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根据GenBank收录的CRC基因cDNA序列设计引物,以短角果荠菜(Capsella bursa-pastoris)为材料,通过RT-PCR扩增出与拟南芥CRC基因同源的全长cDNA,进行测序、比对及同源性分析.结果显示,克隆的该基因cDNA序列与报道的拟南芥CRC序列一致性达到93%,可以推断其为荠菜CRC基因的cDNA(cbCRC).以Ti质粒pWM101为载体,构建了由CaMV35S启动子调控的cbCRC基因植物表达载体pWM101-cbCRC, 采用根癌农杆菌滴注柱头法转化拟南芥,获得了转cbCRC基因的拟南芥植株.转基因拟南芥心皮果荚形态大小发生了一定的变化,说明荠菜cbCRC基因在拟南芥中的表达对拟南芥心皮形态和大小都产生了一定影响,但其并没有使拟南芥表现出荠菜短角果的形态.  相似文献   

To help understand the process of carpel morphogenesis, the roles of three carpel development genes have been partitioned genetically. Mutants of CRABS CLAW cause the gynoecium to develop into a wider but shorter structure, and the two carpels are unfused at the apex. Mutants of a second gene, SPATULA, show reduced growth of the style, stigma, and septum, and the transmitting tract is absent. Double mutants of crabs claw and spatula with homeotic mutants that develop ectopic carpels demonstrate that CRABS CLAW and SPATULA are necessary for, and inseparable from, carpel development, and that their action is negatively regulated by A and B organ identity genes. The third carpel gene studied, AGAMOUS, encodes C function that has been proposed to fully specify carpel identity. When AGAMOUS function is removed together with the A class gene APETALA2, however, the organs retain many carpelloid properties, suggesting that other genes are also involved. We show here that further mutant disruption of both CRABS CLAW and SPATULA function removes remaining carpelloid properties, revealing that the three genes together are necessary to generate the mature gynoecium. In particular, AGAMOUS is required to specify the identity of the carpel wall and to promote the stylar outgrowth at the apex, CRABS CLAW suppresses radial growth of the developing gynoecium but promotes its longitudinal growth, and SPATULA supports development of the carpel margins and tissues derived from them. The three genes mostly act independently, although there is genetic evidence that CRABS CLAW enhances AGAMOUS and SPATULA function.  相似文献   

Nectaries are secretory organs that are widely present in flowering plants that function to attract floral pollinators. Owing to diversity in nectary positions and structures, they are thought to have originated multiple times during angiosperm evolution, with their potential contribution to the diversification of flowering plants and pollinating animals being considerable. We investigated the genetic basis of diverse nectary forms in eudicot angiosperm species using CRABS CLAW (CRC), a gene required for nectaries in Arabidopsis. CRC expression is conserved in morphologically different nectaries from several core eudicot species and is required for nectary development in both rosids and asterids, two major phylogenetic lineages of eudicots. However, in a basal eudicot species, no evidence of CRC expression in nectaries was found. Considering the phylogenetic distribution of nectary positions and CRC expression analyses in eudicots, we propose that diverse nectaries in core eudicots share conserved CRC gene regulation, and that derived nectary positions in eudicots have altered regulation of CRC. As the ancestral function of CRC lies in the regulation of carpel development, it may have been co-opted as a regulator of nectary development within the eudicots, concomitant with the association of nectaries with reproductive organs in derived lineages.  相似文献   

Our microscopy studies describe the anatomy of extrafloral nectaries on the abaxial side of the basal part of every leaf stalks of Acacia mangium. The lens-like nectary expands with the development of the leafstalk, peaks at the stage at which the leafstalk itself has reached its mature size. The nectary is composed of numerous small parenchyma cells and a nectar cavity in which the nectar is pooled. Those small parenchyma cells are divided into nectariferous tissue and epithelial cells, which line the lumen of the nectar cavity, and secretes the nectar into the same. Each nectary is surrounded by several vascular bundles, which probably afford the nectar. In addition to the microscopic observation, the chemical constituents of the nectar are analyzed by NMR, and it mainly consists of sugars with 60 % sucrose, 25 % glucose and 15 % fructose.  相似文献   

TILTON  V. R.; HORNER  H. T.  JR. 《Annals of botany》1980,46(5):533-539
Crystalliferous idioblasts commonly are found in groups of twoor three cells in the peripheral region of the carpels Crystals,composed of calcium oxalate, usually are m well-organized bundleswhich develop within a matrix of protein and carbohydrate inthe vacuole of each idioblast The matrix occurs around and betweenindividual crystal chambers and contains spheres and tubules5.4 nm in diameter The matrix changes in character and locationwith age Crystals form within their own individual chambers,each comprised of a series of lamellae The number of lamellaeis variable The innermost lamella is different from the othersin that it is apparently continuous The other lamellae are platelikeand superficially resemble successive periderms. The lamellaemay begin and/or terminate abruptly or they may anastamose Eachlamella is composed of chains of spheres about 6 1 nm in diameterand is separated from adjacent lamellae by tubules 5.4 nm indiameter Both the crystals and slime body are absorbed duringlater stages of carpel maturation. Ornithogalum caudatum Ait carpel, calcium oxalate, idioblasts, ultrastructure  相似文献   

革苞菊花蜜腺的发育解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
革苞菊(Tugarinovia mongolica)花蜜腺为筒状,围绕花柱基部着生,属于花柱蜜腺类型。蜜腺中无维管束分布,只具分泌表皮和泌蜜组织。分泌表皮细胞排列整齐,表皮细胞之间分散分布着许多气孔,气孔的孔下室发达。蜜腺基部细胞与花柱维管束想念相邻。随着蜜腺的发育,泌蜜组织的细胞结构和储藏物质呈规律性变化。原蜜汁的来源主要是由花柱基部维管束提供多糖,经过泌蜜组织加工成蜜汁后,由分泌表皮上的气孔将蜜汁排出体外。同时讨论了革苞菊花蜜腺结构与进化的相关性问题。  相似文献   

Activation tagging using the En-I maize transposon system in Arabidopsis   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
A method for the generation of stable activation tag inserts was developed in Arabidopsis using the maize (Zea mays) En-I transposon system. The method employs greenhouse selectable marker genes that are useful to efficiently generate large populations of insertions. A population of about 8,300 independent stable activation tag inserts has been produced. Greenhouse-based screens for mutants in a group of plants containing about 2,900 insertions revealed about 31 dominant mutants, suggesting a dominant mutant frequency of about 1%. From the first batch of about 400 stable insertions screened in the greenhouse, four gain-in-function, dominant activation-tagged, morphological mutants were identified. A novel gain-in-function mutant called thread is described, in which the target gene belongs to the same family as the YUCCA flavin-mono-oxygenase that was identified by T-DNA activation tagging. The high frequency of identified gain-in-function mutants in the population suggests that the En-I system described here is an efficient strategy to saturate plant genomes with activation tag inserts. Because only a small number of primary transformants are required to generate an activation tag population, the En-I system appears to be an attractive alternative to study plant species where the present transformation methods have low efficiencies.  相似文献   

Nectar glands are described for the first time on the developing fruits ofCrescentia cujete L. and their presence noted on fruits in 15 other genera of the Bignoniaceae. The nectaries are tiny, nonvascularized, patelliform structures of epidermal origin. They attract ants which are postulated to function in an antiherbivore role.  相似文献   

獐牙菜属植物花蜜腺形态及解剖学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在扫描电镜下观察了獐牙菜属Swertia L.10组30种植物花蜜腺的数目,位置,形态和附属物等特征;同时还利用光镜对各组代表种的蜜腺结构进行了解剖学观察。结果表明獐牙菜属花蜜腺外部形态多种多,但在组与组之间无明显间断,演化序列呈梯度变化;内部结构基本相同,为不具维管束的结构蜜腺,且均为淀粉型蜜腺。因此,从花蜜腺的角度不支持将獐牙菜属划分为小属的观点,同时,还结合其它证据讨论了花蜜腺特征的演化趋势。  相似文献   

新疆鼠尾草(Salvia deserta Schang)花蜜腺位于子房基部的花托上,为盘状的花托蜜腺,其顶部裂成4片,其裂片大小不等,比例悬殊。蜜腺由产蜜组织和分泌表皮构成,又为结构蜜腺。组织化学染色显示淀粉粒动态明显,因此又属淀粉蜜腺。在发育的过程中细胞液泡化动态明显,且淀粉粒和蛋白质具有明显的消长变化,但PAS反应和苏木精脂类染色无明显变化。其泌蜜过程可能为:原蜜汁由邻近的韧皮部提供,经薄壁细胞运送至产蜜组织,在产蜜组织中进一步积聚、合成后,最终蜜汁通过变态气孔和分泌表皮细胞的角质层泌出。  相似文献   

唐古特白刺(Nitraria tangutorum Bobr.)蜜腺位于花瓣内侧,按Fahn蜜腺分类法,属花被蜜腺;其由分泌表皮细胞构成,从植物解剖学的角度来看,又属典型的非结构蜜腺;经组织化学染色显示,淀粉粒的动态不明显,因此又属非淀粉蜜腺。唐古特白刺的分泌表皮细胞,在蜜腺发育过程中特化为分泌表皮毛,分泌腔原始细胞在蜜腺发育过程中裂解成分泌腔,分泌表皮上具有特殊的角质层纹理,在分泌表皮细胞发育过程中,液泡呈现一定的变化规律,其变化与蜜汁的合成和分泌规律相关,液泡是参与了多糖物质的降解、蜜汁的转运等物质的循环而发生着有规律的变化,淀粉和糖原的动态不明显。最后形成的蜜汁经分泌腔,由分泌表皮细胞特化为单细胞的表皮毛中泌出,在败花期时,分泌表皮毛萎缩并随花瓣一起脱落,泌蜜由此停止。  相似文献   

小花糖芥(Erysimum cheiranthoides L.)花蜜腺位于雄蕊部花托上,仅有2枚侧蜜腺,属十字花科侧蜜腺类型中的侧半环亚型,其2枚密腺均由分泌表皮,产蜜组织和维管束组成。分泌表皮上有变态气孔器,产蜜组织中有维管束分布,属较进化的十字花科花蜜腺亚型类型。蜜腺原基是在花的各部分原基基本分化完成后,由花托表面及雄蕊基部区域的1-2层细胞,经反分化形成,在蜜腺发育过程中,蜜腺组织中的液泡和多糖物质都发生了有规律的变化,其原蜜汁在产蜜组织中加工合成,最后由表皮细胞和变态气孔泌出。  相似文献   

Activation of the Arabidopsis B class homeotic genes by APETALA1   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
Ng M  Yanofsky MF 《The Plant cell》2001,13(4):739-754

Nectaries and reproductive biology of Croton sarcopetalus (Euphorbiaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flower morphology, nectary structure, nectar chemical composition, breeding system, floral visitors and pollination were analysed in Croton sarcopetalus , a diclinous-monoecious shrub from Argentina. Male flowers have five receptacular nectaries, with no special vascular bundles, that consist of a uniserial epidermis with stomata subtended by a secretory parenchyma. Female flowers bear two different types of nectaries: inner (IN) and outer (ON) floral nectaries. IN, five in all, are structurally similar to the nectaries of male flowers. The five ON are vascularized, stalked, and composed of secretory, column-shaped epidermal cells without stomata subtended by secretory and ground parenchyma. In addition, ON act as post-floral nectaries secreting nectar during fruit ripening. Extrafloral nectaries (EFN) are located on petioles, stipules and leaf margins. Petiolar EFN are patelliform, stalked and anatomically similar to the ON of the female flower. Nectar sampled from all nectary types is hexose dominant, except for the ON of the female flower at the post-floral stage that is sucrose dominant. The species is self-compatible, but geitonogamous fertilization is rarely possible because male and female flowers are not usually open at the same time in the same individual, i.e. there is temporal dioecism. Flowers are visited by 22 insect species, wasps being the most important group of pollinators. No significant differences were found in fruit and seed set between natural and hand pollinated flowers. This pattern indicates that fruit production in this species is not pollen/pollinator limited and is mediated by a wide array of pollinators.  相似文献   

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