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不同经度地区北草蜥的喜好体温和热耐受性   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
杜卫国 《动物学报》2006,52(3):478-482
在外温动物热生理特征的进化理论中,“静态”和“易变”是两个持续争论的对立观点。热生理学特征的种内变异是检验此类假设的最有力证据。本研究比较了不同经度地区北草蜥的热环境和热生理特征,以检验“静态”和“易变”假设。东部沿海地区(宁德)的环境温度高于内陆地区(贵阳),与之相适应,沿海地区北草蜥的喜好体温也高于内陆地区。然而,两地区蜥蜴的上临界温度和下临界温度无显著差异。尽管这些热生理学特征的种群间变异趋势并不一致,但是喜好温度随环境温度变化而改变的结果符合“易变”假设的预测。此外,本研究表明蜥蜴的喜好体温存在沿经度方向的地理变异。  相似文献   

原尾蜥虎的选择体温、热耐受性和食物同化的热依赖性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐大德  安虹  陆洪良  计翔 《动物学报》2007,53(6):959-965
(Tsel)、热耐受性和体温对食物同化的影响。Tsel无显著的日时间变化,两性个体的Tsel、临界低温(CTMin)和临界高温(CTMax)无显著的差异。Tsel、CTMin和CTMax的平均值分别为30.9℃、3.2℃和43.3℃。体温对动物食物通过时间有显著的影响。在25℃-33℃范围内,食物通过时间随体温升高而缩短;体温超过33℃后,食物通过时间随体温升高而延长。温度对原尾蜥虎的摄食量、表观消化系数(ADC)和同化效率(AE)有显著的影响。在25℃-37℃范围内,动物在低体温下(25℃和27℃)的摄食量、ADC和AE小于更高体温下动物的对应数值。种间比较结果显示,原尾蜥虎是生活于南方的蜥蜴中具有较强耐受极端体温的种类。  相似文献   

研究了捕自安徽宿州的成年雄性山地麻蜥 (Eremiasbrenchleyi)选择体温、热耐受性、温度对食物同化和运动表现的影响。结果显示 :①选择体温、临界高温和临界低温的平均值分别为 33 7、 43 6和 3 3℃。②环境温度在 2 6~ 38℃时 ,对山地麻蜥食物通过时间、摄食量、表观消化系数 (ADC)、同化效率 (AE)和运动表现有显著的影响 ;在 2 6~ 30℃时食物通过时间随温度升高而缩短 ,超过 30℃则随温度升高而延长 ;在 2 6和 2 8℃时 ,摄食量、ADC和AE均小于更高温度的对应值。③体温在 19~ 34℃ ,蜥蜴的疾跑速随体温上升而加快 ,31和 34℃时最快 ,超过 34℃后随体温升高而减慢 ;31和 34℃时的持续运动距离最长 ,超过 36℃后随体温升高而显著缩短 ,但体温 19~ 36℃蜥蜴的持续运动距离无显著差异 ;19~ 34℃蜥蜴的跑道停顿次数较少 ,无显著差异 ,超过 34℃后显著增加。  相似文献   

研究了捕自安徽宿州的成年雄性山地麻蜥(Eremias brenchleyi)选择体温、热耐受性、温度对食物同化和运动表现的影响。结果显示:①选择体温、临界高温和临界低温的平均值分别为33.7、43.6和3.3℃。②环境温度在26-38℃时,对山地麻蜥食物通过时间、摄食量、表观消化系数(ADC)、同化效率(AE)和运动表现有显著的影响;在26-30℃时食物通过时间随温度升高而缩短,通过30℃则随温度升高而延长;在26和28℃时,摄食量、ADC和AE均小于更高温度的对应值。③体温在19-34℃,蜥蜴的疾跑速随体温上升而加快,31和34℃时最快,超过34℃后随体温升高而减慢;31和34℃时的持续运动距离最长,超过36℃后随体温升高而显著缩短,但体温19-36℃蜥蜴的持续运动距离无显著差异;19-34℃蜥蜴的路道停顿次数较少,无显著差异,超过34℃后显著增加。  相似文献   

华北丽斑麻蜥食物同化和疾跑速的热依赖性   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
罗来高  屈彦福  计翔 《动物学报》2006,52(2):256-262
作者研究山西阳泉丽斑麻蜥(Eremias argus)成体的选择体温、热耐受性及食物同化和疾跑速的热依赖性。选择体温、临界低温和临界高温无显著的两性差异,分别为36·0℃、1·0℃和44·9℃。在实验温度范围内,体温显著影响食物通过时间、日摄食量、日粪尿排量、表观消化系数和同化效率。食物通过时间在26 -34℃范围内随体温升高而缩短,在更高的体温下则延长。蜥蜴在30、32、34和36℃体温下明显摄入较多的食物、排出明显较多的粪尿。34℃和36℃下的表观消化系数和同化效率大于其它更低或更高温度下的对应数值,但这两个变量未因体温变化而呈现清晰的规律性变化。疾跑速在18 -36℃范围内随体温升高而加快,在38℃体温下则减缓。36℃或附近体温最适合疾跑速。疾跑速最适体温接近蜥蜴的选择体温,表明蜥蜴疾跑速的最适温度可能与其选择体温密切相关[动物学报52 (2) : 256 -262 , 2006]。  相似文献   

本研究在野外围栏条件下采用析因实验设计,测定营养、捕食及空间行为对根田鼠(Mi-crotusoeconomus)种群统计特征的影响。本文旨在检验下述特定假设:高质量食物可利用性和捕食对限制小型啮齿动物种群密度具有独立的和累加的效应。3年期间,4种野外实验处理6个重复的研究结果表明,附加食物并预防捕食者处理的种群具有最高密度;未附加食物及不预防捕食者处理(对照)的种群密度最低;而单一处理的种群,其密度居中。不同处理条件下,新生个体在种群的补充模式以及种群瞬时增长率的变化均与种群密度的变动相应一致。双因素ANOVA的结果证明,附加高质量食物能明显地提高根田鼠的种群密度,而对种群补充量的作用则较弱,仅接近显著水平;预防捕食者不仅能显著地作用于种群密度,更能强烈地影响种群补充量。高质量食物和捕食者的作用具有累加的性质,两者的交互作用对种群密度和补充量均无显著影响。  相似文献   

本项研究在野外围栏条件下,采用析因实验设计,测定食物可利用性和捕食对根田鼠(Microtusoeconomus)种群空间行为的作用模式。检验的特定假设为,高质量食物较大的可利用性能降低田鼠的攻击行为和活动;捕食能减少田鼠的活动。研究结果表明,食物可利用性能间接地和直接地影响根田鼠的空间行为。附加食物种群具有较高的密度和较小的巢区,且在诱捕期间具有较少的长距离活动和较低的攻击水平。捕食者的存在不直接影响攻击行为,但能影响诱捕期间的长距离活动,此为根田鼠对捕食者存在作出的直接反应。在阐明田鼠种群动态时,应仔细考虑上述因子相互作用的效应。  相似文献   

朱灵君  杜卫国  孙波  张永普 《生态学报》2010,30(18):4848-4854
在围栏条件下,比较升温和对照处理北草蜥(Takydromus septentrionalis)繁殖、卵孵化及幼体特征的差异,以揭示升温对其繁殖生活史特征的作用。升温处理对北草蜥母体体温有显著影响,但并不影响其繁殖输出。升温显著影响卵孵化期和幼体的运动能力,但不影响幼体大小等形态特征。升温条件下孵出的幼体运动能力较弱。结果表明,北草蜥母体能耐受短期的环境增温,维持相对恒定的繁殖输出;升温能影响幼体的功能表现,进而可能改变后代适合度。  相似文献   

北草蜥卵孵化过程中物质和能量的动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究北草蜥卵在温、湿度分别为 3 0℃、 -12kPa的条件下 ,孵化过程中物质和能量的动用以及胚胎生长。孵化过程中 ,每隔 5天称量卵重。孵化第 10天起 ,每隔 5天解剖来自不同窝的卵 15枚 ,并分离成胚胎、卵壳和卵黄三组分。孵出幼体称重后冰冻处死 ,之后解剖分离成躯干、剩余卵黄和脂肪体。所有材料 65℃烘至恒重 ,用索氏脂肪提取器测定脂肪含量 ,氧弹热量计测定能值 ,马福炉测定灰分含量。本研究北草蜥卵的孵化期为 2 8 1天。卵孵化时从基质中吸水导致重量增加。卵孵化 0 -10天、 11-2 0天、 2 1-2 5天、 2 6-2 8天 ,胚胎分别利用新生卵能量的 12 %、 3 5%、 3 7%和 15%。 0 -10天 ,胚胎生长较缓慢 ;10天后生长迅速。卵孵化过程中 ,干物质、非极性脂肪和能量的转化率分别为 69 7%、 3 7 0 %和 53 1%。初生幼体的能量组分为 :躯干95 2 % ,脂肪 2 4% ,剩余卵黄 2 4%。本研究结果显示 :北草蜥从新生卵到孵出幼体的物质和能量转化率较低 ;胚胎发育所需要的无机物来自卵黄和卵壳  相似文献   

We measured the reproductive output of Takydromus septentrionalis collected over 5 years between 1997 and 2005 to test the hypothesis that reproductive females should allocate an optimal fraction of accessible resources in a particular clutch and to individual eggs. Females laid 1–7 clutches per breeding season, with large females producing more, as well as larger clutches, than did small females. Clutch size, clutch mass, annual fecundity, and annual reproductive output were all positively related to female size (snout–vent length). Females switched from producing more, but smaller eggs in the first clutch to fewer, but larger eggs in the subsequent clutches. The mass-specific clutch mass was greater in the first clutch than in the subsequent clutches, but it did not differ among the subsequent clutches. Post-oviposition body mass, clutch size, and egg size showed differing degrees of annual variation, but clutch mass of either the first or the second clutch remained unchanged across the sampling years. The regression line describing the size–number trade-off was higher in the subsequent clutch than in the first clutch, but neither the line for first clutch, nor the line for the second clutch varied among years. Reproduction retarded growth more markedly in small females than in large ones. Our data show that: (1) trade-offs between size and number of eggs and between reproduction and growth (and thus, future reproduction) are evident in T. septentrionalis ; (2) females allocate an optimal fraction of accessible resources in current reproduction and to individual eggs; and (3) seasonal shifts in reproductive output and egg size are determined ultimately by natural selection.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 315–324.  相似文献   

北草蜥主要贮能部位水分含量和能值的变化   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
研究了安徽滁州北草蜥(Takydromus septentrionalis)成体在2000年3~9月份主要贮能部位水分含量和能值的变化:①躯干,肝脏水分含量两种差异显著,尾部水分含量两性差异不显著;躯干、尾、肝脏水分含量月间差异显著。②雄性成体的躯干、脱指躯干、尾和脱脂尾能值显著高于雌性成体,肝脏能值显著低于雌性成体;躯干、尾、肝脏、腹脂肪体能值月间差异显著。结果分析表明,北草蜥躯干、尾、肝脏及腹脂肪体能值的季节变化与繁殖和冬眠密切相关。  相似文献   

The variability of morphological and lifehistory traits in Drosophila melanogaster and D. subobscura, two sympatric Drosophila species of different climatic origin, were investigated with regard to seasonal and daily temperature and humidity fluctuations to assess thermal sensitivity and the responses of freeliving organisms to oscillating temperatures. Temperature and humidity were measured continuously at the site where Drosophila were observed throughout the day, and thus represent a realistic picture of the temperature environment of these animals. A phenotypic model (gaussian curve) of temperature performance was fitted to daily fecundities and provided estimates of the position of temperature optimum and of the maximum and the breadth of performance for both species. D. melanogaster had a higher optimum temperature than D. subobscura. A trade-off between the maximum and the breadth of performance was detected both within and between the species.  相似文献   

Sinervo B 《Oecologia》1990,83(2):228-237
Summary Hatchling Sceloporus occidentalis from northern populations (central Oregon) grow more slowly than hatchlings from southern populations (southern California) in nature. In this study, I determine whether this difference in growth rate results from differences in thermal environment and/or in thermoregulatory behavior. To determine the degree to which the thermal environment affects growth rate among populations, I reared hatchings from the northern and southern populations in a cycling thermal regime in one of three experimental treatments differing in access to radiant heat (6, 9, or 12 h radiant heat; remainder of 24 h at 15°C). I also measured the body temperature that each individual voluntarily selected over the course of the daily activity cycle. Growth rate varied positively with duration of access to radiant heat. Within the three treatments, individual growth rate was positively correlated with body temperature. Moreover, the difference in growth rate between the northern and southern populations was due in part to differences in behavior — individuals from northern populations selected lower body temperatures. I found that significant variation in body temperature was associated with family membership, suggesting that thermal physiology has a genetic basis. Moreover, growth rate was correlated with body temperature among families in each population suggesting a genetic correlation underlies the phenotypic correlations. Thus, genetically based variation in thermal physiology contributes to differences in growth rate among individuals within a population as well as to differences among populations.  相似文献   

The way energy resources are used under variable environmental conditions lies at the heart of our understanding of resource management and opportunism in many organisms. Here we sought to determine how a time-limited, synovigenic and polyphagous insect with a high reproductive-potential (Anastrephaludens), copes behaviourally and metabolically with environmental unpredictability represented by constant and variable regimes of host availability and variation in food quality. We hypothesized that an adaptive response to a windfall of nutritious food would be the rapid accumulation of energy metabolites (whole body lipids, glycogen and proteins) in the female. We also studied patterns of oogenesis as an indicator of egg-reabsorption under stressful environmental conditions. As predicted, patterns of energy metabolites were mainly driven by the quality and temporal pattern of food availability. In contrast, patterns of host availability had a lower impact upon metabolites. When given constant access to high quality nutrients, after an initial increase early in life, whole body lipids and glycogen were regulated downward to a steady-state level and somatic protein levels did not vary. In contrast, when food uncertainty was introduced, whole body lipid, glycogen and protein oscillated sharply with peaks associated with pulses of high-quality food. Production of eggs was highest when offered continuous access to hosts and high quality food. Importantly, females fully recovered their reproductive capacity when fruit became available following a period of host deprivation. With no evidence of egg resorption and high levels of egg dumping, it appears that egg dumping may favour the continuous production of eggs such that the female’s reproductive tissues are ready to respond to rapid changes in the availability of hosts. Our results exemplify the capacity of insects to maximize reproduction under variable and stressful environmental conditions.  相似文献   

To understand how nest temperatures influence phenotypic traits of reptilian hatchlings, the effects of fluctuating temperature on hatchling traits must be known. Most investigations, however, have only considered the effects of constant temperatures. We incubated eggs of Takydromus septentrionalis (Lacertidae) at constant (24 degrees C, 27 degrees C, 30 degrees C and 33 degrees C) and fluctuating temperatures to determine the effects of these thermal regimes on incubation duration, hatching success and hatchling traits (morphology and locomotor performance). Hatching success at 24 degrees C and 27 degrees C was higher, and hatchlings derived from these two temperatures were larger and performed better than their counterparts from 30 degrees C and 33 degrees C. Eggs incubated at fluctuating temperatures exhibited surprisingly high hatching success and also produced large and well-performed hatchlings in spite of the extremely wide range of temperatures (11.6-36.2 degrees C) they experienced. This means that exposure of eggs to adversely low or high temperatures for short periods does not increase embryonic mortality. The variance of fluctuating temperatures affected hatchling morphology and locomotor performance more evidently than did the mean of the temperatures in this case. The head size and sprint speed of the hatchlings increased with increasing variances of fluctuating temperatures. These results suggest that thermal variances significantly affect embryonic development and phenotypic traits of hatchling reptiles and are therefore ecologically meaningful.  相似文献   

Summary In the Negev desert of Israel, the pulmonate land snailTrochoidea seetzeni is active, grows and reproduces in the month following the torrential winter rains. Thereafter, these snails estivate until the following year's rains. By experimental supplementation of water in the field, we examined the ability of these snails to alter their life histories. Specifically, we measured changes in feeding activity, overall activity levels, movement patterns and reproductive output. We found that snails on artificially-watered plots stopped feeding on higher plants and fed on soil-surface algae growing as a result of increased water availability. Most snails moved onto the watered plots, and reduced the total amount of movement once there, in response to increased food availability. Snails on the watered plots grew more and remained active for a longer period into the summer months than did snails on control plots. However, we found little evidence for the ability of these snails to alter their reproductive outputs in response to increased water (and hence food) availability. There was also no carry-over effect of high water availability in one season enhancing reproduction in the following season. We postulate that the low level of phenotypic plasticity recorded here is a consequence of an adaptive conservative strategy to maintain a high reproductive output under extremely unpredictable desert conditions.  相似文献   

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