

Anthers and ovules of Scabiosa columbaria L. were cultured in vitro to determine whether gametophytic cells would proliferate and/or a protocol for plant regeneration could be developed. Several factors were tested, including explant type, donor plant, cold pre-treatment, and medium composition. Callus induction frequency varied among treatments, indicated by significant effects of explant type, medium composition, and their interactions. Histological analysis revealed numerous sites of callus induction, however, gametophytic cells did not proliferate. Stepwise removal of growth regulators and simultaneous lowering of sucrose from the nutrient medium, resulted in initiation of embryogenesis or shoot organogenesis, and allowed plant regeneration. Under the conditions tested, regeneration capacity was donor related, because only material of one donor responded. Regenerants were diploid (except one mixoploid individual), but showed various types of flower heads. They were probably of sporophytic origin. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Carbohydrates and carbohydrate enzymes in developing cotton ovules   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Patterns of carbohydrates and carbohydrate enzymes were investigated in developing cotton ovules to establish which of these might be related to sink strength in developing bolls. Enzymatic analysis of extracted tissue indicated that beginning 1 week following anthesis, immature cotton seeds (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. Coker 100A glandless) accumulated starch in the tissues which surround the embryo. Starting at 15 days post anthesis (DPA), this starch was depleted and starch simultaneously appeared in the embryo. Sucrose entering the tissues surrounding the embryo was rapidly degraded, apparently by sucrose synthase; the free hexose content of these tissues reached a peak at about 20 DPA. During the first few weeks of development these tissues contained substantial amounts of hexose but little sucrose; the reverse was true for cotton embryos. Embryo sucrose content rose sharply from the end of the first week until about 20 DPA; it then remained roughly constant during seed maturation. Galactinol synthase (EC 2.4.1.x) appeared in the embryos approximately 25 days after flowering. Subsequently, starch disappeared and the galactosides raffinose and stachyose appeared in the embryo. Except near maturity, sucrose synthase (EC activity in the embryos predominated over that of both sucrose phosphate synthase (EC and acid invertase (EC Activities of the latter enzymes increased during the final stages of embryo maturation. The ratio of sucrose synthase to sucrose phosphate synthase was found to be high in young cotton embryos but the ratio reversed about 45 DPA, when developing ovules cease being assimilate sinks. Insoluble acid invertase was present in developing cotton embryos, but at very low activities; soluble acid invertase was present at significant activities only in nearly mature embryos. From these data it appears that sucrose synthase plays an important role in young cotton ovule carbohydrate partitioning and that sucrose phosphate synthase and the galactoside synthesizing enzymes assume the dominant roles in carbohydrate partitioning in nearly mature cotton seeds. Starch was found to be an important carbohydrate intermediate during the middle stages of cotton ovule development and raffinose and stachyose were found to be important carbohydrate pools in mature cotton seeds.  相似文献   

Ovule development, megasporogenesis, and megagametogenesis were studied in six cryptically dioecious species of Consolea. All species showed uniform development typical for the Opuntioideae. Ovule development proceeds acropetally, but shows developmental asynchrony across floral morphs. At anthesis, female morph ovules are functional and available for fertilization, whereas staminate flower ovules are senescing and incapable of being fertilized. In occasional plants of some species, staminate flowers may reach anthesis with a few functional apical ovules capable of seed formation. Such plants are described as inconstant/leaky males. Ovule fertility differences across morphs are interpreted as resulting from heterochronic ovule development and senescence, although variation in embryo sac longevity cannot be ruled out. Significantly, ovule abortion follows a common pattern and timing in staminate flowers of both male morphs in all species. Thus, on the basis of this uniformity, a common origin for the cryptically dioecious breeding system in Consolea is hypothesized. Furthermore, staminate expression in Consolea appears to be controlled by a common, genetically determined heterochronic ovule developmental programme affecting the relative timing of ovule receptivity and flower opening. This is the first report of heterochrony as a mechanism of male sex determination.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 156 , 305–326.  相似文献   

The isolation of genes associated with apomixis would improve understanding of the molecular mechanism of this mode of reproduction in plants as well as open the possibility of transfer of apomixis to sexual plants, enabling cloning of crops through seeds. Brachiaria brizantha is a highly apomictic grass species with 274 tetraploid apomicts accessions and only one diploid sexual. In this study we have compared gene expression in ovaries at megasporogenesis and megagametogenesis of sexual and apomictic accessions of B. brizantha by differential display (DD-PCR), with 60 primer combinations. Specificity of 65 cloned fragments, checked by reverse northern blot analysis, showed that 11 clones were differentially expressed, 6 in apomictic ovaries, 2 in sexual and 3 in apomictic and sexual, but at different stages. Of the 6 sequences isolated that were preferentially expressed in the apomictic accession: one sequence was from ovaries at megasporogenesis stage; three were from megagametogenesis stage; two were from both stages. Of the two sequences isolated from the sexual accessions, one showed expression in ovaries at megagametogenesis, while the other sequence was shown to be specific to both stages. Three sequences were from megasporogenesis stage in apomicts but were also detected at megagametogenesis in sexual plants. Sequence analysis showed that 5 of the 11 clones had no apparent homologues in the protein database. Some of the clones identified as apomictic-specific shared homology with known genes enabling their functional annotation. The relationships of these functions to the generation of the apomictic trait are discussed.  相似文献   

Megasporogenesis and megagametogenesis of Passiflora caerulea L. were studied using light and transmission electron microscopy. The archesporial tissue is generally formed by one cell. The megaspore mother cell gives rise to a linear tetrad of megaspores. The chalazal megaspore is the functional one, and originates a Polygonum -type female gametophyte. The antipodals are ephemeral. Abundant starch is found in the nucellar cells, specially the ones adjacent to the megagametophyte. The two synergids show ultrastructural differences, involving the filiform apparatus, the nucleolus and the endoplasmic reticulum; these differences suggest a functional differentiation, probably related to the reception of the pollen tube. This is the first report in angiosperms of substantial morphological differences between the two synergids.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 142 , 73–81.  相似文献   

斑马鱼高分辨率整胚原位杂交实验方法与流程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张春霞  刘峰 《遗传》2013,35(4):522-528
整胚原位杂交技术是利用反义RNA探针检测体内mRNA表达的一项技术, 在利用模式动物研究基因时空表达方面有着重要的应用。如何使用该技术得到特异、高敏感度的表达结果, 对每一个使用该技术的实验室来说都很重要。本实验室参照常规的实验方法, 对该技术加以改进, 使之更加灵敏, 结果更加特异。文章主要以斑马鱼为例, 介绍了整胚原位杂交技术的发展历史, 并重点介绍了本实验室所用的整胚原位杂交实验流程, 同时还分析了实验结果不理想的原因及其解决方法。  相似文献   

Background and Aims: The embryo sac, nucellus and integuments of the early-divergentangiosperms Hydatellaceae and other Nymphaeales are comparedwith those of other seed plants, in order to evaluate the evolutionaryorigin of these characters in the angiosperms. Methods: Using light microscopy, ovule and embryo sac development aredescribed in five (of 12) species of Trithuria, the sole genusof Hydatellaceae, and compared with those of Cabombaceae andNymphaeaceae. Key Results: The ovule of Trithuria is bitegmic and tenuinucellate, ratherthan bitegmic and crassinucellate as in most other Nymphaeales.The seed is operculate and possesses a perisperm that developsprecociously, which are both key features of Nymphaeales. However,in the Indian species T. konkanensis, perisperm is relativelypoorly developed by the time of fertilization. Perisperm cellsin Trithuria become multinucleate during development, a featureobserved also in other Nymphaeales. The outer integument issemi-annular (‘hood-shaped’), as in Cabombaceaeand some Nymphaeaceae, in contrast to the annular (‘cap-shaped’)outer integument of some other Nymphaeaceae (e.g. Barclaya)and Amborella. The megagametophyte in Trithuria is monosporicand four-nucleate; at the two-nucleate stage both nuclei occurin the micropylar domain. Double megagametophytes were frequentlyobserved, probably developed from different megaspores of thesame tetrad. Indirect, but strong evidence is presented forapomictic embryo development in T. filamentosa. Conclusions: Most features of the ovule and embryo sac of Trithuria are consistentwith a close relationship with other Nymphaeales, especiallyCabombaceae. The frequent occurrence of double megagametophytesin the same ovule indicates a high degree of developmental flexibility,and could provide a clue to the evolutionary origin of the Polygonum-typeof angiosperm embryo sac.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: There are few embryological reports on wild legumes and even fewer on their seminal appendages. There are no existing studies on the complete ontogeny of these appendages in Cytiseae, a very important Papilionoideae tribe in Mediterranean ecosystems. In this work megasporogenesis, megagametogenesis and aril ontogeny were studied in Cytisus multiflorus and C. striatus, endemics from the western Mediterranean region. METHODS: Ovaries and ovules from flower buds, flowers at anthesis and hand cross-pollinated flowers were sectioned with a rotary microtome and studied under light and fluorescence microscopy. KEY RESULTS: A monosporic Polygonum-type of megagametogenesis is observed in both species but with megasporogenesis characterized by formation of a triad of cells after incomplete meiosis. The original cell wall of the megaspore mother cell and triad, including the transverse walls between the latter, are surrounded by a callose layer that isolates them from the surrounding diploid tissue; this callose layer gradually disappears during embryo sac formation. There are no antipodals in the mature embryo sac. Aril ontogeny starts in pre-anthesis with the formation of the aril primordium, and its normal development will occur only after fertilization, more specifically after endosperm initiation. After fertilization, a reactivation of meristem capacity takes place in the aril cells resulting in slow and sparse growth. Later, this type of development gradually decreases but the aril cells continue to grow by cell expansion, which in the last period of seed development is the only type of growth of the aril. In the mature seed, the seminal appendage acquires an irregular U-shape in transverse section, showing vacuolated cells with a large central vacuole that stores lipids and some proteins. CONCLUSIONS: Meiotic triad formation is due to a failure in meiosis II of the chalazal cell of the dyad. In Cytisus seeds the aril has a funicular origin with predominantly post-fertilization development, but a normal growth of the endosperm is needed for proper aril development.  相似文献   

Flowers of Cochliostema odoratissimum are trimerous with three fertile stamens, three unequal antherless staminodes. and three connate carpels. The fertile stamens are on one side of die flower and united by their filaments, forming a compound structure that curves to the flower's right as the flower opens. The thecae arc longitudinally dehiscent, spirally coiled, and enveloped by pctaloid extensions of the filaments of the two lateral stamens contributing to the three-staminate structure. Anther wall development is of the monocotyledonous type. Tapetal raphides are formed and appear to be widespread in CCommelinaceae. Also known from Philydraceae and. perhaps. Haemodoraccae, tapetal raphides and their taxonomic distribution may be of phylogenetic utilitv. Microsporogcnesis is successive, forming both isobilateral and decussate tetrads. Pollen is shed as single binucleatc grains. Each ovary locule contains ten to twelve hemianatropous, crassinucellar. bitegmic ovules on axile placentae. The micropyle is formed by both the inner integument and one side of the outer integument. Megagamctophyte development is of the Polygonum type. The mature megagamctophyte consists of an egg apparatus, fusion nucleus, and three antipodals. the latter showing signs of degeneration. The salient features of the floral vasculature are the same as in the few other commclinaceous species for winch complete data are available. Relative to the floral vasculature in the other species, differences in the vasculature lie primarily in the presence and origin of lateral carpel bundles and in the number of sepal and ovule traces.  相似文献   

Field pea (Pisum sativum), a major grain legume crop, is autogamous and adapted to temperate climates. The objectives of this study were to investigate effects of high temperature stress on stamen chemical composition, anther dehiscence, pollen viability, pollen interactions with pistil and ovules, and ovule growth and viability. Two cultivars (“CDC Golden” and “CDC Sage”) were exposed to 24/18°C (day/night) continually or to 35/18°C for 4 or 7 days. Heat stress altered stamen chemical composition, with lipid composition of “CDC Sage” being more stable compared with “CDC Golden.” Heat stress reduced pollen viability and the proportion of ovules that received a pollen tube. After 4 days at 35°C, pollen viability in flower buds decreased in “CDC Golden,” but not in “CDC Sage.” After 7 days, partial to full failure of anthers to dehisce resulted in subnormal pollen loads on stigmas. Although growth (ovule size) of fertilized ovules was stimulated by 35°C, heat stress tended to decrease ovule viability. Pollen appears susceptible to stress, but not many grains are needed for successful fertilization. Ovule fertilization and embryos are less susceptible to heat, but further research is warranted to link the exact degree of resilience to stress intensity.  相似文献   

Using ovule clearing, more than 33,600 ovules of Rhododendron nuttallii T. W. Booth (Ericaceae) were examined for megagametophyte and early postfertilization stages at daily intervals from anthesis until 3 weeks after pollination. Pretreatments with amyloglucosidase to digest integumentary and gametophyte starch and Stockwell's bleach to remove tannins from the integumentary epidermis were necessary. Ovules were cleared by a combination or modifications of Heir's four-and-a-half or Stelly's hem-alum-methyl salicylate techniques and were observed using differential interference contrast optics. The method proved suitable for large-scale quantitative studies of ovule development and fertilization. A general protocol is suggested as a starting point for ovule clearing studies.  相似文献   

Nucleic acids of intact biological tissues are rich in biological information. Whole‐mount in situ hybridization is a powerful technique to mine the wealth of data contained in DNAs or RNAs, especially mRNAs. However, there are no simple, rapid approaches to precisely locate mRNAs in whole‐mount tissues such as intact brains. By combining the penetration procedures of iDISCO with the signal amplification approach termed hybridization chain reaction, we herein developed a method for whole‐brain in situ hybridization at cellular resolution. Based on fluorescence tomography instead of tissue clearing, this method provides a simple, rapid way to precisely locate mRNAs in the whole brain with cytoarchitectonic landmarks. As a proof of principle, we investigated the exact distribution of Cre mRNA in a Thy1‐Cre mouse brain. We found high levels of Cre mRNA in most regions of the subcortical nuclei and the brain stem but comparatively low levels in major areas of the cerebral cortex. This method may have broad applications in studies of RNA function and its relations with diseases.   相似文献   

The chick embryo is a valuable tool in the study of early embryonic development. Its transparency, accessibility and ease of manipulation, make it an ideal tool for studying gene expression in brain, neural tube, somite and heart primordia formation. This video demonstrates the different steps in 2-color whole mount in situ hybridization; First, the embryo is dissected from the egg and fixed in paraformaldehyde. Second, the embryo is processed for prehybridization. The embryo is then hybridized with two different probes, one coupled to DIG, and one coupled to FITC. Following overnight hybridization, the embryo is incubated with DIG coupled antibody. Color reaction for DIG substrate is performed, and the region of interest appears blue. The embryo is then incubated with FITC coupled antibody. The embryo is processed for color reaction with FITC, and the region of interest appears red. Finally, the embryo is fixed and processed for phtograph and sectioning. A troubleshooting guide is also presented.  相似文献   

Whole-mount cell preparations of cultured rat 3Y1 cells were examined by stereo electron microscopy to identify the ultrastructural localization of concanavalin A (Con A) receptors in the plasma membrane, and to clarify the relationship between Con A receptors and cytoskeletal components. Well spread monolayer cells were extracted with saponin, briefly fixed, and then partially broken open with shearing force to facilitate the introduction of antibodies for identification of actin filaments. Stereo electron microscopy of such treated cells revealed a 3-dimensional image of filamentous structures such as fine filaments, microtubules (MT) and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in the flattened areas of each cell. Just beneath the plasma membrane were meshworks of actin-containing fine filaments, as identified by an immunogold staining method. Microtubules and ER were observed to be either directly or indirectly associated with this meshwork. The broken open part of each cell exhibited a meshwork of filaments which were associated with the cytoplasmic surface of the plasma membrane. Some of the filaments were connected to the plasma membrane either by their ends or by their lateral surfaces. The localization of Con A receptors was examined by binding colloidal gold-labelled Con A to the surface of fixed, saponin-extracted cells. Virtually all gold particles bound externally at the same membrane sites where intracellular actin filaments attached internally. The observations strongly suggest that the distribution of Con A receptors was regulated by the underlying meshwork of actin filaments.  相似文献   

Embryo sac abortion is one of the major reasons for sterility in indicaljaponica hybrids in rice. To clarify the causal mechanism of embryo sac abortion, we studied the female gametophyte development in two indicaljaponica hybrids via an eosin B staining procedure for embryo sac scanning using confocal laser scanning microscope. Different types of abnormalities occurred during megasporogenesis and megagametogenesis were demonstrated. The earliest abnormality was observed in the megasporocyte. A lot of the chalazal-most megaspores were degenerated before the mono-nucleate embryo sac stage. Disordered positioning of nucleus and abnormal nucellus tissue were characteristics of the abnormal female gametes from the mono-nucleate to four-nucleate embryo sac stages. The abnormalities that occurred from the early stage of the eight-nucleate embryo sac development to the mature embryo sac stage were characterized by smaller sizes and wrinkled antipodals. Asynchronous nuclear migration, abnormal positioning of nucleus, and degeneration of egg apparatus were also found at the eight-nucleate embryo sac stage. The abnormalities that occurred during female gametophyte development resulted in five major types of abnormal embryo sacs. These abnormal embryo sacs led to abnormal fertilization. Hand pollination using normal pollens on the spikelets during anthesis showed that normal pollens could not exclude the effect of abnormal embryo sac on seed setting.  相似文献   

Embryo sac abortion is one of the major masons for sterility in indicaljaponica hybrids In rice. To clarify the causal mechanism of embryo sac abortion, we studied the female gametophyte development in two indicaljaponica hybrids via an eosin B staining procedure for embryo sac scanning using confocal laser scanning microscope. Different types of abnormalities occurred during megasporogenesis and megagamatogenesis were demonstrated. The earliest abnormality was observed in the megasporocyte. A lot of the chalazal-most megaspores were degenerated before the mono-nucleate embryo sac stage. Disordered positioning of nucleus and abnormal nucallus tissue were characteristics of the abnormal female gametes from the mono-nucleate to four-nucleate embryo sac stages. The abnormalities that occurred from the early stage of the eight-nucleate embryo sac development to the mature embryo sac stage were characterized by smaller sizes and wrinkled antipodals. Asynchronous nuclear migration, abnormal positioning of nucleus, and degeneration of egg apparatus were also found at the eight-nucleate embryo sac stage. The abnormalities that occurred during female gametophyte development resulted in five major types of abnormal embryo sacs. These abnormal embryo sacs led to abnormal fertilization. Hand pollination using normal pollens on the spikelets during anthesis showed that normal pollens could not exclude the effect of abnormal embryo sac on seed setting.  相似文献   

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