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Previous studies have concluded that the chemical feedback (loop) between two reagent molecular factors through a reaction–diffusion mechanism could explain the stable spatial pattern found in the origin of the secondary ossification centres (SOCs). Furthermore, the emergence of the SOC may depend on the size and shape of the head of the bone, as observed in different animals. In this paper, we develop new computer simulations that study the effect of the size of the epiphysis on the emergence of the SOC. This study determines two or more SOCs, that may appear in the head of long bones, depending on the size of the epiphysis.  相似文献   

Luoma  Samuel N. 《Hydrobiologia》1989,176(1):379-396
It is clear from available data that the susceptibility of biological communities to trace element contamination differs among aquatic environments. One important reason is that the bioavailability of metals in sediments appears to be altered by variations in sediment geochemistry. However, methods for explaining or predicting the effect of sediment geochemistry upon metal bioavailability are poorly developed. Experimental studies demonstrate that ingestion of sediments and uptake from solution may both be important pathways of metal bioaccumulation in deposit/detritus feeding species. Relative importance between the two is geochemistry dependent. Geochemical characteristics of sediments also affect metal concentrations in the tissues of organisms collected from nature, but the specific mechanisms by which these characteristics influence metal bioavailability have not been rigorously demonstrated. Several prerequisites are necessary to better understand the processes that control metal bioavailability from sediments. 1) improved computational or analytical methods for analyzing distribution of metals among components of the sediments; 2) improved computational methods for assessing the influences of metal form in sediments on sediment-water metal exchange; and 3) a better understanding of the processes controlling bioaccumulation of metals from solution and food by metazoan species directly exposed to the sediments. Such capabilities would allow mechanistic explanations essential to the development of practical tools sought for determining sediment quality criteria for metals.  相似文献   

Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology - Actin stress fibers (SFs), a contractile apparatus in nonmuscle cells, possess a contractile unit that is apparently similar to the sarcomere of...  相似文献   

Michelle R. Leishman 《Oikos》2001,93(2):294-302
This paper examines four key mechanisms of the seed size/number trade-off (SSNT) models to assess their relevance to a general understanding of plant community structure. Mechanism 1 is that large seeds have a greater probability of winning in competition against smaller seeds. I provide interspecific experimental evidence that there is a competitive hierarchy among seedlings based on seed size. Mechanism 2 is that a trade-off exists between the number and size of seeds produced for a given reproductive allocation. Negative correlations between seed size and number were found consistently across a range of species from a range of habitats, from published literature. Mechanism 3, that seedling-seedling competition is an important influence on species composition, was found to exist potentially in a range of environments, including annual-dominated, post-fire and gap-dynamic communities. However, there is little quantitative evidence available and this is likely to be a restrictive mechanism. Mechanism 4, that small seeds are superior colonists due to their greater number, was tested in a field experiment in a calcareous grassland community. No supporting evidence was found, suggesting that the SSNT is not an important determinant of structure in this community. Thus two of the four mechanisms can be considered to hold true generally, while the third mechanism may be valid in particular environments. The fourth mechanism did not apply in the community tested, but could be tested in a wider range of communities.  相似文献   



The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) seeks to support breastfeeding initiation in maternity services. This study uses country-level data to examine the relationship between BFHI programming and trends in exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) in 14 developing countries.


Demographic and Health Surveys and UNICEF BFHI Reports provided EBF and BFHI data. Because country programs were initiated in different years, data points were realigned to the year that the first Baby-Friendly hospital was certified in that country. Pre-and post-implementation time periods were analyzed using fixed effects models to account for grouping of data by country, and compared to assess differences in trends.


Statistically significant upward trends in EBF under two months and under six months, as assessed by whether fitted trends had slopes significantly different from 0, were observed only during the period following BFHI implementation, and not before. BFHI implementation was associated with average annual increases of 1.54 percentage points in the rate of EBF of infants under two months (p < 0.001) and 1.11-percentage points in the rate of EBF of infants under six months (p < 0.001); however, these rates were not statistically different from pre-BFHI trends.


BFHI implementation was associated with a statistically significant annual increase in rates of EBF in the countries under study; however, small sample sizes may have contributed to the fact that results do not demonstrate a significant difference from pre-BFHI trends. Further research is needed to consider trends according to the percentages of Baby-Friendly facilities, percent of all births occurring in these facilities, and continued compliance with the program.  相似文献   

Birth weight is known to be closely related to child health, although as many infants in developing countries are not weighed at birth and thus will not have a recorded birth weight it is difficult to use birth weight when analysing the determinants of child illness. It is common to use a proxy for birth weight instead, namely the mother's perception of the baby's size at birth. Using DHS surveys in Cambodia, Kazakhstan and Malawi the responses to this question were assessed to indicate the relationship between birth weight and mother's perception. The determinants of perception were investigated using multilevel ordinal regression to gauge if they are different for infants with and without a recorded birth weight, and to consider if there are societal or community influences on perception of size. The results indicate that mother's perception is closely linked to birth weight, although there are other influences on the classification of infants into size groups. On average, a girl of the same birth weight as a boy will be classified into a smaller size category. Likewise, infants who died by the time of the survey will be classified as smaller than similarly heavy infants who are still alive. There are significant variations in size perception between sampling districts and clusters, indicating that mothers mainly judge their child for size against a national norm. However, there is also evidence that the size of infants in the community around the newborn also has an effect on the final size perception classification. Overall the results indicate that mother's perception of size is a good proxy for birth weight in large nationally representative surveys, although care should be taken to control for societal influences on perception.  相似文献   

Reebs SG 《Animal behaviour》2000,59(2):403-409
There is no information on whether the daily foraging movements of fish shoals are the result of chance, the collective will of all shoalmates, or the leadership of a few individuals. This study tested the latter possibility. Shoals of 12 golden shiners, Notemigonus crysoleucas, were trained to expect food around midday in one of the brightly lit corners of their tank. They displayed daily food-anticipatory activity by leaving the shady area of their tank and spending more and more time in the food corner up to the normal time of feeding. Past this normal time they remained in the shade, even on test days when no food was delivered. Most of these experienced individuals were then replaced by na?ve ones. The resulting ratio of experienced:na?ve fish could be 5:7, 3:9 or 1:11. On their own, na?ve individuals would normally spend the whole day in the shade, but in all tests the experienced individual(s) were able to entrain these more numerous na?ve fish out of the shade and into the brightly lit food corner at the right time of day. Entrainment was stronger in the 5:7 than in the 1:11 experiment. The test shoals never split up and were always led by the same fish, presumably the experienced individuals. These results indicate that in a strongly gregarious species, such as the golden shiner, a minority of informed individuals can lead a shoal to food, either through social facilitation of foraging movements or by eliciting following behaviour. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Summary We investigated the food preferences of captive snowshoc hares (Lepus americanus) in winter to test three hypotheses proposed to explain food choices by hares: (1) that food choice is related to the protein content of twigs; 92) that defensive chemicals present in twigs are negatively correlated with hare food preferences; and (3) that hares eat less-preferred but protein-rich twigs when their diet is buffered by large amounts of palatable food. Hares exhibited striking and consistent preferences for different species and, in general, preferred mature twigs to juvenile growth stages. Preferences across species among mature twigs were not, however, the same as preferences for juvenile growth stages across species. None of the three hypotheses adequately explained food choice by hares. Hares did not (1) select twigs that were high in protein content. They also did not (2) consistently select twigs that were low in resins or phenols. Finally (3), hares generally ate less, not more of non-preferred twigs in the presence of a protein and energy rich alternative food, commercial rabbit chow. Food preferences of hares must presumably have some chemical basis, but no simple theory has yet explained what this is. We suggest that hares may not be under severe dietary constraints imposed by chemical defenses in winter.  相似文献   

DNA microarray experiments have become a widely used tool for studying gene expression. An important, but difficult, part of these experiments is deciding on the appropriate number of biological replicates to use. Often, researchers will want a number of replicates that give sufficient power to recognize regulated genes while controlling the false discovery rate (FDR) at an acceptable level. Recent advances in statistical methodology can now help to resolve this issue. Before using such methods it is helpful to understand the reasoning behind them. In this Research Focus article we explain, in an intuitive way, the effect sample size has on the FDR and power, and then briefly survey some recently proposed methods in this field of research and provide an example of use.  相似文献   

Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology - Growth modulation is an emerging method for the treatment of skeletal deformities originating in the long bones or the vertebral bodies. It requires...  相似文献   

We studied inherent variation in final leaf size among four Poa spp. that live at different elevations. The average final length of leaf 7 of the main stem of the smallest species (Poa alpina) was only one-half that of the largest species (Poa trivialis); it was correlated with leaf elongation rate, but not with the duration of leaf elongation. A faster rate of leaf elongation rate was associated with (a) larger size of the zone of cell expansion, and (b) faster rates of cell production (per cell file) in the meristem, which in turn were due to greater numbers of dividing cells, whereas average cell division rates were very similar for all species (except Poa annua). Also we found that the proliferative fraction equaled 1 throughout the meristem in all species. It was remarkable that rates of cell expansion tended to be somewhat higher in the species with slower growing leaves. We discuss the results by comparing the spatial and material viewpoints, which lead to different interpretations of the role of cell division. Although the presented data do not strictly prove it, they strongly suggest a regulatory role for cell division in determining differences in growth rate among the present four Poa spp.  相似文献   

Thaheld FH 《Bio Systems》2003,71(3):305-309
It now appears feasible to be able to subject to experimental test Ghirardi's proposal concerning utilizing superposed photon states to check reduction mechanisms in perceptual processes which may be governed by nonlinear evolution laws. This can be accomplished with existing techniques involving superposed single photon states and living retinal tissue mounted on microelectrode arrays.  相似文献   

A computational approach has been developed to assess the power of paramagnetism-based backbone constraints with respect to the determination of the tertiary structure, once the secondary structure elements are known. This is part of the general assessment of paramagnetism-based constraints which are known to be relevant when used in conjunction with all classical constraints. The paramagnetism-based constraints here investigated are the pseudocontact shifts, the residual dipolar couplings due to self-orientation of the metalloprotein in high magnetic fields, and the cross correlation between dipolar relaxation and Curie relaxation. The relative constraints are generated by back-calculation from a known structure. The elements of secondary structure are supposed to be obtained from chemical shift index. The problem of the reciprocal orientation of the helices is addressed. It is shown that the correct fold can be obtained depending on the length of the -helical stretches with respect to the length of the non helical segments connecting the -helices. For example, the correct fold is straightforwardly obtained for the four-helix bundle protein cytochrome b 562, while the double EF-hand motif of calbindin D9k is hardly obtained without ambiguity. In cases like calbindin D9k, the availability of datasets from different metal ions is helpful, whereas less important is the location of the metal ion with respect to the secondary structure elements.  相似文献   

Plant community ecologists use the null model approach to infer assembly processes from observed patterns of species co‐occurrence. In about a third of published studies, the null hypothesis of random assembly cannot be rejected. When this occurs, plant ecologists interpret that the observed random pattern is not environmentally constrained – but probably generated by stochastic processes. The null model approach (using the C‐score and the discrepancy index) was used to test for random assembly under two simulation algorithms. Logistic regression, distance‐based redundancy analysis, and constrained ordination were used to test for environmental determinism (species segregation along environmental gradients or turnover and species aggregation). This article introduces an environmentally determined community of alpine hydrophytes that presents itself as randomly assembled. The pathway through which the random pattern arises in this community is suggested to be as follows: Two simultaneous environmental processes, one leading to species aggregation and the other leading to species segregation, concurrently generate the observed pattern, which results to be neither aggregated nor segregated – but random. A simulation study supports this suggestion. Although apparently simple, the null model approach seems to assume that a single ecological factor prevails or that if several factors decisively influence the community, then they all exert their influence in the same direction, generating either aggregation or segregation. As these assumptions are unlikely to hold in most cases and assembly processes cannot be inferred from random patterns, we would like to propose plant ecologists to investigate specifically the ecological processes responsible for observed random patterns, instead of trying to infer processes from patterns.  相似文献   

Although hyperparasitism frequently occur in parasitic insects, many aspects of this strategy remain unknown. We investigated possible fitness costs of hyperparasitism as influenced by host size. Our study was conducted with the facultative hyperparasitoid Pachycrepoideus dubius Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), which parasitizes host species differing greatly in size. We compared some fitness traits (level of successful parasitism, development time, sex ratio and offspring size) of P. dubius developing on large secondary/primary (Delia radicum L. (Diptera: Anthomyiidae)/Trybliographa rapae Westwood (Hymenoptera: Figitidae)) or small secondary/primary host species (Drosophila melanogaster L./Asobara tabida Nees (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)). In no-choice and choice experiments, P. dubius was able to develop on different stages of T. rapae (L2 (endophagous), L4 (ectophagous), and pupae) but that it preferred to parasitize unparasitized D. radicum pupae over pupae parasitized by T. rapae. Furthermore, in P. dubius, hyperparasitism was associated with fitness costs (lower level of successful parasitism, smaller adult size) and these costs were greater on the smallest host complex. We hypothesize that the size of D. melanogaster pupae parasitized by A. tabida may be close to the suboptimal host size for P. dubius beneath which the costs of hyperparasitism make this strategy nonadaptive. Hyperparasitism in terms of trade-offs between host quality and abundance of competitors is discussed.  相似文献   

Spatial sorting is a process that can contribute to microevolutionary change by assembling phenotypes through space, owing to nonrandom dispersal. Here we first build upon and develop the “neutral” version of the spatial sorting hypothesis by arguing that in systems that are not characterized by repeated range expansions, the evolutionary effects of variation in dispersal capacity and assortative mating might not be independent of but interact with natural selection. In addition to generating assortative mating, variation in dispersal capacity together with spatial and temporal variation in quality of spawning area is likely to influence both reproductive success and survival of spawning migrating individuals, and this will contribute to the evolution of dispersal‐enhancing traits. Next, we use a comparative approach to examine whether differences in spawning migration distance among 18 species of freshwater Anguilla eels have evolved in tandem with two dispersal‐favoring traits. In our analyses, we use information on spawning migration distance, body length, and vertebral number that was obtained from the literature, and a published whole mitochondrial DNA‐based phylogeny. Results from comparative analysis of independent contrasts showed that macroevolutionary shifts in body length throughout the phylogeny have been associated with concomitant shifts in spawning migration. Shifts in migration distance were not associated with shifts in number of vertebrae. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that spatial sorting has contributed to the evolution of more elongated bodies in species with longer spawning migration distances, or resulted in evolution of longer migration distances in species with larger body size. This novel demonstration is important in that it expands the list of ecological settings and hierarchical levels of biological organization for which the spatial sorting hypothesis seems to have predictive power.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that numerosity is an elementary quality of perception, similar to colour. If so (and despite considerable investigation), its mechanism remains unknown. Here, we show that observers require on average a massive difference of approximately 40% to detect a change in the number of objects that vary irrelevantly in blur, contrast and spatial separation, and that some naive observers require even more than this. We suggest that relative numerosity is a type of texture discrimination and that a simple model computing the contrast energy at fine spatial scales in the image can perform at least as well as human observers. Like some human observers, this mechanism finds it harder to discriminate relative numerosity in two patterns with different degrees of blur, but it still outpaces the human. We propose energy discrimination as a benchmark model against which more complex models and new data can be tested.  相似文献   

It is commonly asserted that when extrinsic mortality is high, individuals should invest early in reproduction. This intuition thrives in the literature on life-history theory and human behavior, yet it has been criticized repeatedly on the basis of mathematical models. The intuition is indeed wrong; but a recent theoretical criticism has confused the reason why it is wrong, thereby obscuring earlier and sounder criticisms. In the present article, based on the simplest possible model, we sought to clarify these issues. We confirm earlier findings that extrinsic mortality can affect the evolution of pace of life, not because it leaves little time to reproduce, but through its effects on density-dependent competition. This result highlights the importance of accounting for density-dependence in theoretical models and data analyses. Further, we find little support for the recent claim that the direction of selection on a reaction norm in a variable environment cannot be easily inferred from models made in homogeneous environments. In conclusion, although life-history theory is still imperfect, it has provided simple results that deserve to be understood.  相似文献   

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