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目的:了解医学院学生对性健康知识认知。方法:随机选取我校的男女大学生各100名,通过问卷调查方法,对调查结果统计分析。结果:医学生知晓性健康知识的途径不同,最常是通过网络查询。男女生对性健康知识的了解具有程度具有一定的差异,他们性健康知识储备不完善。结论:加强医学生性健康教育,完善获取健康性知识的途径,不同性别的人群采取针对性的教育。  相似文献   

1 加强青春期教育的重要性为了全面提高学生的身体素质,促进身心健康发展,更好地适应小学教育教学的需要,在中师女生中加强青春期教育,是很有必要的。现在的师范生,已处于青春发育后期,对性的基本知识已经多少有了一些了解,但由于受应试教育的影响,对性知识的科学性、系统性缺乏认识。现在,有部分小学高年级的学生已经进入了青春期,作为一名小学教师,很有必要掌握青春期的发育特点,掌握一些系统的性知识,加强青春期教育对于她们从事小学教学,做好小学高年级青春期的卫生教育工作是十分必要的。一名合格的小学教师,必须要有一个健康的身体和…  相似文献   

青春期是一个人身心发展的重要阶段 ,如何健康、幸福地度过非常关键。把青春期性卫生知识教给少男少女 ,使他们能用健康的性知识来保护自己 ,促进他们正常发育、健康成长 ,是青春期人群的迫切需要 ,是教师和家长的重要责任。我校领导和教师十分重视学生的身心发展。面对学生的需要 ,开展了有针对性的、有效的教育。具体做法是 :利用生物学课分两部分进行。第 1部分 :性知识的传播 ;第 2部分 :情感教育 ,异性交往的指导。实施过程又分为以下几个阶段 :1)观看《青春期的奥秘》、《成长中的女孩》的科教片。组织学生阅读相关知识的参考资料 (如…  相似文献   

大学生性知识和性行为调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解大学生性知识、性行为情况,以提高大学生性教育的针对性和质量.方法:对600名18-24岁的大学生志愿者进行关于性传播疾病(STD)、性知识和性行为的问卷调查,通过调查结果探讨大学生性教育存在的问题和解决方案.结果:所有大学生对性传播疾病的名称比较熟悉,但对性传播疾病的症状和传播方式了解不多或有误解,性知识水平较低.大部分大学生没有接受过正规的性教育,对未婚同居和婚前性行为持开放态度,性知识主要来源于书籍和网络.大学生们认为性教育很有必要.结论:大学生性和生殖健康知识贫乏,年轻的大学生应当对他们可能遇到的常见的性传播疾病有所了解.大学生性教育应更加侧重于性传播疾病的传播途径及预防.  相似文献   

在我国中学里,是否以及怎样进行青春期性教育,已酝酿很长一个时期。在部分实施过性教育的学校取得了可喜成果并受到同学们的普遍欢迎。当前正处于理论探讨和经验摸索阶段。因此,介绍世界一些国家对性教育态度的变化、目的的确定以及内容和方法的具体考虑供我们借鉴和参考,是很有必要的。从18世纪起,一些国家的思想家和教育家就开始把性知识纳入科学的知识体系,把性教育纳入正规的教育体系。法国的卢梭(1712—1773)最早对性教育进行研究并取得成果,在他的著作《爱弥儿》中提出要根据儿童不同的生理发育时期,实施不同内容  相似文献   

人们早已留意到,一部分中小学生在进入青春期之后学习成绩出现下降,而科学研究亦指出,当青春期来临时,人们实际的学习能力也会下降,并且研究人员已经在小鼠体内找到了影响学习过程的祸首。这是一类特殊的受体复合物,该复合物在青春期的时候会出现在脊髓的突触周围,从而干扰输送到海马体的信号,  相似文献   

目的 探讨西南地区少数民族大学生的内隐自杀态度,为提高该人群的心理健康水平提供理论依据.方法 随机抽取西南地区2所高校的34名少数民族大学生进行内隐联想测验,并采用外显自杀态度量表对其测试作为对照.结果 西南地区少数民族大学生对自杀持消极的内隐态度,相容任务的反应时显著短于不相容任务的反应时(P值均<0.01);少数民族大学生对自杀的外显态度以矛盾或中立态度为主,对自杀行为、自杀者和自杀者家属持矛盾或中立态度的分别占65.5%,75.9%和51.7%,差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.01).结论 少数民族大学生对自杀持消极的内隐态度;部分少数民族大学生出现对自杀的双重态度.  相似文献   

早在60年代,周总理就指出:“一定要把青春期的性卫生知识教给男女青年,让他们能用科学的知识来保护自己的健康,促进正常发育。”二十多年已经过去,重温周总理的谆谆教导,回顾我们对青少年进行青春期教育的薄弱状况,确实感到这是一个应引起学校、家庭、社会关注的大事。为搞好我市中学生的青春期教育,根据上级指示,我们和市中小学卫生保健站一起,对市属三所中学进行了初步的调查和教育试点。现将其调查情况和初步分析汇总如下:  相似文献   

青春期是生长发育的突飞猛进的阶段,在这个时期,身心都在急剧变化,包括形态,生理、如内分泌功能、性功能、行为、智力心理等的变化。对这个人生极为重要的时期,整个社会有责任予以重视和照顾,其中有关青春期的卫生教育,占有重要地位。为了解青春期卫生教育的现状,我们对本市部分中学的女学生进行了调查。调查对象与方法调查对象:选择了重庆市的五所中学中的918名女学生,其中高中44人,初中874人。调查方法:1982年4月—5月间,由我系毕业实习生分别在各校指导学生按照印制好的“青春期卫生教育调查表”的各项要求,确切地  相似文献   

青春期性教育目标的制定与实施初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对青春期性教育目标制定原则和分类层次提出了新看法,探讨了实施性教育目标的具体措施,阐明了青春期性教育是素质教育不可缺少的一部分,只有加强青春期性教育目标的研究和实践,才能构建起以性道德为核心、性生理、性心理教育为基础以及包括性法制教育的青春期教育体系,也才能帮助青少年顺利地度过青春期,为最终拥有比较完备的身心素质打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

Understanding the basic mechanism of evolution by natural selection together with examples of how it works in nature is crucial for explaining and teaching the workings of biology and ecology to young students. Dobzhansky said it best in his advice to educators of biology: “Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.” This premise is true at all levels of biology but especially so in the elementary years where foundations of science knowledge are laid. Elementary students are capable of learning cohesive and connected stories of biological principles and learning them within a no-holds-barred arena wherein concepts and processes usually reserved for high school years are taught with special care, appropriate exercises, and patient explanations. This story must include solid introductions to the fundamental principles of evolution by natural selection that are threaded within and alongside those of basic biology and ecology. This paper attempts to make the case for the inclusion of connected stories of biology in the earliest years of education and to include within that education the unifying theme of all biology and ecology studies—evolution.  相似文献   



Chlamydia and genital human papillomavirus (HPV) are the two most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among teens and young adults in industrialised countries. The majority of adolescents, however, have limited or no knowledge of these infections. Within the context of a cross-sectional survey on awareness and knowledge of sexually transmitted infections, secondary school students attending the 8th grade and above in Bremen and Bremerhaven, two cities in northern Germany, were asked to rate the risk of peers to get infected with HIV, HPV or chlamydia.


Between October and December 2011, students aged 12–20 years completed an anonymous, self-administered questionnaire at their school. In addition to answering questions on awareness and knowledge of sexually transmitted infections, all students were also asked to rate the risk of peers to get infected with HIV, HPV or chlamydia. Furthermore, those reporting ever having sexual intercourse were asked to rate their own risk of getting infected with each of the three infections.


1,148 students, 55% female, completed the questionnaire. 27% of the students reported having had sexual intercourse. 68% of all students rated the risk of same-aged students to get infected with HIV/AIDS as high/medium. The corresponding proportions for HPV and chlamydia were 19 and 25% respectively. Those reporting ever having sexual intercourse generally perceived their own risk of getting infected with HIV, chlamydia or HPV as lower than that of their peers.


Generally, the risk of getting infected with HIV was perceived as being higher than that of getting infected with HPV or chlamydia, most likely due to the fact that the students were more aware of HIV than of the other two infections. Efforts should be made to improve awareness and knowledge of HPV and chlamydia among school going adolescents, and to make them realize that these are common infections that are preventable.  相似文献   

X Gao  Y Wu  Y Zhang  N Zhang  J Tang  J Qiu  X Lin  Y Du 《PloS one》2012,7(9):e44881


Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) are among the most complex health problems in the world. Young people are at high risk of HIV and AIDS infections and are, therefore, in need of targeted prevention. School-based HIV/AIDS health education may be an effective way to prevent the spread of AIDS among adolescents.


The study was a school-based intervention conducted in three middle schools and two high schools in Wuhan, China, which included 702 boys and 766 girls, with ages from 11 to 18 years old. The intervention was a one-class education program about HIV/AIDS for participants. HIV/AIDS knowledge, attitude, and high-risk behaviors were investigated using an anonymous self-administered questionnaire before and after the education intervention. Chi-square test was used to compare differences before and after the intervention. Non-conditional logistic regression analysis was used to identify the factors that affect HIV/AIDS knowledge.


Misconceptions about basic medical knowledge and non-transmission modes of HIV/AIDS among all the students prevail. Approximately 10% to 40% of students had negative attitudes about HIV/AIDS before the intervention. After the intervention, all of the students had significant improvements in knowledge and attitude about HIV/AIDS (P<.05), indicating that educational intervention increased the students’ knowledge significantly and changed their attitudes positively. Logistic regression analyses indicated that before the intervention the students’ level of knowledge about HIV/AIDS was significantly associated with grade, economic status of the family, and attitudes toward participation in HIV/AIDS health information campaigns.


HIV/AIDS education programs were welcomed by secondary students and positively influenced HIV/AIDS-related knowledge and attitudes. A systematic and long-term intervention among secondary school students must be conducted for the prevention of HIV.  相似文献   

李方烃  漆悦之  洪霞  郭琦 《生物磁学》2009,(20):3944-3948
目的:对高中生网络使用状况和网络成瘾知识进行调查,为学校网络教育提供依据。方法:采用问卷调查法,对北京某高中高二学生进行整群抽样。结果:学生上网目的主要依次为游戏、听歌看电影、获取信息、学习,对网络成瘾有关的知识知晓率较高,但也存在一些网络成瘾的不良行为。结论:调查对象对网络使用较为健康,网络教育尚需加强。  相似文献   

The smoking habits of Winnipeg school students were surveyed before and after a three-year program of health education on the hazards of smoking, directed to 8300 out of 48,000 students. The program consisted of informal approaches to students in elementary schools and a formal program of talks, lectures, films, and student participation for older students.There were fewer students at all ages who had never smoked a cigarette at the time of the second survey. There was a slight decrease in the number of regular smokers in high school, most marked in the school where the program was enthusiastically received and student participation was most active. A direct relationship between parental smoking and that of the student, and an inverse relationship between academic achievement and student smoking, were shown on both surveys. The majority of students believed that smoking caused lung cancer and other hazards to health, although this was less marked among smokers.The results indicated that an intensive program of health education directed to the teenagers in school was a potentially useful approach to the problem of cigarette smoking.  相似文献   

Croatia never had a separate vocation (occupation) of a health educator. Health education is one of the main tasks in the long tradition of preventive work of doctors-school medicine specialists. Additionally, in the school curriculum in the Republic of Croatia the health-educational contents are integrated into various subjects, and are conducted by teachers. However, there are requests to introduce a new subject into schools called Health Education. We asked physicians of school medicine their opinion on the introduction of this new subject. 30% of the physicians were dissatisfied with the current condition, 10% were satisfied, while there were no very satisfied school medicine doctors. They believe that health education goals are oriented solely to passing on knowledge (facts), while efforts are not done to change habits and attitudes of young people. They recognize themselves as persons mostly involved in health education in schools. Half of the school medicine doctors believe that the school curriculum should contain both a separate subject as well as integration of health education into other subjects. Before introducing any changes into healthcare or education system, it is necessary to examine the attitudes of students and parents, to direct the changes towards the promotion of the cooperation between the healthcare system, education, civil society, school and community where investing into the health of young people is done through comprehensive and holistic programmes.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of the theory of evolution to scientific knowledge, a number of misconceptions continue to be found among teachers and undergraduate students. The aim of the present study was to describe and characterise knowledge about evolution among 120 freshman undergraduate students of two natural sciences programmes (environmental biology and veterinary medicine), 80 pre-service science teachers (elementary and biology) and 45 in-service teachers (elementary and biology high school) in Santiago, Chile. The research was carried out based on an eight-question questionnaire about evolution acceptance and understanding. The instrument included seven Likert-scale questions and one open-ended question. An analysis of the data revealed that more than 70% of teachers (pre-service and in-service) and undergraduate students recognised the theory of evolution as established scientific knowledge. When participants discussed the mechanism of evolution in the open-ended question, the most prevalent responses from students and teachers (33%) explained evolution as need-driven changes for survival purposes. Only 13% of the responses could be considered Darwinian, and 10% of responses included more than one view of evolution. The Darwinian responses generally included three important aspects: variation, inheritance and differential reproduction. The implications for biology teacher education are also discussed in this study.  相似文献   

Students whose school environment fits their developmental needs also typically experience academic success and increased motivation. Most investigations of school fit, which focus on teachers’ and students’ perceptions, have found a general decline in fit across the transition from elementary to middle school. However, little research has examined the school-child fit from the parent perspective. In this article, we first detail the development process behind a new survey measure of parent perceptions of school fit. Second, using three online panel-based samples of parents from across the country (n1 = 323, n2 = 188, n3 = 1,033), we evaluate the scale's measurement properties and conduct exploratory analyses examining grade-level and income-based differences on reported school fit. Finally, in line with previous research, we find that parents of middle school children perceived statistically significantly worse fit than parents of elementary school children. Among parents of high school students, we found that, on average, high-income parents perceive statistically significantly better fit than low-income parents.  相似文献   

Modern biotechnology has a large and rapidly increasing impact on society. New advances in genetics, stem cells and other areas hold great potential for human health but also presenting socioscientific issues that commonly divide public opinion. While knowledge is necessary to develop informed opinions about biotechnology, they may also be influenced by polarized discourse and fiction in the media. Here, we examined prior knowledge about and attitudes towards health-related biotechnological applications in Year 10 high school students from Western Australia using online questionnaires. The impact of teaching on students’ understanding was tested by repeating the questionnaire after a lesson. Finally, students’ argumentation skills were examined by recording responses to statements about biotechnological applications. We found that, prior to instruction, most students exhibited a reasonable understanding of biotechnology. There was little evidence for alternative conceptions, and instruction led to a diversification in understanding. Attitudes towards biotechnology were generally positive but varied. Despite interest in biotechnological issues, argument for positions was generally cognitive-affective in nature. Consequently, biotechnology is a relevant topic for science education, and presents excellent opportunities to build on pre-existing knowledge. Rather than expanding students’ knowledge, our results suggest educators should focus on deepening existing understanding and strengthening argumentation skills.  相似文献   


Aims and Objectives

To assess the prevalence of cardiovascular disease risk among urban public school students through a collaborative school district and university partnership.


Children and adolescents in grades K-12 from 24 urban public schools participated in measurements of height, weight, and other health metrics during the 2009–2010 school year. Body mass index (BMI) percentiles and z-scores were computed for 4673 students. President’s Challenge 1-mile endurance run was completed by 1075 students ages 9–19 years. Maximal oxygen consumption (⩒O2max) was predicted using an age-, sex-, and BMI-specific formula to determine health-related fitness. Resting blood pressure (BP) was assessed in 1467 students. Regression analyses were used to compare BMI z-scores, fitness, and age- and sex-specific BP percentiles across grade levels. Chi-square tests were used to explore the effect of sex and grade-level on health-related outcomes.


Based on BMI, 19.8% were categorized as overweight and 24.4% were obese. Included in the obese category were 454 students (9.7% of sample) classified with severe obesity. Using FITNESSGRAM criteria, 50.2% of students did not achieve the Healthy Fitness Zone (HFZ); the proportion of students in the Needs Improvement categories increased from elementary to middle school to high school. Male students demonstrated higher fitness than female students, with 61.4% of boys and only 35.4% of girls meeting HFZ standards. Elevated BP was observed among 24% of 1467 students assessed. Systolic and diastolic BP z-scores revealed low correlation with BMI z-scores.


A community-university collaboration identified obesity, severe obesity, overweight, and low aerobic fitness to be common risk factors among urban public school students.  相似文献   

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