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Ben-David M  Titus K  Beier LR 《Oecologia》2004,138(3):465-474
The risk of infanticide may alter foraging decisions made by females, which otherwise would have been based on nutritional requirements and forage quality and availability. In systems where meat resources are spatially aggregated in late summer and fall, female brown bears ( Ursus arctos) would be faced with a trade-off situation. The need of reproductive females to accumulate adequate fat stores would likely result in a decision to frequent salmon streams and consume the protein- and lipid-rich spawning salmon. In contrast, aggregations of bears along salmon streams would create conditions of high risk of infanticide. We investigated consumption of salmon by brown bears on Admiralty and Chichagof Islands in Southeast Alaska from 1982 to 2000 using stable isotope analysis and radiotelemetry. While nearly all males (22 of 23) consumed relatively large amounts of salmon (i.e., >10% relative contribution to seasonal diet), not all females ( n =56) did so. Five of 26 females for which we had reproductive data, occupied home ranges that had no access to salmon and thus did not consume salmon when they were mated or accompanied by young. Of females that had access to salmon streams ( n =21), all mated individuals ( n =16) had 15N values indicative of salmon consumption. In contrast, 4 out of 16 females with cubs avoided consuming salmon altogether, and of the other 12, 3 consumed less salmon than they did when they were mated. For 11 of 21 females with access to salmon streams we had data encompassing both reproductive states. Five of those altered foraging strategies and exhibited significantly lower values of 15N when accompanied by young than when mated, while 6 did not. Radiotelemetry data indicated that females with spring cubs were found, on average, further away from streams during the spawning season compared with females with no young, but both did not differ from males and females with yearlings and 2-year-olds. Females with young that avoided salmon streams were significantly lighter indicating that female choice to avoid consumption of salmon carries a cost that may translate to lower female or cub survivorship. The role of the social hierarchy of males and females, mating history, and paternity in affecting the risk of infanticide and foraging decisions of female brown bears merit further investigation.  相似文献   

On Caribbean coral reefs, some sponge species produce chemicaldefenses, while others do not and are non-fatally grazed bypredatory fishes. It has been hypothesized that the latter maycompensate for fish grazing by growing faster or rapidly healingwounds. Rates of wound-healing were measured for chemicallydefended and undefended tubular and vase-shaped sponges on patchreefs in the Florida Keys and Bahamas in 2002. Healing rateswere significantly faster during the first few days of the experiment,with rates leveling off after the third day. Chemically undefendedsponges healed at significantly faster rates (Callyspongia plicifera,8% area regenerated per day; Callyspongia vaginalis, 6%; Niphatesdigitalis, 6%; Xestospongia muta, 6.5%) than chemically defendedsponges (Cribrochalina vasculum, 2%; Ircinia campana, 2%; Verongulagigantea, 0%). Orientation of wounds relative to the tidal currenthad no influence on healing rates. Specimens of Niphates digitalisgrowing in tubular form had faster healing rates than individualswith vasiform shapes. Our results suggest that Caribbean reefsponges followed two different evolutionary trajectories: chemicallydefended species deter fish predation and have slow healingrates, while chemically undefended species allocate resourcesto rapid wound-healing in response to grazing.  相似文献   

Is invasion success explained by the enemy release hypothesis?   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A recent trend in invasion ecology relates the success of non‐indigenous species (NIS) to reduced control by enemies such as pathogens, parasites and predators (i.e. the enemy release hypothesis, ERH). Despite the demonstrated importance of enemies to host population dynamics, studies of the ERH are split – biogeographical analyses primarily show a reduction in the diversity of enemies in the introduced range compared with the native range, while community studies imply that NIS are no less affected by enemies than native species in the invaded community. A broad review of the invasion literature implies at least eight non‐exclusive explanations for this enigma. In addition, we argue that the ERH has often been accepted uncritically wherever (i) NIS often appear larger, more fecund, or somehow ‘better’ than either congeners in the introduced region, or conspecifics in the native range; and (ii) known enemies are conspicuously absent from the introduced range. However, all NIS, regardless of their abundance or impact, will lose natural enemies at a biogeographical scale. Given the complexity of processes that underlie biological invasions, we argue against a simple relationship between enemy ‘release’ and the vigour, abundance or impact of NIS.  相似文献   

The two most important components of biodiversity, species diversity and genetic diversity, have generally been treated as separate topics, although a coordination between both components is believed to be critical for ecosystem stability and resilience. Based on a new trait concept that allows for the assessment of genetic diversity across species, the relationship between species diversity and genetic diversity was examined in eight forest tree communities composed of different tree genera including both climax and pioneer species. It was intended to check whether a trade-off exists between the two diversity components as was found in a few studies on animal species.Using several isozyme-gene systems as genetic markers, the genetic diversity across species within each of the tree communities was determined by two measures, the commonly used intraspecific genetic diversity averaged over species and the recently developed transspecific genetic diversity per species. Both data sets were compared with the corresponding community-specific species diversity resulting in a positive relationship between the two diversity components. A statistically significant positive correlation was established between the transspecific genetic diversity per species and the species diversity for three isozyme-gene systems. Beyond that, consistent results were obtained using different parameters of the diversity measure which characterize the total, the effective and the number of prevalent variants. The number of prevalent variants reflected most significantly the non-randomness of the observed diversity patterns.These findings can be explained by the observation that the pioneer tree species reveal a by far higher genetic diversity than the climax tree species, which means that an increase in species diversity, due to the addition of several pioneer species at the expense of one or two climax species, goes along with an increase in the level of genetic diversity. Forest tree communities with the highest degree of species diversity exhibit therefore the highest transspecific genetic diversity per species. This result was discussed with regard to the particular composition and stability of forest tree communities.  相似文献   

Eight perennial C-4 grasses from the Jornada del Muerto Basin in southern New Mexico show five-fold differences in relative growth rates under well- watered conditions (RGRmax). In a controlled environment, we tested the hypothesis that there is an inverse relationship (trade-off) between RGRmax and the capacity of these species to tolerate drought. We examined both physiological (gas exchange) and morphological (biomass allocation, leaf properties) determinants of growth for these eight species under three steady-state drought treatments (none=control, moderate, and severe). When well watered, the grasses exhibited a large interspecific variation in growth, which was reflected in order-of-magnitude biomass differences after 5 weeks. The species had similar gas-exchange characteristics, but differed in all the measured allocation and morphological characteristics, namely tiller mass and number, root:shoot ratio, dry-matter content, and specific leaf area (SLA). Drought affected tillering, morphology, and allocation, and reduced growth by 50 and 68% (moderate and severe drought, respectively) compared to the well-watered controls. With the exception of SLA, none of these variables showed a significant species-by-treatment interaction. We calculated three indices of drought tolerance, defined as the ratio in final biomass between all the possible ”dry”/”wet” treatment pairs: severe/moderate, moderate/control, and severe/control. We found no significant correlation between these drought tolerance indices, on the one hand, and three indices of growth potential (greenhouse RGRmax, final biomass in the control treatment, and final:initial biomass ratio in controls), on the other. Based on these controlled-environment results, we hypothesize that the commonly reported correlation between plant growth potential and drought tolerance in the field may in some cases be explained by differential effects of plants on soil-water content rather than by differences in species responses to drought. Received: 10 March 1999 / Accepted: 8 November 1999  相似文献   

In this study, the relationships among problematic mobile phone use, age, gender, personality and chronotype of Turkish university students were examined. The study included 902 university students (73% female, 27% male) and their participation in the study was anonymous and voluntary. Data were collected from each participant by assessing a demographic questionnaire, Composite Scale of Morningness (CSM) as a measure of chronotype, the Big Five Inventory (BIG-5) for personality assessment and Mobile Phone Problem Usage Scale (MPPUS). The most important result was that CSM scores were the best predictor for problematic mobile phone usage, and as a consequence, evening-oriented university students scored higher on the MPPUS. This result remained, even when compared with the most influential personality predictor, conscientiousness. In addition, while extraversion positively predicted, emotional stable and chronotype negatively predicted problematic mobile phone use. Lastly, age and gender were not predictors of problematic mobile phone use.  相似文献   

Summary This investigation addresses the shape of radiation survival curves of cells cultured as multicell spheroids. It is shown that spheroids of cells capable of intercellular communication by gap-junctions display survival curves lacking a radioresistant fraction of hypoxic cells. Compared to the corresponding monolayers, these spheroid survival curves exhibit a uniform increase in radioresistance due to the contact effect. In contrast, biphasic survival curves indicative of hypoxic cells are obtained with non-communicating spheroids, however, without indication of a contact effect. Evidence is presented that this relationship between intercellular communication, hypoxia, and contact effect may possibly also hold for survival curves of solid tumors.  相似文献   

The effect of nitrogen fertilization on the phytomass production, shoot length and leaf secondary phenolics in nine Salix myrsinifolia clones was investigated. Cuttings taken from 1-year-old and 2-year-old shoot parts of field cultivated clones were grown at three concentrations of nitrogen (7, 150 and 300 ppm) in a greenhouse for one growing season. The willow clones differed significantly in phytomass yield and secondary phenolics content. Nitrogen fertilization affected significantly the growth and secondary metabolism of willow clones. In most clones, the addition of nitrogen from a sub-optimum concentration (7 ppm) to an optimum concentration (150 ppm) appeared to reduce the amounts of salicortin, chlorogenic acid and unknown salicylate and increased shoot phytomass, but a supraoptimum nitrogen concentration (300 ppm) resulted in highly variable growth and secondary phenolic responses. A significantly negative correlation between leaf phytomass and amount of total phenolics at sub-optimum and optimum N-treatments indicates trade-off between growth and secondary metabolism in willow clones at these treatments. However, the leaf phytomass:total amount of phenolics ratio varied significantly among clones, and in all clones it was not significantly lower at sub-optimum N-treatment than at optimum N-treatment.  相似文献   

Blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (BN-PAGE) analyses of detergent mitochondrial extracts have provided evidence that the yeast ATP synthase could form dimers. Cross-linking experiments performed on a modified version of the i-subunit of this enzyme indicate the existence of such ATP synthase dimers in the yeast inner mitochondrial membrane. We also show that the first transmembrane segment of the eukaryotic b-subunit (bTM1), like the two supernumerary subunits e and g, is required for dimerization/oligomerization of ATP synthases. Unlike mitochondria of wild-type cells that display a well-developed cristae network, mitochondria of yeast cells devoid of subunits e, g, or bTM1 present morphological alterations with an abnormal proliferation of the inner mitochondrial membrane. From these observations, we postulate that an anomalous organization of the inner mitochondrial membrane occurs due to the absence of ATP synthase dimers/oligomers. We provide a model in which the mitochondrial ATP synthase is a key element in cristae morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The performance of herbivorous insects is related to the locations of defenses and nutrients found in the different plant organs on which they feed. In this context, the females of herbivorous insect species select certain parts of the plant where their offspring can develop well. In addition, their offspring can adapt to plant defenses. A system where these ecological relationships can be studied occurs in the specialist herbivore, Tuta absoluta, on tomato plants. In our experiments we evaluated: (i) the performance of the herbivore T. absoluta in relation to the tomato plant parts on which their offspring had fed, (ii) the spatial distribution of the insect stages on the plant canopy and (iii) the larval resistance to starvation and their walking speed at different instar stages. We found that the T. absoluta females preferred to lay their eggs in the tomato plant parts where their offspring had greater chances of success. We verified that the T. absoluta females laid their eggs on both sides of the leaves to better exploit resources. We also observed that the older larvae (3rd and 4th instars) moved to the most nutritious parts of the plant, thus increasing their performance. The T. absoluta females and offspring (larvae) were capable of identifying plant sites where their chances of better performance were higher. Additionally, their offspring (larvae) spread across the plant to better exploit the available plant nutrients. These behavioral strategies of T. absoluta facilitate improvement in their performance after acquiring better resources, which help reduce their mortality by preventing the stimulation of plant defense compounds and the action of natural enemies.  相似文献   

Natural host populations often exhibit genetic variability in resistance to parasitism. One possible mechanism for maintaining such diversity is a trade-off between fitness costs associated with resistance and fitness costs associated with parasitism. However, little is known about the nature or magnitude of these costs in animal populations. Using artificial selection experiments in a Biomphalaria glabrata–Schistosoma mansoni host–parasite system, we demonstrated that resistance and susceptibility to infection are heritable. We then investigated whether resistance had any associated costs in terms of snail reproductive success. Susceptible-selected snail lines showed significantly higher fertility (number of offspring produced) than resistant-selected or unselected control snail lines, irrespective of current infection status. There were no consistent differences between snail lines in fecundity, proportion of abnormal egg masses produced, or mean number of eggs per egg mass. Mortality rate was higher among infected than uninfected snails. These results are consistent with snails incurring costs of resistance to schistosome infection in the absence of the parasite.  相似文献   

Do invasive plant species act more as “passengers” or drivers of ecological change in native plant communities? Snapshot studies based on correlations at the site scale ignore longer-term dynamics and variation in how particular invaders affect particular native species. We analyzed patterns of co-occurrence between three invading species (Alliaria petiolata, Lonicera x bella, and Rhamnus cathartica) and 70 native plant species in 94 southern Wisconsin forests at two scales to test four hypotheses. Surveys at these sites in the 1950s and again in the 2000s allowed us to assess how initial plant diversity and site conditions affected subsequent patterns of invasion. Sites with more native species in the 1950s experienced fewer invasions of Lonicera and Rhamnus. However, this result may reflect the fact that more fragmented habitat patches supported both fewer species in the 1950s and more invasions. At the site-level, few negative correlations exist between invasive and native species’ abundances. Sites with higher Alliaria densities in the 2000s, however, support fewer native species and lower populations of several declining natives. Rhamnus-invaded sites support lower populations of two increasing species. Association (C-score) analyses detect more associations and more negative associations at the 1 m2 scale than at the site scale. Most strong associations between invasive and increasing native species are positive while those with declining natives are often negative. Species restricted to specialized habitats rarely co-occur with invaders. Alliaria has more negative associations at fragmented sites where it is more abundant and invasions may be older. Fine-scale invasive-native associations were stronger, easier to detect, and less consistent than those detectable at the site-level. Thus, screening large numbers of local associations using observational data may allow us to identify particular invasive-native interactions worth further investigation. Although invading plants sometimes act as passive passengers, increasing in tandem with certain native plants in response to disturbed fragmented habitats, they may also contribute to the declines we observe in many native species. Monitoring invasions would allow us to assess whether local associations serve to predict subsequent invasive species impacts.  相似文献   

Some studies have highlighted benefits for Lobesia botrana by adding Botrytis cinerea mycelium to an artificial larval diet and have suggested a mutualistic relationship between the two organisms on grapevine, hypothesizing that fungal sterols were the nutritional factor involved. Because the nutritional quality of an artificial diet should be similar to grapes to allow extrapolation of the results to the field conditions, in the current study L. botrana larval performance was compared when larvae were fed on grapes (berries) or two artificial diets either with or without enrichment with B. cinerea. Based on sterol analysis, the two artificial diets had high cholesterol content, but relative to berries showed comparable and low phytosterol contents, respectively (high- and low-phytosterol, HPh, and LPh). While larval fitness on the HPh diet was similar to berries, the LPh diet led to higher mortality and worse larval performance. The addition of the fungus compensated for the shortage in the LPh diet but did not improve the HPh diet. Supplementing the LPh diet with linoleic acid, which is supplied also from B. cinerea, partially improved larval performance. In a field experiment, females did not show any egg-laying preferences towards naturally botrytized bunches. The positive effect of B. cinerea on the moth's next generation that is reported in the literature could be a consequence of fungus developed inside berry tunnels bored by larvae. Therefore, based on our data and previous reports the existence of a mutualistic relationship between L. botrana and B. cinerea is not well-founded.  相似文献   

T. Ashley 《Genetica》1985,66(3):161-167
There has long been an assumption that normal disjunction of the sex chromosomes of all mammals is assured by synapsis of a region of homology between the X and Y and that an obligatory crossover with chiasmata formation follows. Evidence is presented here that much (if not all) observed synapsis between the X and Y in mouse and man is nonhomologous and that crossing over most likely does not occur as a normal event in these organisms. The X and Y have desynapsed to a mere terminal association by the time of pachytene DNA synthesis, generally considered to be associated with crossing over. Recombination nodules or bars observed on the X and Y of human spermatocytes are also present at the wrong substage of pachytene and are insufficient in frequency to accounf for an obligatory crossover between the X and Y and thus assure normal disjunction. Instead it is suggested that orientation and disjunction of the sex chromosomes is mediated in these species by an achiasmatic telomeric association.  相似文献   

Hyperpredation can be described as a restrictive case of apparent competition where an increased number of primary prey species indirectly induces the decrease of the secondary prey species through numerical response of predators to the primary prey dynamics. It has been proposed that rabbit hemorrhagic disease (RHD), which decimated populations of European wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in Spain, led to prey switching by raptors towards red-legged partridges (Alectoris rufa) causing declines in their populations as a peculiar case of hyperpredation.  相似文献   

The allocation of plant internal resources to growth processes (primary metabolism) and to defensive compounds (secondary metabolism) is determined by plant internal competition for common substrates and energy. In order to contribute to the discussion about environmental impacts on this trade-off between demands for growth and defence, we extended a complex plant growth model to simulate the formation of defensive compounds on the whole plant level, depending on the dynamics of the environmental conditions light, nutrients and water. In this paper, we present and apply the model to simulate the effects of different N fertilizer applications on growth and resistance of young apple trees (cv Golden Delicious). The results show that model predictions are able to describe the observed relation between growth rate and phenylpropanoid concentrations in young leaves of apple trees, and can assist in the interpretation of experimental findings. Finally, we estimate costs and benefits of investment into defence in a scenario, in which an attack by the leaf pathogen Venturia inaequalis is simulated.  相似文献   

Is coordination of leaf and root growth mediated by abscisic acid? Opinion   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
Leaf growth is more inhibited than root growth when the soil is nitrogen-deficient, dry, saline, compacted, or of restricted volume. Similar differential responses in leaf and root growth occur when ABA is applied to plants in well-watered and well-fertilised conditions, and opposite responses are often found in ABA-deficient mutants. ABA levels increase in plants in dry or saline soils, suggesting a regulating role in leaf and root growth in soils of low water potential. In nitrogen-deficient or compacted soils, or soils of restricted volume, ABA only sometimes increases, and in these situations its accumulation may be of secondary importance. Use of ABA-deficient mutants has so far indicated that ABA influences leaf and root growth in unstressed plants, and plants in dry soils, but not in soils that are compacted, of restricted volume, or are nitrogen-deficient.For ABA to determine the relationship between the rate of leaf growth and the rate of root growth, there must be long-distance transport of either ABA itself or a compound that controls ABA synthesis in the growing cells of leaves and roots. ABA invariably increases in xylem sap as the soil becomes dry or saline, and sometimes when it becomes nitrogen-deficient or compacted, however the ABA is of too low a concentration to affect leaf growth. There may be a compound in xylem sap that controls the synthesis of ABA in the leaf, but no such compound has been identified. ABA accumulates in phloem sap of plants in dry or saline soil, but its function in controlling root or leaf growth is unknown.We conclude that ABA affects the ratio of root growth to leaf growth via its independent effects on root and leaf growth, and may regulate the ratio of root to leaf growth via feedforward signals in xylem or phloem, but there is no satisfactory explanation of its mechanism of control.  相似文献   

Plant–herbivore–parasitoid interactions are a common occurrence in terrestrial food webs. Few parasitoids are thought to be shared by host insects of different feeding guilds because different parasitism strategies are required to use hosts of different feeding types. However, this assumption has rarely been tested using data from nature. To clarify whether parasitoids are shared among host guilds, I examined the structure of parasitoid communities on herbivore guilds associated with two Rhododendron species (Ericaceae) in a temperate secondary forest in central Japan. Leaf- and flower-feeding insects were collected from Rhododendron reticulatum and Rhododendron macrosepalum shrubs and reared in the laboratory for 3 years from April 1999 to March 2002. In total, 79 species of holometabolous herbivores (Lepidoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera, and Hymenoptera) were recorded, with 62 species on R. reticulatum and 51 species on R. macrosepalum. A total of 81 parasitoid species (Hymenoptera and Diptera) was recorded from the sampled herbivores, with 48 species from those on R. reticulatum and 50 species from those on R. macrosepalum. In total, 36 herbivore species were parasitised by 1–18 parasitoid species per host species, although the number of parasitoid species was strongly affected by sample size. Parasitoids that had two or more host species frequently attacked herbivore species from different families or on different host plants, whereas they did not attack species from different herbivore guilds; no parasitoids were shared between external feeders and rollers. Therefore, my results support the hypothesis that few parasitoids are shared among herbivores of different feeding guilds.  相似文献   

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