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Previous theoretical studies have shown that bacterial transposons can become established in populations by infectious transfer, even if they reduce the fitness of their host cells. Conditions for the persistence of “parasitic” transposons are, however, restrictive: i) transposition must be replicative, rather than conservative; ii) the rate of transposition must be greater than the loss in host fitness caused by the transposon; and iii) cells must exchange plasmids at rates greater than the fitness cost of the transposon. I sought to test the validity of the model underlying this theory by performing experiments with laboratory populations of the bacterium Escherichia coli, the conjugative plasmid R100, and the transposons Tn3 and Tn5. A plasmid-borne transposon was introduced at low frequency into a population of bacteria carrying the same plasmid without the transposon in a habitat where the transposon offered no benefit to its host. The fate of the invading transposon was followed by tracking the various bacterial populations appearing in the cultures. Using independent estimates of the parameters of the model, predicted population changes were generated with numerical solutions of the model, and these were compared to experimental results. Plasmids transferred into new hosts as predicted by the model, and the resulting transconjugant populations either maintained a steady low density or rose slowly in abundance. Transposition appeared to play no role in population changes. Abundance of all cell types fit theoretical predictions of a system with no transposition, despite evidence that transposition was taking place. This is exactly what the model predicted. It thus appears unlikely that deleterious or neutral transposons have much impact on the genetics of bacterial populations. This is consistent with the hypothesis that most bacterial transposons are not parasitic DNA, but rather invade and persist in populations by providing a fitness advantage to cells carrying them.  相似文献   

Transitory Derepression and the Maintenance of Conjugative Plasmids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It has been proposed that bacterial plasmids cannot be maintained by infectious transfer alone and that their persistence requires positive selection for plasmid-borne genes. To test this hypothesis, the population dynamics of two laboratory and five naturally occurring conjugative plasmids were examined in chemostat cultures of E. coli K-12. Both laboratory plasmids and three of the five wild plasmids failed to increase in frequency when introduced at low frequencies. However, two of the naturally occurring plasmids rapidly increased in frequency, and bacteria carrying them achieved dominance in the absence of selection for known plasmid-borne genes. Three hypotheses for the invasion and persistence of these two plasmids were examined. It is concluded that although these two extrachromosomal genetic elements are repressed for conjugative pili synthesis, as a consequence of high rates of transfer during periods of transitory derepression in newly formed transconjugants, they become established and are maintained by infectious transfer alone. The implications of these observations to the theory of plasmid maintenance and the evolution of repressible conjugative pili synthesis are discussed.  相似文献   

The existence conditions for bacterial plasmids: Theory and reality   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Bacteria abound with conjugative and nonconjugative plasmids that often carry genes determining a number of environmental adaptations. Plasmids may also encode genes that enable them to transmit themselves infectiously to new host cells, by conjugation or mobilization. The question of whether plasmids can be maintained in a bacterial community as parasitic DNA, that is, while conferring a selective disadvantage to their host, serves as a basic hypothesis in theoretical studies of the population biology of plasmids. The conditions necessary for the establishment and maintenance of plasmids have been determined analytically for the simplest possible models. Based on these a priori conditions, on some reconsiderations and extensions of these models, and on recent estimates of transfer rates of liquid and surface bacterial populations, it will be argued that within a bacterial population, a parasitic lifestyle is unlikely for most naturally occurring plasmids. This result raises anew the problem of how cryptic plasmids are maintained and why plasmids encode costly and elaborate genes for horizontal transfer.  相似文献   

Bergstrom CT  Lipsitch M  Levin BR 《Genetics》2000,155(4):1505-1519
Despite the near-ubiquity of plasmids in bacterial populations and the profound contribution of infectious gene transfer to the adaptation and evolution of bacteria, the mechanisms responsible for the maintenance of plasmids in bacterial populations are poorly understood. In this article, we address the question of how plasmids manage to persist over evolutionary time. Empirical studies suggest that plasmids are not infectiously transmitted at a rate high enough to be maintained as genetic parasites. In part i, we present a general mathematical proof that if this is the case, then plasmids will not be able to persist indefinitely solely by carrying genes that are beneficial or sometimes beneficial to their host bacteria. Instead, such genes should, in the long run, be incorporated into the bacterial chromosome. If the mobility of host-adaptive genes imposes a cost, that mobility will eventually be lost. In part ii, we illustrate a pair of mechanisms by which plasmids can be maintained indefinitely even when their rates of transmission are too low for them to be genetic parasites. First, plasmids may persist because they can transfer locally adapted genes to newly arriving strains bearing evolutionary innovations, and thereby preserve the local adaptations in the face of background selective sweeps. Second, plasmids may persist because of their ability to shuttle intermittently favored genes back and forth between various (noncompeting) bacterial strains, ecotypes, or even species.  相似文献   

A mathematical model for the population dynamics of nonconjugative plasmids that can be mobilized by conjugative factors is presented. In the analysis of the properties of this model, primary consideration is given to the conditions under which these nonself-transmissible extrachromosomal elements could become established and would be maintained in bacterial populations. The results of this analysis demonstrate the existence of conditions where, as a consequence of infectious transmission via mobilization, nonconjugative plasmids could become established and be maintained even when the bacteria carrying them have lower reproductive fitnesses than plasmid-free members of the population. However, these existence conditions are stringent and suggest therefore, that it is highly unlikely that plasmids of this type would become established and maintained without some direct selection favoring their carriage. The general implications of these results and limitations of the model are discussed. Brief consideration is also given to the implications of these theoretical findings to the problems of the spread of multiple antibiotic resistance plasmids (R-factors) and the risk of contaminating natural populations of bacteria with chimeric plasmids produced by work with recombinant DNA.  相似文献   

B R Levin  F M Stewart  V A Rice 《Plasmid》1979,2(2):247-260
A mass action model for the infectious transmission of conjugative plasmids and procedures to estimate its parameters are presented. The suitability of this model as an analog of the kinetics of conjugative plasmid transmission is examined with batch and chemostat populations of Escherichia coli K-12 and three of its plasmids, F-lac-pro, R1 (Km-Cm-Ap), and R1-drd-19 (Km-Cm-Ap). Evidence is presented that this mass action model, with a unique and constant rate parameter, represents a reasonable analog of the kinetics of plasmid transfer for bacterial populations dividing at a constant rate in either exponentially growing cultures or at equilibrium in chemostats. As anticipated from this model magnitudes of the transfer rate constant for these plasmids appear to be relatively insensitive to both total cell density and the donor-recipient ratio. For all plasmids, the value of the transfer rate constant in rapidly dividing (exponentially growing) cultures is considerably greater than its corresponding value in slowly dividing, chemostat equilibrium cultures and the values of the transfer rate constant of the permanently derepressed plasmids F-lac-pro and R1-drd-19 are considerably greater than that of the wild-type, repressed transfer plasmid R1. The implications of this apparent fit to a mass action model are discussed and a recommendation is made to use the transfer rate constant as the measure of the fertility of conjugative plasmids.  相似文献   

COSMIC-rules, an individual-based model for bacterial adaptation and evolution, has been used to study virtual transmission of plasmids within bacterial populations, in an environment varying between supportive and inhibitory. The simulations demonstrate spread of antibiotic resistance (R) plasmids, both compatible and incompatible, by the bacterial gene transfer process of conjugation. This paper describes the behaviour of virtual plasmids, their modes of exchange within bacterial populations and the impact of antibiotics, together with the rules governing plasmid transfer. Three case studies are examined: transfer of an R plasmid within an antibiotic-susceptible population, transfer of two incompatible R plasmids and transfer of two compatible R plasmids. R plasmid transfer confers antibiotic resistance on recipients. For incompatible plasmids, one or other plasmid could be maintained in bacterial cells and only that portion of the population acquiring the appropriate plasmid-encoded resistance survives exposure to the antibiotics. By contrast, the compatible plasmids transfer and mix freely within the bacterial population that survives in its entirety in the presence of the antibiotics. These studies are intended to inform models for examining adaptive evolution in bacteria. They provide proof of principle in simple systems as a platform for predicting the behaviour of bacterial populations in more complex situations, for example in response to changing environments or in multi-species bacterial assemblages.  相似文献   

Levin BR 《PLoS genetics》2010,6(10):e1001171
Clustered, Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR) abound in the genomes of almost all archaebacteria and nearly half the eubacteria sequenced. Through a genetic interference mechanism, bacteria with CRISPR regions carrying copies of the DNA of previously encountered phage and plasmids abort the replication of phage and plasmids with these sequences. Thus it would seem that protection against infecting phage and plasmids is the selection pressure responsible for establishing and maintaining CRISPR in bacterial populations. But is it? To address this question and provide a framework and hypotheses for the experimental study of the ecology and evolution of CRISPR, I use mathematical models of the population dynamics of CRISPR-encoding bacteria with lytic phage and conjugative plasmids. The results of the numerical (computer simulation) analysis of the properties of these models with parameters in the ranges estimated for Escherichia coli and its phage and conjugative plasmids indicate: (1) In the presence of lytic phage there are broad conditions where bacteria with CRISPR-mediated immunity will have an advantage in competition with non-CRISPR bacteria with otherwise higher Malthusian fitness. (2) These conditions for the existence of CRISPR are narrower when there is envelope resistance to the phage. (3) While there are situations where CRISPR-mediated immunity can provide bacteria an advantage in competition with higher Malthusian fitness bacteria bearing deleterious conjugative plasmids, the conditions for this to obtain are relatively narrow and the intensity of selection favoring CRISPR weak. The parameters of these models can be independently estimated, the assumption behind their construction validated, and the hypotheses generated from the analysis of their properties tested in experimental populations of bacteria with lytic phage and conjugative plasmids. I suggest protocols for estimating these parameters and outline the design of experiments to evaluate the validity of these models and test these hypotheses.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli strains were made multiply colicinogenic for the colicin plasmids E1, E2, or E3 (Col E1, Col E2, or Col E3, respectively) by both a deoxyribonucleic acid transformation system and bacterial conjugation. The multiply colicinogenic bacteria constructed exhibited an immunity to the colicins produced by all the plasmids they carried and also produced colicins corresponding to all the plasmids they carried. An incompatibility was observed among the plasmids. In doubly colicinogenic cells where the presence of two plasmids was established, Col E2 was lost more frequently than Col E3. In triply colicinogenic cells, Col E1, Col E2, and Col E3 were lost, with Col E3 being lost least frequently. A significant reduction in the acquisition of a conjugationally transferred Col E1 plasmid by cells colicinogenic for Col E1 was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Surface exclusion is the mechanism by which F plasmids prevent the redundant entry of additional F plasmids into the host cell during exponential growth. This mechanism is relaxed in cells that are in stationary phase. Using genetically marked F' plasmids and host strains, we extend this finding to Escherichia coli populations during extended nonlethal selection in bacterial lawns. We show that a high level of redundant transfer occurs between these nongrowing cells during the selection. This result has implications for the mechanism of adaptive mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Invasive species offer ecologists the opportunity to study the factors governing species distributions and population growth. The Eurasian Collared-Dove (Streptopelia decaocto) serves as a model organism for invasive spread because of the wealth of abundance records and the recent development of the invasion. We tested whether a set of environmental variables were related to the carrying capacities and growth rates of individual populations by modeling the growth trajectories of individual populations of the Collared-Dove using Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) and Christmas Bird Count (CBC) data. Depending on the fit of our growth models, carrying capacity and growth rate parameters were extracted and modeled using historical, geographical, land cover and climatic predictors. Model averaging and individual variable importance weights were used to assess the strength of these predictors. The specific variables with the greatest support in our models differed between data sets, which may be the result of temporal and spatial differences between the BBS and CBC. However, our results indicate that both carrying capacity and population growth rates are related to developed land cover and temperature, while growth rates may also be influenced by dispersal patterns along the invasion front. Model averaged multivariate models explained 35–48% and 41–46% of the variation in carrying capacities and population growth rates, respectively. Our results suggest that widespread species invasions can be evaluated within a predictable population ecology framework. Land cover and climate both have important effects on population growth rates and carrying capacities of Collared-Dove populations. Efforts to model aspects of population growth of this invasive species were more successful than attempts to model static abundance patterns, pointing to a potentially fruitful avenue for the development of improved invasive distribution models.  相似文献   

The generation and maintenance of genetic variation seems to be a general ecological strategy of bacterial populations. Thereby they gain robustness to irregular environmental change, which is primarily the result of the dynamic evolution of biotic interactions. A benefit of maintaining population heterogeneity is that only a fraction of the population has to bear the cost of not (yet) beneficial deviation. On evolutionary time frames, an added value of the underlying mechanisms is evolvability, i.e. the heritable ability of an evolutionary lineage to generate and maintain genetic variants that are potentially adaptive in the course of evolution. Horizontal gene transfer is an important mechanism that can lead to differences between individuals within bacterial populations. Broad host-range plasmids foster this heterogeneity because they are typically present in only a fraction of the population and provide individual cells with genetic modules newly acquired from other populations or species. We postulate that the benefit of robustness on population level could balance the cost of transfer and replication functions that plasmids impose on their hosts. Consequently, mechanisms that make a subpopulation conducive to specific conjugative plasmids may have evolved, which could explain the persistence of even cryptic plasmids that do not encode any traits.  相似文献   

Mathematical studies for ecosystems involving 2 predators competing for a growing prey population have shown that the 2 competitors can coexist in a state of sustained oscillations for a range of values of the system parameters. For the case of 1 suspension-feeding protozoan population, recent experimental observations suggest that the predator-prey interaction is complicated by the ability of the bacteria to grow on products produced by the lysis of protozoan cells. This situation is studied here for the case where 2 suspension-feeding protozoan populations compete for a growing bacterial population in a chemostat. Computer simulations show that the 2 protozoan populations can coexist over a range of the operating parameters. Some necessary conditions for coexistence are presented as are some speculations regarding the possible physical explanations of results.  相似文献   

The transfer of the plasmids pJKJ5 and TOL (pWWO) from Pseudomonas putida to the indigenous bacterial community on alfalfa sprouts was studied. Tagging with fluorescent protein markers allowed direct quantification of the introduced donor bacteria and of indigenous bacteria that had received the plasmids. The sprouts were observed for 9 days; during this time alfalfa seeds, inoculated with donor bacteria, developed to edible and subsequently decaying sprouts. The first transconjugants were detected on day 6 after donor inoculation and occurred at frequencies of 3.4 × 10−4 and 2.0 × 10−6 transconjugant cells per donor cell for pKJK5::gfp and TOL::gfp, respectively. Confocal laser scanning microscopy revealed that the sprouts were heavily colonized with donors and that most transconjugants were located around the hypocotyl and root areas. Randomly selected members of the indigenous bacterial community from both inoculated and uninoculated sprouts, as well as a representative part of the community that had received the plasmids, were characterized by polymorphisms of PCR-amplified ribosomal DNA (rDNA) spacer regions between the 16S and 23S genes, followed by partial 16S rDNA sequencing. This showed that the initially dominating genera Erwinia and Paenibacillus were gradually replaced by Pseudomonas on the fully developed sprouts. Transconjugants carrying either of the investigated plasmids mainly belonged to the genera Pseudomonas and Erwinia. The numbers of transconjugant cells did not reach detectable levels until 6 days after the onset of germination, at which point these species constituted the majority of the indigenous bacteria. In conclusion, the alfalfa sprouts provided an environment that allowed noteworthy frequencies of plasmid transfer from P. putida in the absence of selective pressure that could favor the presence of the investigated plasmids.  相似文献   

Dahlberg C  Chao L 《Genetics》2003,165(4):1641-1649
Although plasmids can provide beneficial functions to their host bacteria, they might confer a physiological or energetic cost. This study examines how natural selection may reduce the cost of carrying conjugative plasmids with drug-resistance markers in the absence of antibiotic selection. We studied two plasmids, R1 and RP4, both of which carry multiple drug resistance genes and were shown to impose an initial fitness cost on Escherichia coli. To determine if and how the cost could be reduced, we subjected plasmid-containing bacteria to 1100 generations of evolution in batch cultures. Analysis of the evolved populations revealed that plasmid loss never occurred, but that the cost was reduced through genetic changes in both the plasmids and the bacteria. Changes in the plasmids were inferred by the demonstration that evolved plasmids no longer imposed a cost on their hosts when transferred to a plasmid-free clone of the ancestral E. coli. Changes in the bacteria were shown by the lowered cost when the ancestral plasmids were introduced into evolved bacteria that had been cured of their (evolved) plasmids. Additionally, changes in the bacteria were inferred because conjugative transfer rates of evolved R1 plasmids were lower in the evolved host than in the ancestral host. Our results suggest that once a conjugative bacterial plasmid has invaded a bacterial population it will remain even if the original selection is discontinued.  相似文献   

The density-dependent rates of population growth were determined for 26 populations of Drosophila melanogaster maintained in the serial transfer system. Twenty-five populations were homozygous for an entire chromosome 2 sampled from nature; the other was a random heterozygous population. Rates of population growth around the carrying capacity cannot explain the large fitness depression of these lines. However, the homozygous lines show large differences in rates of population growth at low densities relative to the random heterozygous standard. The average relative fitness of the homozygous lines, as determined from the growth rates at the lowest density, is 0.51.  相似文献   

Certain pBR322-related plasmids containing direct repeats of the insertion element IS50 appear to be unstable in recA Escherichia coli because smaller recombinant derivatives accumulate rapidly in plasmid DNA populations. We show here that (i) this instability is plasmid specific, but not IS50 specific; (ii) it is due to a detrimental effect exerted by these plasmids on bacterial growth; and (iii) the growth impairment is alleviated in cells harboring the smaller recombinant plasmids. Although a recent report had concluded that accumulation of recombinants reflected an IS50-specific recombination function, when correction is made for the relative growth rates of cells containing the parental and recombinant plasmids the evidence for such a recombination function disappears.  相似文献   

Intrinsic population growth rate and density dependence are fundamental components of population dynamics. Theory suggests that variation in and correlations between these parameters among patches within a population can influence overall population size, but data on the degree of variation and correlation are rare. Replicate populations of a specialist aphid (Chaetosiphon fragaefolii) were followed on 11 genotypes of host plant (Fragaria chiloensis) in the greenhouse. Population models fit to these census data provide estimates of intrinsic growth rate and carrying capacity for aphid populations on each plant genotype. Growth rate and carrying capacity varied substantially among plant genotypes, and these two parameters were not significantly correlated. These results support the existence of spatial variation in population dynamic parameters; data on frequency distributions and correlations of these parameters in natural populations are needed for evaluation of the importance of variation in growth rate and density dependence for population dynamics in the field.  相似文献   

The role of the DNA primase of IncP plasmids was examined with a derivative of RP4 containing Tn7 in the primase gene (pri). The mutant was defective in mediating bacterial conjugation, with the deficiency varying according to the bacterial strains used as donors and recipients. Complementation tests involving recombinant plasmids carrying cloned fragments of RP4 indicated that the primase acts to promote some event in the recipient cell after DNA transfer and that this requirement can be satisfied by plasmid primase made in the donor cell. It is proposed that the enzyme or its products or both are transmitted to the recipient cell during conjugation, and the role of the enzyme in the conjugative processing of RP4 is discussed. Specificity of plasmid primases was assessed with derivatives of RP4 and the IncI1 plasmid ColIb-P9, which is known to encode a DNA primase active in conjugation. When supplied in the donor cell, neither of the primases encoded by these plasmids substituted effectively in the nonhomologous conjugation system. Since ColIb primase provided in the recipient cell acted weakly on transferred RP4 DNA, it is suggested that the specificity of these enzymes reflects their inability to be transmitted via the conjugation apparatus of the nonhomologous plasmid.  相似文献   

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