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  • 1.1. Total cytoplasmic RNA of germinating wheat embryos was fractionated by affinity chromatography and separated into non-polyadenylated oligo(U)-containing RNA (A(−)U(+)RNA) and polyadenylated oligo(U)-lacking RNA (A(+)U(−)RNA).
  • 2.2. The reassociation kinetics of 32P-labelled complementary DNA (cDNA) reverse-transcribed from A(−)U(+)RNA shows that this RNA fraction is transcribed from unique DNA sequences of the genome similarly as typical mRNA.
  • 3.3. Cross hybridization experiments show no significant sequence homology between the two RNA fractions. Therefore it is concluded that non-polyadenylated oligo(U)-containing RNA of wheat embryo may represent a discrete class of mRNA.

Arabinosylcytosine (araC) was found to influence the pattern of RNA labelling in early wheat embryos. Although the rate of uridine-14C incorporation into total RNA remained unchanged, specific radioactivity of an oligo(U)-containing subclass of nonpolyadenylated RNA was markedly lower (50%) in araC-treated (1.5 mM, 1 h) than in control embryos. The inhibitory effect was stronger for nuclear than for cytoplasmic subpopulation of these RNA species. h labelling of all other RNA fractions, including bulk nonpolyadenylated RNA as well as poly(A)-containing RNA of both nuclear and cytoplasmic origins, did not respond to the presence of araC.  相似文献   

Rapidly labelled mRNAs were isolated from informosomes and polyribosomes of imbibed wheat embryos. The distribution of poly(A) sequences in these fractions were studied by poly(U) Sepharose chromatography. It was shown that informosomes contain 11% polyadenylated mRNA while polyribosomes--38%. This fact suggests the important role of poly(A) sequences for translation of mRNA.  相似文献   

Most (54–79%) of the heterogeneous nuclear RNA (hnRNA) which contains oligo(U) sequences was specifically retained on columns of poly(A) Sepharose and separated from hnRNA which lacked oligo(U) sequences. The isolation of oligo(U)-containing hnRNA was maximized by treating the hnRNA with HCHO prior to chromatography. This permitted an initial characterization of the oligo(U)-containing hnRNA. Experiments suggest that HCHO denatured the hnRNA and rendered the oligo(U) sequences accessible to poly(A) Sepharose. In denatured hnRNA, the percentage of molecules which contained an oligo(U) sequence increased with the size of the hnRNA; 32–57% of the large hnRNA [8–13 kilobases (kb) long] contained an oligo(U) sequence while only 11–14% of the 2-kb-long hnRNA contained an oligo(U) sequence. The number of oligo(U) sequences per molecule was also measured in denatured hnRNA of varying length. While the largest hnRNA class analyzed (13 kb) was found to contain the highest percentage of oligo(U)-containing molecules (57%), the 8- and 2-kb-long hnRNA fractions contained a greater total number of oligo(U)-containing molecules. The percentage of hnRNA molecules which contained an oligo(U) sequence, the number of oligo(U) sequences per molecule, and the size of the oligo(U) sequence were similar in both control hnRNA and the fraction of hnRNA (~30%) which is resistant to inhibition by 5,6-dichloro-1-β-d-ribofuranosylbenzimidazole.  相似文献   

Uridylate tracts were released from rat liver mRNA by nuclease digestion and terminally-labeled invitro with 32P using polynucleotide kinase. The pattern of fragments released from A+ and U+ mRNAs were the same as judged by electrophoresis on urea-polyacrylamide gels. The bulk of the fragments were in the size range 20–40 residues, but larger components (up to 70 residues in length) could also be seen. The ability of U+ and A+ mRNAs to direct the synthesis of proteins in a rabbit reticulocyte cell-free system was evaluated. The translation products were resolved by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. A comparison of the proteins made by the two classes of RNA showed that the U+ mRNA fraction represents a subset of A+ mRNA species, although the proportions of the protein products were quite different and several proteins were found to be unique to the U+ mRNA class.  相似文献   

W M Wood  J C Wallace  M Edmonds 《Biochemistry》1985,24(14):3686-3693
Oligo(uridylic acid)-containing [oligo(U+)] RNA was isolated from poly(adenylic acid)-containing [poly(A+)] mRNA from HeLa cells by using either formaldehyde pretreatment or poly(A) removal, both of which resulted in increased accessibility of oligo(U)-rich sequences to a poly(A)-agarose affinity column. In this report, we compared the sequence content of oligo(U+) RNA with that of molecules lacking oligo(U) [oligo(U-) RNA] by their relative hybridization to cDNA reverse-transcribed from poly(A+) mRNA and by comparison of their in vitro translation products synthesized in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate. Formaldehyde-modified poly(A+) RNA, treated to remove the formol adjuncts, was inactive as a template for in vitro protein synthesis; consequently, only depolyadenylated RNA, which retains its translatability, could be used in the translation studies. The hybridization kinetic experiments revealed that oligo(U+) RNA contained most of the sequence information present in oligo(U-) RNA but at a reduced level (ca. 25%), the majority of the oligo(U+) RNA sequences being poorly represented in the cDNA. This result was supported by one- and two-dimensional gel analysis of their in vitro translation products which showed that oligo(U+) RNA, although less effective as a template for translation than oligo(U-) RNA, coded for proteins, the most abundant of which were encoded by rare messages not highly represented in oligo(U-) RNA or the total poly(A+) RNA. Although some minor products were synthesized by both oligo(U+) and oligo(U-) RNA, at least 33 proteins were unique to or highly enriched in the pattern of products directed by oligo(U+) RNA.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Although template-active RNA in dry seeds and embryos has attracted widespread interest, there have been no published reports about 5'-terminal "capping" sequences in such RNA. Boro[3H]hydride labeling of periodate-oxidized termini and high performance liquid chromatography of cap oligonucleotides have been used to compare terminal sequences in poly(A)-rich RNA from dry and germinating embryos. As is the case in germinating embryos, poly(A)-rich RNA from dry embryos contains only "type 0" cap sequences, i.e., m7G(5')ppp(5')N, in which m7G is the 7-methylguanosine cap and N is any of the classical ribonucleosides: adenosine (A), guanosine (G), cytidine (C),a nd uridine (U). Striking differences between the cell-free translational capacities of bulk messenger RNA (mRNA) populations from dry and germinating embryos are not reflected in signal differences in their proportions of "type 0" cap structures: in general, there is approximately 40% m7G(5')ppp(5')A, with roughly equivalent amounts of m7G(5')ppp(5')G and m7G(5')ppp(5')C accounting for most of the remaining sequences. The findings with mRNA from dry plant embryos serve to emphasize interesting differences between patterns of methylation in the capped and uncapped RNA molecules in higher plants and animals; the differences have not been previously noted in the literature and are the subject of brief comment in this paper.  相似文献   

Cultured sycamore cells rapidly incorporate [3H]uridine or [32P]orthophosphate into rRNA precursors and polydisperse RNA. Mature rRNA accumulates only after a lag period of approximately 40 min. Fractionation of pulse-labelled cells and analysis of the RNA shows that after 30 min the rRNA precursors, together with some polydisperse RNA, are confined to the nucleus. In consequence radioactive polydisperse RNA can be isolated from polyribosomes in the complete absence of labelled rRNA. Approximately 40% of this RNA is retained by an oligo(dT)-cellulose column and by this criterion is judged to contain poly(A) sequences. A smaller proportion of nuclear polydisperse RNA also contains poly(A). The tendency for poly(A)-containing RNA to aggregate complicates molecular weight determinations. Denaturation of poly(A)-containing RNA in 8 M urea prior to gel electrophoresis produces a broad peak of RNA with an average Mr = 10(6). Analysis of the nucleotide composition of total cell poly(A)-containing RNA shows that it contains 41% AMP. Roughly 6% of this RNA is resistant to digestion by ribonuclease A and T1. AMP is the only nucleotide detectable in these fragments. From their mobility during electrophoresis in 8 M urea at 60 degrees C with 5.8-S, 5-S and tRNA as molecular weight markers it is concluded that the poly(A) regions contain an average of 160 nucleotides.  相似文献   

W M Wood  M Edmonds 《Biochemistry》1981,20(19):5359-5364
When cytoplasmic polyadenylated ribonucleic acid [poly(A+)RNA] from HeLa cells was treated with ribonuclease H (RNase H) and oligodeoxythymidylate [oligo(dT)] to remove its 3'-poly(A) tail, an increased binding to poly(A)-agarose was observed. The bound material, which comprised 4-6% of the initial RNA, contained 65-80% of the oligo(uridylic acid) [oligo(U)] sequences generated by RNase T1 digestion. Oligo(U) isolated from the bound fraction was shown to be 83% U and to have a U/G ratio of 33. In contrast, oligo(U) from the unbound material was 77% U and had a U/G ratio of 13, suggesting that it is shorter and less U rich than the oligo(U) in the bound fraction. On sucrose gradients, oligo(U+)RNA consistently sedimented with a larger s value than oligo(U-) RNA. The oligo(U) content of oligo(U+) RNA suggests one oligo(U) tract of 33 nucleotides per RNA molecule of 2000-3000 residues.  相似文献   

Summary The pattern of appearance of ribosomes, newly synthesized mRNA, and poly(A)-containing mRNA in polyribosomes has been examined in sand dollar embryos. From early blastula until shortly before hatching small polyribosomes engaged in histone synthesis predominate. At the time of hatching, when the rate of cell increase is maximal, the proportion of poly(A)-containing RNA in polyribosomes is low. After hatching a new class of large polyribosomes appears and the amount of poly(A)-containing polyribosomal RNA increases. Cordycepin, an inhibitor of RNA adenylylation, prevents the appearance of the large polyribosomes after hatching as well as the increase in poly(A)-containing polyribosomal RNA.  相似文献   

Cell suspension cultures from parsley (Petroselinum hortense Hoffm.) were labelled in vivo with [2-3H] adenosine. The RNA isolated from the ribosomal pellet was fractionated on an oligo(dT)-cellulose column. Approximately 1.5% of the RNA, representing about 15% of the total radioactivity, was retained at high salt concentrations and eluted at low ionic strength. As determined by two independent methods, this fraction contained poly(A) segments with an average length of about 80 nucleotides. It was active as template in a cell-free system from wheat germ, directing the synthesis of peptides ranging in molecular weight from about 4000-40000 daltons.  相似文献   

A reliable assay of uridylate sequences longer than 10 is described. The procedure is based on the hybridization of [3H]poly(A) with poly(U) or oligo(U) sequences in high ionic conditions and a subsequent degradation of single stranded polynucleotides with purified Taka-diastase. A 1:2 complex between poly(A) and poly(U) is formed on which on poly(U) strand is digested by Taka-diastase. The procedure is especially suitable for the detection and quantitation of Un (n greater than 10) in RNA preparation.  相似文献   

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