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Chemical inductors of differentiation were shown to produce a cytotoxic effect on thymus cells. The protein synthesis inhibitors prevented this effect. The toxic action of the inductors was more pronounced in a most radiosensitive thymocyte fraction. A combination of differentiation inductors and ionizing radiation did not produce the additive effect. This was observed after the effect of radiation and substances being not the differentiation inductors but toxic for cells.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic response of thymocytes to chemical inducers of differentiation does not represent a non-specific toxic action of these drugs. The death of thymocytes treated with the inducers or with gamma-rays is associated with internucleosomal chromatin fragmentation. All treatments are more effective on the most radiosensitive sub-population of these cells. This subpopulation is characterized by the maximal level of spontaneous DNA lesions. Incubation of thymocytes with the inducers of differentiation raises the level of these lesions. It is suggested that the processes of thymocyte death after the inducer treatment or irradiation and of cellular differentiation have features in common, and the capacity of thymocytes to limit or reverse the potentially lethal effects of these treatments is determined by the level of pre-existing spontaneous DNA lesions.  相似文献   

Various chemicals will induce Friend cells to undergo erythroid differentiation. Concurrent with this differentiation is a large increase in the synthesis of globin messenger RNA (mRNA) and hemoglobin, occurring several days after the initial exposure of the cells to inducer. An earlier change associated with the Friend cell erythroid differentiation is a decrease in the transport of the glucose analogue, 2-deoxy- -glucose. A substantial transport drop is seen within the first 12 h of exposure to inducer, and this lowered transport rate remains as a characteristic of the induced cell. This change was seen when three different inducers were tested (dimethylsulfoxide, tetramethyl urea and hexamethylene bisacetamide). However, when non-inducible cells (chick embryo and human fibroblasts, and mouse L cells) were exposed to these inducers, no similar decrease in 2-deoxy- -glucose transport was observed. During induction, this decrease in 2-deoxy- -glucose transport was associated with a 3-fold drop in the transport Vmax (4.6-1.54 nmoles 2-deoxy- -glucose/106 cells/min) while no change in the transport Km was observed. -Glucose uptake was less than 3% of the 2-deoxy- -glucose uptake at similar hexose concentrations in both induced and uninduced cells. Further, cytochalasin B (CB) (20 μM) inhibited greater than 90% of the deoxy- -glucose uptake in both cell types. This indicated, most if not all of the total sugar transported was by a carrier-mediated process.  相似文献   

The value of the unscheduled DNA synthesis by exposure to combined action of damaging agents--gamma-irradiation and methyl methanesulfonate--does not exceed its value after separate actions of each particular agent in lymphocytes from healthy subjects as well as in those with Xeroderma pigmentosum in form II (XP2LE). This result is due to inhibiting effects of alkylating agents on DNA-polymerases.  相似文献   

Thymic explant cultures were used to study the radiosensitivity of nonlymphoid thymic components in dogs. Thymic fragments from fetal (50 days gestation), newborn, and juvenile (70 days old) dogs were irradiated in vitro at 0, 0.5, 1, 2, or 4 Gy prior to culture. Colonies were classified as epithelial, spindle, or mixed cell type, and colony numbers were counted and diameters measured. Radiation caused a significant dose-related decrease in the number of spindle cell colonies from all ages. There was a corresponding, but smaller, dose-related increase in the number of epithelial colonies. The diameter of spindle cell colonies also decreased with dose, and this was accompanied by a reduction in cell density. While epithelial colony diameters did not change consistently with dose, there was an overall reduction in cell density in these colonies. This was more severe in the fetal than in the juvenile cultures. These results indicate that the putative mesenchymal (spindle cell) components of the thymus are significantly more radiosensitive than the epithelium at all ages and that fetal epithelium is more sensitive than epithelium from postnatal animals. This suggests that radiation-induced thymic epithelial defects reported after prenatal irradiation could be due to a combination of direct epithelial injury and defective inductive interaction between epithelium and the more radiosensitive mesenchyme.  相似文献   

Summary By cytophotometric and flow cytofluorometric DNA and protein determinations two main proliferating subpopulations of thymus lymphocytes with a different percentage of cells in the S phase could be distinguished. One subpopulation had a very low protein content, was cortisone sensitive and located in the cortex. Cells with comparable low protein contents were not found amongst lymphocytes of the peripheral blood. The other lymphocyte subpopulation had a higher protein content, was cortisone resistant and situated in the cortex around a group of epithelial cells and in the medulla. The protein content of these thymus lymphocytes appeared to be comparable to that of the peripheral blood lymphocytes. On the basis of the protein content per cell, it is possible to identify and isolate the more often described major subpopulation of cortisone sensitive thymus lymphocytes remaining and dying in the thymus, and the minor cortisone resistant subpopulation of thymus lymphocytes which is the source of the peripheral T lymphocyte.  相似文献   

Proliferative and cytollytical activity of lymphocytes was compared in lymphocyte alloimmunization of the spleen and intact thymus. The count of live cells and DNA-synthesizing cells in the thymocyte monoculture was 10--15-fold, and in mixed thymus cell culture--about 5-fold lower than the corresponding amounts of spleen cells. The index of immune thymocyte stimulation was several times greater than that of the immune cells of the spleen. The cytotoxicity peak was observed on the 4th--5th day of stimulation when the cytolytic activity of the immune thymocytes approached the action of the immune cells of the spleen. Low DNA synthesis and a marked cytotoxic activity of immune thymocytes signified that stimulation of the thymus cells in vitro permitted to obtain cell population with a high content of cytolytic T-lymphocytes.  相似文献   

By cytophotometric and flow cytofluorometric DNA and protein determinations two main proliferating subpopulations of thymus lymphocytes with a different percentage of cells in the S phase could be distinguished. One subpopulation had a very low protein content, was cortisone sensitive and located in the cortex. Cells with comparable low protein contents were not found amongst lymphocytes of the peripheral blood. The other lymphocyte subpopulation had a higher protein content, was cortisone resistant and situated in the cortex around a group of epithelial cells and in the medulla. The protein content of these thymus lymphocytes appeared to be comparable to that of the peripheral blood lymphocytes. On the basis of the protein content per cell, it is possible to identify and isolate the more often described major subpopulation of cortisone sensitive thymus lymphocytes remaining and dying in the thymus, and the minor cortisone resistant subpopulation of thymus lymphocytes which is the source of the peripheral T lymphocyte.  相似文献   

A comparative study was made of the radiobiological aftereffects of the action of fast neutrons and gamma-rays on lymphoid tissues of rat thymus with a reference to a biochemical criterion of the interphase death of lymphocytes, i.e. the formation of polydeoxynucleotides (PDN). It was shown that the increase in the chromatin degradation was a function of dose of neutron- and gamma-radiation (up to 4 Gy). The dynamics of the PDN formation was similar with both types of radiation, but 4-6 h after neutron irradiation chromatin degradation was higher more pronounced. The RBE of neutrons varied from 3 to 2 with a radiation dose varying from 0.25 to 4 Gy.  相似文献   

The differentiation of T Lymphocytes within the thymus is an important biological phenomenon during wich these cell acquire their functions to further control the immune system. Numerous experiments under various conditions have been devised to understand the different mechanisms involved in this complex process. Nevertheless, interpretation of these experiments lead to still contradictory debatable hypotheses. Modelisation of this process through classical simulation methods cannot be envisaged because they are not adapted to modifications of the model structure, which is the point of interest. For these reasons, we proposed a new approach of automatic search for model. The program consists of four independent connected modules : The generator produces model, based on the rationale of formal grammars. Protocol and experimental data are stored in a set of experiments. The simulator using a protocol and a model provides simulated results. Finally, the supervisor by comparing simulated results and experimental data, adapts the model parameters to increase their fit and either chooses a new experiment to explore, or modifies the model structure. Change of the model structure is performed among still unexplored models according to their promise level, which is iteratively evaluated relatively to previously explored models through a proposed model distance. The generator is written in Prolog and the other modules in C++. The architecture of the program allows us to modify or complete a module without changing anything in the other modules. As a consequence, the proposed modeling approach conceived to study T lymphocyte differentiation within the thymus remains independent of this biological phenomenon and can be applied to other biological problems.  相似文献   

Thymus lymphocytes of 7--8-week human embryos have nuclei of irregular form with 1--3 distinct nucleoli characterized by absence of compact chromatin or heterchromatin. The electron-dense cytoplasm of these cells contains polysomes and an insignificant number of mitochondria. No receptors to sheep red blood cells and T antigen are revealed on their surface. In 11--12-week human embryos one can observe a decrease in the size of thymus lymphocytes, appearance of heterochromatin in their nuclei and receptors to sheep red blood cells (79%), and T antigen (60%) on the cell surface. Subsequently the quantity of compact chromatin in thymus lymphoid cells increases, and the cells acquire definitive properties and structure.  相似文献   

Giardia intestinalis is the causative agent of human giardiasis, a common diarrheal illness worldwide. Despite its global distribution and prevalence, many questions regarding its basic biology and metabolism remain unanswered. In this study, we examine the accumulation and degradation of glycogen, an important source of stored carbon and energy, during the in vitro growth and differentiation of G. intestinalis . We report that, as G. intestinalis progresses through its growth cycle, cultures of trophozoites accumulate glycogen during the lag and early logarithmic phases of growth and then utilize this compound during their remaining logarithmic growth. As cultures enter the stationary phase of growth, they re-accumulate glycogen stores. The activity of glycogen phosphorylase, an enzyme involved in glycogen metabolism, also varied throughout in vitro trophozoite growth. During the in vitro induction of trophozoite differentiation into water-resistant cyst forms, the cultures initially accumulated stores of glycogen which diminished throughout transition to the cyst form. This observation is suggestive of a role for glycogen in the differentiation process. These studies represent the first thorough analysis of changes in glycogen content and glycogen phosphorylase activity during G. intestinalis growth and differentiation.  相似文献   

Irradiation of a mouse thymocyte fraction enriched by T-lymphocyte precursors changes the antigenic phenotype of cells toward the increase of their highly differentiated forms. Similar changes in membrane marker antigens are produced by chemical inductors of differentiation and thymotropin. The changes in the cell phenotype induced by the above agents are associated with both membrane and intragenome rearrangements. The results of the experiments on preventing the expression of some antigens by puromycin and the data on the level of spontaneous genome lesions in thymocyte fractions have prompted an assumption that destabilization of the genome upon irradiation increases DNA injury above some critical level which may serve a stimulus for "sorting out" the most radiosensitive thymocyte fraction.  相似文献   

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